Boe Agenda 2012 06 05

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LOCATION: Capitol Building The Guinn Room 101 N. Carson Street Carson City, Nevada June 5, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.


Below is an agenda of all items to be considered. Action will be taken on items preceded by an asterisk (*). Items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, items may be combined for consideration by the public body; and items may be pulled or removed from the agenda at any time at the discretion of the Chairperson.

A. Department of Taxation $19,210


Pursuant to Senate Bill 493, Section 16.7 of the 2011 Legislature, the Department of Taxation must submit mining claim refund requests to the Board of Examiners for approval. The Department of Taxation is requesting authority to pay six refund requests totaling $19,210.

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Pursuant to NRS 41.037, the State Board of Examiners may approve, settle or deny any claim or action against the State, any of its agencies or any of its present or former officers, employees, immune contractors or State Legislators. A. Department of Transportation Administration $5,900

This is an eminent domain action filed by the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) to acquire a land parcel of 8,880 square feet (.20 acre) from Khoury Leasing for use as part of a turnabout on State Route 227 (Lamoille Highway) in Elko County. Negotiations resulted in a cost of .60 per square foot, plus accumulated interest for a total lump sum settlement of $5,900. B. Department of Transportation Administration $19,000

This is an eminent domain action filed by the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) to acquire three parcels from Spring Creek Association for use as part of a turnabout on State Route 227 (Lamoille Highway) in Elko County. Negotiations resulted in lump sum settlement of $19,000, including land value and accumulated interest.




Pursuant to NRS 353.268, an agency or officer shall submit a request to the State Board of Examiners for an allocation by the Interim Finance Committee from the Contingency Fund. A. Department of Public Safety Nevada Highway Patrol $15,766

The Nevada Highway Patrol is requesting an allocation of $15,766 from the Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund to cover costs associated with visiting dignitary protection. The requested funding will allow the Division to reimburse the Governors Protection and Highway Patrol budgets for costs incurred when securing visiting dignitary. B. Department of Corrections High Desert State Prison and Northern Nevada Correctional Center $31,880

The Department of Corrections is requesting an allocation of $31,880 from the Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund to cover two pending stale claims: 1. High Desert State Prison - Military Leave for fiscal years 2008, 2009 and 2010 in the amount of $23,950 2. Northern Nevada Correctional Center - A hearing decision for salaries owed in fiscal year 2010 in the amount of $7,930

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Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Employment Security Division $23,900,000 in SFY 2012 and $40,100,000 in SFY 2013

Pursuant to Assembly Bill 484, Sections 3 and 4 (2011 Session), the Division is requesting an allocation of $23,900,000 in SFY 2012 and $40,100,000 in SFY 2013 from the Interim Finance Committees Contingency Fund for interest payments due to the federal government for the loan made available to the state upon depletion of Nevadas Unemployment Compensation Fund.





Pursuant to NRS 353.268, an agency or officer shall submit a request to the State Board of Examiners for an allocation by the Interim Finance Committee from the Contingency Fund. A. Department of Motor Vehicles Central Services $39,313

The Department of Motor Vehicles, Central Services Division is requesting an allocation of $39,313 from the Interim Finance Committees Highway Contingency Fund for one new position for the License Plate Factory. B. Department of Business and Industry Transportation Authority $37,802

The Department of Business and Industry, Transportation Authority is requesting an allocation of $37,802 from the Interim Finance Committees Highway Contingency Fund due to an anticipated shortfall in the Personnel Services category.



Distribution of retirement buyouts and terminal leave for eliminated positions to Departments, Commissions and Agencies, pursuant to Assembly Bill 487 of the 2011 Legislative Session. The 2011 Legislative Session made appropriations from the General Fund and the Highway Fund to the Board of Examiners to meet certain salary deficiencies created by the elimination of positions resulting in a layoff and consequently a payment for employee retirement buyouts and terminal leave payouts. Under this legislation, the following amounts from the General Fund and/or Highway Fund are recommended:

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BA # 2666 3922

BUDGET ACCOUNT NAME Commission on Post Secondary Education Department of Business and Industry, Transportation Services Authority Total



$26,281 $1,562 $26,281



A. Department of Education

Pursuant to Assembly Bill 240, Section 1, Subsection 2 - 3 of the 2011 Legislature, the Department of Education requests authority to contract with a former employee for assistance with
Distributive School Account (DSA) payments.


NRS 217.260 requires the Board of Examiners to estimate available revenue and anticipated claim costs each quarter. If revenues are insufficient to pay anticipated claims, the statute directs that claim payments must be reduced proportionately. The Victims of Crime Program Coordinator recommends paying the Priority 1 & 2 claims at 100% and Priority 3 claims at 100% of the approved amount for the 4th quarter of FY 2012.



Pursuant to NRS 334.010, no automobile may be purchased by any department, office, bureau, officer or employee of the State without prior written consent of the State Board of Examiners. AGENCY NAME Department of Administration Public Works Division Building and Grounds Division Department of Business and Industry Industrial Relations Peace Officer Standards and Training Total: # OF VEHICLES 1 2 1 NOT TO EXCEED: $32,500 $53,022 $5,600 $91,122

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The State Administrative Manual (SAM) is being submitted to the Board of Examiners for approval of additions in the following Chapter: 1600 Information Technology.



Approval of tort claim pursuant to NRS 41.037 A. Parker Nelson & Associates Client Trust Account TC 15717 Amount of Claim - $450,000


BOE # LESSEE LESSOR AMOUNT $1,927,960 Department of Business and Industry McCarran Center, LC Taxicab Authority
Lease Description:
This is a relocation lease which has been negotiated to house the Taxicab Authority.
Term of Lease: 08/01/2012 07/31/2019



Governors Office of Economic Development Nevada Film Office

Lease Description: Lease Description:
Term of Lease:

Pacific Peninsula, LLC


This is an extension of an existing lease to house Economic Developments Nevada Film Office.
09/01/2012 07/31/2017

Board of Massage Therapists 3.

Term of Lease:

JS Park Sahara, LLC


This is an extension of an existing lease which has been negotiated to house the Board of Massage Therapists. A projected savings of $78,628.97 for the term of the lease.
08/01/2012 06/30/2015


Department of Health and Human Services Mental Health and Developmental Services, Rural Clinics
Lease Description:

Morris Morris, LC $238,728

This is an extension of an existing lease which has been negotiated to house the Department of Health and Human Services Mental Health and Developmental Services, Rural Clinics. A savings of $25,563.36 over the term of the lease.
Term of Lease: 05/01/2012 10/31/2013


Department of Health and Human Services Child and Family Services

Lease Description:
Term of Lease:

FHS Las Vegas, 3 LP


This is an extension of an existing lease which has been renegotiated to house the Department of Health and Human Services Child and Family Services. A total savings of $470,196 over five years.
01/01/2012 10/31/2013


Department of Health and Human Services Welfare and Supportive Services

Lease Description:
Term of Lease:

Russell Family Trust, LLC $31,010

This is an extension of an existing lease which has been negotiated to house the Department of Health and Human Services Welfare and Supportive Services.
10/01/2012 10/31/2012

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BOE # DEPT # 011 1.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to assist Nevada's New Energy Industry Task Force with the economic analysis of the renewable energy industry in Nevada. The study will help Nevada policy makers gauge the desirability of promoting mutually beneficial exchanges of energy between Nevada and California.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 12/31/2012 Contract # 13448

030 2.
Contract Description:






This is the fourth amendment to the original contract, which provides services for scanning, coding and loading 50,000+ pages of documents into the Caselogistix system; perform an underlay to make the files searchable; splitting and organizing images and Object and Character Recognition of images; six fields of bibliographic coding including Coding Plus Lite and searchable fields; and document production preparation. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $71,259.27 to $86,259.27 due to the continued need for these services.
Term of Contract: 08/12/2008 - 06/30/2013 Contract # CONV5653

030 3.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract, which provides services to format and file pleadings in the Supreme Court of the United States. These services are provided on an as-needed basis and are being used at a minimum of a few times a year as Supreme Court briefs are required.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13443

030 4.
Contract Description:






This is the fifth amendment to the original contract which provides legal services for the defense of the State of NevadaNevada System of Higher Education in a Title VII Civil Rights case. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $743,625 to $793,625 due to the ongoing need for legal representation in this case.
Term of Contract: 02/14/2006 - 06/30/2013 Contract # CONV2606

030 5.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract for an expert witness in the defense of an alleged wrongful death/use of excessive force lawsuit. Dr. Clark will review documents and offer his expert opinions on possible causation of death. He may also be required to testify at a trial.
Term of Contract: 02/03/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13400

040 6.
Contract Description:






This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides for the lease of 10 Canon scanners and the maintenance of 42 scanners and 2 microfiche/microfilm readers used with the eSOS Corporate Filing System. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $82,608 to $118,608 to include 3 years of annual lease costs.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2010 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 11079

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DEPT # 040






Contract Description:

This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides for development and implementation of enhanced visual appeal and functionality for the Nevada Business Portal SilverFlume website design. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $9,999 to $19,499 due to a change in the scope of work which requires more hours devoted to the development of the website.
Term of Contract: 05/16/2012 - 06/30/2012 Contract # 13445

070 8.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13366

070 9.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13356

070 10.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13312

070 11.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13363

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DEPT # 070







Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13364

070 13.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13362

070 14.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13359

070 15.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13355

070 16.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13357

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DEPT # 070







Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13354

070 18.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13360

070 19.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13358

082 20.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide ongoing painting services to various State buildings in the Reno/Carson City area on an as needed basis upon the request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 05/31/2016 Contract # 13302

082 21.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide ongoing removal and replacement of fencing to the Carson City and Reno areas, on an as needed basis and at the request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13375

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082 22.
Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide ongoing pressure washing services on an as needed basis for various State buildings in the Carson City and Reno areas, upon the request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 05/31/2016 Contract # 13374

082 23.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide ongoing janitorial services for the Department of Wildlife, located at 1100 Valley Road, Reno, Nevada, which will serve as a back-up contract only to be utilized in the event the primary contractor terminates and will only be activated at the request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 02/28/2016 Contract # 13240

082 24.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide ongoing repair and installation of various types of fencing and gates in the Carson City and Reno area, on an as needed basis and at the written request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee.
Term of Contract: 08/01/2012 - 07/31/2016 Contract # 13378

082 25.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide ongoing electrical services on an as needed basis for various state buildings in northern Nevada at the request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee.
Term of Contract: 06/12/2012 - 05/31/2016 Contract # 13392

082 26.
Contract Description:





This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides owner construction manager at risk services to construct/remodel a 15,800 square foot laboratory including replacement of existing HVAC, Fire Alarm Systems, Controls, Hydronic Piping and Lighting. SPWB Project No. 09-C23L; SPWB Contract No. 5700. This amendment decreases the maximum amount of the owner's contingency from $10,900,000 to $10,449,083.
Term of Contract: 10/12/2010 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 11573

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082 27.
Contract Description:

This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides project design and construction administration services for the Elko County Readiness Center, Carlin, NV; SPWD Project No. 09-C15; Contract No. 5371. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $446,500 to $475,750 and is for design services to add additional antiterrorism/force protection and an electronic security system.
Term of Contract: 06/08/2010 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 11046

082 28.






Contract Description:

This is a new agreement to provide Owner-Construction Manager at Risk services for the Elko County Readiness Center; Carlin, Nevada; Project No. 09-C15; Contract No. 26890.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13451

082 29.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide professional architectural/engineering services to replace fire protection ponds and fire system improvements for the Nevada Army National Guard; Project No. 11-M04; Contract No. 33680.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2015 Contract # 13437

082 30.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide professional architectural/engineering services for energy efficient improvements to combined support maintenance shop/field facilities.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2015 Contract # 13435

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082 31.
Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide professional architectural/engineering services for the Department of Motor Vehicles Flood Door Design; Project No. 11-E05; Contract No. 30972.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2015 Contract # 13403

089 32.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract which provides for Spanish Interpretation services during Administrative hearings, required by NRS 645B, to non-english speaking injured workers so that they are appropriately represented at appeal hearings.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13440

101 33.
Contract Description:






This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides international representation for the Nevada Commission on Tourism in Mexico. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $120,000 to $180,000 to continue the international representation in Mexico for an additional year. The services will include placing stories with the media, maintaining a foreign website, conducting sales missions, organizing familiarization tours, expanding tour product to tour operators, media planning and buying, developing foreign brochures, and providing quarterly progress reports.
Term of Contract: 07/13/2010 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 11287

101 34.
Contract Description:






This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides international representation for the Nevada Commission on Tourism in the United Kingdom. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $120,000 to $180,000 to continue the international representation in the United Kingdom for an additional year. The services will include placing stories with the media; maintaining a foreign website; conducting sales missions; organizing familiarization tours; expanding tour product to tour operators; media planning and buying; developing foreign brochures; and providing quarterly progress reports.
Term of Contract: 07/13/2010 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 11288

101 35.
Contract Description:






This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides international representation for the Nevada Commission on Tourism in Canada. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $120,000 to $180,000 to continue the international representation in Canada for an additional year. The services will include placing stories with the media, maintaining a foreign website, conducting sales missions, organizing familiarization tours, expanding tour product to tour operators, media planning and buying, developing foreign brochures, and providing quarterly progress reports.
Term of Contract: 07/13/2010 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 11289

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180 36.
Contract Description:

This is the fifth amendment to the original contract, which provides Internet Services for 200 South Virginia Street in Reno. This amendment changes the business name to Zayo Group, LLC, extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to December 30, 2012, and increases the maximum amount from $235,530.01 to $275,820.01 to cover payment obligations until a new solicitation can be completed.
Term of Contract: 06/10/2008 - 12/30/2012 Contract # CONV5352

180 37.
Contract Description:





This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides for seven ongoing rack spaces at Austin Peak in Lander County. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $12,926.83 to $27,158.74 due to the need for continued microwave services.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 12715

240 38.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide ongoing maintenance for the cooling towers, chillers, and hot water boilers at the Nevada State Veterans Home. The vendor will provide monthly inspection and preventive maintenance for this equipment.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 05/31/2014 Contract # 13395

240 39.
Contract Description:





This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides for the installation of wood shutters in the windows of the resident living rooms at the Nevada State Veterans Home. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $8,500 to $37,500 to install more shutters in all of the living areas.
Term of Contract: 10/27/2011 - 08/31/2013 Contract # 12627

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DEPT # 300






Contract Description:

This is a new contract for an evaluator for the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) and school districts in Nevada. The purpose of this contract is to provide concrete findings and recommendations to the NDE to address: 1) What functions the NDE should perform and how it should best be organized to elevate academic achievement of the students in Nevada public schools; 2) What personnel knowledge, skills, and dispositions will be needed to pursue reform tasks and assist Local Education Associations to elevate academic achievement of Nevada students; and 3) Recommended NDE restructuring.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 07/31/2012 Contract # 13438

300 41.
Contract Description:






This a new contract to provide approximately 984 hours of ePage program modifications over four years in addition to providing ongoing maintenance and support.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/11/2016 Contract # 13376

300 42.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide ongoing on-site monitor visits to programs and schools funded to provide 21st Century Community Learning Center programs to Nevada youth.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/11/2014 Contract # 13377

300 43.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract for an external evaluator for the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant to provide expertise in and coordination of educational evaluation methodologies for the funded Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Subgrantees.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 09/30/2013 Contract # 13407

300 44.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract for a Special Education Legal and Data System Analyst to assist the State Office of Special Education in developing, reviewing, revising and submitting Nevada's special education State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report as per the IDEA which supports positive outcomes for students with disabilities.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13408

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332 45.
Contract Description:

This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides access to online general periodical databases. These databases provide access to organized collections of articles through magazines, newspapers, and journals and are used remotely statewide through schools, academic, special and public libraries. This amendment extends the termination date from September 12, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $490,000 to $961,250 due to the extended contract term.
Term of Contract: 07/20/2011 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 12325

332 46.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide the data conversion and cleanup, server configuration and installation, workstation installation, live operation of Keystone Library Automation System software, Webinar-based training for State Library staff, on-site training and production assistance, and monthly hosting of server. The service contract package allows Nevada Talking Books staff to utilize the software system for the benefit of visually and physically handicapped Nevada citizens statewide.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13423

402 47.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide services for Nevada's two-part State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program, known as Senior Rx and Disability Rx. It will provide access to discounted prescription drugs and pharmaceutical services for senior citizens and younger persons with disabilities who are not eligible for Medicare Part D; and will provide coordination of benefits for members who are eligible for Medicare Part D, with the Senior Rx and Disability Rx program being secondary to Medicare Part D.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13430

402 48.
Contract Description:





This is a new interlocal contract for caregiver trainings for directors, administrators, caregivers, and staff of homes for individual residential care, residential facilities for groups (e.g. group homes), assisted living facilities, and nursing facilities.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13348

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403 49.
Contract Description:

This is the first amendment to the original interlocal contract to pay the federal share of costs associated with Medicaid administrative activities such as outreach, utilization review, and referral services. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $2,000,000 to $2,521,559.46. This amendment also revises language for medical and administrative services.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2009 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 12133

406 50.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide communicable and chronic disease data, geo-coded to allow the development of maps illustrating disease burden over time by small geographic areas. Geo-coding services and development of intricate maps are required to be used for public health and mental health planning activities and emergency/ disaster preparedness.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13208

407 51.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide ongoing maintenance for two Voice Response Units located at the division's Central Office, 1470 College Parkway, Carson City, and at Southern Nevada Program and Field Operations office, 628 Belrose Street, Las Vegas. VRU allows clients to receive information regarding welfare or child support programs; apply for specific programs; obtain the status of their case; or speak to a customer service representative. This contract contains an option to amend for an additional two-year period.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13193

407 52.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to develop and implement the Health Care Reform Eligibility Engine, which is a business rules engine that will store all of the eligibility rules for the State of Nevada's publicly-subsidized health coverage programs in one place and will be accessible to individuals shopping for health coverage from multiple entry points, such as the Health Insurance Exchange as mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 09/30/2016 Contract # 13439

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407 53.
Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide Independent Verification and Validation Services related to the design, development and implementation of the Health Care Reform Eligibility Engine. These services will include planning and administration, verification, validation, and quality assurance activities related to the Eligibility Engine system requirements, computing platform, technical requirements, and security standards and requirements. Independent verification and validation will allow the division to ensure the success of the Health Care Reform Eligibility Engine project.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 01/31/2014 Contract # 13346

407 54.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program for Head Start agencies to provide infant, toddler, and preschool child care to low income families in Southern Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist lowincome families, families receiving temporary public assistance, and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13274

407 55.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program for delegate agencies to provide before and after school child care to low income families in Southern Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13281

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407 56.

Contract Description:

This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program for delegate agencies to provide before and after school child care to low income families in Southern Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13279

407 57.






Contract Description:

This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program to coordinate financial assistance and provide a comprehensive scholarship program to increase the education of child care providers. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this contract provides for project administration, as well as scholarships and financial assistance to child care providers working towards degrees in early childhood education through the Teacher Education and Compensation Helps Early Childhood Nevada scholarship program. This program works to address the issues of under education, poor compensation, and high turnover within the early childhood field in Nevada.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13226

407 58.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program for Head Start agencies to provide infant, toddler, and preschool child care to low income families in Southern Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist lowincome families, families receiving temporary public assistance, and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13271

Board of Examiners Meeting June 5, 2012 - Agenda Page 18











Contract Description:

This is the second amendment to the original contract for the division's Child Care Program, which provides eligibility, fiscal management, and resource and referral services associated with the Nevada Child Care and Development Fund in Northern and rural Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $57,764,254 to $59,911,043 due to increased caseload costs.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2009 - 06/30/2013 Contract # CONV6448

407 60.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program for delegate agencies to provide before and after school child care to low income families in Southern Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13276

407 61.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract for the division's Energy Assistance Program and the Department of Business and Industry, Housing Division's Weatherization Assistance Program for conducting annual evaluations of the Energy and Weatherization Assistance Programs as mandated by NRS 702.280. The purpose of the annual evaluations is to determine each program's compliance; ensure funds are expended in the best interest of each program; determine operational and cost effectiveness of the program; and identify recommended changes.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 12/31/2015 Contract # 13353

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408 62.

Contract Description:

This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides commercial plumbing services to the Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services agency campus. Due to the unique design of the facilities and the need for governmental inspections and certifications, it is required to have a licensed commercial plumber available. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $9,950 to $29.950 and extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 due to the continued need of these services.
Term of Contract: 08/11/2011 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 12094

408 63.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide ongoing Locum Tenens services to the Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services, pursuant to NRS 433.344 and NRS 436.123 and the Joint Commission requirements.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13351

408 64.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide support for psychiatric services to the clients of Rural Services Community Mental Health Centers. Nursing and physician assistant services are necessary to provide direct consumer care, evaluations and screenings, medication prescriptions and management, triage, telephone consultation, training, and other such necessary services at mental health clinics in the rural outlying areas of the state.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13352

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408 65.

Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide a Registered Dietitian, who will afford appropriate nutritional care for clients. This will include food and nutrition therapy in a timely and effective manner in accordance with standards of practice for nutrition and disease conditions.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13342

408 66.






Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide pharmacy automation to inpatient facilities. The vendor will provide technical assistance, and support and preventative maintenance for the AutoPack and AutoLabel oral solid packaging equipment and software at the Rawson Neal Hospital.
Term of Contract: 11/01/2011 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 12816

408 67.






Contract Description:

This is a new interlocal contract to provide a needs assessment as recommended by the Nevada Olmstead Report to review the needs of individuals placed out of state, write individualized plans to return them to Nevada, and to develop a plan to establish specialized services within Nevada communities to serve this population.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 09/10/2012 Contract # 13345

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408 68.

Contract Description:

This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides postgraduate psychiatric residency services and training for University of Nevada School of Medicine residents at the Northern and Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services facilities in Sparks and Las Vegas. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $1,620,586 to $1,640,018 due to the needed addition of one Fourth Post Graduate Year for a three month rotation period beginning July 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 12509

408 69.





Contract Description:

This is the fourth amendment to the original contract, which provides billing clearinghouse services in support of Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services billing and collections activities. The use of clearinghouse enhances claim edit capabilities, reduces claim denials, facilitates electronic billing, speeds revenue collection and strengthens reporting requirements. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to December 31, 2012 and increases the maximum amount from $130,274 to $168,858 due to the continued need for these services.
Term of Contract: 01/30/2008 - 12/31/2012 Contract # 11014








Contract Description:

This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides training and reporting necessary for the State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup program. The amendment adds deliverables related to completing the Substance Abuse Prevention Strategic Plan, in addition to providing services necessary to fulfill the requirements of the new combined Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment/Community Mental Health Services Block Grant application. This amendment extends the termination date from September 29, 2012, to February 07, 2015; and adds $26,250 for additional deliverables, and $144,000 for the extension of time, increasing the maximum amount from $117,750 to $288,000.
Term of Contract: 02/08/2011 - 02/07/2015 Contract # 11819

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408 71.

Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide janitorial services for the Silver Springs Mental Health Centers to provide a clean, sanitary facility for the consumers use.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2015 Contract # 13242

409 72.
Contract Description:

Term of Contract:




This is a new contract to provide psychiatric services to the youth at Caliente Youth Center.
Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13243

409 73.
Contract Description:





This is a new revenue interlocal agreement to recognize the benefit of collaborating partnerships with rural counties to ensure the safety and well-being of children and support the provision of child protective services to meet the needs of the children in the community pursuant to Senate Bill 480.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13124

409 74.
Contract Description:





This is a new revenue interlocal agreement to recognize the benefit of collaborating partnerships with rural counties to ensure the safety and well-being of children and support the provision of child protective services to meet the needs of the children in the community pursuant to Senate Bill 480.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13123

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Term of Contract:





409 75.
Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide haircuts to the youth at the Nevada Youth Training Center.
07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13246

431 76.
Contract Description:






This is second amendment to the original contract, which provides professional geoengineering services and related software support. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $99,577 to $114,227 to provide additional staff training and augmentation.
Term of Contract: 09/09/2010 - 12/30/2013 Contract # 11432

431 77.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract for crane services, including repair and service work, annual inspections and certifications, maintenance work, load testing, system testing, and all other services associated with cranes.
Term of Contract: 06/13/2012 - 06/12/2016 Contract # 13287

431 78.
Contract Description:




Contract # 13288


This is a new contract to establish services for fire alarm monitoring services on an as needed basis, statewide.
Term of Contract: 06/13/2012 - 06/12/2016

431 79.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to establish services for water treatment services on our heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment on an as needed basis, statewide.
Term of Contract: 06/13/2012 - 06/12/2016 Contract # 13425

431 80.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract for design and engineering services for the proposed material and building systems and standards for the Nevada Army National Guard facilities for future projects.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 09/12/2012 Contract # 13412

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DEPT # 431







Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide design documents and engineering services for the C-12 Hangar Door Remodel and Solar Wall Installation.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 09/12/2012 Contract # 13419

431 82.
Contract Description:





This is the third amendment to the original contract, which provides for weed abatement at the Stead Training Facility. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to December 31, 2012 and increases the maximum amount from $39,787 to $64,787 to provide weed abatement services for the increased number of acres along the receding shoreline due to the lack of precipitation.
Term of Contract: 10/12/2010 - 12/31/2012 Contract # 11548

431 83.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide design documents and professional services for the repair and flood prevention throughout the Floyd Edsall Training Center Site in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 08/12/2012 Contract # 13416

431 84.
Contract Description:






This is new contract to provide ceiling tile replacement at the Army Aviation Support Facility building at the Washoe County Armory.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 09/12/2012 Contract # 13413

440 85.
Contract Description:




Contract # 13389


This is a new contract to provide vending machine services for correctional facilities located in Northern Nevada.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2016

440 86.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide ongoing vending machine services for correctional facilities located in Southern and Eastern Nevada regions.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13381

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DEPT # 440






Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide services to convert or replace existing equipment at multiple correctional facilities located in Northern Nevada operating at a 25 kHz land mobile radio systems to narrowband 12.5 kHz efficiency technology as required by Federal Communications Commission Narrow banding Mandate.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13410

440 88.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide services to convert or replace existing equipment at multiple correctional facilities located in Southern and Eastern Nevada operating at a 25 kHz land mobile radio systems to narrowband 12.5 kHz efficiency technology as required by Federal Communications Commission Narrow banding Mandate.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13409

440 89.
Contract Description:






This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides onsite implementation services and product training for Sophos Endpoint Security/Control licensing and support. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $7,931.48 to $13,102.20 due to the addition of professional services for the onsite installation and configuration phase.
Term of Contract: 04/19/2012 - 06/30/2015 Contract # 12862

440 90.
Contract Description:





This is the first amendment to the original contract which provides pre and post release services to incarcerated inmates for the Second Chance Adult Re-Entry Demonstration Project which is designed to reduce recidivism by helping offenders find work and access other critical services in their communities upon their release. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $348,667.94 to $360,637.91 due to an increased amount of services being provided.
Term of Contract: 11/08/2011 - 09/30/2012 Contract # 12723

440 91.
Contract Description:


Term of Contract:




This is a new contract to furnish and install three sliding door operators at Southern Desert Correctional Center.
Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13373

440 92.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide ongoing preventative maintenance inspections on the chillers at Lovelock Correctional Center.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13384

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DEPT # 440






Contract Description:

This is a new contract to remove and dispose of the existing dishwashing machine at Lovelock Correctional Center and replace it with a new dual rinse dishwashing machine.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13370

440 94.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to replace damaged and missing fiberglass and aluminum jacket insulation on the steam and supply return piping in four different areas of the kitchen at High Desert State Prison.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13350

440 95.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide inmate cremation services for correctional facilities located in the northern region of the state.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13385

580 96.
Contract Description:





This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides ongoing maintenance service to the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada's scanners that are utilized to operate the Electronic Filings and Records Management system which enables the Commission to accept electronic filings and associated fees. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $8,832 to $19,399 to allow for the required maintenance of existing scanners and for the maintenance of unanticipated expenditures for the remainder of FY 2012 and through FY 2013 due to the continued need for these services.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 12240

611 97.
Contract Description:





This is an amendment to the original contract, which provides access to an 800Mhz two-way radio system in support of the Gaming Control Board's Enforcement Division field operations in Southern Nevada. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $7,000 to $14,000 due to the extended term.
Term of Contract: 04/18/2011 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 12105

650 98.
Contract Description:





This is the first amendment to the original contract which provides quarterly maintenance of the heating and air conditioning units to include any emergency repairs needed at the Department of Public Safety Training Division in Carson City. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2014 and increases the maximum amount from $7,248 to $14,496 due to the continued need for these services
Term of Contract: 07/01/2010 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 11575

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650 99.
Contract Description:

This is the first amendment to the original contract which provides software maintenance and licensing for the Fire Marshal Division's web-hosted licensing and certification database. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2015 and increases the maximum amount from $9,000 to $37,652.64 due to the continued need for these services.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2015 Contract # 12127

650 100.
Contract Description:





This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides janitorial services for the Fernley substation. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2014 and increases the maximum amount from $7,440 to $14,880 due to the continued need for these services.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2010 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 11285

651 101.
Contract Description:





This is the first amendment to the original contract which provides assistance with optimizing the capabilities of the agency's Fleet Focus software program to allow for cleanup of data and customizing reports. This amendment extends the termination date from December 31, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $9,675 to $19,671 due to the continued need for these services.
Term of Contract: 03/26/2012 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13131

655 102.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide maintenance and repair of the LiveScan fingerprint machines in various law enforcement agencies throughout Nevada. These machines were purchased through a federal grant and require periodic service to maintain functionality and for Nevada law enforcement agencies to remain in compliance with FBI requirements.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 08/31/2015 Contract # 13175

690 103.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide ongoing legal services relating to matters ending before or involving the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, North American Electric Reliability Corporation, and other national and regional regulatory bodies. This contract will replace the existing Miller Balis contract to allow continuation of the relationship with Craig Silverstein who has been the Commission's legal expert for a number of years on such matters.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2015 Contract # 13441

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702 104.
Contract Description:

This is a new contract for taxidermy services on an as needed basis. Taxidermy services will include hide preparation and may also include full and shoulder mounts, study skins, fish mounts and any other wildlife species in any mount configuration. The department of Wildlife uses the products of taxidermy for wildlife educational purposes, displays and as an article for sale.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/11/2014 Contract # 13402

702 105.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract for data retrieval and management services associated with GPS satellite collars placed on multiple species of big game animals throughout the state of Nevada. This contract will allow the department to receive the data, which is critical to making appropriate population and habitat management decisions.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/11/2016 Contract # 13406

704 106.



BONDS 22.2% FEDERAL 77.8%


Contract Description:

This is a new contract with Nova Geotechnical & Inspection Services for the Fire Canyon Outlook project. The purpose of this contract is to provide independent construction inspection materials inspection and testing during construction of the Fire Canyon Overlook project for the Nevada Division of State Parks to meet the Nevada Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration Local Public Agency Project guidelines, standards and requirements.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 08/10/2012 Contract # 13421

705 107.
Contract Description:


Term of Contract:




This is a new contract to furnish inundation mapping for the South Fork Dam.
Upon Approval - 09/14/2012 Contract # 13369

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709 108.
Contract Description:

This is the first amendment to the original interlocal agreement to provide for ongoing installation of fuel operated heaters (pre-heaters) in school buses. This amendment extends the termination date from August 30, 2012 to September 14, 2012 and increases the maximum amount from $65,000 to $94,000 due to extra grant funding to add pre-heaters on more school buses.
Term of Contract: 02/14/2012 - 09/14/2012 Contract # 12989

709 109.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract to extract permitted information from agency files for manual entry into the agency's Web Based E-Permitting system; recreate and populate Discharge Monitoring Report information as it relates to existing permit requirements; validate and reconcile agency file information with Web Based E-Permitting Reports; and verify that all information recorded is consistent with the Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Compliance Information System requirements.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 09/30/2012 Contract # 13390

709 110.






Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide direct technical support needed for staff to gain the knowledge, skills and abilities related to the Pollutant Load Reduction Model that are essential for performing appropriate and responsible regulatory oversight for implementation of the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load as it relates to water clarity.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2015 Contract # 13436

709 111.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide ongoing storage space for the boat, ATVs and other items owned by the Bureaus of Water Quality Planning and Corrective Action.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13368

Board of Examiners Meeting June 5, 2012 - Agenda Page 30


DEPT # 749

Term of Contract:





Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide ongoing unarmed combat inspector services for weigh-ins and events.
07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13327

810 113.
Contract Description:





This is the third amendment to the original contract, which provides ongoing maintenance and emergency service to back-up power systems for the department. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $31,494 to $41,489 for the installation of a new Powerware 9355 Un-interruptible Power System with internal batteries at the DMV facility located at 8250 West Flamingo Road, Las Vegas.
Term of Contract: 09/13/2011 - 09/12/2012 Contract # 12542

810 114.
Contract Description:





This is an amendment to the original contract, which provides for the installation, on-site support, training, and software support for the implementation of Dell Compellent multi-host storage array environment to include two internet storage area networks one to be located in Las Vegas and the other to be placed in Carson City. This amendment increases the amount from $61,042 to $122,084 to clarify the consideration amount applies to the installation of two Dell Compellent Storage Array and Remote Instant Replays as opposed to one as stated in the original contract.
Term of Contract: 03/13/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13084

810 115.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide an automated method of collecting electronic data, printing secure and non-secure documents, finishing, mail preparation, transportation to the US Postal Service for same day mail entry and tracking of the documents for Off-Highway Vehicles Program.
Term of Contract: 06/05/2012 - 05/31/2014 Contract # 13298

901 116.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide ongoing maintenance and repair services of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning units, commercial refrigerators and refrigeration units, freezers, ice makers, reach-ins and display units on a time and material basis; facility remodeling; and installation, repair, maintenance, relocation, and replacement of equipment, with purchase of parts as necessary at all southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada program sites, including the three Hoover Dam sites.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13307

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901 117.

Contract Description:

This is a new revenue contract to provide snack bar concession services at the Black Mountain Aquatic Complex and Whitney Ranch Activity Pool on a daily basis when the facilities are in operation during the summer season from approximately May through December. A commission of ten percent of the monthly gross sales, after sales tax, from the concession services will be paid monthly to the Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada program.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 09/30/2015 Contract # 13241

901 118.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide ongoing maintenance and repair services of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning units, commercial refrigerators and refrigeration units, freezers, ice makers, reach-ins and display units on a time and material basis; facility remodeling; and installation, repair, maintenance, relocation, and replacement of equipment, with purchase of parts as necessary at all southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada program sites, including the three Hoover Dam sites.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13308

901 119.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract which provides ongoing maintenance and repair services of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning units, commercial refrigerators and refrigeration units, freezers, ice makers, reach-ins and display units on a time and material basis; facility remodeling; and installation, repair, maintenance, relocation, and replacement of equipment, with purchase of parts as necessary at all southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada program sites, including the three Hoover Dam sites.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13310

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901 120.

Contract Description:

This is a new contract which provides ongoing maintenance and repair services of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning units, commercial refrigerators and refrigeration units, freezers, ice makers, reach-ins and display units on a time and material basis; facility remodeling; and installation, repair, maintenance, relocation, and replacement of equipment, with purchase of parts as necessary at all southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada program sites, including the three Hoover Dam sites.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13311

901 121.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract which provides ongoing maintenance and repair services of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning units, commercial refrigerators and refrigeration units, freezers, ice makers, reach-ins and display units on a time and material basis; facility remodeling; and installation, repair, maintenance, relocation, and replacement of equipment, with purchase of parts as necessary at all southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada program sites, including the three Hoover Dam sites.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13309

902 122.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide media production and graphic arts training to incarcerated females at the Florence McClure Women's Correctional Center.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13399






Contract Description:

This is a new intrastate interlocal agreement to provide the Purpose, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence Program which will provide pre-release and post-release assistance to inmates and felons through a holistic program. The program incorporates intensive case management, transitional housing, employment training and placement, life skills training, mental health services, substance and drug abuse counseling, mentoring, and other comprehensive transitional services. The department of Corrections will oversee all aspects of the project and coordinate with service providers to ensure a seamless transition, participate in coalitions and advisory groups that relate to overcoming barriers to prisoner re-entry, and refer a sufficient number of post-release individuals to selected indentified service providers to meet the condition of program participation.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13393

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902 124.
Contract Description:

This is a new interlocal agreement to provide funding in support of the Governor's Office of Economic Development training program, Train Employees Now Program. The program was launched to upgrade the skills of potential employees of businesses relocating to or expanding into Nevada, which is anticipated to reduce dependence on the Nevada unemployment system.
Term of Contract: 06/05/2012 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13434

902 125.
Contract Description:






This is the third amendment to the original interlocal agreement, which provides ongoing employment and training services to adults in northern Nevada. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $2,722,077 to $2,746,778 based on a directive from the Department of Labor Training and Employment Guidance Letter Number 09-11 Change 1 that amended the temporary reduction of the advance allotments from 1.503% to 0.189%.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 12273

902 126.
Contract Description:






This is the third amendment to the original interlocal agreement, which provides ongoing employment and training services to dislocated workers in northern Nevada. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $2,557,680 to $2,592,885 based on a directive from the Department of Labor Training and Employment Guidance Letter Number 0911 Change 1 that amended the temporary reduction of the advance allotments from 1.503% to 0.189%.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 12272

902 127.
Contract Description:






This is a new interlocal agreement to fund layoff aversion services in southern Nevada. These services are a key component of the state's federally required Rapid Response plan. The services will be provided by a collaboration of public-private partners, called the Business Services Initiative Team, who will work together to align the publicly-funded workforce investment system with regionally-based economic development efforts. This team will drive the transformation of the workforce investment system and will work for improved coordination, communication, collaboration, and performance between the workforce investment system and the business community.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13380

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902 128.
Contract Description:

This is the second amendment to the original interlocal agreement, which provides ongoing employment and training services to dislocated workers in southern Nevada. This amendment decreases the maximum amount from $6,637,823 to $6,209,227 based on a directive from the Department of Labor's Training and Employment Guidance Letter Number 0911 Change 1 that increases the Workforce Investment Act program year 2011 allotment budget by $71,404 and transfers $500,000 from the Dislocated Workers Program to the Adult Workers Program.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 12261

902 129.
Contract Description:






This is the second amendment to the original interlocal agreement, which provides ongoing employment and training services to adult workers in southern Nevada. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $5,660,975 to $6,230,641 based on a directive from the Department of Labor's Training and Employment Guidance Letter Number 0911 Change 1 that increases the Workforce Investment Act program year 2011 allotment budget by $69,666 and transfers $500,000 from the Dislocated Workers Program to the Adult Workers Program.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 12260

908 130.

Term of Contract:





Contract Description:

This is a new interlocal agreement to license the Career Information System for utilization in the State of Nevada.
07/01/2012 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13447

908 131.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide ongoing real time captioning, which includes rough draft transcripts for clients, employees, board members, council members, or consumers who are deaf or hearing impaired, for meetings, conferences, trainings, or other occasions, as needed.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 13315

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908 132.
Contract Description:

This is the third amendment to the original contract, which provides ongoing interpreter services, primarily for unemployment insurance claimants, but also for other department customers, predominately in Spanish on a word-forword basis for clients. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2014 and increases the maximum amount from $65,000 to $125,000 due to an increase in rates and extension of the contract.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2010 - 06/30/2014 Contract # 11127

950 133.
Contract Description:





This is the first amendment to the original contract to provide a medical network to PEBP participants who reside outside of Nevada. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $1,108,000 to $1,138,000 due to higher than expected out of state retiree enrollment.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2008 - 06/30/2012 Contract # CONV7147

950 134.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide a medical Preferred Provider Organization network for participants who reside outside of Nevada and for those who live in Nevada but choose to seek medical services out of state.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016 Contract # 13330

BDC 135.
Contract Description:





This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides advocacy services for advice and information regarding various legislative interim committees. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $4,000 to $34,500 since the board anticipates introducing a legislative bill at the 2013 Legislative Session.
Term of Contract: 01/31/2012 - 06/30/2013 Contract # 13048


A. Department of Administration Overtime Report


Board of Examiners Meeting June 5, 2012 - Agenda Page 36

Notice of this meeting was posted in the following locations: Blasdel Building, 209 E. Musser St., Carson City, NV Capitol Building, 101 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV Legislative Building, 401 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV Nevada State Library and Archives, 100 Stewart Street, Carson City, NV Notice of this meeting was emailed for posting to the following location: Capitol Police, Grant Sawyer State Office Building, 555 E. Washington Ave, Las Vegas, NV Hadi Sadjadi: [email protected] Notice of this meeting was posted on the following website: We are pleased to make reasonable accommodations for members of the public who are disabled and would like to attend the meeting. If special arrangements for the meeting are required, please notify the Department of Administration at least one working day before the meeting at (775) 684-0222 or you can fax your request to (775) 684-0260.

Board of Examiners Meeting June 5, 2012 - Agenda Page 37

June 5, 2012




Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:



A. Department of Taxation $19,210

Pursuant to Senate Bill 493, Section 16.7 of the 2011 Legislature, the Department of Taxation must submit mining claim refund requests to the Board of Examiners for approval. The Department of Taxation is requesting authority to pay six refund requests totaling $19,210. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:



Pursuant to NRS 41.037, the State Board of Examiners may approve, settle or deny any claim or action against the State, any of its agencies or any of its present or former officers, employees, immune contractors or State Legislators. A. Department of Transportation Administration $5,900

This is an eminent domain action filed by the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) to acquire a land parcel of 8,880 square feet (.20 acre) from Khoury Leasing for use as part of a turnabout on State Route 227 (Lamoille Highway) in Elko County. Negotiations resulted in a cost of .60 per square foot, plus accumulated interest for a total lump sum settlement of $5,900. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:

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Department of Transportation Administration $19,000

This is an eminent domain action filed by the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) to acquire three parcels from Spring Creek Association for use as part of a turnabout on State Route 227 (Lamoille Highway) in Elko County. Negotiations resulted in lump sum settlement of $19,000, including land value and accumulated interest. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:




Pursuant to NRS 353.268, an agency or officer shall submit a request to the State Board of Examiners for an allocation by the Interim Finance Committee from the Contingency Fund. A. Department of Public Safety Nevada Highway Patrol $15,766

The Nevada Highway Patrol is requesting an allocation of $15,766 from the Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund to cover costs associated with visiting dignitary protection. The requested funding will allow the Division to reimburse the Governors Protection and Highway Patrol budgets for costs incurred when securing visiting dignitary. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: B. Seconded By: Vote:

Department of Corrections High Desert State Prison and Northern Nevada Correctional Center $31,880

The Department of Corrections is requesting an allocation of $31,880 from the Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund to cover two pending stale claims: 1. High Desert State Prison - Military Leave for fiscal years 2008, 2009 and 2010 in the amount of $23,950 2. Northern Nevada Correctional Center - A hearing decision for salaries owed in fiscal year 2010 in the amount of $7,930 Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:

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Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Employment Security Division $23,900,000 in SFY 2012 and $40,100,000 in SFY 2013

Pursuant to Assembly Bill 484, Sections 3 and 4 (2011 Session), the Division is requesting an allocation of $23,900,000 in SFY 2012 and $40,100,000 in SFY 2013 from the Interim Finance Committees Contingency Fund for interest payments due to the federal government for the loan made available to the state upon depletion of Nevadas Unemployment Compensation Fund.

Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:





Pursuant to NRS 353.268, an agency or officer shall submit a request to the State Board of Examiners for an allocation by the Interim Finance Committee from the Contingency Fund. A. Department of Motor Vehicles Central Services $39,313

The Department of Motor Vehicles, Central Services Division is requesting an allocation of $39,313 from the Interim Finance Committees Highway Contingency Fund for one new position for the License Plate Factory. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: B. Seconded By: Vote:

Department of Business and Industry Transportation Authority $37,802

The Department of Business and Industry, Transportation Authority is requesting an allocation of $37,802 from the Interim Finance Committees Highway Contingency Fund due to an anticipated shortfall in the Personnel Services category. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:

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Distribution of retirement buyouts and terminal leave for eliminated positions to Departments, Commissions and Agencies, pursuant to Assembly Bill 487 of the 2011 Legislative Session. The 2011 Legislative Session made appropriations from the General Fund and the Highway Fund to the Board of Examiners to meet certain salary deficiencies created by the elimination of positions resulting in a layoff and consequently a payment for employee retirement buyouts and terminal leave payouts. Under this legislation, the following amounts from the General Fund and/or Highway Fund are recommended: BA # 2666 3922 BUDGET ACCOUNT NAME Commission on Post Secondary Education Department of Business and Industry Transportation Services Authority Total GENERAL FUND ADJUSTMENT $1,562 $26,281 $1,562 $26,281 HWY FUND ADJUSTMENT

Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:



A. Department of Education

Pursuant to Assembly Bill 240, Section 1, Subsection 2 - 3 of the 2011 Legislature, the Department of Education requests authority to contract with a former employee for assistance with Distributive School Account (DSA) payments. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:

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NRS 217.260 requires the Board of Examiners to estimate available revenue and anticipated claim costs each quarter. If revenues are insufficient to pay anticipated claims, the statute directs that claim payments must be reduced proportionately. The Victims of Crime Program Coordinator recommends paying the Priority 1 & 2 claims at 100% and Priority 3 claims at 100% of the approved amount for the 4th quarter of FY 2012. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:



Pursuant to NRS 334.010, no automobile may be purchased by any department, office, bureau, officer or employee of the State without prior written consent of the State Board of Examiners. AGENCY NAME Department of Administration Public Works Division Building and Grounds Division Department of Business and Industry Industrial Relations Peace Officer Standards and Training Total: Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote: # OF VEHICLES 1 2 1 NOT TO EXCEED: $32,500 $53,022 $5,600 $91,122



The State Administrative Manual (SAM) is being submitted to the Board of Examiners for approval of additions in the following Chapter: 1600 Information Technology. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:

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Approval of tort claim pursuant to NRS 41.037 A. Parker Nelson & Associates Client Trust Account TC 15717 Amount of Claim - $450,000

Recommendation: The report recommended that the claim be paid in the amount of $450,000. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:



Six statewide leases were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:



Ninety-six independent contracts were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:


A. Comments: Department of Administration Overtime Report





Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:

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May 8, 2012 The Board of Examiners met on Tuesday May 8, 2012, in the Guinn Room on the second floor of the Capitol Building, 101 N. Carson St., Carson City, Nevada, at 10:00 a.m. Present were:

Governor Brian Sandoval Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto Secretary of State Ross Miller Clerk Jeff Mohlenkamp

Others Present:
Mark Teska, Department of Public Safety Elizabeth Conesoy, Department of Public Safety Maureen McKissick, City of Reno Glenn Marr, Public Speaker Julie Strandberg, Department of Administration Budget Division Carrie Parker, Attorney General Chris Smith, Department of Public Safety Rick Martin, Department of Public Safety Tracey Green, Division of Health and Human Services Mental Health and Developmental Services Tony Gransbery, Department of Taxation Mike Skaggs, Economic Development Dave Prather, Division of Health and Human Services Mental Health and Developmental Services Steven Aldinger, Real Estate Maureen Martinez, Risk Management Ana Andrews, Risk Management Kimberlee Tarter, Purchasing Steve Fisher, Division of Welfare and Supportive Services Vincent Jimino, Board of Cosmetology Katie Armstrong, Attorney Generals Office Jeff Menicucci, Attorney Generals Office Huydee Meeker Controllers Lori Wilson, Division of Welfare and Supportive Services Mike Torvinen, Department of Health and Human Services Directors Office Press: Ed Vogel, Las Vegas Review Journal Sean Whaley, Nevada News Bureau Geoff Doran, Nevada Appeal Sandra Cherubs, Associated Press

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Comments: Governor: Ill call the Board of Examiners Meeting to order. Well begin with Agenda Item No. 1, Public Comment. Is there any member of the public that would like to provide public comment here in Carson City? Yes, sir. Glenn Marr: Hello, good morning. My name is Glenn Marr. Im a previous state employee thats gone through the whole process clear to the Nevada Supreme Court trying to get justice for what I consider a wrongful termination. Im here to ask, when it comes up, I dont see it on the Agenda, although I was told it was going to be on the Agenda here, for hearing officer contracts, that I request that the hearing officer Bill Kockenmeisters contract not be renewed until a thorough investigation is done into his acts of fraud upon the court under color of law. I provided all this information to the Personnel Commission and the Department of Personnel, now Human Resources Management on four different occasions, September, October, November and again in March of this year. And despite proving that he had committed this fraud under color of law, the Personnel Commission went ahead and approved his contract. I think its wrong for them to condone the actions of a federal crime, not to mention a state crime, and I would like an investigation into his actions, and also as I said before, when his contract comes up for renewal before this Board, they should not renew it until an investigation is done. Any questions? Governor: No questions, sir. Thank you. Glenn Marr: Thank you. Ty Robin: Hi. Governor: Good morning, sir. Ty Robin: Was his microphone turned up by the way? Okay. Hi, Governor, Attorney General, my name Ty Robin and we were here to comment on the Bill Kockenmeister bribery charge. Apparently thats not on the Agenda, so I go with what Glen Marr said about that. I dont think his contract should be renewed, and there should be an investigation into that matter. And I wanted to let you know that were going to be doing a protest out in front of the Attorney Generals office here in about ten minutes. Well be out there for a few hours. We did send an open letter to you, and I sent that out to the press as well about the judicial corruption going on here in the state. Our ranking is one of the worst, so we would like to talk to both of you about that, okay? Any questions? Governor: No questions, sir. Ty Robin: Okay. Thank you very much.

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Governor: Thank you. Thank you for being here today. Is there anyone else present that would like to provide public comment here in Carson City? Mr. Secretary, is there anyone present in Las Vegas that would like to provide public comment? Secretary of State: No, Governor.


Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: We will move on to Agenda Item No. 2., approval of the April 3, 2012 Board of Examiners Meeting Minutes. Have the members had an opportunity to review the Minutes? Attorney General: Yes, Governor. Governor: Are there any changes or deletions to the Minutes? Hearing none, the Chair will accept a motion for approval. Attorney General: Move for approval. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Motion by the Attorney General for approval, a second by the Secretary of State. Any comments or questions on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.


A. Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Management Caughlin Fire

Pursuant to NRS 353.2755, the Division of Emergency Management, City of Reno, Sierra Fire Protection District, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, and Washoe County have filed their letter of intent with the Division of Emergency Management to request a loan or a grant from the Disaster Relief Account for the Caughlin Fire within the 60 day requirement. The entities need to provide additional information to complete their request including, but not limited to, financial documentation, availability of internal funding, and assessment of damages. Emergency Management respectfully requests an extension to November 18, 2012 to collect this data for final submittal to the Board of Examiners and Interim Finance Committee.

