A New Method For The Synthesis of Aliphatic Nitro Compounds1, 2
A New Method For The Synthesis of Aliphatic Nitro Compounds1, 2
A New Method For The Synthesis of Aliphatic Nitro Compounds1, 2
The Reaction of Ethyl Nitroacetate with Sodium Nitrite.A 200-1111. flask was equipped with a stirrer, a dropping funnel, a thermometer and a condenser. T h e condenser exit was connected t o two traps arranged in series and T h e outlet of the second trap was cooled t o ca. -70". attached t o a 1500-ml. gas buret, filled with 20% aqueous sodium chloride. T h e system was swept with carbon dioxide for 2 hours then 13.3 g. (0.1 mole) of ethyl nitroacetate in 51.9 g. of ethanol was placed in the flask and, with stirring, a solution of 17.8 g. (0.25 mole) of 97% sodium nitrite in 51.9 g. of water was added dropwise. Addition was interrupted after 30 minutes when about 0.1 mole of the sodium nitrite had been added; the reaction became exothermic with the liberation of much gas and exte;nal cooling was needed t o keep the temperature at 28 zk 5 After 24 hours the evolution of gas had almost ceased; the remainder of the sodium nitrite was added but almost no additional gas was evolved. Gas evolution ceased altogether after a total of 31 hours when 2102 ml. (0.094 mole) had been collected (after correction t o standard conditions). T h e gas evolved was colorless and odorless and no brown fumes were observed when a sample was mixed with air; the cold traps had only traces of moisture. T h u s hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen trioxide were absent, or present only in traces. Samples of the gas were analyzed in a n Orsat apparatus using absolute ethanol for absorption of the nitrous oxide. Oxygen, carbon monoxide and nitric oxide were absent, or present only in small amount but carbon dioxide (a correction having been made for the volume of COZinitially present), nitrous oxiae and nitrogen (by difference) were present in roughly equal volumes (Table I ) . I n order t o obtain a more direct identification of the nitrous oxide and nitrogen, samples were allowed t o stand with 50% aqueous potassium hydroxide for 24 hours (samples so treated showed no carbon dioxide b y Orsat analysis). The carbon dioxide-free samples were then dried with potassium hydroxide pellets and with Ascarite. Mass spectrometric measurements showed the significant masses t o be 28 (nitrogen), 30 (nitrosyl ion) and 41 (nitrous oxide). Small masses were also detected a t 29, 3 1 , 3 2 , 4 0 , 4 5 and 46; these are thought t o have been due to the natural occurrence of heavy nitrogen atoms and also t o slight contamination b y air. In order t o establish t h a t the mass 30 species was due t o the presence of nitrous oxide, presumably because of the formation of nitrosyl ion (NO+), a sample of nitrous oxide (Matheson) was treated with potassium hydroxide solution, dried and analyzed in the same m3nner as gas samples from the ethyl nitroacetate-sodium
nitrite reaction. T h e ratio of masses 30 to 44 was found t o be 0.303 for the nitroacetate reaction gases and 0.300 for the nitrous oxide sample.
Ty)., C.
+ +
T h e Lepercq Reaction.l*-In the early stages of this study ethyl a-oximinopropionate, butyrate, valerate and caproate were prepared from the corresponding a-bromoesters in 71 t o 85% yields by allowing 0.1 mole of the bromoester to react with 0.25 mole of sodium nitrite in aqueous ethanol (5055 weight per cent. ethanol) for 16 days. Ethyl Nitritoacetate.-Ethyl glycolate (41.6 g., 0.4 mole, n m 1.4170) was treated with 39.3 g. (0.6 mole) of nitrosyl ~ chloride in the presence of 50 g. (0.85 mole) of anhydrous trimethylamine at 0' in a system protected from atmospheric moisture. Anhydrous ether was added from time t o time to keep the solution from becoming too viscous due to the precipitation of trimethylammonium chloride. After the addition was completed, the mixture was stirred for another hour and then filtered rapidly using anhydrous ether to aid in the transfer. Most of the ether was removed by distillation a t room temperature under reduced pressure; the residual solution was dried over Drierite at 0 t o 5 " in the dark and fractionated. There was obtained 13.4 g. (39% yield) of ethyl nitritoacetate, b.p. 32-33' a t 7 mm. and 118' at 760 mm. (micro-Emich), Z m D 1.4050, dz04 1.1148, d", 1.0947. Anal. Calcd. for C4H7OaiY: C, 36.09; H, 5.30; N, 10.52. Found: C , 36.07; H, 5.17; h-,10.62. Ethyl nitritoacetate proves to be a pale, yellow-green liquid which is water soluble and which hydrolyzes within a few seconds a t room temperature t o give ethyl glycolate and nitrous acid. It is soluble in ethanol, acetone, ether, benzene and petroleum ether. LAFAYETTE, ISDIANA
T o date the principal method of preparing nitroparaffins has been the reaction of an alkyl halide with silver nitrite.a A recent study has demonstrated, however, that this reaction is really useful
(1) Paper XI1 in t h e series, "The Chemistry of Aliphatic and Alicyclic Nitrocompounds." A preliminary account of this work a p peared in Chemistry a n d I n d u s l r y , 443 (1955). (2) T h i s research was supported, in p a r t , b y grants from T h e Explosives Department of E. I. d u P o n t d e Nemours a n d Co.. a n d , in part, b y t h e United S t a t e s Air Force under Contract N o . A F 18(600)310 monitored b y t h e Office of Scientific Research, Air Research a n d Development C o m m a n d . (3) Industrially, of course, t h e vapor phase nitration process d u e t o H a s s is employed on a large scale for the preparation o nitromethane, f nitroethane a n d t h e t w o nitropropanes. But despite its great commercial importance this cannot be regarded a s a laboratory procedure, especially since c u r n p l c s mixtures of products are formed.
