Measurement of The Thermal Conductivity of Solid Substances by DSC
Measurement of The Thermal Conductivity of Solid Substances by DSC
Measurement of The Thermal Conductivity of Solid Substances by DSC
MEASUREMENT OF THE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF SOLID SUBSTANCES BY DSC. G. HakvoortX and L.L. van Reijen Delft University of Technology, Chemistry Department, Netherlands A.J. Aartsen, Du Pont de Nemours(Nederland) B.V., Is-Hertogenbosch
ABSTRACT The" thermal conductivity of solid samples can be measured with DSC by melting experiments with a pure metal (indium or gallium) on top of cylindrical pellets. Particularly samples with a low thermal conductivity, like plastics or porous substances, can be determined INTRODUCTION At our laboratory the catalytic activity of Ni/A1205 pellets, used for the highly exothermic methanatlon reaction, is investigated. One aspect concerns the temperature profile inside the pellet, which strongly depends on the thermal conductivity h (ref.1). Measurement of X has to be performed by measuring the heat flow through one side of a sample as function of a known temperature difference between that side and the opposite parallel side. In a DSC cell of the Boersma type, both temperature and heat flow are measured at the contact area between sample and sensor. The temperature at the dbposite side of the sample cannot be measured directly, but by applying a pure metal, placed on the sample, the temperature of that opposite side is known during the melting of the metal. EXPERIMENTAL A DuPont 910 DSC apparatus was used (see ref.1). Two kinds of experiments are to be made: First the calibration factor (C.F.) is determined by melting indium or gallium, directly placed on the sensor, without using a cup, and measuring the DSC signal A (mV). In that case it is assumed that practically all heat of melting Q, flows to the sensor and not to the gas phase, resulting in a calibration constant (C-F.), expressed in W/mV, according to: Qm = * QJensor dt = (C.F.)/ Adt, giving: Qlensor = (C.F.)A The value of (C.F.) depends on the gas phase and varies a little with temperature. For gallium (melting temperature Tm = 30.0 "C)
Proceedingsof ICTA 85, Bratislava
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measured values of (C.F.) are (0.245 and 0.174) 10q3 W/mV in hydrogen en nitrogen respectlvily. For indium (Tm = 156.6 'C) these values are (0.261 and 0.188) 10s3 W/mV. Secondly two identical flat cylindrical pellets are directly placed on sample and reference side of the DSC cell. In some cases, when the thermal conductivity of the pellet is high, the thermal contact between sensor and sample has to be improved by applying a silicone paste. A flat piece of pure metal (indium or gallium) is placed on the top of the sample pellet (see fig 1A). The best results are obtained when the metal totally covers the sample pellet, having the same cylindrical diameter, and when the pellet dimensions are not too small: height l-3 mm, diameter 2-4 mm. The weight of the piece of metal varies from 10 to 40 mg. Starting at low temperature, when the metal is solid, sample and reference are heated with a constant rate (2-10 OC/mln). The sensor temperature Ts and the DSC signal A are recorded against time. During the melting the top of the pellet remains at constant temperature Tm, while the temperature of the lower side of the sample still increases with a constant rate. The resulting DSC plot is shown in fig. 1B.
h Fig. 1. Melting experiment with indium on top of a pellet. A: sample geometry, B: DSC plot, a: Ts against time -tdTs/dt, b: A against time + dA/dt, (dTs/dt)/(dA/dt) = dTs/dA = BP
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RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The following direction from formulas (x=0) = A, can be derived to area the top of for the heat pellet flow in one sensor (x=h):
Q' sensor
= (C.F.)A
. (-h(dT/dx)x=O)
between sensor profile and pellet. inside the pellet: temperature
(Ts - T,)/h (C.F.) A of zp can be determined, are values. given for so of samples can give and and (C.F.))(dTS/dt) value
A = h A,
= {A As/h = B ?B the
= h (C.F.)/X
From fig.
X = h(C.F.)/AsBp In table compared be drawn: - Samples only sensor - Samples materials, paste sample is with is with
can be calculated. 1 the results a number literature a thermal The following of conclusions
conductivity thermal
results improved
when the
by applying very
with not
conductivity, provided porous on the substances of the the same. Ni/y-A1203, large giving it
can be measured
needed, sufficiently
- The thermal polystyrene not for that are type found - The thermal Ni/a-A1203 a-A1203 very of and porosity contact
conductivityof depends non-porous conductivity than are consists the divided, experiments is of for of about
catalyst This
much greater composition fact thermal and pores the Boersma the
chemical a good
by the
crystals In y-A1203
between finely
conductivity. measuring
can be concluded
a helpful
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TABLE 1. Thermal conductivity X for solid substances in H2 and N2, as determined by applying Ga and In on top of the pellets.
Ga In Ga Ga In Ga ,I 11 I, ,I 11 il ,I
1.02 1.12 0.94 0.96 0.189 0.246 0.082 0.185 0.103 0.328 1.24 0.34
teflon = poly3(tetraOPMMA = poly (methyl methacrylate); fluorethylene), cork: corkplate,,density 659 kg/m ; polystyrene foam, density 79 kg/aJ. Catalyst pellet a : 6 wt % NI on u-alumina,porosity 0.60; *Y : 6 wt % Ni on y-alumlna,poroslty 0.63 (see ref. 1). A: wathout, and B : with use of a silicone compound for better thermal contact between pellet and sensor. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors wish to thank Y. Tammerman for performing most of the experimental work and H. Doetsch of the KFA at Jillrchfor inspiring discussions. The research described in this paper has been supported by a NATO Research Grant for International Collaboration in Science, REFERENCES 1. G. Hakvoort, W. van der Klugt, Y. T~mmerman and L.L. van Reijen, Proc. third ESTAC, to he published in Thermochim. Acta (1985). 2. Landolt-Bornstein, Zahlenwerte und Funktionen, 6e Aufl., IV. Band, 4. Tell (Warmetechnlk), Springer-Verlag (1972).