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Asha Manohar

Nada Brahma Reiki

Nada is the sound which formed by Lord Brahma Himself, through His
eternal potency. This facilitated to teach, bless and love. *Om* is the first
sound n all the sounds are the mantras.
The word mantra comes from the Sanskrit roots 'man' and 'tra' where 'man'
means 'mind' and 'tra' signifies 'go through or across'. Mantra, therefore,
symbolizes any single word or a group of words that help one 'to go through
or across one's mind' to remove any imbalances produced within.

The vibrations produced from chants help in stilling a restless mind, and in
dispelling negative energies by bringing in positive ones. Although one need
not know the religious symbolism of a mantra, it is believed that the
vibrations are good enough to produce the desired results.

Mantras can be unlimited in number. Each tradition has its own mantra. But
beeja mantras are accepted as universal mantras. In reality, they are sounds
without any direct translation, but contain great power, which can grow
within you, which is why they are known as beeja or seed mantras. The
beeja mantra or seed word has a direct effect on the associated chakra (see
table). "Chanting the beeja mantra harmonizes our energy centers and
chakras." There is no limit to the number of times the beeja mantras should
be chanted, but they are said to be more powerful if chanted 108 times. To
keep the focus on the mantra and not on the number, use prayer beads.

"The power of a mantra comes from the direct vibrations they produce on
the body and not from the meaning of the syllables, it is important to chant
the mantras in the right rhythm, with the proper intonation (pronunciation)
and resonance (pitch) to tap its full potential.

The Eastern view of health is a harmonious flow of energy from and
between the energy centers (chakras), and koshas. When this flow gets
blocked or interrupted, the body begins to revolt and this, in turn, gets
manifested as disease.

Our ancient systems of healing always emphasized a connection with one's

own inner self as the cornerstone of well-being. Indeed, the word 'swastha'
or health is derived from the words swa - astha, which means 'a connection
with one's inner self' and 'jagat' or world: etymologically "ja + gat" or "that
which moves(vibrates)."

What better way to establish harmony in this world than through harmonious

Indeed, there is an entire system of yoga, called Nada Yoga (The yoga of
sound), which is a path of exploration of consciousness through sounds.
Nada Yoga tells us that the source of the sound may be external or internal.
That is, it may be "struck" out loud (Sanskrit: "ahat"), as from a voice; or
"unstruck" and outwardly silent (Sanskrit: "anahat"), arising inwardly as
from the subtle currents of energy or prana moving throughout the body.

With practice, concentration on carefully selected outer or "ahat" sounds will

enable the mind to become calm and transparent. At this point you may
begin to become aware of the subtle inner "anahat" sounds and it is into this
deeper realm that Nada Yoga takes you.

The system of Nada Yoga works on the premise that the entire universe
around us, and we ourselves, are made of nada, that is sound vibrations. In
other words, it is the movement of sound energy that forms the building
block of the universe and not matter, as had been thought of by the
physicists. This realization in Bharatvarsha, today's India, had ushered in the
concept of nada being worshiped as Brahman and known as “Nadabrahma”

Nada Yoga is an approach to sounds with reverence - not just as objects for
self-aggrandizement or sensual entertainment but as integral part of one's
own unity with his inner and outer cosmos.

A Meditative State
Essentially, all chants and mantras are they Buddhist or Vedic are designed
specifically to restore balance by taking one into a meditative state.

While there are many ways of entering a meditative state, sound is perhaps
the easiest and most accessible.

"Theta waves, or a state of trance, can be produced by japa or repeated

chanting, leading to a complete pratyahara or withdrawal of senses,"
Scriptural References
The soothing and healing powers of music is something that all cultures and
civilizations have recognized and applied in their own ways, over the ages.

Silk-weaving exercises, the only sound that should be heard is that of the
body inhaling and exhaling.

Even the beeja mantra points to something much deeper, if only we looked
closer. For instance, the mantra 'ha' or the sound of ‘snip’ for the universal
consciousness is found in almost all names of God - Brahman, Allah, Jesus.

Truly, the similarity of conclusions drawn on the power and significance of

sound are too striking to be a mere coincidence.

