Tongaat - Annual Report 2011
Tongaat - Annual Report 2011
Tongaat - Annual Report 2011
Tongaat Hulett and its Strategic Platform 2
Chairmans Statement 8
Chief Executives Review 10
Overview and Strategy 11
Financial and Operations Review 14
Outlook and Conclusion 19
Sustainability 20
Strategy and Analysis 21
Performance 24
Environmental Stewardship 24
Third Party Certications 29
Social Performance 29
Safety 29
Health 30
Talent Management and People Development 31
Stakeholder Engagement 36
Economic Sustainability 37
Socio-Economic Development 39
Request for Feedback 40
Independent Assurance Statement 41
Corporate Governance 42
Governance Overview 42
Board of Directors 42
Audit and Compliance Committee 44
Risk and SHE Committee 46
Remuneration Committee 48
Nomination Committee 48
Management Committees 49
Accountability and Internal Control 49
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics 50
Remuneration Report 50
Other Governance Items and Assertions 52
Directorate 53
Segmental Analysis 56
Financial Results with 12 Month Comparatives 57
Annual Financial Statements 58
Report of the Independent Auditors 59
Directors Statement of Responsibility
and Approval of Annual Financial Statements 60
Certicate by Company Secretary 60
Directors Statutory Report 61
Financial Statements 64
Five Year Review 113
Denitions 114
Independent Reporting Accountants
Assurance Report 115
Share Ownership Analysis 117
Corporate Information 118
Shareholders Diary 118
Notice to Shareholders 119
Form of Proxy
Tongaat Hulett and its
Tongaat Hulett is an agricultural and agri-processing
business which includes integrated components of land
management and property development. Through its
sugar and starch operations, Tongaat Hulett produces a
range of rened carbohydrate products from sugar cane
and maize. The business has considerable expertise in
downstream agricultural products, biofuel production
and electricity generation. Tongaat Hulett balances
the operational requirement for cane supplies to its
sugar cane processing operations with the transition of
agricultural land to other uses at the appropriate times.
The energy-food-water nexus is an evolving dynamic
presenting both opportunities and risks. Tongaat Hulett
is well placed to capitalise on emerging opportunities
for expansion and growth in Africa, with unconstrained
access to sugar markets, its independant position,
established business platform and size.
The successful management of the socio-economic-
political dynamics of agriculture, land, water, agri-
processing, food and renewable energy are key to the
continued success and value creation of the business. The
growth and development of the companys operations,
in the selected regions in which it operates, have
involved establishing credible partnering relationships
with farmers, local communities, governments and
employees. Tongaat Huletts independent status and
local ownership is critical to the continuation of these
Tongaat Hulett employs more than 42 000 employees
during its peak milling season, and conducts its business
operations in a manner that seeks to create value for all
stakeholders, in a sustainable manner that contributes
meaningfully to the social and physical environment in
which it operates.
A fundamental shift has been taking place in the global
sugar industry as increasing quantities of cane are directed
at producing ethanol as an eective carbon dioxide (CO
mitigation strategy. The bre in sugar cane is increasingly
being used for renewable electricity generation and
global demand for sugar continues to grow at an average
of 2 percent per annum, which currently equals 3,2 million
tons of sugar. Traditionally, the growing demand for sugar
worldwide has been met by Brazil, but this position has
changed, creating opportunities for other regions. Sub-
Saharan Africa, with ample unutilised arable land and
using less than 10 percent of its available fresh water, is
well positioned to benet from these developments.
Tongaat Hulett is in the favourable position of being
able to capitalise on the changing sugar fundamentals
with low cost sugar operations located in six Southern
African Development Community (SADC) countries, the
leading Huletts sugar brand, world class technology and
preferential market access.
For a number of years production has amounted to
1 million tons of sugar compared to an installed milling
capacity that is in excess of 2 million tons. This resulted
largely from the less favourable sugar revenue dynamics
that existed until recently, as well as the Mozambique
expansion being completed in 2009/10 and the turbulent
macro-economic fundamentals in Zimbabwe up to
the end of 2009. The existing unutilised capacity has a
replacement cost in excess of R10 billion.
Against the background of a more favourable revenue
expectation, and the question as to where the world will
source more sugar, Tongaat Huletts strategy over the
next 5 years is to facilitate an increase in cane supplies in
order to increase sugar production to more than 2 million
tons per annum. The increased sugar volumes will also
lead to a substantial reduction in unit costs of production.
Numerous cane supply initiatives are underway in all the
sugar operations.
