Sylbs 4th Sem
Sylbs 4th Sem
Sylbs 4th Sem
consumer decision making process and to develop and implement effective marketing functions and strategies for consumer behaviour. Knowledge Level: Expert PART A: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Unit - I : Consumer Behavior Introduction Why we study Consumer Behavior Why the field of Consumer Behavior Developed Credit Hours: Lectures Total Three Three 3 3
Unit - II: Consumer Research & Market Segmentation Consumer Research: History Consumer Research Process Research Methods and Tools Models and Roles of Model Monadic Model & CB (Elasticity response Hierarchy, Black Box) Eclectic or Multivariate Models (Howard-Seth, Nicosia, Engel, Blackwell Miniard Models) Credit Hours: Lectures Six Case One Total Seven PART B: CONSUMER AS AN INDIVIDUAL Unit - III: System of Individual Consumer Consumer Motivation Dynamic Nature of Motivation Types and Systems of Needs Measurement of Motives Motivational Research Personality and Understanding Consumer Diversity Consumer Perception - Dynamics of Perception 6 1 7
- Consumer Imagery - Perceived Risk Credit Hours: Lectur es Cases Total Unit - IV: Consumer System II
6 1 7
Consumer Involvement - Behavioral Learning Theories - Cognitive Learning Theory - Brand Loyalty Consumer Attitude - Structural Models of Attitudes Consumer Attitude Formation and Change Lectures Cases Total Six One Seven 6 1 7
Credit Hours:
PART C: CONSUMER IN SOCIAL AND CULTURAL SETTINGS Unit - V: Consumer Group Consumer Relevant Group Reference Group and Consumer Conformity Applications of the Reference Group Family Role as Consumer - Decision Making - Family Life Cycle Society Role as Consumer - Measurement - Mobility of Social Class - Affluent Consumer - Non affluent Consumer - Selected Consumer Behaviour Applications of Social Class Culture and Consumer Behaviour Subculture Aspects of Consumer Behaviour Subcultures in India (Asian-Indian Americans) * Cross-Cultural Consumer Behaviour: an International Perspective - Cross-Cultural Consumer Analysis - Alternative Multinational Strategies - Cross-Cultural Psychographic Segmentation
PG -112
Learning Objective: The basic objective of CRM provides the background information about the customer relationship management. CRM is increasingly gaining the importance among both academics and business practitioners. This module helps the management scholars gain a good grasp of what CRM concept & how it is implementing in the organization.
Unit 1: Introduction
CRM Definition, Evolution & Scope Importance of CRM, Types of CRM CRM Emerging Trends & Issue o Objective of CRM o Need of CRM o Benefits of CRM Credit Hrs: Lecture Two Case Study Total One Three
2 1 3
Unit 2:
Key Principle of Relationship Mgmt. CRM, Marketing & Relationship Marketing Conceptual Framework of CRM CRM Process framework Techniques and Application to Manage Relationship o Acquisition Stage o Post Acquisition Stage o Acquisition cost Vs. Relationship Cost o Six stage Model of Relationship
Credit Hrs: -
5 1 6
Credit Hrs: -
9 1 10
Frame work for building CRM strategies Creating an organization structure for CRM rollout. o Value Discipline model o CRM Program life cycle o Strategy Planning & Development Process o Eight building Blocks of CRM Risk/ roadblocks in CRM Implementation Lecture Case Study Five One 5 1
Credit Hrs: -
Introduction What Needs to be Measure o Attitudinal & behavioral loyalty o CRM Matrix Types of customer matrix o 3 approaches of KPI Development o Balance Score Card o Customer Score Card o Customer life cycle, Customer Migration
Credit Hrs: -
Lecture Total
Six Six
6 6
Unit 6: CRM in Services Banking & Financial Services Automobiles IT Telecom Hotels Organized Retails (Big Bazaar) etc. Lecture Case Study Total Six Two Eight 6 2 8
Credit Hrs: -
The PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE of CRM Changing Patterns of CRM solution in future Implication of Globalization on CRM The Global Account Manager as Political Entrepreneurs o Role Of Global Account Manager o Model of Boundary Spanning Behavior
PG- 115
Objectives: - The primary objective of this course is to acquaint the students with Nature, Scope, Growth and emerging trends in Indian Economic Environment.