only for the synthesis of primary nitroparaffins. With secondary halides the yields of nitroparaffins are about 15y0 while with tertiary halides they fall to 0-5%.* A synthesis developed by Iffland and his co-workers, which involves the conversion of ketones into secondary nitroparaffins, is extremely valuable in certain instances, e.g., the synthesis of nitrocyclobutane, but i t cannot be regarded as a method of general ~ t i l i t y . ~
(4) N. Kornblum. B. T a u b a n d H . E. Ungnade, T a r s JOURNAL, 76, 3209 (1954); N. Kornblum, R . A. Smiley, H. E. Ungnade, A. M . White, B. T a u b a n d S. A. Herbert, i b r d . , 77, 5528 (1955). (5) D. C. Iffland, G. X. Criner, M . Koral, F. J. Lotspeicb, 2. B. Papanastassiou a n d S. M. White, ibid., 76, 4044 (1953); D. C. IfBand and G. X. Criner, ibid., 71, 4017 (1953); D. C. Iffland a n d T e h - F u Yen, ibid., 76, 4083 (1964).
% rather obvious way of synthesizing nitroparaf. fins would appear to be the reaction of an alkyl halide with sodium nitrite R--S
+ SaSO. --+
+ SaS
H o w i - e r , it is widely acceptctl t h a t the reaction of d k y l halides with alkali metal nitrites produces nitrite esters rather than nitro cotnpounds.6 To add t o the confusion, there is an old and well known preparatiim of nitromethane (35-3STh yield) in which the sodium salt of chloroacetic acid is treated with sntlitini nitrite after which the unstable a-nitroncetic acid is t l e c a r b o ~ y l a t e d .IVhat ~ is not so well known, however, is t h a t this method, which is clue to Kolbe,is worthless for the preparation of higher nitroparatlins.3 Firinlly, the reaction of sulfonate esters with alkali metal nitritcs has been reported, tiine and again, to be without merit :IS :Lmeans of synthesizing nitro par nil in^.^ The present investigation shows that, contrary to general opinion, the reactioti of sotliuni nitrite with alkyl halides is a simple a n d effective way of obtaining nitro coilipountls. T h e usefulness of this reaction can be gauged from the yields o f p u r e alip1i:itic a n d alicyclic nitro compounds given in 'rLlbier t
X second reason for using DMF is t h a t the reaction of alkali nitrites with alkyl halides is exceptionally fast in this inediuiri.",'? This great speed of reaction in D X F inzil;es it 1)imihle to ininimize a side reaction (l), whnse esistciice 1r:is lxcn established recentlyI3 R' R'
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Bciizyl broiiiidc 2-Tlroirior,ctnrle 2-I~ldoc,ct,lllc 4-l~ri1:!i(ili~[~t~ii1~ 4-Ir > d ( l lIC t ,I i 1e I?roniiic>c!opciit:irie Iiidnc! cliil)ciit .ine Droll!( ryclvl!cl)taiie Iodoc).clo!iept,iric
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Even in D l I F socliuiri nitrite has ;I ixtlier liiiiitetl solubility arid this pr rits realization of the rc;icr:itrb tion of nitrite ion with :in xIIiy1 h:iIitIc :it which would fx, Liirticil):i.te(l fro111 the kixetics i l l dilute solution. I 1 Solietheless, the reaction o f :L primary broinidc or iotlitle J v i t h so:liulil nitrite a t room teinperatttre is so much faster than the conipeting process that merely working up the re:iction ! niisture proiiiptly prevents ititrusioii b. the reaction of eq. 1. 117th sccontlan- broinic!es :itid iotliclcs the r e x tion of e q . 1 ~voultlbecome a svrious coinpetitor i n the absence of se.,-eral siiiiplc tlevices. The atltlition of urea to D J I F ciiiisi~Ii.raI11y increases the s d u bility of sotliuin nitrite' :iiii1, in rc:ictions cIriploying secontlnn- alkyl iotlitles, this is all t h a t is required to pri)vit!e tlie yieIcIs listctl i n T a l ~ l e I . Il-ith seconi1;Lry hrolnirlcs, :inrl ;itso cyclopelltyl ant1 cyclohcptyl iciclitli:s, it bccoi!l.es tlesirahle not O I I I ~ to add urea but also :I iritritc ester scavenger. Compounds such :S plrloroglucitiol, catechol and I resorcincil can be usetl ior this purpose; of these phloroglucinol is the rnost effi.cti\.c,.
