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Customer Relationship Management Model

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What do managers need to know about their customers and how is that information used to develop a complete CRM

perspective? Exhibit 2 shows the basic model which contains a set of 7 basic components: a database of customer activity, analyses of the database, given the analyses, decisions about which customers to target, tools for targeting the customers, how to build relationships with the targeted customers, privacy issues, and metrics for measuring the success of the CRM program. Customer Relationship Management Model

Create a Database


Customer Selection

Customer Targeting

Relationship Marketing

Privacy Issues

Metrics Source: Winer, (2001) Creating a Customer Database A necessary first step to a complete CRM solution is the construction of a customer database or information file.' This is the foundation for any customer relationship management activity. For Web-based businesses, constructing a database should be a relatively straightforward task, as the customer transaction and contact information is accumulated as a natural part of the interaction with customers. For existing companies that have not previously collected much customer

information, the task will involve seeking historical customer contact data from internal sources such as accounting and customer service. What should be collected for the database? Ideally, the database should contain information about the following: TransactionsThis should include a complete purchase history with accompanying details (price paid, SKU, delivery date). Customer ContactsToday, there is an increasing number of customer contact points from multiple channels and contexts. This should not only include sales calls and service requests, but any customer- or company initiated contact. Descriptive Information This is for segmentation and other data analysis purposes. Response to Marketing Stimuli This part of the information file should contain whether or not the customer responded to a direct marketing initiative, a sales contact, or any other direct contact. The data should also be represented over time. Companies have traditionally used a variety of methods to construct their databases. Durable goods manufacturers utilize information from warranty cards for basic descriptive information. Unfortunately, response rates to warranty cards are in the 20-30% range leaving big gaps in the databases. Service businesses are normally in better shape since the nature ol ihe product involves the kind of customer-company interaction that naturally leads to better data collection. For example, banks have been in the forefront of CRM activities for a number of years. Telecom-related industries (long distance, wireless, cable services) similarly have a large amount of customer information.'' The following are illustrations of some corporate database-building efforts: The networking company 3Com created a worldwide customer database from 50 "legacy" databases scattered throughout their global operations. They built customer records from e-mails, direct mail, telemarketing, and other customer contacts, with descriptive information by department, division, and location. Thomson Holidays, the British tour company developed a Preferred Agents Scheme to enlist the assistance of travel agents in building the database. They collect customer descriptive information and data on trips taken. This enables them to calculate the profit on a per customer trip basis. Taylor Made, the golf equipment manufacturer, has a database of over 1.5 million golfers with their names, addresses, e-mail addresses, birthdays, types of courses played, and vacations taken. Companies such as Procter & Gamble and Unilever that sell frequently purchased consumer products have greater problems constructing databases due to a lack of systematic information about their millions of customers and the fact that they use intermediaries (i.e., supermarkets, drug stores) that prohibit direct contact. The challenge is to create opportunities for customer interaction and, therefore, data collection. This can be from running contests to encouraging