Knowledge Level-Expert
Unit 1:-An Introduction to Business Environment - Meaning of Business - Nature of Modern Business - Environment of Business a)Economic environment of business b) Non-Economic environment of business - Internal Environment - External Environment a)Micro & macro environment * Global Environment * Present Indian scenario
Credit Hours:
Three 3
Unit 2:-Privatisation and Disinvestment * Privatization: Nature and Objectives * Disinvestment programme in India * Disinvestment in PSUs; strategies & issues
* Rang Rajan Committee on Disinvestment * Privatization and Market Friendly Approach *Privatization Experiments in some developing countries
Credit Hours:
* Historical perspective * Rationale * Industrial Policy Resolutions of 1948 & 1956 * New Industrial Policy, 1991-Meaning and objectives * Appraisal of New Industrial Policy. * FDI Meaning, needs effects, determinants & Govt. policies
Credit Hours: -
2 2 4
Unit 4:-Anatomy and Functioning of the Economy * Macro economics framework - basics * Theory of Income and Employment; - Classical & Keynesian approach * Consumption Function- Its importance and affecting factors * Investment Function- Methods of estimating the profitability of investment Projects
* MEC schedule and Rate of Investment * Theory of Multiplier; Importance & leakages 4 models of multiplier * Product & Money Market Equilibrium- IS/LM model. * Supply creates own demand
Credit Hours: -
8 2 10
* Composition, features and short comings of Indian Money Market &Capital Market in india. * Current capital market scenario * Shortcomings of money market in india and measures taken to strengthen it * IRDA-1951 * MRTP Act-1969 * FERA-1973 * FEMA-1999 * Consumer Protection Act-1986 * SEBI and Stock Market Regulations.
Credit Hours: -
Lectures Total
six six
6 6
* Globalization- Meaning & definition, features; Ten Rules of globalization; India and Globalization; * Govt. measures towards Globalization; Its impacts on Indian Industry; Critical appraisal, Threats to Globalization.
* Multinational Corporations - meaning & reasons for growth; MNCs & Indian economy problems brought by MNC. Features of MNCs
* Role of Government in Business Activities * Development of entrepreneurship in India Credit Hours: Lectures Case Total Total Four Two 6 4 2
Unit 7:- Indias Monetary and Fiscal Policies * Monetary Policy * Instruments of monetary policy * Credit Control Policy of RBI * Role of Monetary Policy in a developing economy * Money Supply in India Fiscal Policy * Instruments of fiscal policy * Clamification & * Canons of Taxation * Role of Fiscal Policy in a developing economy * Incidence and Shifting of tax
Credit Hours:
Case Total
Two Eight
2 8
Unit 8:-Balance of Payments & Exchange Rate Management * Balance of Payments * BOP on Current A/C and Capital A/C * Equilibrium in BOP, Causes of Disequilibrium in BOP & measures to correct Disequilibrium * Foreign Exchange Markets & Exchange Rate * Exchange Rate Determination
3 3
Unit 9:-Multilateral Agreements * Multilateral trading system and its principles * What is MFN status? 1. Importance of MFN * GATT * WTO * SAARC * Regional Trading Groups * Trends in World Trade * UNCTAD * WTO and Indian economy Credit Hours : Lectures Total Unit 10:- CPI and Inflation Seven Seven 7 7
* WPI AND PPI * Meaning types & effects and its determination * Importance * Budget- 2009-10
PG- 147 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Learning Objectives: The objective of this module is to familiarise the students with the techniques of managing the inventory, production and operations. Acquaint the students with decision making in: Planning, scheduling and controlling of production and operations functions in both manufacturing and services and operations. This study will enable the participant to select and design the product, process, location and layout of any production unit. Knowledge Level: Good Unit - I: Introduction Concept of Operations Management Objective and characteristics of Operations Management Operations and Production Management Interface Major functions of Operations Management Operations Management in changed perspective Three Three 3 3
Unit -II: Basics of Operations Management Manufacturing System and Service System Various Types of Manufacturing System Product Selection Process Selection Capacity Planning Learning/Experiential Curve Six One Seven 6 1 7
Unit - III: Facility Planning Various Factors Influencing Site Selection Selection of Plants and Machineries Material Handling Facilities Layout - various types of layout linked with manufacturing system Credit Hours: Lectures Case Six One 6 1
Total Unit: IV
Seven 7
Key Role of Technology in Modern Industrial System Manufacturing Process Technology Group Technology CAD/CAM/CIMS Ringi System Lectures Case Total Six One Seven 6 1 7
Credit Hours :
Unit - V: Industrial Planning System Corporate Plan Long Range Plan Strategic Plan Aggregate Planning for Production & Services Production Planning & Control - Scheduling - line balancing Gantt Chart Operational/Shop floor planning - Routing - Expediting- Chasing Lectures Case Total Six One Seven 6 1 7
Credit Hours:
Unit - VI: Materials Management Need for Material Cost Reduction Tools for Material Cost Reduction - Various types of Cost related to material Inventory Control- Q/R , Periodic, ABC/VED/SDE Analysis Material Procurement System - Lead Time- Re-order point, Buffer Stock Etc. Material Requirement Planning (MRP I) Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) Credit Hours: Lectures Six 6 Case One 1 Total Seven 7 Unit - VII: Productivity Management Productivity: Concept & Measurement; Value Addition Work Study - Method Study & Work Measurement Setting Production Standards Job Design Designing and Implementation Production Incentive Scheme Indian Bonus Act, 1965
PG- 155 RURAL & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING Learning Objectives: Since India is approximately 77% rural and 23% urban and recently there has been a boom in rural consumerism. Therefore many MNCs and other consumers product companies are focusing at rural market and industrial goods. Hence this study becomes quite significant in terms of applying classroom knowledge to the real scenario prevailing in rural markets & industrial market. This will also help students to get a total perspective of India Economy and Industrial & Rural Markets. Knowledge Level: Expert Part A : INDUSTRIAL MARKETING Objectives The objective of this course is to lay a foundation for an understanding of the complex dimension of the industrial marketing.
