Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Fault Codes
Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Fault Codes
Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Fault Codes
Cab io Wa he Fail e Code LF (F30) Long Fill Condi ion Check/Repai LF flashes when the water level does not change for a period of time after the valves are turned on OR water has disengaged the basket but control does not detect a water level change. Is water supply connected and turned on? Are hose screens plugged? Is water entering the tub? If so check pressure hose connection to machine/motor control. See TEST #2. Ld flashes when the water level does not change after the drain pump is on. Is the drain hose or the drain pump clogged? Is the drain hose height greater than 96 ? Is the pump running? If not, see TEST #7. uL is displayed when the machine/motor control detects an off-balance load, and is steady on while the washer runs a mini-cycle to rebalance the load. Display clears if mini-cycle successfully rebalanced the load. If the mini-cycle is unsuccessful, uL will flash until the door lid is opened, allowing the customer to view and redistribute the load. oL flashes when the machine/motor control detects a load size that exceeds the washers capacity. Open the door lid to clear display, remove excess laundry, then restart the cycle. Sd is displayed when the machine/motor control, by analyzing drag on the basket, detects a suds-lock condition, and is steady on while the control then runs a mini-clean out cycle. If the clean out cycle is unable to correct the over-sudsing problem, the cycle ends and Sd flashes in the display. This may signify: Excessive detergent usage. Basket cannot engage during drain step. Mechanical friction on drive mechanism, not allowing basket to engage. Lid flashes when the following conditions occur: User presses START with lid open. User presses START after 2 consecutive machine cycles without opening lid. The machine/motor control cannot detect the lid
Ld (F32)
Long D ain
L (none)
Unbalanced load
oL (F70)
O e loaded
Sd (F71)
S d De ec ion
Lid (F81)
i ch opening and clo ing p ope l . See TEST #8. Po (none) HC (none) Door Lock Failure Hot, Cold Reversed Pump Out (lid opened) Po fla he hen d ain p mp begin p mping o a e f om b pon ac i a ion b he doo lid ha ing been lef open fo mo e han 10 min e . Clo e doo lid o op d ain p mp. HC fla he hen he ho and cold inle ho e a e e e ed. Make e inle ho e a e connec ed co ec l . dL fla he if he follo ing condi ion occ : Doo lid i no clo ed comple el d e o in e fe ence. Wa h media b ild p i p e en ing he lock bol f om e ending. Machine/mo o con ol de ec open doo lid i ch hen a emp ing o lock. Machine/mo o con ol canno de e mine if doo lid i in a locked a e. See TEST #8. dU fla he if he follo ing condi ion occ : E ce i e fo ce on doo lid i p e en ing lock bol f om e ac ing. Wa h media b ild p i p e en ing lock bol f om e ac ing. Machine/mo o con ol canno de e mine if doo lid i in an nlocked a e. See TEST #8. F hen 1 fla he hen he e i a p ima con ol fail e. Replace he machine con ol a embl . See Acce ing & Remo ing he Elec onic A emblie . F hen 2 fla he hen in: Diagno ic Te mode if a ck ke i de ec ed. S andb mode if he e i a e in e face mi ma ch. DISPLAY (Sa ed Code) EXPLANATION AND RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE See TEST #4. F hen 40 fla he hen he ATC The mi o i de ec ed o be open o ho ed. See TEST #5.
DU (F83)
F1 (F60-68)
F2 (F2)
F40 (F40)
F41 (F41)
F hen 41 fla he hen he mo o o o po i ion en o (RPS) he mi o i de ec ed o be open o ho ed. See TEST #3. NOTE: Thi e o code i onl di pla ed hen ie ing a ed fa l code . See Diagno ic Te fo acce ing a ed fa l code .
F42 (F42)
F50 (F50)
Motor Stalled
F then 50 flashes when the motor rotor position sensor (RPS) senses no rotation. Does basket turn freel ? If not, make sure bottom shipping pack has been removed. Determine cause of friction. If basket turns freel , see TEST #3. F then 51 flashes when there is a motor rotor position sensor (RPS) failure. See TEST #3.
F51 (F51)
F52 (F52)
F then 52 flashes when the motor rotor position sensor (RPS) senses rotation after stop command. See TEST #3. F then 53 flashes when the machine/motor control detects high temperature for the motor module. Does basket turn freel ? If not, determine cause of friction. If basket turns freel , see TEST #3.
