Greenway+staff Report On Petition+20081118

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PO Box 1749

Halifax, Nova Scotia

B3J 3A5 Canada Item No. 10.1.2
Halifax Regional Council
November 18, 2008

TO: Mayor Kelly and Members of Halifax Regional Council

Dan English, Chief Administrative Officer

Wayne Anstey, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer - Operations

DATE: October 23, 2008

SUBJECT: Halifax Urban Green Way-Active Transportation Trail


At the April 15, 2008 Council meeting, Halifax Regional Council reaffirmed its support for a
petition that was presented by the Municipal Clerk. The petition “was sent to Mayor Kelly from
residents urging Halifax Regional Council to modify the current HRM’s staff proposal with respect
to the Beaufort/Francklyn segment of the active transportation trail to provide for a recreational trail
and not a 24/7 paved road. The petition also requests a crusher dust recreation trail be installed.”
Council requested a staff report addressing the petition.


It is recommended that Halifax Regional Council support the construction of the Beaufort Street,
Phase 1, Active Transportation Trail as designed by HRM staff and described within. The trail will
implement the HRM Active Transportation Master Plan Facility and Planning Guidelines and staff
recommendations regarding width and surface finish.

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\081118 «HRMWIN74_LIVELINK96_34468»\Halifax Urban Green Way - Active Transportation Trail (HUGA) Report.wpd
Halifax Urban Green Way-Active Transportation Trail
Council Report -2- November 4, 2008


Over a decade ago the Halifax Urban Green Way Association, HUGA, and HRM began planning
trails around the peninsula that link the Armdale Round-a-Bout to the Northwest Arm, Point
Pleasant Park, the Halifax Seaport, and the Halifax and Dartmouth waterfronts to landmarks and
trails beyond. The HUGA trail, in addition to incorporating a separate nature trail for recreation and
tourists, will be an active transportation route to provide a safe option for cyclists commuting to and
from the universities schools, hospitals and other destinations on the peninsula and all others
needing alternative transit routes through the urban core. Over the last seven years, staff have
worked with the HUGA community group and a total of 13 public meetings have been held. The
trail, as proposed by staff, has been designed along with the HUGA group. Final engineering design
and contract specifications have been completed. AT trail standards from the HRM AT Master Plan
have been applied. The current plan calls for tendering of the Beaufort Street Phase I as described
and funded in the Canada-Nova Scotia Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund.

On April 4, 2008, Mayor Kelly met with Harry Thompson, Mary-Lou Rossiter and Dr. John
LeBlanc. At the meeting, a petition was presented. (Attachment 1). Each of the four points in the
petition are discussed below:

1) Green Space-Asset to be Preserved:

One of the principle goals of the Halifax Urban Greenway is to conserve the apron of the Rail Cut
along the CN Rail line. It is a precious asset to HRM that needs to be managed. There is no
management of the resource at this time. The placement of the AT trail along the road and the
narrow bark chip nature trail in the wooded area will serve to preserve the green corridor. The
HUGA project, similar to many across North America, will achieve this fundamental conservation
objective as part of a broader concept of enhancing green mobility for area residents. Green mobility
opportunities are critical to the long term sustainability of HRM.
To ensure the future protection of the corridor, HRM is actively negotiating with Canadian National
Railways. Agreement in principle has be achieved for the acquisition of the corridor apron which
will see the treed corridor preserved for residents of the peninsula.
The AT trail will be primarily on the HRM Beaufort Street ROW. In order to preserve as many trees
as possible and in general this small piece of the countryside on the peninsula: Beaufort Street will
be narrowed between South Street and Dalhousie Street; the trail has been routed on to CN owned
land between Regina Terrace and Oakland Street; and the width has been reduced to 3.5 metres
along the entire length between Inglis Street and Roxton Road. In places within the later section, the
trail width will be further reduced for short lengths to avoid valuable trees. For the most part, all
trees beyond the HRM land and on CN land are of the invasive Norway Maple and as such should
be removed to promote the healthy infilling of native tree species.

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Halifax Urban Green Way-Active Transportation Trail
Council Report -3- November 4, 2008

2) Main purpose of the HRM AT Plan:

The HUGA Project is a key component of the main spine network around Peninsula Halifax and a
critical segment of the overall Active Transportation Plan.
From a regional network perspective the circular peninsula corridor forms the central hub of the
regional spine system. Key AT pedestrian and bicycle connections to this circular corridor at the
MacDonald Bridge and Armdale Rotary will in the future provide flowthrough linkages to and from
the entire Peninsula. At this time, another trail section is being constructed for HRM by Heritage
Gas Limited along Barrington Street. In addition, a second tier of community neighbourhood trails
are envisaged that connect to this main spine system. Some will be on-street and some off-street.
This Phase I of the overall HUGA vision will provide off-road AT and nature trail infrastructure for
residents, students and all others wanting to travel in this area of the peninsula.
The HUGA segment will function and support all the categories of active transportation by
definition, but will emphasis "Active Destination Oriented Trips" which includes trips to and from
St. Mary’s and Dalhousie Universities. Connecting adjacent neighbourhoods to Point Pleasant Park
and the Halifax Waterfront will be a key function. A subsequent Phase will be continuation of the
trail to a pedestrian bridge over the rail cut. This will be done in association with St. Mary’s
University who show the trail in their development plans. Providing the public with well constructed
and maintained Active Transportation Infrastructure serves the main purpose of the HRM AT Master

