Accept the Acquired Product practice, 214215 Acceptance criteria for suppliers, 214215 Achieve Specic Goals goal, 39, 283 Acquisition-specic supplier agreements, 220 Action plans, 93 Activities, changing, 119 Actors in well-designed processes, 10 Address Causes of Defects goal, 37 Adherence, evaluating, 289 Adjustment, facilitating, 100101 Agreement plans for, 85, 91, 93 for requirements, 129130 supplier. See Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) process area Align Measurement & Analysis Activities goal, 36, 229231 Establish Measurement Objectives practice, 231233 Specify Analysis Procedures practice, 236237 Specify Data Collection and Storage Procedures practice, 234236 Specify Measures practice, 233234 Alignment, plan commitment for, 85, 90 Analysis procedure in Measurement & Analysis, 243244 Analyze and Validate Requirements goal, 32 Analyze Issues practice, 118 Analyze Measurement Data practice, 238 Analyze Subprocess Performance goal, 29 Announcing project plans, 8485 Anticipating requirements, 150 Any-way-you-want approach, 49 Appeals in quality assurance, 258 Apply IPPD Principles (for those using IPPD) goal, 28 Approver groups for plan commitment, 9092 for project plans, 84 for requirements commitment, 141143 Artifacts, repositories for, 162163 Assemble Product Components and Deliver the Product goal, 34 Assessing conguration changes, 190191 requirements changes, 147148 Assign Responsibility practice, 285286 Audits analysts, 270 combining, 270 conguration management, 182186 guidelines, 260261 notications, 274275 procedures, 274 process evaluation, 257258 processes vs. people, 256 records of, 184186 report forms, 275 reporting results, 211212 shared responsibility for, 269 suppliers, 210212 Available measures, 234
Balancing expectations with capability, 90 Baldridge, Malcolm, 17 Baselines conguration management, 167177, 191 repositories for, 162163 requirements management, 146, 158 schedule, 75 sign-off forms for, 158 updates, 191 Best practices, 17, 152 Bi-directional requirement traceability, 148150 Blank contracts, 206 Boilerplate contracts, 206 Branding guidelines, 216217 Bruon, Bennett, 193 Budgets establishing, 7375 monitoring, 107 Business objectives, 243 Business reach in scope, 66
Capability, balancing expectations with, 90 Capability Levels dened, 4344 incomplete, 42 managed, 43 optimizing, 44 performed, 4243 quantitatively managed, 44 Capability Maturity Model, 1417 Cauleld, Richard, 159 Causal Analysis & Resolution (CAR) process area, 3738 Change for activities, 119 assessment criteria, 191 assessment procedures, 190 commitment allowance for, 143 conguration management, 164, 187, 189191
controlling, 187 plan commitment for, 9192 for plans, 119120 platform for, 164 request forms and procedures, 157, 179, 190 request tracking, 178180 in requirements, 131132, 144148, 157 review and approval procedures, 179180 Change control boards, 177 charter for, 189190 establishing, 178179 Cline, John, 1, 6, 9, 277 Closure process group, 300 CMMI-ACQ (CMMI for Acquisition) model, 16 CMMI-DEV (CMMI for Development) model, 16 disciplines covered by, 1617 Engineering process areas, 3235 Generic Goals, 3840 process area overview, 2325 for process improvement, 1722 Process Management process areas, 2932 Project Management process areas, 2529 Support process areas, 3538 CMMI-SVC (CMMI for Services) model, 16 Coaching, online, 251 Collaborate and Coordinate with Relevant Stakeholders goal, 28 Collect Measurement Data practice, 237238 Collection procedures for data, 234238, 243244 Combining audits, 270 Comments forms for requirements, 157 Commitment to conguration management system, 176 monitoring, 108109 obtaining, 9092 to plans, 8592 to process, 2022 in project planning, 6061
protecting, 99100 to requirements, 140144, 152 reviews for, 8789 to time, 22 work and resource levels reconciliation for, 8990 Common language of progress and oversight, 122 Common plans, 258259 Commonality, baselines for, 167 Communicate and Ensure Resolution of Noncompliance Issues practice, 262265 Communicate Results practice, 239 Communications in integrated approach, 305306 monitoring, 109 progress reviews for, 114 promoting, 100 of requirements changes, 145 Communications knowledge area in PMBOK, 302 Comparison shopping criteria, 208209 Compliance communicating value of, 264 goals for, 259261 rewarding, 261 statutory, 187188 Compose the Dened Process goal, 28 Conduct Milestone Reviews practice, 115116 Conduct Progress Reviews practice, 114115 Conguration Management (CM) process area, 36, 159160, 287 aspects, 162165 benets, 186188 Establish Baselines goal, 167177 Establish Integrity goal, 182186 example components, 188191 goals and practices summary, 166 planning for, 78 purpose, 160161 tools for, 165 Track and Control Changes goal, 177182 vs. version control, 168
