A Case Study On Gangadevipally

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A Case Study on Gangadevipally

A Model Village

Nirmala Gram Puraskar

Bharat Ratna Rajiv Gandhi Best Gram Panchayat Award

Submitted to:

National Institute of Rural Development



National Seminar on Building of Model Villages through Panchayat Raj Institutions

S u b m i t t e d by :

Gangadevipally Village
Geesukonda Mandal, Warangal District Andhra Pradesh 506330 Mobile: 9849452813

A Case study on Gangadevipally

11th July, 2010

To Dr. E. Venkatesu Seminar Coordinator Center for Panchayati Raj National Institute of Rural Development Rajendernagar, Hyderabad - 500 030 Sub: Submission of case study on Gangadevipallya model village Dear Sri. Venkatesu Garu We are pleased to submit the case study on our village as per the guide lines provided by you. Hope this will meet your requirements of the proposed seminar on 9th and 10th August, 2010. We would be please to share the same during the workshop if required. We thank you for your cooperation and encouragement. Please acknowledge the receipt of the case study. With best wishes

Mr. Kusam Raja Mouli Sarpanch

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A Case study on Gangadevipally




Gangadevipally is like any normal village in India with multiple social, economic, political etc problems. The village was lacking basic needs such as water, health, education etc. People were desperate for external assistance but they were not getting needed help from government or any other organization as they lack unity among the community and cooperation among the leaders. The villagers were living with unrest and hopelessness. A committed leader Mr. Kusam Raja Mouli was not comfortable with his village situation. He wants to bring changes in the village where unity prevails and people cooperate, participate in initiating innovative activities using local resources rather than being desperate for external assistance. He realized the importance of peoples true participation for community sustainable development. He shared his dreams and convinced his fellow leaders and through them the total community. As an initial step, they succeeded in banning the sale and consumption of alcohol after few years of sincere efforts. This was able to bring peace in the community. To provide better services to the village, the leaders approached Bala Vikasa Social Service Society a Warangal based NGO for assistance in solving the drinking water problem. At the suggestion and motivation of Bala Vikasa, the community got united strongly and contributed their money, time and labor in completing the project which provided a permanent solution to their water needs. This success boosted the villagers to dream together and work together. This spirit of unity, innovativeness, committed leadership, active participation and contributions of the community etc. has changed the destiny of the village. Now every citizen of the village is proud of their achievements and living with dignity and security. Gangadevipally village is now setting new trends in community development since two decades. The innovative approaches in community sustainable development at Gangadevipally village are attracting thousands of visitors every year from different sections of the society not only from India but from many other countries.



The village receives at least 3-4 visits every month form different organizations. Mr. Chellappa, Panchayath Raj commissioners, AP chamber of Commerce and industries Chairman Mr. Goyanka, APARD commissioner Sr. Uma Maheswar Rao, APARD commissioner Sri. Phani Kumar, Chairman Andhra Bank Sri. K. Rama Krishnan, Andhra Bank Executive Director Sri. Anil Girothra, Tollywood Mega Star and PRP president Mr. Chiranjeevi visited the village at the time his entry into state politics. IAS officers, Revenue officials, DPOs from all districts of AP, District collectors, Ministers, MPs, MLAs, ZP representatives such as ZP chair persons and ZPTCs from AP and other states, Mptc and MPPs, hundreds of Village Presidents, ward members etc. And also many development practitioners and students from Canada, USA, Italy, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tanzania, Ghana, Cambodia, Thailand, Korea, Australia, Africa etc. Bala Vikasa Founders Mr. Andre Gingras and Mrs. Bala Theresa Gingras, Lions club District Governors, members and many more representatives from NGOs in AP and India.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally The leaders of Gangadeviapally are now invited as resource persons for the training programs organized by different departments and voluntary organizations as follows.



