Autopot 1
Autopot 1
Autopot 1
making a difference
located on 100 acres in tanjung tualang, a small town in the major tin-mining Kinta district, known as Kinta Valley in Perak, an ambitious sustainable agriculture project is underway. With marginal land leased from the state agriculture development Corporation of Perak, Koperasi atlet Malaysia Berhad and iris Corporation Berhad are mobilising compassion, innovation and creativity to build a profitable yet eco-efficient, sustainable agro enterprise.
This first-of-its-kind project is expected to create a sustainable agro farming community combine modern farming technology with Good Agriculture Practices provide jobs for approximately 200 to 300 locals with priority to former athletes, single mothers and those with special needs yield high value, premium crops such as Golden Melon, Cherry Tomato, Japanese Cucumber, eggplant, Okra, Habanero etc. boost eco-agro tourism in line with the tenth Malaysia Plan and the Prime Ministers new economic Model, this project aims to revitalise the agriculture sector with new technology transform agriculture into a dynamic and competitive sector achieve higher levels of productivity and efficiency produce agro-specialists who are equipped with new skills that enable them to be better cultivators and eco stewards while meeting growing demand and reaping profits transform Malaysia into a net exporter of food
Protect crops from severe weather Transmit the suns nurturing rays Keeps pests away from crops, greatly reducing the need for pesticide applications
Specially designed energy efficient, walk-in cold rooms that maintain optimum storage temperature for transition/temporary storage of produce Preserve freshness and extend storage life of produce in transition post packaging to export markets abroad
Modern, eco-efficient green buildings as accommodations for agro-specialists and their dependents Exceptionally pleasant environments for work and leisure Modern day comforts such as cafeteria, rest lounges, recreational facilities Contemporary offices, places of worship, childcare
The agro farms electricity needs will be powered by the suns rays
WAsTE-To-EnErgy cApABiliTiEs
Digestor for converting crop waste into compost material Green Gas Incinerator for converting municipal waste into energy
Harvested and treated rainwater for fertigation of crops
this is a brilliantly designed container growing system to revolutionise conventional ways of irrigation and fertilisation. Key to autoPot systems composition and success is the smartValve which automatically waters and feeds plants on demand; without the need for expensive pumps, complicated timers or electricity supply. as an eco-friendly fertigation system, autoPot systems allows sustainable and consistent fruit and vegetable cultivation. Additionally, the fact that AutoPot Systems require no media for cultivation means crops are not exposed to soil borne diseases.
dISTINCT AdVANTAGES WATERING Prevents over watering and under watering no water wastage as plants/crops feed on demand Efficient use of harvested and treated rainwater Prevents over feeding and under feeding no nutrient wastage as plants/crops feed on demand eco-friendly and non-polluting Can be used anywhere from marginal land to building rooftops No need for expensive pump and complicated timers it works by gravitational pull to dispense water and nutrient Crop yields and quality are consistent and of premium grade
iris, with its proven track record in managing large scale projects around the world, is the technology provider and contractor for this turnkey project. iris will provide a comprehensive solution from the design to construction and subsequent management of the agro farm operations. iris success with large scale commercial agro farming include local and foreign projects.
in the REPUBLIC OF MALdIVES, this form of agro farming has benefitted several local community islands, as part of the Post-tsunami livelihoods restoration Project. the islanders, whose income levels have increased five to ten fold, grow high-value fruit to supply numerous exclusive resorts. the project is under the purview of the Maldivian Ministry of fisheries, agriculture and Marine resources and has been recognised by the United nations development Programme (UndP). in KAMPUNG ENdAh, MORIB, SELANGOR, iris 5-acre model agro farm produces premium quality Golden Melons farm yielding an average of 3 tonnes per week of which 70% is exported to Singapore.
the sustainable agro Community project was initiated by yayasan Kebajikan atlet Kebangsaan (yaKeB) through Koperasi atlet Malaysia Berhad (KaMB) with cooperation of iris Corporation Berhad.
ABOUT KOPERASI ATLET MALAySIA BERhAd KaMB is the business and investment arm of yaKeB or national athletes Charity foundation whose principal task is to manage the welfare of Malaysias athletes. Registered on 28 August 2009, KAMBs primary responsibility is to generate and enhance funds for yaKeB and also to elevate socio economic levels of its members through profit-centred business and entrepreneurial activities.
ABOUT IRIS CORPORATION BERhAd iris Corporation Berhad has undertaken to construct and manage this mega scale project as a turnkey project. Upon completion, this project will be the countrys single largest sustainable greenhouse farm and the only one of its kind optimising renewable resources enabled by eco-friendly and eco-efficient innovations and methods. Founded in 1994, IRIS Corporation Berhad (ACE Market: IRIS) is a MSC-status technology innovator and leading provider of solutions and advancements for trusted identity (electronic identity documents), transportation and logistics, business communication and security, agriculture as well as renewable energy. From its headquarters in Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, iris serves governments and businesses all over the world with a myriad of practical yet affordable innovations and solutions. For more information about IRIS, please visit the companys website at
KoperASi Atlet MAlAySiA berhAd lEvEl 2, NATIoNAl STADIuM natiOnal sPOrts COMPlex, BUKit Jalil 57700 KUala lUMPUr TEl. +603 8996 4992 FAx. +603 8996 4839
iriS corporAtioN berhAd iris sMart teCHnOlOgy COMPlex teCHnOlOgy ParK Malaysia, BUKit Jalil 57000 KUala lUMPUr, Malaysia TEl. +603 8996 0788 FAx. +603 8996 0441