This 618-page binder contains 3 months’ worth of materials for each level from 1 to 3 (and a one month unit for literacy). That’s 10 months of lesson planning.Your students will love this integrated approach using picture stories, dialogs, and settlement information incorporated into a BC, Canada theme. Includes CD and photocopiable student handouts and activity masters (by teachers at one site). Each chapter has an annotated index with comprehensive teaching and follow-up suggestions, handouts by level, related websites and field trip suggestions, with integrated grammar exercises. Your students will love this interactive mix of reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking, all with a local focus that makes learning relevant and immediate.
Mix and match chapters include: BC: Lower Mainland place names; Neighbours; BC Geography and Weather Ferries: a great addition to BC geography or as a separate unit in Tourism Tourism: with a focus on travel on BC., this teaches types of accommodation and how to make a hotel reservation, BC regions and types of recreational activities in each region. Canada: regions, bodies of water, size, Industries: a more in-depth look at what work we do plus industries by region.Salmon: Use as a stand-alone section before a field trip or as part of a unit on family. Wildlife: readings and activities to learn about our amazing wildlife. Literacy: a complete one-month unit that includes the Lower Mainland, BC, and Canada.
Canada Series Student Workbooks include CD for home review. B.C., Canada, and B.C.Tourism Student Workbooks for L. 1-2; and for L. 3 Canadian Wildlife: Student Workbook for L. 2-3 only.
This 618-page binder contains 3 months’ worth of materials for each level from 1 to 3 (and a one month unit for literacy). That’s 10 months of lesson planning.Your students will love this integrated approach using picture stories, dialogs, and settlement information incorporated into a BC, Canada theme. Includes CD and photocopiable student handouts and activity masters (by teachers at one site). Each chapter has an annotated index with comprehensive teaching and follow-up suggestions, handouts by level, related websites and field trip suggestions, with integrated grammar exercises. Your students will love this interactive mix of reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking, all with a local focus that makes learning relevant and immediate.
Mix and match chapters include: BC: Lower Mainland place names; Neighbours; BC Geography and Weather Ferries: a great addition to BC geography or as a separate unit in Tourism Tourism: with a focus on travel on BC., this teaches types of accommodation and how to make a hotel reservation, BC regions and types of recreational activities in each region. Canada: regions, bodies of water, size, Industries: a more in-depth look at what work we do plus industries by region.Salmon: Use as a stand-alone section before a field trip or as part of a unit on family. Wildlife: readings and activities to learn about our amazing wildlife. Literacy: a complete one-month unit that includes the Lower Mainland, BC, and Canada.
Canada Series Student Workbooks include CD for home review. B.C., Canada, and B.C.Tourism Student Workbooks for L. 1-2; and for L. 3 Canadian Wildlife: Student Workbook for L. 2-3 only.
This 618-page binder contains 3 months’ worth of materials for each level from 1 to 3 (and a one month unit for literacy). That’s 10 months of lesson planning.Your students will love this integrated approach using picture stories, dialogs, and settlement information incorporated into a BC, Canada theme. Includes CD and photocopiable student handouts and activity masters (by teachers at one site). Each chapter has an annotated index with comprehensive teaching and follow-up suggestions, handouts by level, related websites and field trip suggestions, with integrated grammar exercises. Your students will love this interactive mix of reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking, all with a local focus that makes learning relevant and immediate.
Mix and match chapters include: BC: Lower Mainland place names; Neighbours; BC Geography and Weather Ferries: a great addition to BC geography or as a separate unit in Tourism Tourism: with a focus on travel on BC., this teaches types of accommodation and how to make a hotel reservation, BC regions and types of recreational activities in each region. Canada: regions, bodies of water, size, Industries: a more in-depth look at what work we do plus industries by region.Salmon: Use as a stand-alone section before a field trip or as part of a unit on family. Wildlife: readings and activities to learn about our amazing wildlife. Literacy: a complete one-month unit that includes the Lower Mainland, BC, and Canada.
Canada Series Student Workbooks include CD for home review. B.C., Canada, and B.C.Tourism Student Workbooks for L. 1-2; and for L. 3 Canadian Wildlife: Student Workbook for L. 2-3 only.
This 618-page binder contains 3 months’ worth of materials for each level from 1 to 3 (and a one month unit for literacy). That’s 10 months of lesson planning.Your students will love this integrated approach using picture stories, dialogs, and settlement information incorporated into a BC, Canada theme. Includes CD and photocopiable student handouts and activity masters (by teachers at one site). Each chapter has an annotated index with comprehensive teaching and follow-up suggestions, handouts by level, related websites and field trip suggestions, with integrated grammar exercises. Your students will love this interactive mix of reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking, all with a local focus that makes learning relevant and immediate.
Mix and match chapters include: BC: Lower Mainland place names; Neighbours; BC Geography and Weather Ferries: a great addition to BC geography or as a separate unit in Tourism Tourism: with a focus on travel on BC., this teaches types of accommodation and how to make a hotel reservation, BC regions and types of recreational activities in each region. Canada: regions, bodies of water, size, Industries: a more in-depth look at what work we do plus industries by region.Salmon: Use as a stand-alone section before a field trip or as part of a unit on family. Wildlife: readings and activities to learn about our amazing wildlife. Literacy: a complete one-month unit that includes the Lower Mainland, BC, and Canada.
Canada Series Student Workbooks include CD for home review. B.C., Canada, and B.C.Tourism Student Workbooks for L. 1-2; and for L. 3 Canadian Wildlife: Student Workbook for L. 2-3 only.
*Many teachers find materials suitable for a low 4 class.
Why BC, Canada? Why not Canada? We wanted to start with what was most immediate, and most relevant, to adult learners based in BC. While this book is an excellent resource for any ESL class in Canada, it does have a decided West Coast focus.
How to Use This Book Use BC, Canada as stand-alone units, or to supplement other units such as Canada Day, or travel in BC. There are several months' worth of material in the book at a variety of levels, allowing you to adapt it to your class' interests and level. Teach a BC travel unit using the BC, Ferry and Tourism sections or focus more on citizenship using BC, Canada, and Industries. Dive in for a look at Salmon as part of a unit on family or as part of a mini-unit on Wildlife. You'll love the variety and versatility.