Tongaat Huletts South African sugar milling, rening and
agricultural operations are located on the north coast of
KwaZulu-Natal. The sugar mills at Maidstone, Darnall,
Amatikulu and Felixton have an installed capacity to
produce approximately 1 million tons of raw sugar and a
central renery in Durban produces in excess of 600 000
tons of rened sugar per annum. The South African sugar
product range oers a total sweetener solution including
3 3
occupy 15 880 hectares of developed cane land with a
potential to produce a further 1,4 million tons of cane
per year. The Triangle and Hippo Valley Estate sugar mills
have a combined annual milling capacity to crush about
4,8 million tons of cane. The total rened sugar installed
capacity is 140 000 tons and the Triangle Estates ethanol
plant has an installed capacity of 40 million litres over a
48 week production season. The lowveld in Zimbabwe,
with excellent topography, climate and established water
storage and conveyance infrastructures for irrigation, is
recognised as a globally competitive sugar producer.
Tongaat Huletts sugar cane estate in Swaziland is
situated in the north-east of the country and comprises
3 838 hectares of fully irrigated estates. The Botswana
and Namibia packing and distribution operations
have capacities of 60 000 and 80 000 tons per annum
Evidence of climate change because of increased levels
of greenhouse gases such as CO
is becoming more
compelling. The recent Cancun Accord accepted that
cuts in global emissions are required in order to ensure
that the rise in global temperature is kept to below two
degrees Celsius. South Africa is under pressure to reduce
its CO
footprint as a result of its reliance on fossil fuels
for energy.
The rapidly escalating price of crude oil is a further
economic driver towards the use of alternate liquid
fuels. The large scale adoption of bio-fuels, in particular
ethanol to replace petrol, has the potential to make a very
a range of high intensity sweeteners. The companys
Huletts brand has consistently been acknowledged
as the leading sugar brand. An animal feeds operation,
Voermol Feeds is located at the Maidstone mill and this
operation manufactures and markets a range of energy
and supplementary feeds to the livestock farming
community through its leading Voermol brand.
The Mozambique sugar operations consist of the
expanded sugar mills and estates surrounding Xinavane
and Mafambisse. The expansion of the Xinavane sugar
mill was completed in 2009/10. There were 24 664
hectares of Tongaat Hulett owned and leased land,
under cane, available for harvest as at 31 March 2011.
Private farms supply cane from a further 2 544 hectares.
Sugar production capacity has increased to more than
226 000 tons in a 32 week crushing season. Together with
the existing 87 000 tons of capacity at the Mafambisse
sugar mill, the Mozambique operations have the installed
milling capacity to produce in excess of 310 000 tons per
annum. The sugar estates are irrigated and are located
in areas with ideal growing conditions, resulting in high
cane and sucrose yields. These favourable agricultural
conditions, combined with the sugar mills close proximity
to the ports, the technology availability and support from
South Africa, ensure that the Mozambique operations are
well positioned for future growth.
The sugar operations in Zimbabwe consist of Triangle and
a 50,3 percent stake in Hippo Valley Estates, representing
a combined installed sugar milling capacity of 600 000
tons. The Zimbabwe operations comprise 28 494 hectares
of developed cane land with a potential to produce in
excess of 3,0 million tons of sugar cane. Private farmers
signicant contribution to South Africa and SADC reducing
carbon emissions. Equally critical, the development of a
large scale ethanol bio-fuel industry within SADC has the
potential to make a major contribution to employment,
rural development and food security within the region.
South Africa currently consumes 70 percent of the fuel
in SADC and has limited agricultural potential to supply
a signicant portion of its petrol from ethanol. Many
of the other SADC countries have excellent agricultural
potential but limited markets. The adoption of a phased-
in 60 percent ethanol replacement of petrol within SADC
over the next 15 years would result in the construction of
over 100 sugar milling / ethanol facilities, each larger than
Tongaat Huletts Felixton mill. This would result in the
creation of about 3 million direct jobs, at least as many
indirect jobs and support the livelihood of 24 million
people, mostly in rural areas. SADC agriculture is well
below its potential both in terms of areas under intensive
crop farming and productivity. The development of an
ethanol industry on the scale described above would
require the use of 3 to 6 percent of available land based
on a combination of irrigated and rain-fed sugar cane
A second thrust in terms of renewable energy is the
production of electricity from the burning of sugar
cane bre. While this has been carried out by the sugar
industry for many years, it has not been exploited from
a South African perspective on a commercial scale.
