This is Walpola Rahula's translation into French of "The Compendium of the Super-Doctrine", said to have been dictated by Maitreya to Asanga. The English version is the translation of Rahula's French version.
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Abhidharmasamuccaya Le Compendium de La Super-Doctrine, Rahula, 1971
This is Walpola Rahula's translation into French of "The Compendium of the Super-Doctrine", said to have been dictated by Maitreya to Asanga. The English version is the translation of Rahula's French version.
Original Title
Abhidharmasamuccaya Le Compendium de La Super-Doctrine,Rahula,1971
This is Walpola Rahula's translation into French of "The Compendium of the Super-Doctrine", said to have been dictated by Maitreya to Asanga. The English version is the translation of Rahula's French version.
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Abhidharmasamuccaya Le Compendium de La Super-Doctrine, Rahula, 1971
This is Walpola Rahula's translation into French of "The Compendium of the Super-Doctrine", said to have been dictated by Maitreya to Asanga. The English version is the translation of Rahula's French version.