Student Workbooks and CDs The teachers CD contains only the songs. The student CD contains in addition the dialogs and many of the readings. You can order a class set of student workbooks with CDs (or CDs only) at an exceptionally low cost so why do the photocopying yourself? Email us for a detailed table of contents for each level. (NOTE: All student book pages are contained in this binder.) We Love Hearing from You or Student-centred, teacher-friendly materials for Adult ESL INDEX BC 1-9 Annotated Unit Index with Teaching Suggestions 10 Handouts by Level 11-13 Sample Week One Lesson Plans for L. 1-3 14-86 Unit Materials Ferries 87-94 Annotated Unit Index with Teaching Suggestions 95 Handouts by Level 96-173 Unit Materials Tourism 174-184 Annotated Unit Index with Teaching Suggestions 185 Handouts by Level 186-276 Unit Materials Canada 277-283 Annotated Unit Index with Teaching Suggestions 284 Handouts by Level 285-360 Unit Materials Industries 361-365 Annotated Unit Index with Teaching Suggestions 366 Handouts by Level 367-414 Unit Materials Salmon 415-418 Annotated Unit Index with Teaching Suggestions 419 Handouts by Level 420-469 Unit Materials Wildlife 470-475 Annotated Unit Index with Teaching Suggestions 476 Handouts by Level 477-523 Unit Materials Literacy 524-530 Annotated Unit Index with Teaching Suggestions 531 Week One Lesson Plan 532-614 Unit Materials Quick Find Index 615-618 Mix and Match Chapters allow you to combine topics to fit your class. BC/Canada - 277 - CANADA O Canada (National Anthem) 285 Song Strips for Level 1 Give each pair a set of song strips. Play the song, pausing after each line to check that Ss have found the right strip. 286 O Canada Handout for Level 1 287 O Canada Cloze for Levels 2/3 ( Page Saver) Review by singing every day, first with the text and then books closed, doing a disappearing whiteboard song. (Erase words and sing. Erase more and sing again.) 288 O Canada Handout for Levels 2/3 ( Page Saver) 289-290 O Canada: Crossword Puzzle and Answer Key Let Level 1 Ss do with their books open to the song. Regions, Provinces, Territories and Capitals 291 Map: Regions and Provinces of Canada (Answer Key p. 292) Intro and practice daily by 'playing the piano'. Canada Piano (mnemonic add-on): a) Have Ss place their hands on the table. Ask: How many provinces? Wiggle your fingers and say Ten. Say: This is Canada. Where is BC? Have Ss wiggle BC (the small finger on the left side). b) Teach the regions first, having them wiggle their fingers and say the name. For example, for the Prairies Ss wiggle the 3 middle fingers of their left hand. The Central Provinces are the 2 thumbs (the strongest fingers for the biggest provinces), while the East Coast is the four fingers of the right hand after the thumb: 1. N.B.; 2. Nfld/Lab; 3. PEI and 4. NS. For the North, point upwards with both hands. c) Review on day two and then add in the province names. Review by having the Ss practice in pairs. S1 asks, How many provinces are there in... Where is.. What is between /next to... etc.) S2 answers while playing the piano. After five to ten minutes have Ss switch roles. Teaching Hints: 1. Intro the regions and western provinces on day 1, and then review before continuing. With L. 1, don't bother teaching the provinces and capitals of the East Coast. (Day 1: regions, western provinces & capitals; Day 2: Central Canada & the North. Nunavut Song from p. 305-7. Day 3: Add E. Coast for Levels 2 & 3.) 2. After each session, add the new place names to the map on p. 291. Note for students: St. after a name is short for 'street' and St. before a name is short for 'Saint' as in St. John's, St. Paul's Hospital and St. Vincent Hospital. The Prairies The West Coast Central Canada The East Coast The North Annotated index gives teaching and follow-up suggestions. (from Canada unit) BC/Canada - 278 - 292 Answer Key for Regions 293 Place Name Cards (all levels) Copy and cut up one set per pair. Have the students arrange: by region, from west to east, and even by size. Shuffle together the deck and place them face down on the table. Each student in turn flips a card and gives the region, location or capital. For the comparative, have students flip over two cards and make a sentence comparing them. (see the comparative in the Grammar section below.) 294 Syllable Cards: Set 1 (L.1/2) ( Page Saver: Copy 1 per pair) Have Ss do in pairs, books closed. Then clap out the words. Do again the next day as a warm-up. 295-7 Pair Discussion Cards: p. 295 (L. 1); p. 296 (L. 2); p. 297 (L. 3) Copy and cut up one set per pair. Ss place the deck face down on the table and take turns reading and answering the questions. 298 Canada: Present Tense Questions (L.1 to low 3) Do in steps on the OH first: (a) elicit and circle the verb; (b) elicit the question word needed to replace the underlined words; and (c) elicit whether to put the BE verb first, or use 'do' or 'does'. Give the HOs and have Ss do orally in pairs before writing. All Levels: Begin GRAMMAR sequences (p. 281 on) With L. 3, you may also wish to begin the unit on Industries. 299 Map: Canada and the World (all levels) Different cultures divide the world differently. While in Canada we learn there are 7 continents, in China the world has only 5. 300 Map of Canada: In and Around Canada (L.1/2) 301 Canada and the World: Question Sheet (for L.3) Use with p. 299-300 or have Ss work with wall maps borrowed from neighbouring classrooms or Canada road maps or atlases. 302 Crossword: Provinces and Cities (easy version) 303 Crossword: Provinces and Cities (difficult version) 304 Crossword Answer Key (for both versions) Song: Nunavut A fun way to never, ever, forget the name of our newest territory and its capital. 305 Nunavut Song Strips (L. 1) a) Give one set of cut-up song strips per pair. b) Pause CD after each line while Ss find the right strip. c) Collect the strips. Give out the song cloze. Pause the CD after each line to elicit and write the missing words together. Continued next page BC/Canada 284 Canada Handouts by Level Copy this page and check off items as you do them. Handouts intended only for the teacher are in brackets. See index for page-by-page teaching suggestions, page-savers, and paperless activities. Note: for a low 2 take a look at some of the Level 1 HOs. and for a high 2 class, take a look at some of the L. 3 materials. For Literacy, see page 524 on.