Consistency, 1819 organizational, 251 PMO operations, 123 project management, 291292 project planning, 291 supply change management, 217218 Consistent progress markers, 227 Constellations CMMI, 23 frameworks of, 1516 Constraints, understanding, 76 Consumption rate, 74 Containable measures, 232233 Continuous activity, requirements management as, 133 Continuous representation Capability Levels, 4244 Generic Goals, 280 Contracts blank, 206 prepared, 209 Control change, 177178, 187 conguration items, 177182 in integrated approach, 304305 process, 288 requirements management for, 154 supply chain, 195196 Control Conguration Items practice, 180182 Control process group in PMBOK, 299 Cooperation, plan commitment for, 85, 91 Coordinated work, structured approach to, 163164 Corrective action facilitating, 100101 managing, 116120 for suppliers, 213214, 220221 taking, 118120 Cost knowledge area in PMBOK, 301 Costs establishing, 7374 estimating, 7071 goals for, 271 Create or Release Baselines practice, 175177
Criteria comparison shopping, 208209 measurement and analysis, 226 success, 131 suppliers, 203204, 213215 Critical path dates in milestone reviews, 115116 Crosby, Phil, 17 Culture, 57 Customer-centric products, 169170 Customers monitoring involvement of, 113114 needs of, 146147 plan reviews with, 8889 planning for involvement of, 83
Data-driven decision making, 225 Data integrity, 164165 Data management analysis, 238 collection practices, 234238 monitoring, 111 planning for, 7778 storage, 238239 Decision Analysis & Resolution (DAR) process area, 37 Decision making, plans for, 9394 Dene Project Lifecycle practice, 6970 Dened Capability Level, 4344 Dened Maturity Level, 47 Dened processes, 40, 279 Deliverables dening, 6869 in milestone reviews, 116 monitoring, 108 Demonstrable objectives, 232 Dependable practices, 17 Deploy Improvements goal, 31 Deploy Organizational Process Assets and Incorporate Lessons Learned goal, 30 Determine Acquisition Type practice, 201203 Determine Causes of Defects goal, 37
Determine Estimates of Effort and Cost practice, 7071 Determine Process Improvement Opportunities goal, 30 Develop a Project Plan goal, 26, 7173 Establish the Budget and Schedule practice, 7375 Establish the Project Plan practice, 8385 Identify Project Risk practice, 7576 Plan for Data Management practice, 7778 Plan for Needed Knowledge and Skills practice, 8081 Plan for Project Resources practice, 7880 Plan Stakeholder Involvement practice, 8283 Develop Customer Requirements goal, 32 Develop Product Requirements goal, 32 Develop the Design goal, 33 Development phases, mapping, 70 Disciplines covered by CMMI-DEV, 1617 Documentation audit records, 185186 audit trails, 184185 project planning for, 60 requirements, 137138, 156157 version histories, 185 Drafts, project plan, 84
Efciencies in purchasing, 218 Effort requirements estimates, 7071 Empirical progress markers, 227 Enable IPPD Management (for shops doing IPPD) goal, 30 Engineering process areas, 25, 32 Product Integration, 34 Requirements Development, 3233 Requirements Management, 33 Technical Solution, 3334 Validation, 35 Verication, 3435
Ensure Interface Compatibility goal, 34 Entry criteria in well-designed processes, 10 Establish a Conguration Management System practice, 172175 Establish an Organizational Policy practice, 284 Establish an Organizational Training Capability goal, 31 Establish Baselines goal, 36, 167168 Create or Release Baselines practice, 175 Establish a Conguration Management System practice, 172175 Identify Conguration Items practice, 169171 Establish Conguration Management Records practice, 184186 Establish Estimates goal, 26, 6366 Dene Project Lifecycle practice, 6970 Determine Estimates of Effort and Cost practice, 7071 Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes practice, 6769 Estimate the Scope of the Project practice, 6667 Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes practice, 6769 Establish Integrity goal, 36, 182 Establish Conguration Management Records practice, 184186 Perform Conguration Audits practice, 182183 Establish Measurement Objectives practice, 231233 Establish Organizational Process Assets goal, 30 Establish Performance Baselines and Models goal, 31 Establish Records practice, 265 Establish Supplier Agreements goal, 28, 199201 Determine Acquisition Type practice, 201203 Establish Supplier Agreements practice, 205 Select Suppliers practice, 203205