s l i e i i D I I I ' is t h e so!\-ei:t.
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55 58
The success o f this rc:iction hinges upon the use of ( l i i ~ i ~ t h ~ - l ~ ~ ) r i i i ~ i D i i m e :is the solvent. ti (l I ipprcc.i,il,li. aiiiounts of bot11 the alkali rnctal i i i t l tlic alkyl halide are in solution r i o re:ictioii occtirs i /;(, I':sperinicntal!, 1Vith this restrictioil iri i ~ i i ! i c l it is appnrent why only in D l I F :ind ethyleric gl!-col, (if the coiiiiiioii solvents, does a re:iction occur: imly these two solwnts have the abi1itJ- to disii jI:.e soclitiin or potassium nitrite. l " , ' " a
I':' . l l : l i c m ~ ! i itiitenient\ t o tliii efiecl occur in most textbooks a n d incJnc,;r,t;>li>..YC li:z\e iimt liren nhle t u find a n y stipport f o r t h i s view in
meritol error t h e yiel(:> a r e idcntiL.;l ~ I I I C Ci i i i n ~ t l i y lhrtlfuxirle 15 :in e v e n licttcr solveiit fiir sucIi!im llitrltc tli:iii I l \ i F , t h e u \ e n f iircli %n.(, n ) .ippe.irs uiineccssdry ( l o a ) I.ithirim nitrite is mliiI,le in r ) i I 1' e t h ? li.ne clycril, rtli.inol and a m t o n ? and in t h c i e s o l v e n t s the re:ictlon (I i t l i n l k ) I halides a1.0 occLIrs Iotriniically all t h r e e a their renrtion \%iith1-io< yield oi pure l - n i t r i i i , c t nitrite a 5S';, 1 ield I 11 i t were n \ a i l x I ~ l e , ~ i i ~ l : piil>lisheil. (I?) Excellent xrc>i:niii ~
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# r r , r v f u r , . i a I)\.[!:
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1 KauFier a n d C . Pumeronz, :
(10, . ~ L ) I ) I . D I Y mooP.-lIr. D . E . H a r d i r s of this laboratory has noti ioiin<l t l i ~ i tt h e reaction of ?-iodoiictane with sodium nitrile in d i m ~ i h y l. ) i l f , ) \ , c l L vcciirs rdpidl, i i n ~ l c r t h e identical coiiditioii.; used
April 5 , 1033
As will be seen from Table I, alkyl bromides and iodides are equally useful for the preparation of primary and secondary nitroparaffins. I n contrast, alkyl chlorides react too slowly to be useful. T h e reactions employing 1- and 2-bromooctane have been found to be first order in halide and first order in nitrite ion." I t is not surprising, then, t h a t this bimolecular displacement process fails with t-butyl bromide, t-butyl chloride, cyclohexyl bromide and cyclohexyl iodide. Instead of nitro compounds, isobutylene and cyclohexene are obtained. l 6 Sulfonate esters may also be employed; n-octyl tosylate, for example, gives 1-nitrooctane in 434G7, yield." The use of sulfonates would, of course, be advantageous when dealing with alcohols which arc subject to rearrangement on conversion in to halides. Finally it should be pointed out t h a t the reaction of alkyl halides with sodium nitrite in DMF is carried out under very mild conditions. T h e reaction temperature is niaintained a t or close to 25' except for a few instances in which i t is lowered to -20 to - 15' (cf. Experimental).