LEVEL ONE LEVEL TWO LEVEL THREE 285 286 289 (290) 291 293 294 295 298 299 300 302 (304) 305-6
324-331 333 336-8 340 343 344-5 347-9 350 351-3 357-360 Each unit has handouts per level. If you are teaching a unit for a shorter time or if the general level of your class is at the bottom or top of their level, you can adjust by choosing handouts from the level above or below.* (*Note: literacy is a separate unit at the back of the book and so is not included in the other chapters. BC/Canada 291
B. ______________ 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________
C. _______________ 1. _______________ 2. _______________
Canada's 3 largest cities are _____________________________ A. _______________ 1. ______________ ______________ or B.C.
D. ________________ 1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________
4. ________________ E. ____________ 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ Follow-up for all levels after using the Canada piano (a mnemonic technique to teach the names). See next pages for interactive ways to review these names. (from Canada unit) BC/Canada 293 Manitoba ============================== the North ============================== REGIONS ============================== Alberta ============================== OCEANS ============================== Ontario ============================== Quebec ============================== the Arctic ============================== CANADA ============================== PLACE CARD ACTIVITIES: 1. Sort by province, ocean & region. 2. Sort from west to east. the West Coast ============================== the Atlantic ============================== PROVINCES ============================== the Pacific ============================== the East Coast ============================== the Prairies ============================== Central Canada ============================== British Columbia ============================== Saskatchewan ============================== 3. Rank by size. 4. Pairs: turn over 1 by 1, identifying the name and places on its borders. Lots of review activities (see suggestions at bottom of page)
BC/Canada 294 Ma ------------- Cen ------------- Ca ------------- Bri ------------- Al ------------- Tor ------------- Cal ------------- Vic ------------- Van ------------- On ni ------------- tral ------------- na ------------- tish ------------- ber ------------- on ------------- gar ------------- tor ------------- cou ------------- tar che ------------- Prair ------------- bec ------------- Co ------------- bec ------------- to ------------- y ------------- tre ------------- ver ------------- i kat ------------- ies ------------- Que ------------- lum ------------- Que ------------- Ci ------------- Mon ------------- wan ------------- Sas ------------- o ba ------------- to ------------- da ------------- bi ------------- ta ------------- ty ------------- i ------------- a ------------- a ------------- al Syllable Cards: If you cant say it, you cant remember it, and long names are often a stumbling block for students. (L. 1-2 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 295 What is the first line of "O Canada"? ----------------------- What region is our province in? ----------------------- What is the capital of BC? Where is it? ----------------------- How many territories are there? ----------------------- What is the biggest city in our province? ----------------------- What are the 3 biggest cities in Canada? ----------------------- What is south of Canada? What are the names of Canada's 5 regions? ----------------------- Where are the Prairies? How many provinces are there? ----------------------- What region is between Central Canada and B.C.? ----------------------- What region is between the Prairies and the East Coast? ----------------------- How many provinces are in the East Coast region? ----------------------- What provinces are in Central Canada? ----------------------- What is Canada's national song? Name 3 capital cities in Central Canada. ----------------------- Name Canada's three oceans. Where are they? ----------------------- What is the capital of Canada? Where is it? ----------------------- How many provinces are there? Name 5. ----------------------- What is the capital of our province? Where is it? ----------------------- What are the 2 biggest cities in Alberta? ----------------------- Name the three Prairie Provinces. Pair Discussion Cards integrate speaking and listening to review materials: a very popular and effective way to review and start off each class. (L. 1-2 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 297 What are the first 2 lines of Canada's national anthem? ---------------------------- In what 2 languages is Canada's national anthem? ---------------------------- What is your country's national anthem called? ---------------------------- What is Canada's smallest province? Where is it? ---------------------------- What else is B.C. called? (2) ---------------------------- What are the 2 biggest cities in Alberta? ---------------------------- What provinces and capital cities are in the Prairies? What are Canada's 3 largest cities? Where are they located? ---------------------------- Where are the Central Provinces? What 3 capital cities are there? ---------------------------- What are the names of Canada's three territories? ---------------------------- What three oceans lie on Canada's borders? Where is each located? ---------------------------- How many kilometers is Canada from coast to coast? ---------------------------- What three languages are spoken in Nunavut territory? ---------------------------- What is the capital of Canada's newest territory? What is the two largest countries in the world by land size? ---------------------------- How many provinces are there on the East Coast? What are they? ---------------------------- How are the East Coast and West Coast regions different? ---------------------------- What are the names of Canada's 5 regions? Where are they? ---------------------------- What are the capitals of 3 Atlantic provinces. Where is each? ---------------------------- What does "St." at the beginning of a word stand for? ---------------------------- How do you spell the name of the province between Alberta and Manitoba? Pair Discussion Cards integrate speaking and listening to review materials: a very popular and effective way to review and start off each class. (L. 3 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 298 CANADA: Present Tense Questions A. Instructions: Make questions on a separate page by replacing the underlined words. Example: (1) How big is Canada? Canada is a very big country (1). It is the second-largest country in the world (2). It is over 5,000 (3) kilometres from east to west. It's about 4,500 (4) kilometres from north to south. Canada has three (5) oceans. The Arctic (6) Ocean is in the north. The Atlantic Ocean is in the east (7). The Pacific (8) Ocean is in the west. The United States (9) is to the south. Canada has ten (10) provinces and three (11) territories. The capital of Canada is Ottawa (12). Ottawa is in Ontario, near the Quebec border (13). We live in the province of British Columbia (14). British Columbia, or B.C., is on the West Coast or the Pacific Coast (15). The capital of B.C. is Victoria (16). Victoria is on Vancouver Island (17). The largest city in B.C. is Vancouver (18). Over half of the people in B.C. live in the Lower Mainland (19).