Establish Supplier Agreements practice, 205 Establish the Budget and Schedule practice, 7375 Establish the Project Plan practice, 8385 Estimate the Scope of the Project practice, 6667 Estimates effort and cost, 7071 establishing, 6371 lifecycle, 6970 realistic, 59 scope, 6667 work product and task attributes, 6769 eTrials, Inc., 67, 9 Evaluate Alternatives goal, 37 Evaluate Selected Supplier Work Products practice, 212214 Evaluation, 19 adherence, 289 conguration management, 172173 in-process production, 212213 processes and work products, 254261 Evans, Darrel, 97 Execute the Supplier Agreement practice, 208209 Execution process group in PMBOK, 299 Executive management, monitoring involvement by, 113 Exit criteria in well-designed processes, 10 Expectations balancing with capability, 90 Generic Goals for, 292 Explicit commitment, 90 External stakeholders, 138139 Externalized organizational capabilities, 51
Facilities planning, 79 Feedback analyzing and integrating, 89 for requirements, 140, 142 Flexibility in integrated approach, 305
Focus facilitating, 100101 measurement programs for, 226 Forms audit reports, 275 change requests, 157, 179, 190 requirements comments, 157 requirements sign-off, 158 status reports, 124125 Frameworks of integrated constellations, 1516 Fulllment standards, requirements management for, 155
Ichwantoro, Kricket, 57 Identify and Analyze Risks goal, 27 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders practice, 287288 Identify Conguration Items practice, 169171 Identify Inconsistencies between Project Work and Requirements practice, 150153 Identify Project Risk practice, 7576 Identifying acquisitions, 201202 conguration items, 169171 production tasks, 69 requirements, 132133 risks, 27, 7576 stakeholders, 287288 work and requirements inconsistencies, 150153 Impact levels of acquisitions, 202 Implement the Product Design goal, 33 Implicit commitment, 90 Improvement basis for, 227228 process, 1722 selecting and deploying, 3132 window on, 252, 272 In-process production evaluation, 212213 Incomplete Capability Level, 42 Inconsistencies, project work and requirements, 150153 Independence vs. objectivity, 255 Initial Maturity Level, 46 Initiation process group in PMBOK, 299 Inputs in well-designed processes, 10 Insight objective, 261268 product and organizational movement, 271272 Inspection process for suppliers, 215
Generic Goals, 3839, 277278 Achieve Specic Goals, 39, 283 benets, 290292 goals and practices summary, 281283 in implementation, 41 Institutionalize a Dened Process, 40 Institutionalize a Managed Process, 39, 284290 Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process, 40 Institutionalize an Optimizing Process, 40 purpose, 278281 Goals. See also specic process areas compliance, 259261 and noncompliance, 263264 project management, 271 Guidelines audits, 260261 suppliers, 216217 updates and releases, 181182
Hardware Engineering discipline, 17 High-impact materials, 171172 Higher level management, status reviews with, 289290 Histories, version documenting, 185
Institutionalization with Generic Goals, 38, 281 Institutionalize a Defined Process goal, 40 Institutionalize a Managed Process goal, 284 Assign Responsibility practice, 285286 Establish an Organizational Policy practice, 284 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders practice, 287288 Manage Congurations practice, 287 Monitor and Control the Process practice, 288 Objectively Evaluate Adherence practice, 289 Plan the Process practice, 284285 Provide Resources practice, 285 Review Status with Higher Level Management practice, 289290 Train People practice, 286 Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process generic goal, 40 Institutionalize an Optimizing Process generic goal, 40 Integrated approach, 293294 CMMI without PMP, 295297 conclusion, 303304 PMBOK, 297303 project management disciplines, 294295 Integrated constellations, 1516 Integrated Process and Product Development discipline, 17 Integrated Project Management (IPM) process area, 2829 Integration feedback, 89 product, 34 requirements, 80 scope, 67 supplier guidelines, 216 Integration knowledge area in PMBOK, 301 Integration partners, monitoring involvement of, 113
