Memorandum To Ministry
Memorandum To Ministry
Memorandum To Ministry
The main reason why the rate of crime continues to grow when the law
and the department of correctional services has existed for quite a
long period of time is because it is dealt with at a wrong angle.
The structures that are in place are only dealing with the outcomes or
the consequences of crime rather than removing the sources thereof
which makes it difficult to overcome; And all this lead to a point where
the nation loses a lot in terms of crime, money and people’s lives and
hence the nation cannot take another level of development.
Fire / The main source or Smoke / The end result of Battle/ Method uses to
cause of the problem problems or outcomes. attack the problems.
♥ Desecration of the ♥ HIV/AIDS pandemic, ♥ HIV/AIDS programs.
Holy Name of GOD orphans and all of its ♥ Awareness programs.
the Maker of heaven deaths. ♥ Orphanages.
and earth. ♥ Teenage pregnancies. ♥ Child support grants.
♥ Ungodly ♥ Unnecessary disasters: ♥ Right to family
constitutional laws. road accidents, floods, planning and
♥ Democracy. storms etc. abortion at the age of
♥ Different forms and ♥ Street kids , crime and 12.
levels of pornography. drug dealers ♥ Imprisonment (short,
♥ Sale of alcohol. ♥ Poverty. life and death
♥ Tobacco sale. ♥ Chronic diseases. sentence.)
♥ Nigh clubs.
2. Primary management
Misbehavior At Home.
For instance:-
(This is the main mother/ (cause) who gives birth to the
variety of criminal offenses.).
2.3 How and why do the children come out of control and
hands of their parents?
Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him
is diligent to discipline him.
Proverbs 13:24; 19:18
The rod and reproof gives wisdom, but a child left to himself
brings shame to his mother.
Proverbs 29:15,17.
All this brings lead us to a point where we say, the way of
instilling wisdom in a child is the rod and reproof which still
includes corporal punishment.
2.4.1 In the event of misconduct/ misbehavior, give some
warnings .advice in the form of love. The first role model
and leader of the children are their parents therefore they
must be driven by the parents’ instructions at almost all
the times.
He who spares the rod hated his son, but he who loves him
is careful to discipline him.
Proverbs 19:18.
Therefore to avoid punishment for not listening and
misconduct is as good as killing him and his future silently
and gradually.
2.4.5 Since the aim of controlling the child is to save his own life
from death and to restrict him within narrower path that
leads him to a brighter future, then he should be referred
to a:
Reformatory Schools his moral values and principles
can be reinstated.
S/he has to stay there until his condition improves,
however s/he can come back home on weekly basis,
monthly or on term or semester basis depending on the
age and condition.
And the kind of reformatory school must be well equipped
with : skill development programs, and programs that will
introduce him into business world and programs designed
to deal with and uplift his spiritual part of life because the
spirit is where the power originates.
If he keeps on with misconduct like: stealing the family or
community properties, persistent involvement in pre-
mature relationships, light or heavy drinking, smoking
which could lead to alcohol and drug addiction, different
forms of parental abuse and so forth, the following
structures should be initiated:
♥ Community Forums,
♥ Community Disciplinary Committees,( which
involve the chief/INkosi and induna), and
♥ Community Counselors ( which involves
God’s representatives from the church)
The whole process of rebuilding the morals, life and
future of misbehaving member of the community
should go through the above mentioned structures
And at last if the condition does not get better, then
the child should be removed to the:
♥ Reformatory School for further
First and for most, the Holy Bible ( The Word Of GOD)
teachings and program me s should compulsory at every
learning institution from grade zero to tertiary level in
order to train and raise God fearing nation because the
fear of the LORD is only way through which one cane be
declared wise for
Love the LORD your GOD with all your soul and with all
your strength. These commandments that I give you today
are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk
along the road, and when you lie down and when you get
Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:18,19.
The Word of God is the power to live life that never ends
through the power it has to help children abstain from
anything or activity that could jeopardize both the now and
the future of the growing child such as following: drugs,
alcohol, crime, sexual relationships out of marriage and
many temptations.
school community forums, community
disciplinary committees, and if he refuse to be
under management of the spiritual leadership
(Church); s/he should further his or her studies
in the reformatory school.
♥ It is not allowed to sleep with a woman who is not your
wife, there if a man impregnates a woman out of marriage,
he must make some means to have bank account debited
with a certain amount of money to be transferred to the
bank account of woman for child support and make some
means to pay full bride-price.
If one man stays and is benefiting from marital rights from
that woman without any payment of lobolo( bride-price)
and official marriage, he has his punishment for so doing
If my people who are called by may name humble themselves,
pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then
I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their
2 Chronicles7:14.
The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, I came that they
may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10; 3:16,36; 14:6.