B. Write the short answers for the questions you wrote. C. Quiz your partner by having them turn over their paper. See how many questions they can answer correctly. By integrating grammar topics with the content lexis and information, you supercharge students learning. (L. 1-2 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 301 Question Sheet for 1. What countries are on our borders? 2. What countries are in North America? 3. What is NAFTA? 4. What countries are members of NAFTA? 5. What are the 3 largest countries in the world by land size? 6. How many continents are there? 7. What are the names of the continents? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8. What continent are you from? 9. What are 3 other countries in that continent? 10. What are 3 countries in the Middle East? 11. What are 3 countries in Central America? 12. What oceans border Canadas coasts? 13. What are the 3 biggest islands in Canada? Where are they? 14. Where are the Great Lakes? 15. How many Great Lakes are there? 16. Which Great Lake is not in Canada? 17. What are the 3 biggest lakes in Canada? 18. What are the 3 biggest rivers in Canada? 19. What river is between the border of Ontario and Quebec? 20. What city is on this river? 21. What river goes from the Atlantic Ocean through southern Quebec? 22. Find the Fraser River in southern BC. Where does it begin and where does it end?
23. What are the 3 most important rivers in Canada? (Be ready to tell why!) (1) (2) (3) 24. What is the name of our biggest bay? Where is it? 25. One of our provinces is called Land of a Thousand Lakes. Which one is it? 26. What other countries border the Arctic Ocean? Level 3 pre-reading exercise: done orally in pairs, it integrates speaking, listening and thinking. The same exercise also acts as a reading worksheet. (L. 3 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 308 Dialog: What's it like there? A. Where are you from? B. I'm from Toronto . A. From Toronto? What's it like there? B. Well, it's colder in the winter. It's also bigger and more crowded. A. It sounds interesting.
1 2 3 Iqaluit (ee-ka-loo-eet) Saskatchewan Ottawa cold all year round cold in the winter small small flat warm in the summer friendly crowded cold in the winter
4 5 6 St.* Johns (*Saint) Montreal (your hometown) crowded hot in the summer _____________ friendly cosmopolitan _____________ relaxed interesting _____________ Write sentences comparing the city you live in now with another place you have lived in or visited. Read them to a classmate. cold in the winter, big, crowded Dialog with substitution boxes at bottom to increase students speaking fluency. It reviews place names and the comparative (from the grammar section.) Level 2. BC/Canada 316 Bodies of Water Canada has three oceans. The Pacific Ocean is in the west. The Arctic Ocean is in the north. And the Atlantic Ocean is in the east. Canada also has many lakes and rivers. The Mackenzie River is the longest river in Canada. It goes from B.C., through the Yukon and into the Arctic Ocean. The Fraser River goes from the Rockies to the Pacific Ocean. The Ottawa River is between Ontario and Quebec. There are five Great Lakes. Four Great Lakes are in southern Ontario. Canada's most important river is the St. Lawrence River. Ships from the Atlantic can go halfway across Canada by going down the St. Lawrence River and through the Great Lakes.
Did You Know? "St." after a name is short for "Street". "St." before a name is short for "Saint". Read these names: St. John's; the St. Lawrence River; Main St.; St. Joseph Hospital.
Memory Machine: Cover the top of your page and fill in the blanks. Canada has ___________ oceans. The Pacific Ocean is in the ________________. The Arctic Ocean is in the ______________. And the __________________________ ocean is in the east. Canada also has many lakes and _______________. The Mackenzie River is the _____________ river in Canada. It goes from B.C. through the ____________ and into the _________________ Ocean. The Fraser ______________ goes from the Rockies to the ________________ Ocean. The ________________ River is between Ontario and _______________. There are five Great ______________. ____________ Great Lakes are in southern ________________. Canadas most ________________ river is the St. Lawrence River. Ships from the ______________ can go halfway across Canada by going down the St. _______________ River and through the ____________ Lakes. Follow-up reading to map work and comprehension questions. (L. 2 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 320 Canadian Waterways BEFORE YOU READ: Discuss the questions below with your partner. 1. What are Canada's natural resources? 2. What percentage of the world's fresh water does Canada have? 3. Why were Canada's waterways important to the first newcomers to Canada? 4. What is the longest river in Canada? Where is it located? 5. Give the name and location of the oceans on Canadas borders. 6. Where are the Great Lakes located? How many are there? How many are located in Canada? How big are they compared to B.C.? 7. Why are the Great Lakes so important to the economy of Central Canada? (a) cheap _________________________ (b) fresh water for ___________________ (c) fresh water for the ____________________ of Central Canada 8. Ocean-going ships from the Atlantic can travel almost halfway across Canada by water. Use a map to describe the route they take. From the Atlantic Ocean, they go down the _____________________ River, then through Lake ________________, Lake ___________________, Lake ______________________ and Lake ________________________. 9. Besides providing drinking water, transportation, and recreation, what else do our waterways give us? 10. What does Canada's motto, "from sea to sea", highlight? 11. Where does our local drinking water come from? 12. What special water limits do some municipalities have during summer months? 13. What are some ways to protect and conserve water? 14. How can recycling batteries preserve our water? Another example of intro questions to assess students knowledge and introduce them to the vocabulary and ideas in the reading. (L. 3 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 321 Canadian Waterways Water has always been one of Canada's great natural resources. In fact, Canada has almost half of all the fresh water in the world. In the past, the first newcomers to Canada came by ship from Europe and settled along the St. Lawrence River. The lakes and rivers were their highways, allowing them to travel great distances by canoe. The longest river in Canada is the Mackenzie, which flows through the Yukon to the Arctic Ocean. However, it isn't the most important river. The St. Lawrence River joins the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes, allowing ocean-going ships to travel almost half-way across the country. In addition to providing cheap transportation, it gives fresh water both for drinking and for the factories of Central Canada. Our rivers are also a major source of hydro-electricity, especially in Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Manitoba. Canada's motto, "from sea to sea", not only hints at how large our country is, but also highlights the importance of our waterways to our way of life. Canadians are proud of their beautiful oceans, lakes and rivers. We are lucky to have a safe and reliable source of clean drinking water. It is everyone's job to keep our water clean and safe for the future.
Discussion Questions How is the water in your country compared to here? Some municipalities limit lawn watering during summer months. Contact your local city government or ask your neighbours to find out what the rules are in your city. You can help preserve our water by recycling batteries: keeping heavy metals out of the garbage keeps them out of the water system. How else can we protect and conserve water? What are some concerns about the international waters on our borders?
(L. 3 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 329 Reading Large Numbers Listen and repeat the numbers below, starting at the right. (Note: in English we read big numbers by threes.)