Integrity, 9 goals, 182186 managing, 164165 referential, 186187 Internal stakeholders, 139 Internal teams, monitoring involvement of, 112113 Intuitive approach to estimation, 64 Involvement monitoring, 112113 planning for, 8283 stakeholder, 287288 Issues analyzing, 118 moving, 119 noncompliance, 262265 tracking, 77
Juran, Joseph, 17
Key acquisition needs, 202203 Key deliverables dening, 6869 in milestone reviews, 116 monitoring, 108 Key milestones, 74 Key processes and products selection, 257 Key team member involvement, 8283 Knowledge areas in PMBOK, 300303 Knowledge requirements, planning for, 8081 Known risks, documenting, 76
Levels of impact in acquisitions, 202 Lifecycle determination, 6970 Locating measurement data, 235
Maintain Bi-directional Traceability of Requirements practice, 148150, 153 Major production tasks identication, 69 Manage Congurations practice, 287 Manage Corrective Action practice, 120 Manage Corrective Action to Closure goal, 27, 116117 Analyze Issues practice, 118 Manage Corrective Action practice, 120 Take Corrective Action practice, 118120 Manage Requirements Changes practice, 144148, 153 Manage Requirements goal, 33, 135137 Identify Inconsistencies between Project Work and Requirements practice, 150153 Maintain Bi-directional Traceability of Requirements practice, 148150 Manage Requirements Changes practice, 144148 Obtain an Understanding of the Requirements practice, 137140 Obtain Commitment to the Requirements practice, 140144 practices summary, 152153 Manage the Project Quantitatively goal, 29 Managed Capability Level, 43 Managed Maturity Level, 47 Managed processes, 39, 279, 284290 Management consistency, 291292 goals, 271 planning for involvement of, 83 reports to, 266268 in requirements management, 155 reviewing status with, 289290 skills requirements, 81 Management-centric products, 170171 Mapping CMMI to PMBOK, 5456, 298 development phases, 70 Master Project Manager (MPM) certication, 294
Maturity Levels dened, 47 initial, 46 managed, 47 optimizing, 48 and PMBOK, 297303 process areas of, 5254 quantitatively managed, 48 recap, 280281 Measurement & Analysis (MA) process area, 36, 223224 Align Measurement & Analysis Activities goal, 229237 benets, 239242 example components, 242244 goals and practices summary, 228229 Provide Measurement Results goal, 237239 purpose, 224228 Measures in well-designed processes, 10 Mentoring, online, 251 Metrics, tracking, 125 Michelen, Debbie, 223 Milestones establishing, 74 reviewing, 115116 Mitigate Risks goal, 27 Monitor and Control the Process practice, 288 Monitor Commitments practice, 108109 Monitor Data Management practice, 111 Monitor Project Against Plan goal, 103105 Conduct Milestone Reviews practice, 115116 Conduct Progress Reviews practice, 114115 Monitor Commitments practice, 108109 Monitor Data Management practice, 111 Monitor Project Planning Parameters practice, 105107 Monitor Project Risks practice, 110111 Monitor Stakeholder Involvement practice, 112113 Project Monitoring & Control, 27
Monitor Project Planning Parameters practice, 105107 Monitor Project Risks practice, 110111 Monitor Selected Supplier Processes practice, 209212 Monitor Stakeholder Involvement practice, 112113 Monitoring commitments, 108109 data management, 111 processes, 288 projects. See Project Monitoring & Control (PMC) process area suppliers, 209212 MPM (Master Project Manager) certication, 294
Noncompliance issues, 262265
Objective insight, 261268 Objectively Evaluate Adherence practice, 289 Objectively Evaluate Processes and Work Products goal, 37, 254261 Objectively Evaluate Processes practice, 256261 Objectively Evaluate Work Products and Services practice, 256261 Objectives demonstrable, 232 measurement, 243 tying to success, 231232 Objectivity vs. independence, 255 Obtain an Understanding of the Requirements practice, 137140, 152 Obtain Commitment to the Plan goal, 26, 8587 Obtain Plan Commitment practice, 9092 Reconcile Work and Resource Levels practice, 8990
