CNG h2 Workshop 8 Wong

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> Powertech Labs Inc.

CNG & Hydrogen Tank Safety, R&D, and Testing

1 02.10.2009 | Presented by Joe Wong, P.Eng.


Present experience from CNG in-service tank


The process of tank standards development. Discuss some of the current studies on Hydrogen
tank development and safety.

POWERTECH Hydrogen & CNG Services Certification testing of individual high pressure components Design Verification, Performance, End-of-Life testing of
complete fuel systems

Design, construction, and operation of Hydrogen Fill Stations Safety Studies Standards Development

Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles






Pa kis Ar tan ge nti na Br az il Ira n In dia Ita ly Ch Co in a lo m Ba b ia ng la d es h Th ail an d Uk ra ine US A Ot he rs

9 million vehicles worldwide 14,000 stations


Storage Tank Technologies

4 basic types of tank designs pressure vessels Type 1 all metal Type 2 metal liner with hoop wrapped composite Type 3 metal liner with fully wrapped composite Type 4 Plastic liner with fully wrapped composite

Tank Designs in CNG Service

Primarily use steel tanks for CNG Glass fiber reinforced tank designs in CNG use since 1982 Carbon fiber reinforced tank designs in CNG use since 1992 Many tens of thousands carbon fiber tanks now in service (primarily transit bus use) Carbon fiber performance far superior to glass fibers Service pressures - 200 bar and 250 bar

Tank Designs in Hydrogen Service

Primarily use composite tanks for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles 250 bar carbon fiber reinforced tank design in fuel cell bus demonstration in 1994. Storage pressures increased to 350 bar in 2000 Today, most auto OEMs have 700 bar tanks for on-board storage 500 km range with 5kg H2

1994 Ballard Fuel Cell Bus


Standards Development CNG & Hydrogen History In 1983 - requested by Gas Utility to investigate CNG cylinder safety
Determined a lack of safety standards :
ISO 11439 for CNG cylinders NGV2 for CNG containers CSA B51 for CNG cylinders

In 1994 - requested by Ballard to determine if safe to use CNG

cylinders for hydrogen

Determined a lack of any standards Powertech now:

ISO 15869 for Hydrogen tanks HGV2 for Hydrogen tanks CSA B51 (first published hydrogen fuel tank standard in world) HGV3.1 for H2 vehicle components ISO 17268 for H2 fill connectors EIHP (European Integrated Hydrogen Program) HGV4.3 for Station Performance SAE J2578 SAE J2579 SAE J2601

Standards Development
CNG Standards developed from in-service experience Vehicle service conditions End user requirements In-service failures / known failure mechanisms In-service abuse Collision Manufacturing problems Design problems

Vehicle Service Conditions

Road conditions are very severe environments for pressure vessels Temperature extremes (-40F to +185 F in vehicles) Multiple fills (pressure changes) = fatigue cracking Exposure to road environments and cargo spillage Vibration Vehicle fires Collision Standards require tests or installation requirements for all these conditions

Consumer Desires for CNG or Hydrogen storage

Same requirements as gasoline vehicles

Sufficient range Same weight

Same storage space in trunk Same level of safety Same cost Same fueling procedures


In-service Failures
Powertech has been testing CNG storage systems since 1983 Powertech has maintained a cylinder failure database through world wide contacts Examined CNG cylinder field failure database to determine if trends evident Limited to incidents involving catastrophic rupture of cylinders, although major leaks attributed solely to the cylinder were included From 2000-2008, there were 26 CNG cylinder failures. Other multiple cylinder failures attributable to leakage failure mode: Type 1 steel pinhole leaks (<50) Type 4 plastic liner leak incidents (100s)


In-Service CNG Tank Ruptures



Data classified according to eight unique failure causes: Mechanical Damage External abrasion and/or impact Environmental Damage External environment assisted, typically SCC Overpressure Faulty fueling equipment or faulty CNG cylinder valves Vehicle fire Faulty PRDs or lack of PRDs; localized fires

Plastic Liner Issues Man. defects incl. cracking at end boss/liner interface, flawed welds, liner seal failures
Metal Liner Issues Man. defects incl. pinhole leaks, laminations, poor heat treat practice


18 16 16 14

No. of Failure Incidents

12 12 10 8 8 6 6 4 2 0 Mechanical Damage Environmental Overpressure Damage Vehicle Fire Plastic Liner Issues Metal Liner Man. Issues User Error Unknown Cause 5 3 1 3