$1, 2 3 9 , 8 7 6 , 5 4 3 . 2 1
A. Write the missing words, not the numbers.
1. $342.43 = 3 hundred and 42 dollars and 43 cents 2. 42,091 km = 42 thousand and 91 square kilometres 3. $3,691 ______________________________________________________ 4. $ 467, 911 ___________________________________________________ 5. 35,000,000 __________________________________________________ 6. 2, 658,000 ___________________________________________________ 7. 87,000 km __________________________________________________ 8. $103,540.10 _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 9. $ 108,000,000 ________________________________________________
B. Listen and write the amount (in numbers, not letters).
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10. 649 BC/Canada 333 ORDER Student CD from: Hearts as One Guitar & Vocals: Antonia Robertson (Tune: The Wabash Cannonball) 1 From the great ________________ Ocean 2 To the wide ___________________ shore, 3 From sunny _________________ 4 To ice-bound ______________________, 5 From the Great __________________to the _________________ 6 Its where we ________________ to ___________________. 7 This country we call _______________________ 8 Is the True __________________ strong and _______________.
9 Through the ____________ fields and the _______________ fields, 10 Through the ___________________ green and ______________, 11 Our _______________ feel pride as _________ as leaves 12 From ___________________ trees in __________________. 13 From the mighty _____________________________________ 14 To the ____________________ in the ____________________, 15 There are no _________________________ to give it: 16 Its the country we ______________________ ______________.
17 Her ______________ ____________ in many tongues* (* languages) 18 But _____________________ we all ______________: 19 That _______________ of all the _________________, 20 This is where we ____________________ to ________________. 21 So lets all _________________ _________________________ 22 To _______________________________ everyone. 23 If we just _______________________ each ________________, 24 Our ________________ will be as __________________. Songs are a great way to practice sentence level stress and intonation patterns. This one is sung by local B.C. artist Antonia Robertson. The CD comes with the binder. (L. 2-3 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 337 Bigger and More Beautiful large cheap beautiful interesting fast small expensive ugly boring slow ============================================================================================================================= cold convenient easy old better warm inconvenient difficult young worse
1. Canada is ___________________________ than my country. 2. BC is ____________________________ than Saskatchewan. It is also _________________________________________. 3. Taking the bus is __________________________ but __________________________________ than driving. 4. Writing English is ________________________than reading. 5. Toronto is ___________________________ than Coquitlam. 6. Iqaluit is ______________________________ and ________________________________ than Vancouver. 7. My hometown is __________________________________ and _______________________________ than Vancouver. 8. The weather in my hometown is _______________________ than the weather here. 9. ____________________ better than _________________. 10. Living in a big city is _______________________________ and _________________________ than living in a small one. 11. The Rocky Mountains are ____________________________ and _________________________ than the Prairies. Grammar handouts reinforce the vocabulary and ideas in the unit. Students have to not only know the grammar but think about their answers. (L. 1-2 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 341
Instructions for Pair Grammar Gaps (All Levels) Pair Grammar Gaps help increase students fluency and listening skills. 1. Copy and cut into A and B halves. 2. Do an oral drill intro. 3. Give one A handout per pair to one side of the class and one B handout per pair to the other side. Have Ss do orally (no writing). 4. Give out the remaining handout and have students write. 5. Check the first few Ss who finish and then have them check the classmates around them. 6. Pair each A student with a B student. Model the activity. Ss take turns reading aloud the question, which their partner answers. NOTE: Students should give a true answer. 7. Give out the remaining handouts and have Ss do the other half as homework.
Level 3 Twist: Idiomatic Short Answers Have Ss answer using an idiomatic short answer by adding: a) in the middle: sure, certainly b) at the first of the phrase: Of course; as a matter of fact.
For example: Q: Is Nunavut in the Arctic? A: (Yes), it sure is.; It certainly is.; Of course it is.; As a matter of fact, it is. This should also be practiced with negative answers. Q: Does Canada have 11 provinces? A: No, it sure doesnt.; It certainly doesnt.; Of course it doesnt.; As a matter of fact, it doesnt.
Step by step instructions are given as necessary. Great for experienced instructors who want to try new techniques or newbies. (from Canada unit) BC/Canada 342 A CANADA REVIEW 1. ________ Canada have ten provinces? 2. _______ Canada the biggest country in the world? 3. ________ Victoria the capital of B.C.? 4. ________ Calgary in southern Alberta? 5. ________ Central Canada have three provinces? 6. ________ the East Coast have 4 provinces? 7. ________ Halifax the capital of P.E.I.? 8. ________ Ontario and Quebec in Central Canada? 9. ________ Iqaluit a province? 10. ________ Canada have four oceans? 11. ________ you know the names of all the provinces? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- B CANADA REVIEW 1. ________ Canada have four regions? 2. _______ Canada a really big country? 3. ________ Vancouver on the East Coast? 4. ________ Winnipeg on the Prairies? 5. ________ the East Coast have 3 provinces? 6. ________ Newfoundland on the Atlantic Coast? 7. ________ Charlottetown the capital of P.E.I.? 8. ________ Ontario and Quebec on the Prairies? 9. ________ Canada have four Great Lakes? 10. ________ you know the names of all the regions? 11. ________ these questions easy? Pair Gap Grammar exercises increase students listening and oral fluency, while having them review the content. They have to listen and think about their answers. (L. 1-2 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 345 More 'The' + Geographic Names Rules: Use 'the' with 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ (except for ___________) 3. names that contain the words _______________________________ ________________________________________________________
We live in Lower Mainland, in south-western corner of province of British Columbia. It's a beautiful place. In fact, some people think it is one of most beautiful places in Canada.
If you drive east, you go through Coast Mountains and come to Okanagan Valley.