Review Plans That Affect the Project practice, 8789 Obtain Commitment to the Requirements practice, 140144, 152 Obtain Plan Commitment practice, 9092 Online coaching and mentoring, 251 Optimizing Capability Level, 44 Optimizing Maturity Level, 48 Optimizing processes, 40, 279 Order baselines for, 167 of CMMI practices, 68 Organizational consistency, 251 Organizational design, 2021 Organizational Innovation & Deployment (OID) process area, 3132 Organizational management, reports to, 267268 Organizational policies, 284 Organizational Process Denition (OPD) process area, 30 Organizational Process Focus (OPF) process area, 30 Organizational Process Performance (OPP) process area, 31 Organizational Training (OT) process area, 31 Output in well-designed processes, 10 Outsourcing quality assurance, 269 Oversight, common language of, 122 Ownership of conguration control, 180181
Parnell, Rod, 293 Part time auditing, 269 Pass/fail criteria for suppliers, 213 Paths, process, 19 People auditing, 256 in organizational design, 2021 training, 286 Perform Conguration Audits practice, 182183 Perform Peer Reviews goal, 34
Perform Specic Practices practice, 283 Performance organizational, 241242 project management, 122123 reporting, 241 requirements for, 130131 suppliers, 219 Performance bar, 122123 Performance criteria for purchase categories, 203204 Performed Capability Level, 4243 Performed processes, 39, 279 Phases, development, 70 Plan and Implement Process Improvements goal, 30 Plan for Data Management practice, 7778 Plan for Needed Knowledge and Skills practice, 8081 Plan for Project Resources practice, 7880 Plan Stakeholder Involvement practice, 8283 Plan templates conguration management, 189 measurement and analysis, 242243 projects, 94 quality assurance, 274 Plan the Process practice, 284285 Planning process group in PMBOK, 299 Plans. See also Project Planning (PP) process area changing, 119120 conguration management, 174176 consistency in, 291 meaning of, 77 monitoring projects against, 103105 quality assurance, 258259 requirements harmony with, 151 tracing requirements to, 149150 PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), 8, 297298 knowledge areas, 300303 mapping CMMI to, 5456, 298 process groups, 298300 risk management in, 110111 PMI (Project Management Institute), 8, 295 PMP (Project Management Professional) certication, 295297
Policies organizational, 284 purchasing, 206 quality assurance, 273274 requirements management, 156 supplier, 220 tracking, 124 Potential integrators, plan review with, 88 Practices. See specic process areas Predened criteria for comparison shopping, 208209 Predictability, 1819 Predictions, 58 Preferred vendor lists, 204205 Prepare for Product Integration goal, 34 Prepare for Risk Management goal, 27 Prepare for Validation goal, 35 Prepare for Verication goal, 34 Prepared contracts, 209 Primary sources in conguration management, 177 Priority information, progress reviews for, 114115 Process & Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) process area, 37, 247248 benets, 270273 example components, 273275 goals and practices summary, 253254 interpretations, 268270 Objectively Evaluate Processes and Work Products goal, 254261 Provide Objective Insight goal, 261268 purpose, 248252 Process areas. See also specic process areas by name CMMI-DEV, 2325 Generic Goals, 3840 of Maturity Level 2, 5254 relationships to knowledge areas, 300 Process groups in PMBOK, 298300 Process improvement, CMMI-DEV for, 1722 Process Management process areas, 25, 29 Organizational Innovation & Deployment, 3132
Organizational Process Denition, 30 Organizational Process Focus, 30 Organizational Process Performance, 31 Organizational Training, 31 Processes auditing, 256 commitment to, 2022 key, 257 monitoring and controlling, 288 skills requirements, 8182 visible management through, 712 Procurement knowledge area in PMBOK, 303 Product acceptance procedure, 221 Product Integration (PI) process area, 34 Production task identication, 69 Products, key, 257 Progress common language of, 122 markers, 227 reviews, 114115 Project activities, changing, 119 Project management, 4950 consistency, 291292 goal support for, 271 reports to, 266 successes in, 5052 as value management, 47 Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), 8, 297298 knowledge areas, 300303 mapping CMMI to, 5456, 298 process groups, 298300 risk management in, 110111 Project management disciplines, 294295 Project Management Institute (PMI), 8, 295 Project Management process areas, 2526 Integrated Project Management, 2829 Project Monitoring & Control, 27 Project Planning, 26 Quantitative Project Management, 29 Risk Management, 27 Supplier Agreement Management, 28 Project Management Professional (PMP) certication, 295
