Biomedical Department Plan
Biomedical Department Plan
Biomedical Department Plan
To ensure operationally safe and functional equipment for patients and hospital staff through a program of continuing inspection, testing, repairs and preventive maintenance schedules. To act as a resource in selecting new patient care equipment and fulfilling manufacturers recommendations.
The Biomedical Department will support hospital services by maintaining equipments that meets the standards through trained technical resource and helping the hospital staff in adapting the latest technology. In the next 10 years the Biomedical Department will seek to achieve: To be a full fleshed Biomedical Department where all the technicians are well trained and updated with latest Technology. Biomedical engineer and technicians assisting doctors, nurses and other related staff for the safe use equipments. Pre-planned and economical purchases of medical equipments
The biomedical department will cover the following areas: Pre-Purchase Evaluation Equipment Recommendations Vendor Selection Acceptance tests for newly delivered devices Contract Management User training Trainings for Technical Team Awareness Plan for Safe use of Equipment Regular Preventive Maintenance / Safety / Performance Testing / Calibrations Corrective Work orders (Repairs) Equipment Installations Replacement Recommendations Record keeping Construction projects Medical equipment aspects
Procurement Planning
Equipment Registration
Maintenance Plan
Medical Equipment Management Plan comprises of the following core heads: 1. Procurement Planning a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Purchasing Process Medical Equipment Advisory Committee (Role and Members) Pre-Purchase Evaluation Equipment Recommendations Vendor Selection Contract Management Construction projects Medical equipment aspects
3. Installation a. b. c. d. e. Equipment Installations Acceptance tests for newly delivered devices User training Awareness Plan for Safe use of Equipment Back-ups
4. Maintenance Plan a. Equipment Registration (Equipment Inventory / Listing) b. Planned Preventive Maintenance / Performance testing / Calibrations i. Developing Schedules ii. Developing Maintenance Manuals c. Corrective Work orders (Repairs) d. Replacement Recommendations e. Record keeping 5. Disposal
Need Raised
Market Survey
Data Collection
Feasibility Prepared
Technical Specification
Financial Costing
Case forwarded to PD
User Experience
Evaluation report
b. Medical Equipment Advisory Committee (Role and Members) The Medical Equipment Advisory Committee (MEAC) consists of the following members: CEO Head Medical Services Head Engineering Head Quality Assurance Head Finance Biomedical Engineer Head Procurement Consultants
The MEAC will review the feasibility report and the proposal prepared by Engineering Department. MEAC will draft a final proposal for the approval from CEO. The committee will formulate and reviews purchasing policies by taking into accounts the needs of the professional and the end users. All the members will provide their feedbacks / suggestions on the MEAC Feedback Form. Biomedical Engineer will draft the final report on the basis of the feedback form.