2.2.2. But the main reason why crime cannot be overcome up to this
moment when the correctional structures such as: department
of correctional services and police officers have long been set up
in place, is because its causes are embraced and controlled
instead of being eradicated. That is to say: The structures
through which it spreads are legally protected by democracy.
Despite the fact that the night clubs themselves sell liquor, they are
also used by the drug dealers as their point where they meet their
clients to who they sell drugs.
Some of the drug dealers are more affordable which makes it easy to
be bought, and when the cheap ones have been experienced, the
clients get addicted and graduate to the stronger ones which are more
expensive; and
Due to the stronger and harmful ones being high in cost, then the drug
clients/addicts feel compelled to commit murder and theft/robbery
for money so that they can afford those expensive and more harmful
2.2.7. Tobacco:
The drug, nicotine in tobacco all in the form of cigarette and the
chemicals that are associated with it are harmful in the people’s
lives; and smoking could possibly lead to engagement to more
harmful drugs, but it sounds like there is a target number of
people that have to fall the victims of it because it is produced
regardless of its detrimental effects and consequences. The
most of the youth are tempted to smoking and when they cannot
afford it anymore, they start to be problematic at home and in
the community in terms of minor criminal offenses which
develops into major criminal offenses like robbery and murder.
If the people can live without alcohol, then the compelling force and
aim behind its continual production could only be the destruction of the
nation through its detrimental effects and consequences such as:
raping, murder, sleeping around, hiv/aids, road accidents,
domestic violence and so forth.
The only one who sees a need for continual production of
alcohol is the only one who does not care about other
people’s lives being lost, future and the welfare of the nation
as a whole or else or else it must be the one who wants to
raise economy in the expense of people’s lives
The dangers of Tobacco are and they are even written on the outside of
the cigarette containers. And besides the health problems that goes
with smoking, when the youth who are involved can’t afford it
anymore, they start:-
stealing money(pick pocketing) , housebreaking, which could
lead to more serious criminal offenses being committed. To
see a need for tobacco production is to see a need for people
to lose their lives not only through diseases that are attached
to it, but also through criminal offenses that are associated
with it.
Therefore it should be discontinued.
Nightclubs, learning institutions, streets, places where the
musicians prepare themselves before the get on stage,
taverns ;
There must a standardized testing of musicians, sportsmen
and sports women for the presence of drugs in the blood
stream and those who are found to be using drugs, they
should be used to trace and catch the drug dealers.
Something must be done with the students who drop out of tertiary
institutions before completion of the cause; Post graduates from
tertiary institutions who don’t get employed for a long period of time to
prevent increase of organized crime.
Such television program me s should banned from national
If a violent member of the community cannot be handled or managed
by the community correctional structures, police officers should then
intervene by catching and moving him to the Healing Centre 1 or
Institution For Exorcism.
General Ongoing Preventive Measures.
bad habits/actions of his child; S/he will be held
responsible when the child is caught doing that.
2.3.2. Besides the tribal court, the chief should have an office
located in the community he is in charge of to keep his work
well organized for: Data capturing management where an up to date record
of all the names of the members of community including
the newborns and their parents, as well as the names
/numbers of the houses will be kept. Each child who is reluctant to attend the school should be
included in the office records for the follow ups on that
kid to prevent misbehavior in the community which could
lead to criminal offenses. The teenagers who practice love life pre-maturely and in
the view of the public like: romantic holding of each
other’s hands, public kissing and anything associated
with that should treated as an act of destroying moral
values. Therefore if it happens, disciplinary actions to be
take against such actions. Some of the young boys spend some time in the taverns
and in the late hours, they go to the places where the
commuters are always found like at the bus stops and
where the train drops them during the late hours for
robbery. Such things have to be looked into so that those
young criminals can be caught and removed to the
Healing Center for further correctional actions. For the
office to have a record of all the corners he is in charge of
helps know which part of his community is having a
problem and which one is not.
2.3.3. These actions could possibly prevent and keep the growing
child from: Sleeping out of marriage and teenage pregnancy. Dropping out of school before matriculation. ( which leads
to skills shortage in our country .) Involvement in drugs and alcohol; and therefore Crime will be prevented and virginity and marriage will be
highly valued.
Once more again what need to be born in mind that the rate of crime
in the international level is developing from the children who are not
disciplined and unruly. And being unruly of the children is because of
the democracy withholding and forbidding discipline for them.
Please bear in mind that the compelling force behind this
warning message is because of God’s anger being ready to
pour down in any form should these basic principles are
Besides that, all these principles are designed to decrease
crime level to nothing as well as hiv/aids.