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Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: B. Seconded By: Vote:

Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Management Washoe Drive Fire

Pursuant to NRS 353.2755, the Division of Emergency Management, Sierra Fire Protection District, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, and Washoe County filed their letter of intent with the Division of Emergency Management to request a loan or a grant from the Disaster Relief Account for the Washoe Drive Fire within the 60 day requirement. The entities need to provide additional information to complete their request including, but not limited to, financial documentation, availability of internal funding, and assessment of damages. Emergency Management respectfully requests an extension to January 19, 2013 to collect this data for final submittal to the Board of Examiners and Interim Finance Committee. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Agenda Item No. 3, notification of intent to file for a grant or a loan from the Disaster Relief Account which requires an extension to collect data. Good morning, Chief Smith. Chief Smith: Good morning, Governor. Governor: Mr. Mohlenkamp, did you have any preliminary remarks? Clerk: Certainly, thank you, Governor. Before the Board is Item 3A and then 3B, I think. Did you want to take those at the same time? Governor: Yes, please. Clerk: Okay. 3A is related to the Caughlin Ranch fire. And the request before the Board is for an extension, what amounts to approximately six months period. Its a year from the date of the actual incident for both the Department of Emergency Management -- Division of Emergency Management and the Department of Taxation, working with the local governments to collect all of the data necessary to provide the Board with a bona fide claim that it can consider. This approval would allow that additional six months. I wanted to also mention that, you know, the Finance Committee also has to approve the extension of time as well. And I believe we have representatives here from the Division of Emergency Management to provide some additional comments. Governor: Again, good morning, Chief Smith. Do you have any presentation that youd like to make on this Agenda item?
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Chief Smith: Good morning, Mr. Governor, members of the Board. For the record, I am Chris Smith, Chief of the Emergency Management Division, Homeland Security, and with me is Rick Martin, Second Chief for the Grants and Recovery Section for the Division as well. The only comment that I have, I dont have a presentation, but just the comment that this request is for the extension for six months because of the in-depth time that it takes to seek clarification on what was insured, what was paid for through insurance and other funding streams. So we want to make sure that when we access the disaster relief account that we do so knowing that weve exhausted all other funding needs, and thats one reason at this time that were asking for. Governor: Chief, is there any outstanding issue with regard to the timeliness of the submission of these requests, the original requests? Chief Smith: Ill speak to that in that I dont believe there is a substantial issue. There has been discussion certainly with the Department of Administration and our section, and I believe with the IFC as well that the Notice of Intent or the Notice to Apply and collect all this information is a rather stringent timeline to do that after the disaster. The Caughlin fire occurred and we received the applications within the time that was reasonable at the division. And then the Washoe Drive happened three days after we received the applications that we were patching together to submit to the Department of Administration. So if there was concern, it was because of that specific incident where the fire started up again and we had to kick into response mode. Clerk: And, Governor, if I might add, we have Carrie Parker from the Attorney Generals office here. She, at my request, looked into the matter fairly extensively, and she could provide some additional comments as to whether -- there were some initial concerns as to whether the 60-day period was fully complied with, and I believe that the Attorney Generals office has looked at that carefully and believes in fact this is properly filed. So if you need some additional comments, I think she can provide that. Governor: I dont and thats where Im going is I just want to make it clear at this juncture that everything has been done in compliance with the statute, and I believe thats NRS 353.2755, and I dont have a personal issue, but I think its important for the record today, in the event down the road that someone may bring this up, that there has -- the sufficient research has been conducted and theres been an opinion rendered that finds that application time period has been met. Chief Smith: Yes, sir. Governor: So is that a yes you understand what Im saying or yes that Chief Smith: Yes, sir. Yes, sir, I understand what youre saying and we will take that forward. Governor: All right.

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Clerk: And just on behalf of the Board, I did receive clear guidance from the Attorney Generals office that this is in compliance with past practices and in compliance with the 60-day requirement. Governor: Those are all the questions I have. Do you have any questions members of the Board? Secretary of State: No, Governor. Governor: Is there a motion for approval for Agenda Item No. 3 that would allow for the extension of time to collect data for another six months? Attorney General: Ill move for approval of Agenda Item No. 3A. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: And to interrupt, Madam Attorney General, is that for 3A and B? Attorney General: And B, yes. Clerk: Governor, if I might clarify, just to be clear on the record, I think we are actually extending to an actual date certain on the Agenda, so for A its November 18, 2012, and for Item B its to January 19, 2013. Its not exactly six months, so I wanted to be certain on the Governor: No. I appreciate the clarification. So the motion would be to provide an extension for Agenda Item 3A to November 18, 2012, and an extension for Item 3B to January 19, 2013. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Okay. We have a motion by the Attorney General, second by the Secretary of State. Any questions or comments on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously. Thank you, gentlemen.



Pursuant to NRS 334.010, no automobile may be purchased by any department, office, bureau, officer or employee of the State without prior written consent of the State Board of Examiners. AGENCY NAME # OF VEHICLES 10 NOT TO EXCEED: $330,000 $330,000

Department of Public Safety Investigations Division Total:

Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General

Seconded By: Secretary of State

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Vote: 3-0

Comments: Governor: Agenda Item No. 4, State Vehicle Purchase. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Before the Board is a request from the Division of Investigations to purchase ten vehicles. I believe this is being purchased with forfeiture funds, and we do have representatives here to provide any testimony you need. Governor: I have no questions regarding this Agenda item. Members of the Board, do you have any questions? Attorney General: No, Governor. Governor: All right. Then the Chair will accept a motion for approval. Attorney General: Move for approval. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Motion by the Attorney General, second by the Secretary of State. Any questions or comments on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously. Thank you.



NRS 353C.220 allows agencies, with approval of the Board of Examiners, to write off bad debts deemed uncollectible. A. Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Financing and Policy $3,303,324.01

The Office of the Controller is requesting authority on behalf of the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) to write-off debt totaling $3,303,324.01. This account represent debts incurred since August 2008, which is within the four year statute of limitations for collections pursuant to NRS 353C.140. However, the DHCFP has requested this debt be written off prior to June 2012, which is prior to expiration of the statute of limitations, in order to avoid reimbursement of the federal share of provider overpayments.

Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Agenda Item No. 5, Request to Write Off Bad Debt. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Before the Board -- the Board probably recalls this is the continuation of a write-off that started last month. And while its within the four-year statute of limitations, the Department of Health and Human Services, specifically the Medicaid Division, is
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requesting to go forward, and this is coming on behalf of the Controllers office actually, to write off an additional 3.3 million, essentially $3,303,324.01. And the reason that theyre asking for that now is because if they dont move expeditiously, they have the risk of losing some federal dollars in the process. And I believe we have representatives here if you require some additional testimony. Governor: Is there somebody here on behalf this Agenda item? Lynn Carrigan: Good morning. My name is Lynn Carrigan. Im the Administrative Services Officer for the Division of Healthcare Financing and Policy. Governor: Good morning, Ms. Carrigan. Would you provide just a little more detail as to what the consequences would be if we were not to approve this Agenda item today? Lynn Carrigan: If we were not to approve the Agenda item today, the state would be responsible for paying the government back approximately one-half of the $3.3 million that were requesting to write off. If we do approve it today, the state has no liability to the Federal Government because its deemed an uncollectible debt. And under the Affordable Care Act, we are not required to pay back the federal government for uncollectable debts. Governor: And will you remind me what was the nature of the debt in the first place? Lynn Carrigan: The debt was debt incurred by Las Vegas Kidney for overpayments. These overpayments approximated $5.5 million when they were discovered. They were the result of errors in the vendors software program is what the vendor told us, where, for instance, the vendor should have billed for 5.8 units of a drug and the decimal point was dropped and they billed for 58 units of the drug. The overpayment was discovered in approximately 2006. There ensued a period of lengthy negotiation with the vendor, and in 2008 there was an agreement reached for the vendor to pay back the entire amount. The vendor did in fact make payments on that through February of 2009, then stopped making the payments. Another period of negotiation with the vendor ensued. And it was determined by our administrator that it was unlikely that further money could be collected, so it was turned over to the Controller in March of 2011. The Controller has subsequently entered an agreement with Las Vegas Kidney that when and if the business is sold, the new owner will pay -- or the old owner, Im not sure which, will pay $1.5 million to the state toward this debt. Governor: Will there be any consequences to our writing this off today if were to receive that million and a half down the road? Lynn Carrigan: If we receive the million and a half, well have to repay the federal share, but the federal share will be approximately one-half of the million and a half, not the 3.3. Governor: And finally, do we have controls in place that would help hopefully discover something like this earlier?

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Lynn Carrigan: Yes, we do. We have a surveillance and utilization unit, and they initially discovered this, but we have also placed edits and changed our billing practices so that we can prevent this kind of overpayment in the future. Governor: Because wouldnt that, I mean, would we be able to determine -- because of that one decimal, thats a pretty big outlier in terms of what is being billed. Lynn Carrigan: The edits now would prevent that from going through. That was in fact a medically improbable claim, because it was more units than the patient could conceivably use, and we now have edits in place to prevent medically improbably claims. Governor: Great work. Thank you. I have no further questions. Members of the Board? Thank you very much. The Chair will accept a motion for approval to write off bad debt for Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Financing and Policy in the sum of $3,303,324.01. Attorney General: Move for approval. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Motion by the Attorney General, second by the Secretary of State. Any questions or comments on the Motion? Hearing none, all in favor, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.



A. Department of Health and Human Services Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services

Pursuant to Assembly Bill 240, Section 1, Subsection 2 of the 2011 Legislature, the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services requests to contract with a vendor, Family First, that employs a former employee to provide internal medicine services for the Rawson-Neal Hospital. *Relates to contract #35 on this agenda Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Agenda Item No. 6, Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Before the Board is a request to contract with a vendor that employs a former employee. What happened is last month you will recall we approved the contract with three former employees that were gonna be providing internal medicine down at the Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Hospital. This is the fourth individual we just
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happened to miss, and so were pulling this on to make sure that everythings been fully approved. So this is a fourth individual that essentially was just missed last time around so we put it back on the Agenda. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Mohlenkamp. We have removed Item 6B from the Agenda; is that correct? Clerk: Thats correct. Governor: All right. I have no questions with regard to Agenda Item 6A. Board members, do you have any questions? Attorney General: No. Secretary of State: No, Governor. Governor: The Chair will accept a motion for approval to authorize a contract with a former employee as described in Agenda Item 6A. Attorney General: Move for approval. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Motion by the Attorney General for approval, second by the Secretary of State. Are there any questions or is there further discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.



A. Department of Health and Human Services Welfare and Supportive Services

The Division of Welfare and Supportive Services is requesting Board of Examiner approval of the form contract. This will be used for the Energy Assistance Program intake sites that assist in eligibility application assistance to the low income and senior populations of Nevada. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Agenda Item No. 7, Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Before the Board are eight leases for consideration. There are leases -- I want to point out Lease No. 1 has a substantial savings thats identified over the term of the lease. This is with the Nevada State Board of Cosmetology. We also have a couple with
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Health and Human Services, and a few with Transportation, and the last two with the Department of Wildlife. Governor: Mr. Mohlenkamp, may I interrupt? You jumped to Agenda Item, No. 8. Clerk: I apologize. I dont have to repeat that when we get to No. 8. So Im sorry, No. 7, so what we have here is a provider agreement. This is for the Energy Assistance Program. And before you is just an approval for this provider agreement, and I dont have a lot of details on this specific item. Governor: Is there a representative present for Agenda Item No. 7? Bree Wilson: Good morning. Supportive Services. Im Bree (sp?) Wilson with the Division of Welfare and

Steve Fisher: Good morning, Steve Fisher, Deputy Administrator for the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services. Governor: And good morning. If you would just provide some background with regard to this Agenda item, please. Bree Wilson: The Energy Assistance Program provides energy assistance for approximately 25 to 27,000 individuals this year. We contract with intake sites to improve access throughout Nevada, the benefits being that a client can walk in, get in-person assistance in completing an application. It also benefits the division because they can collect. One, they can screen for obvious ineligibility, so if someones obviously ineligible, the application doesnt come in and we dont have all the work of processing it. Two is if it does come in and its complete, its a cost savings to us in that its much quicker and faster to process that application if we dont have to solicit for additional information. And it benefits the clients having more access points. Governor: Whats an example, just out of curiosity, of an intake site? Where would somebody go? Bree Wilson: Family resource centers, county Health and Human Services agencies, nonprofits, for example, like Urban League, the Community Assistance Center in Reno, senior citizens centers. Those are all examples. Governor: And I know this isnt part of this Agenda item, but how is the -- has there been a high demand for utilization of this service? Bree Wilson: There is a very high demand. It has increased a lot over the years. Weve actually -- over the last couple of years, its really decreased. Weve actually had to lower the income threshold for eligibility in order to serve those with the lowest income with the funding available because while applications have gone up, the funding available has gone down. Governor: I was just going to ask what is that threshold for eligibility?
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Bree Wilson: Its 110 percent of poverty at this time. Historically weve always gone up to 150 percent of poverty until this past year. Governor: Thank you very much. Board members, do you have any further questions with regard to Agenda Item No. 7? Clerk: Governor, I just wanted to point out that since were approving a form of contract, that going forward they will be able to execute into these contracts without coming back before the Board. So thats the general nature of what theyre requesting here. I just wanted to make sure you were clear on that. Governor: And that form of contract, Mr. Mohlenkamp, would be the contract that is on pages 6 through 34? Clerk: Thats correct. Its in your materials. And this is -- customarily we do this in many areas. It just provides for more efficient business climate for us to be able to move forward as long as theyre in compliance with the form of the contract, then they can move forward. And I think Health and Human Services does this in a few different arenas. Governor: And according to the contract, we pay the vendors $10 per approved contract, correct? Bree Wilson: Per application that is submitted that is deemed complete. Governor: Okay. The Chair will accept a motion for approval of the form of contract as is presented in Agenda Item No. 7. Attorney General: Move for approval. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Motion by the Attorney General for approval, second by the Secretary of State. Any questions or comments on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously. Thank you very much.



Eight statewide leases were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Now, Mr. Mohlenkamp, well move to Agenda Item No. 8.

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Clerk: Thank you, Governor. I think Ive said all that I really wanted to say. Governor: These are all standard leases. I will remark I believe it is in the first contract theres a savings of over $200,000 for the life of the lease. Clerk: Yes. Its listed in your materials at $288,000, so, yeah, pretty significant when you consider the size of the lease. You know, were seeing some of these, and I think well still see this for some months to come, but ultimately some of these are going to dry up as we start to, you know, get closer to market rates with all leases. Governor: Well, thats a good sign for the economy. I have no questions with regard to Agenda Item No. 8, Leases 1 through 8. Board members, any questions? Okay. The Chair will accept a motion for approval. Attorney General: Move for approval. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Motion by the Attorney General to approve the leases as described in Agenda Item No. 8, 1 through 8, second by the Secretary of State. Any questions or comments on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.



Seventy-three independent contracts were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Mr. Mohlenkamp, Agenda Item No. 9, Contracts. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Before the Board are 73 contracts for consideration, and I believe that you had identified a few that you wanted to have testimony provided on. Governor: Yes. And by the way, Mr. Mohlenkamp, hows our new system working out? Clerk: Were still working out the bugs. One of the -- the timetable were -- right now what were shooting for is for Board members to have their items pulled and identified by the end of the day on Wednesday, prior to the meeting if possible, but certainly no later than the end of the day on Thursday. Our process is the Friday before the meeting, which it had been in this case last Friday, to have the notifications out to all the agencies so they can plan to be here. So thats the only thing is if the Board members can make sure to get me or my assistant information on items they would like testimony on by no later than that Wednesday hopefully, but certainly Thursday. That way we can make sure that we notify people appropriately. So were still working it out.
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Governor: Thank you. I have asked to be held for questions Contracts 11, 13 through 16 and 34. Board members, did you have any other holdouts? Attorney General: No, Governor. Secretary of State: No, Governor. Governor: Okay. Well begin with Contract No. 11. I see Mr. Nunez here. Good morning, sir. Gus Nunez: Good morning. Governor: And, Mr. Nunez, my questions arent really -- theyre more out of curiosity with regard to your using the CMAR process because thats a process weve begun at the Board of Transportation. And I just wanted you to describe for the Board what were doing here. Gus Nunez: Good morning. For the record, Gus Nunez, Administrator Public Works. Governor, the CMAR, Construction Manager at Risk, is one of three construction procurement methods thats allowed in Chapter 338, NRS 338. Weve developed criteria for the use of each one of those procurement methods. CMAR or CMAR as some folks refer to it lends itself best to large or more complex projects. And the reason for that, its easier, with respect to risk and the larger the project gets the riskier they are, become the best way to manage that risk. This particular procurement method lends itself best for managing risk. And part of the reason for that is the fact that just like it says, the construction manager, youre not -- wherein in the design build process, youre bidding and awarding hard bid prospects awarding to the low bidder. In a CMAR process, the contractor is at the table during the design process. And in selecting those type of firms, what were looking for is someone with the attitude that theyre actually working as an agent of the state or of the owner in administering the work, getting the project build. And this one here that you have here from (inaudible) is getting to be for us -- theyre getting to be in the larger type projects. Thats why were using CMAR. An example of a small project, but complex, we recently completed a project at CSN, Cheyenne Campus, is a remodel of the science lab within a building. Also a partial upgrade of the HVAC system for the building, and we have -- all of that had to be done while the building is functional and occupied. So the logistics in scheduling the work around all those operations become fairly complex. And in defining that for a hard bid project with design bid build is very difficult, and every time you forget something there comes a change order, wherein the CMAR process, youve got the contractor on board at the table during the design process working all of these details out. The process that we utilize, and required by the law, the selection process to begin with for a CMAR, the law requires currently that 80 percent of the selection be from qualification-based. The other 20 percent is based on cost. The cost of the project -- to build the project there is a budget which is equal for everyone competing. So the part that you can apply to the competition at that time before the design is done is the contractors fee or the CMAR fee which is general overhead and profit.
Board of Examiners Meeting May 8, 2012 Minutes Page 14

In a typical -- in all types of construction contracts, you basically have three things that compose the total cost. Number one is the contractors fee. Number two is general conditions, which is what it costs to administer that contract, including the foreman, estimators, general superintendant, trailers, sanitary facilities, temporary utilities, waste disposal, et cetera. That part and the part of the construction, the rest of the work, so we call that general conditions of the job. The other component, the third component is the cost of the work. The cost of the work is basically -- in the CMAR process, the prime contractor, the CMAR, puts together a scope of work for all of the traits and bids that out. So in the selection process, were looking -- the law only requires for us to look at the fee which is general overhead and profit. We at Public Works also want to see the cost of the general conditions. We want to make sure that -- because the only thing left as I indicated, the third cost is the cost of construction. So we select those and on those two bases, we apply to the cost and qualifications in the selection process. Once the selection is completed, we move through design, design is completed, the contractor puts the bid packages together for all the subs for the cost of the work, we oversee that process. The day that all those bids come into the contractors office, our staff is there getting copies of everything that is submitted as the bids are open, and that also says with respect to assuring everyone of the sub bids that any potential of bid shopping or anything like that. At that point, we have in front of us the cost of the work, which is the last part of the cost, so at this point you basically have a process where its open book. Because you already know the fee and the general conditions which is part of the selection process. The last piece of the puzzle is the cost of the work. You have it right now right in front of you from all the bids that have been submitted that we oversee and were there looking at everything thats coming in, and the selection of the best bid by the prime contractor, because we require a minimum of three sub bids in every trade. At that point, basically its just a matter of getting out in the field and getting it done, getting the project done. So we find that it works extremely well. And with respect to change orders, et cetera, we find that in a typical hard bid process, our change orders typically can run three to five percent. In the CMAR process, theyre running about one percent. Governor: Do you prefer this CMAR process over the other options? Gus Nunez: Well, it all depends. In design build for instance, which I know DOT also utilizes. Some other DOTs use design build. In our end, especially in a design build process, you -- we utilize those for what I call a straightforward process type of project that can be well defined, and Im talking down to the knobs on the door and the light fixtures, and all of thats defined in a performance-type specification rather than a prescriptive type specification. So the specifications do get a little bigger than on a prescriptive type. We find it better and quicker, for instance, if were to build a parking garage, thats a very straightforward structure that can be easily defined. A general office building where you have some offices, you got some bullpens with work stations, you got conference rooms, you got storage, filing, break rooms and then your emergency stairway, elevators within that building.

Board of Examiners Meeting May 8, 2012 Minutes Page 15

Very straightforward, not difficult to define, down to the finishes on the wall. So for a general office building, that would work. A research lab at UNR, UNLV, very complex. You would probably want to use CM at Risk on something like that. Also CM at Risk allows for, which in the other type of construction its -and getting to highway building, from just reading a lot of literature, and in our case, it allows for better utilization of new type cutting edge type solutions to your construction projects. Typically consultants reluctant to use a lot of these cutting-edge solutions because theres a lot of risk involved with them, they havent been completely tried, but when you have a contractor on board and the owner at the table and everyones sharing in this these type of solutions, it becomes a lot easier for everyone to at least look into these areas for potential solutions. Governor: Thank you very much, Mr. Nunez. That was an excellent explanation. I appreciate it. Okay. Well move on to Agenda Items 13 through 16. Do we have a representative from the Risk Management Division? Anna Andrews: Good morning. Anna Andrews, Administrator of the Risk Management Division. Governor: Good morning, Ms. Andrews. Maureen Martinez: Good morning. Maureen Martinez, Insurance and Loss Prevention Specialist with the Risk Management Division. Governor: And thank you. My question is simple. I know these are pretty routine, but I just wanted a little more background as to what the purposes of these contracts are. Anna Andrews: Governor, the Risk Management Division is required to establish a pool of licensed brokers to assist me in procuring the insurance policies for workers compensation, and the safety and loss prevention services. We also sometimes receive requests from the political subdivisions, and we are allowed to provide them with those services because of NRS 331.184, and the Nevada System of Higher Education also utilizes these contracts. While the amount might seem astronomical, the period of this contract is for five years, and it gives me the flexibility to negotiate with the brokers for the services that we need. And were always subject to the budgetary authority that we have in our budget. So we cannot exceed that, and actually we try to negotiate the best that we can. The current contracts expire on June 30. Governor: Are you a tough negotiator? Anna Andrews: Im told I am, and I used to work at the Attorney Generals office, so they know. Clerk: And, Governor, just for some perspective, youve got four contracts for four and a half million each on here, and I believe that the Division only uses -- whats the amount per year annually that you use?

Board of Examiners Meeting May 8, 2012 Minutes Page 16

Anna Andrews: I can tell you this year for brokers we have spent a million one and its two separate brokers. One is for the contract for the insurance policy for workers compensation, and the other one is for safety and loss prevention. Clerk: So the point I wanted to make is that this provides more authority than theyll use, but they will be very strict in managing the dollars that they have available. So we see this from time to time, but I thought since it was a fairly large spread between what was being authorized and what they actually spend, and I wanted to bring it to your attention. Governor: Those are all the questions I have. Board members, do you have any further questions? Thank you very much. Anna Andrews: Thank you. Governor: Contract 34, welfare and support services with United Way of Southern Nevada. Jack Zenteno: Good morning. Jack Zenteno with the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services. Im the Chief of the Child Care and Development Program. Governor: And my purpose for asking for testimony on this is whenever we have a contract -but I know this one, the amendment is for three -- close to $4 million, the total maximum contract amount is $88 million. I just thought it would be appropriate if you could provide some background as to what the services that are being provided under this contract are. Jack Zenteno: Certainly. Overall, we provide child care subsidy for low income families throughout the state. The amendment that you have before you is to adjust our current budget. Weve had some increases in case load and some decreases in general fund dollars over the last couple of years, and the purpose of this it to address that current shortfall. Governor: And where did we get that extra close to $4 million to do that? Jack Zenteno: The source of the funds, I believe theres two pots of money. One was some cost savings in staffing, that there has been some vacant positions for a period of time that his resulted in some cost savings. And then the remainder was there was a decrease in the TANF caseload and there were some dollars available to move some funds from the TANF program over into the child care program. Governor: Are we caught up now, or is there still a waiting list for these services? Jack Zenteno: There is still a waiting list. We expect that as we get into roughly the first quarter of next year we can start to address that waiting list. It depends on how quickly we have people transitioning off of the program to create the savings that we need to be able to address those people that are currently waiting for services. So we have a period of time that well still be maintaining the waiting list, but were analyzing data and were hoping for the first quarter of next fiscal year.

Board of Examiners Meeting May 8, 2012 Minutes Page 17

Governor: In that analysis, so if were trending positive like we are with TANF, will that allow us to accelerate moving that money over here to move up that January perhaps to sooner than that in terms of providing the extra money to try to cut down on that waiting list? Jack Zenteno: Absolutely. Absolutely. Depending on the trends, were keeping a close eye on the data. As soon as we have the funds available and we know that we can get through the rest of Fiscal Year 13, were going to start addressing the waiting list. Governor: All right. I have no further questions. Board members, do you have any questions with regard to this Agenda item? Thank you very much. Board members, do you have any further questions with regard to Agenda Item No. 9, Contracts 1 through 73? Attorney General: No. Governor: The Chair will accept a motion for approval. Attorney General: Move for approval. Move for approval. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Theres a motion for approval by the Attorney General with regard to Agenda Item No. 9, Contracts 1 through 73, second by the Secretary of State. Any questions or comments regarding the motion? Hearing none, all in favor, please say aye. Motion passes.