Project Monitoring & Control (PMC) process area, 27, 9798 benets, 121 for commitment protection, 99100 for common language, 122 for communications, 100 for consistency, 123 example components, 124125 for facilitating correction, adjustment, and focus, 100101 goals and practices summary, 102103 for guidance, 99 importance, 101102 Manage Corrective Action to Closure goal, 116120 Monitor Project Against Plan goal, 103116 for performance bar, 122123 purpose, 9899 for value management, 121 Project Planning (PP) process area, 26, 5758 benets, 9294 commitment in, 6061 consistency, 291 Develop a Project Plan goal, 7185 for documentation, 60 Establish Estimates goal, 6371 example components, 9495 goals and practices summary, 6263 Obtain Commitment to the Plan goal, 8592 plan components in, 6162 purpose, 5859 realistic estimates in, 59 Project resources, planning for, 7880 Project risks identifying, 7576 monitoring, 110111 Project team monitoring involvement, 112113 plan review with, 8788 planning for involvement, 8283 reports to, 266267 size and roles, 79 Project work inconsistencies with requirements, 150153 Proven practices, 17
Provide Measurement Results goal Analyze Measurement Data practice, 238 Collect Measurement Data practice, 237238 Communicate Results practice, 239 Measurement & Analysis, 36 Store Data and Results practice, 238239 Provide Necessary Training goal, 31 Provide Objective Insight goal, 261262 Communicate and Ensure Resolution of Noncompliance Issues practice, 262265 Establish Records practice, 265 Process & Product Quality Assurance, 37 Provide Resources practice, 285 Purchase categories criteria, 203204 Purchasing. See also Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) process area efciencies, 218 policies, 206
Quality monitoring, 109 process areas. See Process & Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) process area suppliers effect on, 196197, 219 Quality knowledge area in PMBOK, 302 Quantitative Project Management (QPM) process area, 29 Quantitatively Managed Capability Level, 44 Quantitatively Managed Maturity Level, 48 Quantitatively managed processes, 40, 279
Rate of consumption, 74 Readily available measures, 234 Realistic estimates, 59
Reconciling work and resource levels, 8990 Records audit, 184186 quality assurance, 265 Referential integrity, 186187 Relationships, supplier, 196, 218219 Releases conguration management, 191 guidelines for, 181182 Repetition, 19 Reports measurement data, 244 to organizational management, 267268 to project management, 266 project performance, 241 quality assurance, 266268, 275 status, 124125 supplier audits, 211212 to team, 266267 Repositories for artifacts and baselines, 162163 measurement data, 235236, 244245 Requirements changes in, 131132, 144148, 157 commitment to, 140144, 152 documents, 137138, 156157 feedback for, 140, 142 inconsistencies with project work, 150153 reviewing, 139140, 156157 traceability of, 148150 Requirements Development (RD) process area, 32 Requirements Management (REQM) process area, 33, 127128 benets, 153154 continuous activity, 133 example components, 155158 for fulllment standard, 155 goals and practices summary, 134135 identifying, 132133 Manage Requirements goal, 135152 management visibility in, 155 policies, 156 purpose, 128132
Resolution of noncompliance issues, 262265 Resources goals for, 271 monitoring, 107 planning for, 7880 providing, 285 reconciling with work levels, 8990 Responsibilities, assigning, 285286 Review Plans That Affect the Project practice, 8789 Reviewing milestones, 115116 plans, 8789 requirements, 139140, 156157 status, 289290 Rewarding compliance, 261 Risk, 18 Risk knowledge area in PMBOK, 302 Risk Management (RSKM) process area, 27 Risks identifying, 27, 7576 monitoring, 110111 Roles, planning for, 79 Rotating jobs, 269