Failure Cause




Type 1 steel cylinders involved in nearly 50% of failure incidents



No. of Failure Incidents


15 11 10 12

4 2 1

0 Type I Type II Steel/Glass Type II Alum/Glass Type III Alum/Glass Type III Alum Carbon Type IV

Cylinder Type



Aftermarket vehicles represent just over 50% of failure incidents Data is related as most aftermarket conversions employ low cost/readily
available Type 1 cylinders

Many of the installations less likely to follow sound engineering practice

(regarding use of standards, materials/workmanship quality, installation codes, maintenance/inspection procedures)
35 32 30


No. of Failure Incidents

20 15 15

10 7 5


OEM Vehicle

After Market Vehicle Vehicle Type


In-service Damage Experience

Tank dragged on road under vehicle after support strap broke.

CNG vehicle crash no tank rupture

Galvanic corrosion


Stress corrosion cracking due to acid attack on fibers

Type 4 Composite Tank Collision Damage

Tanks mounted on CNG bus roof. The bus impacted a low overhead, collapsing the roof. Tank still exceeded minimum burst pressure.

Tanks mounted on CNG bus roof. The bus impacted a low overhead, collapsing the roof. Tank punctured, released gas but did not rupture.

Standard Tests for Design Qualification

Performance tests were designed and validated including: Ambient Cycling Test Environmental Test Extreme Temperature Pressure Test Hydrostatic Burst Test Composite Flaw Test Drop Test Accelerated Stress Rupture Test Permeation Test Natural Gas or Hydrogen Cycling Test Bonfire test Gunfire Penetration Test


Tank Testing - Hydraulic Pressure

Environmental and chemical effects

Flaw/Damage Tolerance

Powertech Cylinder Test Facilities

Burst Test

Burst test up to 2,800 bar Hydraulic pressure cycling up to 1,500 bar

Drop Test

Development of 700 bar Tanks


Destructive Safety Testing Facilities

Bonfire Testing Bonfire without PRD Penetration (Gunfire) Testing Flammable Gas Ignition High Pressure Gas Release Crush Testing (Static and Dynamic) Laminate Damage Tolerance Vehicle Fire Vehicle Crash


CNG and Hydrogen Cylinder Gunfire Penetration Tests


Vehicle Fire Tests - CNG & Hydrogen Tanks


Dynamic Crush Test Overview Valve end impact @ 35 MPa hydrogen


Dynamic Crush Test Detail Valve end impact @ 35 MPa hydrogen


Filling Conditions with Hydrogen

How to ensure a full fill? Heating of H2 during filling 700 bar @15C and 875 bar @ 85C Communication between vehicle & dispenser?

Flow control?
Pre-cooling of gas?


Figure from :Schneider, J., Gambone, L., McDougall, M., et al., 70 MPa Hydrogen Storage Fueling Testing, Proceedings of the Zero Regio Workshop, World Hydrogen Technologies Conference 2007, November 4-7, 2007, Montecatini, Italy.

Multi-Client 70 MPa Hydrogen Fast Fill Study

Outputs of the study: Minimum fueling time at each ambient condition to safely fill all fuel systems Pre-cooling levels for each ambient condition Energy required for pre-cooling Temperature gradients throughout the fuel system Durability of fuel system under extreme fueling conditions Performance data of station components (flow meter, flow controller, nozzles, hoses, compressors, etc.) Consortium members: Air Liquide, BP, Nippon Oil, Sandia (US DOE), Shell, Iwatani, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Nissan, Honda, Toyota.

70 MPa Hydrogen Fast Fill Test Facility

Fueling Station Simulator Fuel System Chamber -40C to +50C

Ground Storage Chamber 875 bar -40C to +50C 29

70 MPa Fast Fill 3 Minutes Ambient Temp -40C


OEM 2 +50C, -30C PC, 3 Minute CPRR


*Powertech Fuel System of same size and type as Nissan Fuel System

Multi-Client 70 MPa Fast Fill Study OEM-1 Fuel System


In-service experience with CNG tanks have provided input into the development of CNG & Hydrogen tank standards Higher pressures are required for hydrogen storage in order to achieve the range targets for vehicles. Studies are underway to provide data to standards being developed by organizations such as SAE, ISO, and CSA. Areas of study include:

Fire safety Fueling protocol Impact resistance


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