Process Fault-Tolerance: Semantics, Design and Applications For High Performance Computing
Process Fault-Tolerance: Semantics, Design and Applications For High Performance Computing
Process Fault-Tolerance: Semantics, Design and Applications For High Performance Computing
Graham E. Fagg , Edgar Gabriel , Zizhong Chen , Thara Angskun , George Bosilca , Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic , and Jack J. Dongarra
Innovative Computing Laboratory, Computer Science Department, University of Tennessee, 1122 Volunteer Blvd., Suite 413, Knoxville, TN 37996-3450, USA {fagg, zchen, angskun, bosilca, pjesa, dongarra}
High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany [email protected]
With increasing numbers of processors on current machines, the probability for node or link failures is also increasing. Therefore, application level fault-tolerance is becoming more of an important issue for both end-users and the institutions running the machines. This paper presents the semantics of a fault tolerant version of the Message Passing Interface, the de-facto standard for communication in scientic applications, which gives applications the possibility to recover from a node or link error and continue execution in a well dened way. The architecture of FT-MPI, an implementation of MPI using the semantics presented above as well as benchmark results with various applications are presented. An example of a fault-tolerant parallel equation solver, performance results as well as the time for recovering from a process failure are furthermore detailed.
Today, end-users and application developers of high performance computing systems have access to larger machines and more processors than ever before. Systems such as the Earth Simulator, the ASCI-Q machines or the IBM Blue Gene consist of thousands or even tens of thousand of processors. Machines comprising 100,000 processors are expected for the next years. A critical issue of systems consisting of such large numbers of processors is the ability of the machine to deal with
process failures. Based on the current experiences with the high-end machines, it can be concluded, that a 100,000processor machine will experience a processor failure every few minutes [18]. While on earlier massively parallel processing systems (MPPs) crashing nodes often lead to a crash of the whole system, current architectures are more robust. Typically, the applications utilizing the failed processor will have to abort, the machine, as an entity is however not affected by the failure. This robustness has been the result of improvements in the hardware as well as on the level of system software. Current parallel programming paradigms for highperformance computing systems mainly rely on message passing, in particular the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) [13] specication. Shared memory concepts (e.g. OpenMP) or parallel programming languages (e.g. UPC, CoArrayFortran) offer a simpler programming paradigm for applications in parallel environments, however they either lack the scalability to tens of thousands of processors, or do not offer a feasible framework for complex, irregular applications. The message-passing paradigm on the other hand provides a means to write highly scalable algorithms, abstracting and hiding many architectural decisions from the application developers. However, the current MPI specication does not deal with the case where one or more process failures occur during runtime. MPI provides two options for handling failures. The rst option, which is also the default mode of MPI, is to immediately abort the application. The second option is just slightly more exible, handing the control back to the user application without guaranteeing that any
further communication can occur. The latter modes purpose is to mainly give an application the option to perform local operations before exiting, e.g. closing all les or writing a local check-point. Summarizing the ndings of the previous paragraphs, there is a discrepancy between the capabilities of current high performance computing systems and the most widely used parallel programming paradigm. While the robustness of machines is improving (hardware, network, operating systems, le systems), the MPI specication does not leave room for fully exploiting the capabilities of the current architectures. When considering machines with tens of thousand of processors, the only currently available fault tolerance handling technique, check-point/restart, has performance and conceptual limitations. In fact, one of the main reasons many research groups prefer the PVM [9] communication library to MPI is its capability to handle process failures. Therefore, we present in this paper the results of work conducted during the last four years, which produced: A specication proposing extensions to the MessagePassing Interface for handling process fault-tolerance, An implementation of this specication based on the HARNESS framework [3], Numerous application scenarios showing the feasibility of the specication for scientic, high performance computing. The rest of the document is organized as follows: Section 2 presents a summary of the Fault-Tolerant MPI specication as well as the architecture of the library and some implementation details. Section 3 compares the point-to-point performance of FT-MPI to those achieved with some popular public-domain MPI libraries. Section 4 uses the Parallel Spectral Transform Shallow Water Model benchmark to further examine the overall performance of FT-MPI for numeric applications including the impacts of resource allocation via VAMPIR tracing of message transfers. In section 5 we describe two applications that exploit the fault-tolerant features offered by FT-MPI: a master-slave framework and a preconditioned conjugate gradient solver. Finally, section 6 summarizes the paper and presents the ongoing work.
