Safelist, Do You Take Traffic Exchange To Be Your Cyberspace Marketing Partner?
Safelist, Do You Take Traffic Exchange To Be Your Cyberspace Marketing Partner?
Safelist, Do You Take Traffic Exchange To Be Your Cyberspace Marketing Partner?
This special report will cover creative ideas and strategies for wedding the concept of safelists and traffic exchanges in a way that connects you to your target market in a whole new way. A safelist is a mailing list where all members can mail to each other. These emails are not spam because every member has opted in and confirmed their email address. It is safe. In other words, every one on the list is there by choice. A safelist can be used to advertise websites, business opportunities and the like. A traffic exchange website receives submissions of websites from its members. The person who submitted the website then has to browse other member sites on the exchange program to earn credits, which then allows their sites to be viewed by other members through the system. There has been a lot of debate over the value of safelists and traffic exchanges as viable tools for marketing products. The biggest pitfall for both of them has been the extra ordinate amount of time they consume weighed against the gains. The jury came back and the consensus was that neither of them was actually read. That can be an ouchy. How can you sell someone anything when they don't even look at your ad?
If you are like most folk, you have accumulated over time a number of memberships in both traffic exchanges and safelists. Some of them have stayed in your bookmarks, hidden away, for so long that when you are reminded of them or when they appear again the wave of marketing radar, your account is not even active any more. For example. I have more than sixty active memberships in Traffic Exchanges and a well-weeded list of Safelists that number over 110. Do you know how much time it takes just to maintain those lists on a regular basis? Do you know how disheartening it is to pour all that energy into those tools and only get a few hits and less sales? There has got to be a better way. And there is. A number of methods have emerged over this past year to solve the issues of the wasted energy directed toward SLs and TEs. Everything from creating snappier headlines to investing in great graphics to catch the eye has been explored. And they worked to a certain extent but then fizzled out, primarily because of one major factor. They were attempting to make the sale as opposed to getting the name. If you don't walk away with anything else from this report, please understand this. As long as you continue to focus on making a sale with these tools, you will have slim to none chance of doing so. Concentrate instead on providing a free product that serves the need of those reading your email or looking at your page and have them sign up to your list in order to get the freebie. Who are the people reading your SL and TE exchanges? Other SL and TE marketers. What types of information are they seeking? They
want to know how to best take advantage of cyberspace - internet marketing - in order to promote what they offering. It's kinda like preaching to the choir. The first thing you want to do is decide what sort of service you are going to provide to the list you want to generate. For example, there is an excellent, no, OUTSTANDING promotion available on the market now that has me completely captivated. It shows you how to tie together the more popular (because they are more productive) marketing tools on the net to create income generation through traffic exchanges. That is the free report. The initial income generator of the venture is a simple $5 book that provides invaluable information on maneuvering the emarketing world and not lose everything you own. That book leads to a number of other ventures that open up other ventures that open up other ventures. It begins, though, with free advice to fellow marketers on how to take what you have and make it work for you through TEs. I'll tell you more about this particular venture later on in my report. After you have created a portal that you think will be of benefit to your fellow marketers, you want to get their attention so that you can show them what you have to offer. There are many ways of doing this (and the report I mentioned above has an excellent set of tools put together to do just that). With TEs, you use pictures and with SLs you use words. The biggest mistake people make in Traffic Exchanges, outside of attempting to sell a product as opposed to creating a list, is that they do not take wise advantage of the real estate they have available. They create ads that are a complete sales page and take up a lot of space. People generally only read what initially hits their eyes and then only if it is
