44 Lokpal
44 Lokpal
44 Lokpal
The first Jan Lokpal Bill was introduced by Shanti Bhushan and passed in the 4th Lok Sabha in 1969 but could not get through in the Rajya Sabha. Subsequently, Lokpal bills were introduced in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005 and in 2008, yet they were never passed.42 years after its first production, the Lokpal Bill is still pending in India. The basic idea of the Lok Pal is borrowed from the office of ombudsman, which has played an effective role in checking corruption and wrong-doing in Scandinavian and other nations. In early 1960s, mounting corruption in public administration set the winds blowing in favour of an Ombudsman in India too. The Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) set up in 1966 recommended the constitution of two-tier machinery - of a Lokpal at the Centre, and Lokayukta(s) in the states.
The Lokpal Bill provides for filing complaints of corruption against the prime minister, other ministers, and MPs with the ombudsman. The Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) while recommending the constitution of Lokpal was convinced that such an institution was justified not only for removing the sense of injustice from the minds of adversely affected citizens but also necessary to instill public confidence in the efficiency of the administrative machinery. Following this, the Lokpal Bill was for the first time presented during the fourth Lok Sabha in 1968, and was passed there in 1969.
However, while it was pending in the Rajya Sabha, the Lok Sabha was dissolved, and so the bill was not passed at that time. The bill was revived in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005, and most recently in 2008. Each time, after the bill was introduced to the house, it was referred to some committee for improvements ** a joint committee of parliament, or a departmental standing committee of the Home Ministry **and before the government could take a final stand on the issue, the house was dissolved. Several flaws have been cited in the recent draft of the Lokpal Bill. Meanwhile the activists of India Against Corruption (IAC) have prepared a draft for the bill called Jan Lokpal Bill.
* To judge the cases and make jurisdictions against corruption cases with the Lokpal. * To judge whether a case is legal or whether a fake complaint has been made. * To potentially impose fines on a fake complaint, or even a short span of jail time, if the case is not proved to be legally true.
Anna Hazare, Latest News : Lokpal bill in monsoon session, fast track courts for corruption cases
MUMBAI: Government will introduce the Lokpal Bill during the monsoon session of Parliament, and once passed, corruption cases will be handled by fast track courts for speedy disposal, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Ashwini Kumar today said. Describing corruption as a "national issue" and not the concern of just an individual or any political party, Kumar told reporters here that the government's accountability and responsibility would increase with the passage of the legislation. The UPA government, he said, had already taken some "constructive steps" to control corruption and fast track courts had also been set up. Maintaining that corruption had an adverse impact on the country's economy, he said a legal framework would be put in place for effective disposal of corruption cases. After some tough posturing, the government today gave in to the growing public protest spearheaded by Gandhi an Anna Hazare against corruption and issued a gazette notification for formation of a committee to draft an effective Lokpal Bill. Positives & Negatives of Lokpal The Jan Lokpal Bill is the stronger version of Lokpal bill. he Anna Hazare's version of the bill gives more power to the public, to the autonomous bodies and less power to the government if the corrupt in the government body has been found. The bill has almost all the points from the government's version but little enhanced and more transparent.
The government's bill is not only weak but also discourages the common public to raise a voice against the corruption for a rough example. If a person register a complaint against a government employee for corruption. Government will provide the employee a government lawyer, and all important facilities and cover, while the person who complained will have to arrange on his own for a lawyer. If the person's claim comes out to be right then the corrupt will get a sentence of 6 months. If not, then the corrupt gets a chance of complaining against the person for false allegation under which the person might have to spend 2 years in custody.
Though it is true that Anna Hazare's bill is going to bring a lot of changes in our society but is incapable of removing the corruption from the roots. In other words it is more like cure of the symptoms than prevention. Today politicians mind has become so corrupt that it is not so easy to contain the corruption through one law. There are lots of issues and problem which needs to be discussed and debated to bring the change in the society. For a rough example, Anna Hazare's bill gives a greater power to Lokpal committee which will have everyone from Prime Minister to MP under them to check corruption. This will make the organization too powerful. The problem will come if by chance one of the members of the committee comes under the grip of corruption. But we must not forget that it is the beginning of the change and not the end. We will protest till the end till everything is not on the correct system. Anna Hazare has shown us the goal and the way. Now it is our duty to do our part, help him achieve his dream. It is just the beginning. We don't have to sit silent even if the bill is accepted. We have to keep an eye and see if the government doesn't cheat us again. Question 1. What are your views about Lokpal? Source : www.freeessay.com