Related Work
The methods supported by various projects can be split into two classes; those supporting check-point/roll-back technologies, and those using replication techniques. The rst method attempted to make MPI applications fault tolerant through the use of check-pointing and roll back. CoCheck MPI [15] from the Technical University of Munich was the rst MPI implementation built that used the Condor 2
library for check-pointing an entire MPI application. Another system that also uses check-pointing but at a much lower level is StarFish MPI [1]. Unlike Co-Check MPI, Starsh MPI uses its own distributed system to provide built in check-pointing. LAM/MPI also supports system level check-pointing [19] with automatic roll back of applications. Like Co-Check MPI, LAM/MPI is synchronous and completely transparent to the application, but relies on a third party library to perform the actual check-point, which is currently the Berkeley Lab BLCR kernel-level process check-point library. The interaction between the checkpoint library and LAM/MPI is through a well dened checkpoint/restart interface that in theory allows any check-point library to be used, further allowing LAM/MPI to be easily upgraded as newer check-point libraries become available. MPICH-V [4] from Universit de Paris Sud, France is a e mix of uncoordinated check-pointing and distributed message logging. The message logging is pessimistic meaning that it guarantees a consistent state can be reached from any local set of process check-points at the cost of increased message logging. MPICH-V uses multiple message storage (observers) known as Channel Memories (CM) to provide message logging. Process level check-pointing is handled by multiple servers known as Check-point Servers (CS). The distributed nature of the check pointing and message logging allows the system to scale, depending on the number of spare nodes available to act as CM and CS servers. LA-MPI [10] is a fault-tolerant version of MPI from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Its main target is not to handle process failures, but to provide reliable message delivery between processes in presence of bus, networking cards, and wire-transmission errors. To achieve this goal, the communication layer is split into two parts; a Memory and Message Management Layer, and a Send and Receive Layer. The rst one is responsible for choosing a different route in case the Send and Receive Layer reports an error, while the Message Management Layer is retransmitting lost packets. MPI/FT [2] provides fault-tolerance by introducing a central co-coordinator and/or replicating MPI processes. Using these techniques, the library can detect erroneous messages by introducing a voting algorithm among the replicas and then can survive process-failures. The drawback however is increased resource requirements and partial performance degradation. FT-MPI, in common with non message logging checkpoint systems (such as LAM/MPI), can have much lower (or zero) overheads in terms of communications when no errors occur. These benets do however have consequences. An application using FT-MPI has to be designed to take advantage of its fault tolerant features as shown in the next section, although this extra work can be trivial depending on the structure of the application. If an application needs
a high level of fault tolerance where node loss would equal data loss, then the application has to be designed to perform some level of user directed check-pointing. Application level check-pointing using domain specic knowledge can potentially produce much smaller check-points than system level check-point libraries. An additional advantage of FTMPI over many systems is that failure recovery can be performed at the user level and the entire application does not need to be rescheduled as with most process level checkpointing systems.
The recovery mode denes how the recovery procedure can be started. Currently, three options are dened: an automatic recovery mode, where the recovery procedure is started automatically by the MPI library as soon as a failure event has been recognized, a manual recovery mode, where the application has to start the recovery procedure through the usage of a specic MPI function, a recovery mode, where the recovery procedure does not have to be initiated at all. However, any communication to failed processes will raise an error. The most common mode used to date is the manual recovery mode. In this mode once the users application has detected an error via the MPI ERROR OTHER return code they would start the recovery by calling MPI COMM DUP with both the values set to MPI COMM WORLD. In other MPI implementations this has no real meaning, but within FT-MPI it tells the library that the system level recovery can begin. The call is collective across all surviving MPI processes. Once completed, the returned new MPI COMM WORLD would be valid as discussed below. It is possible to mix both the manual and automatic methods through the use MPI error handler routines. When FTMPI wants to return the MPI ERROR OTHER code on detection of a node failure, it can instead trigger a handler routine which contains the MPI COMM DUP call. This method is not completely automatic as it still requires the users application to install an error handler. 2.1.2 FT-MPI Communicator and MPI Object states
This section presents the extended semantics used by FTMPI, the architecture of the library, and some details of the implementation. Furthermore, we present tools that support the application developer while using FT-MPI.