customer visits to Web sites. Waldenbooks offers a 10% discount on purchases if customers provide information to the company and become Preferred Readers. Exhibit 3 gives a general framework for considering the problems in database construction.' Firms in the upper left-hand quadrant have many direct customer interactions (banks, retail) and therefore have a relatively easy job constructing a database. Firms in the lower right-hand quadrant have the most difficult job because they interact less frequently with customers and those interactions are indirect (through channels) in nature. Auto and furniture manufacturers are examples here. The other two boxes represent intermediate situations. The point of this framework is that unless you are in the high-direct box, you have to work harder to build a database. The Thomson Holidays example above provides a good illustration of company that uses channel incentives to take a low frequency product and still obtain customer information. Kellogg has developed a creative solution to the problem through its "Eat and Eam" program where children find a 15-digit code inside cereal boxes and then go to the company's Web site, enter some personal information, and become eligible for free toys. The task for companies is then to move towards the upper left-hand quadrant through increased customer contact and "event" marketing. Analyzing the Data Traditionally, customer databases have been analyzed with the intent to define customer segments. A variety of multivariate statistical methods such as cluster and discriminant analysis have been used to group together customers with similar behavioral patterns and descriptive data which are then used to develop different product offerings or direct marketing campaigns.** Direct marketers have used such techniques for many years. Their goals are to target the most profitable prospects for catalogue mailings and to tailor the catalogues to different groups. More recently, such segmentation approaches have been heavily criticized.'' Taking a large number of customers and forming groups or segments presumes a marketing effort towards an "average" customer in the group. Given the range of marketing tools available that can reach customers one at a time using tailored messages designed for small groups of customers (what has been referred to as " 1 -to-1" marketing), there is less need to consider the usual market segmentation schemes that contain large groups of customers (e.g., women 18-24 years of age). Rather, there is increased attention being paid to understanding each "row" of the databasethat is, understanding each customer and what he or she can deliver to the company in terms of profits and then, depending on the nature of the product or service, addressing either customers individually or in small clusters. As a result, a new term, "lifetime customer value" (LCV), has been introduced into the lexicon of marketers. The idea is that each row/customer of the database should be analyzed in terms of current and future profitability to the firm. When a profit figure can be assigned to each customer, the marketing manager can then decide which customers to target. The past profit that a customer has produced for the firm is the sum of the margins of all the products purchased over time less the cost of reaching that customer. These costs include any that can be broken out at the individual customer level, through such efforts as direct mail and sales calls. Note that mass advertising would not be part of this formula. The cost could be assigned to individual customers by computing a per customer dollar amount; but because it is the same for each customer, it would not affect the rank ordering of the customers in terms of their profitability. LCV is calculated by adding forecasts for the major parameters and discounting back. This obviously

requires assumptions about future purchasing, product and marketing costs, as well as how long the customer can be expected to remain with the firm. Generally, this will result in a number of scenarios for each customer depending upon these assumptions. The LCV formula can also be used to show where additional profits can be obtained from customers. Increased profits can result from: increasing the number of products purchased, by cross-selling; increasing the price paid, by up-selling or charging higher prices; " reducing product marginal costs; or reducing customer acquisition costs. Other kinds of data analyses besides LCV are appropriate for CRM purposes. Marketers are interested in what products are often purchased together, often referred to as market basket analysis. Complementary products can then be displayed on the same physical page in a hard-copy catalogue or virtual page on a Web site. As noted, a new kind of analysis born from the internet is the clickstream analysis. In this kind of data analysis, patterns of mouse "clicks" are examined from cyberstore visits and purchases in order to better understand and predict customer behavior.'" The goal is to increase "conversion" rates, the percentage of browsing customers to actual buyers. For example, companies such as Blue Martini and Net Perceptions sell software that enables Web-based stores to customize their sites in real time depending upon the type of customer visitingthat is, their previous buying patterns, other sites visited during the current session, and their search pattern in the cyberstore. Customer Selection'' Given the construction and analysis of the customer information contained in the database, the next step is to consider which customers to target with the firm's marketing programs. The results from the analysis can be of various types. If segmentation-type analyses are performed on purchasing or related behavior, the customers in the most desired segments (e.g., highest purchasing rates, greatest brand loyally) would normally be selected first for retention programs. Other segments can also be chosen depending upon additional factors. For example, for promotions or other purchase-inducing tactical decisions, if the customers in the heaviest purchasing segment already buy at a rate that implies further purchasing is unlikely, a second tier with more potential would also be attractive. The descriptor variables for these segments (e.g., age, industry type) provide information for deploying the marketing tools. In addition, these variables can be matched with commercially available databases of names to find additional customers matching the profiles of those chosen from the database. If individual customer-based profitability is also available through LCV or similar analysis, it would seem to be a simple task to determine on which customers to focus. The marketing manager can use a number of criteria such as simply choosing those customers that are profitable (or projected to be) or imposing an ROI hurdle. The goal is to use the customer profitability analysis to separate customers that will provide the most long-term profits from those that are currently hurting profits. This allows the manager to "fire' customers that are too costly to serve relative to the revenues being produced. While this may seem contrary to being customer-oriented, the basis of the time-honored "marketing concept," in fact, there is nothing that says that marketing and profits are contradictions in terms. The 80/20 rule often holds in approximation: most of a company's profits are derived from a small percentage of their customers.