( I S ) .4nalyses a r e b y ChILraith Ilicroaniilytical Laboratories, Knoxville, T e n n . , a n d by D r . C. S . Yeh a n d 111s. S. L. M a r g e r u m , P u r d u e U n i i ersity. (10) IVe a r e indebted t o thP Rinpvood Chemical Co., Ringwood, Ill,, for a generous gift of phloroglucinol. (20) All rectifications were c a r r i d o u t using a GO X 1 cm. externally heated coliimn, packed with 1 1 8 inch glass helices a n d equipped with a tr)tal reflux variable take-off head ( 2 1 ) 4 . I Yogel, J . Chem. SOC., 1809 (1918). ( 2 2 ) S %elin,ky, B o . , 35, 2001 (1902). (23) I:. Drnhowzal a n d D. K l a m n n n , .\fonnfsh., 82, 4 5 2 (1951).
if i t is added, the only effect is to halve the reaction time. T h e following procedure is typical of t h a t used with all primary halides except benzyl bromide (see below). T h e Preparation of 1-Nitrooctane from 1-Bromooctane.I-Bromooctane (58 g., 0.30 molc) was poured into a stirred mixture of 600 ml. of DMF and 36 g . of sodium nitrite (0.52 mole) immersed in a water-bath maintained a t room temperature?'; stirring was continued for 0 hours Tlie reaction mixture was then poured into 1.5 1. of ice-water layered over with 100 ml. of petroleum ether (b.p. 35-37'). T h e aqueous phase was extracted four more times with 100ml. portions of petroleum ether after which the extracts were washed with four 75-ml. portions of k i t e r and dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate. The petroleum ether was removed by distillation under reduced pressure through the columnso; heat was supplied by a bath whose tcmperature was gradually raised to ca. 65". Rectificationznof the residue yielded 13.6 g. (29Tc) of 1-octyl nitrite (b.p. 37" ( 2 mm.), f f z o ~1.4127; lit. values'.' b.p. 56" (9 m m . ) , nzOD 1.4127), 2.8 g. of interfractions, and 28.2 g. (GO'%) of 1nitrooctane (h.p. 60" (1 m m . ) , ~ : O D 1.4321; cf. T:ible 11). \Vith t h e iodides, the p r o c ~ d u r ewas modiiied slightly i i i t h a t the petroleum ether extracts were washcd with two 75ml. portions of lOy0aqueous sodium thiosulfate ( t o remove small amounts of free iodine) and then with two 75-ml. portions of water. The Preparation of Phenylnitromethane from Benzyl Bromide.-In the special case of benzyl bromide it was necessary to operate at -20 t o -15" and t o add urea. At room temperature no phenylnitromethane was obtained, The only product isolated, benzoic acid (25% yield), was. Experimental '8 presumably, formed oia the nitrolic acid. Benzyl bromide (51.3 g., 0.30 mole) was poured into a Reagents.-Dimethylformamide, du Pont technical grade, stirred mixture of 600 ml. of D M F , 36 g. of sodium nitrite is essentially anhydrous and in a number of experiments (0.52 mole) and 40 g. of ureamaintainedat -20 to -15.zc was used directly. I n a number of instances the D b I F was After five hours the reaction mixture was worked u p a s in dried by allowing it to stand over calcium hydride. Althe I-nitrooctane preparation except t h a t 700 ml. of diethyl though no attempt W:IS made t o study the influence of water ether was used for extraction. Rectificationznyielded 13.1 on the reaction, i t does not appear t h a t rigorously anhyg. (33%) of crude benzyl nitrite ( b . p . 4 ' ( 5 m m . ) , n7'D 4 drous conditions are necessary. Analytical grade sodium 1.5010-1.5024), 1.7 g. of interfractions and 22.1 g. (MG) of nitrite, dried a t 115', was used. T h e urea was dried at phenylnitromethnne (b.p. 76" ( 2 niin.), t z s O ~ 1.531ii; 6. 105' for several hours. Ringwood Technical Grade phloroTable TI). glucinol dihydrate was rendered anhydrous b y heating for (b) Secondary Nitro Compounds.