During 2010, Google Inc has awarded Rs. 5,00,000 each to 5 best performing villages in Andhra Pradesh. Ganagadevipally is one of them and the remaining 3 out of 4 have taken inspiration and assistance from Gangadevipally to transform themselves into a model village. Hundreds of villages under the care of Bala Vikasa and other societies are walking in the foot steps of Gangadevipally village. The above is a clear indication of how the village is creating inspiration to rural India.



The success of Gangadevipally is a reality of Gandhijis dream Grama Swarajy. 40% of the current residents in the village are immigrants to village in the last 15 years due to improved facilities, unity, peace, prosperity, opportunities etc. The development approaches and results achieved in Gangadevipally are influencing the policy makers at state and central. The village development committee produced books, video documentaries and websites on the village success and inspiring millions of people in India. Print and electronic media is also showcasing the success of the village on various occasions.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally




Gandhiji has long back dreamt for Grama Swarajy where in each village is basically self-reliant, making provision for all necessities of life - food, clothing, clean water, sanitation, housing, education and so on, including government and all socially useful amenities required by a community. Equality and social justice prevail in the village promoting human, spiritual, ethical and social values. The community adopts eco friendly and sustainable agricultural practices ensuring the security for future generations. Villagers live with unity and discipline without any discrimination of caste, religion, political, class etc. Community will dream together about their future and work together for its achievement under able leadership where in people just dont fight for their rights but put in sincere and committed efforts towards their obligations as a citizen of the village and nation at large. The community adopts modern technology to bring efficiency in production and enhancing economic opportunities. Opportunities are provided to every citizen to live in peace with dignity and security. Indicators of a Model Village are:

Level of unity among the villagers Level of commitment, competence, transparency of the community leaders Number of people participating in the grama sabha and community development activities. Number of economic opportunities that exist to the community. Number of initiatives taken up by the community mobilizing local resources. Level of community and leadership dynamics Annual income and purchase abilities Number of services available to the citizens i.e. education, health, finance, water, transport, entertainment, temples etc. Number and type of natural and physical resources developed in the community. Number of people paying taxes, power bills etc. Number of families immigrating to the village Number, type and level of awards received by the village Number of institutions intervening Number of visitors such as GP representative, Govt. officials, Politicians, Media, NGOs, international guests to the village. Level of influence by the village in policy makings at district, state and central level.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally

Agriculture is the major income source for the village. But the villagers have mobilized financial resources in an innovative manner internally and also from other sources such as Cash awards, NGO and Government Funds etc. for the village integrated development. Revenue from drinking water projects Many GPs suffer from lack funds for effective regular repairs and maintenance of the water project. But the water projects its self have become an important source of income generation in Gangadevipally due to innovative approach. A total of 20,00,000 revenue was generated through water tank and water purification since 1993. After meeting all the project maintenance expenses and spending the following amounts for development programs, the village still have a balance of Rs. 3,50,000.
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Village development activity Construction of Water committee office + compound wall Purchase of land for hanuman Temple Purchase of land for Veterinary hospital Construction of Vikasa Training Center 300 avenue plants with tree guards Purchase of land for 2 OHTs and water committee office Matching fund to lay CC roads in the village Publications on village development Village level meetings, Annual General Body meetings of water project members, leadership training, training to women, exposure visits, visitors etc. Equipment and other items for uninterrupted 3 phase power supply to water projects Total Year Amount 1,50,000 75,000 150,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,40,000 150,000 2,00,000 70,000 12,35,000

Details of awards and incentives received and the amounts spent for development programs between 2007-10
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Awards Mandal level best village Mandal level best village District level best village 100% savings award at district level District level best village District level best village LIC bheema gram District level best village Nirmal Gram Puraskar Award ( added incentive from Collector) Bharatha Ratna Rajiv Gandhi best village award at national level AP government Subram (Central + Dist) District level best Gram Panchayath District level best performing Sarpanch and Secretary award Google Total income from awards Year 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1999 2003-04 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 500,000 10,72,650 Proposed for CC roads 125,000 6,150 Side drainage system Amount Dev. activity