appealing. You want to create a "pretty picture" that utilizes the space you have available (remember that TEs have the tool bar space on the top and bottom of most of their pages that exhibits your stats, banners and text ads). Create an ad perhaps 600 x 400 that has a nice graphic header and a short, sweet and to-the-point statement about what you are offering. Here is an example of such an ad Splash Example Ad Don't even attempt to add a signup form on your TE ad. Keep it very simple and on target. Point to another page that will give the prospect opportunity to give you their name and email address. Another technique is to brand your ad. Put your picture or logo on the page so that people will begin to recognize you and hopefully begin to trust your face and opportunities. They will know that when they see your face, it is going to be something worthwhile taking an extra moment to investigate. (Of course, this means you have to actually provide good information to earn such a reputation. Merely putting your face on a page is not going to be enough.) There are a number of free html editors available that you can use to create your ad. A simple search on the internet will uncover them for you. Or search your harddrive from the multitude of downloads you have garnered from the various giveaways. I'll bet there is an editor or two there as well as a couple of templates you can use as well. One of the best ways to determine how to create your picture is to pay attention to what grabs your eye when you are surfing through the Net
yourself. If you see something you like, copy the page source and store it in what is called a "swipe file" on your harddrive. You are "swiping" another person's ideas and then utilizing them to jumpstart your own. Remember though that while imitation is the best form of flattery, downright stealing can get you in serious trouble. You don't want to take other folks' original artwork and words, you just want them to help tickle your own creativity into motion. For example, this is what the source code looks like for the splash page ad example I showed you earlier
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>TE Profits</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><style type="text/css"> <!-a { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style1 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; } .style2 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 28px; line-height: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000; } .style4 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; fontsize: 18px; } .style5 {color: #FF0000} .style6 {font-size: 10px} body { background-image: url(images/cash.jpg); } .style7 {font-size: 10} --> </style> </head> <body>
<center> <table border="1" width="714" bordercolor="Black" bgcolor="White"> <tr> <td width="704" height="456"> <center> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><div align="center"><span class="style7"><img src="images/header.jpg" width="700" height="110"></span></div></td> </tr> </table> <table width="90%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td height="294"><div align="center"> <p align="center" class="style2"><span lang="EN-US">TRAFFIC EXCHANGES MAKE MONEY??? </span></p> <img src="images/Iya.jpg" width="105" height="126" align="left"> <p align="left" class="style1"><span lang="EN-US">The excitement, joy and financial relief this <strong>FREE</strong> report has given me goes beyond words. Suffice it to say that the information guides you step by step in a productive system that only requires $5 and your focused energy. </span><span lang="EN-US">Unlike other ventures I've been involved with, I am <strong>ACTUALLY seeing results</strong>. You will too.</span> - To all OUR Profits, Iya Ifalola Omobola. </p> <table width="75%" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td height="118"><p class="style4">"See How I Am Getting <span class="style5">Paid</span> to Use Traffic Exchanges while building My Primary Business!" <span class="style6">(click on the button)</span> </p></td> <td><div align="center"><a href="index.html" target="_blank"><img src="images/order.jpg" width="108" height="108" border="0"></a></div></td> </tr> </table> </div></td> </tr> </table> <img src="images/footer.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="40" border="0"> </center> </td> </tr> </table> </center> </body> </html>
You would copy and paste the code into your html editor and then
begin to play with it until you have a page that reflects your individual style and product. You can take the header which you see is sized 700 x 110 and create your own graphic to serve as a header and the like. You can use your swipe file as a template. Final word along this vein, remember to K.I.S.S. your promo. Keep It Simple, Sweetness. Safelists are a slightly different beast. You have to paint captivating pictures with your words, instead. There are two levels of words that need to be captivating. The first is the headline one sees in their email account. If the headline does not demand attention, the email is not going to be opened. For some, that can be a bit more difficult. Added to the stress is the ever looming presence of that which might be perceived as spam. So the attention-getting words you use in the head line must not fall within what might be considered undesirable. There are a couple of free tools available that can tell you if your headline is attention getting and if it is spam proof. If you go to Headline Analyzer you can place your headline in the online tool and it will analyze the headline, telling you the level of emotional impact it has. This is important because, as we all know, emotions play a big part in what appeals to our senses. You can get a free spam checker tool for your desktop as a direct download here Spam Checker You want to make sure that your headlines get attention and then you