For example: AT&T offers different levels of customer service depending upon a customer's profitability in their long-distance telephone business. For highly profitable customers, they offer "hot towel," personalized service. For less profitable customers, you get automated, menu-driven service. The wireless provider PageNet raised monthly rates for unprofitable subscribers. Clearly, the intent was to drive them away. Similarly, Federal Express raised shipping rates for residential customers in expensive-to-serve areas where their volume did not justify normal rates. The point is that without understanding customer profitability, these kinds of decisions cannot be made. On what basis should these customer selection decisions be made? One approach would be to take the current profitability based on the above equation. An obvious problem is that by not accounting for a customer's possible growth in purchasing, you could be eliminating a potentially important customer. Customers with high LCV could be chosen, as this does a better job incorporating potential purchases. However, these customers are difficult to predict and you might include a large number of unprofitable customers in the selected group. No matter what criterion is employed, de-selected customers need to be chosen with care. Once driven away or ignored, unhappy customers can spread negative word-of-mouth quickly, particularly in today's Internet age. Targeting the Customers Mass marketing approaches such as television, radio, or print advertising are useful for generating awareness and achieving other communications objectives, but they are poorly-suited for CRM due to their impersonal nature. More conventional approaches for targeting seleaed customers include a portfolio of direct marketing methods such as telemarketing, direct mail, and, when the nature of the product is suitable, direct sales. Writers such as Peppers and Rogers'^ have urged companies to begin to dialogue with their customers through these targeted approaches rather than talking "at" customers with mass media. In particular, the new mantra, "lto-l" marketing, has come to mean using the internet to facilitate individual relationship building with customers." An extremely popular form of Internet-based direct marketing is the use of personalized e-mails. When this form of direct marketing first appeared, customers considered it no different than "junk" mail that they receive at home and treated it as such with quick hits on the delete button on the keyboard. However, sparked by Godin's call for ''permission"-based programs whereby customers must first "opt-in" or agree to receive messages from a company, direct e-mail has become a very popular and effective method for targeting customers for CRM purposes.'" Companies such as Kana and Digital Impact can send very sophisticated e-mails including video, audio, and web pages. Targeted e-mails have become so popular that Jupiter Media Metrix projects that over 50 billion of them will be sent in 2001. A study by Forrester Research shows why this is so." Exhibit 4 demonstrates that e-mail is a very cost-effertive approach to customer retention. Through lower cost per 1,000 names by using the company's own database (the "house" list) and greater clickthrough rates than those afforded by banner advertisements and e-mails sent to lists rented from suppliers, companies can reduce their cost per sale dramatically. Some examples are the following:

Southwest Airlines's e-mail-based Click 'n Save program has 2.7 million subscribers. Every Tuesday, the airline sends out e-mails to this database of loyal users containing special fare offers. The bookseller Borders (Borders.com, Borders and Waldenbooks offline retailers) collected all of its customer information into a single database. The company then uses e-mails tailored to the customer's reading interests to alert them about upcoming releases. The Phoenix Suns basketball team sends streaming video messages from its players promoting new ticket packages and pointing them to the team's Web site. Relationship Programs While customer contact through direct e-mail offerings is a useful component of CRM, it is more of a technique for implementing CRM than a program itself. Relationships are not built and sustained with direct e-mails themselves but rather through the types of programs that are available for which e-mail may be a delivery mechanism. The overall goal of relationship programs is to deliver a higher level of customer satisfaction than competing firms deliver. There has been a large volume of research in this area.'^ From this research, managers today realize that customers match realizations and expectations of product performance, and that it is critical for them to deliver such performance at higher and higher levels as expectations increase due to competition, marketing communications, and changing customer needs. In addition, research has shown that there is a strong, positive relationship between customer satisfaction and profits.'' Thus, managers must constantly measure satisfaction levels and develop programs that help to deliver performance beyond targeted customer expectations. A comprehensive set of relationship programs is shown in Exhibit 5 and includes customer service, frequency/loyalty programs, customization, rewards programs, and community building. Customer Service Because customers have more choices today and the targeted customers are most valuable to the company, customer service must receive a high priority within the company. In a general sense, any contact or "touch points" that a customer has with a firm is a customer service encounter and has the potential either to gain repeat business and help CRM or to have the opposite effect. Programs designed to enhance customer service are normally of two types. Reactive service is where the customer has a problem (product failure, question about a bill, product return) and contacts the company to solve it. Most companies today have established infrastructures to deal with reactive service situations through 800 telephone numbers, faxback systems, e-mail addresses, and a variety of other solutions. Proactive service is a different matter: this is a situation where the manager has decided not to wait for customers to contact the firm but to rather be aggressive in establishing a dialogue with customers prior to complaining or other behavior sparking a reactive solution. This is more a matter of good account management where the sales force or other people dealing with specific customers are trained to reach out and anticipate customers' needs. A variety of systems leveraging the Web assist both kinds of service. Charles Schwab has established MySchwab, which allows customers to create personal Web pages linking them to all Schwab services including stock quotes, trading, and retirement planning analyses. In this way, the company empowers customers to deliver their own service. Other Web-based services such as LivePerson, HumanCIick, and netCustomer are bolt-on products that, when added to a