FT-MPI Semantics
Implementing fault-tolerance typically consists of three steps; failure detection, notication, and recovery. The FTMPI specication does not make any assumptions about the rst two steps except that the run-time environment discovers failures. In addition all remaining processes in the parallel job are notied about these events. The notication of failed processes is passed to the MPI application through the use of a special error code (MPI ERROR OTHER). As soon as an application process has received the notication of a death event through this error code, its general state is changed from no failures to failure recognized. While in this state, the process is only allowed to execute certain actions. These actions are dependent upon various parameters and are detailed later in the document. The recovery procedure consists of two steps; recovering the MPI library and the run-time environment, and recovering the application. The latter is considered to be the responsibility of the application. The FT-MPI specication answers the following questions: 1. What are the necessary steps and options to start the recovery procedure and therefore change the state of the processes back to no failure? 2. What is the status of the MPI objects after recovery? 3. What is the status of ongoing communication and messages during and after recovery? The rst question is handled by the recovery mode, the second by the communicator mode, and the third by the message mode and the collective communication mode. Each of the modes are described below. 3
The status of MPI objects after the recovery operation is dependent upon whether they contain some global information or not. For MPI-1, the only objects containing global information are groups and communicators. These objects are invalidated during the recovery procedure. The objects available after MPI Init, which are the communicators MPI COMM WORLD and MPI COMM SELF, are re-built by the library automatically. Communicators and groups can have different formats after recovery operation. Failed processes may be replaced as in FTMPI COMM MODE REBUILD. In cases where the failed processes are not replaced, the user still has two choices; the position of the failed process can be left empty in groups and communicators (FTMPI COMM MODE BLANK) or the groups and communicators can shrink such that no gap is left (FTMPI COMM MODE SHRINK). For both modes, a precise description of all MPI-1 functions are given in the FT-MPI specication.
FT-MPI architecture
Two modes are currently dened in the specication for how point to point messages and message queues are handled during and after failures. In the rst mode, all messages in transit are canceled by the system. This mode is mainly useful for applications, which on error rollback to the last consistent state in the application. As an example, if an error occurs in iteration 423 and the last consistent state of the application is from iteration 400, than all ongoing messages from iteration 423 would just confuse the application after the rollback. The preconditioned conjugate gradient solver shown in section 5 details the usage of this communication mode. The second mode completes the transfer of all messages after the recovery operation, with the exception of the messages to and from the failed processes. All unmatched messages on queues are also kept so that non matched messages prior to a failure can latter be rematched after the failure. The exception to this is unmatched messages from failed processes, which are removed during the recovery operation. This mode requires that applications keep detailed information on the state of each processs message transfers, minimizing the rollback required. Similar modes are available for collective operations, which can either be executed in an atomic or a non-atomic fashion. The master-slave example presented in section 5 is an example of an application where no roll-back is necessary in case a process failure occurs.
