Terramap Brochure

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We (TerraMap) provide complete range of GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Surveying and
Digital mapping services solutions.
We are a full service consulting firm with a team of highly trained, experienced professionals, such as land
surveyors, civil engineers, GIS professionals and photogrammetrists. Our experienced customer service, and
use of latest technology assure our clients to receive the highest quality services.
Our goal is to provide efficient, reliable, cost effective, outstanding services for all our customers’ needs.
Knowing that we are in the service business allow us to focus on the specific needs of each client and
allocate resources and energies necessary to accomplish each goal in every project.
We also give intensive training and consultancy services on surveying, computerized mapping, GIS, GPS and
remote sensing solutions.

Remote Sensing and Geographic information system

We provide geospatial information services from the majority of commercial and public Geographic Information
Systems and Remote Sensing platforms and aid clients with their geospatial problems in the resource
management, environmental monitoring, mapping, surveillance and intelligence domains.
We offer:
- Project Management
- Strategic Implementation Planning
- Modeling and Model Integration
- System Engineering / Systems Integration
- Operation Support
- Programming
- Hardware-Software Integration
- Map and Data Production
-Quality Assurance / Quality Control


Ground Survey and Photogrammetry techniques are used to obtain digital maps.
There are numerous types of survey that can be preformed by our land surveyors, whatever your survey
needs, we have the experience to handle them.
We offer the following services for the Ground Survey

Ground Control Survey : to establish horizontal and vertical monuments for all kind of surveys by using GPS
and differential leveling.
Topographic survey : graphic delineation in detail of natural and man-made features of a property, showing
their relative positions and elevations with require accuracy.
Cadastral survey : to identify the accurate boundaries of land plots
Planning and Engineering Survey: to plan design and construct high way, railroad, pipeline, etc..
Hydrographic survey : to define shore line, nature of bottom and depth of reservoirs, river, oceans, etc..
Construction Survey and Staking : line, grade, control elevation, horizontal position, dimension and
configuration for construction.
Leveling Services: To implement urban and rural development for drainage and canal system and to plan
engineering survey to obtain accurate elevation data above mean sea level.

We offer Vertical and Close Range Photogrammetry.

Photogrammetry is the science of making scale-accurate maps from aerial images that are captured using
precision-mapping camera and satellite sensors. Orthophoto, Planimetric and Topographic maps are produced
using photogrammetry. Photogrammetry allows us to accurately and economically collect large amount of
mapping data that is essential to the planning and design for highways, railroads, canals, pipelines,
transmission lines, reservoirs, flood control structure, urban renewal project, construction of infrastructure
projects, site development, utilities and spatial data for Geographic I nformation Systems (GI S).
We provide
• Aerial Triangulation
• 3D Geospatial information data capturing
• 3D topographic Mapping
• Orthophoto and True Orthophoto production
• Digital Elevation Model
• Edit and map furnishing
• 3D Texture mapping including 3D terrain Virtual reality model and 3D city modeling
• Visualization and animation of the 3D model
• Digital base Map for GIS application
Close Range Photogrammetry
• Accident reconstruction
• Scientific and engineering
• Architecture and archaeological measurement (to protect ,preserve and archive the ancient monument design
of the historical sites )


In the field of route selection and design, using of RS/ GIS and photogrammetry to assist in area and corridor
studies and to select the most desirable and economical location of optimum highways, railroad, pipelines,
transmission lines, etc.
Then by using conventional survey, we perform detail topographic survey along the selected alignment using
total stations and RTK GPS. And we redesign for the selected alignment according to the client’s specification
of road design standard. Our output are horizontal curve, longitudinal profile, vertical curve, cross section,
super elevation, mass haul diagram, cut and fill report.
Our service in route design also involves small scale topographic maps using high altitude aerial photos and
satellite imagery for preliminary planning and large scale topographic maps, Digital Terrain Model derived
from detail topographic surveying and photogrammetry for final design.
Our most up-to-date service is using LIDAR applications, for digital terrain model (DTM), earth work, cross-
section, plan and profile.


Handheld GPS
Mapping grade GPS ( recreational and professional ) Equipment for small weather station
Survey grade GPS ( PPS, PPK and RTK solutions ) Echo sounder
Differential reference station Tide Gauges
GPS receiver, antenna and accessories Wave Gauges
Current meters
Wave recorder
OPTICAL Sound velocity sensor
Level (automatic and digital) Echo sounder and bathymetry
Surveying Instruments accessories

Surveying Training Course Contents

We offer the basic and advanced training courses for surveying.
Type of surveys
Basic Trigonometry
Angles, bearings, azimuths and coordinates
Levelling – methods, equipment, field procedures, computation and adjustment
Profile surveying – Longitudinal and cross section
Traversing – methods, field procedures, computation and adjustments
Topographic surveying – data format, data downloading/ uploading data processing in CAD
Introduction to setting out survey
Introduction to Global Positioning System.

Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing

We offer the basic and advanced training courses for GIS and Remote Sensing:

Geographic Information Systems Training Course Outlines Remote Sensing Training Course Outline
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Introduction to Remote Sensing
Data Structure and Data Models Remote Sensing Sensors and Platforms
Data Capture and Digitizing Digital Image Processing
Spatial Database Management Systems Feature Identification and Classification
Spatial Analysis Ortho photo creation and DEM generation
Map Layout and Map Design and Digital Cartography RS Applications
GIS Applications


Myanmar Office:

TerraMap Company Limited

No 42/ B,Room 4B
New University Avenue,
Bahan Township, Yangon,
Myanmar 11201
Tel : 95-1-553875

Singapore Office:

41 Toh Guan Road

# 02-01 ADL Building
Singapore 608605
Tel:65-6618 5595 / 65-9846 3577
Fax: 65-6266 4175

Email : [email protected]
Web site : www.terramap-myanmar.com

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