06 10 12 Builder
06 10 12 Builder
06 10 12 Builder
June 10, 2012 Order of Worship 8:30 & 11:00AM Prelude Organist Welcome and Announcements Rev. Paul Medley Call to Worship Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome Chancel Choir Hymn 297 Majesty Childrens Sermon Rev. Paul Medley Music Witness Kelley Harrell Hymn 283 Redeemed Offertory Pianist Music Witness Im Pressing On Chancel Choir Message Spiritual Fog Rev. Paul Medley Jeremiah 20:1-18 Hymn 349 Jesus Paid It All Benediction David Helms Postlude Organist
June 13 Hamburgers & Hot Dogs At the old ball field OUR CONDOLENCES TO: *****Ron Gilliard and family in the death of his uncle, Rev. A.C. Gilliard of Cairo. EXTENDED SESSION June 10 Eddie & Debbie Duke, Jean Stokes, Betty Johnson, Rob & Lauren Millings, Bryan & Julie Cottles, Nan Jordan, Sandra Mobley. .
First Baptist
June 10, 2012
www.fbcbainbridge.com Pastor Rev. Paul Medley Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce Minister of Youth Rev. Brian Steward
I hope you are making plans for your children to attend Vacation Bible School the week of June 18-22. This will be a fun filled week of learning about the love and grace of our Lord Jesus. Vacation Bible School continues to be one of the greatest tools in reaching and teaching our children about Jesus. Helpers are still needed for the week. Please contact Stephanie Darley or the Church Office if you can assist. I want to thank each of you for the kind expressions of love and concern for our family during these hectic days. Your support and prayers means so much to us. May the Lord continue to bless us as we continue to serve Him together. Paul
THANKS, CHARLES! I want to express my gratitude to Charles Whittington, a resident of the Mens Group Home, for sharing beautiful piano music before each Wednesday night supper. Charles is a gifted musician who unselfishly jumps up and plays hymns and spiritual songs for our enjoyment. And, to our amazement, he does it all from memory! Join with me and share your appreciation to Charles the next chance you get. He deserves our praise! CAMP VICTORY REPORT A great group of our children attended a week at Camp Victory in Samson, Alabama. Attending were: Katie, Calhoun, Grant Darley, Sara Caroline Darley, Matthew Hall, Carter Hathcoat, Levi Roland and Seth Roland. Amy Warr is the head Counselor at this great camp. Ask these students how much fun they had. Im sure theyll be glad to share! Art PATRIOTIC CELEBRATION Mark your calendars on Sunday, July 1st for the Fourth Annual Patriotic Celebration. We will be joining choirs from Fellowship Baptist, Calvary Baptist and Morningside Baptist Churches for this awesome celebration of God and Country. The program will be presented at 5:00 PM in the sanctuary of Calvary Baptist Church. A bonus rehearsal for all singers will be in our Sanctuary at 5:30 PM on Sunday, June 17. Join us! CHURCH WIDE PICNIC/SOFT BALL GAME Wednesday, June 13 beginning at 6:00 PM at the Old Ball Field. This is the same location as last year. Hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. Come enjoy a time of great fellowship, food and praising God with music and message. Golf carts will be provided for those who need assistance in getting to the ball field from the parking lot.
WHAT'S UP I want to encourage everyone to attend the College Led service tonight. We will hear some great testimonies about our trip to Jacksonville Florida and Ryan Wade will be bringing the message. There will be a Fellowship for the students afterwards. WHATS NEW The student ministries will be attending the church wide picnic on Wednesday night. Come ready to have some FUN. Chaos was a blast. If you missed it, we went to Water World in Dothan. You don't want to miss the next one. We will resume Chaos on the 19th because I will be on the mission trip this week. Don't forget. You don't want to be "That Guy". IMPORTANT: We will be leaving for the mission trip at 5:00a.m. Don't be late! Brian
Sunday, June 10 Early Service Bible Study Morning Worship Youth Leadership Team Evening Worship Monday, June 11 Youth depart for Mission Camp Ladies Bible Study Educational Bldg Tuesday, June 12 Mens Prayer Breakfast Wednesday, June 13 Church Wide Picnic @Ball Field Chancel Choir College Ministry
8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:45 PM 8:30 PM
WHAT'S HAPPENING June 10th- Youth Leadership Team (12:00-4:00) June 10th- College Led Service (Jacksonville Florida Trip) w/fellowship June 11th-15th- Summer Mission Camp Connect) June 19th-Chaos June 21st-Youth Ministry helping w/Hispanic Ministry. Be at church at 5:00 PM and be back around midnight. June 24th-Youth Led Service