FT-MPI was built from the ground up as an independent MPI implementation as part of the Department of Energy Heterogeneous Adaptable Recongurable Networked SyStems (HARNESS) project [3]. One of the aims of HARNESS was to provide a framework for distributed computing much like PVM [9]. A major difference between PVM and HARNESS is the formers monolithic structure verses the latters dynamic plug-in modularity. To provide users of HARNESS instant application support, both a PVM and a MPI plug-in were envisaged. As the HARNESS system itself was both dynamic and fault tolerant (no single points of failure), it became possible to build a MPI plug-in with added capabilities such as dynamic process management and fault tolerance. Figure 1 illustrates the overall structure of a user level application running under the FT-MPI plug-in of the HARNESS system. The following subsections briey outline the design of FT-MPI and its interaction with various HARNESS system components. 4
As shown in gure 1, the FT-MPI system itself is built in a layered fashion. The uppermost layer handles the MPI1.2 specication API and MPI objects. The next layer handles data conversion/marshaling (if needed), attribute and record storage, and various lists. Details of the highly tuned buffer management and derived data type handling can be found in [6]. FT-MPI also implements a number of tuned MPI collective routines, which are further discussed in [16]. The lowest layer consists of the FT-MPI runtime library (FTRTL), which is responsible for interacting with the OS via the HARNESS user level libraries (HLIB). The FTRTL layer provides the facilities that allow for dynamic process management, system level naming of MPI tasks, and message handling during the entire fault to recovery cycle. The HLIB layer interacts with the HARNESS system during startup, fault to recovery cycle, and shutdown phases of execution. The HLIB also provides the interfaces to the dynamic process management and redirection of application IO. SNIPE2v, a highly modied non-blocking asynchronous event driven version of the SNIPE [7] library, provides the inter-node communication of MPI message headers and data. SNIPE2v uses callbacks during the transmission of data so that the underlying network can control segmentation and conversion of complex data types and potentially overlap both. To simplify the design of the FTRTL, SNIPE only delivers whole messages atomically to the upper layers. During a recovery from failure, the non event driven SNIPE library uses per channel ow control messages to indicate the current state of message handling (such as accepting connections, ushing messages, or in-recovery status). It is important to note that the FTRTL shown in gure 1 can receive notication of failures from both the point-topoint communications libraries as well as from the HARNESS layer. In the case of communication errors, the notication is usually started when the communication library detecting a point to point message not being delivered to a failed party rather than the failed parties OS layer detecting the failure. The FTRTL is responsible for notifying all tasks of errors as they occur by injecting notify messages into the send message queues ahead of user level messages. 2.3.1 OS support and the HARNESS G HCORE
The General HARNESS CORE (G HCORE) is a daemon that provides a very lightweight infrastructure from which to build distributed systems. The capabilities of the G HCORE are exploited via remote procedure calls (RPCs) as provided by the user level library (HLIB). The core provides a number of very simple services that can be dynamically added to [3]. The simplest service is the ability to load
Spawn and Notify service. This service is provided by a plug-in that allows remote processes to be initiated and then monitored. The service noties other interested processes when a failure or exit of the invoked process occurs. The notify message is either sent directly to all other MPI tasks or via the FT-MPI Notier daemon, which can provide additional diagnostic information if required.
MPI messages
Naming services. These allocate unique identiers in the distributed environment for tasks, daemons and services (which are uniquely addressable). The name service also provides temporary internal system (not application) state storage for use during MPI application startup and recovery, via a comprehensive record facility. Currently, FT-MPI can be executed in one of two modes. The rst mode is as a plug-in when executing as part of a HARNESS distributed virtual machine. A second mode is in a slightly lighter weight conguration with the spawnnotify service as a standalone daemon. This latter conguration loses the benets of any other available HARNESS plug-ins, but is better suited for clusters that only execute MPI jobs. No matter which conguration is used, one name-service daemon, plus one either of the GHCORE daemon or one startup daemon per node, is needed for execution.