Continue eastward and you will pass through Rockies. Next are Prairie Provinces: Alberta,
Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. If you continue on Trans-Canada Highway, you reach
Ontario. Here from highway you can see first of Great Lakes: Lake Superior. Great Lakes
are joined to Atlantic Ocean by St. Lawrence River. Ships from Europe and eastern United
States can bring goods halfway across Canada using this waterway, so it's very important to
economy of Central Canada. Of course, many people who live here like to travel west for their vacation to Gulf
Islands or Vancouver Island. It's full
of things to see and do. Others like
to go north to enjoy outdoor sports
or visit magnificent Queen Charlotte
Islands. Wherever you go, you are
sure to see some wonderful scenery. Students learn simple rules for some annoying grammar points! (This is a follow-up exercise, so they also have to remember the rule!) (L. 3 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 346 Teaching Hints: Canada Fact Sheet* 1. Pre-Reading Give out one quiz per pair or group. Have the Ss answer (or guess the answer) to as many questions as possible. 2. Reading Exercise Give out the Fact Sheet H.O. (p. 348-9) and have Ss skim for the correct answers. 3. Follow-up: Discussion Questions/Points of Interest 1) For the section on population, discuss the reasons why. 2) For the section on water, pull out maps of Canada to illustrate #15, 17, 18, 19, and 23. 3) For the section on the economy, what are the two most surprising facts? Why is the U.S. our biggest trading partner? 4) Energy: Canada is a net exporter of energy, meaning we both export and import energy in different forms. Although Canada has large oil reserves, much of it is in the Alberta tar sands. Extracting it is expensive and environmentally damaging. 5) RE: #33. Although the federal government is officially bilingual, the provincial governments (except for New Brunswick) are not. 4. Contact assignment Have Ss ask a Canadian the questions. 5. Follow-up: Make Your Own Fact Sheet Have Ss work in groups to make their own fact sheets of interesting/amazing facts about: (a) Canada (ones not included on the page); (b) students in the class; or (c) their country. You can also have them compile an international fact sheet with each student contributing interesting facts about their country. Publish the results by posting the finished sheets in your room or in the school corridor, having the Ss give a presentation, or publishing a class booklet. If Ss present their amazing facts orally, have them also develop a handout for the class to do before the talk and then check as they listen. These can be multiple choice, true and false or comprehension questions. 6. Writing Exercise a) Using information from the fact sheet, have Ss write a paragraph or page about the topic. Discuss which information is best included in their story and how to group the information into paragraphs with a topic sentence. b) Have Ss compare their country to Canada, explaining some key differences. (Have them use some key phrases for comparing: like, unlike, surprisingly, comparatively, relatively, somewhat, rather, quite, unusually, rather, incredibly, noticeably, contrasting, distinct, dissimilar, similarly, in contrast, by contrast). c) Have Ss write an email to someone in their home country regarding some interesting facts about Canada.
*Also see Fact Sheet for BC. Lots of ideas on how to work with the materials, including contact assignments and writing exercises. (L. 3 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 347
Test your knowledge of Canada by taking this quiz with a partner. 1. What percentage of Canadians are born outside of Canada? a) one in five b) one in ten c) one in twenty 2. How many children do Canadian women have on the average? a) 0.58 c) 2.58 b) 1.58 d) 3.58 3. Where do one-third of all Canadians live? a) in Quebec b) in BC c) in Ontario 4. What city has the highest immigrant population as a percentage of the total? a) Richmond, BC d) Montreal, Quebec b) Surrey, BC e) Toronto, Ont. c) Vancouver, BC 5. Which has a bigger population? a) P.E.I. c) Nunavut b) the North d) the Yukon 6. Where is the biggest shopping mall in Canada? a) in Vancouver c) in Edmonton b) in Toronto d) in Montreal 7. What does Canada have more of than any other country in the world? a) coastline c) fresh water b) lakes d) people 8. How far can ocean-going ships travel inland using the St. Lawrence Seaway? a) 1,000 km. c) 3,000 km. b) 2,000 km. d) 4,000 km. 9. Where do most of our imports come from? a) the U.S. c) Mexico b) Europe d) China 10. How many provinces are officially bilingual? a) ten b) two c) three d) one 11. How much fresh water is used daily in the Lower Mainland? a) 1.1 million litres (1,100,000) b) 1.1 billion litres (1, 100, 000,000) 12. When did the Maple Leaf become Canadas flag? a) in 1867 b) in 1931 c) in 1965 13. What is our national animal? a) the beaver c) the loon b) the buffalo d) the eagle 14. Canadas oil reserves are: a) the largest in the world b) the second-largest in the world c) the 10 th largest in the world 15. Three-quarters of our exports go to: a) China b) Europe c) the U.S. 16. Our official sports are: a) hockey; b) hockey & soccer; c) hockey & lacrosse. 17. On the average how many people are there per square kilometre? a) 3.4 b) 13 c) 34 This review quiz is fun whether done in small groups or as a listening exercise for higher levels. (L. 2-3 handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 351
This board game comes with chance cards and question cards sets at 2 levels of difficulty. A great unit review that is very popular with students. (handout from Canada unit) BC/Canada 352 You have a Canadian passport. Go ahead 2. ----------------- You don't know the capital of BC. Go back 3. ---------------- You pass the citizenship test. Go ahead 5. ----------------- You don't pass the citizenship test. Go back 3. ---------------- You have a Canadian flag.
