You Are Smarter Than You Think Introduction

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Is this really for me?

You are probably asking yourself, Why do I need this book? Well, maybe you dont. Consider the following questions and find out: 1. Do you have the feeling that you are a lot smarter than your efforts and grades indicate? 2. If you were given a comprehensive test today on material that you learned last semester, would you get a lower grade than you received originally? 3. Do you succeed in getting As or Bs but find you have to work very hard for them? 4. Do you spend hours studying and then perform poorly on tests? 5. When reading a textbook, do you reread the material often because you find it hard to remember? If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is a very good possibility that this book will make a difference for you. Students who have used the You Are Smarter Than You Think! learning system tell us that the following benefits have occurred for them: M Their grades improved (when improvement was possible); M They spent less time studyingit usually drops by one-third; M They were able to remember the material learned for longer periods of time; M They experienced less academic stress; M They felt better about themselves. Would you like to enjoy these benefits? This system has helped me maintain my already good academic status. In addition, I am studying less, remembering what I learned for longer periods of time, and have an enhanced positive academic experience. Pennsylvania Nursing Student Once you determine your personal learning style, you will only need to read about one-third of this book.





YES, BUT I DONT HAVE TIME Some of you may be thinking, It sounds great but I just dont have the time to read this book. Let me assure you that you will be reading only about one-third of this book (50 pages). The other two-thirds apply to readers with different learning styles than yours. In addition, many of the pages have pictures and other such things that require little reading. IT AINT BROKE, SO DONT .IX IT You may also be thinking because you are being asked to read this book, that your instructors think there is something wrong with you. This is not the case at all. Teachers just know that different situations require different kinds of learning. They want you to have the greatest possible chance for success with the least amount of stress. NOT ALL LEARNING IS THE SAME Different types of situations require different skills. What worked for you in your undergraduate studies will probably not work for you in nursing, law, or graduate school. These programs require you to think and learn information at a much deeper level of understanding. My nephew tells a story of his first experience in graduate school. Previously he had always been a straight A student whose study technique consisted of memorizing everything the night before each test. He used this same technique for his first test in graduate school. He was shocked when he began reading the test questions. The instructors were asking him to apply and interpret the information he had memorized the night before. He did the best he could and felt lucky to have gotten a C grade. He was shaken by this experience. He knew immediately that graduate school was a different game. What had worked previously was not going to work now. Ill bet that most of you reading this book have been memorizing and that means you have been using your brain contrary to the way it was designed to be used. That is why you are not remembering what you learned much beyond the test or why your grades are lower than what you would like. This book is dedicated to the idea that we are all a lot smarter than we think we are. Some of you have little faith in yourself as a learner. Your self-esteem is below where it could be. Others of you have been very successful at passing tests but remember little after the test is over. Take heart, because the You Are Smarter Than You Think! (YASTYT) book is going to change all that.

I am learning so much faster now that I am not memorizing and the information is permanent. Pennsylvania Nursing Student

This program contributed to my self-esteem. This was important as I was beginning something so competitive as nursing. Michigan Nursing Student

IntroductionIs this really for me?


HOW TO USE THIS BOOK Since you will only be reading about one-third of this book, you can join others who have said this can be done over a weekend. If you have already glanced through the book, you may have noticed that many of the pages are coded with icons. These icons identify the various types of learning attributes. Once you discover which attributes are yours, you will only read those pages which apply to you. However, everyone is to read all the pages without icons. I call them the white pages. The You Are Smarter Than You Think! book is broken into eight chapters, plus an appendix. As I have said, you will not be reading every page of each chapter. It is, however, important that you read each chapter in sequence. In the first chapter called BackgroundHow this system works, you will be given an understanding of this learning system. In Chapter 2, SelfevaluationDiscovering your personal learning style, you will take a series of personal inventories to discover not only where your brain attributes lie, but also how you process language best. In Chapter 3, 4 and 5, How to apply your reception attribute, your reorganization attribute, and your retention attribute, I will show you how to use these abilities to transform any learning situation into a winning situation. In Chapter 6, A model for implementing this program, you will learn how to gradually use this program and insure your success. In Chapter 7, Confronting test anxietyheadon, you will learn how to enjoy test taking. (I kid you not!) And finally, in Chapter 8, the ConclusionMaking a difference, you will discover a surprise that will warm your heart and encourage your soul. (You may not go there now.) In the Appendix, you will find the Memory Joggers and the Application Chart, which you will learn about later. A note to instructors can be found there also. Throughout this book, you will notice comments which I have collected over the years from students like yourself. I hope you will find encouragement from their experiences. YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY There is nothing quite like real learning. It utilizes the best of who we are. When you know that you know something, it feels very different from having just memorized it. If you are sincere about wanting to learn more effectively and are willing to do as this book instructs, a new level of achievement will open up to you. You will have the tools necessary to produce the results many of you have always wished for.

My academic experience prior to reading the YASTYT book, was extremely stressful. I was brought up to believe I must always achieve the highest grade possible. Now I am learning for myself. Consequently, I don't feel as stressed. Ohio Nursing Student

Your book, You Are Smarter Than You Think! is worth its weight in gold! John Gaddis, PhD




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