The adoption of high eciency boiler and electricity
generating technology will allow sugar mills to produce
substantially more electricity from the same quantity of
bre, allowing for meaningful quantities of renewable
electricity to be made available to the national grid. If
this thrust is developed in parallel with a bio-fuel regime,
then the 100 plus sugar mills discussed above in terms of
ethanol production could potentially create 8 000 MW to
10 000 MW of renewable electricity-generating capacity.
Tongaat Huletts wet-milling operation is the major
producer of starch and glucose on the African continent.
Established in 1919, the starch operation has grown to be
an important supplier to a diverse range of South African
and African industries. Operating four wet-milling plants,
located in Kliprivier, Germiston and Meyerton in Gauteng
and Bellville in the Western Cape, Tongaat Hulett
converts more than 600 000 tons of maize per annum
into starch and starch-based products. It also operates a
dedicated Sorbitol facility which is located in Chloorkop
in Gauteng and has distribution networks and facilities in
Zimbabwe, Australasia and the Far East. It manufactures
a wide range of products, from unmodied maize
starch to highly rened glucose products, which are
key ingredients for local manufacturers of foodstus,
beverages and a variety of industrial products. The
expansion of the economically active population in South
Africa is positive for the volume growth of these products
and with the ability to increase production, from installed
milling capacity, by a further 20 percent the company is
well placed to benet from increased demand.
The past few years have seen the United States convert an
increasing amount of its maize to ethanol. International
maize prices have historically been trading close to
US$90 per ton. Current projections indicate a maize price
going forward of above US$170 per ton. This has resulted
in the South African maize industry becoming more
Tongaat Huletts operational land footprint within
the SADC region amounts to approximately 550 000
hectares. This footprint consists of 274 000 hectares of
land owned or controlled by Tongaat Hulett. A further
110 000 hectares of private grower land supply cane to
the four South African sugar mills, 15 880 hectares to
the two Zimbabwe mills and 2 544 hectares to the two
Mozambique mills. Approximately 150 000 hectares of
private maize farmland supply the four starch operations.
together with the commitment to sound corporate
governance, is consistent with the principles of the King
III corporate governance framework, including ensuring
that sustainability matters are an integral component of
the companys strategy.
With a signicant number of the business operations
being located in rural communities including
Mozambique, Zimbabwe and the north coast of KwaZulu-
Natal, there is a strong commitment to facilitate the
development of successful indigenous private farmers. In
keeping with this commitment, the company has already
seen the benet of partnering with the KZN Department
of Economic Development and Tourism in developing
black sugar cane farmers through its Operation Vuselela
project. Ensuring the viability and success of private
farmers remains a critical success factor for the sugar
mills and the provision of support to farmers includes
the supply of the correct seed cane varieties, extension
services for training and development to improve
farming practices and the establishment of the necessary
logistics and cane harvesting service to ensure that the
cane is delivered to the mill. The company is committed
to the development of successful rural communities in
the regions that surround its operations and the business
will continue to identify how best it can further partner
with farmers, communities and governments in order to
achieve this objective.
The safety and the welfare of all employees remains a
key priority as the business strives to create a workplace
free of injuries. The companys participation in various
sustainability reporting initiatives, including the Carbon
Disclosure Project (CDP), the CDP Water Disclosure
Project and its listing on the JSEs Social Responsibility
Investment index for the seventh consecutive year are
testimony to Tongaat Huletts approach to sustainable
In South Africa, 8 657 developable hectares (13 654 gross
hectares) of company owned land have been identied
for conversion to other uses when conditions are
appropriate. This conversion process takes place over a
number of years, and the land remains under sugar cane
until the transition to development takes place.
Durban/eThekwini, South Africas third largest city,
continues to expand into Tongaat Huletts land holdings
to the north and west. The King Shaka International
Airport, with its ability to attract direct international
ights and the development of the surrounding Dube
Trade Port are providing further impetus for this growth.
Over the past 12 years Tongaat Huletts development
operation has converted some 2 600 gross hectares to
The company is a proactive partner with governments and
communities in this conversion process. Key mechanisms
to create optimal value are large scale strategic planning
with regulatory authorities to position the landholdings
correctly, including a socio-economic development plan,
securing development rights, facilitating the requisite
investment in bulk infrastructure and then converting
the landholdings.
Over the past century, Tongaat Hulett has established
itself as a leading large scale agricultural and agri-
processing business which has its base rmly established
in Southern Africa.