-In reactions employthree hours a t l l O o . l 9 ing open-chain secondary iodides, addition of urea is sulliT h e alkyl halides were carefully rectifiedz0and only middle cient t o prevent the side reaction of cq. 1. If u r e i is not cuts of constant 12% and b.p. were used. Except in the added there is a ca. 5yc drop in yield, presumably because case of cycloheptyl bromide the ~ ? O D values were identical with those in the literature. Our cycloheptyl bromide was the reaction must then be run ca. 2.5 times longer. With secondary open-chain and alicyclic bromides, and ohtained from the alcohol in 87% yield, b.p. 50" ( 3 m m . ) , n?"~ 1.5049; Vogelzl reports ? z ? O D 1.4991 and Zelinsky22 also cyclopentyl and cycloheptyl iodides, it becomes den z o 1.49%. i l n a l . Calcd. for C:FIl:,Br: C, 47.49; H, sirable to add a nitrite ester scavenger such as phloroglucinol. ~ For example, when 2-octyl bromide reacts with sodiutn nitrite 7.40. Found: C , 17.30, 47.48; H , 7.39, 7.48. The only iic\v intlide is l - i o d o - ~ - ~ ~ l i c n y l p r o p a(73Tc in DMF-urea, the yield rises to a maximum in the range 13ne 16 hours and then falls; b u t even after 25 h m r s uiireacted yield), b.p. 98' (.'$ n i i n . ) , nznD 1.5SX). .3trnl. C:ilcd. for 2-octyl bromide remains. By addiiig phloroglucinol, howCsHinI: C, 43.92; I I , 4.51. Fourid: C , 43.04; H, 4.58. ever, the yield of 2-nitroGctane, after a 45-hour reaction n-Octyl tosylate was preparctl from n-octyl alcohol and tosyl chloride hy the inetliod of I)r:iiion.zal and K1:imannz3: time, is 587,. The other product, instead of being 2-octyl b . p . 170" (0.8 m m . ) , U ? O D 1.494Ci; lit.23 b.p. 167-168" nitrite, is 2-octano!, presuniably a by-product of the nitrosation of phloroglucinol. (0.6 m m . ) , n% 1.4946. ( a ) Primary Nitro Compounds.-IVhen priin:irv bromides IVhen a nitrite ester scavenger is added to these systems, excessive reaction time is no longer critical The only reare used a r e a d o n time of sis hours is needed; ivith primary iodides the reaction time is '7.5 hours. Urea is not needed; quirement is t h a t sufficient time he given for t h e halide to react completely. Urea is employed onl!' for t h e convenience ( 1 6 ) I n a recent p a p e r , d e la M a r e , Hughes, Ingold a n d Pocker [ J . of reducing the reaction time. Chem. Soc., 2930 (19,74)l claim t h a t t h e reaction of I-butyl bromide with The Preparation of 4-Nitroheptane from 4-1odoheptane.nitrite ions (supplied as either t e t r a e t h y l - or tetrametliyl-ammonium This was identical to the preparation of 1-nitroijctane from nitrite) gave f-nitrobutane a n d I-hutyl nitrite. Since it is reported I-bromoC-tane, except t h a t (a) 40 g . of urea (0.67 mole) was t h a t nitromethnne is used a s t h e solvent, a n d since i t is a d m i t t e d t h a t added to the sodium nitrite-DhlF mixture before atltlition dehydrohnlogenation ucciirs, it would, among o t h e r things, be of rnme of the 4-iodoheptane (,fj7.8 g., 0.30 mole), (11) the reaction t h a n passing interest t o know how these nutliors isolated I-nitrobutane time mas 5.6 hr. and ( c ) the petroleum ether extract5 were [rum such ail u n t i d y iitiiiition-or e\-en managed t o detect it. washed with aqueous lOyc sodium thiosulfate arid then (17) Conceivxbly t h e iise of ~,hluroglucinul will prrxluce a sigwater. RectificationZ5,*0 yie!ded 10.9 g. ( 2 5 % ) of 4 - h e p t y l nificnnt i n c r e ~ s e t h e yield. in nitrite (b.p. 44'' (18 m m . ) , ? Z ? O D 1.4039) a n d 26.4 g. ((317;) of
(24) T h i s reaction i s mildly eyuthermic. Also. since :ilkyl nitrites a r e photochemically unstable 'tiorswell a n d S i l k crmiin, I n f . Eiic Chem., A n a l . E d . , 13, .%5 ( l g ! ; in this, a n d subsequent o i ~ c r a t i u n s , exposure t o s t r o n g light is a v o ) !r<l. ( 2 5 ) T h e blue color, which is d u e t o small a m o u n t s of 4 - n i t r o - I nitrosoheptane (pseudonitrole), gradually becomes blue-grecn, then green a n d finally yellow as t h e working u p process continues. Usually t h e last stages of this color sequence occtir during t h e rectificxtirln T h e pseudonitrole decomposition products :ire <ep:irnlile witlii,iit .in? ditliculty from t h e nitroparaffin.