Unit - I: Nature of Industrial Marketing Introduction: Industrial Marketing Industrial versus Consumer Marketing Management Industrial Marketing Defined Contrasting Industrial and Consumer Marketing Economics of Consumer Demand The Reseller's Market Industrial Marketing Concept Organizational Customers - Governmental Agencies & Institutions Classifying Industrial Products Unique Characteristics of Organizational Procurement Lectures Case Total Three One Four 3 1 4
Credit Hours :
Unit - II : Strategy Formulation in the Industrial Market Strategic Planning in the Industrial Market Managing the Development of Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Process Marketing's Role in the Strategic Planning Process Developing Marketing Strategy Role of Marketing Research in Strategic Decision Making Basis for Segmenting Industrial Marketers Evaluating Potential Segments
Decision Support Systems and their use in Market Segmentation Lectures Case Total Five One Six 5 1 6
Credit Hours :
Unit - III : Formulating Channel Strategy Role of Distributors Dual-Channel Strategies Choosing the Right Distributor Manufacturers' Representatives Participation of Reps in the Industrial Market Other Channel Participants Maintaining Indirect Channel Effectiveness Relationship of Logistics and Physical Distribution Physical Distribution and Marketing Strategy *Total-cost Approach Overall Contribution of Marketing Logistics Credit Hours : Lectures Cases Total Five One Six 5 1 6
Unit IV : Formulating Marketing Communication Planning Industrial Selling Environment Managing the Industrial Sales Force Planning for Sales Force Development Organizing the Sales Force Controlling Sales Force Activities * Future of Sales Force Strategy Use of Advertising in the Industrial Market Industrial Advertising Media Use of Sales Promotion in the Industrial Market Use of Publicity in the Industrial Market Developing the Industrial Promotional Program Appropriating Advertising Funds Developing Message Strategy Developing the Media Plan Evaluating the Advertising Plan Integrated Promotion Plan Lectures Cases Total Five One Six 5 1 6
Credit Hours :
Unit -V : International Industrial Marketing Case for International Marketing International Marketing Environment Forms of International Market Entry International Adaptation of Conventional Marketing Strategies Lectures Case Total Two One Three 2 1 3
Credit Hours :
PART B: RURAL MARKETING Objectives The objectives of the course is to explore the students to the rural market enviorment and the emerging challenges in the globalization of the economics
Unit - VI : Rural Market Environment Introduction - Rural Marketing Occupation Pattern Income Generation * Location of Rural Population Expenditure Pattern Development Programmes Infrastructure Facilities Rural Communication Rural Area Requirements Credit Hours : Lectures Case Total Three One Four 3 1 4
Unit -VII : Rural Demand and Rural Market Index Thompson Rural Market Index Indicators Considered for Rural Market Index Lectures Total Two Two 2 2
Credit Hours :
Undeveloped People and underdeveloped Market Lack of Proper Physical Communication Facilities Rural Communication Logistics, Storage, Handling and Transport Market Organisation and Staff Product Positioning Hierarchy of Markets Seasonal Demand Lectures Cases Total Four One Five 4 1 5
Credit Hours :
Unit -IX : Marketing of Agricultural Inputs Consumable Inputs Durable Inputs Fertilizers Changing Scenario in Fertilizer Marketing Pesticides/Insecticides Seeds * Cattle, Poultry and Aqua Feeds Tractors Irrigation Equipments Other Farm Machinery Lectures Case Total Three One Four 3 1 4
Credit Hours :
Unit - X : Marketing of Consumables and Durables Marketing Mix in Rural Context Product Redesign or modification Needs