One master service agreement was submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Well move on to Agenda Item No. 11. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Oh, excuse me, now it was my turn. Agenda Item No. 10. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. No. 10 is one Master Service Agreement before the Board. This is with Borges (sp?) Timber, Inc., and this is for essentially fuel abatement. Its reducing fuels throughout the state. I dont know if we have multiple contracts. Do we have others? Kimberlee Tarter: For the record, Kimberlee Tarter. We actually have 26 contracts that we maintain for these various type of services. Governor: I have no questions regarding this item. Board members? The Chair will accept a motion for approval of Agenda Item No. 10. Attorney General: Move for approval.
Board of Examiners Meeting May 8, 2012 Minutes Page 18

Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Attorney General has moved to approve the Master Service Agreement described in Agenda Item No. 10, Item 1, second by the Secretary of State. Any questions or comments regarding the motion? Hearing none, all in favor, please say aye. Motion passes.


A. Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Division of State Lands

Pursuant to NRS Chapters 111, Statutes of the Nevada, 1989 at page 263, the Division of State Lands is required to provide the Board of Examiners quarterly reports regarding lands or interests in lands transferred, sold, exchanged, or leased under the Tahoe Basin Act program. Also, pursuant to Chapter 355, Statutes of Nevada, 1993, at page 1153, the agency is to report quarterly on the status of real property or interests in real property transferred under the Lake Tahoe Mitigation Program. This submittal reports on program activities for the fiscal quarter ending March 31, 2012 (reference NRS 321.5954). Brief description 1989 Tahoe Basin Act The agency reports there were no transfers of lands or interests in lands during the quarter. There was one acquisition of land this quarter: March 2, 2012, the Nevada Division of State Lands acquired a quarter acre parcel in Incline Village from the Washoe County Treasurers Office. There was no cost incurred by the state in this transaction. Lake Tahoe Mitigation Program The agency reports that there was one land coverage sale transaction closed in this quarter. The transaction closed March 6, 2012 and involved the sale of 84 square feet of land coverage in the Incline Village Hydrologic Zone. The transaction generated a total of $1,764 in proceeds and administrative fees for the Nevada Land Bank. No other transactions are reported for the first quarter of FY12. Comments: Governor: Now, Mr. Mohlenkamp, Agenda Item No. 11, please. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. This is a recurring item before the Board. You have an informational item, a report on land transfers or acquisitions within the Tahoe Basin, and the Lake Tahoe Mitigation Program. Under the 1989 Tahoe Basin Act, one report is an acquisition of land on March 2, 2012 of a quarter-acre parcel in Incline Village, and the report is that there were no costs incurred by the state in this transaction. Under the second item, there was an
Board of Examiners Meeting May 8, 2012 Minutes Page 19

acquisition -- or sale of 84 square feet of land in Incline Village, and there was proceeds of $1764 in that particular transaction. Governor: And I dont know if you know the answer to this, Mr. Mohlenkamp, but just curious to me that were buying 84 square feet of land. Clerk: I do not know the details on that. Im assuming its some cleanup work, but I dont know if theres anybody here to answer that. I can get some information for you for the next time around and make sure I know those details. Governor: Thank you. Given that that was an information items, well take no action on that.


Comments: Governor: Agenda Item No. 12, Public Comment, Board member comments. Any Board member comments? Hearing none, public comment here in Carson City? Are there any members of the public present in Las Vegas, Mr. Secretary? Secretary of State: No, Governor.


Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Well move on to Agenda Item No. 13. Is there a motion for adjournment? Attorney General: Move for adjournment. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Motion by the Attorney General, second by the Secretary of State. All in favor, please say aye. Motion passes. The meeting is adjourned. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

Respectfully submitted, ________________________________________________________________________ JEFF MOHLENKAMP, CLERK APPROVED: ________________________________________________________________________ GOVERNOR BRIAN SANDOVAL, CHAIRMAN
Board of Examiners Meeting May 8, 2012 Minutes Page 20

________________________________________________________________________ ATTORNEY GENERAL CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO ________________________________________________________________________ SECRETARY OF STATE ROSS MILLER

Board of Examiners Meeting May 8, 2012 Minutes Page 21


Agency Code: 080 Department: Administration Division (if applicable): Budget Division Appointing authority: Jeff Mohlenkamp Agency contact (name, phone and e-mail): Susan Brown, 684-0217, [email protected]

1. Reason/purpose for requested change: Provide flexibility in the approval process to utilize certain funding. 2. Existing and recommended language in SAM (blue bold italics is new language being proposed and red strikethrough is deleted language being proposed).

1622 Utilization of EITS Services As Budgeted

Executive Branch agencies that receive funding for EITS services, as part of their biennial budget request must use the funding for that purpose. If an agency believes an exception is warranted, they must submit a written request to the Chief Information Officer of the Division of Enterprise Information Technology Services. Both the Chief Information Officer and the Director of the Department of Administration, or his designee, must approve the request. The Chief Information Officer will notify the requesting agency of the decision.

3. Explain how the recommended change(s) will benefit agencies or create consistencies or efficiencies, etc. (provide examples if applicable): Gain processing efficiencies. 4. Will recommended change have a fiscal impact (if yes, explain): No 5. Proposed effective date: Upon BOE approval BOARD OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL DATE:__________________________________ (for BOE use only)
REVIEWED: ____________ ACTION ITEM: __________

S:\Budget\BOE Items From Analysts\Change to SAM 1622

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13448 Legal Entity Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. Address: 485 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 2 City/State/Zip Cambridge, MA 02139

Agency Name: STATE ENERGY OFFICE Agency Code: 011 Appropriation Unit: 4868-34 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Ezra Hausman 617 661 3248 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV20101590763 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Grant from Economic Development 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

12/31/2012 213 days Contract Economic Analysis

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to assist Nevada's New Energy Industry Task Force with the economic analysis of the renewable energy industry in Nevada. The study will help Nevada policy makers gauge the desirability of promoting mutually beneficial exchanges of energy between Nevada and California. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $99,456.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $213.40 per hour

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Executive Order 2011-18 Provides direction to the New Energy Industry Task Force to present a report to the Governor demonstrating the business case for the production and transmission of renewable energy for native and regional load requirements. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Energy economic modeling is a very specific task - requiring working knowledge of the transmission and renewable energy infrastructure in the West as well as the ability to perform electricity sector and regional economic modeling and analysis. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):

Contract #: 13448

Page 1 of 2

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor was the only responder to the RFP and was selected as a qualified firm with above average standards by the evaluation committee. d. Last bid date: 05/04/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Vendor has conducted work for the PUC and/or the AG's Bureau of Consumer Protection from April 2010 through December 2011. See page 4 of their proposal. They list a series of projects with the PUCN or BCP ranging from 2001 to present day. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User sbrook3 sbrook3 sbrook3 sbrook3 jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 05/10/2012 08:20:09 AM 05/10/2012 08:20:13 AM 05/10/2012 08:20:21 AM 05/11/2012 13:05:00 PM 05/14/2012 10:09:06 AM 05/14/2012 10:09:12 AM

Contract #: 13448

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV5653 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 4 IQWEST IQWEST 2512 CHAMBERS RD, STE 202 TUSTIN, CA 92780

Agency Name: ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Agency Code: 030 Appropriation Unit: 1030-21 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null7147493613 Vendor No.: PUR0004345 NV Business ID: NV20101261074 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2009-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Tobacco Funding 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 08/12/2008

06/30/2012 4 years and 323 days Contract Speciality Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is the fourth amendment to the original contract, which provides services for scanning, coding and loading 50,000+ pages of documents into the Caselogistix system; perform an underlay to make the files searchable; splitting and organizing images and Object and Character Recognition of images; six fields of bibliographic coding including Coding Plus Lite and searchable fields; and document production preparation. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 60, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $71,259.27 to $86,259.27 due to the continued need for these services. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $28,000.00 $43,259.27 $15,000.00 $86,259.27 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Attorney General Tobacco Unit is part of a large, multi-party complex civil litigation case. In order to prepare and participate in this complex civil litigation, many hundreds of thousands of pages of documents relevant to the case must be loaded, scanned and coded into the Caselogistix system. This work is continuing in nature. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work:
Contract #: CONV5653 Page 1 of 2 2

This office does not have the staffing to perform this task and the sheer number of documents precludes this agency or other state agencies from performing this task. Finally, the system may not operate to its maximum potential if the documents are loaded, scanned and coded directly since the Attorney General's Office does not have the most up-to-date software to perform these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 080619D Approval Date: 05/01/2012 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor has been loading, scanning and coding these documents for the past 3 1/2 years and has the coding rights to the Caselogistix system which the Attorney General's Office did not purchase. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval
Contract #: CONV5653

User dcallens chowle chowle shanshew lmuelle1 csawaya jmurph1

Signature Date 05/08/2012 10:20:10 AM 05/08/2012 10:28:02 AM 05/08/2012 10:28:05 AM 05/08/2012 13:15:58 PM 05/10/2012 07:53:03 AM 05/15/2012 14:18:57 PM 05/15/2012 14:30:47 PM
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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13443 Legal Entity BECKER GALLAGHER LEGAL Name: Contractor Name: BECKER GALLAGHER LEGAL Address: PUBLISHING INC 8790 GOVERNORS HILL DR STE 102 City/State/Zip CINCINNATI, OH 45249

Agency Name: ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Agency Code: 030 Appropriation Unit: 1031-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null513/677-5044 Vendor No.: T29007123 NV Business ID: NV20101495766 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 030 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Publishing Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract, which provides services to format and file pleadings in the Supreme Court of the United States. These services are provided on an as-needed basis and are being used a minimum of a few times a year as Supreme Court briefs are required. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $20,000.00 Other basis for payment: The costs are determined by the type and number of pages; starting at $10.00 per page to $37.00 per page.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a new contract, which provides services to format and file pleadings in the Supreme Court of the United States. These services are provided on an as-needed basis and are being used a minimum of a few times a year as Supreme Court briefs are required. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The complexity of the work that needs to be done requires more expertise than employees in our agency are qualified to perform. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division?
Contract #: 13443

Yes No

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a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Becker Gallagher and Cockle Printing both submitted proposals. After reviewing both proposals, it was determined that a contract would be awarded to each vendor with the same terms and conditions in each contract. Becker Gallagher has been performing these services under contract with our office for the past four years. d. Last bid date: 04/16/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 04/16/2014 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dcallens chowle chowle shanshew csawaya jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 14:08:30 PM 05/08/2012 15:43:55 PM 05/08/2012 15:43:58 PM 05/08/2012 15:58:57 PM 05/09/2012 08:47:37 AM 05/11/2012 08:30:03 AM

Contract #: 13443

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV2606 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 5 McDonald Carano Wilson, LLP McDonald Carano Wilson, LLP 100 W Liberty Street Reno, NV 89505

Agency Name: ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Agency Code: 030 Appropriation Unit: 1031-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null7757882000 Vendor No.: T81073509 NV Business ID: NV19961000027 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2006-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Statutory Contingency Fund 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 02/14/2006

06/30/2012 7 years and 137 days Contract Professional Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is the fifth amendment to the original contract wihch provides legal services for the defense of the State of Nevada-Nevada System of Higher Education in a Title VII Civil Rights case. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $743,625 to $793,625 due to the ongoing need for legal representation in this case. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $150,000.00 $593,625.00 $50,000.00 $793,625.00 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Nevada System of Higher Education has needed the litigation defense services in the case of professor Hussein v. NSHE, et al. which originally constituted 16+ defendants and witnesses exceeding 380. The NSHE legal office does not have the resources to adequately defend the lawsuit and the Office of the Attorney General likewise does not have an available experienced litigator to provide legal defense services on a case of this scale. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Current workload of available litigation deputies does not permit the assumption of an additional defense case of this scale.
Contract #: CONV2606 Page 1 of 2 4

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This law firm has been legal counsel to the defendants in this case for the past 6 years and has the legal expertise to handle a case of this magnitude and complexity. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLP 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User dcallens clesli1 chowle shanshew csawaya jmurph1

Signature Date 04/20/2012 08:47:28 AM 04/20/2012 08:55:33 AM 04/20/2012 10:58:24 AM 04/20/2012 15:16:49 PM 05/07/2012 08:59:50 AM 05/11/2012 10:46:13 AM

Contract #: CONV2606

Page 2 of 2

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13400 Legal Entity CLARK, RICHARD F. Name: Contractor Name: CLARK, RICHARD F. Address: 4364 HERMOSA WAY City/State/Zip SAN DIEGO, CA 92103

Agency Name: ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Agency Code: 030 Appropriation Unit: 1348-15 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null619.573.6835 Vendor No.: T32001599 NV Business ID: NV20121181101 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Tort Claims Fund Agency Reference #: 030 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 06/2012 02/03/2012

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain The request for the retroactive approval back to February 3, 2012 is due to the overlapping in time of Dr. Clark starting his review of the records in this case and the deadlines of getting all contract documents completed and retruned. The nature of the lawsuit has put the Office of the Attorney General under strict timeframes in getting expert witnesses set up and noticed by the court for their appearances. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2014 2 years and 147 days Contract Expert Witness

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for an expert witness in the defense of an alleged wrongful death/use of excessive force lawsuit. Dr. Clark will review documents and offer his expert opinions on possible causation of death. He may also be required to testify at a trial. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $25,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $525.00 per hour

7. What conditions require that this work be done? There is a current lawsuit against the State of Nevada which requires the expertise of this vendor. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: There are no State employees with this type of expertise. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13400 Page 1 of 2 5

Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Dr. Clark has the expertise and knowledge in medical toxicology which will be an important part of the defense of this lawsuit. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dcallens clesli1 chowle shanshew csawaya jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 04/30/2012 16:47:06 PM 05/01/2012 11:53:42 AM 05/01/2012 13:51:43 PM 05/01/2012 13:55:37 PM 05/14/2012 09:09:32 AM 05/14/2012 10:18:20 AM

Contract #: 13400

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100 North Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701-4717
Attorney General

Assistant Attorney General

Chief of Staff

DATE: TO: FROM: April 26, 2012 Cathy Gregg, Budget Analyst IV Nancy Bowman, Tort Manager

SUBJECT: Retroactive Contract Approval/Dr. Richard F. Clark ==================================================================== Please retroactively approve the contract for Dr. Richard F. Clark. The contract is being submitted for placement on the June 2012 Board of Examiners agenda and approval is requested retroactive to February 3, 2012. Dr. Clark will be providing expert witness services to the Office of the Attorney General in the defense of a lawsuit against the State of NV. The request for a retroactive approval is due to the overlapping of time in Dr. Clark starting his services for the State, getting the required State of Nevada business license, getting all contract documents signed and meeting the deadlines for getting the contract submitted for placement on the BOE agenda. The nature of the defense of these lawsuits puts the Office of the Attorney General under strict time frames and services of expert witnesses such as Dr. Clark are usually required as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration.

Telephone 775-684-1100

Fax 775-684-1108

E-mail [email protected]

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11079 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 High Desert Microimaging, Inc. High Desert Microimaging, Inc. 1225 Financial Blvd Reno, NV 89501

Agency Name: SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE Agency Code: 040 Appropriation Unit: 1050-33 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Meg Miller 775-359-6980 Vendor No.: PUR0000032 NV Business ID: NV19951110096 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2010

06/30/2013 3 years Contract Scanner lease/maint

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides for the lease of 10 Canon scanners and the maintenance of 42 scanners and 2 microfiche/microfilm readers used with the eSOS Corporate Filing System. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $82,608 to $118,608 to include 3 years of annual lease costs. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $82,608.00 $0.00 $36,000.00 $118,608.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The eSOS Corporate Filing System requires the use of scanners to receipt incoming corporate filing documents, work requests and payment instruments and uses the microfiche/microfilm machines to convert the paper documents within the agency disaster recovery plan. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees within our agency or other State agencies are not specifically trained on the interface with Canon scanners and the eSOS Corporate Filing System and do not possess the equipment knowledge to perform required maintenance. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 11079

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 100435A Approval Date: 03/30/2012 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor guarantees service within 24 hours, they have a thorough knowledge of the business processes of the Office of Secretary of State, and they were awarded the contract for data conversion as our agency migrated into the eSOS Corporate Filing System that utilizes upfront scanning and imaging. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Contracted with the Office of the Secretary of State since 2007 with satisfactory services. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User pdover pdover pdover pdover jstrandb jmurph1

Signature Date 04/19/2012 15:31:48 PM 04/19/2012 15:31:52 PM 04/19/2012 15:31:55 PM 04/19/2012 15:31:58 PM 04/19/2012 15:55:36 PM 05/11/2012 08:42:26 AM

Contract #: 11079

Page 2 of 2

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13445 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 MAXIMOMEDIA INC MAXIMOMEDIA INC 311 E Warm Springs Rd Ste 100 Las Vegas, NV 89119

Agency Name: SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE Agency Code: 040 Appropriation Unit: 1058-08 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702-266-7045 Vendor No.: T27030331 NV Business ID: NV20031321330 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 05/16/2012

06/30/2012 45 days Contract MaximoMedia

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides for development and implememtation of enhanced visual appeal and functionality for the Nevada Business Portal SilverFlume website design. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $9,999 to $19,499 due to a change in the scope of work which requires more hours devoted to the development of the website. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $9,999.00 $0.00 $9,500.00 $19,499.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Nevada Business Portal requires a professional up-to date website design with related support files for the Silverflume website. The development of the website design requires the expertise of a proven web designer with production and search engine optimization experience. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees lack the time, resources and expertise to complete this job. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13445

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Maximomedia was chosen because they offered the best pricing and adaptability to the Secrety of State's needs. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently has a contract with Secretary of State - satisfactory 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User pdover pdover pdover vmccormi jstrandb cwatson

Signature Date 05/18/2012 10:19:19 AM 05/18/2012 10:19:23 AM 05/18/2012 10:19:27 AM 05/18/2012 10:20:42 AM 05/18/2012 14:47:27 PM 05/18/2012 14:54:02 PM

Contract #: 13445

Page 2 of 2

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13366 Legal Entity Allen, Jeffrey Francis DBA Name: Contractor Name: Allen, Jeffrey Francis DBA Address: City/State/Zip 2941 Carmelo Drive Henderson, NV 89052-4074

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/595-1127 Vendor No.: T29030047 NV Business ID: NV 20121201391 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, rendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transportation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals NRS 284.091. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13366

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 10:29:55 AM 05/08/2012 10:29:59 AM 05/08/2012 10:30:04 AM 05/08/2012 10:30:08 AM 05/14/2012 18:14:02 PM 05/14/2012 18:14:06 PM

Contract #: 13366

Page 2 of 2

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13356 Legal Entity Ann Elworth Winner PLLC Name: Contractor Name: Ann Elworth Winner PLLC Address: City/State/Zip 1117 South Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV 89102

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/243-7000 Vendor No.: T29020432 NV Business ID: NV20081638545 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, reendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transportation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals NRS 284.091 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13356

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commissin. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2012; Division of Human Resource Management, Hearing Officer, satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 13:48:28 PM 05/08/2012 13:48:31 PM 05/08/2012 13:48:34 PM 05/08/2012 13:48:38 PM 05/14/2012 18:02:05 PM 05/14/2012 18:02:12 PM

Contract #: 13356

Page 2 of 2

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13312 Legal Entity Cafferata, Patricia D. Name: Contractor Name: Cafferata, Patricia D. Address: City/State/Zip P.O. Box 20357 RENO, NV 89515-0357

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775-825-2694 Vendor No.: T27008752 NV Business ID: NV2010286292 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, rendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transporation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals. NRS 284.091 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13312

Page 1 of 2 10

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2012; Division of Human Resource Management, Hearing Officer, satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce kaplin nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 13:27:17 PM 05/08/2012 13:27:20 PM 05/08/2012 13:27:24 PM 05/08/2012 13:30:26 PM 05/14/2012 18:10:31 PM 05/14/2012 18:10:35 PM

Contract #: 13312

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13363 Legal Entity Crowley, Martin ESQ DBA Name: Contractor Name: Crowley, Martin ESQ DBA Address: City/State/Zip 85 S Laverne St. Fallon, NV 89406-3324

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/423-7088 Vendor No.: T27014283 NV Business ID: NV20101293166 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, rendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transportation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals NRS 284.091 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13363

Page 1 of 2 11

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2012; Division of Human Resource Management, Hearing Officer, satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 13:54:59 PM 05/08/2012 13:55:02 PM 05/08/2012 13:55:05 PM 05/08/2012 13:55:08 PM 05/14/2012 17:58:16 PM 05/14/2012 17:58:29 PM

Contract #: 13363

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13364 Legal Entity Greiner, Jill DBA Name: Contractor Name: Greiner, Jill DBA Address: City/State/Zip 4790 Caughlin Parkway, #120 Reno , NV 89519

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/322-8443 Vendor No.: T29010968 NV Business ID: NV20101403036 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, rendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transporation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals NRS 284.091 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13364

Page 1 of 2 12

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highy by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 14:07:22 PM 05/08/2012 14:07:25 PM 05/08/2012 14:07:29 PM 05/08/2012 14:07:32 PM 05/14/2012 17:48:31 PM 05/14/2012 17:48:36 PM

Contract #: 13364

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13362 Legal Entity Hussey, Daniel Name: Contractor Name: Hussey, Daniel Address: City/State/Zip 2273 Trafalgar Ct. Henderson, NV 89074-5328

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/435-1520 Vendor No.: T81042484 NV Business ID: NV20101316461 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state eimployees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, rendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transportation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals NRS 284.091 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13362

Page 1 of 2 13

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knolwledge, skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2012; Division of Human Resource Management, Hearing Officer, satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 14:13:17 PM 05/08/2012 14:13:20 PM 05/08/2012 14:13:23 PM 05/08/2012 14:13:26 PM 05/14/2012 17:45:34 PM 05/14/2012 17:45:39 PM

Contract #: 13362

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13359 Legal Entity LAW OFFICE OF BILL Name: Contractor Name: LAW OFFICE OF BILL Address: City/State/Zip KOCKENMEISTER PO BOX 19023 RENO, NV 89511-0692

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/815-5511 Vendor No.: T29003205A NV Business ID: NV20081171407 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, reendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transporation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appels NRS 284.091 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13359

Page 1 of 2 14

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 07/01/2012 to 06/30/2012; Division of Human Resource Management, Hearing Officer, satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 14:01:16 PM 05/08/2012 14:01:19 PM 05/08/2012 14:01:22 PM 05/08/2012 14:01:25 PM 05/14/2012 17:52:24 PM 05/14/2012 17:52:29 PM

Contract #: 13359

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13355 Legal Entity Lamboley, Paul H. DBA Name: Contractor Name: Lamboley, Paul H. DBA Address: City/State/Zip 50 W. Liberty Street, Ste. 645 Reno, NV 89501

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775-786-8333 Vendor No.: T29022472 NV Business ID: NV20111621142 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, reendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transporation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals NRS 284.091 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13355

Page 1 of 2 15

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2012; Division of Human Resource Management, Hearing Officer, satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 14:21:06 PM 05/08/2012 14:21:09 PM 05/08/2012 14:21:12 PM 05/08/2012 14:21:17 PM 05/14/2012 17:40:57 PM 05/14/2012 17:41:04 PM

Contract #: 13355

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13357 Legal Entity Law Office of Charles P. Cockerill Name: Contractor Name: Law Office of Charles P. Address: City/State/Zip 415 West 2nd Street Carson City, NV 89703

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/884-4300 Vendor No.: T29029075 NV Business ID: NV20111621979 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, rendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transporation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals NRS 284.091. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13357

Page 1 of 2 16

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regualr meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2012; Division of Human Resource Management, Hearing Officer, satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? No b. If "No", please explain: Legal entity is "Professional L.L.C.". 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 13:31:37 PM 05/08/2012 13:31:40 PM 05/08/2012 13:31:44 PM 05/08/2012 13:31:47 PM 05/14/2012 18:07:50 PM 05/14/2012 18:07:54 PM

Contract #: 13357

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13354 Legal Entity Levitt, Lansford W Name: Contractor Name: Levitt, Lansford W Address: City/State/Zip 4747 Caughlin Parkway Reno, NV 89519-0906

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/333-7367 Vendor No.: T81035829 NV Business ID: NV20101354253 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, rendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transporation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals. NRS 284.091 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13354

Page 1 of 2 17

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2012; Division of Human Resource Management, Hearing Officer, satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 14:26:59 PM 05/08/2012 14:27:01 PM 05/08/2012 14:27:04 PM 05/08/2012 14:27:06 PM 05/14/2012 17:37:48 PM 05/14/2012 17:37:53 PM

Contract #: 13354

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13360 Legal Entity Pulliam, Gary A. Name: Contractor Name: Pulliam, Gary A. Address: City/State/Zip 10205 Imperial Pointe Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89134

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/467-7196 Vendor No.: T32001511 NV Business ID: NV20111689463 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, rendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transportation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals. NRS 284.091 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13360

Page 1 of 2 18

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2012; Division of Human Resource Management, Hearing Officer, satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 14:41:11 PM 05/08/2012 14:41:14 PM 05/08/2012 14:41:17 PM 05/08/2012 14:41:20 PM 05/14/2012 09:40:25 AM 05/14/2012 09:40:34 AM

Contract #: 13360

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13358 Legal Entity Reed, Richard R Esq Name: Contractor Name: Reed, Richard R Esq Address: City/State/Zip 711 1/2 South Sixth Street Las Vegas, NV 89101

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Agency Code: 070 Appropriation Unit: 1363-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/382-4564 Vendor No.: T29016568 NV Business ID: NV20101390838 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Personnel Assessments 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Hearing Officer