F53 (F53)
F54 (F54)
F then 54 flashes when the machine/motor control detects high current for the motor module. Does basket turn freel ? If not, determine cause of friction. If basket turns freel , see TEST #3. F then 72 flashes when the basket check routine fails to determine if the basket is re-engaged after being disengaged. Is the basket floating? If es, pump out water. See Long Drain. Does basket turn freel ? If not, determine cause of friction.
F72 (F72)
TROUBLESHOOTING TESTS TEST #1 Suppl Connections This test assumes that proper voltage is present at the outlet. 1. Unplug washer or disconnect power. 2. Access the machine/motor control assembl . See Accessing & Removing the Electronic Assemblies. 3. With an ohmmeter, check for continuit between the neutral (N) terminal of the plug and P13-1 on the machine/motor control. See Figures 3 and 4, page 6-16. If there is continuit , go to step 4. If there is no continuit , replace the power cord. 4. In a similar wa , check the continuit between the L1 terminal of the plug and P13-3 on the machine/motor control. See Figures 3 and 4, page 6-16. If there is continuit , go to step 5. If there is no continuit , replace the power cord. 5. Visuall check that the P10 connector is inserted all the wa into the machine/motor control. 6. Visuall check that the user interface assembl is properl inserted into the front console. 7. If both visual checks pass, replace the user interface assembl . See Reinstalling the Electronic Assemblies. 8. Plug in washer or reconnect power.
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9. Activate the Console and Indicators Diagnostic Test mode to verif repair. 10. If indicators still do not light, the machine/ motor control has failed: Unplug washer or disconnect power. Replace the machine/motor control assembl . Plug in washer or reconnect power. TEST #2 Log Val e This test checks the electrical connections to the valves, and the valves themselves. 1. Check the rela s and electrical connections to the valves b performing the steps under Diagnostic: Manual, then Manual: Water Valves. Each step in the test activates a group of valves. The following steps assumes one (or more) valve(s) failed to turn on. 2. For the valve(s) in question check the individual solenoid valves: Unplug washer or disconnect power. Disconnect connector P1 and P2 from the machine/motor control.See Figure 4, page 6-16. Check harness connection to solenoid valves. 3. Check resistance of valve coils at contacts P1 and P2 shown in the Wiring Diagram on page 7-1. Resistance values should match those shown. If resistance readings are tens of ohms outside of range, replace the entire log valve assembl . If resistance readings are within range, replace the machine/motor control assembl . 4. Reconnect connectors P1 and P2 to the machine/motor control. TEST #3 Mo o Ci c i This test checks the wiring to the motor and rotor position sensor; and the motor and rotor position sensor themselves. NOTE: Drain water from tub. 1. See Activation of Manual Diagnostic Test Mode, and check the motor and electrical connections b performing the Agitate and Spin tests under Manual: Motor. The following steps assumes that this stepfailed. 2. Unplug washer or disconnect power. 3. Check to see if basket will turn freel . If basket turns freel , go to step 4. If basket does not turn freel , determine what is causing the mechanical friction or lock up. 4. Remove the console to access the machine/ motor control assembl . See Accessing& Removing the Electronic Assemblies. 5. Visuall check that the P5 and P10 connectors are inserted all the wa into the machine/motor control. If visual checks pass, go to step 6. If visual checks fail, reconnect P5 and P10 and repeat step 1. 6. With an ohmmeter, check for 16 ohms resistance at the P5 connector between pins P5-1 and P5-2, and also between pins P5-1 and P5-3. Also measure the resistance at the P10 connector between pins P10-1 and P10-7 and verif that the resistance is within the range shown in the wiring diagram on page 7-1. If the resistance is correct, go to step 11. If the P5 connector resistance is much higher than 16 ohms, or the P10 connector resistance is out of range, go to step 7. 7. Tilt machine forward to access the bottom of the machine and the drive motor area. See Figure 1 on page 6-13. Remove the motor bolt, then the motor cover to access the motor connections. See Figure 2 on page 6-13. 8. Visuall check the mounting bracket and electrical connections to the motor and rotor position sensor board. If visual check passes, go to step 9. If visual check fails, reconnect the electrical connections, reassemble stator and motor cover and repeat step 1. 