During my 7th grade in school, I was introduced to LOGO, a simple graphical programming language. I was very excited to know that I could program a machine to make simple graphics and animations for me. I stayed back in the computer laboratory well past school hours and created a 5-frame animation of a stick-man walking. The simplicity of pure logic in Computer Science has fascinated me right from my childhood. I have had the privilege of excellent primary and secondary education in Bangalore, India. I stood out in academics and completed my 10th grade by scoring 92.48%. I was proud to be one among the top scorers. The high scores helped me gain admission into one of the most reputed undergraduate schools of the country. I have excelled in a well-rounded and exacting undergraduate program at M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Bangalore, which is rated one among the top 10 technology institutes of India. At MSRIT, I decided to attain my Bachelors degree in Telecommunication engineering as it opened up many possibilities and interesting challenges for the reason that science and technology are the roots of many interesting scientific and technical activities. Telecommunication was unique in that it combined syllabus from many streams like Electronics, Electrical Engineer and Computer Science. This has put me in a unique position where I can assimilate and appreciate a myriad of concepts and principles. During my engineering course I was introduced to the concepts of microprocessors and microcontrollers and I had taken an instant liking to these subjects. It heightened my interest in topics like RISC, CISC, Parallel Processing, Digital Signal Processing. Since then Ive covered numerous topics in microprocessors such as the Intel 8085, 8086 and their instruction sets along with peripheral devices, the ISA bus and the 8051 microcontroller. With every new topic that I studied my interest in this field grew exponentially. What I enjoyed about assembly level programming is the sheer variety of ways in which a single operation can be achieved. For example, multiplication by 2 can be achieved by ADD A, A or MUL A, 2 or LSHIFT A, 1. The raw manipulation of bits and bytes gave me an intimate feel of computers. My undergraduate course also included a number of subjects like Operating Systems, Algorithms, Computer Aided Design, but Computer Networks has been my favourite subject. The simple manner in which two machines communicate has always fascinated me. The Networks laboratory sessions helped me implement what I learnt in the theory classes and helped me gain a better insight into the subject. I completed two projects during my final year engineering. One of the projects was carried out at HALs Edgewood Technologies which was called Intelligent Traffic Light Control System under the guidance of Gp Capt K K John. We constructed a complete functional model using the microcontroller knowledge that weve gained along with some electronics know-how. At the core we used the PIC microcontroller which was programmed using assembly language. The second project was called Blue Sniper which was an intelligent robot capable of motion detection and video streaming. Many types of software including J2ME, Net Beans, and jdk1.6 were made use of to construct an application which helped in remote control of the robot. Working on these projects has given me immense practical knowledge and helped me visualize and design circuits with the least possible hardware and expenditure. It has helped me realize that everything we study in theory might not be that easy to actualize and implement in practice. It has been a great experience and one that I would like to undertake in the future as well.
After my graduation, I joined Infosys Technologies Limited, one of the most prestigious software companies of India, as a systems engineer trainee. I went through an exhaustive training program for five months. The intensive training given in Operating Systems, C programming, SQL/PL-SQL, JAVA, Computer networks and UNIX, to name a few disciplines, was enriching. All this together aided my decision to specialize in Computer Engineering. I have no doubt that University of XYZ is the appropriate one for me, since it provides a unique mix of educational advantages. It is one of the most dynamic universities providing personal attention and extensive academic resources along with superior education in the field of Computer Engineering with the help of a capacious course. Here, I will receive an education that gives me both, the technical skills and the intellectual discipline to become a leader in industry. It is a University where research is an integral part of the department and the entire faculty is highly qualified and friendly. This I say from my personal experience while interacting with them through emails. It is a meeting ground of various social lives and cultural ideas. In all, it is a comprehensive university that furnishes an education that will serve me well in my career and prepare me for a lifetime of learning. I am eager to learn from the eminent faculty and students University and to contribute with my qualifications and competence. I look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with you.