How To Develop A Good Test
How To Develop A Good Test
How To Develop A Good Test
Good Test?
According to the book
“Testing from theory to practice” by Farhadi et al.
One of the concerns of teachers is how to develop a good test. In fact process of test
making is not just wri'ng a set of ques'ons. Wri'ng a set of ques'ons is one of 6 stages
that you need to do in order to have a goal specified exam.
1. Prognostic
a. Placement
b. Selection
c. Aptitude
2. Evaluation of attainment
a. Achievement
b. Proficiency
c. Knowledge
Placement: These tests are used to determine the most appropriate channel of education
for the examinee. e.g. Placement tests which you have to pass when you want to
participate in an Interchange course.
Selection: The purpose of these tests is to provide information upon which the
examinee’s acceptance or non-acceptance into a particular program can be determined.
In this purpose we have some accepted examinees and some failed examinees also. e.g.
test of driver’s license
Aptitude: These tests are used to predict applicants success in achieving certain
objectives in the future. e.g. some psychological tests that show which language would be
easier for one to learn.
Achievement: These tests are designed to measure the degree of students learning from
a particular set of instructional materials. e.g. final exams at schools
Proficiency: Proficiency tests are used to measure the over all ability of learners. e.g.
Knowledge: In these cases, the second language is used as the language of the tests to
measure the examinees knowledge in areas other than the language itself. e.g. attest of
chemistry in English.
After reviewing the function it’s time to ask what is the form of a test? Different forms of
a test consist of True-false items, Matching items, Multiple-choice items, Filing the
blanks and essay type questions. More information about each form will be explained in
the following parts.
2. Planning
In this part you need to consider two points: 1- decide on the area of knowledge to be
measured and 2- specify the relative importance of the elements to be included in the
You may say “OK! We would consider these two points. Then what ‘s the action?” You
are right. The practical part starts here. The first thing you need to do is to outline the
course content. If you have taught “Interchange 1” unit 1 you need to outline the content
e.g. grammar like this:
Simple Present
Subject pronouns
Possessive adjectives
The next thing you need to do divide them into specific components.
Wh-questions with be
Questions: what, where, who and how
Yes/no questions and short answers with be
Subject pronouns (I ,you, he, she ,it, we, you, they)
Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)
Now you know what to do and how many questions do you need and also their form for
the next level i.e. preparing the items.
In this part you are going to read some points to be considered in making different tests.
True-false items:
True-false items are technically called alternative response because they have only two
answers. This kind of item is no highly recommended to use in a large scale because of
two reasons:
(I) They are very dependant on chance, namely the examinee has 50 percent of
probability of success.
1. Avoid using broad general sentences. General sentences are usually correct.
2. Avoid using students which measures trivial point. They are also usually correct.
3. Avoid using negative sentences. If you want to do so capitalize the negative word.
4. Avoid using long and complex sentences.
5. Make them of similar length, difficulty and distribu'on.
Matching items:
Matching items are usually used for measuring facts based on simple associations. In
language testing, one of the uses of matching items is to check the students’ ability in
recognizing and comprehending synonyms and antonyms.
In matching items:
e. crowded
Multiple-Choice items:
Speaking technically these kind of items have two parts; the stem and alternatives. The
alternatives consist of two parts; distracters and the correct answer.
1. The stem should be quite clear and state the point to be stated unambiguously.
2. The stem should include as mush of items as possible. Pay aLen'on to this example.
3. Nega've statements should be avoided because they are likely to be ignored. If you
want to use them make the negative word bold and underlined.
4. All the alterna'ves must be gramma'cally correct by themselves and consistent with
the stem.
As everybody is exposed to some mistakes, reviewing the tests by one or more teachers
can reduce the rate of mistakes. In this part, the set of prepared test is given to another
teacher to check for possible mistakes and if needed the questions can be corrected.
In this part questions should be tested on a small group of students and analyzed for the
goals they have achieved.
After analyzing the results of the test, some defective items should be adjusted for the
purpose of the test.
Before developing your test, pay attention to the characters tics of your examinees. If
your examinees are young children, you need to have more pictorial items. Avoid
designing messy papers. If they are adults or young adults try to use a neat and catchy
design and friendly fonts such as Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman. Examinees should
feel comfortable with the layout of paper.