number of protons and neutrons in the atomic nuclei. Therefore, if the number of protons and neutrons that make up the nuclei could be changed so, that atom may also be transformed into another atom. Change the atom artificially called transmutation. The idea of artificially changing the nucleus initiated by Rutherford. In 1959 Rutherford put radioactive preparations that emitting -ray in the tube containing nitrogen gas. After a certain time interval, in tube was oxygen and protons. Rutherford believes there particles that hit the nuclei of atoms in collision nitrogen as a very terrible, nitrogen nucleus split into protons and oxygen.
Picture 1. Nitrogen become oxygen and protons That phenomenon can be viewed as core reaction between particle and nitrogen. The reaction can be written as follow:
4 + 7N148017 + 1P1
In the reaction obtain mass and charge conservation. The number of mass number and atomic number before and after reaction is same. In 1937, Chadwick fired Beryllium metal by particle from radioactive element. The results were carbon and neutral particle that is approximately equal to the proton. These particles called neutrons. NUCLEAR TRANSMUTATION Nuclear transmutation is the conversion of one chemical element or isotope into other chemical elements or isotopes through nuclear reactions. In the natural, the nuclear transmutation was progress of nuclear transmutation that occurs naturally in radioactive elements that is spontaneously decay over a period of many years and eventually turned into a more stable element.
Nuclear transmutation occurs naturally in heavy elements, which transmutation emit radioactive to become light element that more stable. An example of natural nuclear transmutation is the decay of uranium-238 to the element lead (Pb), as shown in the image below.
Picture 2. Natural Transmutation of U-238 into Pb TRANSMUTATION WITH ACCELERATED PARTICLES - Rays Transmutation from radioactive elements does not bring satisfactory results. From so many particles only a few that can hold a transmutation. This is because the particles that approaching nuclei experience a repulsive force, so that only the speed of particles which can be up to the core. Transmutation will be more successful when its using high enough speed particles. Therefore, was created a tool that can accelerate the speed of charged particles that called the Cyclotron.
Picture 3. Cyclotron In 1932 Coekroft and Walton report the result of nuclei and protons
Mass proton energy Mass lithium energy Proton kinetic energy 150 keV Total
The number of energy after reaction: Mass helium energy 2x4,0026=8,0052 sma The difference is 8,023990-8,0052=0,01879 sma =17,4939 MeV When measured the second kinetic energy of He atom is 17, 0 MeV A good Concurrence. TRANSMUTASI WITH NEUTRON Neutron is a neutral particle, very good to hold a transmutation, because just having a small repulsive force when it went to the core. When used neutron particles, which neutrons are uncharged particles of positive and negative, then the neutrons are fired will not be rejected by the positively charged atomic nucleus, neutrons are fired so that the particles do not need to have a high speed.
Neutrons are used for transmutation of atoms produced in the reactor. Neutrons can be obtained by various radio-isotopes.
Na23 + 0n111Na24
Sodium is obtained by radioactive isotopes. With the light emitting , sodium isotopes become stable magnesium.
Since neutrons are not charged and very small magnetic momentum, then the when on the way, neutrons do not interact with atomic electrons, but only interact with the core. Neutrons can collide with nuclei in elasticity (kinetic energy conserved) or are not elastic. If the non-elastic collision, the core was left in a state, then the energy released in the decay gamma.
Neutrons lose a lot of energy in elastic collisions with nuclei. Now we review the particle of mass m1 collide with m2 particles. After colliding velocity of each particle becomes v1 'and v2'. The law of conservation of linear momentum is obtained:
Then, the result of divide ratio between kinetic energy K2 is energy that is given by particle 1 in collision with initial kinetic energy K1:
Above equation when expressed in a graph explaining that the transition m1 m2. Classical analysis can be applied to neutrons through matter, because relativistic effects are not so important for the kinetic energy below about 200MeV. When a neutron hits a proton where m1 m2, then
virtually all neutron kinetic energy is lost, but if m1 2M2, the neutron will lose a few percent of its energy.
Nuclear Reaction
A Z A Z A Z 4 +2 X N + 2 He2 ZA+ 2 X ' N +1 + n 4 +2 X N + 2 He2 ZA+ 2 X ' N + 2n 4 +2 X N + 2 He2 ZA+ 2 X ' N 1 + 3n
Can be seen that once we raise the energy of alpha particles come, then each probability of reaction reached a peak and then decline. The more energy we give to the core, more neutrons which leave the nucleus. So, when the energy comes enlarged, transmitting a neutron likely much smaller than the neutrons emission. This fact is not stated that the reaction mechanism of alpha partiel crashing in and kick out one or more neutrons, but the energy comes distributed throughout the nucleus and that one or more neutrons released from the nucleus. The more energy you put, the more particles are emitted / released. An alpha particles with energies has a deBroglie wavelength 10 MeV about 5 fm. Stating deBoglie wave alpha particle was not able to see anything smaller than 5 fm. Thus, alpha particles to see the whole target nucleus, do not see a one protons and neutrons on one in the core. It is
therefore a mistake to imagine the reaction of the nucleus as a kind of billiard ball collision between particles come up with a single nucleon in the nucleus of the target atom. Adequate is that the alpha particle energy is distributed to all the nucleons in the nucleus. There is an intermediate stage in the nuclear reaction, after the incident particle energy is absorbed and distributed out, but before the outgoing, y particles is emitted. The nuclei at this stage is called the core join (compound nucleus). These circumstances we do not observe directly because of a rapid about 1015 s, however, circumstantial evidence leads us to believe. Important assumption of models of nuclear reaction is so energy come join distributable, then join the core has a probability to decay. CROSS SECTION One right way to express opportunities shooter particles will interact in some way with the target particles is by using the idea of cross-section as it was introduced in the Rutherford experiment. Each particle has a field with the target, called the cross-sectional area of the incident particle. Each particle comes included in this field will interact with the target nucleus. As many as cross-sectional area, greater opportunities to interact remedy. Interaction cross section of a particle varies with the nature of the target processes involved and the cross section of the incident particle energy. For example we have a plate material with area A and thickness dx, if the particle containing n atoms per unity volume, then the total number of nuclei in these plates is nAdx, because the volume is Adx. If each core cross-section for a particular interaction, the core of the particle cross section is n Adx. If there are N particles in the beam shooter, the number dN which interact in plates stated as:
Area A
N particles come
N dN Particles appear x
Now we review the incident particle beam in thickness x. If each particle can interact only once, dN particles could conceivably be removed from the bundle when it passed the first thickness dx of the plate. So we must put a minus sign in the equation
The number of particle which is forward N decrease exponentially. The unit that is used for Cross section is barn where 1 barn = 1 b = 10-28 m2 = 100 fm2