Stockproject Investment Project
Stockproject Investment Project
Stockproject Investment Project
Investment Project
1) Assess a company: Rational: My belief is that if you can research one company and assess if it is a good investment you can use the same set of skills to investigate any company. Company Assigned to research________________________________________________________ Use current information to answer each of the following questions. You may cut and paste your answers BE SURE TO INCLUDE SOURCE OF INFORMATION AFTER EACH QUESTION 1. Give the stocks high and low selling price for 2012 and in the history of the company 2. What are the dividends paid for 2012 3. What is the most recent Price Earned ratio 4. How many employees does this company have, total sales, 5. The best product this company produces 6. Any problems this company is facing 7. How good of an investment is this company short term (1 year) (long term 5 years) 8. Who is their major competition and why is your company a better investment 9. How friendly is your company to its workers and to the environment 10. IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Using the information from above write a convincing long paragraph why your assigned company is a solid investment. 2) Your chief competition _______________________________________________________________ Use current information to answer each of the following questions. You may cut and paste your answers BE SURE TO INCLUDE SOURCE OF INFORMATION AFTER EACH QUESTION 1. Problems facing this company (foreign competition, government regulation, lawsuit) 2. How friendly is this company to its workers and the environment 3. Why is there product inferior to your product 4. Financial problems with the company or stocks 5. IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Using the information from above write a convincing long paragraph why your chief competitor is a bad investment. Be prepared to make a 1 minute pitch in which you will explain the merits of investing in your assigned company and not investing in your competition. (No notes allowed) Be prepared to go up against your competitor
In the right hand pocket of your two pocket folder put the following 1. Cover page 2. Your investment Portfolio 3. Your investment Group Research: Just your contribution 1. Cover Page: On this one page include the following: a. Name, b. Class, c. Date, d. Name of your investment group e. A one paragraph informal reflection about if you enjoyed investing and do you plan to continue. 2. Investment Portfolio Go to and register (details to follow) You must make at least (10 trades/transactions) You will probably make more. However, for this project you only have to describe your 10 most significant trades. a. For the 10 required transactions you must do the following Number the trade/transaction What did you buy or sell Why did you decide to make that trade Did the trade make or lose money. Are you happy or do you regret the trade
b. Finally print a sheet from with your final totals. 3. Investment Group Each member of the group will be assigned an investment area to become an expert in 1. Large Companies (big capital) ______________________________________________ 2. Small Companies (small capital) ____________________________________________ 3. Mutual Funds ___________________________________________________________ 4. Bonds ______________________________________________________________________ In a one page essay first explain and define your area of expertise then explain what investment advice, about your assigned area, you will offer only to members of your investment firm group. This should be single spaced or no space 12 font , 1 margins include a bibliography of sources consulted.