June 3, 2012
June 3, 2012
June 3, 2012
Worship with Holy Communion Service of healing offered 5th Sunday of month LECTIONARY READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND 1 Samuel 8:4-20, 11:14-15 Psalm 138 2 Corinthians4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35 SCHEDULED TO SERVE NEXT SUNDAY: June 10, 2012 GREETER: Madeline DeRoche LECTOR: Melissa Ewing WORSHIP ASSISTANT: Jason McKitrick CANTOR: Neal Coryell BREAD BAKER: Dorothy Bazell ALTAR GUILD: Neal Coryell USHERS: Shirley Griffin, captain, Arlene Dykeman, Sheila Hively, Janet Robertson, Bev Speasmaker OPEN/CLOSE: Shirley Griffin SUNDAY SAMARITAN: Shirley Griffin, David Huskey OFFERING ASSISTANTS: Frank and Dorothy Bazell CONTACT INFORMATION
Church office hours are Monday - Friday 8:30-12:30 p.m. Office contact: Phone 614/224-6818, Email: [email protected] Fax: 614/224-6799, web address: www.oldtrinity.com Pastor Petersons office hours: Tuesday, 8:00 - Noon, Wednesday, 9:30 - Noon, Thursday, 8:00 - Noon. Pastor Peterson contact: Home Phone: 614/449-8772 [email protected]
THIS WEEK AT TRINITY For a full list of calendar events, visit www.oldtrinty.com Today-Sunday, June 3 9:00 a.m. New Member Class 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion 12:00 p.m. Trinity Womens Ice Cream Social Monday, June 4 5:30 p.m. Finance Team 5:45 p.m. Print Media 8:00 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous (Fellowship Hall) Wednesday, June 6 June 6-10 Synod Fest Thursday, June 7 12:00 Rachel Circle Saturday, June 9 5:00 p.m. Worship with Holy Communion UPCOMING MEETINGS NEXT WEEK: June 10, 12:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl meeting June 10, 8:30 p.m. Compline June 12, 7:00 p.m. Church Council meeting June 14, 5:30 p.m. Spiritual Formation June 16, 9:00 a.m. Property committee meeting There will be no Wednesday Bible Study Class June 6th. We will meet again on Wednesday, June 13th 2012. Also, there will be no Adult Sunday School class, today, June 3rd and June10th; we will meet again Sunday, June 17th 2012. There is information about June programming on the bulletin Please June to a WIENIE ROAST board and in thecome Tidings material. The Adult Forum sponsored youth SS are taking May class, children's andby Trinitys youth ona summer recess. 27th, following worship to CELEBRATE 9. They will start back up with Rally Day on Sept. PENTECOST. Chips and drinks will be included.
FOR THE WEEK OF June 3, 2012
THE FINANCE TEAM Amount needed each month: $14,208.00 Giving in March $11,956.54 Giving through April 29th $13,960.80 Giving through May 27th $12,685.00 Attendance last weekend: Saturday: 16, Sunday: 69
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 404 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215
Please attend a reception on June 17th, following worship, to welcome our newest members to Trinity and to say farewell to our MIC student, Jay and Ali Shailer.
In your prayers: Men and Women in the military Leaders of our nation For healing: Nancy Gosnell, Helen Hively, Louise Distelhorst, Georgianna Mickles, Amanda Greiner, Dave Schroeder, Arlene Dykeman, Caleb Kilhefner, Makayla Aleia, Richard Burkhart, Lillian Fala, Pastor Dave Shugert, Pastor Elaina Styblo (NE Ohio Synod) Janet Downs (friend of Janet Robertsons family) Donna Hines-Wysingle (aunt of Victor Anderson) Farabee McCarthy (father of Darcy McCarthy) Josephine Eversole (grandmother of Darcy McCarthy) Alexander Drabkowski & Madeline Downey (grandparents of Christiane) Bruce DeRoche (father of Melissa Ewing) Don McKitrick (brother of Sharon Heinlein) Virgil Downs (grandfather of Todd Downs) Paul Wiegerig (husband of Nora Wiegerig and brother of Marianne Daily) Linda (friend of Myra Kilhefner) Mike Muir (friend of Arlene Dykeman) For safety: Ariel Hively in South Africa For continued good health: Homebound members including: Alice Gramlich, Olive Workman, Charlotte Jolly, Betty Basye, Frank and Judy Engle, Thelma Schumacher, Ethelyn Zimpfer
If you have a prayer request that you would like to have added to the prayer chain or wish to join the prayer chain, please contact Shirley Griffin at ([email protected]) or call 491-1696.
The HANNAH CIRCLE will hold their annual picnic on Monday, June 18 at 6:30 P.M. at the home of Janet Robertson (6660 Alspach Rd. NW). For information and directions please contact Janet at 740-653-2838. Circle members are ask to continue collecting bars of soap for Lutheran World Relief. Alice Gramlich is celebrating her 100th Birthday on June 12. Cards and well wishes are always welcome to help celebrate this amazing milestone in someone's life. Cards can be mailed to: Alice Gramlich Mayfair Village Apt. 405 3011 Hayden Road Columbus, Ohio 43235
will install Pastor Carl Rayburn today, June 3 at 3:30 p.m. Hope Lutheran is located at 820 Lilley Avenue. (Exit 102 towards Miller Ave/ Kelton, turn right off Mooberry St.)
Lutheran World Relief is asking for our help. There is a need for bath size bars of soap. Trinity will be collecting soap until October 2, 2012. Please bring your donations to the church before the October cutoff date. There will be a collection box located in the Fellowship Hall. Your love offering will be used to support the activities of Lutheran World Relief where there is a need. If you have any questions contact Sharon Thacker at 443-6149. Alice Gramlich is celebrating her 100th Birthday on Liturgical Notes: June 12. Cards and well wishes are always welcome to help celebrate this amazing milestone in Pastor Debra Dingus will preside on June 23rd and June 24th, someone's life. while Pastor Peterson is on vacation. (June 19 June 27) Cards can be mailed to: Alice Gramlich Mayfair Village Apt. 405 3011 Hayden Road Columbus, Ohio 43235
The Community Ministry team is hosting a blood drive and needs your help! We need at least 25 people to sign up to give blood before we can set a date for the blood drive with the Red Cross. We're looking to host the blood drive in August. Participants must be older than 17 to donate blood on their own, but may be 16 with their parents' permission. Snacks will be provided. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in front of the Fellowship Hall. Have questions? Contact Gretchen Brandt at [email protected] or (614) 4588208. Thanks!
Please notice the beautiful Trinity gardens. Thank you to everyone who waters and weeds.