additional code in the form of a dynamic library (shared object) known as a plug-in and make this available to either a remote process or directly to the core itself. Once the code is loaded it can be invoked using a number of different techniques such as: Direct invocation: the core calls the code as a function, or a program uses the core as a runtime library to load the function, which it then calls directly itself. Indirect invocation: the core loads the function and then handles requests to the function on behalf of the calling program, or it sets the function up as a separate service and advertises how to access the function. An application built for HARNESS might not interact with the host OS directly but could instead install plug-ins that provide the required functionality. The handling of different OS capabilities would then be left to the plug-in developers, as is the case with FT-MPI. 2.3.2 G HCORE services for FT-MPI
The recovery method employed by FT-MPI is based on the construction of a consistent global state at a dynamically allocated leader node. The global state contains only the system level information needed by FT-MPI to decide the MPI COMM WORLD communicator membership from which all other communicators are derived. This consists of ordered lists of Global IDentiers (HARNESS GIDs) and communication channel connection information (such as TCP IP addresses and port numbers). The global state is not the application level state, which is discussed later in section 5. After the state is constructed at the leader node it is distributed to all other nodes (peons) via an atomic broadcast operation based on a multi-phase commit algorithm. The recovery is designed to handle multiple recursive errors, including the failure of the leader node responsible for constructing the global state. Under this condition an election state is entered where every node votes for themselves, and the rst voter wins the election via an atomic swap operation on a leader record held by the HARNESS name service. Any other faults cause the leader node to restart the construction of the global state from the beginning. This
process continues until the state is either completely lost (when all nodes already holding the previous veried state fail) or when everyone agrees with the atomic broadcast of the pending global state. The cost of performing a system level recovery is as follows: synchronizing state and detecting faults. O(2N) messages. re-spawning failed nodes and rechecking state and faults. O(2N) messages. broadcasting the new pending global state, verifying reception. O(3N) messages. broadcasting the acceptance of global state. O(N) messages. The total cost of recovery from detection to acceptance of a new global state is O(8N) messages. The results detailed later in section 5.2 currently use a linear topology for these messages leading to O(8N) cost, which is not acceptable for larger systems. Currently under test is a mixed fault tolerant tree and ring topology, which together with the combining of several fault detection and broadcast stages will reduce the recovery cost to approximately O(3N)+O(3log2 N). This new method has also been designed for use in wide-area high latency Grid type environments.
Figure 2. Achieved bandwidths with FT-MPI, LAM 7, MPICH 1.2.5 and MPICH 2
In this section we would like to compare the point-topoint performance of FT-MPI to the performance achieved with the most widely used, non fault-tolerant MPI implementations. These are MPICH [11] using version 1.2.5 as well as the new beta-release of version 2 and LAM/MPI [5] version 7. All tests were performed on a PC-cluster consisting of 32 nodes, running a Linux 2.4 Kernel, each having two 2.4 GHz Pentium IV Xeon processors. The nodes are interconnected using Intel Gigabit Ethernet (82544EI) network cards. For determining the communication latency and the achievable bandwidth, we used the latency test suite [8]. The zero-byte latency measured in this test revealed LAM7 to have the best short-message performance, achieving a latency of 41.2 s, followed by MPICH 2 with 43.6 s. FTMPI had in this test a latency of 44.5 s, while MPICH 1.2.5 followed with 45.5 s. Figure 2 shows the achieved bandwidth with all communication libraries for large messages. FT-MPI achieved the highest bandwidth with a maximum of 66.5 MB/s. LAM7 and MPICH 2 have comparable results with 65.5 MB/s and 64.6 MB/s, respectively. The bandwidth achieved with 6
While FT-MPI extends the syntax of the MPI specication, we expect that many of the end-users will use FTMPI in the conventional, non fault-tolerant way. Therefore, we evaluate in this section the performance of FT-MPI using the Parallel Spectral Transform Shallow Water Model (PSTSWM) [17] benchmark, and compare the performance results of FT-MPI to the results achieved with MPICH 1.2.5 and MPICH 2. LAM/MPI 7 is not included in this evaluation, since PSTSWM makes use of some optional Fortran MPI-Datatypes, which are currently not supported by LAM/MPI. Included in the distribution of PSTSWM version 6.7.2 are several test-cases and test data. Presenting the results achieved with all of these test-cases would exceed the scope and the length of this paper, therefore we have picked three test-cases, which we found representative from the problem size and performance behavior. All tests were executed with 32 processes using 16 nodes on the same PC-cluster described in the previous section. Figure 3 presents the results achieved for these three testcases. FT-MPI signicantly outperformed MPICH 1.2.5 and MPICH-2 in these test-cases. The reason turned out to be the process placement strategy of FT-MPI. FT-MPI distributes the processes block-wise, if the number of used processes does not match the number of available nodes. Thus, the ranks 0 and 1 are located on the rst node, ranks
50 40 30 20 10 0
Figure 3. Comparing the execution times for the PSTSWM benchmark for MPICH 1.2.5, MPICH 2, FT-MPI and FT-MPI using cyclic process distribution.