8,675 4,325 25,000 3,500 2,00,000 2,00,000 Underground drainage system

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A Case study on Gangadevipally Mobilization resources from NGOs, Visitors, well wishers etc
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Asset building Two Drinking Water Tanks De-fluorination Plant Veternary Hospital Vikasa Training Center Bus Shelter Desiltation of Pragathi (Pandulakunta) Tank Class room furniture Class room furniture CC road Total Donor Bala Vikasa AP Chamber of Commerce TATA Projects Andhra Bank Bala Vikasa Lions Club of Ekashila Bala Vikasa LION member Bala Vikasa PRP leader- K. Laxmikanth Worth 660000 350000 500000 200000 40000 200000 30000 60000 100000 2140000

Ganga dish services The community have mobilized membership fee and established a community based dish-TV services. There is a surplus of Rs. 80,000 in this project and the amount is revolved as loans to members. The income generated is used for the maintenance of the dish-TV project. Income from visitors The water committee is charging an amount of Rs. 1600 from each group visiting the village in the recent times. It has now pooled an approximate amount of Rs. 75,000 through this source and this will be utilized for capacity building activities of the villagers. Social risk Management Every family has taken an insurance policy with Life Insurance corporation of India. For this achievement the village was given Bheema Gram award. Natural resources The villagers have converted an existing irrigation tank into percolation tank to ensure that the irrigation and drinking water bore wells will have sufficient water for present for future generation. They have pooled about Rs. 15,00,000 from community, Bala Vikasa Social Service Society, government. The community is making sincere efforts to construct check dams, percolation ponds to further facilitate in ground water improvement. Enhancing agriculture revenues The farmers were doing traditional crops such as cotton, paddy, chilly, maize, pulses etc. With proper motivation to the women and progressive farmers now the village is able to produce vegetables in 150 acres and increased income by 30-40% compared to the previous years. The women are playing key role in the vegetable cultivation.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally

Women economic empowerment Every women in the village is a member of women self help groups in the village. To have better access to credit for undertaking micro-income generation activities the women in the village have pooled an amount of Rs. 30,00,000 in the form of regular savings. In the course of time the women have learnt to be united and disciplined in the group. The women decided to undertake income generation activities to support their families and also to get economic independence. The women recognized that dairy and vegetable cultivation could be a better opportunity for their economic development. They have approached local Andhra Bank for further assistance and availed approximately Rs. 40,00,000 credit for both dairy and agricultural purposes especially for cultivation of vegetables. Now more than 90% of the families are producing milk. This way the women are earning regular incomes not only through sale of milk but also through the vegetables. This resulted in making the women as major contributors of family and village economy. The women are living with confidence, security and dignity as a result of this new economic empowerment. The women are able to provide better education opportunities to their children and improve the living standards of their families. GP revenues Since the creation of Gangadevipally Grama Panchyath, the villagers are paying house taxes 100% on time. This is one unique achievement in revenue collections. General economic flow in the village as per 2009-10 A. Economic sources to village: Women groups savings and credit from bank/govt etc. Agriculture loans from cooperative and banks Private loan repayment loans by Andhra Bank Private advances Personal funds B. Income to the village: Agriculture income Dairy, emu birds, Goat raring etc. Transport and equipment hire charges Private employment sources ( 65 people) EGS Rs. In Lakhs : Rs. 90 : Rs. 43 : Rs. 11 : Rs. 15 : Rs.100 In Lakhs : Rs. 599 : Rs. : Rs. : Rs. : Rs. 40 8 75 10

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A Case study on Gangadevipally

