CalculCrossover Filter Best
CalculCrossover Filter Best
CalculCrossover Filter Best
Parts List
C1 = 4.67 uF C2 = 11.8 uF C3 = 10.08 uF C4 = 35.49 uF C5 = 110.25 uF C6 = 68.71 uF
L1 = 0.31 mH L2 = 0.46 mH L3 = 0.21 mH L4 = 2.48 mH L5 = 4.52 mH L6 = 1.79 mH
Parts List
C1 = 4.83 uF C2 = 12.2 uF C3 = 10.42 uF C4 = 36.68 uF C5 = 113.93 uF C6 = 71 uF
L1 = 0.32 mH L2 = 0.48 mH L3 = 0.21 mH L4 = 2.56 mH L5 = 4.67 mH L6 = 1.85 mH
Fm =1060Hz.
Parts List
C1 = 3.54 uF C2 = 7.02 uF C3 = 44.48 uF C4 = 62.84 uF C5 = 9.42 uF C6 = 2.1 uF C7 = 83.83 uF C8 = 18.97 uF
L1 = 0.27 mH L2 = 1.19 mH L3 = 1.68 mH L4 = 9.6 mH L5 = 0.78 mH L6 = 0.37 mH L7 = 6.36 mH L8 = 3.21 mH
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To determine the crossover frequency a certain amount of capacitance will give you, use the formula: 0.159/(C x Rh) = F
JL Audio C5-650x Price: $285.00
Highpass Filter
Explanation of Terms C - is the capacitance value (in Farads) - to convert to Farads divide the value shown on the side of the cap in uF by one million. Rh - is the impedance of the load (speaker) you will be using. F - is the crossover frequency you will get. by frequency Capacitance uF (microFarad) Crossover Frequency (Hertz) 8 Ohms 80 100 120 150 200 280 248.44 198.75 165.63 132.50 99.38 70.98 4 Ohms 496.88 397.50 331.25 265.00 198.75 141.96 2 Ohms 993.75 795.00 662.50 530.00 397.50 283.93
400 600 800 1000 1200 2000 4000 5000 6000 8000 10000 12000
49.69 33.13 24.84 19.88 16.56 9.94 4.97 3.98 3.31 2.48 1.99 1.66 by capacitor
99.38 66.25 49.69 39.75 33.13 19.88 9.94 7.95 6.63 4.97 3.98 3.31
198.75 132.50 99.38 79.50 66.25 39.75 19.88 15.90 13.25 9.94 7.95 6.63
Capacitance uF (microFarad)
Crossover Frequency (Hertz) approximate 8 Ohms 4 Ohms 18068 12045 8457 5846 3975 1807 795 398 2 Ohms 36136 24091 16915 11691 7950 3614 1590 795
Calculate for any Value To use this calculator, enter the amount of capacitance you have available in the first box. Then enter the impedance of the speaker you will be using with this filter in the box below that. Finally, click the "Calculate It" button to see the frequency this filter will be -3 dB. Capacitor = Rh = uF Ohms
Answer =
Capacitors in Series/Parallel To use this calculator, enter the amount of capacitance in the first two boxes, they can be different values - this is how you obtain the odd values in the charts above. Then pick a series or a parallel connection. Now, click the "Capacitance" button to see the resulting value. Capacitor 1 = Capacitor 2 = uF uF Answer =
Parts List
C1 = 4.52 uF C2 = 11.43 uF C3 = 9.77 uF C4 = 34.38 uF C5 = 106.81 uF C6 = 66.56 uF
L1 = 0.3 mH L2 = 0.45 mH L3 = 0.2 mH L4 = 2.4 mH L5 = 4.37 mH L6 = 1.73 mH