3) Construction of Phase I:
The feasibility of the concept plan for the Halifax Urban Green Way, stretching from the Armdale
Round-a-Bout to Point Pleasant Park was confirmed in a 2002 report prepared by the Halifax Urban
Greenway Association, titled the Halifax Urban Greenway Proposal.
Feasibility of the linear concept was and still is dependent on acquiring permission or ownership of
the land from CN and designing specific ways around key pinch points. Consistent with all major
urban corridors there are critical challenges (pinch points) which need to be overcome to attain one
hundred percent continuity. Beginning the trail along Beaufort Street as Phase I will serve as an
example of the quality and potential of the AT trail between Point Pleasant Park and Armdale.
Constructing the Phase 1 section along Beaufort Street as per the specifications in the HRM AT
Master Plan is recommended.

4) Cost/Benefit:
In the January 2006 Project Business Case for the Halifax Urban Greenway, the total cost was
estimated by O’Halloran and Campbell Consultants Limited to be $1,055,241. This is for all three
phases of the Greenway from South Street to Point Pleasant Park. Phase I of the project is the
Beaufort Street section from South Street to Roxton Road. The cost estimate for this phase was
$406,065. At a press conference held on April 2, 2007, it was announced by the Honourable Peter
MacKay that Canada via ACOA was supporting the project for $300,000 and it was announced by
Jamie Muir, that Nova Scotia was supporting the project with another $300,000. The availability of
this funding ends on March 31, 2010.
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Halifax Urban Green Way-Active Transportation Trail
Council Report -4- November 4, 2008

Multi-use trail infrastructure deliver one of the widest ranges of benefit packages of any municipal
program. Benefits include health, environmental, recreational, economic and social benefits.
The off-road safe environment provided by the corridor will also help build capacity in active living
lifestyles. It is a matter of record that constituency or the number of active transportation trips is
increased using off-road trails. New users to the system will use the off-road safe experience first.
The active transportation[non motorized]trail network is particularly a relevant benefit with respect
to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the dependence on the automobile.

Two consultation opportunities were organized in response to the petition.
On Saturday, April 12, 2008, Councilor Uteck organized an on site ‘walk-n-talk’ for the
community. The event was attended by HRM staff and the community volunteer group, HUGA.
The impacts on trees and the green space in general were explained and discussed over the 3 hour
walk with staff from Urban Forestry, Traffic, Planning and Trails.
On Monday, May 5, 2008, a public meeting was organized by Councilor Uteck and lead by Peter
Bigelow, Manager, Real Property Planning. The attendance at HRM City Hall was recorded to be
76 members of the community. Staff responded to public questions and a majority of those in
attendance spoke in favour of the trail as designed by HRM staff and were complimentary on the
work done.

This report is not an award of tender and is simply provided to address concerns raised within the
petition presented to Council on April 15, 2008. A subsequent report will be brought to Council on
the awarding of the construction contract.


This report complies with the Municipality’s Multi-Year Financial Strategy, the approved Operating,
Capital and Reserve budgets, policies and procedures regarding withdrawals from the utilization of
Capital and Operating reserves, as well as any relevant legislation.

Council could choose to agree with the desires of the petition to have only a crusher dust
recreational trail. This is not the recommended course of action as the trail needs to be constructed
to AT standards of at least 3.5 metres in width and finished with asphalt. The width and the finish
maximize usage while minimizing on going maintenance costs. Not proceeding with the trail at all
would be a lost opportunity to invest the $600,000 approved for the project within the Canada-Nova
Scotia MRIF Agreement. Not proceeding with the recommended AT standards or at all would also
be a lost opportunity to develop needed public active transportation/recreational infrastructure. If
Council chooses not to proceed, the Canada-Nova Scotia MRIF funds may be lost and the associated

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capital funds previously allocated to the HUGA group by HRM Council would be reallocated to
another community trail group.

Attachment 1 Petition on behalf of Residents for a South End Recreational Trail

A copy of this report can be obtained online at then

choose the appropriate meeting date, or by contacting the Office of the Municipal Clerk at 490-4210, or Fax

Report Prepared by: Don Ambler, Trail Specialist, Real Property Planning, IAM 490-7359

Report Approved by: _________________________________________________

Peter Bigelow, Manager, Real Property Planning, IAM 490-6047

Report Approved by: Cathie O’Toole, Director, Infrastructure & Asset Management 490-4825

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