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide for professional services (NV licensed attorney) as one of several independent contractors for Hearing Officers, as provided by NRS 284, responsible for scheduling and convening hearings as a result of appeals filed by state employees, communicating with all involved parties as necessary, conducting the hearings, issuing decisions, and preparing finalized written copies of their determinations. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per hour Other basis for payment: The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is $350,000.00. Maximum contract amount represents a "pool" amount encompassing several independent contracts with NV licensed attorneys for services as Hearing Officers (NRS 284). The contractor will be paid based on the hourly services, billed in 1/10th of an hour increments, rendered as a result of assigned cases. With pre-approval of the contract monitor, the Hearing Officer may be reimbursed for travel e.g., mileage, airfare, ground transportation, etc. and per diem allowance in accordance with State of Nevada travel policy. Travel time is not billable.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent third party resolution of employee appeals NRS 284.091 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Necessary to have neutral fact-finder and decision-maker in employee appeals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13358

Page 1 of 2 19

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Based on selection criteria published in the contract announcement, the candidate was rated highly by a review committee appointed by Human Resource Management and was recommended for selection to the Personnel Commission. The Personnel Commission interviewed candidates at their regular meeting and determined that the individual had the necessary knowledge skills, and abilities to be a Hearing Officer. The Commission voted to offer this individual a contract. d. Last bid date: 11/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 11/20/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2012; Division of Human Resource Management, Hearing Officer, satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce lbruce nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 14:34:46 PM 05/08/2012 14:34:49 PM 05/08/2012 14:34:51 PM 05/08/2012 14:34:54 PM 05/14/2012 17:23:58 PM 05/14/2012 17:24:03 PM

Contract #: 13358

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13302 Legal Entity ACCURATE PAINTING INC Name: Contractor Name: ACCURATE PAINTING INC Address: 5366 MELINDA LN City/State/Zip SUN VALLEY, NV 89433-7732

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1349-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/673-0460 Vendor No.: T29029999 NV Business ID: NV19991177580 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Buildings & Grounds, building rent income fee Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

05/31/2016 4 years Contract Painting Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing painting services to various State buildings in the Reno/Carson City area on an as needed basis upon the request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $24,500.00 Other basis for payment: $50.00 per hour; materials will be charged at invoice plus 15%; hours of operation 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. with after hours and weekends available with notice.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? State offices require paint services. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Lack of manpower. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13302 Page 1 of 2 20

This is one of multiples contracts for painting services on file. Per SAM 0338.0, each contractor will be contacted to submit bids for available jobs. d. Last bid date: 03/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 03/01/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2009-2012, Buildings and Grounds, Service Satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User wsalisp1 wsalisp1 wsalisp1 kaplin cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/04/2012 12:36:17 PM 05/04/2012 12:36:22 PM 05/04/2012 12:36:25 PM 05/04/2012 13:35:29 PM 05/14/2012 10:20:52 AM 05/14/2012 10:20:56 AM

Contract #: 13302

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13375 Legal Entity ARTISTIC FENCE COMPANY INC Name: Contractor Name: ARTISTIC FENCE COMPANY INC Address: 5740 HIGHWAY 50 E City/State/Zip CARSON CITY, NV 89701

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1349-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/882-4665 Vendor No.: PUR0000883B NV Business ID: NV19711002179 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Building rent income Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract Fencing Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide onging removal and replacement of fencing to the Carson City and Reno areas, on an as needed basis and at the request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $20,000.00 Other basis for payment: $48.00 per hour, per man, $72.00 overtime rate per hour, per man, $96.00 weekend and holiday rate per hour, per man, for Fencing; $95.00 per hour, per man, $142.50 overtime per hour, per man, $142.50 weekend and holiday rate per hour, per man, for Automated Gates; hours of operation 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; materials will be quoted at time of job

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Repairs and replacement of fencing is needed for State grounds. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Lack of manpower. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute)
Contract #: 13375 Page 1 of 2 21

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This will be one of multiple fencing contractors on file with Buildings and Grounds. Per SAM 0338.0 each contractor will be contacted to submit bids for available jobs. d. Last bid date: 04/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 04/01/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2008-2012, Buildings and Grounds, Service Satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User wsalisp1 wsalisp1 wsalisp1 kaplin jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/30/2012 16:25:19 PM 04/30/2012 16:25:22 PM 04/30/2012 16:25:25 PM 05/01/2012 07:36:37 AM 05/02/2012 12:21:16 PM 05/14/2012 08:32:47 AM

Contract #: 13375

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13374 Legal Entity EWW Holdings, LLC Name: Contractor Name: EWW Holdings, LLC Address: P.O. Box 20368 City/State/Zip Reno, NV 89515-0368

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1349-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Evan Wright 775-901-1417 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV20101037207 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Buildings and Grounds, building rent income fee Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

05/31/2016 4 years Contract Pressure Washing

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing pressure washing services on an as needed basis for various State buildings in the Carson City and Reno areas, upon the request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $15,000.00 Other basis for payment: $75.00 per hour for cold water only; $90.00 per hour for steam; $100.00 minimum mobilization fee for jobs less than 1.25 hours; hours of operation 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday by appointment only; biodegradable cleaning agents are situational dependent and vary from $65.00-$300.00 per 5 gallon pail; Additional Crew Members $25.00 per person; Graffiti Removal $1.00-$4.00 per square foot; Seicoat Anti-Graffiti Coating Application $0.50$4.50 per square foot.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pressure washing services are required to maintain proper upkeep on State buildings. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Lack of manpower and equipment. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13374 Page 1 of 2 22

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This is one of multiple contracts for pressure washing services on file. Per SAM 0338.0, each contractor will be contacted to submit bids for available jobs. d. Last bid date: 04/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 04/01/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User wsalisp1 wsalisp1 wsalisp1 kaplin jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/04/2012 12:34:41 PM 05/04/2012 12:34:44 PM 05/04/2012 12:34:47 PM 05/04/2012 13:33:35 PM 05/12/2012 22:16:48 PM 05/14/2012 10:54:20 AM

Contract #: 13374

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13240 Legal Entity PIERROTT, ANA L Name: Contractor Name: PIERROTT, ANA L Address: ENTERPRISE JANITORIAL SERVICES PO BOX 17445 City/State/Zip RENO, NV 89511

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1349-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/691-2939 Vendor No.: T29025484A NV Business ID: NV20101308826 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Buildings and Grounds building rent income fee Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

02/28/2016 3 years and 272 days Contract Janitorial Service

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing janitorial services for the Department of Wildlife, located at 1100 Valley Road, Reno, Nevada, which will serve as a back-up contract only to be utilized in the event the primary contractor terminates and will only be activated at the request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $48,000.00 Other basis for payment: See Schedule One in Addl. Info Tab

7. What conditions require that this work be done? State offices must be kept clean. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Lack of manpower and equipment. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13240 Page 1 of 2 23

This Contractor had the 2nd lowest bid in Request to Bid #25564. d. Last bid date: 02/21/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No



11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2009-2012, Buildings and Grounds Division, Service Satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? No b. If "No", is an exemption on file with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User kaplin kaplin kaplin kaplin jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/23/2012 09:45:13 AM 04/23/2012 09:45:23 AM 04/23/2012 09:45:26 AM 04/23/2012 09:45:28 AM 04/25/2012 17:17:36 PM 05/14/2012 08:25:21 AM

Contract #: 13240

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13378 Legal Entity TAHOE FENCE CO INC Name: Contractor Name: TAHOE FENCE CO INC Address: 36 BROWN DR City/State/Zip CARSON CITY, NV 89706

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1349-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/882-1063 Vendor No.: PUR0004684 NV Business ID: NV19751004523 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2017 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Buildings and Grounds, building rent income fee. Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 08/01/2012

07/31/2016 4 years Contract Fencing Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing repair and installation of various types of fencing and gates in the Carson City and Reno area, on an as needed basis and at the written request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $20,000.00 Other basis for payment: $55.00 per man, per hour, two man crew required with a one hour minimum; overtime rate $65.00 per man, per hour, two man crew required with a one hour minimum; hours of operation Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.; material rates are charged at cost plus 35%.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Repairs and replacement of fencing is needed for State grounds. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Lack of manpower. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):

Contract #: 13378

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This will be one of multiple fencing contractors on file with Buildings and Grounds. Per SAM 0338.0, each contractor will be contacted to submit bids for available jobs. d. Last bid date: 04/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 04/01/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2008-2012, Buildings and Grounds, Service Satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User wsalisp1 wsalisp1 wsalisp1 kaplin jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/04/2012 12:35:30 PM 05/04/2012 12:35:32 PM 05/04/2012 12:35:34 PM 05/04/2012 13:35:04 PM 05/12/2012 22:10:17 PM 05/14/2012 10:06:11 AM

Contract #: 13378

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13392 Legal Entity United Electrical Services, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: United Electrical Services, Inc. Address: 2231 Meridian Blvd Suite 5 City/State/Zip Minden, NV 89423

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1349-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/782-4303 Vendor No.: T81028588 NV Business ID: NV19851010580 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Buildings and Grounds building rent income fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 06/12/2012

05/31/2016 3 years and 354 days Contract Electrical services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing electrical services on an as needed basis for various state buildings in northern Nevada at the request and approval of a Buildings and Grounds designee. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $20,000.00 Other basis for payment: $60.00 per hour per Electrician, daily overtime rates of $90.00 per hour per Electrician, Holiday and Weekend rates of $120.00 per hour per Electrician, materials billed in addition to these rates based on standard electrical trade service publications not to exceed retail column.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Electrical services in state buildings is necessary for safety of public and employees. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Buildings and Grounds currently does not have a qualified & licensed electrician on staff to do installation, replace, repair, troubleshoot, and maintain various types of electrical circuitry, lighting, and equipment. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):

Contract #: 13392

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Per SAM 0338.0, each contractor will be contacted to submit bids on projects. United Electrical Services, Inc. is a Nevada Public Works Board Contractor. Pursuant to NRS 338.13862, Buildings and Grounds is using a Public Works board prequalified bidder. d. Last bid date: 04/04/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 04/02/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: May 2008 to April 2012; Public Works Divison, Buildings and Grounds Section; satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce kaplin jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/27/2012 13:37:59 PM 04/27/2012 13:38:02 PM 04/27/2012 13:38:05 PM 05/04/2012 13:59:59 PM 05/12/2012 22:13:40 PM 05/14/2012 10:23:05 AM

Contract #: 13392

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11573 Amendment 1 Number: Legal Entity CLARK & SULLIVAN CONSTRUCTORS Name: Contractor Name: CLARK & SULLIVAN CONSTRUCTORS Address: INC 4180 W DEWEY DR City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89118

Agency Name:


Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1515-09 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/798-5400 Vendor No.: T80904739A NV Business ID: NV19751002010 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % X Bonds 93.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 7.00 % Transfer from University Receipts Agency Reference #: 5700 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 10/12/2010

06/30/2014 3 years and 262 days Contract OWNER CMAR CONST AGR

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides owner construction manager at risk services to construct/remodel a 15,800 sf laboratory incuding replacement of existing HVAC, Fire Alarm Systems, Controls, Hydronic Piping and Lighting. SPWB Project No. 09-C23L; SPWB Contract No. 5700. This amendment decreases the maximum amount of the owner's contingency from $10,900,000 to $10,449,083. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $10,900,000.00 $0.00 -$450,917.00 $10,449,083.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2009 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional Services are provided by SPWB to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature
Contract #: 11573 Page 1 of 2 26

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project. d. Last bid date: 09/08/2010 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: SPWB, currently and/or in the past for various amounts with satisfactory results. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson

Signature Date 05/07/2012 10:08:59 AM 05/07/2012 10:09:02 AM 05/09/2012 14:35:19 PM 05/09/2012 16:19:01 PM 05/12/2012 20:58:36 PM 05/16/2012 10:52:05 AM

Contract #: 11573

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11046 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 HERSHENOW & KLIPPENSTEIN HERSHENOW & KLIPPENSTEIN ARCHITECTS INC 5485 RENO CORPORATE DR STE 100 RENO, NV 89511-2262

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1577-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/332-6640 Vendor No.: T80984709 NV Business ID: NV19941047730 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2010-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 75.00 % X Bonds 25.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 5371 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 06/08/2010

06/30/2013 3 years and 23 days Contract Professional Service

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides project design and construction administration services for the Elko County Readiness Center, Carlin, NV; SPWD Project No. 09-C15; Contract No. 5371. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $446,500 to $475,750 and is for design services to add additional anti-terrorism/force protection and an electronic security system. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $446,500.00 $0.00 $29,250.00 $475,750.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2009 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional services are provided by SPWB to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 11046

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: SPWD, currently and/or in the past for various amounts with satisfactory results. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson

Signature Date 05/09/2012 14:03:43 PM 05/09/2012 14:03:47 PM 05/09/2012 14:03:51 PM 05/09/2012 16:20:15 PM 05/12/2012 21:03:03 PM 05/15/2012 09:10:04 AM

Contract #: 11046

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13451 Legal Entity Q&D CONSTRUCTION INC Name: Contractor Name: Q&D CONSTRUCTION INC Address: 1050 S 21ST ST City/State/Zip SPARKS, NV 89431-5596

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1577-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/786-2677 Vendor No.: T81009604 NV Business ID: NV19671000639 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 52.00 % X Bonds 45.00 % proceeds from sale of bonds Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 3.00 % transfer from capital project fund Agency Reference #: 26890 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 29 days Contract Owner-CMAR Const. Ag

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new agreement to provide Owner-Construction Manager at Risk services for the Elko County Readiness Center; Carlin, Nevada; Project No. 09-C15; Contract No. 26890. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $4,924,911.00 Other basis for payment: monthly progress payments on services provided

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2009 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional Services are provided by SPWD to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 13451 Page 1 of 2 28

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: SPWD, currently and/or in the past for various amounts with satisfactory results. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 15:49:24 PM 05/09/2012 15:49:26 PM 05/09/2012 15:49:28 PM 05/09/2012 16:18:22 PM 05/12/2012 21:27:09 PM 05/14/2012 09:54:11 AM

Contract #: 13451

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13437 Legal Entity FARR WEST ENGINEERING Name: Contractor Name: FARR WEST ENGINEERING Address: 5442 LONGLEY LN STE B City/State/Zip RENO, NV 89511-3297

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1579-28 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/851-4788 Vendor No.: T81102795 NV Business ID: NV20011242988 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 93.00 % X Bonds 7.00 % proceeds from sale of bonds Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 33680 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2015 3 years and 29 days Contract Arch/Eng Servs

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide professional architectural/engineering services to replace fire protection ponds and fire system improvements for the Nevada Army National Guard; Project No. 11-M04; Contract No. 33680. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $29,410.00 Other basis for payment: monthly progress payments on services provided

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2011 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional Services are provided by SPWB to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 13437 Page 1 of 2 29

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 10:19:19 AM 05/09/2012 10:19:21 AM 05/09/2012 10:19:25 AM 05/09/2012 16:20:39 PM 05/12/2012 21:19:04 PM 05/14/2012 09:52:53 AM

Contract #: 13437

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13435 Legal Entity HERSHENOW & KLIPPENSTEIN Name: Contractor Name: HERSHENOW & KLIPPENSTEIN Address: ARCHITECTS INC 5485 RENO CORPORATE DR STE 100 City/State/Zip RENO, NV 89511-2262

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1579-23 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/332-6640 Vendor No.: T80984709 NV Business ID: NV19941047730 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 91.00 % X Bonds 9.00 % sale of bonds Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 33654 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2015 3 years and 29 days Contract Arch/Eng Servs

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide professional architectural/engineering services for energy efficient improvements to combined support maintenance shop/field facilities. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $28,000.00 Other basis for payment: monthly progress payments on services provided

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2011 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional Services are provided by SPWB to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 13435 Page 1 of 2 30

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: SPWD, currently and/or in the past for various amounts with satisfactory results 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 11:40:26 AM 05/09/2012 11:40:28 AM 05/09/2012 11:40:31 AM 05/09/2012 16:21:07 PM 05/12/2012 21:20:48 PM 05/14/2012 09:53:35 AM

Contract #: 13435

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13403 Legal Entity HERSHENOW & KLIPPENSTEIN Name: Contractor Name: HERSHENOW & KLIPPENSTEIN Address: ARCHITECTS INC 5485 RENO CORPORATE DR STE 100 City/State/Zip RENO, NV 89511-2262

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1585-21 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/332-6640 Vendor No.: T80984709 NV Business ID: NV19941047730 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % X Highway Funds 100.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 30972 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2015 3 years and 29 days Contract Arch/Eng Servs

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide professional architectural/engineering services for the Department of Motor Vehicles Flood Door Design; Project No. 11-E05; Contract No. 30972. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $24,700.00 Other basis for payment: monthly progress payments on services provided

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2011 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional Services are provided by SPWB to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 13403 Page 1 of 2 31

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: SPWD, currently and/or in the past for various amounts with satisfactory results. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 14:45:16 PM 05/09/2012 14:45:18 PM 05/09/2012 14:45:21 PM 05/09/2012 16:19:29 PM 05/12/2012 21:22:37 PM 05/16/2012 10:53:15 AM

Contract #: 13403

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13440 Legal Entity RODRIGUEZ, JORGE DBA Name: Contractor Name: RODRIGUEZ, JORGE DBA Address: City/State/Zip JR INTERPRETING PO BOX 31165 LAS VEGAS, NV 89173

Agency Name:

HEARINGS AND APPEALS DIVISION Agency Code: 089 Appropriation Unit: 1015-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/539-7886 Vendor No.: T29016727A NV Business ID: NV20111493419 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Assessments to Insurers 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2014 2 years and 29 days Contract Interpretor services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract which provides for Spanish Interpretation services during Administrative hearings, required by NRS 645B, to non-english speaking injured workers so that they are appropriately represented at appeal hearings. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $24,999.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $70.00 per hour Other basis for payment: Two hour minimum and $70 cancellation fee for less than 24 hour notice.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Division is required by statute to provide interpreter services to non-english speaking injured workers so that they are properly represented at Appeals Hearings. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State does not employ interpreters except by independent contract. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13440 Page 1 of 2 32

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Contractor is willing to provide experienced and professional interpretation services to the Division. d. Last bid date: 04/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 04/01/2014 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2008-2012, Hearings and Appeals Division, service satisfactory 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User kaplin kaplin kaplin kaplin csawaya jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 10:49:00 AM 05/08/2012 10:49:05 AM 05/08/2012 10:49:31 AM 05/08/2012 10:54:53 AM 05/18/2012 16:25:57 PM 05/21/2012 07:57:09 AM

Contract #: 13440

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11287 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 Adnova Comunicacion Estrategica Adnova Comunicacion Estrategica Gutemberg No. 176, Col. Anzures Del. Miguel Hidalg, MX 11590

Agency Name: COMMISSION ON TOURISM Agency Code: 101 Appropriation Unit: 1522-43 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Benjamin Diaz 55)5596.6746 Vendor No.: F00000119A NV Business ID: NV20101580909 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Lodging Tax 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/13/2010

06/30/2012 2 years and 353 days Contract Rep Office - Mexico

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides international representation for the Nevada Commission on Tourism in Mexico. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $120,000 to $180,000 to continue the international representation in Mexico for an additional year. The services will include placing stories with the media, maintaining a foreign website, conducting sales missions, organizing familiarization tours, expanding tour product to tour operators, media planning and buying, developing foreign brochures, and providing quarterly progress reports. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $180,000.00 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NRS 231.160 through NRS 231.360 requires that the Nevada Commission on Tourism promote tourism in Nevada both domestically and internationally. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State does not have any employees located outside the United States to perform this work.
Contract #: 11287 Page 1 of 2 33

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? NRS 332.195 - The Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority (LVCVA) completed a solicitation for each of the foreign offices and the Nevada Commission on Tourism contracts with the same companies as part of the partnership with the LVCVA. Since we are using the same contractors as our political subdivision, State Purchasing indicated that we don't need a sole source approval for our international office contracts. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Nevada Commission on Tourism has contracted with this company since FY09. The work has been more than satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User kwilliam kwilliam kwilliam kwilliam knielsen cwatson

Signature Date 05/08/2012 18:03:56 PM 05/08/2012 18:03:58 PM 05/08/2012 18:04:00 PM 05/08/2012 18:24:00 PM 05/16/2012 11:23:53 AM 05/16/2012 11:35:20 AM

Contract #: 11287

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11288 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 Hills Balfour Synergy Hills Balfour Synergy Colechurch House 1 London Bridge Walk London, UK SE12SX

Agency Name: COMMISSION ON TOURISM Agency Code: 101 Appropriation Unit: 1522-43 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Amanda Hills-Balfour 442073670900 Vendor No.: F00000120 NV Business ID: NV20101628853 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Lodging Tax 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/13/2010

06/30/2012 2 years and 353 days Contract Rep Office - UK

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides international representation for the Nevada Commission on Tourism in the United Kingdom. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $120,000 to $180,000 to continue the international representation in the United Kingdom for an additional year. The services will include placing stories with the media; maintaining a foreign website; conducting sales missions; organizing familiarization tours; expanding tour product to tour operators; media planning and buying; developing foreign brochures; and providing quarterly progress reports. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $180,000.00 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NRS 231.160 through 231.360 requires that the Nevada Commission on Tourism promote tourism in Nevada both domestically and internationally. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work:
Contract #: 11288 Page 1 of 2 34

The State does not have any employees located outside the United States to perform this work. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? NRS 332.195 - The Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority (LVCVA) completed a solicitation for each of the foreign offices, and the Nevada Commission on Tourism contracts with the same companies as part of the partnership with the LVCVA. Since we are using the same contractors as our political subdivision, State Purchasing indicated that we don't need a sole source approval for our international office contracts. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Nevada Commission on Tourism has contracted with this company since FY09. The work has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User kwilliam kwilliam kwilliam kwilliam knielsen cwatson

Signature Date 05/08/2012 17:40:13 PM 05/08/2012 17:40:16 PM 05/08/2012 17:40:18 PM 05/08/2012 17:40:23 PM 05/16/2012 11:27:46 AM 05/16/2012 11:36:07 AM

Contract #: 11288

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11289 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 VoX International VoX International 2 Bloor Street, Suite 2601 Toronto Ontario, Canada, -- M4W3E2

Agency Name: COMMISSION ON TOURISM Agency Code: 101 Appropriation Unit: 1522-43 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Susan Webb 416-835-8212 Vendor No.: F00000118 NV Business ID: NV20101490047 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Lodging Tax 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/13/2010

06/30/2012 2 years and 353 days Contract Rep Office - Canada

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides international representation for the Nevada Commission on Tourism in Canada. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $120,000 to $180,000 to continue the international representation in Canada for an additional year. The services will include placing stories with the media, maintaining a foreign website, conducting sales missions, organizing familiarization tours, expanding tour product to tour operators, media planning and buying, developing foreign brochures, and providing quarterly progress reports. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $180,000.00 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NRS 231.160 through 231.360 requires that the Nevada Commission on Tourism promote tourism in Nevada both domestically and internationally. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State does not have any employees located outside the United States to perform this work.
Contract #: 11289 Page 1 of 2 35

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? NRS 332.195 - The Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority (LVCVA) completed a solicitation for each of the foreign offices and the Nevada Commission on Tourism contracts with the same companies as part of the partnership with the LVCVA. Since we are using the same contractors as our political subdivision, State Purchasing indicated that we don't need a sole source approval for our international office contracts. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Nevada Commission on Tourism has contracted with this company since FY09. The work has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User kwilliam kwilliam kwilliam kwilliam knielsen cwatson

Signature Date 05/08/2012 18:24:30 PM 05/08/2012 18:24:32 PM 05/08/2012 18:24:35 PM 05/08/2012 18:24:37 PM 05/16/2012 11:19:30 AM 05/16/2012 11:34:37 AM

Contract #: 11289

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV5352 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 5 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC 400 CENTENNIAL PKWY STE 200 LOUISVILLE, CO 80027

Agency Name: ENTERPRISE IT SERVICES Agency Code: 180 Appropriation Unit: 1386-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null303-381-3362 Vendor No.: T29026732 NV Business ID: NV20111064622 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2008-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % User Fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 04/2012 06/10/2008

06/30/2012 4 years and 204 days Contract Telecommunications & Fibre Optics Equipment

5. Purpose of contract: This is the fifth amendment to the original contract, which provides Internet Services for 200 South Virginia Street in Reno. This amendment changes the business name to Zayo Group, LLC, extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to December 30, 2012, and increases the maximum amount from $235,530.01 to $275,820.01 to cover payment obligations until a new solicitation can be completed. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $106,600.00 $128,930.01 $40,290.00 $275,820.01 12/30/2012

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This extension is necessary to provide a more economical internet solution and possibly increase bandwidth at 200 South Virginia, Reno. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Employees cannot provide internet services to the State. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Lowest bidder for services d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2008-20011, EITS, service satisfactory 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? No b. If "No", is an exemption on file with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User lbruce lbruce lbruce bbohm lmuelle1 sbrown cwatson

Signature Date 05/02/2012 07:34:33 AM 05/02/2012 07:34:38 AM 05/02/2012 07:34:49 AM 05/02/2012 08:41:39 AM 05/02/2012 13:07:21 PM 05/02/2012 14:20:26 PM 05/14/2012 08:37:37 AM

Contract #: CONV5352

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12715 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest 1220 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92132

Agency Name:


Agency Code: 180 Appropriation Unit: 1388-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Lindsey Green 619-532-3027 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: Not Applicable To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2011

06/30/2012 2 years Revenue Contract Rack space rental

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides for seven ongoing rack spaces at Austin Peak in Lander County. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $12,926.83 to $27,158.74 due to the need for continued microwave services. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $12,926.83 $0.00 $14,231.91 $27,158.74 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a revenue generating contract 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This is a revenue generating contract 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Not Applicable d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Navy has been under a revenue contract with EITS (DoIT) for many years with satisfactory results 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User dbaughn capple capple bbohm jrodrig9 cwatson

Signature Date 05/09/2012 11:35:49 AM 05/09/2012 11:50:43 AM 05/09/2012 11:50:49 AM 05/09/2012 14:18:07 PM 05/17/2012 16:11:20 PM 05/18/2012 07:45:15 AM

Contract #: 12715

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13395 Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip Water & Energy Systems Technology of Nevada, Inc. WEST, Inc. 13109 Arctic Circle Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

Agency Name: OFFICE OF VETERAN'S SERVICES Agency Code: 240 Appropriation Unit: 2561-07 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Matt Copthorne 702-449-9698 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV19831015302 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 50.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 50.00 % Private funds - 50% 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

05/31/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Cooling Tower Maint.