Traditionally it is the responsibility of the Gram Panchyaths to provide the primary needs of the community such as Drinking water, Health, Education, Sanitation, Street lights etc. But to provide effective services to the villagers the Gram Panchayath has organized peoples committees as given here. As some of the responsibilities of Gram Panchayath are effectively discharged by different committees, the village President finds comfortable time to approach and convince the Govt. authorities, NGOs and other philanthropists for pooling financial resources for the betterment of the village and coordinate the committees in a more effective way.
# 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Committee Gramapanchayath Committee Conflict Resolving and Streetlights Maintenance Committee Prohition Committee Drinking Water Committee Ganga Dish Committee Clean and Green Committee Health Committee Craft Persons' Coordination Committee Civil supplies' Committee Loans Recovery Committee Mothers' Committee Gramykya Sangham Education Committee Women's Problem Resolving Committee Chaitany Sikshana Committee Rythu Vikasa Committee Women's Development Committee Youth Committee Internal Audit Committee Plastics Nivarana Committee Coordination Committee of All Committees Year 1995 1973 1982 1993 1995 1999 2000 2000 2000 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 Male 6 8 4 19 16 7 3 9 6 4 0 0 8 0 5 7 0 14 3 0 119 30 Members Female Total 3 9 3 1 8 3 4 4 2 3 3 9 5 1 17 2 2 11 5 2 15 103 12 11 5 27 19 11 7 11 9 7 9 5 9 17 7 9 11 19 5 15 222 42



The above committees are functioning with great commitment and transparency. As there are 22 committees in the village, majority of the families participate and get an opportunity to lead some or the other committee. All the villagers abide by the decisions of the committee. Thus the villagers are decision makers, participants in the village development. All committees Coordination Committee is headed by the Gram Panchyath President. This committee consists of Presidents and Secretaries of all the existing committees. If there is any laxity in the functioning and implementation of any decision by any committee this committee intervenes, trouble shoots and paves way for smooth discharge of service. .

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A Case study on Gangadevipally A. Drinking Water Committee Before 1993 the village faced severe water scarcity. Under the aegis, guidance and support of Balavikasa the villagers were formed into 18 groups and leaders were elected from each group thus a water committee is formed in the village. The committee consists of another 6 co-opted members. The village President is made as an Ex-Officio Chairman of Water Committee. The Collective efforts of the Committee and villagers made possible contribution of money and labor to build two over head tanks of 1,00,000 liters capacity within five years. There are 244 individual tap connections in the village. Recognizing the successful performance of the water committee TATA Projects have donated a water purification Plant in 2004. These two resources are providing sufficient water to the entire village. Rules and regulations for water supply from OHTs

Lifetime Membership fee for individual tap connection is decided by the Committee. No monthly rentals/ fee are charged.

There is no public tap in the village. The tenants and temporarily residing families with no tap connection can collect water from neighboring families and pay an amount of Rs. 50 per month to the Water Committee.

Sufficient water is available from 6- 10 am every day. On Celebrations and Functions the families have to pay Rs. 50 for required water.

To maintain uniform distribution of water each tap connection is restricted with 1/2 diameter pipe and minimum 4 feet height from the distribution pipe line.

To control the water wastage every connection must have a regulating tap. Water supply is disconnected if any family is found watering the plants directly from tap, overflowing from the tubs, and water stagnation at the tap surroundings or on/off regulator is not fixed. The families have to pay a penalty of Rs. 100 for reconnection. Until the penalty is paid neighbors are not allowed to give water.

Stipulations for safe drinking water supply through water purification project

Every family in the village is provided safe drinking water of 20 liters per day on payment of Rs. 300 per annum (which is less than a Rupee per day)

Additional can of water is supplied at Rs. 2. Each family must ensure that the cans are sufficiently cleaned.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally Added services by the water committee Of the revenues generated through water tank and purification projects, the committee allocated an approximate amount of Rs. 13 lakhs for different development activities as shown in the table under economic dimension section. Health Committee The village does not have a health clinic. Therefore, the villagers organized a health committee with local RMP doctors, Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM), Anganwadi Teacher, Aya and Health worker. This committee basically looks into the awareness creation among the community on different preventive measures, and provide consultation, first aid and referring to PHCs or any appropriate hospitals. They also accompany the pregnant women for safe delivery at maternity hospitals and assist them for eligible benefits from government and other sources. Motivate and mobilize the patients for 104- Services monthly medial camp in the village. Achievements of the committee from 2000