company's Web site, provide customers with the ability to interact with service representatives in real time. Companies such as Kmart are investing large amounts of money into kiosks that provide information on product availability, order status, and a variety of other service-related topics. Loyalty/Frequency Programs Loyalty programs (also called frequency programs) provide rewards to customers for repeat purchasing. A recent McKinsey study"* found that about half of the ten largest retailers in the U.S. in each of the top seven sectors (category killers, department stores, drugstores, gasoline, grocery, mass merchandisers, specialty apparel) have such programs with similar findings in the U.K. The study also identified the three leading problems with these programs: they are expensive, mistakes can be difficult to correct as customers see the company as taking away benefits, and, perhaps most importantly, there are large questions about whether they work to increase loyalty or average spending behavior.'^ A problem that can be added to this list is that due to the ubiquity of these programs, it is increasingly difficult to gain competitive advantage. However, as the managers for the airlines will attest, loyalty programs can be very successful by increasing customer switching costs and building barriers to entry. In addition, in some industries, such programs have become a competitive necessity. A number of Web-based companies providing incentives for repeat visits to Web sites include MyPoints and Netcentives. Although these have not been wildly successful, it is clear that the price orientation of many Web shoppers creates the need for programs that can generate loyal behavior.^" Customization The notion of mass customization goes beyond 1-to-l marketing as it implies the creation of products and services for individual customers, not simply communicating with them. Dell Computer popularized the concept with its build-to-order Web site. Other companies such as Levi Strauss, Nike, and Mattel have developed processes and systems for creating customized products according to customers' tastes. Slywotzky refers to this process as a "choiceboard" where customers take a list of product attributes and determine which they want.^' The idea is that it has turned customers into product makers rather than simply product takers. Shapiro and Varian argue that such customization is cheap and easy to do with information goods." Such customization is termed "versioning." It is, of course, easier to do this for services and intangible information goods than for products, but the examples above show that even manufacturers can take advantage of the increased information available from customers to tailor products that at least give the appearance of being customized even if they are simply variations on a common base. Community One of the major uses of the Web for both online and offline businesses is to build a network of customers for exchanging product-related information and to create relationships between the customers and the company or brand. These networks and relationships are called communities. The goal is to take a prospective relationship with a product and turn it into something more personal. In this way, the manager can build an environment that makes it more difficult for the customer to leave the "family" of other people who also purchase from the company. For example, the software company Adobe builds community by devoting a section of its Web site to users and developers. They exchange tips and other information, which binds them more to the company and its brands. By giving the customers the impression that they own this section