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing maintenance for the cooling towers, chillers, and hot water boilers at the Nevada State Veterans Home. The vendor will provide monthly inspection and preventive maintenance for this equipment. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $20,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $674.00 per month Other basis for payment: Plus any parts and labor.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is preventative maintenance to avoid corrosion of cooling towers and closed loop system. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: No State agencies or employees are available to do this work. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
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c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Best price; good reputation in the industry. d. Last bid date: 03/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No



11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? No b. If "No", please explain: Company uses the abbreviation WEST instead of complete name. 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User jpalme5 jpalme5 jpalme5 mnobles jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/14/2012 11:23:40 AM 05/14/2012 11:23:46 AM 05/14/2012 11:23:51 AM 05/14/2012 15:55:59 PM 05/14/2012 16:12:54 PM 05/16/2012 08:55:49 AM

Contract #: 13395

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12627 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 Avalon Shutters, Inc. Avalon Shutters, Inc. 100 Sinclair Street Perris, CA 92571

Agency Name: OFFICE OF VETERAN'S SERVICES Agency Code: 240 Appropriation Unit: 2564-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Christine Vieira 909-937-4900 Vendor No.: T27028971 NV Business ID: NV20111661063 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Veterans Gift Account 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 10/27/2011

08/31/2013 1 year and 309 days Contract Shutter Installation

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides for the installation of wood shutters in the windows of the resident living rooms at the Nevada State Veterans Home. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $8,500 to $37,500 to install more shutters in all of the living areas. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $8,500.00 $0.00 $29,000.00 $37,500.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Resident living room areas need the ability to close off light and heat from the sun. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not have the skills or material to perform this sort of custom work. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 12627 Page 1 of 2 39

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Price and materials that seem most suited to this particular space. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User jpalme5 jpalme5 jpalme5 mnobles jrodrig9 cwatson

Signature Date 04/23/2012 14:30:26 PM 04/23/2012 14:36:56 PM 04/23/2012 14:37:03 PM 04/26/2012 07:58:13 AM 04/30/2012 12:57:24 PM 05/14/2012 08:30:42 AM

Contract #: 12627

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13438 Legal Entity School Services of California, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: School Services of California, Inc. Address: 1121 L Street, Suite 1060 City/State/Zip Sacramento, CA 95814

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Agency Code: 300 Appropriation Unit: 2676-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null916-446-7517 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV20121287068 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 15.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 85.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

07/31/2012 60 days Contract Evaluate of NDE

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for an evaluator for the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) and school districts in Nevada. The purpose of this contract is to provide concrete findings and recommendations to the NDE to address: 1) What functions the NDE should perform and how it should best be organized to elevate academic achievement of the students in Nevada public schools; 2) What personnel knowledge, skills, and dispositions will be needed to pursue reform tasks and assist Local Education Associations to elevate academic achievement of Nevada students; and 3) Recommended NDE restructuring. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $67,445.90 Other basis for payment: Invoice monthly or upon completion of deliverables not to exceed a total of $67,445.90

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The new Superintendent of Public Instruction wants to evaluate the Nevada Department of Education for a possible reorganization. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: It requires an outside evaluator. It is an evalution of the Nevada Departmet of Education and State of Nevada School Districts. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13438 Page 1 of 2 40

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? School Service of California, Inc. was the only proposal received and the evaluation show that School Service of California, Inc. is qualify to perform the service. d. Last bid date: 04/23/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User amccalla amccalla amccalla ebarraga sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 15:15:25 PM 05/08/2012 15:15:28 PM 05/08/2012 15:15:30 PM 05/08/2012 16:02:33 PM 05/13/2012 13:57:22 PM 05/15/2012 10:49:05 AM

Contract #: 13438

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13376 Legal Entity HMB INFORMATION SYSTEM Name: Contractor Name: HMB INFORMATION SYSTEM Address: DEVELOPERS 191 W NATIONWIDE BLVD STE 650 City/State/Zip COLUMBUS, OH 43215-2568

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Agency Code: 300 Appropriation Unit: 2709-65 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null614/221-6831 Vendor No.: T29005088 NV Business ID: NV20101192150 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/11/2016 4 years and 11 days Contract Computer Related Ser

5. Purpose of contract: This a new contract to provide approximately 984 hours of ePage program modifications over four years in addition to providing ongoing maintenance and support. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $459,000.00 Other basis for payment: Payment upon proper invoicing as work is completed not to exceed $459,000.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Currently all modifications and changes, including enhancements to ePAGE have to be coordinated through HMB. These enhancements allow for additional information to be calculated and collected for the Nevada Department of Education staff. Additionally, maintenance and support are a necessity for ePAGE. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: January 1, 2009 Nevada Department of Education tried to convert the maintenance component of ePAGE from HMB to DoIT. This attempt failed because DoIT did not have the staff that had sufficient knowledge of the Visual Basic software. By midFebruary of 2009 DoIT informed Nevada Department of Education that DoIT was not able to provide Nevada Department of Education with the required support. This new contract will be for maintenance and support with limited program modifications only. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13376 Page 1 of 2 41

Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: HMB established the ePAGE process for the Nevada Department of Education and their work has deemed satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User amccalla amccalla amccalla ebarraga cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/19/2012 15:59:49 PM 04/19/2012 15:59:52 PM 04/19/2012 15:59:54 PM 04/20/2012 09:53:45 AM 05/15/2012 09:10:41 AM 05/15/2012 09:10:45 AM

Contract #: 13376

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13377 Legal Entity NEVADA CREATIONS INC Name: Contractor Name: NEVADA CREATIONS INC Address: 890 CAROL WAY City/State/Zip FERNLEY, NV 89408

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Agency Code: 300 Appropriation Unit: 2709-65 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/575-5053 Vendor No.: T27000562 NV Business ID: NV20051319882 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/11/2014 2 years and 10 days Contract Monitor 21st Century

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing on-site monitor visits to programs and schools funded to provide 21st Century Community Learning Center programs to Nevada youth. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $54,262.69 Other basis for payment: Payment upon receipt of a detailed monthly invoice not to exceed $54,262.69

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Title IV, Part B (21st Century Community Learning Centers) funds over 50 individual programs in Nevada. To verify the quality of the services received by the students as well as to verify that all federal and state requirements are met it is necessary to conduct monitor visits to all programs. The use of a single outside monitor will make sure that all programs are monitored based on the same rubric as well as the same education/experience level of the monitor. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: These monitor visits frequently require one day on site per program plus travel time. In addition, time is required to write monitor reports and correspondence. The 21st Century State Director in Nevada is also responsible for supplemental Education Services, four Title I school districts, and oversight of several contracts. The 21st Century duties require many activities in addition to monitor function. It is not possible for the 21st Century Director to devote sufficient time to provide monitor activities as well as general oversight of the program. Although the 21st Century Director will not conduct the monitor visits, all material will be reviewed prior to those documents being given to the districts/programs. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes

Contract #: 13377

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The vendor was the only applicant. Additionally, the vendor has experience in conducting monitoring visits to 21st Century Community Learning Centers in Nevada and in writing the required reports. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Another unit of the Nevada Department of Education has used Nevda Creations to coordinate the Youth Risk Behavior Survey for the last three surveys (2003, 2005, and 2007). The work has been virified as satisfactory. Applicant also served as vendor for monitoring of 21st CCLC programs from 2008-2012, the work was been verified satisfactiry. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User amccalla amccalla amccalla ebarraga cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/19/2012 15:58:31 PM 04/19/2012 15:58:33 PM 04/19/2012 15:58:36 PM 04/20/2012 09:54:40 AM 05/14/2012 15:10:06 PM 05/14/2012 15:10:11 PM

Contract #: 13377

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13407 Legal Entity WESTED Name: Contractor Name: WESTED Address: 730 HARRISON ST City/State/Zip SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Agency Code: 300 Appropriation Unit: 2713-52 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null415/615-3105 Vendor No.: T81012500 NV Business ID: NV20111743662 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

09/30/2013 1 year and 121 days Contract External Evaluator

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for an External Evaluator for the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant to provide expertise in and coordination of educational evaluation methodologies for the funded Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Subgrantees. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $138,600.00 Other basis for payment: They will invoice monthly upon completion of deliverables not to exceed a total of $138,600.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This work is required as part of the Nevada Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: It is a requirement of the Unites States Department of Education and the Nevada Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant that we hire an External Evaluator. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
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This contractor was selected as the best solution by the evaluation committee based on pre-determined evaluation criteria. The agency verified the vendor has a Nevada Business License and is in good standing in all areas of the Secretary of State's business requirements. d. Last bid date: 03/14/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: They have been engaged under contract since 1998 with the Nevada Department of Education. The quality of service has been excellect. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User amccalla amccalla amccalla ebarraga sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/04/2012 12:05:57 PM 05/04/2012 12:06:00 PM 05/04/2012 12:06:05 PM 05/04/2012 12:23:37 PM 05/13/2012 14:15:24 PM 05/15/2012 10:52:12 AM

Contract #: 13407

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13408 Legal Entity ALEXANDER & ASSOCIATES INC Name: Contractor Name: ALEXANDER & ASSOCIATES INC Address: 845 W ROBINSON ST City/State/Zip CARSON CITY, NV 89703

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Agency Code: 300 Appropriation Unit: 2715-14 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/841-5250 Vendor No.: T27018593 NV Business ID: 20001428414 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2014 2 years and 29 days Contract Legal and Data

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for a Special Education Legal and Data System Analyst to assist the State Office of Special Education in developing, reviewing, revising an submitting Nevada's special education State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report as per the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) which supports positive outcomes for students with disabilities. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $307,200.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $160.00 per Hour

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Federal law requires the development and implementation of monitoring and enforcement systems to evaluate school district implementation and the develoment and submission of the State Performance Plans and Annual Performance Reports to report the state's status in the implementation of the individuals with Disabilities Education Act. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This scope of work and the qualifications requires specialized expertise that cannot be met within the agency or another state agency. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13408 Page 1 of 2 44

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? There were no other potential vendors with similar qualifications and experience. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 03/03/2014 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 1986-1990 Nevada Department of Human Resources, Early Intervention Services 2007-2011 Nevada Department of Education, quality of service has been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User amccalla amccalla amccalla ebarraga sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/04/2012 12:06:21 PM 05/04/2012 12:06:23 PM 05/04/2012 12:06:25 PM 05/04/2012 12:24:16 PM 05/13/2012 14:11:14 PM 05/15/2012 10:51:02 AM

Contract #: 13408

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12325 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 EBSCO INDUSTRIES, INC. DBA EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES EBSCO INDUSTRIES, INC. DBA EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES PO BOX 92901 LOS ANGELES, CA 90009

Agency Name:


Agency Code: 332 Appropriation Unit: 2891-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: CONALL HALEY 800-653-2726 Vendor No.: T41098000F NV Business ID: NV20011454889 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/20/2011

09/12/2012 1 year and 346 days Contract Licensed Databases

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides access to online general periodical databases. These databases provide access to organized collections of articles through magazines, newspapers, and journals and are used remotely statewide through schools, academic, special and public libraries. This amendment extends the termination date from September 12, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $490,000 to $961,250 due to the extended contract term. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $400,000.00 $90,000.00 $471,250.00 $961,250.00 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This was originally requested and approved by the State Commission of Technology in Education. It is in the best interest of the state to continue to provide its citizens and students statewide access via libraries and the internet. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State does not have licensed databases.
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9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? We received nine proposals for RFP #1110 and this vendor received top scores by the evaluation committee. d. Last bid date: 04/13/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 01/31/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This vendor has contracted with the Nevada State Library and Archives since 2002; the service provided has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User cjreed kaplin kaplin kaplin lmuelle1 knielsen jburry

Signature Date 04/06/2012 13:56:00 PM 04/13/2012 11:28:02 AM 04/13/2012 11:28:05 AM 04/13/2012 11:28:11 AM 04/13/2012 13:20:53 PM 05/15/2012 15:12:29 PM 05/21/2012 16:45:04 PM

Contract #: 12325

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13423 Legal Entity KEYSTONE SYSTEMS INC Name: Contractor Name: KEYSTONE SYSTEMS INC Address: City/State/Zip 8016 GLENWOOD AVE STE 200 RALEIGH, NC 27612

Agency Name:

NEVADA STATE LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES Agency Code: 332 Appropriation Unit: 2891-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null800/222-9711 Vendor No.: PUR0004149 NV Business ID: NV20121315576 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract server hosting

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide the data conversion and cleanup, server configuration and installation, workstation installation, live operation of Keystone Library Automation System (KLAS) software, Webinar-based training for State Library staff, on-site training and production assistance, and monthly hosting of server. The service contract package allows Nevada Talking Books staff to utilize the software system for the benefit of visually and physically handicapped Nevada citizens statewide. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $103,477.92 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $2,155.79 per month

7. What conditions require that this work be done? In order to continue to serve clients of the Regional Library for the blind and physically handicapped. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Lack of expertise in this area. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable
Contract #: 13423 Page 1 of 2 46

b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 120405 Approval Date: 04/18/2012 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This is the only vendor who can install the proprietary software approved for purchase through State Purchasing, perform the related data conversion and train staff appropriately. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2009-2012, State Library and Archives, service satisfactory 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User kaplin kaplin kaplin kaplin lsmolya1 knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/04/2012 14:19:05 PM 05/04/2012 14:19:08 PM 05/04/2012 14:26:11 PM 05/04/2012 14:26:15 PM 05/18/2012 10:58:29 AM 05/18/2012 11:08:24 AM 05/18/2012 11:15:30 AM

Contract #: 13423

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13430 Legal Entity CATALYST RX Name: Contractor Name: CATALYST RX Address: City/State/Zip 800 KING FARM BLVD FL 4 ROCKVILLE, MD 20850-5979

Agency Name:

AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES DIVISION Agency Code: 402 Appropriation Unit: 3156-16 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null301/548-2940 Vendor No.: T81103742 NV Business ID: NV19961141292 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Tobacco Funds 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Insurance Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide services for Nevada's two-part State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program, known as Senior Rx and Disability Rx. It will provide access to discounted prescription drugs and pharmaceutical services for senior citizens and younger persons with disabilities who are not eligible for Medicare Part D; and will provide coordination of benefits for members who are eligible for Medicare Part D, with the Senior Rx and Disability Rx program being secondary to Medicare Part D. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $5,100,000.00 Other basis for payment: Projected costs are based on program average cost per member. Please see detail in attachement - Catalyst Cost Methodology.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Division of Aging and Disability Services Division is responsible for the administration of a program to provide subsidies for the cost of prescription drugs, pharmaceutical services to seniors and individuals with disabilities under NRS 439.635 and 439.690. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees are not authorized to perform the needed services and there is no state agency with infrastructure to operate a statewide pharmacy benefit plan. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes

Contract #: 13430

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Yes Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Upon thorough review and evaluation of proposals, the vendor was chosen by the evaluation committee for award. d. Last bid date: 12/14/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 12/14/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: State Fiscal Year 09 to present for ADSD. The quality of service provided for this agency has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lgoulart bberry mtorvine davera nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/04/2012 14:54:36 PM 05/09/2012 12:21:34 PM 05/10/2012 10:23:48 AM 05/10/2012 10:44:33 AM 05/15/2012 11:23:44 AM 05/15/2012 11:23:48 AM

Contract #: 13430

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DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES DIVISION COST METHODOLOGY FOR CATATLYST CONTRACT # 13430 Cost Methodology: ~Projected cost per member per year (PMPY), which includes prescription administrative fees, prescription costs (Rx) and gap adjustments related to Healthcare Reform. ~multiplied by the projected prescription drug inflation rate (approx. 4%/year) used by DHHS. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics including Consumter Price Index (CPI) and Moody's Analytics (ECCA) Forecasts. ~multiplied by Fiscal Year projected caseloads. SENIOR RX - Traditional
Adjusted State Fiscal PMPY (Rx + Year fees)

Adjusted PMPY (Rx + fees) $591.54 $628.49

DISABILITY RX - Traditional
Anticipated Anticipated Budgetary Avg Caseload Need

Adjusted PMPY (Rx + fees) $1,006.25

Anticipated Budgetary Need

Anticipated Anticipated Budgetary Avg Caseload Need

Anticipated Adjusted Anticipated PMPY (Rx + Avg Budgetary Need fees) Caseload

Anticipated Anticipated Budgetary Avg Caseload Need

2013 2014

$1,342.25 $683.54

131 143

$ 175,834.32 $ 97,745.53

3,049 3,326

$ 1,803,619.54 $ 2,090,373.83

$1,957.73 $1,002.24

44 48

$ $


2,426,837.57 359 $ 361,243.54 $ 48,107.28 $1,046.16 2,646,322.98 392 $ 410,096.33 $ Two Year Contract Cost Projection: $ 5,073,160.55 Contract Amount Rounded Up : 5,100,000.00


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)


Agency Name:

AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES DIVISION Agency Code: 402 Appropriation Unit: 3266-29 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: CARLA BEIBER 775/784-4040 Vendor No.: D35000849 NV Business ID: SM00220683 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2016 4 years and 30 days Interlocal Agreement Educational Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal contract for Caregiver trainings for directors; administrators; caregivers; and staff of Homes for individual residential care, residential facilities for groups (e.g. group homes), assisted living facilities, and nursing facilities. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $180,008.00 Other basis for payment: Financial schedule included in Attachment A

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to NAC 449.196(1)(F) States caregivers must receive not less than 8 hours of training annually related to providing for the needs of the residents of a residential facility. The need for training of professional staff is ongoing. Programs are reviewed for quality management issues and program compliance assurances. The purpose of this training is to proved approximately six hours of education to Directors, Administrator's, and staff of Homes for Individual Residential Care, Residential Facilities for Groups, Assisted Living Facilities, Nursing Facilities, and caregivers. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This is an intrastate/interlocal contract to be coordinated through Nevada Higher Education (UNR Nevada Geriatric Education Center (NGEC) to provide specialized, credentialed training Nevada Caregivers. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No

Contract #: 13348

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The University of Nevada, Reno - Nevada Geriatric Education Center is uniquely qualified to produce geriatric education sessions that meet the criteria for professional credentialing for Specialization in Aging. This contract is an intrastate/interlocal agreement and as such is exempt from RFP requirements as a Cooperative Agreement and Interlocal Contract between public agencies to provide services or facilities to one another or to the public in accordance with "Interlocal Cooperation Act" (NRS 277.080 to 277.180). d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Current contract with Aging and Disability Services agency (402) SFY 2009 - SFY 2012 (June 30, 2012) term date. UNR is a state agency. Through present, services provided by this contractor have been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User bberry bberry mtorvine ssieber rhage1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 04/18/2012 08:04:15 AM 04/18/2012 08:04:17 AM 04/18/2012 13:49:22 PM 04/18/2012 15:25:34 PM 04/23/2012 14:46:01 PM 05/11/2012 10:58:07 AM

Contract #: 13348

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12133 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) 4126 Technology Way, 3rd Floor Carson City, NV 89706

Agency Name:

HEALTH CARE FINANCING & POLICY Agency Code: 403 Appropriation Unit: 3158-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Richard Jacobs 775-684-4400 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: Government Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2010-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2009

06/30/2014 5 years Interlocal Agreement Title XIX Admin

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract to pay the federal share of costs associated with Medicaid administrative activities such as outreach, utilization review, and referral services. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $2,000,000.00 to $2,521,559.46. This amendment also revises language for medical and administrative services. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $2,000,000.00 $0.00 $521,559.46 $2,521,559.46

7. What conditions require that this work be done? DCFS performs Medicaid administrative activities including outreach, utilization review and referrals. This contract allows DHCFP as the "single State agency" for Medicaid, to receive and pass on federal funds to DCFS for these services. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees are doing this work. State employees in DCFS perform duties because these are Child Welfare Medicaid recipients. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User llamborn llamborn mtorvine dkingsle nhovden nhovden

Signature Date 05/03/2012 09:40:41 AM 05/03/2012 09:40:43 AM 05/05/2012 10:26:38 AM 05/07/2012 16:39:55 PM 05/14/2012 09:18:36 AM 05/14/2012 09:42:40 AM

Contract #: 12133

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13208 Legal Entity WOOD RODGERS INC Name: Contractor Name: WOOD RODGERS INC Address: 3301 C ST BLDG 100 B City/State/Zip SACRAMENTO, CA 95816-3300

Agency Name: HEALTH DIVISION Agency Code: 406 Appropriation Unit: 3219 - All Categories Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/823-9446 Vendor No.: T29006428 NV Business ID: NV20031304987 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Various Funding Sources Agency Reference #: HD 12190 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract Map Creation

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide communicable and chronic disease data, geo-coded to allow the development of maps illustrating disease burden over time by small geographic areas. Geo-coding services and development of intricate maps are required to be used for public health and mental health planning activities and emergency/ disaster preparedness. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $700,000.00 Other basis for payment: Based on the complexity of the task, payments can be $95 - $160 per hour.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Geo-coding services and development of intricate maps are required to be used for public health and mental health planning activities and emergency/disaster response.The Bureau of Health Planning, Statistics and Emergency Response, Public Health Preparedness Program, is responsible for setting up and operating the Department Operations Center for Health and Human Services during public health emergencies. The ability to have geo-coded data maps available, in real-time, as required, is essential for protecting Nevada's citizens and visitors from a catastrophic public health emergency. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State does not have staff capable of sourcing and preparing geo-coded maps. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division?
Contract #: 13208

Yes Yes
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a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Contractor scored the highest in technical merits, and overall cost. d. Last bid date: 01/27/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No



11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User pweyrick pweyrick mtorvine cschmid2 jborrowm nhovden Pending

Signature Date 04/20/2012 11:47:05 AM 04/20/2012 11:47:08 AM 05/05/2012 08:38:00 AM 05/07/2012 07:53:54 AM 05/14/2012 16:48:59 PM 05/15/2012 16:30:46 PM

Contract #: 13208

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13193 Legal Entity CENTURION INC DBA Name: Contractor Name: CENTURION INC DBA Address: City/State/Zip CENTURION MIDWEST INC 720 BOOKER CREEK BLVD STE 201 OLDSMAR, FL 34677

Agency Name:

WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Agency Code: 407 Appropriation Unit: 3228-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null727/431-5213 Vendor No.: T27014779 NV Business ID: NV20101385176 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 27.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 73.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract VRU Maintenance

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide onging maintenance for two (2) Voice Response Units (VRU) located at the division's Central Office, 1470 College Parkway, Carson City, and at Southern Nevada Program and Field Operations office, 628 Belrose Street, Las Vegas. VRU allows clients to receive information regarding welfare or child support programs; apply for specific programs; obtain the status of their case; or speak to a customer service representative. This contract contains an option to amend for an additional two-year period. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $36,886.08 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $1,536.92 per Month

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The contractor provides emergency hardware repair services for the VRU ensuring DWSS clients do not experience delays in services. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The contractor provides emergency hardware services so that DWSS does not have to carry expensive hardware parts in stock for emergency repairs. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Centurion, Inc was the only vendor to submit a proposal. Centurion, Inc is currently providing this service and the annual rate has remained the same since 2006. d. Last bid date: 02/06/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 02/05/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with DWSS and providing satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 03/22/2012 12:37:44 PM 04/19/2012 07:45:52 AM 05/05/2012 08:32:01 AM 05/08/2012 08:41:49 AM 05/11/2012 12:49:49 PM 05/14/2012 09:05:07 AM

Contract #: 13193

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13439 Legal Entity DELOITTE CONSULTING LLP Name: Contractor Name: DELOITTE CONSULTING LLP Address: City/State/Zip 4022 SELLS DR HERMITAGE, TN 37076-2903

Agency Name:

WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Agency Code: 407 Appropriation Unit: 3228-50 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null615/882-7158 Vendor No.: T27024237 NV Business ID: NV20081436471 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2017 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 4.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 96.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