100% survival of new born babies and their inoculation and immunization 100% couples limit to only two children and undergo sterilization. 100% children below 5 years are given regular vaccinations. 100% pregnant women are ensured the supply of nutritious food and required treatment.

Education Committee A 9 member Committee is organized with an objective of improving the literacy rate in the village and effective functioning of the government school. The government school in the village though is upgraded to 10th standard in the year 2009 -10 has achieved 93% result in the first batch itself, which the highest among the government schools of Gessukonda mandal. All the telugu medium students from the village are pursuing their education in the village itself due to the committed efforts of the education committee. Achievements by the committee

100% adult literacy Procured sufficient infrastructure to the school from government and donors and upgraded from primary to high school. Procured funds from Bala Vikasa, LIC, Lions club, Gram Panchayath etc for furniture. 100% enrollment of eligible children in schools since 2000. Improved the confidence among the parents on government school.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally Gram Panchyath Committee The gram panchyath committee looks after the drainage system by regular maintenance, the committee educated and enforced the construction of ISL by all the families (with the support of government and Bala Vkasa) 100% usage of the toilets was also enforced to the villagers. The Gram Panchyath as decided in the grama sabha went on to impose a penalty of Rs 500 for open Defecation. Ganga Dish Committee Ganga Dish Committee was established 1995 to prevent the exploitation by the service providers and also to ensure uninterrupted connectivity to the entertainment and enlightenment on different community development projects for the households. Achievements

190 families are connected on payment of life membership. No monthly charges.. The committee has a surplus fund of Rs. 51,893/- which is revolved in the form of loans to the members the interest generated is used for maintenance.

Dispute Resolving and Street Lights Maintenance Committee A committee was formed to facilitate in resolving the disputes that arises among the villagers. Due to the efforts of this committee not even a single FIR was registered in the police station in the past 15 years. The same committee looks after the street lights. In 1975 there were only 3 streetlights in the village but now the number rose to 60. The committee educates the consumers on the moral, ethical aspects of heinous practices of power theft and also on the importance regular bill payments. Women Problems Resolving Committee This Committee was elected by the leaders of the women Self Help Groups and Women Ward Members. The purpose of the committee is to eradicate domestic violence. They extend emotional counseling to the disputing couples and in-laws and persuade them to live with peace, harmony, love and respect one another. Farmers Development Committee This committee initiates to create awareness among the farmers to adopt appropriate practices, technologies etc for sustainable agriculture. The following are the achievements:

Organized the farmers in to Raithu Vikasa Sangam and fostered the habit of regular savings.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally

Identified potential crops for higher incomes and increased the vegetable cultivation from 25 acres 150 acres.

Organize regular motivation camps inviting resource persons from agriculture department, NGOs etc.

Promoting organic cultivation Tank desiltation for water conservation Planning for more number of water conservation measures.

Youth Committee The committee encourages the youth to participate in community development activities of the village. The youth committee takes responsibility in organizing the village festivals and functions. They also monitor the proper functioning of village library. Loans Recovery Committee This committee endeavors for credit and advances to farmers, women etc form banks and other institutions for different income generating activities. The committee motivates the borrowers and ensures 100% timely loan repayment to the lenders. They cultivate the habit of commitment and discipline among the villagers. Committee to minimize the use of Plastics and Polythene To bring awareness on the hazards of the indiscriminate use of plastic and its byproducts, an all Women Member committee is formed in 2010. Villagers are educated not to litter them but keep them in identified bins and send it for recycling. Clean and Green Committee This committee looks after maintenance of clean and green in the village. The following are the achievements:

Take up avenue plantation and also ensure 100% survival by entrusting the responsibility to individual families. .