One need not wait for a physical disease to manifest to turn to healing
through sound

Human mouth is extraordinary power house of energy

Mouth in spiritual, parlance, known as ‘agni chakra’ ‘Jatharagni’ is the one
working in the digestive systems. it is the one of the energies produced in the
mouth operating the mechanics of digestion. The human mouth too
generates power of eloquence, apart from the energy for digestion.The
energy produced in the agni chakra of mouth works in 3 ways. Physically
(sthul roop ) it works the digestive system and in the subtle form. Suksma
and Karan ) it provides the tongue the capacity for pronunciation of speech.
Higher levels of the latter are seen in eloquence of the orator, talent of the
singer, or instrumentalist which captivates the listeners.

Pronunciation of words doesn’t not merely give information, but also

transmitted emotions, expressions, empathies, motivation n other powers

Japa of a mantra has twofold reactions, external and internal, the subtle wave
fronts of the sound waves created during the Japa, besides increasing the
physical and mental efficiency of the person. Japa creates mysterious effects
on the subtle centers of the body
“Chittam Mantraha” means your mind should become Mantra, then Atma
will dance dropping all egos and poisonous emotions. You will be in present
moment and in fullness.

“Manana TRiyate Iti Mantra” Manana means chant, TRiyate means

protects, one who chants the mantra , gives protective shield and creates a
‘New Body’ just like a bullet proof car.


From The Bhagavad Gita, Ch.10, Verse 25

The Blessed Lord said:

"Among words, I am the one syllable AUM"

The earth emerges from the waters; plants emerge from the
earth; human beings emerge from plants; speech comes from
human beings; and Aum comes from speech. Aum is the
essence of all essences. It is the highest of the high. It is the

Speech and breath combine to form Aum. Speech and breath are
like a couple in coitus, and Aum is their offspring. Aum is the
fulfillment of their desires.

The syllable Aum is the call to knowledge.

Aum is the supreme symbol of God. Aum is the whole. Aum

affirms. Aum is the sound which expresses all truth.

The priest begins worship with Aum. Spiritual teachers begin

their lessons with Aum; and their disciples open themselves to
those lessons with Aum.

Those in whom Aum resides are unified with Go

By merging in AUM, liberation is attained.

Taittiriya Upanishad 1:8

'A' stands for creation, relates to waking state,

'U' stands for preservation, and relates to dreaming state

'M' indicates destruction or dissolution relates to sleeping state

All these leading to 4th state viz TURYA which is beyond these three states
and represented by Silence.

Taittiriya Upanisad 2.1


This syllable OM is indeed Brahman. This syllable is the Highest.

Whosoever knows this syllable obtains all that he desires. This is the
best support; this is the highest support. Whosoever knows this
support is adored in the world of Brahma.

Katha Upanishad I, ii, 15-17

Om is both atman and brahman: it is the past, the present and the
future, as well as all that transcends time.

First level (Ahat) ‘A’ “U” ‘M’ chanting 3x

Second level (Anahat) ‘A’ “U” ‘M’ chanting 3 xs
Third level ( Ahat and Anahat) “OM” Chanting 3x
Fourth level (Ahat and Anahat ) ‘OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE

How the sounds help to heal

1. OM –pronounced O-O-O- , M-M-M vibrates through the spine to vitalize

the whole body.
2. The “H” in the six bija mantras proceeds from the heart, making the heart
beat more vigorously and helping in the purification of the blood.
3. The “M” sound at the end of five of the six bija mantras also helps the
blood when the breath is inhaled and exhaled through the nose. Also by
terminating each of the five mantras with the long “M” sound, the nose and
windpipe are kept healthy.
4. The “R” sound in the mantras is considered to be almost as important as
OM. By uttering the consonant “R” the tip of the tongue strikes the front
palate and vibrates the brain. Thus, by uttering each of the syllables in the
first five mantras, the heart, windpipe and brain are all invigorated.

Note: while reciting the bija mantras, one breathes in deeply through the
nose, and then opens the mouth for the “H” sound and closeit for “M”
sound. Remember all the sounds are long.

