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Classification of Biological Species Based on Leaf Architecture
This section presents the evaluation of designed classifier by means of different performance indices:
A. Confusion Matrix
The performance of classifier is analyzed using confusion matrix [13] which is also known as table of confusion. It
displays the number of correct and incorrect predictions made by the model compared with the actual classifications in
the test data. The confusion matrix shown in table 1 gives the summary of plant species classification results for the 12
Table 1 Overall Confusion Matrix
In Table 1 we can see that when we consider overall data set, then the accuracy was improved and reaches to
97.9% which is a good amount. In this as we can see classes 1,2,3,4 was correctly classified, class 5 was 1 time
misclassified as class 4 by 0.7% and 1 time misclassified as class 8 by 0.7%. Classes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 were correctly
classified. Class 11 is 1 time misclassified as class 1 by 0.7%.
Table 2 Approximate overall Classifier Accuracy
Overall accuracy 97.9%
B. Receiver Operating Characteristics
Receiver Operating Characteristics [15] is a metric used to check the quality of classifiers. For each class of a
classifier, threshold values across the interval [0, 1] are applied to outputs. For each threshold, two values are calculated,
the True Positive Ratio (the number of outputs greater or equal to the threshold, divided by the number of one targets),
and the False Positive Ratio (the number of outputs greater than the threshold, divided by the number of zero targets).Our
aim is to minimize false positive rate and increase true positive rate.
ROC graphs for training, validation, testing and overall phases have been shown in Fig 5, Fig 6, Fig 7 and Fig
8. In these graphs we have to see if the data trend analysis (best fit line) is proper or not. It is determined by coefficient of
determinant and also called coefficient of goodness (R
) should be 100 % .
Fig 5: Training Phase ROC curve
Classification of Biological Species Based on Leaf Architecture
Fig 6: Validation Phase ROC curve
Fig 7: Testing Phase ROC curve
Fig 8: Overall ROC curve
In fig 5, fig 6 we can see the value of R
is 0.99995 and 0.95779 which means data has been fitted and
classified in a correct manner. We can see that result of validation phase lies on the random guess line (the diagonal line),
so the accuracy is 100%.
In Fig 7 we can see that as true positive rate is increasing the false positive rate is also increasing at regular
interval so that the coefficient of goodness i.e. R
is not 100%.
Classification of Biological Species Based on Leaf Architecture
In Fig 8 it is shown that when all samples are considered after all three training, validation and testing phases,
the value of R
is 0.98807 which means data has been fitted and classified in a correct manner which is the ideal
condition for goodness of classifier
C. Mean Square Error:
MSE is the average squared difference between outputs and targets. Lower values of (MSE) indicate better
performance of the network and zero means no error [14].
The performance graph is shown in Fig 9
Fig 9 Performance Graph
From performance chart we can see that by simulating the conditions in each epoch we can see that there is not
much variation in mean square error. It is more or less steady graph but as the epoch increases in each phase shown by
red, green and blue lines the value reaches to best validation value of 0.0063296 which is very close to zero in ideal
Our objective in research have been to develop a leaf classifier which works on the principle of extracting
information based on its architecture using image processing to classify correctly in the plant kingdom. The idea is to
develop a classifier which has less computation and complexity and is able to classify and learn the leaf architecture in
correct manner.
We have used neural network to solve our classification problem in which we have used LM algorithm for
training our classifier, a sampling algorithm called random divide and rule, an algorithm called maxmin for normalizing
the inputs and targets they conducted multiple designs to identify best suitable permutation of hidden layer, inputs and
output layers. 12 kinds of leaves were taken to carry out the experiment. The accuracy of the system is 97.9 percent.
The research can be improved by exploding a larger training set using other leaf shapes. We can explore more
algorithms and techniques for the feature extraction and classification of biological species to further improve the
accuracy of the identification system. We can further improve the system by reducing the complexity. The main objective
could be to find the best algorithms which optimize the performance and complexity. The accuracy of classifier can also
be enhanced by using more and equal number of training patterns.
I would like to thanks my parents and my friends for showing trust and giving their support which helps me
successful in completing this research process.
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Ms. Gurpreet kaur was born in the small village of khanna, punjab. After finishing high school in khanna, I moved to BBSBEC
fatehgarh sahib, Punjab to pursue a Bachelors degree in information technology. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Fatehgarh sahib from BBSBEC Engineering College-Fatehgarh sahib in 2010,I started my M.tech in computer science and engineering
from SVIET,banur(Punjab).