of the site and by being open to the community about product information, Adobe creates a more personal relationship with its customers. Privacy Issues The CRM system depends upon a database of customer information and analysis of that data for more effective targeting of marketing communications and relationship-building activities. There is an obvious tradeoff between the ability of companies to better deliver customized products and services and the amount of information necessary to enable this delivery. Particularly with the popularity of the Internet, many consumers and advocacy groups are concerned about the amount of personal information that is contained in databases and how it is being used. Thus, the privacy issue extends all the way through the hierarchy of steps outlined in Exhibit 1. This is not a new issue. Direct marketers have mined databases for many years using analyses based on census tract data, motor vehicle records, magazine subscriptions, credit card transactions, and many other sources of information. However, with the "in your face" nature of unwanted direct e-mails and the increasing amount of information that is being collected surreptitiously as people browse the Web through nefarious "cookies," these concerns have received more prominence.^* The defining moment in Web privacy occurred in 1999 when the Web ad serving company Doubleclick announced that it was acquiring the direct marketing database company. Abacus Direct, with intentions to cross reference Web browsing and buying behavior with real names and addresses. The public outcry was so strong that Doubleclick had to state that it would not combine information from the two companies. A study by Forrester Research found a continuum of privacy concerns:" Simple irritation. This comes mainly from unwanted e-mails. Feelings of violation or "How do they know that about me?" Fear of harm. This could come from browsing X-rated sites, booking travel that a consumer does not want others to know about, and so on. Nightmarish visions: the IRS, "Big Brother," and other thoughts. As of this writing, there are 8 Internet privacy hills being considered by Congress. The current debate about privacy and the debate in Congress centers around how much control Web surfers should have over their own information. While many argue that il is in customers' best interests to give as much data as possible in order to take maximum benefit of what the Web has lo offer, many disagree. The opponents formalize their arguments in the following two options: "Opt-in"In this case. Web users must consent to the collection and use of personal data. This gives the customer more control over his or her own information and would help to build industry confidence. However, from the marketer's perspective, this may substantially reduce the amount of information available in databases. "Opt-out"This is the Web version of the direct marketing "negative reply" whereby a customer has to explicitly forbid the collection and use of personal data. This gives more information to marketers and therefore potentially improves the products and services available to customers. However, the customers bear the loss of control. These issues are only going to become thornier as the proliferation of wireless devices means more information about customers becoming available over time 25 Metrics

The increased attention paid to CRM means that the traditional metrics used by managers to measure the success of their products and services in the marketplace have to be updated. Financial and market-based indicators such as profitability, market share, and profit margins have been and will continue to be important. However, in a CRM world, increased emphasis is being placed on developing measures that are customer-centric and give managers a better idea of how their CRM policies and programs are working. Some of these CRM-based measures, both Web- and non-Web-based, are: customer acquisition costs, conversion rates (from lookers to buyers), retention/ churn rates, same customer sales rates, loyalty measures, and customer share or share of requirements (the share of a customer's purchases in a category devoted to a brand). ^* All of these measures imply doing a better job acquiring and processing internal data to focus on how the company is performing at the customer level. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Service quality and customer satisfaction are key factors in the battle to obtain competitive advantage and customer retention. Customer satisfaction is the outcome of customer perception of the value received in a transaction or relationship, where value equals perceived service quality, as compared to the value expected from transactions or relationships with competing vendors (Blanchard and Galloway, 1994; Heskett et al., 1990; Zeithaml et al., 1990). In order to achieve customer satisfaction, it is important to recognize and anticipate customers' needs to be able to satisfy them. Enterprises which are able to rapidly understand and satisfy customers' needs, make greater profits than those which fail to understand and satisfy them (Barsky and Nash, 2003). Organizations must therefore, develop and manage a healthy and good customer relationship with all the entities they have to deal with. Peel (2002), defines CRM as understanding the nature of the exchange between customer and supplier and managing it appropriately. The exchange contains monetary considerations between supplier and customer but also communication. The challenge to all supplier organisations is to optimize communications between parties to ensure profitable long-term relationships. CRM is a key focus for many organisations now as a shift away from customer acquisition toward customer-retention and churn reduction strategies dictates a need for best practice CRM processes. Customer Relationship Management is also a concept of identifying customer needs; understanding and influencing customer behaviour through ongoing communications strategies and an effort to acquire, retain and satisfy the customer. Customer Relationship Management is more than simply managing customers and monitoring their behaviour or attitude. It has the potential to change a customers relationship with a company and increase revenues in the bargain. It also helps to know the customers well enough to decide whom to choose and whom to lose. The objective of CRM is to recognize and treat each and every customer as an individual. Customer relationship management enables organisations to provide excellent real-time customer service through the effective use of individual account information (Kotler and Keller, 2006). Organisations therefore, need to investigate customer needs, build relationships with both existing and potential customers, and will have to satisfy their customers needs (Rootman, 2006). A lot of researchers have made attempts to define CRM. Here are some definitions, which will hopefully give a better understanding of what CRM is all about.

According to Picton and Broderick (2005), CRM is a view that emphasizes the importance of the relationships developed between an organization and its customers. It involves the strategic and tactical management tasks to achieve positive communications and long term customer relationships. Berkowitz (2006) also defines customer relationship management (CRM) as the organizations attempt to develop a long-term, cost-effective link with the customer for the benefit of both the customer and the organization.