09/30/2016 4 years and 92 days Contract HCR - Elig. Engine

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to develop and implement the Health Care Reform Eligibility Engine (HCR-EE), which is a business rules engine that will store all of the eligibility rules for the State of Nevada's publicly-subsidized health coverage programs in one place and will be accessible to individuals shopping for health coverage from multiple entry points, such as the Health Insurance Exchange as mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA). 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $24,761,639.35 Other basis for payment: Payment will be made upon receipt of invoice for each completed and State accepted deliverable as outlined in the Deliverable Payment Schedule.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) was signed into law. The Health Care Reform law mandates the creation of Health Benefit Exchanges that will allow consumers to access and evaluate plans from commercial insurers and to apply for health subsidy programs such as Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Integrating the eligibility determination and enrollment processes for publicly-subsidized health coverage programs and providing seamless coordination between the Health Benefit Exchange, Medicaid and CHIP will be critical to providing a "one-stop shop" to coverage. The intent of the law is to allow an individual to supply a limited amount of information that can be used to determine whether he/she is eligible for coverage under any of the publicly-subsidized health coverage programs available in the State. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work:
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State employees do not have the resources or expertise to provide this service. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Yes Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Vendor was chosen based on a weighted average of evaluation criteria as determined by an evaluation committee of five (5). d. Last bid date: 12/20/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Contractor was under contract with DWSS from January 2010 to February 2011 and from May 2011 to October 2011 and provided satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis lmuelle1 cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 12:28:07 PM 05/10/2012 08:48:06 AM 05/10/2012 11:53:03 AM 05/10/2012 12:40:56 PM 05/10/2012 16:00:55 PM 05/14/2012 15:00:53 PM 05/16/2012 08:53:28 AM

Contract #: 13439

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13346 Legal Entity PUBLIC CONSULTING GROUP INC Name: Contractor Name: PUBLIC CONSULTING GROUP INC Address: City/State/Zip 2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite Sacramento, CA 02109

Agency Name:

WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Agency Code: 407 Appropriation Unit: 3228-50 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Mitch Dobbins 916-565-8090 Vendor No.: T32000898B NV Business ID: NV20021466314 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 4.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 96.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

01/31/2014 1 year and 214 days Contract IV&V

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide Independent Verification and Validation Services (IV&V) related to the design, development and implementation (DD&I) of the Health Care Reform Eligibility Engine. These services will include planning and administration, verification, validation, and quality assurance activities related to the Eligibility Engine system requirements, computing platform, technical requirements, and security standards and requirements. Independent verification and validation will allow DWSS to ensure the success of the Health Care Reform Eligibility Engine project. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $1,868,300.00 Other basis for payment: Payment will be made upon receipt of invoice for each completed and State accepted deliverable as outlined in the Deliverable Payment Schedule.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Independent Verification and Validation Services are required by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) to receive federal funding associated with the Affordable Care Act. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not have the resources or expertise to provide this service. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Yes Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Contractor was chosen based on a weighted average of evaluation criteria. Contractor had the highest overall score as determined by an evaluation committee of three (3). d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with DHCFP and providing satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/16/2012 18:12:25 PM 04/24/2012 15:46:35 PM 05/05/2012 09:36:37 AM 05/09/2012 09:00:48 AM 05/14/2012 14:59:24 PM 05/16/2012 08:52:11 AM

Contract #: 13346

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13274 Legal Entity ACELERO LEARNING CLARK COUNTY Name: Contractor Name: ACELERO LEARNING CLARK COUNTY Address: 4366 W CHEYENNE AVE City/State/Zip NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV 89032-2484

Agency Name:

WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Agency Code: 407 Appropriation Unit: 3267-20 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/387-0179 Vendor No.: T27018092 NV Business ID: NV20061097175 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Childcare Delegate

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program for Head Start agencies to provide infant, toddler, and preschool child care to low income families in Southern Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance, and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $2,314,000.00 Other basis for payment: $22 average per day for each contracted slot x 22 days x 12 months for a total of 198 contracted slots per SFY.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Federal Child Care and Development Fund requires DWSS to pay child care providers that offer services to low income families. Services must be provided through a parent choice model that allows families to choose any qualified provider in the state. Funding Head Start programs increases parental choice while at the same time maximizing the use of federal and state resources. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: DWSS contracts with private and non-profit entities to meet community demands for child care services. DWSS does not possess the resources or expertise to address this demand. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? DWSS does not restrict participation and approves all public and private child care providers who are able to meet the participation requirements set forth in the Child Care State Plan and Policy Manual. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with DWSS and providing satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/10/2012 10:46:16 AM 05/01/2012 08:07:30 AM 05/05/2012 09:58:25 AM 05/08/2012 08:42:53 AM 05/11/2012 09:58:17 AM 05/14/2012 09:13:26 AM

Contract #: 13274

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13281 Legal Entity BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF LAS VEGAS Name: Contractor Name: BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF LAS VEGAS Address: City/State/Zip 2850 S LINDELL RD LAS VEGAS, NV 89146-6815

Agency Name:

WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Agency Code: 407 Appropriation Unit: 3267-23 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/253-2808 Vendor No.: T80947631A NV Business ID: NV19611001462 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Childcare Delegate

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program for delegate agencies to provide before and after school child care to low income families in Southern Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $2,280,000.00 Other basis for payment: $15 average per day for each contracted slot x 22 days x 12 months for a total of 287 contracted slots per SFY.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Federal Child Care and Development Fund requires DWSS to pay child care providers that offer services to low income families. Services must be provided through a parent choice model that allows families to choose any qualified provider in the state. Funding delegate agencies increases parental choice while at the same time maximizing the use of federal and state resources. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: DWSS contracts with private and non-profit entities to meet community demands for child care services. DWSS does not possess the resources or expertise to address this demand. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? DWSS does not restrict participation and approves all public and private child care providers who are able to meet the participation requirements set forth in the Child Care State Plan and Policy Manual. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with DWSS and providing satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/10/2012 10:45:10 AM 05/01/2012 08:06:01 AM 05/05/2012 10:04:17 AM 05/08/2012 08:43:32 AM 05/11/2012 09:45:58 AM 05/14/2012 09:18:09 AM

Contract #: 13281

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13279 Legal Entity BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SO NV Name: Contractor Name: BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SO NV Address: BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF HENDERSON 219 WATER ST. #A HENDERSON, NV 89015

Agency Name: Agency Code:


Appropriation Unit: 3267-23 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable


Contact/Phone: null702/565-6568 Vendor No.: T80981605 NV Business ID: NV19591000412 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Childcare Delegate

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program for delegate agencies to provide before and after school child care to low income families in Southern Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $674,000.00 Other basis for payment: $15 average per day for each contracted slot x 22 days x 12 months for a total of 85 contracted slots per SFY.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Federal Child Care and Development Fund requires DWSS to pay child care providers that offer services to low income families. Services must be provided through a parent choice model that allows families to choose any qualified provider in the state. Funding delegate agencies increases parental choice while at the same time maximizing the use of federal and state resources. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: DWSS contracts with private and non-profit entities to meet community demands for child care services. DWSS does not possess the resources or expertise to address this demand. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? DWSS does not restrict participation and approves all public and private child care providers who are able to meet the participation requirements set forth in the Child Care State Plan and Policy Manual. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with DWSS and providing satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/10/2012 10:45:32 AM 04/26/2012 07:43:35 AM 05/05/2012 10:01:43 AM 05/08/2012 08:42:35 AM 05/11/2012 09:49:23 AM 05/14/2012 09:16:09 AM

Contract #: 13279

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13226 Legal Entity NEVADA ASSOCIATION FOR THE Name: Contractor Name: NEVADA ASSOCIATION FOR THE Address: City/State/Zip EDUCATION OF YOUNG CHILDREN 240 S. Rock Blvd, Suite 143 Reno, NV 89502

Agency Name:

WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Agency Code: 407 Appropriation Unit: 3267-21 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Whitney Leathers 775-327-0678 Vendor No.: T81105283 NV Business ID: NV19991307517 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract Child Care

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program to coordinate financial assistance and provide a comprehensive scholarship program to increase the education of child care providers. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this contract provides for project administration, as well as scholarships and financial assistance to child care providers working towards degrees in early childhood education through the Teacher Education and Compensation Helps (T.E.A.C.H.) Early Childhood Nevada scholarship program. This program works to address the issues of under education, poor compensation, and high turnover within the early childhood field in Nevada. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $2,613,000.00 Other basis for payment: Actual per Invoice

7. What conditions require that this work be done? DWSS receives Federal Child Care and Development Funds (CCDF), which are used to improve the quality of child care programs in Nevada. This program provides a comprehensive scholarship initiative for child care providers to improve the quality and effectiveness of child care programs through a well-prepared and supported workforce. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Childcare Program does not have the staff or the resources to provide these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No

Contract #: 13226

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with DWSS and providing satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 03/26/2012 07:47:49 AM 04/20/2012 08:05:04 AM 05/05/2012 09:07:53 AM 05/08/2012 08:59:54 AM 05/11/2012 13:10:48 PM 05/14/2012 13:48:55 PM

Contract #: 13226

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13271 Legal Entity SUNRISE CHILDRENS FOUNDATION Name: Contractor Name: SUNRISE CHILDRENS FOUNDATION Address: City/State/Zip 2755 E DESERT INN RD STE 200 LAS VEGAS, NV 89121-3638

Agency Name:

WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Agency Code: 407 Appropriation Unit: 3267-20 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/731-8373 Vendor No.: T80978244 NV Business ID: NV19931063050 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Childcare Delegate

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program for Head Start agencies to provide infant, toddler, and preschool child care to low income families in Southern Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance, and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $854,000.00 Other basis for payment: $22 average per day for each contracted slot x 22 days x 12 months for a total of 74 contracted slots per SFY.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Federal Child Care and Development Fund requires DWSS to pay child care providers that offer services to low income families. Services must be provided through a parent choice model that allows families to choose any qualified provider in the state. Funding Head Start programs increases parental choice while at the same time maximizing the use of federal and state resources. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: DWSS contracts with private and non-profit entities to meet community demands for child care services. DWSS does not possess the resources or expertise to address this demand. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13271

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? DWSS does not restrict participation and approves all public and private child care providers who are able to meet the participation requirements set forth in the Child Care State Plan and Policy Manual. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with DWSS and providing satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/10/2012 10:46:37 AM 04/23/2012 07:48:56 AM 05/05/2012 09:10:55 AM 05/08/2012 08:42:12 AM 05/11/2012 09:55:57 AM 05/14/2012 09:15:02 AM

Contract #: 13271

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV6448 Amendment 2 Number: Legal Entity The Children's Cabinet Name: Contractor Name: The Children's Cabinet Address: City/State/Zip 1090 S Rock Blvd Reno, NV 89502

Agency Name:

WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Agency Code: 407 Appropriation Unit: 3267-20 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null7758566200 Vendor No.: T80943883 NV Business ID: NV1985102784 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2010-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2009

06/30/2013 4 years Contract Health And Human Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract for the division's Child Care Program, which provides eligibility, fiscal management, and resource and referral services associated with the Nevada Child Care and Development Fund in Northern and rural Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $57,764,254 to $59,911,043 due to increased caseload costs. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $51,468,521.00 $6,295,733.00 $2,146,789.00 $59,911,043.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Federal regulations require the State Lead Agency to coordinate the provision of Child Care and Development Fund child care services with other federal, state, and local child care and early childhood development programs. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not have the expertise or the resources to perform these duties.
Contract #: CONV6448 Page 1 of 2 59

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 090112B Approval Date: 04/20/2012 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently contracted with DWSS and providing satisfactory services. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis cglover cwatson

Signature Date 04/24/2012 12:14:03 PM 05/02/2012 09:59:37 AM 05/08/2012 13:56:47 PM 05/09/2012 09:00:25 AM 05/11/2012 10:05:33 AM 05/14/2012 09:11:23 AM

Contract #: CONV6448

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13276 Legal Entity YMCA OF SOUTHERN NEVADA Name: Contractor Name: YMCA OF SOUTHERN NEVADA Address: City/State/Zip 4141 MEADOWS LN LAS VEGAS, NV 89107

Agency Name:

WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Agency Code: 407 Appropriation Unit: 3267-23 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/877-7225 Vendor No.: T80911452 NV Business ID: NV19531000327 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Childcare delegate

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for the division's Child Care and Development Program for delegate agencies to provide before and after school child care to low income families in Southern Nevada. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the division collaborates with various private and non-profit agencies to assist low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or be involved in job search activities. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $92,000.00 Other basis for payment: $15 average per day for each contracted slot x 22 days x 12 months for a total of 12 contracted slots per SFY.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Federal Child Care and Development Fund requires DWSS to pay child care providers that offer services to low income families. Services must be provided through a parent choice model that allows families to choose any qualified provider in the state. Funding delegate agencies increases parental choice while at the same time maximizing the use of federal and state resources. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: DWSS contracts with private and non-profit entities to meet community demands for child care services. DWSS does not possess the resources or expertise to address this demand. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? DWSS does not restrict participation and approves all public and private child care providers who are able to meet the participation requirements set forth in the Child Care State Plan and Policy Manual. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with DWSS and providing satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/10/2012 10:45:55 AM 04/26/2012 07:46:22 AM 05/05/2012 10:04:38 AM 05/08/2012 08:43:11 AM 05/11/2012 09:47:31 AM 05/14/2012 09:17:06 AM

Contract #: 13276

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13353 Legal Entity H GIL PEACH & ASSOCIATES LLC Name: Contractor Name: H GIL PEACH & ASSOCIATES LLC Address: City/State/Zip 16232 NW OAKHILLS DR BEAVERTON, OR 97006

Agency Name:

WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Agency Code: 407 Appropriation Unit: 4862-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Gil Peach 503/645-0716 Vendor No.: T27006339 NV Business ID: NV20031164254 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Universal Energy Charge 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

12/31/2015 3 years and 183 days Contract EAP

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for the division's Energy Assistance Program and the Department of Business and Industry, Housing Division's Weatherization Assistance Program for conducting annual evaluations of the Energy and Weatherization Assistance Programs as mandated by NRS 702.280. The purpose of the annual evaluations is to determine each program's compliance; ensure funds are expended in the best interest of each program; determine operational and cost effectiveness of the program; and identify recommended changes. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $349,400.00 Other basis for payment: Payment will be made upon receipt of invoice for each completed and State accepted deliverable as outlined in the Deliverable Payment Schedule.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Annual evaluations of the Energy and Weatherization Assistance Programs are mandated by NRS 702.280. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not have the resources to provide this service. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13353 Page 1 of 2 61

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Vendor was chosen based on a weighted average of evaluation criteria as determined by an evaluation committee of five (5). d. Last bid date: 02/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 02/01/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Vendor was under contract with DWSS July 1, 2009 to December 1, 2011 and provided satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tdufresn msmit5 mtorvine afrancis cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/24/2012 12:13:22 PM 05/02/2012 10:09:54 AM 05/05/2012 10:10:49 AM 05/08/2012 08:41:05 AM 05/11/2012 13:20:39 PM 05/14/2012 09:07:34 AM

Contract #: 13353

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12094 Amendment 1 Number: Legal Entity AAA PRECISION PLUMBING INC DBA Name: Contractor Name: AAA PRECISION PLUMBING INC DBA Address: City/State/Zip PRECISION PLUMBING 7500 W. Lake Mead Bl., #9-483 LAS VEGAS, NV 89128

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3161-07 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/253-6363 Vendor No.: T29021764A NV Business ID: NV20051140113 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 408 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 08/11/2011

06/30/2012 1 year and 324 days Contract Commercial Plumbing

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides commercial plumbing services to the Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services agency campus. Due to the unique design of the facilities and the need for governmental inspections and certifications, it is required to have a licensed commercial plumber available. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $9,950.00 to $29.950.00 and extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 due to the continued need of these services. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $9,950.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $29,950.00 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to Joint Commission accreditation standards, faciilities must be regularly maintained and kept in operating order. Many different inspection procedures need to be performed annually, as well as having a service available for on-call emergencies.
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8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Currently the agency has no licensed plumbers on staff at Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services and there are no other available FTE employees with the necessary training, time or equipment to perform these functions. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor was chosen as the lowest responsible vendor bidding for the service and for familiarity with the facility. d. Last bid date: 04/02/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 04/01/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services and is doing a satisfactory job. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User pripple dprather mtorvine tpollar2 rhage1 jmurph1

Signature Date 04/11/2012 15:24:17 PM 04/16/2012 15:34:56 PM 04/17/2012 14:44:22 PM 04/18/2012 09:46:37 AM 04/24/2012 10:18:46 AM 05/11/2012 10:53:53 AM

Contract #: 12094

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13351 Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2655 Northwinds Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30009

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3161-08 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null800-562-8663 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV20101420211 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Locum Tenens

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing Locum Tenens services to the Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services, pursuant to NRS 433.344 and NRS 436.123 and the Joint Commission requirements. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $2,000,000.00 Other basis for payment: $145.00 per hour for psychiatrists and internist, $76.00 per hour for pharmacists, $30.00 per hour for pharmacy technicians.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to NRS 433.344 and 436.123, agencies are authorized to contract with qualified professionals for delivery of services. Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services operates both inpatient and outpatient programs requiring the services of psychiatrists, internists and pharmacists. When vacancies occur in the medical staff, contract psychiatrists, internists and pharmacists are needed for adequate coverage. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Staff psychiatrists, internists and pharmacists typically perform these services, however, when vacancies occur, adequate coverage is required by the Joint Commission until other psychiatrists, internists and pharmacists are hired or return to work from leave or other time off. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division?
Contract #: 13351

Yes No
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a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor was not chosen in preference to others, there are and will continue to be several locum tenens companies under contract including the other three vendors mentioned to ensure the continuity of services to consumers in the absence of staff psychiatrists. d. Last bid date: 03/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 03/03/2014 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: is currently under contract with Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services for the same services and they have performed satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User pripple dprather mtorvine tpollar2 jborrowm jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 04/13/2012 14:52:15 PM 04/30/2012 12:59:37 PM 05/05/2012 09:50:32 AM 05/07/2012 07:57:31 AM 05/15/2012 10:31:00 AM 05/15/2012 14:05:34 PM

Contract #: 13351

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13352 Legal Entity NULL, RICHARD Name: Contractor Name: NULL, RICHARD Address: City/State/Zip 3741 N MORMON FLAT RD GOLDEN VALLEY, AZ 86413

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3161-08 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null928/565-7668 Vendor No.: T27019379 NV Business ID: NV20111547895 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Psychiatric Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide support for psychiatric services to the clients of Rural Services Community Mental Health Centers. Nursing and physician assistant services are necessary to provide direct consumer care, evaluations and screenings, medication prescriptions and management, triage, telephone consultation, training, and other such necessary services at mental health clinics in the rural outlying areas of the state. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $345,600.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per Hour

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to NRS 433.344 and 436.123, the Division may contract with qualified professional staff to provide services to consumers; this is especially critical in the rural underserved areas of the state. Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services provides outpatient programs requiring the services of nursing staff; when vacancies occur, contract services are required to ensure adequate coverage for consumers. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Staff nurses typically perform these services; however, when vacancies occur, coverage is required by Joint Commission standards until other staff are hired or return to work from vacations, leave, etc. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division?
Contract #: 13352

No No
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a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Not selected in preference to others; several practitioners have and will continue to be contracted with in order to ensure adequate consumer coverage and delivery of services in rural areas of the state. Pursuant to NRS 433.344 and 436.123, agencies are authorized to contract with qualified professionals for delivery of services. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Richard Null is currently under contract with Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services working in the southern rural clinics. His work performance has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User pripple dprather mtorvine tpollar2 jborrowm jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 04/13/2012 15:37:18 PM 04/24/2012 14:45:41 PM 05/07/2012 09:24:40 AM 05/07/2012 14:33:28 PM 05/15/2012 10:36:20 AM 05/15/2012 14:03:57 PM

Contract #: 13352

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13342 Legal Entity Dignity Health d/b/a Name: Contractor Name: Dignity Health d/b/a Address: City/State/Zip SAINT MARYS REGIONAL MED CNTR 235 W 6TH ST RENO, NV 89503-4548

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3162-08 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/770-3015 Vendor No.: T27017956M NV Business ID: NV20021193622 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Registered Dietitian

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide a Registered Dietitian, who will afford appropriate nutritional care for clients. This will include food and nutrition therapy in a timely and effective manner in accordance with standards of practice for nutrition and disease conditions. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $118,200.00 Other basis for payment: $50. per hour, up to 1182 hours per State Fiscal Year 2013 = $59,100. and $50. per hour, up to 1182 hours in State Fiscal Year 2014 = $59,100.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to NRS 433 and a Joint Commission requirement for accreditation, a Registered Dietitian must be available to consumers to provide nutritional care, nutritional education and diet therapy in accordance with accepted professional practices and standards. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Our full time dietitian resigned and an open announcement for the position has resulted in the position not being filled. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13342 Page 1 of 2 65

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The State position is still being posted in hope of filling our vacant position. St Mary's has the ability and willingness to provide coverage of this position until it is filled. d. Last bid date: 03/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 03/01/2014 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2010 to present - Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services - Satisfactory 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User eobrien dprather mtorvine cweil jborrowm jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 04/13/2012 07:35:12 AM 04/13/2012 07:37:47 AM 05/07/2012 08:21:26 AM 05/07/2012 14:37:04 PM 05/15/2012 10:40:23 AM 05/15/2012 14:01:19 PM

Contract #: 13342

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12816 Legal Entity TALYST INC Name: Contractor Name: TALYST INC Address: City/State/Zip ATTN: LEGAL COUNSEL 11100 NE 8TH ST 6TH FLOOR BELLEVUE, WA 98004

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3164-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null425/289-5400 Vendor No.: PUR0004503 NV Business ID: NV20111652852 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 06/2012 11/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain The contract was to start on November 1, 2011; however, due to staff turnover and lengthy negotiations between contractor's legal team and the State Attorney General's office, contract preparation and submission was regrettably delayed. Since this vendor provides vital services related to the distribution of patients' medication, services were provided prior to approval of the contract to ensure continuity of patients' medication. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2014 2 years and 242 days Contract Pharmacy Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide pharmacy automation to inpatient facilities. The vendor will provide technical assistance, and support and preventative maintenance for the AutoPack and AutoLabel oral solid packaging equipment and software at the Rawson Neal Hospital. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $84,320.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $2,635.00 per month

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Per NRS 433.514, policies and systems must be in place for the proper administration, storage and handling of medications by nurses and non-professional staff. The oral solid packaging system interfaces with medstations and packages appropriate unit doses and dispenses medications. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees and other Stage agencies do not have the skills or expertise to provide these services. Talyst Inc. provides support and technical assistance for the equipment and software. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No

Contract #: 12816

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 110919 Approval Date: 09/30/2011 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The oral solid packaging system interfaces with pharmacy medstations, packages appropriate unit doses and dispenses medications. This interface is already in place and works well. Other vendors do not have access to the equipment or the interface. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 09/01/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Talyst has been providing this service as a subcontractor within the Carefusion contract to Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services since 2004. Talyst has provided satisfactory services. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval
Contract #: 12816

User khawkin1 dprather mtorvine khawkin1 jborrowm nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 11:04:41 AM 05/09/2012 11:21:05 AM 05/09/2012 13:19:00 PM 05/09/2012 13:23:37 PM 05/15/2012 15:41:24 PM 05/16/2012 15:11:59 PM
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Contract #: 12816

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13345 Legal Entity BOARD OF REGENTS-NSHE OBO Name: UNR Contractor Name: BOARD OF REGENTS-NSHE OBO UNR Address: CONTROLLERS MAIL STOP 235 City/State/Zip RENO, NV 89557

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3168-15 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775-784-6385 Vendor No.: D35000849 NV Business ID: N/A To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

09/10/2012 101 days Interlocal Agreement Needs Assessment

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal contract to provide a needs assessment as recommended by the Nevada Olmstead Report to review the needs of individuals placed out of state, write individualized plans to return them to Nevada, and to develop a plan to establish specialized services within Nevada communities to serve this population. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $14,850.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Federal Supreme Court Decision, the Olmstead Decision, impacted the ways people with disabilities should be served and strengthened the enforcement and regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Additionally, in September 2012, a Nevada Olmstead Report was completed recommending that Nevada review out-of-state residential supports and develop a plan to develop specialized services within Nevada communities to serve this population. This recommendation was established as a priority in Nevada's Olmstead Initiative for 2012. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Due to budget and position cuts there currently are no resources to perform this significant Olmstead Initiative needs assessment work with the quick turnaround times that are required. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13345 Page 1 of 2 67

Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities exists with the primary function of doing research, planning and providing services with the goals and objectives of helping to improve and enrich the lives of people with disabilities in the state of Nevada and is best qualified for the job. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity exempt under section 501(c)(3) 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User khawkin1 dprather mtorvine rrichar7 rhage1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 04/13/2012 08:05:27 AM 04/13/2012 08:08:28 AM 04/17/2012 15:19:29 PM 04/23/2012 08:09:39 AM 04/24/2012 16:09:11 PM 05/11/2012 10:50:45 AM

Contract #: 13345

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12509 Amendment 1 Number: Legal Entity Nevada System of Higher Education Name: Contractor Name: Nevada System of Higher Education Address: City/State/Zip Pennington Bldg. Mailstop 332 Reno, NV 89557

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3168-20 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775-784-6003 Vendor No.: D35000816 NV Business ID: N/A To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2011

06/30/2013 2 years Interlocal Agreement Psych residency

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides postgraduate psychiatric residency services and training for University of Nevada School of Medicine residents at the Northern and Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services facilities in Sparks and Las Vegas. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $1,620,586 to $1,640,018 due to the needed addition of one Fourth Post Graduate Year for a 3-month rotation period beginning July 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $1,620,586.00 $0.00 $19,432.00 $1,640,018.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to NRS 277.180, the Division is authorized to contract with other governmental agencies for the provision of services. Psychiatric residency services provide valuable training for residents and clinical psychiatric services to consumers at the Division's facilities in Las Vegas and Sparks. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Services provided by psychiatric residents also provide training for medical school postgraduates by current medical staff at the Division's facilities, as well as assist in delivering necessary mental health services to consumers.
Contract #: 12509 Page 1 of 2 68