2 and 3 on the second node and so on. In contrast both versions of MPICH distribute the processes in a cyclic manner, e.g. the ranks 0 and 16 are on node 0, 1 and 17 on node 1. Figure 4 shows a snapshot of the PSTSWM benchmark presenting the communication volume between each pair of nodes. This analysis reveals why the process distribution of FT-MPI could improve the performance compared to the other MPI libraries. The communication volume and the number of messages exchanged between neighboring processes (e.g. between rank 0 and rank 1) in this application is signicantly higher than the overall data exchanged between other process pairs. Since the communication between processes within the same node is considerably faster than the communication between processes on different nodes, a larger number of messages could benet from the faster communication inside a node using the block-wise process distribution. In a second test, we forced FT-MPI to use a cyclic process distribution similar to MPICH. The results achieved in these tests are labeled as FT-MPI cyclic in gure 3. In these measurements, FT-MPI and MPICH 2 are usually equally fast, but MPICH 1.2.5 remains slower than the other two MPI libraries. The overall conclusion of the last two sections are that the performance of FT-MPI is comparable to the current state-of-the-art public domain MPI libraries. The extensions in the specication do not introduce a performance penalty per se in a non fault-tolerant application. 7
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Hand in hand with the development of FT-MPI, we also developed some example applications showing the usage of the fault-tolerant features of the library. In this section, we would like to present the relevant parts of fault-tolerant master-slave applications as well as a fault-tolerant version of a parallel equation solver.
For many applications using a master-slave approach, fault tolerance can be achieved easily by adding a simple state model in the master process. The basic design follows that when a worker process dies, the master redistributes the work currently assigned to this process. When a master dies, the framework either restarts the work to be completed or aborts, depending on the respawn options available (ie., if it can guarantee that the master remains rank zero or not). The state model as applied in our example, is shown in gure 5. The master maintains for every process their current state. This can be one of the following states: AVAILABLE: process is alive and no work has been assigned to him WORKING: process is alive and work has been assigned to him RECEIVED: process is alive and the result of its work has been received
send msg. WORKING ok recv. mesg. RECEIVED error completed FINISHED DEAD RECV FAILED error SEND FAILED
called, in case an error occurs. Thus, existing source code does not have to be extended by introduced detailed errorchecking for each MPI-function used. The following extract of the source code of the master shows the most relevant pieces of the major working loop, including the registration of the error-handler as well as usage of the different states for each process. The transition state diagram is implemented in the routine advance_state.