9. With an ohmmeter, check for continuit between all pins on the P10 machine/motor control connector and the motor rotor position sensor (RPS) connector. See Figures 2 and 4, pages 6-13 and 6-16. If there is continuit , go to step 11. If there is no continuit , replace the lower machine harness. 10. With an ohmmeter, check for continuit between all pins on the P5 machine/motor control connector and the drive motor connector. If there is continuit , replace the drive motor. If there is no continuit , replace the lower machine harness. 11. The drive motor and lower harness are good. Replace the motor RPS board and perform the Diagnostics test in step 1 to verif repair. 12. If the Diagnostics motor test in step 1 failed, then the machine/motor control has failed: Unplug the washer or disconnect power. Replace the machine/motor control assembl . Perform the Motor Diagnostics in step 1 to verif repair. TEST #4 Con ole and Indica o This test is performed when an of the following situations occurs during the Console and Indicators Diagnostic Test: None of he indica o ligh p No beep o nd i hea d Some b on do no ligh indica o None of he indica o ligh p:
1. Perform steps in Accessing & Removing the Electronic Assemblies, and visually check that the P11 connector is inserted all the way into the machine/motor control. 2. Visually check that the user interface assembly is properly inserted in the console assembly 3. If both visual checks pass, replace the user interface assembly. 4. Plug in washer or reconnect power. 5. Activate the Console and Indicators Diagnostic Test mode to verify repair. 6. If indicators still do not light, the machine/ motor control has failed: Unplug washer or disconnect power. Replace the machine/motor control assembly. Plug in washer or reconnect power. Activate the Console and Indicators Diagnostic Test mode to verify repair. No beep o nd i hea d: 1. Perform steps in Accessing & Removing the Electronic Assemblies, and visually check that the P5 connector is inserted all the way into the machine/motor control. If visual check passes, replace the user interface assembly. 2. Plug in washer or reconnect power. 3. Activate the Console and Indicators Diagnostic Test mode to verify repair. 4. If replacing the user interface assembly failed: Unplug washer or disconnect power. Replace the machine/motor control assembly. Plug in washer or reconnect power. Activate the Console and Indicators Diagnostic Test mode to verify repair. Some b on do no ligh indica o : 1. Perform steps in Accessing & Removing the Electronic Assemblies, and visually check that the console electronics and housing assembly is properly inserted into the front console. If visual check passes, replace the user interface assembly. 2. Plug in washer or reconnect power. 3. Activate the Console and Indicators Diagnostic Test mode to verify repair. TEST #5 A oma ic Tempe a e Con ol This test checks the water inlet valves, the temperature sensor, and the machine/motor control. 1. Check the valves by performing Test #2, before continuing to the next step. 2. Ensure proper hose connections and that households hot water is present. 3. Plug in washer or reconnect power. 4. Remove all clothes from the machine. 5. Select POWER Wash/Rinse Temp. WARM/WARM wash cycle NORMAL START. 6. After the tub fills and starts to wash, stop the machine. 7. Measure the water temperature, and verify it is 855F (293C). If the water temperature is correct, ATC is functional. If the water temperature is incorrect, then go to step 8. 8. Unplug washer or disconnect power. 9. Access the machine/motor control assembly. See Accessing & Removing the Electronic Assemblies. 10. Remove the P9 connector, and using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance between pins P9-1, and P9-3. Verify that the resistance is within range as shown in the following table: THERMISTOR RESISTANCE Tempe a e Re i ance 50F (10C) 60F (16C) 70F (21C) 80F (27C) 90F (32C) 100F (38C) 110F (44C) (Ohm ) 19k20.5k 15k15.7k 11.7k12.2k 9.1k9.5k 7.2k7.6k 5.6k5.9k 4.6k4.9k
3.6k3.8k 2.9k3.1k