Benefits of CRM Early researchers had hypothesized that CRM benefits varied by industry as the process and technologies associated with CRM were tailored to specific industry structures (Lemon and Zeithaml, 2001). However, findings in cross cultural, multi-industry study of CRM done by Thomas and Kumar (2004) supports the notion that desired CRM benefits do not vary across industries or cultures as stipulated by earlier thoughts. The latest findings were associated to three components including relationship, value and brand equity (Richard and Jones, 2008). The list of desired benefits will be used as the critical link between CRM initiatives and the development of customer equity. These core benefits of CRM will be linked theoretically to the three types of equity (relationship, value and brand) and ultimately to customer equity. Seven core benefits were identified to serve as value drivers in the model: Figure 7. 1. Improved ability to target profitable customers; 2. Integrated offerings across channels; 3. Improved sales force efficiency and effectiveness; 4. Individualized marketing messages; 5. Customized products and services; 6. Improved customer service efficiency and effectiveness; and 7. Improved pricing. According to Swift (2001), companies gain many benefits from CRM. He states that the benefits are commonly found in one of these areas: 1. Lower cost of recruiting customers: The cost for recruiting customers will decrease since there are savings to be made on marketing, mailing, contact, follow-up, fulfilment and service and so on. 2. No need to recruit so many customers to preserve a steady volume of business: The number of long-term customers will increase and consequently the need for recruiting many customers decreases. 3. Reduced costs of sales: The costs regarding selling are reduced owing to that existing customers are usually more responsive. In addition with better knowledge of channels and distributors the relationships become more effective, as well as that costs for marketing campaigns is reduced.


4. Higher customer profitability: The customer profitability will get higher since the customerwallet share increases, there are increases in up-selling, cross-selling and follow-up sales, and more referrals comes with higher customer satisfaction among customers. 5. Increased customer retention and loyalty: The customer retention increases since customers stay longer, buy more and buy more frequently. The customer also more often takes initiatives, which increases the bonding relationship, and as a result the customer loyalty increases as well.

The Effect of CRM Applications on Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction has significant implications for the economic performance of firms (Bolton, Lemon, and Ver- hoef 2004). For example, customer satisfaction has been found to have a negative impact on customer complaints and a positive impact on customer loyalty and usage behav- ior (Bolton 1998; Fornell 1992). Increased customer loyalty may increase usage levels (Bolton, Kannan, and Bramlett 2000), secure future revenues (Rust, Moorman, and Dick- son 2002), and minimize the likelihood of customer defection (Anderson and Sullivan 1993; Mithas, Jones, and Mitchell 2002). Customer satisfaction may also reduce costs related to warranties, complaints, defective goods, and field service costs (Fornell 1992). Finally, in a recent study, Anderson, Fornell, and Mazvancheryl (2004) find a strong relationship between customer satisfaction and Tobin's q (as a measure of shareholder value) after controlling for fixed, random, and unobservable factors. Customer relationship management applications are likely to have an effect on customer satisfaction for at least three reasons. First, CRM applications enable firms to customize their offerings for each customer. By accumulating information across customer interactions and processing this information to discover hidden patterns, CRM applications help firms customize their offerings to suit the individual tastes of their customers. Customized offerings enhance the perceived quality of products and services from a customer's viewpoint. Because perceived quality is a determinant of customer satisfaction, it follows that CRM applications indirectly affect customer satisfaction through their effect on perceived quality. Second, in addition to enhancing the perceived quality of the offering, CRM applications also enable firms to improve the reliability of consumption experiences by facilitating the timely, accurate processing of customer orders and requests and the ongoing management of customer accounts. For example, Piccoli and Applegate (2003) discuss how Wyndham uses IT tools to deliver a consistent service experience across its various properties to a customer. Both an improved ability to customize and a reduced variability of the consumption experience enhance perceived quality, which in turn positively affects customer satisfaction. Third, CRM applications also help firms manage customer relationships more effectively across the stages of relationship initiation, maintenance, and termination (Reinartz, Krafft, and Hoyer 2004). In turn, effective management of the customer relationship is the key to managing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.


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