Matrix Assignment

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Application of Matrix in Engineering

Concept of Matrix or Matrices Let us now introduce the concept of a matrix. Consider a set of scalar quantities arranged in a rectangular array containing m rows and n columns:

This array will be called a rectangular matrix of order m by n, or, briefly, an m n matrix. Not every rectangular array is a matrix; to qualify as such it must obey the operational rules discussed below. The quantities ai j are called the entries or components of the matrix. Preference will be given to the latter unless one is talking about the computer implementation. As in the case of vectors, the term matrix element will be avoided to lessen the chance of confusion with finite elements. The two subscripts identify the row and column, respectively. Matrices are conventionally identified by bold uppercase letters such as A, B, etc. The entries of matrix A may be denoted as Ai j or ai j , according to the intended use. Occassionally we shall use the short-hand component notation A = [ai j ]. Where Do Matrices Come From? Although we speak of matrix algebra as embodying vectors as special cases of matrices, in practice the quantities of primary interest to the structural engineer are vectors rather than matrices. For example, an engineer may be interested in displacement vectors, force vectors, vibration eigenvectors, buckling eigenvectors. In finite element analysis even stresses and strains are often arrangedas vectors although they are really tensors. On the other hand, matrices are rarely the quantities of primary interest: they work silently in the background where they are normally engaged in operating on vectors.

Why use Matrices?

We use matrices in mathematics and engineering because often we need to deal with several variables at oncee.g. the coordinates of a point in the plane are written (x, y) or in space as (x, y, z) and these are often written as column matrices in the form:

It turns out that many operations that are needed to be performed on coordinates of points are linear operations and so can be organized in terms of rectangular arrays of numbers, matrices. Then we find that matrices themselves can under certain conditions be added, subtracted and multiplied so that there arises a whole new set of algebraic rules for their manipulation. In general, an (n m)matrix A looks like:

Here, the entries are denoted aij. This branch of mathematics is used by engineers and applied scientists to design and analyze complex systems. Civil engineers use this to design and analyze load-bearing structures such as bridges. Mechanical engineers use it to design and analyze suspension systems, and electrical engineers use it to design and analyze electrical circuits. Electrical, biomedical, and aerospace engineers use it to enhance X rays, tomographs, and images from space. Matrices used in science and engineering Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix a unitary matrix used in particle physics to describe the strength of flavour-changing weak decays. Density matrix a matrix describing the statistical state of a quantum system. Hermitian nonnegative and with trace 1. Fundamental matrix (computer vision) a 3 3 matrix in computer vision that relates corresponding points in stereo images. Fuzzy associative matrix a matrix in artificial intelligence, used in machine learning processes. Gamma matrices 4 4 matrices in quantum field theory. Gell-Mann matrices a generalization of the Pauli matrices, these matrices are one notable representation of the infinitesimal generators of the special unitary group, SU(3).

Hamiltonian matrix a matrix used in a variety of fields, including quantum mechanics and linear quadratic regulator (LQR) systems. Irregular matrix a matrix used in computer science which has a varying number of elements in each row. Overlap matrix a type of Gramian matrix, used in quantum chemistry to describe the interrelationship of a set of basis vectors of a quantum system. S matrix a matrix in quantum mechanics that connects asymptotic (infinite past and future) particle states. State transition matrix Exponent of state matrix in control systems. Substitution matrix a matrix from bioinformatics, which describes mutation rates of amino acid or DNA sequences. Z-matrix a matrix in chemistry, representing a molecule in terms of its relative atomic geometry. An example of use of matrix in civil engineering

In this example, we are trying to solve for the forces located in the beams.Since we do not have any initial conditions, we must solve for variables, which is good. With variables we can change them at will with very minimal hassle to observe the effects. We will apply the loads only on the joints. You can see that we have applied compression forces at all members, and labeled them for ease. Applying the method of joints, we get these equations, labeled 1-6 for the joints they are taken from:

And are entered into our matrix:

Now, we can solve. Using Row-Reduced Echelon Form we get this result:

Notice how we only have twelve variables, forming a 12 by 12 matrix. With larger and more complex structures, we have both more variables to solve for, and we have more factors to consider. In more realistic examples, such as with a building or bridge, we have to take into account each material strength , each resonance for the building, outside stresses such as wind and weather, etc. So, while it is possible to solve for each individual variable, it is much faster and easier to solve this way. In addition to that, we can assume we have less errors because we have less chances to make errors. Our chances for errors in solving this with substitution, grows increasingly likely with every substitution made.

Is the Truss Stable?

Lets get back to the truss and analyse it. It is quickly apparent that it has the right number of equations to match the number of unknowns. Because it is not made up solely of triangles, the stability of the truss is not a clear matter. To analyse, we subject the truss to some hypothetical load, write down the static equilibrium set of equations, and try to solve.

Assuming compressive forces, as shown, and some kind of arbitrary loads at each joint, this is the set of equations that results:

The above system of equations can be written in matrix form as

This can be solved for any arbitrary external force configuration if and only if we can invert the matrix, A, on the left hand side. Notice that this matrix depends only on the geometry of the truss and not on the load. The matrix can be inverted using Mathematica, Maple, Excel or even a hand held calculator such as the HP 48G. Here is the inverse:

The fact that this matrix exists assures us that the truss is stable.

Traditional mesh analysis in electronics leads to a system of linear equations that can be described with a matrix. The behaviour of many electronic components can be described using matrices. Let A be a 2dimensional vector with the component's input voltage v1 and input current i1 as its elements, and let B be a 2-dimensional vector with the component's output voltage v2 and output current i2 as its elements. Then the behaviour of the electronic component can be described by B = H A, where H is a 2 x 2 matrix containing one impedance element (h12), one admittance element (h21) and two dimensionless elements (h11 and h22). Calculating a circuit now reduces to multiplying matrices. Use of matrix in Electrical Engineering Problem We have to know the currents in the following problem.

The circuit equations, using Krichhoff's Law: -26 = 72I1 - 17I3 - 35I4 34 = 122I2 - 35I3 - 87I7 -13 = 149I3 - 17I1 - 35I2 - 28I5 - 35I6 - 34I7 5 = 105I4 - 35I1 - 43I5 -27 = 105I5 - 28I3 - 43I4 - 34I6

24 = 141I6 - 35I3 - 34I5 - 72I7 -4 = 233I7 - 87I2 - 34I3 - 72I6

Now using matrix,

And the answers will be.....

I1 = -0.4680 A I2 = 0.4293 A I3 = 0.0005 A I4 = -0.2224 A I5 = -0.2785 A I6 = 0.2112 A I7 = 0.2091 A

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