Go ahead 2. ----------------- You don't have a Canadian flag. Go back 2. ----------------- You don't know the words to 'O Canada'. Go back 3. ----------------- You know the words to 'O Canada'. Go ahead 2. ----------------- You have visited another province. Go ahead 2. ----------------- You don't like the weather here. Go back 2. ----------------- You get a job with the government. Go ahead 5. ---------------- You help at your children's school. Go ahead 3. ---------------- You don't like the weather here. Go back 2. ---------------- You can't spell Canada. Go back 3. ----------------- You don't know where Victoria is. Go back 3. ----------------- You help your new neighbours. Go ahead 4. ----------------- You never help your neighbours. Go back 4. ----------------- You have a First Nations friend. Go ahead 5. ----------------- You can spell Saskatchewan. Go ahead 3. ----------------- You can find Ottawa on the map. Go ahead 1. ----------------- Sample Chance Cards from the unit review board game (from the Canada unit) BC/Canada 354 How many provinces are there in Canada? ------------------------------- What province is on the West Coast of Canada? ------------------------------- How many mountain ranges are there in B.C.? ------------------------------- What are the names of the two mountain ranges in B.C? ------------------------------- Name 5 places in the Lower Mainland. ------------------------------- How many territories are there in the North? ------------------------------- What is the biggest city in BC? What is the biggest city in Alberta? ------------------------------- What is the capital of Saskatchewan? ------------------------------- What is the capital of Manitoba? ------------------------------- What is the capital of Quebec? ------------------------------- What is the biggest river in the Lower Mainland? ------------------------------- What region do we live in? ------------------------------- How many regions are there? What is the capital of Canada? ------------------------------- What is the capital of Alberta? ------------------------------- Where is BC? ------------------------------- What is the capital of your country? ------------------------------- What is the capital of B.C.? ------------------------------- Where is the capital of B.C.? ------------------------------- Where is the capital of Canada? Sample L. 1-2 question cards for the Unit Review Board Game (from the Canada unit)
BC/Canada 360 What is the longest river in Canada? Where is it located? ------------------------------- Give an example of a natural resource. ------------------------------- What do some municipalities do during the summer? ------------------------------- What is another way to say 'approximately'? ------------------------------- How is the population of your country compared to Canada? ------------------------------ Why do most Canadians live in the south? ------------------------------- What province is important for forestry? Which area in Canada has the most temperate climate? ------------------------------- What is the highest mountain in Canada? ------------------------------- Describe Canada's flag. What is it named? ------------------------------- What is Canada's national animal? ------------------------------- What are the two most popular cities for newcomers? ------------------------------- Where is the service industry important? ------------------------------- What countries are on our continent? What is a continent? Name 4. ------------------------------- How many continents are there? ------------------------------- What is Canada's national anthem? ------------------------------- What is the population of Canada? ------------------------------- When should you use 'the' with a name? ------------------------------- What is Canada's oldest city? Where is it? ------------------------------- Name 2 ferry terminals in the Lower Mainland. Sample L. 3 question cards for the Unit Review Board Game (from the Canada unit)
BC/Canada 524 BC, Canada for Literacy A number of pages in the section on personal information and BC, Canada have been adapted from Holidays for Literacy, by D.Bowler, successintesl. Jump ahead if your Ss have done this.
Personal Information 532 Personal Information Card Blank (for low literacy students) You will need 2 per student on card stock. Print their first and last name on one card, their address and city on another, and use the half card for their postal code and phone number. Note: You should print the cards to give them a model from which to copy: time-consuming, but very worthwhile. 533 Forms Introduce with question chains and big pictures (below). How to Do a Question Chain a) Hold up the picture and ask several Ss the question. b) Choral the question (= you say and they repeat). Hold up one finger for each word and point at it as you choral. c) Ask S3 the question and then say, "Ask Lee" (S4). After S4 answers, have them ask S5 (the student you designate). Always indicate a S on the other side of the room, so Ss keep their voices up and everyone stays alert. d) Have Ss ask their partner. e) Do steps (a) to (d) with each question. 534-542 Big Pictures 534 address 535 apt. number 536 BC 537 city 538 country 539 first name 540 last name 541 phone number 542 postal code 543 Trace: Last Name Level: Low Literacy Have Ss trace with their fingers first as you choral the words. 544 Phonics: Words with P Student Handout a) On the board intro words sound by sound. Write the sound and have Ss say, then write the next sound and have Ss say them together, etc. For example: er-per-aper-paper. Each time hold up the item or picture. More examples: ea-lea-plea-please; o-sho-shop-shopping. b) Have Ss do the worksheet and then choral the words (=you say and Ss repeat). What is your name?
Annotated Index from the Literacy unit gives detailed how to instructions.
BC/Canada 525 545 Student Information Worksheet Day 2 Follow-up. Do as an individual worksheet or have Ss interview a partner. 546 Mixer: What is your phone number? Check to see if your group are familiar with numbers first. If not, see our numbers workbook: "Bingo Plus!" 547 Student Board Game Worksheet Preparation for p. 549. a) Choral first the phrase and then the whole question. b) Have Ss ask and answer orally in pairs. c) Have Ss write their answers. 548 Phonics: Words with P Pair Cards ( Page Saver: 1 per pair) a) Intro: do a few words on the board. Do a front or back build-up to teach Ss how to sound out the word. Write 'ar' and have Ss say it. Then add the 'p' for 'par' and have Ss say it, etc: ar-par-part-apart-apartment. Do with a number of words they know. b) Model: Ss should place deck face down on the table. They turn over one at a time and sound out (not just quickly say) the words. Work with your lowest group of Ss, use a blank paper that you slowly move over the word to uncover each sound as they sound it out. c) Repeat the following day. 549 Personal Information Board Game ( Page Saver: 1 per pair) Have Ss play in pairs. S1 rolls the die and asks the question related to the picture on which they land. Then S2 rolls the die, etc. 550 Mixer: What is your address? For this Ss must be able to pronounce and spell their address. 551 Simple Forms 552 Speeding (Words with P) a) On the overhead, slowly uncover as you tell the story, eliciting where possible. Give out the HO and choral (= you say and Ss repeat). b) Practice the dialog. (Choral. You do A and Ss do B, switch, pairs) c) Have Ss circle the words with P and copy them on the lines. For C, let Ss copy words from the pair cards from p. 548. 553 Paying a Speeding Ticket Follow-up to p. 552. Do it together, eliciting where possible. Have them pay the ticket Literacy sections include: Personal Information, The Lower Mainland, B.C., and Canada Not from B.C.? This still gives a great model to adapt for your province.
BC/Canada 534
MAIN ST. 1421 Big Pictures for vocabulary review and question chains.
BC/Canada 543 Trace DATE____________________________________ LAST NAME F I RST NAME A P A R T M E N T N U M B E R P H O N E # My ad dress is _____________________ ___________________________________ Trace pages for pre- lit students needing work on stroke direction.
BC/Canada 544 Words with p Date_______________________________
A. Write p. ___a ___er ___lease sto___ ___olice ___ostal code ha___ ___y ___encil go sho___ ___ing s___eak
B.Write go shopping postal code speak please
1. ____________ have a seat.
2. They ___________ Chi nese.
3. My _______________ is V5R 9S2. 4. I ________________ on Saturday. C. More words with p.
1. u___stairs 4. ___arking 7. a___artment
2. ___rovince 5. s___ell 8. ___ardon me?
3. hos___pital 6. ca___ital 9. ___roblem
Phonics sequences to teach students to sound out words using high frequency words and words from the unit.
