ones get the two of you fired up! I guarantee you'll discover some likes and dislikes you never
knew existed. Plus, can you think of anything you'd rather spend the afternoon practicing? (don't
answer that)
There are 43 different types of kisses to explore on this date, from a standard French kiss to
more unusual ones like the Spiderman kiss, nip kiss, and sniff kiss. It's one of those kissing
games that will teach you a little bit more about the way your date likes to be kissed and maybe
even the way you like to be kissed. To start, download the Kisses pdf in the Links section (over
there to the right >>), print it, and cut out all of the kisses. Some of you will decide to go for it and
try them all, but 43 different kisses, many of which take a few tries to get right, may be a bit much
for others. If this is the case, no big deal, flip through the kisses and pick out 20-25 that you like.
Fold them up and take turns drawing kisses, following the instructions on each one. Don't tell
your date which kiss you picked, have them close their eyes and find out when you do it!
Most of the kisses include a question or two that will help you communicate opinions about the
kisses and your techniques. Kissing is one of those sensitive topics, so make sure to give
feedback in a positive way. For example, instead of saying "You kissed me too hard" try "I liked it
at the beginning when you were kissing me softly". Complement each other while giving
This brings us to the mood. All of this kissing requires some kind of a mood, right? I can see
candles, maybe a fire, a bottle of wine, soft music, and a very romantic evening. But I can also
see you going somewhere secluded, lying down on a blanket and having fun drawing a new kiss
every few minutes and just enjoying the day. Romantic or casual can both be great, do what
feels right for your relationship.
When you're done, ask which ones were the best and if they know any that weren't covered
(you're willing to continue!). And last but not least, with all the kissing involved you may want to
bring breath mints, smell amazing, and don't forget the Chapstick! Happy kissing!
1. Standard Kiss
A simple kiss and a great way to get and give feedback about the kiss you do most often.
2. French Kiss
Lean together into a simple kiss, open your mouths and touch tongues lightly. Enjoy the
feeling of your tongues moving against each other. Important point - do not move too
deeply into your partner's mouth.
3. Sniff Kiss
Popular in Asian nations where public kissing is frowned upon, the sniff-kiss doesn't
involve lips at all. Lean into your date and put your nose near their cheek, ear, or neck.
Inhale their scent deeply.
4. Nip Kiss
Instead of kissing with your lips, lean in close and gently bite your date’s lower lip, being
very careful not to bite too hard.
5. Eskimo Kiss
Put your faces close together and gently rub noses back and forth, up and down, or any
which way you like.
6. Butterfly Kiss
Get close to your partner and flutter your eyelids against their cheek, neck, lips, or nose.
7. Upside-Down Kiss (Spiderman Kiss)
Have your partner lie on their back or sit in a chair and lean their head back. Lean over
and give them a kiss with your heads pointed the opposite direction (noses near each
other's chins).
8. Flavored Kiss
Take a bite of strawberry, orange, piece of candy, or anything else and then give your
date a French kiss.
9. Mystery Kiss
Head to the local supermarket or candy shop and each pick out a bunch of flavors you
like – this could be things like root beer barrels, toffee, grapes, strawberries, etc. (jelly
bellies work well). Don’t show each other what you bought. Take turns closing your eyes
while your partner eats a bite and then gives you a French kiss. See if you can guess the
20. Hickey
Gently, but firmly suck on your partner's skin until the area is pink or red. It may be best
to do this in an area that can be covered by clothes.
21. From Behind Kiss
Hold your date from behind and when they turn their head, move yours around to meet
them and kiss.
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9. The Hickey
A hickey technically isn't a kiss; it's a red mark (a bruise, really) left on the skin after someone sucks hard enough on it.
Hickeys hurt a little to get, but some people think the sucking feels good, especially on the side of the neck. It can be
embarrassing to walk around with a hickey, so before you start sucking, get permission first.
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12. The Wet Kiss
Wet kisses are any open-mouthed kisses, with or without tongue. A little bit of wetness during a kiss can be sexy, but try not
to overdo it: too much saliva is sloppy. Alternate between wet kisses and closed-mouth kisses and single-lip kisses, and be
sure to swallow occasionally so you don't accidentally drool all over your partner.
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19. The Breath Kiss
The breath kiss is a fun, silly kiss that's almost more of a game than a kiss. To do it, open your mouth, inhale deeply and lock
lips with your sweetie (like you're performing CPR). Slowly exhale into their mouth while they're inhaling, "passing" the
breath to them. Without moving, slowly inhale while your partner exhales. Keep passing the breath back and forth until one
of you runs out of breath or you both erupt in giggles.