/* Register error handler */ if ( master ) { MPI_Errhandler_create(recover,&errh); MPI_Errhandler_set ( comm, errh); } /* major master work loop */ do { /* Distribute work */ for( proc=1; proc<maxproc; proc++) if( state[proc] == AVAILABLE ){ MPI_Send(workid[proc],....); advance_state(proc); } for( proc=1; proc<maxproc; proc++){ /* Collect results */ if( state[proc] == WORKING ){ MPI_Recv(workid[proc], ....); advance_state(proc); } /* Perform global calculation */ if( state[proc] == RECEIVED ) { workperformed += workid[proc]; advance_state(proc); } } } while (all work is done);
Blank/Shrink: failed process marked dead Rebuild: failed process respawned, state reset
FINISHED: process is alive and it has been notied that no more work will be sent to him SEND FAILED: send operation to this process failed RECV FAILED: the recv operation to this process failed DEAD: this process is marked as dead. Under regular conditions, the state of each process is changing from AVAILABLE to WORKING to RECEIVED and back to AVAILABLE. In case an error occurs when distributing the work to the slaves, the state of the receiverprocess is changed to SEND FAILED. The Send operation to this process could have failed for two reasons; rst, the receiving process died, and second another process has failed. In both cases, all MPI operations called after the notication of the death-event of a process will return the specic MPI error code MPI ERROR OTHER. In the rst case, the process is either marked as DEAD for the BLANK and SHRINK communicator mode or re-spawned and marked as AVAILABLE for the REBUILD mode. In the second case, the Send operation has to be repeated, and the state of this process is then re-set to its previous value. The situation is similar if an error occurs on the receive operation. The application can detect and handle failure events using two different methods, either the return code of every MPI function is checked, or the application makes use of MPI error handlers. The second method gives users the possibility to register a function with the MPI library, which is 8
The recovery algorithm invoked in case an error occurs consists of the following steps: 1. Re-instantiation of the MPI library and the runtime environment by calling a specic, predened MPI function. 2. Determining how many processes have died and who has died. 3. Set the state of the failed processes to DEAD for the BLANK and SHRINK mode, respectively to AVAILABLE for the REBUILD mode. 4. Set the state of the communication partner in the Send or Recv operation when the error was detected to SEND FAILED respectively RECV FAILED. 5. Mark the piece of work, which was currently assigned to the failed processes as not done. The second point in the list is closely related to the problem of how a process can determine whether it has been part of the initial set of processes or whether it is a re-spawned processes. FT-MPI offers the user two possibilities to solve this issue: the rst method which is the
fast solution, involves specic FT-MPI constants and attributes. In case a processes is a replacement for a failed process, the return value of MPI Init will be set to a specic new FT-MPI constant (MPI INIT RESTARTED PROCS). All surviving processes will have two additional MPI attributes set: the value of FTMPI NUMFAILED PROCS indicates how many processes have failed, while the value of FTMPI ERR FAILED is an error-code whose error-string contains the list of processes that have failed since the last error. This method is considered to be fast, since it does not involve any additional communication to determine these values. The second possibility is that the application introduces a static variable. By comparing the value of this variable to the value on the other processes, the application can detect whether everyone has been newly started (in which case all processes will have the pre-initialized value) or whether a subset of processes have a different value, since each process modies the value of this variable after the initial check. This second approach is more complex but is fully portable and can also be used with any other non faulttolerant MPI library.
the last consistent state of the application. The relevant section with respect to the recovery algorithm is shown in the source code below.
/* Mark entry point for recovery */ j = setjmp ( env ); /* Execute recovery if necessary */ if ( state == RECOVER) { MPI_Comm_dup ( comm, &newcomm ); comm = newcomm; ... /* do other operations */ recover_data ( my_vector,.., &num_iter ); /* reset state-variable */ state = OK; }
/* major calculation loop */ do { .... rc = MPI_Send ( ...) if ( rc == MPI_ERR_OTHER ) { state = RECOVER; longjmp ( env, state ); } } while ( norm < errtol );
In this section we would like to give an example of how fault tolerance can be achieved for a tightly coupled application, which is not using the master-slave paradigm. As an example, we implemented a parallel preconditioned conjugate gradient equation solver (PCG) in a fault tolerant manner. The parallel application has been extended by two major points: M processes have been dedicated in the application to serve as in-memory check-point servers. Every 100 iterations, all processes calculate, using several MPI Reduce operations a check-point of each relevant vector, which is then stored on the dedicated checkpoint processes. In case some of the processes die, the data of the respawned processes is recalculated using the local data on all other processes and the check-pointed vector. The matrix is not check-pointed in this application, since it is constant and not changing. Therefore, the re-spawned processes reread the matrix from the original input le. The recovery algorithm makes use of the longjmp function of the C-standard. In the event that the return code of an MPI function indicates that an error has occurred, all processes jump to the recovery section in the code, perform the necessary operations, and continue the computation from 9
The code is written such that any symmetric, positive denite matrix using the Boeing/Harwell format can be used for simulations. Table 1 gives some results of execution times for solving a system of linear equations using the fault tolerant version of the solver for 120 processes with various numbers of concurrent failures. The solver executed 2000 iterations, making a check-point every 100 iterations, and the failures were forced on the 300th iteration by using the kill system call. The system of equations was represented by a sparse matrix 1.3 million elements square, with 51.4 million non-zero values. The rst column gives the number of check-point servers used. We also make this the number of concurrent failures. In other words a system that has ve check-point servers can also survive ve concurrently failing application processes. The second column shows the application execution time when no faults occur. Thus, for the zero check-point row, this is the time for the non check-pointing application. For all other rows this is the additional time for the application execution, i.e. the check-point overhead. The third column shows the additional time for the application to complete when a burst of failures occur once, i.e. the actual cost of a single exit-recovery phase. The number of failures is made equal to the number of check-point servers. (Thus if we had ve check-point servers we kill ve processes during the application run). The last column shows the difference (or overhead) between a non check-pointing application run and one surviving a single burst of failures with all overheads.