BC/Canada 548 go shopping
--------------------------------- parking
--------------------------------- postal code
--------------------------------- paper
--------------------------------- pro vince
--------------------------------- ca pi tal
--------------------------------- apartment
--------------------------------- upstairs
--------------------------------- problem
--------------------------------- Par don me?
--------------------------------- hospital
--------------------------------- stop
--------------------------------- spell S-P-E-L-L
--------------------------------- speak
--------------------------------- happy
--------------------------------- pencil
Pair phonics cards for practice in sounding out words.
BC/Canada 551 Simple Forms C A. Write the number. a) ____ b) ____ c)____ d) ____ e) ____ f)___ g) ____ h) ____
B. Ask Your Partner: What is your?
NAME __________________________________________________ C LAST C FIRST ADDRESS _______________________________________________ C APT. # C STREET C CITY _________________________________PROVINCE ______ C POSTAL CODE __________ PHONE______________________
Par don me ?
How do you spell it ? 2166 Bob LEE BOB Lee Filling out simple forms with personal information: a key literacy skill.
BC/Canada 552 Speeding (Words with P)
Pat ty is go ing shop ping. A po lice man stops her car. A. Hello. B. Good mor ning. Pa pers, please. A. Par don me ? B. Pa pers please. A. Sure. Here you are. B. Is your name Pat ty Par ker ? A. Yes. B. You are speeding. Here is your tick et.
Poor Pat ty. She has to pay $75.
B. Circle the words with P. Write them here. ______________ ______________ ____________ ______________ ______________ ____________ ______________ ______________ ____________ C. More words with P. ____________ ____________ ______________ ______________ ____________ CITY OF VANCOUVER DRIVING VIOLATION Speeding
$75 .
Phonics day 4 or 5 follow-up.
BC/Canada 557
------------------------- Picture set for concentration game: a fun way to learn and review the vocabulary.
BC/Canada 561
coun try
ca pi tal
pro vince
------------------------- Lo wer Main land
Ot ta wa
Vic tor i a
Ca na da
Word set for concentration game.
by Donna Bowler, successintesl Graphics courtesy of iClipart
This is Vic tor.
He lives in Vic tor i a, B.C.
Vic tor i a is the ca pi tal of B.C. Hi. Students learn to read using simple sentence-level English. From pre-lit to high lit, students are delighted to read their first book in English. Copy masters for B.C. Canada, Victor from Victoria, and 3 custom readers (My Story, My City, and My Country).
BC /Canada 585 Date________________________________ Name__________________________
Dialog: How Was Your Weekend?
It's Mon day morn ing. Vic tor sees his friend Bill.
A. Hi, Bill. B. Hi, Vic tor. How are you ? A. Good. How about you ? B. I'm fine, thank you. A. How was your week end ? B. Great.
How are you? How was your weekend?
great good so-so not too good very good not bad
Ask Your Classmates. Write their answers here. How do you spell your name? How are you today ? 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________
High interest dialogs help students with idiomatic language suitable for this level.
BC/Canada 588 Victor from Victoria: Draw a Line
B.C. capital cool co-workers friendly government island job pay rainy south sunny Victoria warm weather A pre-lit and low lit vocabulary follow-up.
BC/Canada 589 Name_______________________ Date________________________________ Victor from Victoria: Circle the Same Word 1. is This is Vic tor. 2. in He lives in Vic tor i a, B.C. 3. capital Vic tor i a is the ca pi tal of B.C. 4. Island It is on Van cou ver Is land, in the south. 5. good Vic tor i a has good wea ther. 6. summer Its warm and sun ny in the sum mer. 7. rainy Its cool and rain y in the win ter. 8. for He works for the go vern ment. 9. job He likes his job. 10. are His co-workers are friend ly. 11. pay And the pay is good. A pre-lit, low lit follow-up to the reader. At this level finding the same word can be challenging. Lots of graphics to cue the meaning.
BC/Canada 590 City ___________________________________ Postal Code _________________ Victor from Victoria: Write the Missing Word capital Victor Victoria south 1. This is ______________________. 2. He lives in __________________, B.C. 3. Vic tor i a is the _______________ of B.C. 4. It is on Van cou ver Is land, in the _____________. and cool government has 5. Vic tor i a ______________ good wea ther. 6. Its warm ___________ sun ny in the sum mer. 7. Its ___________ and rain y in the win ter. 8. He works for the _________________. fri endly good likes pay 9. He ___________________ his job. 10. His co-workers are ___________________. 11. And the ___________ is _____________. Multi-level follow-up for the reader. Lower students copy the missing word using their reader, medium students use the word box and upper students cover the word box to do.
BC/Canada 601 Our Province
B.C. province ten west This is Ca na da. Ca na da has _________ pro vin ces. Our ___________________ is Bri tish Co lum bi a, or _______. It is on the ___________ coast of Ca na da.
Questions 1. How many pro vin ces does Canada have ? _________________ 2. What is our pro vince ? _____________________________ 3. What is the long name for B.C. ? ____________________________________________ 4. Where is our pro vince ? ____________________________ ? ? ? BC/Canada 606
1. O Ca na da, 2. our home and na tive land. 3. True pa tri ot love 4. in all thy sons com mand. 5. With glow ing hearts 6. we see thee rise: 7. the true north, 8. strong and free. 9. From far and wide 10. O Ca na da 11. We stand on guard for thee. 12. God keep our land 13. glor i ous and free. 14. O Ca na da 15. we stand on guard for thee. x 2
Follow-up handout to the song strips in the binder. Lots of pictures support the meaning and pronunciation help is given by marking stressed syllables and silent consonants.
BC/Canada 613 How Big? A. How big is your country and 1. B.C. _________________ 2. Canada (west to east) ______________ 3. Canada (north to south) _________________
B. How big is and 1. B.C. _________________ 2. Canada (west to east) ______________ 3. Canada (north to south) _____________
C. Write: bigger or smaller ?
A B a) the Lower Mainland is ________________ than B.C. b) Canada is _______________ than B.C. c) is ______________ than B.C. d) Canada is _______________ than e) Canada is _______________ than f) B.C. is _________________ than A is bigger. B is smaller. Using country cut-ups students can get a feel for just how big Canada is. (This is the follow-up handout that the class would do together.)