Thesis Statement Activity
Thesis Statement Activity
Thesis Statement Activity
Sunderman/English 1A
Adapted from
4. A good thesis will provide structure for your paper. A good thesis not only signals to the reader what your main point is, but how you are going to develop that main point. This can be signaled directly: American fearfulness expresses itself in three curious ways: A, B, and C. This tells your reader you have three main points, and that they are going to be discussed in your paper in this order. However, this kind of thesis statement may be too formulaic or too constricting for all papers. You could instead say, Americans are fearful, and this fearfulness manifests itself in the form of violence. The reader knows that you will then show examples of American fearfulness, and will tell how that fearfulness turns into violence. Again, your thesis statement is a contract. If you suggest a structure or a particular ordering principle and then abandon it, the reader will feel betrayed, irritated and confused.
Is the language in my thesis vivid and clear? Is it formulaic, or is it engaging and interesting?
Sunderman, English 1A