The nation in Christ will always be on top and above the crisis
because God fearing nation is the successful nation.
I sign with the Jesus Christ, the Name that all the solution and
life eternal. Amen!
Only plastic cutlery should be used by the offender/ victims to
prevent conversion of spoons to knives and any dangerous
Secondly, since the problem that brought him here is not the
flesh, but the power of darkness which is evil spirit within
himself; Meditation might lead to him/her feeling sorry and
reconcile with God and other people because to reconcile with
God is a complete restoration of life of a person compared to
him being arrested and released after serving 10 years in
prison without changing lifestyle.
A control room will help to link the prisoners with the warders
should they encounter any problem in their sections and in
cases of corruption and ill-treatment by other who are serving
long sentences.
When the prisoners are grouped together and sharing one big
room, there is a risk of physical emotional abuse, ill
treatment, molestation and killing of one another.
There is also a high risk of sharing and imparting to one
another: the wickedness and immoral behaviors and
transmission of air-borne diseases like tuberculosis.
There is always a driver behind any single move that a car makes.
And the destination of the car is that of a driver. The will never
break the road rules, but the driver uses it to break the road rules.
If evil spirit wants to rape, he use and drive a man who has got it all
it takes he can use to rape. A man would fight against that evil spirit
through the conscience, but when he loses the battle or fight, the
evil spirit succeed to rape through the man. And the man becomes
the victim of the evil spiritual driver in him. And when that has
happened, a man gets wounded spiritually.
The people would deal the car part of a man (flesh or physical part)
and leave the driver part (evil spirit) unattended to. And the people
blame and kill what they call the rapist, but the real rapist which is
evil spirit is left unattended to. A man would serve 20 years in
prison and the driver would carry on where he ended when the man
has been released from prison.
The more evil spirit multiplies within man, is the more a man lose
who he is supposed to be in terms of behavior in social life, present
and future.
Because one needs physical training in order to stand against any
physical fight. And for one to win spiritual fight, one needs spiritual
training and empowerment.
But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in
out heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, if
you confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Lord and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:8-10
Night and day long among the tombs and on the mountains he
was always crying out and bruising himself with stones. (Mark
And crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have you to do
with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God,
do not torment me,”
For he was saying to him, “Come out of the man. You unclean
Mark 5:7-8.
God, the Creator of heaven and earth is not pleased with the loss
of one life of the people he made.
Even though some people are so futile and immoral in such a
way that they deserve to be murdered and thrown away
according to man-made laws and judgments and perceptions,
but God does not look at the things the same way as they do.
We must all die; we are like water spilled on the ground, which
cannot be gathered up again,
But God will not take away the life, and devises means so that
the banished one will not remain an outcast. (2 Samuel 14:14)
Luke 23:41-42
And he said, “Jesus, “Remember me when you come into your
And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with
me in Paradise.”
Mark 5:2-13
“For Jesus said to him, Come out of this man, you evil spirit!”
…The demon begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us
to go into them.”
He gave them permission, and the evil spirits came out and went
into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed
down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.
Jesus does not kill a man for behaving strangely and unacceptably, but
he drives out the cause and leave the man alive.
The demon use the man to carry out all their evil schemes such as the
♥ Crime and Suicide.
♥ Take drug and Alcohol.
♥ Cause conflict.
♥ Fight one another.
♥ Separate/ divorce.
♥ To be stressed, frustrated, sick and many more.
♥ To get hooked into porn and sexual immoralities like being
a gay.
Many people go into the prisons, stay there for a long period of time
and come back with the sources of their problem still within them
because the only way to fight the evil spiritual driver or force is
through another spiritual power, which is the Holy Spirit.
What the law does, is like catching the car (man) and throw him into
the prison for breaking the road rules and leave its driver alone.
So this is the reason why the prisons has to be converted to Healing
Centers or Centers for Exorcism.
3. Exorcism.
One of the first steps that the government can take to show
willingness to work with the religious people to combat crime and
help with moral regeneration is to take into consideration these
principles for moral regeneration;
Because so many attempts may be made in as far as reduction
of crime and hiv/aids, but exclusion of God will make it to be in
As Christians, we command the evil cause of problems out of the
people and out of the country and leave the people concerned
Please note that this is only a basic structure of a healing center
or institution for exorcism or a spiritual prison. Sizes of the rooms
may not be perfect and accurate. The unlabelled/unnamed
rooms has still to be given names according to their use. Do not
mind the number of the rooms, they can still be multiplied to
accommodate many people. The prisons should adopt this style
of a design. professional view of the building can still be
Electrified fence.
Free passage.
Free rooms to be used as offices
or skills center.
Gate /entrance.