If the resistance is not within this range, go to step 11. If the resistance is within this range, go to step 12. 11. Using an ohmmeter, measure continuity between all pins on the P9 connector and the thermistor contacts. If there is continuity, replace the log valve assembly. If there is no continuity, replace the upper harness. 12. The log valve and upper harness are good. Replace the machine/motor control assembly. See Reinstalling the Electronic Assemblies. TEST #6 Wa e Le el and P e e T an d ce Calib a ion This test checks the water level sensing components, and calibrates the pressure sensor. 1. Unplug washer or disconnect power. 2. Access the machine/motor control assembly. See Accessing & Removing the Electronic Assemblies. 3. Check hose connection between the pressure transducer on the machine/motor control and the pressure dome attached to the tub. Check to ensure hose is routed correctly in the lower cabinet and not pinched or crimped by the back panel. 4. Plug in washer or reconnect power. 5. Drain the tub until all water has been removed from tub. 6. Remove all clothes from the machine. 7. Calibrate the pressure transducer: See Activation of Manual Diagnostic Test Mode, and perform steps 1 and 2 until the display shows 00 and the Add A Garment indicator LED is flashing. Press and hold the Cycle Signal button until a single beep sounds, and the display shows Pt to indicate zero calibration has completed. Exit Diagnostic: Manual by pressing STOP or POWER. 8. Select POWER wash cycle NORMAL START. 9. Verify that the tub fills to the top of the impeller plate (impeller models), or to a level above the agitator vanes (agitator models), but much lower than the SUPER Load Size water level. If the water level does not fill to this level, replace the machine/motor control assembly. See Accessing & Removing the Electronic Assemblies. TEST #7 D ain/Reci c la ion Perform the following checks if washer fails to drain or recirculate. 1. See Activation of Manual Diagnostic Test Mode, and perform the Manual: Pumps test. 2. Remove the console to access the machine/ motor control assembly. See Accessing & Removing the Electronic Assemblies. 3. Visually check that the P4 connector is inserted all the way into the machine/motor control. If visual check passes, go to step 4. If visual check fails, reconnect P4 and repeat step 1. 4. Remove connector P4 from the machine/ motor control and check resistance values of pump motor windings. Resistance values should match those shown in wiring diagram, page 7-1. If resistance values are good, go to step 7. If winding measurements are much higher (tens of ohms to infinity) than shown in wiring diagram, a problem exists in the motor winding or in the connection between the machine/motor control and the motor. Go to step 5. 5. Tilt machine forward to access the bottom of the machine and the pumps. See Figure 1, page 6-13. 6. Check the resistance at the pump motor. Remove the connector at the motor and take measurements across pump terminals. Measurements should be as shown in the wiring diagram. If winding measurements are much higher (tens of ohms to infinity) than shown in wiring diagram, replace the pump motor. If the resistance at the pump motor is correct, there is an open circuit in the wiring between the motor and the machine/ motor control. Repair or replace the lower wiring harness. If the pump motor windings and machine/ motor control check OK, repair or replace the pump. Be sure to check the pump and tub sump for foreign objects before replacing pump. 7. See Activation of Manual Diagnostic Test Mode, and perform the Manual: Pumps test. 8. If the Manual: Pumps test failed, then the machine/motor control has failed: Unplug the washer or disconnect power. Replace the machine/motor control assembly. Perform the Manual: Pump test. TEST #8 Doo Lid Lock Perform the following checks if washer fails to lock (or unlock). 1. Perform Manual: Door Switch and Manual: Door Lid Lock tests. 2. Remove the console to access the machine/ motor control assembly. See Accessing & Removing the Electronic Assemblies. 3. Visually check that the P12 connector is inserted all the way into the machine/motor control. If visual check passes, go to step 4. If
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visual check fails, reconnect P4 and repeat step 1. 4. Check the lid lock motor winding and switches by removing P12 from the machine/ motor control and checking the resistance values shown in the Lid Lock Resistance table below: LID LOCK RESISTANCE Componen Motor Winding Lock Switch - Home Lock Switch - Lock Lock Switch - Lid Re i ance Unlocked 35 5 0 Open Circuit Lid Closed = 0 Lid Open = Open Circuit Re i ance Locked 35 5 Open Circuit 0 Lid Closed = 0 Lid Open = Open Circuit Con ac Mea P12-2 P12-1 P12-1 P12-1 ed Con ac Mea P12-3 P12-4 P12-7 P12-5 ed
If resistance values are good, go to step 5. If switch measurements do not match the values shown in the table for unlocked (or locked) conditions, a problem exists in the door lid lock. Replace the door lid lock. 5. If the Manual: Door Switch or Manual: Door Lid Lock in step 1 failed, then the machine/motor control has failed: Unplug washer or disconnect power. Replace machine/motor control assembly. Perform the Manual: Door Switch and Manual: Door Lid Lock in step 1 to verify repair.