M O O B E R R Y , OLIVETO .4ND c R A H A \ I
lrol. 7s
4-nitroheptane (b.p. 59" ( 8 mm.), n Z o 1.4219; cf. Table ~ 11). 2-Nitrooctane was prepared from 2-iodooctane b y t h e same procedure, except t h a t t h e reaction time was 4 hr. The Preparation of 2-NitroSctane from 2 - B m o 6 c t a n e .T h e procedure used t o prepare 1-nitrooctane from l-bromooctane was followed except t h a t ( a ) 40 g. of urea a n d 40 g. of anhydrous phloroglucinol (0.3 mole) were added t o t h e stirred DMF-sodium nitrite mixture a n d (bf-the reaction time was 45 hr. RectificationM yielded 15.0 g. (38%) of 2octanol (b.p. 45' (1 mm.), Z ~ 1.4262; m.p. of t h e phthalD a t e half-ester 55", mixed m.p. with known phthalate halfester 55") and 27.6 g. (58%) of 2-nitrooctane (b.p. 67" (3 m m . ) , Z ~ 1.4280; cf Table 11). D 4-Nitroheptane was obtained from 4-bromoheptane h y this procedure (reaction time 6 0 hours). T h e urea-phloroglucinol procedu-e was also used t o prepare nitrocyclopentane a n d nitrocycloheptane from the bromides, t h e reaction times being 42 a n d 54 hours, respectively. Finally, even though this urea-phloroglucinol procedure was employed to convert iodocyclopentane and iodocycloheptane t o t h e nitro compounds, the reaction times were those required for secondary iodides, 5 and 6 hours, respectively (cf. Tables I and 11). Relevant d a t a for t h e nitroparafins obtained in this study are listed in Table 11. All dissolve completel!., b u t not a t once, in 10% aqueous alkali. I n the case of 4-nitroheptanc shaking for ca. 2 hours is required to effect complete s i ~ l u tloll.
1.4463) gave 2.0 g . (64%) of the derivative, m.p. I n additiori, 5.8g. (9%) of cyclohexyl iodide was recovered. There was no detcctahlc amount of nitrocyclohexane. ( b ) T h e reaction of cyclohexyl bromide was coriducted as for cyclohexyl iodide. After 21 days it \vas only 807, complete a n d on working u p t h e dark red solution a 127, yield of cyclohesene ( b . p . 83", ~ z * O D 1.4458-1.4462) V V L ~ isolated. In addition a 15y0recovery of cyclohexyl bromide was made. T h e Reaction of t-Butyl Bromide (and Chloride) with Sodium Nitrite.--ja) /-But\-] bromide (41 E., 0.3 molc, was treated with sodium nitrlte in D h I F as described for 4iodoheptane, provision being made to trap isobutylene. After 24 hours a t room temperature there was obtainwl 12.3 g. (737,) of a liquid having b . p . - 5 " ; lit. value for is(>butylene b.p. -;'.*: \\'hen allowed to evaporate into :I solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride it decolorizctl t h e solution. Ii'hen the esperiment was repeated a t 0" fiir 18 hours, 11.5 g. (i'Oyoyield) of isobutylene, b.p. - ( i 5 was isolated. I t decolorizcd bromine. ( b ) T h e reaction of I-butyl chloride (38 g . , 0.3 r n ( ~ l e ) was carried out a t 0 for six days. T h e only pruduct i s ) ' lated was isobutylene (10.8 g., 65yo yicld). I t hnd b . p . - 4.5', and decolorized bromine. The Effect of t h e Solvent on the Reaction of I-Iodooctane with Alkali Nitrites.-The reactions were cc~nducted by adding 0.01) mole of the nitrite (4.6g of LiSO?, 6 . 2 g. nf SaS02, 7.6 g. of K S 0 2 ) and 0.05 mole (12 g . ) of I-imIooctane to about 90 ml. of the anhydrous solvent. The niisTABLE I1 tures were allowed t o stand, stoppered, in the da-k a t rami temperature for 36 hours. A t 8-hr. interval>a5-ml. sample PHYSICAL COXSTANTS SITRO~ ~ o r s n s OF Co was withdrawn and tested for nitrite ion, iodide ion a n d I.iterati!re nitroparaffin. B.P., B P . Compound O C . Llm. n 2 0 ~ OC. llrn 1 1 2 ~ ~ T h e test for nitrite consisted in adding a crystal of potasI-Sitroheptane 08 2 1 4284 04 3' 1 .4?83' sium iodide to about 2 ml. of the solution a n d acidifying with 1- S i t r o o c t a n e GO 1 1 4324 72 3 p I 132Y 10% nitric acid. A positive test was indicated by t h e liberaI -Titrodecanen 1Oi 2 1 4391 tion of iodine and was taken to mean the alkali nitrite vas 1- S I tro-3-phenylsoluble. I-Xitrooctane was detected by use of the Ilavidson propaneb 123 4 I ,5222 test . I'hrnylnitrornethane i7 t 2 1 531n 78 1' 1 5315'' All three nitrites are soluble i n DLlF and ethylene glycol ?c I mne 1 BO cili 2 Sitrouctnne ;:I R a n d in each nitroparaffin formitiori occurs. In etliand, 1.i200'~Q 90 ?.io .l-Sitri,hept,ine ,ill s 1 -1219 methanol, acetone, 1,2-dimetliosyetliane, and pyridine lithRO .IOa I . 