How to say the Sounds

1. OM” which precedes each of the six bija mantra is pronounced O-O-O,
M-M-M- to rhyme with ‘home’ Open the mouth for the O-O-O- and close it
for the M-M-M

2. HRIM: is pronounced H-R-A-A-A-M-M-M- to rhyme with ‘calm’. The

continuous long “A”in “HRAM” strengthens the rib cage, purges the
alimentary canal and cleanses and stimulates the upper portion of the lungs.
Thus this mantra can help in curing asthama and bronchitis.

3. HRIM: the long vowel “I” is pronounced “EE” to rhyme with “seen”.
Saying HRIM stimulates the action of the throat, palate, the nose and the
upper part of the heart, it also clears the respiratory and digestive passages of
It is the prime mantra of the Great Goddess and ruler of the worlds
and holds all her creative and healing powers. HRIM is the mantra of
the Divine Maya that destroys the worldly maya. It has a solar quality
to it but more of a dawn-like effect.
In Vedic terms HRIM is a mantra of the Sun, particularly in terms of
illumination. It increases our aspiration and receptivity to Divine light,
wisdom and truth.

4. HRUM: the long vowel, “U” is pronounced to rhyme with “room”. This
sound stimulates the liver, spleen, stomach and intestines and reduces the
abdomen. It is particularly important for women suffering from chronic
diseases of the lower abdomen.

5. HRAIM: the vowels “AI” are pronounced to rhyme with “time”. This stirs
up the kidneys and acts as a diuretic

6. HRAUM: the vowels “AU” are pronounced “OU” as in “round”. This

sound helps the rectum and anus to function normally.
7. HRAH: HRAH is said as “hurrah”, and acts to vibrate the chest and

The sound Rhymes with Areas afflicted/cured

OM HOME Spinal cord a general restorative

HRAM CALM Lungs helps with asthma n bronchitis
HRIM SEEM Throat palate, nose, and upper part of heart.
HRUM ROOM Clears respiration and digestive passages.
Liver, spleen, stomach and intestine
HRAIM TIME Energies Kidneys
HRAUM Au as Ou in Rectum and anus
HRAH as in Strengthens chest and throat

OM - activates crown chakra and open all pores in our body.

KRIM – activates Ajna chakra

KRIM (pronounced Kreem) governs over prana as lightning or

electrical energy. KRIM grants all spiritual faculties and powers - from
the arousing of kundalini to opening the third eye. It has a special
power relative to the lower chakras, which it can both stimulate and
transform. It helps awaken and purify the subtle body.

KRIM is the great mantra of Kali, the Goddess of energy and

transformation. It is also the mantra of Indra, the supreme deity of the
Vedas, the Divine as the cosmic lord and enlightenment force. KRIM
is the thunderbolt or vajra that destroys the serpent of the ignorance
and releases the light of absolute truth. As a mantra of work and
transformation, KRIM is the mantra of Kriya Yoga, the Yoga of
practice. It is the main mantra of the Yoga Shakti. KRIM carries the
supreme life force. It

HUM – it activates vishudhi chakra

HUM (pronounced Hoom) is a Vedic mantra of Agni or fire. It is the
mantra used to make offerings into the sacred fire. It is also used to
call or invoke the fire and to make it flame up more brilliantly. HUM is
a mantra of the inner fire or thermogenic force. It represents the soul
hidden the body, the Divine immanent in the world. It both calls the
divine down into us and offers our soul upward to the Divine for
transformation in the sacred fire of awareness.

HUM is a Shiva mantra; but it is also a mantra of Chandi, the fierce

form of Kali. It is used to destroy negativity and creates great passion
and vitality. It governs the earth and the material sphere in general.

HUM is a powerful mantra; hence it should be used carefully.

However, it can be used in a more gentle manner to invoke divine
grace and protection. Through it we can offer ourselves or our
afflictions into the Divine for purification and transformation

is a strong mantra; use it with care.

SHRIM – it activates Anahat chakra

SHRIM (pronounced Shreem) is a mantra for prosperity, love,

devotion and beauty.

SHRIM is a Lakshmi mantra, the Goddess of Beauty and divine

grace. Yet SHRIM works at a deeper level than merely to give us the
good things of life, including health. It takes us to the heart and gives
faith and steadiness to our emotional nature.