want to make sure what you have to say inside of the email continues to keep their attention. Again - you only have a couple of lines at most to say what you have to say. This is not the place to sell. This is the place to give away something of value in exchange for a name and email address. Then you can sell your product through your list. Most safelists today will have an option to send email in html format. If you have that option, then after you have found an effective headline, you have already done the rest of your ad in your graphics for your traffic exchanges. This is where the real marriage of safelists and traffic exchanges comes into play. You can simply take the code for the ad you have created as your splash page and place it in the source for the html ad in the safe list. You may need to make a few modifications and then you are good to go. I generally will make the modifications within the editor of one of the safelists I trust such as Vital Ad Views and then copy the resulting code to place in my other ads. This safelist, by the way, happens to be one of my favorites in that Barbie Zabel offers a lot of information on her site and the ratio of my ads actually being read is quite high. I mention it here because it has not yet made it to the big league references you will have access to later on in my report. I have been toying around with safelists and traffic exchanges for a while now. I will share some of the specific tips and techiques I have learned along the way in the ezine you will receive as having signed up for this report. One such tool is that you will need to organize your sites in a way in which to take best advantage of them. I keep an Excel spreadsheet for my safelists and another for my traffic exchanges. Here is a snapshot of my Safelist sheet. It shows the title of the list, the URL to sign in, info on
the site, such as how often I should post my ad, if it is free and if not, when payments are due and any other pertinent information I feel I might need to remember down the road.
I also keep record of which promos I post to the links on which date. This is important because some of the safelists, particularly the free ones or the really big ones, will only allow posting every three days, or seven days or even, in some rare occasions, once a month or so.
What I do want to tell you about now, though, is the promotion I referenced earlier. It is called TEProfits and it has literally changed my perspective to online marketing. This report shows you how you can begin earning money from Traffic Exchanges even before you begin to promote your primary business. You garner a list through your splash and capture pages, they become your subscribers and sign up under you. The more subscribers you have, the more traffic, more leads, more sales, less surfing. It is much easier than you might think. Scott Douglas' TEProfits system shows you how to build a list and create up front income from sales
of a low cost ($5) product so you can upgrade your TE memberships and generate nice fat commissions from the traffic exchanges themselves. Financial relief from a positive cash flow with no big out-of-pocket expense to recover. You can become highly successful and not even have to use your own money. Grab your free TEProfits report and follow the steps inside. You will get the tools to need in order to create a complete online business for yourself. It includes everything from a product, tools to promote the product, a recommended autoresponder that even has a set of 25 prewritten, proven emails that will do the promoting work for you, downline builders and a slew of other tools that will create a viable, thriving, productive online business for you. Then, once you get seated well with your traffic exchanges, then begin applying the same principles and techniques to your safelists. It is a marriage made in cyberspace heaven. You will find most of the productive TEs and SLs within the TEProfits set up. Begin with those and I will make you aware of others through the newsletter. Meanwhile it would be my honor if you would take advantage of my offer to join my safelist Peters Profits and receive a free Pro account. Simply join as free and then send me a support ticket from within using marriage as the subject. I will upgrade you to your Pro account. Peters Profits is a work in progress. I know you will enjoy the process of watching it grow. I look forward to seeing you inside.
The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update opinions based on the new conditions. This report is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, neither the author nor her referrals will assume any responsibility resulting from errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. I would like to acknowledge Darlene Hull, most recently of Pot of Gold fame, who was my first mentor; Barbie Zabel, of VitalAdViews and Viral List Cash who kicked my education up to another notch, and Scott Douglas, of TEProfits, who believed in my ability, pushed and honed my skills and helped me to finally become an internet marketer by providing an simple, exciting and productive promotion that has and is continuing to actually MAKE MONEY FOR ME!!!