1516-',0 Titrocyclopentnoe .5'3 10 1.1530 ium nitrite is soluble and a reaction occurs with the formatirlii I 4729 11-1 200 Titrnci.cl,ltieptaoe 70 1 j I 1723 of nitro compound; sodium and potassium nitrite are i i t a .4?102 C:\lcd. for ClnH?ISO:: C , 64.12: H , 11.81; soluble in these solvents and no reaction occurs. All three nitrites a r e insoluble in diethyl ether, acctonitrile, dioxanc~, S , 7.48. Fnund: C , 64.42; tr. 11.24; S , 7.66. .-lnui. a n d tetrahydrofuran and no reaction occurs. \ V i t h iv.it(.r Calcd. fnr CsH1:SO:: C , 65.43; H , 6.71; S , 8 4S. Found: a s a solvent the nitrites are soluble hut t h e halitli i - i l l C , 63.3s; H ,6.88; S , 8.76. Ref. 4a. S . Fornblum, R . A . Smile?;, R . 6.Blackwood and D. C. Iffland, THIS soluble and again n o reaction occurs. The foregoing d.it:i were cnnfirmctl : i n t i e \ t c n i I i ( 1 1)). preTOVRSAL, 77, 6269 (1955'1. e Ref. 4b. n Z 5 ~ . Ref. 5. 1 1 . Stone, P h . D . Thesis, Ohio State University, l'J5il. TABLE 111 Nitrite Esters.-T\ro new esters were produced as byEFFECT SOI.VEUT riir K I .\c I I U S OF l - I o r : n i j c r . ~ s ~ OF os products of this synthesis of nitroparaffins: ( 1 i 11-decyl \ \ ' I 1 I 1 A 1 . K \1.1 S I r R I T E S " nitrite, b . p . 9.5' (4 m m . j , 1 2 ' 1 0 ~ 1 4747. R77nl. Gilcd. for Unreacted CinH?iNO?: S,7.48. Found: S ,7.40. ( 2 ) r-Phenyl-71R e a c t i o n S i t r o , S i t r i t e , halide, I.iSO? c , propyl nitrite, b . p . 56' ( 1 m m . ) , ~ I ? " D 1.4979. A n a l . c- c , c Solvent t i m e , hr Fc Calcd. for C ~ H I I N O ?N, 8.48. Found: S, . 6 2 . : 8 LiSOz Use of Sulfonate Esters.-In t h e case of u-octyl tosylate, D m 2;i 5; 2ti .. n-butyl tosylate and n-butyl methanesulfonate the procedure l<tlianol 10 1s 39 19' 3 .. was identical to t h a t for 1-bromooctnne, except th:it 40 g. of urea was added initially t o the reaction misture and the -4c e t v 11e 91; 37 20' > reaction time was estended t o 2 . 5 h o u r s ; yields 48-4fiyc. Diethyl ether 7-1 (1 0 98 9; T h e Reaction of Cyclohexyl Iodide (and Bromide j with DietIiJ-1 etherd 2-i 0 0 $14 n . Sodium Nitrite.-(3) T h e reaction of A3 g . of cyclohexyl iodide with sodium nitrite in D l I F \v:is carried o u t a s deL-aSO? scribed above for 4-iodoheptane. .-titer 12 hours a l-tn1. DlIF 2 5 (io 31 , . sample of the solution was withdrawn, run into rvnter, ant1 Ethanol 24 0 0 ri:3 96 extracted with chloroform. T h e free iodine in the chloroform as titrated with standard thiosulfate. The rcsults Ethanold 2-r 0 0 98 9-r ilion-ed a 3SS0 yield of free iodine. \Then the aqueous .Icetone 24 n n 94 99 solution was titrated for iodide ion with silver nitrate it was I>ictIi~~l ether 24 n 0 c. 1j 9s found t h a t 44yo of the iodine in t h e cyclohesyl iodide had Diethyl etherd 24 0 fi 9 ; !>!I heen converted to iodide ion. O n working u p the product 14.15 g . (57yo yield) of cyclohe\-erie ( b . p . 80-82", ? z ~ O D Diethyl ether' 24 0 li 91 !I!? 1.4456-1.4462) was obtained. -1 1-ml. sample was treated a Carried out a t ronm temper:iture, i i i the dark, iinle.;s with 2,4-dinitrophenyIsulferiyl chloride according to Khara x h . 2 6 There was obtained 1.8 g. (61yo) of t h e adduct, otherivise rioted. b 1-Octanol. c Seg:itive test for icltliile ion. d At reflus temperature. e 1-Iodiietli:inc~u ~ c ~ l . m , p , 117'. A 1-ml. sample of authentic CyAohexene ( b . p .
a",D nN
a n d H. T i g e r m a n , T H I S
April 5, 1956
parative scale experiments. A mixture of 48 g. (0.20 mole) of 1-iodooctane, 24.2 g. (0.35 mole) of sodium nitrite (or 18.6 g. of lithium nitrite), and 250 ml. of the solvent mas stirred at room temperature (or higher if noted). The undissolved solid was isolated by filtration, washed, dried, and weighed. T h e filtrate was dried and rectified. I n this way the data of Table I11 were obtained. The Influence of Urea on the Solubility of Alkali Nitrites in DMF.-The solubility of sodium and potassium nitrite in DMF-urea solutions was determined by placing 10 g. of the alkali nitrite in 100 ml. of DMF containing varying amounts of urea. T h e mixtures were sealed, shaken for 24 hours at room temperature, the undissolved nitrite isolated by filtration, washed with anhydrous ether, dried and then weighed.