KLEEM – it activates Swadhistan chakra

Kleem mantra is used for gaining matter and material things. It helps to
build the relationship. You can make a wish like gaining vehicles, house etc.
This is a powerful mantra to attract friend’s people around you. Diety is
Goddess Gowri

There is no mandatory number of times to say these mantras. However,

minimum 10x, proceeded by OM.
It has been inferred that if you utter the mantra by mouth producing sound,
you will get one unit of benefit. If it is done in the fashion of JAPA, you will
get 10 units of benefits. If it is done just by movement of lips without
producing physical sound, you will get 100 units of benefits. If the same is
done mentally without lip movement or sound, then the benefit you will be
deriving is 1000 units!

Gayathri Mantra Table

Chakras Mantras Levels
Crown Om Satyam Higher Self
Ajna Om Tapa subtle soul
Vishudhi Om Jana Sound, Bliss sheath
Anahatha Om Maha Knowledge sheath
Manipura Om Sva the intellect body
Swadhistana Om Bhuva the mental body;
Mooladhara Om Bhu the physical body

Proper recitation with utmost devotion takes you very near to God.
As mentioned in the chakra chart, each energy centre has a specific mantra.
To put it simply, place your hands on the afflicted parts and see the results
pouring in. Further, a combination of cosmic energy and recitation of holy
incantation gives ultimate results, activates the seven energy centers, even if
it is recited just once with a pure heart and a true yearning.

Mantra removes all fears, removes diseases from all levels, destroys Karma
and blesses us with liberation

The benefits are in fact too many to find proper expression. The aspirant will
definitely experience something more during the process of his continuous

Medition: State your goal, affirm, and chant a particular mantra better
starting in ‘Ahat’
9 times, n then in ‘Anahat’ at least for 10 minutes.

Second Level

Om Aim Hrim Klim Camunda Yai Vic Ce

OM: the infinite beyond conception
AIM: creation, rajo guna, energy of desire, Mahasarasvati,
HRIM: preservation, sattva guna, energy of action, Mahalaksmi,
KLIM: destruction, tamo guna, energy of wisdom, Mahakali,
CAMUNDA: the slayer of passion and anger moves in the head
YAI: the grantor of boons
VIC: in the body of knowledge; in the perception
CE: of consciousness

This is a very powerful mantra. Consider making a sankalpa (wish), a

firm commitment, to chant it a certain number of times each day,
morning and evening, to obtain the Grace of Mother Divine during the
9 days of Navaratri.
Medidate: You can use this mantra for meditation and in Pranayam.

Third level

Narayana Kavacha,

One must first touch kusa grass( if you don’t find, just skip this) n wash
one’s mouth with achmana mantras. Sit silently facing north. After
completely purified chant 8 syllable mantra “Om namo narayanaya’ saying
each syllable n touch 8 parts of the body, starting touching from the 2 feet,
knees, thighs, abdomen, heart, chest, mouth, head.

Then one should chant the mantra in reverse beginning from the last syllable
“YA” while touching the parts of his body in the reverse order. These 2
processes are known as Utpathi nyasa n Samhara nyasa respectively.

Then one should chant the mantra composed of 12 syllables ‘Om namo
bhagavathe Vasudevaya”. Preceding each syllable by the ‘Omkara’ one
should place the syllables of mantra on the tips of his fingers, beginning with
the index finger of the right hand and concluding with index finger of the
left. The 2 remaining syllables should be placed on the joints of the thumbs.

One must then chant the mantra of 6 syllables “Om vishnave namah’ n
should place the syllables on the following parts respectively.
Om - on his heart

Vi - on the top of his head

Sa - between his eye brows,

Na - On his tuft of hair (shikha)

Ve - between his eyes

Na - On all the joints of his body

Ma - Ma as being a weapon, meditate on it.

Thereafter adding visarga to the final syllable ‘Ma”should chant the mantra
“Mah astraya phat” in all the directions beginning from the east. In this way
all directions will be bound by the protective armour of the mantra.

After finishing one should think himself qualitatively one with the Supreme

Touching the lotus feet n pray “Lord, who sat on Garuda, who hold 8
weapons, concheshell, disc, shield, sword, club, arrows, bow, n ropes, May
the supreme Lord protect me at all times with his 8 arms, n with the mystic

Meditation: pick any of these mantras n meditate on it regularly for at least

45 days continuously without a break for the good results.

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