Check-point servers/failures 0 1 2 3 4 5
Total extra/ratio [sec]/[%] n/a 27.1 / 0.4 26.6 / 0.4 29.7 / 0.45 31.3 / 0.47 32.8 / 0.5
Table 1. Execution time for a 120 process FTMPI CG application under various levels of burst failures.
As table 1 indicates, the additional overhead from checkpointing varies between 7.6 seconds for one check-point server to 18.2 seconds for ve check-point servers. (The application performed twenty check-point iterations during the complete run). The time for the application to recover from a single process failure was 19.5 seconds and reduced to 14.6 seconds for a burst of ve processes failing. The overall overheads were between 0.4 and 0.5 percent of the non check-pointing, no failure execution. This is very competitive with other methods, although it did entail quite detailed tuning of the check-point methods used. Other applications with different memory usage patterns may produce very different results.
been presented as well as an example for a tightly coupled application, namely a parallel CG-solver. The usage of error-handlers from the MPI specication greatly improves the readability and maintainability of fault tolerant applications. Current work focuses on improving the times for recovering from an error. Though for long-running applications the current system recovery times are just a marginal fraction of their overall execution time, we still think that there is ample room for further improvements in this area. More work will also be invested in the development of other templates to show how the fault-tolerant features of FT-MPI can be used by other classes of high performance computing applications. Since FT-MPI was originally created, the HARNESS team at the University of Tennessee has become involved in the Open MPI [20] project. The project aims to combine the experience and features of four previous MPI projects, FT-MPI from the University of Tennessee, LA-MPI from Los Alamos National Laboratory, LAM/MPI from Indiana University and PACX-MPI from the University of Stuttgart. Open MPI is expected to support both synchronous checkpointing (as available in LAM/MPI) and process fault tolerance from FT-MPI.
This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-FG0202ER25536 and 8612-001-0449 through a subcontract from Rice University No. R7A827-792000. The NSF CISE Research Infrastructure program EIA-9972889 supported the infrastructure used in this work. The authors wish to say a special thank you to Scott Wells for his assistance during the nal editing of this paper.
In this paper we presented the semantics of a faulttolerant version of the Message Passing Interface. FT-MPI is an implementation of this specication, supporting the full MPI-1.2 document as well as supporting extended functionality of a failure-recovery model. FT-MPI is however not an automatic check-point/recovery system. Instead it gives the application the potential to survive node or link failures, re-organize its communication and/or communicators, and continue from a well dened point in the users application. Dening and implementing a consistent state in the application is the responsibility of the application developers. Results with point-to-point benchmarks as well as with the PSTSWM benchmark show that the performance achieved with FT-MPI is comparable to other, non faulttolerant implementations of MPI, in some cases even better. The overhead introduced by the fault-tolerant features of the libraries are negligible. Writing fault tolerant applications usually requires some modications to existing parallel applications. A state model for the development of master-slave applications has 10
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