G r a m s of nitrite dissolved
SaS02 SaSO2
4.35 8.7 19.4 . . 7.1
\SD DAVID b f O O B E R R Y D.
I n the preceding paper of this series3it was found t h a t if a nitroparaffin, an alky1,nitrite and sodium nitrite are allowed to stand a t room temperature, the nitro compound is destroyed. The nature of the destructive process is the subject of the present communication. AS shown in Table I , when 1-nitrooctane is treated with sodium nitrite it is quantitatively recovered (expt. 1 t o 3). Nor is there any reaction when 1-nitrooctane is exposed to nitrite esters (expt. 4 and 5). In contrast, when 1-nitrooctane is exposed to the combined influence of sodium nitrite and an alkyl nitrite it is converted into caprylic acid (expt. 6 to 9). Table IB summarizes a series of experiments using %nitrooctane. Here again the nitro compound is completely stable toward either sodium nitrite or alkyl nitrites but is destroyed by their joint influence, Zoctanone being produced. In Table I C are recorded the data of experiments in\.ol\ring ethyl a-nitropropionate. After 24 hours contact with sodiutn nitrite the cr-nitroester is recovered in 93% yield4 (expt. 17). And after 45 flours there is no reaction between the a-nitroester Llnci n-propyl nitrite (expt. 19). But treatment \\-ith both sodium nitrite and n-propyl nitrite results ill colnplete destruction of the ethyl cr-nitropropion-
a t e in 22 hours, ethyl a-oximinopropionate being formed. Thus, for reaction to occur, all three reagentsthe nitro compound, the alkyl nitrite and sodium nitrite-are needed. I t is also necessary to have a hydrogen atom on the carbon holding the nitro group as is shown by the failure of ethyl a-nitroisobutyrate ( I ) to react. From these facts, and the
data which follow, it is apparent that the reaction proceeds first to give nitrosated nitro compounds (111) which, being unstable, break down to form the products isolated. As will be seen, the nitrite ion simply functions as a base.j R
2 ) This research was s u p p o r t e d , i n p a r t , b y g r a n t s f r o m T h e P;\plusives Department of E. I. d u P o u t d e Nemours a n d Co., and, in p a r t , by t h e United S t a t e s Air Force u n d e r C o n t r a c t K O . A F 18 (600).~ 310 monitored by the Oflice of Scientific Research, Air Research a n d Development C o m m a n d . (3) N. Kornblum. H. 0. Larson, R. K. Blackwood, D. D. Mooberry, E. P. Oliveto and G . E. Graham, THIS JOURNAL, 78, 1497 (1956). (4) Given 168 hours in which t o a c t , sodium n i t r i t e a l o n e i s able t o destrvy a perceptible arnottnt of t h e a-nitroester (expt. IS). T h i s is
SO 111
The reactions of I11 vary with the nature of tlic substituents. When R = alkyl and R = hydro(5) Although nitrosation of nitroparallins b y nitrite esters has wcruld Il;ive a i i t i r ~ l ) a t c d a p p a r e n t l y not heen reported Ijrevioii.;l) ( ~ i i e t h a t , in t h e presence of a \trc,rig I u s e , c.R., etilmidc ion. i i l l r o u t l < ~ i ) w o u l d t a k e place readily. I t is bur1xihing. however. t l i . i t ;L II:LW .L\ n <..11; as nitrite itBn i\ .ll>lc l o .rrl :I> .iii rITcrtiic c , ~ t . i l > \ t
under.;tandalile since n tiitrirr5trrs are distinctly more acidic t h a n nitroy:,r.r11ii,4, ~t is iritere.;ting t o tli.rt t h e cctnver4on of a n a - n i t r o c.trr in, a - o ~ i t t i i t ~ i I ~ ~ t~ e ~agency o f vi<lilitn nitrite is m i d l tllr IY h t r ])\!I; t l i , ~ i i in ;uliir(iits eth.iti,d [N. liorrildtinl nnrl J . H. ,~,~\v,.r ] < i v l , v r , 1 , l i s J l , l l K 1 C 4 1 . , 78, l 1 1 1 il!l,-lf;)l