Denial of purified water to the families that are negligent in maintaining greenery and in cleaning the slots allocated to them on the streets.

Mothers Committee This committee monitors effective distribution of nutritious food supply to mother and children from ICDS. The mothers are provided counseling on better upbringing of their children.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally Civil Supplies Committee This Committee ensures that no fraud or corruption takes place in supply of food and other essential commodities through the ration shops on subsidized rates. The disputes arising between the dealer and the villagers are settled by the committee. Chaitanya Shikshana Committee A special committee is formed with active leaders in the village to explain the progress of the village to the visitors from Government departments, Gram panchyaths, Media, NGOs etc. from India and abroad. The committee charges Rs. 1,600 per visit from the visitors. The village is receiving an average 2 visits a week. Prohibition Committee in 1982 To improve the peace, harmony and prosperity of the village a special committee was organized in the village to ban the sale and consumption of alcohol. Though there was tough resistance from the local producer, sellers and consumers the committee effected complete ban. This alcohol free situation is the first victory of the villagers which encouraged them to come together and identify the issues and problems and work in tandem to find solutions and implementation. Gramaykya Sangham This is a federation of all the self help groups in the village. It is constituted with the leaders of different groups in the village. The committee coordinates and monitors the functioning of all the SHGs in the village and procures available benefits to the members from banks and different government departments. Social Audit Committee To ensure transparency and accountability among different committees in the village a special committee is formed to audit all the financial transactions from time to time. Craft persons Coordination Committee This committee ensures that there is a good cooperation and just payments between the service providing occupational groups such as blacksmith, carpenter, barber, dhobhi etc. and the general public.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally

Social relations The villagers live harmony without discrimination of caste, religion, political etc. The village unity is so strong that no political interventions can do any damage our unity. The community is trying to provide dignity and security to all the under privileged people such as orphans, widows, aged, disabled etc. Gender The villagers are providing equal opportunities to women as much as possible in taking part in village leadership. Electing 100% women twice to gram panchayath and also in five other committees is just one indication of due recognition to the women folk in the village. The participation of women in the village development is on par or even more than the man in the village. Child Rights The eligible age children are sent 100% to the schools to ensure that every child enjoys their right to education. There is no case of child marriage in the village since 1993. All the children are also provided with regular vaccinations and also nutritious food through Anganwadi Mothers committee. Orphan children (3), widows (61), Differently abled (31) and Aged People (50) The Gram panchayath is ensuring that all the deserving candidates get the available benefits from government and other agencies. Apart from this, the community is providing economic support to the poor orphan children in the village for their education. The services by different committees such a water supply, cable TV etc are provided at subsidized rates as a token of their concern to differently abled persons.

Gangadevipally is now recognized as a model village at national level for its innovative community development approaches since 2 decades. Fostering unity, active participation of the community in local asset mobilization, decision making, planning, implementing and monitoring along with initiation of innovative activities in well disciplined manner under the committed, competent, transparent leadership shared without any discrimination of caste, political, religion etc are the main causes for the achievement of todays development in the village. . Gangadevipally bifurcated from Machapur Gram Panchyath in 1994. By this time, the villagers have already set new trends in community development. To continue the trend of being

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A Case study on Gangadevipally innovative and initiative, the villagers have unanimously decided to encourage the women leadership in the village and elected 100% women representatives in 1995 to the gram panchayath though only 3 positions were reserved for ladies. Satisfied with the performance of the women members the same trend was continued in electing 100% women representatives even in the second term during 2001 though the President position was general. The women leadership in gram panchayath during the first 10 years has promoted different development committees such as Women Problems Resolving Committee , health committee, clean and green committee, loans recovery committee, ganga dish committee, education committee etc and achieved the following results in their tenure with the active cooperation and participation of the villagers:

100 % family planning after two children since year 2000 100% families have toilets and 100% families use them 2003. 100% literacy by 2003 100% property taxes collection sine 1996 100% families practice small savings 1999 100% women are organized into Self help Groups 100% families insured with LIC 100% families have access to purified drinking water 100% school age going children enrollment in the schools

Leadership is shared by majority of the families in the village through different committees. People are united and take active participation not only in the meeting but in decision making, planning, implementing, monitoring, managing etc. conducting an average of 20 grama sabhas in a year is clear indication of the dynamics that exist in the village. The villagers are also promoting new generation leadership in the community to ensure the sustainability of the development process. Micro planning for integrated development of the village is prepared and the community is gearing the efforts in mobilizing resources and implementation. It has been a long practice in the village for people to dream together and work together for the village development. Therefore, any activity is taken with full consensus, commitment and participation in a true bottom up approach.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally

The following are the grants that are received from 10th Finance corporation, State Finance corporation and BRGF.
Year 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Total TFC 57794 16248 47524 49864 171430 SFC 6826 16365 5544 6826 35561 50408 28000 28000 106408 BRGF

The above amounts are used by the Gram panchayath towards improving the drainage system and CC roads in the village. These facilities are supporting the villagers in maintaining cleanliness in the village which helped them to get clean award by the AP government in 2009. .



The village is using the advance technologies in the fields of communication, entertainment, water purification, agriculture etc as follows: Websites Gangadevipally is the first ever village to have its own website www.gangadevipally.org which is launched during 2007 with the support of Bala Vikasa Social Service Society. Later during 2010 another website www.gangadevipalli.in in English was launched by AMR- Andhra Pradesh Academy for Rural Development (APARD) in English. The village development practices of Gangadevipally are explained on these sites. Thousands of visitors are counted on these websites. Ganga Dish Committee The village has community owned TV cable network which is used not only for entertainments but for community motivation on various aspects of health, environment, agriculture etc. 90% of families own a Television in the village. Community Radio With the support of Central Government efforts are in progress to launch a community radio in the village with an objective of motivating the local communities on community development approaches. Computerized office The village secretariat is equipped with computer and internet access. The village data is stored in the computer for effective monitoring and services to the citizens.

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A Case study on Gangadevipally Mobile phones Every family in the village is now connected to mobile phones and connected well to the society. Some families have more than one phone. Water purification To protect the villagers from water born diseases, the community is using Reverse Osmosis (RO) Technology and supplying safe drinking water to every family in the village. Modern farm equipment Modern crop harvesters are used by the villagers for paddy, maize etc crops for saving time, energy and money. Motivational and promotional material Two video documentaries are produced on Gangadevipally as a model village. One in Telugu with the support of Bala Vikasa and another in English with the support of APARD a government undertaking institution.

The people of Gangadevipalli are now proud with the success achieved in the village. It is a truly transformed village with inspiring model to other rural communities in India. The villagers now believe that United we stand and divided we fall. They also believe in one for all and all for one. Unity and innovation is the trade mark of the village. Though the village has achieved substantial development there is still to do. The success and the recognition received by the village is now igniting the total community to achieve more and more in an innovative way. The learning of Gangadevipally are replicable as it is the same situation in the villages of India. If one can do other can do too provided the community believes in its own strengths and walk and talk alike. In a positive community, there will be great potential for the intervention of different organizations whose objective is sustainable community driven development. The society is polluted with selfish leaders, lack of values, negative thoughts etc. In this situation, it becomes paramount important that the thinks tanks of the society such as the intellectuals, politicians, bureaucrats, social activities, media and all the other stake holder put in concerted efforts in transforming the villages. Mr. Kusam Raja Mouli Sarpanch Gangadevipally Village Geesukonda Mandal Warangal District Andhra Pradesh 506330 Mobile: 9849452813

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