Tongaat Hulett follows a philosophy of sustainable
development and continues to make good progress in
entrenching and enhancing the various programmes
and initiatives it has in place in the areas of safety,
health, environment and community relationships. This,
Mr Michael Mabuyakhulu, MEC KwaZulu-Natal DED&T with small-scale farmers from Operation Vuselela
7 7
Sugar operations
Starch operations
Bellville Mill
Sugar Industries
Hippo Valley
Amatikulu Mill
Darnall Mill
Maidstone Mill
Huletts Renery
Felixton Mill
East London
Port Elizabeth
Walvis Bay
Cape Town
Sugar operations
Starch operations
I am pleased to present my statement as Chairman
to stakeholders of Tongaat Hulett and to report on
activities of the past year.
In a dynamic year, characterised by a number of
dierent factors, headline earnings of R806 million
were generated, which was similar to the prior year.
The various dynamics relative to the sugar and
starch agri-processing and agricultural operations,
as well as the land conversion activities, are
detailed in this integrated annual report. Tongaat
Hulett is well positioned to make substantial
progress towards fully utilising its installed sugar
milling capacity of some 2 million tons per annum
and renewable energy provides substantial future
The Board declared a nal dividend of 140 cents per
share. The nal dividend, which, together with the
interim dividend of 110 cents per share, amounts
to a total dividend of 250 cents per share for the
nancial year ended 31 March 2011.
Tongaat Hulett is a responsible corporate citizen
and continues to place high priority on enhancing
the growth of its business whilst adding value to
its stakeholders in a sustainable manner, including
pursuing skills development opportunities for its
workforce and promoting successful rural living
for surrounding communities.
The safety of employees across all operations continues
to be an area of high priority, with the company making
every eort in recent years to improve on safety
performance. Despite all continued eorts to ensure
highest standards of safety and occupational health,
there were regrettably four fatalities recorded during the
year under review, which the CEO expands upon in his
report. Each fatality is one too many and the company
seeks to consistently apply the lessons learned from
every reported incident. Deepest condolences go out to
all aected families, friends and colleagues.
Tongaat Hulett was again included in the JSEs Socially
Responsible Investment (SRI) index for the seventh
consecutive year, ranked among twenty three best
performers and noted as one of eight consistent best
performers for the past four years. Other notable
achievements include once again taking lead position in
the Food & Beverages sector of the Financial Mails Top
Empowerment Companies for 2010, and winning the Best
Reporting and Communication Award in the Consumer
Products category as voted by the Investment Analysts
Society of Southern Africa for the third year running. The
Board is justly proud of these achievements and records
its continuous support to the management team in
its tireless eorts towards sustainable organisational
In the context of operating within ever-changing
business environment dynamics, Tongaat Hulett is on an
exciting journey where relevant issues that dominate the
global agenda such as climate change, carbon disclosure
and water disclosure projects and renewable energy
are among its priority considerations. The sustainability
report contained in this integrated report further
addresses this and other key issues in detail.
The Board is condent of the companys ability to meet
the many challenges and exciting opportunities in
achieving its business sustainability objectives, given
its clear strategic platform, sustainable agricultural and
business practices and astute stakeholder engagement.
The Board is the custodian of corporate governance and
maintains its commitment to principles of corporate
discipline, ethical leadership, transparency, integrity and
accountability. The Board conrms that it applies the
principles embodied in King III and its recommendations
as appropriate for the business, as can be seen in the
corporate governance section of this integrated report.
The company complies with the listing requirements of
the JSE and pertinent legislation to which it is bound.
The recently promulgated Companies Act and Consumer
Protection Act continue receiving appropriate attention,
amongst other key legislation, and the company is well
placed to meet the demands and challenges they pose.
During the year under review, Vincent Maphai resigned
as an independent non-executive director as a result of
other business commitments and to focus on his role
on the National Planning Commission. We thank him
sincerely for his contribution to the Board and wish him
success in his current and future endeavours.
Russell Stevens, who joined the Board in 1997, is due to
retire with eect from the forthcoming annual general
meeting on 29 July 2011, having reached mandatory
retirement age. Russell provided invaluable insight and
contribution as a director and, on behalf of the Board, I
extend to him our gratitude and very best wishes for the
I conclude by recording my appreciation to the Board
for its support and wise counsel. The Board joins me in
thanking Peter Staude and his executive team for their
hard work and commendable eorts in managing the
business in the face of the prevailing operating and
economic challenges.
I also wish to express our deep appreciation to all
members of sta for their commitment and dedication
to Tongaat Hulett.
Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal
26 May 2011
Chief Executive Ocer
Tongaat Hulett continued to make progress in capitalising
on its strategic platform.