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), 65, 182, 187 Satisfy Supplier Agreements goal, 28, 207208 Accept the Acquired Product practice, 214215 Evaluate Selected Supplier Work Products practice, 212214 Execute the Supplier Agreement practice, 208209 Monitor Selected Supplier Processes practice, 209212 Transition Products practice, 215217 Schedules audits, 183184 establishing, 75 goals for, 271 monitoring, 106107
Scope estimating, 6667 monitoring, 106 requirements for, 130 Scope creep, 148 Scope knowledge area in PMBOK, 301 SEI (Software Engineering Institute), 1415 Select Improvements goal, 31 Select Product Component Solutions goal, 33 Select Suppliers practice, 203205 Senior management plan reviews with, 88 planning for, 83 Shaping records, 268 Sign-off forms for requirements, 158 Signatures for requirements commitment, 143144 Skills requirements, 8081 Smart shopping, 195 Software Engineering discipline, 17 Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 1415 Soong, Charlie, 13 SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act), 165, 182, 187 Specic Goals, 24, 41 Specic Practices, 24, 41 Specify Analysis Procedures practice, 236237 Specify Data Collection and Storage Procedures practice, 234236 Specify Measures practice, 233234 Staged Representation, 45 Generic Goals, 280 Maturity Levels, 4548 Stakeholders for managed processes, 287288 monitoring involvement, 112113 planning for involvement, 8283 and requirements, 138139, 157 Standardized expectations, 292 Status meetings on, 114115 report forms for, 124125 reviewing, 289290 Statutory compliance, 187188
Steps in well-designed processes, 10 Storage procedures for measurements, 234239 Store Data and Results practice, 238239 Strenberg, Johann, 127 Structure of well-designed processes, 10 Structured expectations, 6 Success denition, 9293 through process, 1314 project management, 5052 requirements as criteria for, 131 tying objectives to, 231232 Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) process area, 28, 193194 benets, 217219 Establish Supplier Agreements goal, 199207 example components, 219221 goals and practices summary, 198 purpose, 194197 Satisfy Supplier Agreements goal, 207217 Suppliers acceptance criteria, 214215 dening, 199 process monitoring, 209212 transition products, 215217 work product evaluation, 212214 Supply chain consistent management of, 217218 controlling, 195196 Support in noncompliance issues, 264265 Support process areas, 25, 35 Causal Analysis & Resolution, 3738 Conguration Management, 36 Decision Analysis & Resolution, 37 Measurement & Analysis, 36 Process & Product Quality Assurance, 37 Synchronicity, requirements management for, 145, 154 System data identication, 78 Systems Engineering discipline, 17
Take Corrective Action practice, 118120 Tasks attribute estimates for, 6769 production, 69 Teams monitoring involvement, 112113 plan review with, 8788 planning for involvement, 8283 reports to, 266267 size and roles, 79 Technical foundation for scope, 6667 Technical skills requirements, 81 Technical Solution (TS) process area, 3334 Technology in organizational design, 2021 Time commitment, 22 Time knowledge area in PMBOK, 301 Time limits for requirements, 142143 Tools conguration management, 165, 173 planning for, 80 progress measurement, 240 Traceability of requirements, 148150 Track and Control Changes goal, 36, 177178 Control Conguration Items practice, 180182 Track Change Requests practice, 178180 Track Change Requests practice, 178180 Tracking issues, 77 metrics, 125 policies for, 124 Train People practice, 286 Transition Products practice, 215217 Types, acquisition, 201
Understanding of projects in integrated approach, 304 updates conguration management, 191 guidelines for, 181182 Useful records, 265
Validate Product or Product Components goal, 35 Validation (VAL) process area, 35 Value management monitoring and control for, 121 project management as, 47 quality assurance for, 272273 Vendor lists, 204205 Verication (VER) process area, 3435 Verify Selected Work Products goal, 34 Version control vs. conguration management, 168 Version histories documenting, 185 establishing, 181 Visible management through process, 712
Winner, Kit, 247 Work and resource levels, reconciling, 8990 Work products estimating, 6769 evaluating, 254261 requirements harmony with, 151152 supplier, 212214 Workow controlling, 188 quality assurance for, 250