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? In accordance with NRS 277.180, the Division has contracted with the University medical school to provide postgraduate psychiatric residents with training and assist in delivery of behavioral health services to consumers. d. Last bid date: 04/01/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 04/01/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Vendor has provided psychiatric residents for training and delivery of services to mental health consumers at the Division's mental health agencies. Performance has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User jwilso3 dprather mtorvine khawkin1 jborrowm jmurph1

Signature Date 04/25/2012 09:09:33 AM 04/25/2012 13:22:56 PM 05/05/2012 07:38:59 AM 05/10/2012 12:59:49 PM 05/15/2012 11:07:09 AM 05/15/2012 13:51:46 PM

Contract #: 12509

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11014 Amendment 4 Number: Legal Entity ZIRMED INC Name: Contractor Name: ZIRMED INC Address: City/State/Zip 626 W MAIN ST FL 6 LOUISVILLE, KY 40202

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3168-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Jim Lacy 502/473-7709 Vendor No.: T29016276 NV Business ID: NV20101524863 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2008-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 01/30/2008

06/30/2012 4 years and 337 days Contract Electronic Billing

5. Purpose of contract: This is the fourth amendment to the original contract, which provides billing clearinghouse services in support of Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services billing and collections activities. The use of clearinghouse enhances claim edit capabilities, reduces claim denials, facilitates electronic billing, speeds revenue collection and strengthens reporting requirements. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to December 31, 2012 and increases the maximum amount from $130,274.00 to $168,858.00 due to the continued need for these services. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $9,995.00 $120,279.00 $38,584.00 $168,858.00 12/31/2012

7. What conditions require that this work be done? In accordance with the Office of the State Controller's Accounting Policies and Procedures manual and agency guidelines, billing for outpatient/inpatient services will be completed in a regular timely pattern, either monthly or as services are performed. This contract will allow billing to be completed on a regular basis with a minimum amount of errors/denials, increased analytic tools and oversight capability.
Contract #: 11014 Page 1 of 2 69

8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Reporting, editing services and claim management functions are proprietary to ZirMed and are not duplicated with software currently in place with the agency. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Cost and package of services were most suited to Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services' operation. d. Last bid date: 06/01/2007 Anticipated re-bid date: 10/01/2008 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: ZirMed Inc. is currently under contract with the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services and has provided satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User khawkin1 dprather mtorvine khawkin1 jborrowm nhovden

Signature Date 04/16/2012 13:07:02 PM 04/16/2012 15:30:41 PM 05/05/2012 08:53:38 AM 05/09/2012 11:03:22 AM 05/16/2012 11:32:53 AM 05/16/2012 13:57:35 PM

Contract #: 11014

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11819 Amendment 2 Number: Legal Entity Coop Consulting, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: Coop Consulting, Inc. Address: City/State/Zip P.O. Box 22822 Santa Fe, NM 87502-2822

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3170-28 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null505-424-4365 Vendor No.: T27020378A NV Business ID: NV20101296222 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 02/08/2011

09/29/2012 4 years Contract SEOW - Consulting

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides training and reporting necessary for the State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup program. The amendment adds deliverables related to completing the Substance Abuse Prevention Strategic Plan, in addition to providing services necessary to fulfill the requirements of the new combined Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment/Community Mental Health Services Block Grant application. This amendment extends the termination date from September 29, 2012, to February 07, 2015; and adds $26,250 for additional deliverables, and $144,000 for the extension of time, increasing the maximum amount from $117,750 to $288,000. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $72,000.00 $45,750.00 $170,250.00 $288,000.00 02/07/2015

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NRS 458.035 allows for the Division to contract in order to carry out the provisions of NRS 458.010 to 458.350, inclusive. A condition of funding requires the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency to perform the work, which is directly related to the agencies core mission of preventing substance abuse.
Contract #: 11819 Page 1 of 2 70

8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State does not have adequate resources, nor the expertise, to perform the work that will be provided by Coop Consulting, Inc. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 100913B Approval Date: 04/12/2012 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Coop Consulting, Inc. has developed reports and provided training to Single State Authorities (SSAs) for substance abuse prevention through planning for implementation of the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG). The SEOW was developed as a result of the SPF SIG. The funding from Synectics is intended to be used to support the continuation of the SEOW until a decretionary grant becomes available. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2009-2010: State of Nevada, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency. (Contractor rated as satisfactory) 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval
Contract #: 11819

User gleiss dprather mtorvine rvernon jborrowm jmurph1

Signature Date 04/20/2012 10:28:20 AM 04/30/2012 08:21:09 AM 05/05/2012 09:41:03 AM 05/07/2012 11:28:00 AM 05/15/2012 10:55:06 AM 05/15/2012 13:58:42 PM
Page 2 of 2 70







BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13242 Legal Entity Scott Edwards & Katherine Edwards Name: Contractor Name: Mason Valley Janitorial Address: City/State/Zip 8 Van Fleet Drive Yerington, NV 89447

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3648-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775-463-2052 Vendor No.: T32000585 NV Business ID: NV20101023107 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 04/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2015 2 years and 364 days Contract Janitorial Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide janitorial services for the Silver Springs Mental Health Centers to provide a clean, sanitary facility for the consumers use. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $17,100.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $475.00 per month Other basis for payment: FY13 $475.00 per month x 12 months = $5,700.00, FY14 $475.00 per month x 12 months = $5,700.00, and FY15 $475.00 per month x 12 months = $5,700.00.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? SAM 1008, 1014 and exhibit C of the Lease. The Mental Health Center needs to be cleaned for the health and welfare of the clients and employees of the centers. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: No state employees are available in these rural areas to provide these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13242 Page 1 of 2 71

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Mason Valley Janitorial was chosen over the other vendors who presented quotes because of the satisfactory services that we have received from them. d. Last bid date: 08/29/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 01/01/2015 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This vendor has worked with Rural Services Yerington Mental Health Center from 06/04/07 to present and has provided satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? No b. If "No", please explain: Scott and Katherine Edwards are the owners of Mason Valley Janitorial 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User smcmilli dprather mtorvine jlyma2 rhage1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 04/03/2012 15:40:31 PM 04/04/2012 08:09:17 AM 04/13/2012 16:52:25 PM 04/16/2012 09:49:23 AM 04/17/2012 10:40:17 AM 05/11/2012 11:02:14 AM

Contract #: 13242

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13243 Legal Entity ROITMAN, NORTON A MD Name: Contractor Name: ROITMAN, NORTON A MD Address: City/State/Zip 2340 PASEO DEL PRADO STE D307 LAS VEGAS, NV 89102

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES Agency Code: 409 Appropriation Unit: 3179-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/222-1812 Vendor No.: T80922564 NV Business ID: NV2010539575 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 29 days Contract Counseling

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide psychiatric services to the youth at Caliente Youth Center. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $24,120.00 Other basis for payment: $180.00 per hour for on site psychiatric care, $165.00 per hour for video conferance care; $30.00 per hour travel.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Assessment of youth is a highly specialized service. Recommendations are needed to guide treatment planning, placement decisions and reunification with family if out of home placement is needed. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: There is no state employees in the region qualified to provide this type of assessment. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13243 Page 1 of 2 72

This vendor was the only one to submit a bid. d. Last bid date: 03/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No



11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of child and Family Services. Service has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dkluever dkluever mtorvine ascott nhovden jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 04/03/2012 14:20:40 PM 04/03/2012 14:20:43 PM 04/09/2012 13:24:15 PM 04/10/2012 13:01:10 PM 04/11/2012 14:23:13 PM 05/11/2012 11:01:07 AM

Contract #: 13243

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13124 Legal Entity CHURCHILL COUNTY Name: Contractor Name: CHURCHILL COUNTY Address: City/State/Zip 155 N TAYLOR ST 182 FALLON, NV 89406

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES Agency Code: 409 Appropriation Unit: 3229-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775-423-4092 Vendor No.: T81018856 NV Business ID: Governmental Agency To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2013 364 days Revenue Contract CPS Assessment

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new revenue interlocal agreement to recognize the benefit of collaborating partnerships with rural counties to ensure the safety and well-being of children and support the provision of child protective services to meet the needs of the children in the community pursuant to Senate Bill 480. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $218,570.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $54,642.50 per quarter

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a revenue contract. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This is a revenue contract. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13124 Page 1 of 2 73

This is a revenue contract. d. Last bid date: 06/01/2012

Anticipated re-bid date: No


10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User pcolegro dkluever mtorvine rjacob3 nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/10/2012 13:54:33 PM 05/10/2012 14:51:45 PM 05/11/2012 15:03:19 PM 05/11/2012 15:05:57 PM 05/15/2012 09:28:40 AM 05/15/2012 10:40:44 AM

Contract #: 13124

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13123 Legal Entity LYON, COUNTY OF Name: Contractor Name: LYON, COUNTY OF Address: City/State/Zip LYON COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES 27 S MAIN ST YERINGTON, NV 89447

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES Agency Code: 409 Appropriation Unit: 3229-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/577-5009 Vendor No.: T40156600AH NV Business ID: Governmental Agency To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 05/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2013 364 days Revenue Contract CPS Assessment

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new revenue interlocal agreement to recognize the benefit of collaborating partnerships with rural counties to ensure the safety and well-being of children and support the provision of child protective services to meet the needs of the children in the community pursuant to Senate Bill 480. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $395,265.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $98,816.25 per quarter

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a revenue contract. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This is a revenue contract. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13123 Page 1 of 2 74

This is a revenue contract. d. Last bid date: 06/01/2012

Anticipated re-bid date: No


10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User pcolegro dkluever mtorvine rjacob3 nhovden nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/10/2012 13:53:37 PM 05/10/2012 14:51:20 PM 05/11/2012 15:03:08 PM 05/11/2012 15:05:44 PM 05/15/2012 10:48:30 AM 05/15/2012 10:48:57 AM

Contract #: 13123

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13246 Legal Entity CARLSON, N KATHY Name: Contractor Name: CARLSON, N KATHY Address: City/State/Zip PO BOX 1187 ELKO, NV 89803-1187

Agency Name:

DIVISION OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES Agency Code: 409 Appropriation Unit: 3259-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/738-6162 Vendor No.: T81023187 NV Business ID: NV2010592615 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide haircuts to the youth at the Nevada Youth Training Center. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $19,440.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $9.00 per Haircut Other basis for payment: NYTC averages 90 haicuts per month, 9 X 90=810, 810 X 24=19,440

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Youths adjudicated to the Nevada Youth Training Center need 3 to 6 haircuts during their 6 to 12 month stay in order to be properly groomed. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: No one on staff is properly licensed to perform these duties. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 13246 Page 1 of 2 75

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Solicited bids from 24 vendors, 14 expressed no interest at the time of contact, 10 requested bid packets. Received only one bid. d. Last bid date: 03/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 03/01/2014 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child and Family Services. Service has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? No b. If "No", is an exemption on file with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dkluever dkluever mtorvine ascott nhovden jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 04/09/2012 09:51:48 AM 04/09/2012 09:51:51 AM 04/16/2012 17:31:16 PM 04/17/2012 14:46:46 PM 04/18/2012 11:55:29 AM 05/11/2012 10:59:42 AM

Contract #: 13246

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11432 Amendment 2 Number: Legal Entity AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Address: City/State/Zip Attn: Jeff Albee 1405 West Auto Drive Tempe, AZ 85284-1016

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-16 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Jeff Albee 480-940-2320 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: nv19941068472 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: NVMD 21-2010 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 09/09/2010

12/30/2013 3 years and 113 days Contract GIS Geoengineering

5. Purpose of contract: This is second amendment to the original contract, which provides professional geoengineering services and related software support. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $99,577 to $114,227 to provide additional staff training and augmentation. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $44,877.00 $54,700.00 $14,650.00 $114,227.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? National Guard Bureau requires that an on-call geographic information system (GIS) Engineer be available to meet the GIS Standards and Requirements of Geospatial Data. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Agency personnel do not possess necessary skills and certifications to perform requisite GIS engineering. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Per NAC 333.150, vendor has requisite skills and certifications to perform professional GIS engineering. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Office of the Military contracted with this vendor in FY10 and the services provided are satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jborrowm nhovden

Signature Date 05/09/2012 12:05:56 PM 05/09/2012 12:05:59 PM 05/09/2012 12:06:01 PM 05/09/2012 12:06:03 PM 05/14/2012 14:38:41 PM 05/15/2012 12:29:16 PM

Contract #: 11432

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13287 Legal Entity AMERICAN EQUIPMENT INC DBA Name: Contractor Name: AMERICAN EQUIPMENT INC DBA Address: City/State/Zip AMQUIP 451 W 3440 S SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115-4227

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null801/269-0896 Vendor No.: PUR0004436 NV Business ID: NV19911046981 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 40.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 40.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 20.00 % Rental Income Agency Reference #: NVMD # 028-2012 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 05/2012 06/13/2012

06/12/2016 4 years Contract Crane Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for crane services, including repair and service work, annual inspections and certifications, maintenance work, load testing, system testing, and all other services associated with cranes. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $99,900.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $24,975.00 per fiscal year Other basis for payment: Progress payments can be made per invoice per services provided.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Facilities require crane services, including repair and service work, annual inspections and certifications, maintenance work, load testing, system testing, and all other services associated with cranes. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: We do not have the equipment of the certifications to do this type of work. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13287 Page 1 of 2 77

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Multiple vendors were chosen by the Evaluation Committee that was held on March 23, 2012. d. Last bid date: 03/16/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User jfloren1 jfloren1 jfloren1 jfloren1 jborrowm jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 05/15/2012 07:54:01 AM 05/15/2012 07:54:10 AM 05/15/2012 07:54:13 AM 05/15/2012 07:54:17 AM 05/15/2012 08:44:26 AM 05/15/2012 14:07:23 PM

Contract #: 13287

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13288 Legal Entity BURGARELLO ALARM INC Name: Contractor Name: BURGARELLO ALARM INC Address: City/State/Zip 50 SNIDER WAY SPARKS, NV 89431-6308

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/359-9415 Vendor No.: T80558060 NV Business ID: NV19751006182 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 40.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 40.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 20.00 % Rental Income Agency Reference #: NVMD # 026-2012 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 06/13/2012

06/12/2016 4 years Contract Alarm Monitoring

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to establish services for fire alarm monitoring services on an "as needed" basis, statewide. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $99,900.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $24,975.00 per fiscal year Other basis for payment: Progress payments can be made per invoice per services provided.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a service contract that will allow vendors perform fire alarm monitoring services under contract so we can comply with NRS & NAC. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: We do not have the equipment of the certifications to do this type of work. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor was chosen by the Evaluation Committee that was held on March 23, 2012. d. Last bid date: 03/16/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This vendor has performed work for the Office of the Military in FY 11; services rendered were satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jborrowm nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 06:43:47 AM 05/09/2012 06:43:50 AM 05/09/2012 06:43:52 AM 05/09/2012 06:43:55 AM 05/14/2012 13:48:45 PM 05/15/2012 11:53:06 AM

Contract #: 13288

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13425 Legal Entity CHEM AQUA INC Name: Contractor Name: CHEM AQUA INC Address: City/State/Zip 23261 NETWORK PL CHICAGO, IL 60673

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null800/527-9921 Vendor No.: T29023740A NV Business ID: NV19991172643 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 40.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 40.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 20.00 % Agency Reference #: NVMD # 025-2012 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 06/13/2012

06/12/2016 4 years Contract HVAC Water Treatment

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to establish services for water treatment services on our heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment on an as needed basis, statewide. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $99,900.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $24,975.00 per fiscal year Other basis for payment: Progress payments can be made per invoice per services provided.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a service contract that will allow vendors perform water treatment services for our HVAC equipment under contract so we can comply with NRS & NAC. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: We do not have the equipment or the certifications to do this type of work. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13425 Page 1 of 2 79

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor was chosen by the Evaluation Committee that was held on March 23, 2012. d. Last bid date: 03/16/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jborrowm nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 06:54:52 AM 05/09/2012 06:54:54 AM 05/09/2012 06:54:56 AM 05/09/2012 06:54:58 AM 05/14/2012 13:06:59 PM 05/15/2012 15:32:39 PM

Contract #: 13425

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13412 Legal Entity H&K Architects Name: Contractor Name: H&K Architects Address: City/State/Zip Reno, NV 89511

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Max Hershenow 775-332-6640 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: nv19941047730 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 056-2012 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

09/12/2012 103 days Interlocal Agreement NV Design Manuals

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for design service and Type A services for the proposed material and building systems and standards for the Nevada Army National Guard facilities for future projects. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $67,700.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Provide design documents and Type A services for the proposed material and building systems and standards for the Nevada Army National Guard facilities for future projects. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not possess requisite skills and certifications to design documents for manuals. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Yes Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13412 Page 1 of 2 80

Per NAC 333.150, vendor has requisite skills and certifications to perform the professional design manuals. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: H&K has been frequently used by this agency and has provided satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jborrowm nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 12:41:24 PM 05/09/2012 12:41:26 PM 05/09/2012 12:41:28 PM 05/09/2012 12:41:30 PM 05/14/2012 11:18:59 AM 05/15/2012 15:59:22 PM

Contract #: 13412

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13419 Legal Entity H&K Architects Name: Contractor Name: H&K Architects Address: City/State/Zip 5485 RENO CORPORATE DR STE 100 RENO, NV 89511-2262

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Max Hershenow 775/332-6640 Vendor No.: T80984709 NV Business ID: nv19941047730 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 055-2012 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

09/12/2012 103 days Contract C-12 Hangar Door

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide design documents and type A, B, and C services for the C-12 Hangar Door Remodel and Solar Wall Installation. Type C services assume 3 projects will be constructed concurrently under one contract. C-12 building is located at the Washoe County Armory. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $69,100.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Provide design documents and Type A, B, and C services for the C-12 Hangar Door Remodel and Solar Wall Installation. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not possess requisite skills and certifications to design documents and Type A, B, and C services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13419 Page 1 of 2 81

Per NAC 333.150 vendor has requisite skills and certifications to perform the professional design Type A, B, C. d. Last bid date: 04/06/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This vendor has been used by the Office of the Military and has performed satisfactorily. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jborrowm nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 12:18:50 PM 05/09/2012 12:18:52 PM 05/09/2012 12:18:54 PM 05/09/2012 12:18:56 PM 05/14/2012 13:25:27 PM 05/15/2012 15:53:58 PM

Contract #: 13419

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11548 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 3 JBR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. JBR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 595 Double Eagle Court Suite 2000 Reno, NV 89521

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Brian Boyd 775/747-5777 Vendor No.: T27006724 NV Business ID: nv20101171742 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: NVMD 19-2010 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 10/12/2010

06/30/2012 2 years and 81 days Contract Weed Abatement

5. Purpose of contract: This is the third amendment to the original contract, which provides for weed abatement at the Stead Training Facility. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to December 31, 2012 and increases the maximum amount from $39,787 to $64,787 to provide weed abatement services for the increased number of acres along the receeding shoreline due to the lack of precipitation. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $22,237.00 $17,550.00 $25,000.00 $64,787.00 12/31/2012

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The outbreak of an invasive weed needs to be mitigated to prevent the complete takeover of the area. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not have adequate certifications for this type of chemical for weed abatement.
Contract #: 11548 Page 1 of 2 82

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Per the evaluation committee, this vendor had the highest overall score. d. Last bid date: 07/01/2010 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This vendor is currently under contract with the Wildlife Department and the services have been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jborrowm nhovden

Signature Date 05/09/2012 08:54:23 AM 05/09/2012 08:54:26 AM 05/09/2012 08:54:28 AM 05/09/2012 08:54:31 AM 05/14/2012 14:34:06 PM 05/15/2012 12:04:43 PM

Contract #: 11548

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13416 Legal Entity Poggermeyer Design Group Name: Contractor Name: Poggermeyer Design Group Address: City/State/Zip 6960 Smoke Ranch Rd. suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89128

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Adam Pilarz P.E 702-255-8100 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: nv19811011150 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 044-2012 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

08/12/2012 72 days Contract FETC Flood prevent

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide design documents and professional services for the repair and flood prevention throughout the Floyd Edsall Training Center Site in Las Vegas Nevada. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $14,000.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Due to recent flood issues and mitigating expenditures, site requires re-design and professional services for the repair and flood prevention throughout the Floyd Edsall Training Center site. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not possess requisite skills and certifications to design 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13416 Page 1 of 2 83

Per NAC 333.150 vendor has requisite skills and certifications to perform the professional design d. Last bid date: 04/13/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: A review of DAWN indicates that this vendor has been regularly used by the State of Nevada. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jborrowm nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 07:30:38 AM 05/09/2012 07:30:40 AM 05/09/2012 07:56:46 AM 05/09/2012 07:59:54 AM 05/14/2012 12:58:14 PM 05/15/2012 16:17:56 PM

Contract #: 13416

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13413 Legal Entity TEDCO CONSTRUCTION LLC Name: Contractor Name: TEDCO CONSTRUCTION LLC Address: City/State/Zip PO BOX 60640 RENO, NV 89506

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Ted Taylor 775-972-0107 Vendor No.: T29025922 NV Business ID: nv20061603722 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 038-2012 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

09/12/2012 103 days Contract AASF Ceiling Tile

5. Purpose of contract: This is new contract to provide ceiling tile replacement at the Army Aviation Support Facility building at the Washoe County Armory. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $48,988.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Provide ceiling tile replacement for the AASF building; the vendor will remove old ceiling tile and replacement with ceiling tile per specs. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not possess requisite skills and certifications to remove and replace ceiling tile. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13413 Page 1 of 2 84

Per NAC 333.150, vendor has requisite skills and certifications to perform the ceiling tile project. d. Last bid date: 04/10/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Office of the Military has previously contracted with this vendor with satisfactory results. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jmcentee jborrowm nhovden Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 13:30:34 PM 05/09/2012 13:30:36 PM 05/09/2012 13:30:38 PM 05/09/2012 13:30:41 PM 05/14/2012 15:20:46 PM 05/15/2012 16:23:34 PM

Contract #: 13413

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13389 Legal Entity Arrow Vending, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: Arrow Vending, Inc. Address: 57 E. Freeport City/State/Zip Sparks, NV 89431

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3708-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Annette Bland 775.750.1660 Vendor No.: T29018034 NV Business ID: NV19981267382 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue for 3708 Offenders Store Fund 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2016 4 years and 30 days Revenue Contract Vending Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide vending machine services for correctional facilities located in Northern Nevada. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $174,316.00 Other basis for payment: Commissions payable to NDOC by the 15th of the following month.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a contract to provide continued revenue for the Offenders Store Fund through commission received from vending machine sales. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Department of Corrections does not have the staff and/or equipment necessary. No other State agency offers these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13389 Page 1 of 2 85

The RFP evaluation committee scored Arrow Vending, Inc. highest for the Northern region based on a predetermined set of criteria and weights. d. Last bid date: 03/05/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 03/06/2012 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: FY08 - Current; NDOC. Services have been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dmartine bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/03/2012 12:09:09 PM 05/04/2012 08:03:31 AM 05/04/2012 11:57:52 AM 05/05/2012 15:30:09 PM 05/13/2012 12:32:49 PM 05/15/2012 10:53:23 AM

Contract #: 13389

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13381 Legal Entity First Class Vending, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: First Class Vending, Inc. Address: 6875 Suva Street City/State/Zip Bell Gardens, CA 90201

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3708-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Matthew Marsh 323.268.7632 Vendor No.: T27029212 NV Business ID: NV20101426624 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue for 3708 Offenders Store Fund 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2016 4 years and 30 days Revenue Contract Vending Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing vending machine services for correctional facilities located in Southern and Eastern Nevada regions. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $668,528.00 Other basis for payment: Commissions payable to NDOC by the 15th of the following month / Signing bonus to be paid every contract year.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a contract to provide continued revenue for the Offenders Store Fund through commission received from vending machine sales. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Department of Corrections does not have the staff and/or equipment necessary. No other State agency offers these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 13381 Page 1 of 2 86

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The RFP evaluation committee scored First Class Vending, Inc. highest for the Southern/Eastern regions based on a predetermined set of criteria and weights. d. Last bid date: 03/05/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 03/05/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: DETR. Services have been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dmartine bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/26/2012 06:40:58 AM 04/27/2012 13:15:24 PM 05/01/2012 19:46:26 PM 05/03/2012 11:32:16 AM 05/13/2012 12:40:30 PM 05/14/2012 08:38:41 AM

Contract #: 13381

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13410 Legal Entity Berry Enterprises, Inc DBA Sierra Name: Electronics Contractor Name: Berry Enterprises, Inc DBA Sierra Electronics Address: 690 East Glendale Ave. Suite 9B City/State/Zip Sparks, NV 89431

Agency Name:


Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3710-05 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Dan Pena 775.359.1211 Vendor No.: PUR0000741 NV Business ID: NV19901013254 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 29 days Contract Radio Narrowbanding

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide services to convert or replace existing equipment at multiple correctional facilities located in Northern Nevada operating at a 25 kHz land mobile radio systems to narrowband 12.5 kHz efficiency technology as required by Federal Communications Commission Narrowbanding Mandate. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $45,459.00 Other basis for payment: Upon completion of service and submission of invoice.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? On January 1, 2013, all public safety and business industrial land mobile radio systems operating in the 150-512 MHz radio bands must cease operating using 25 kHz efficiency technology, and begin operating using at least 12.5 kHz efficiency technology. This deadline is the result of an FCC effort that began almost two decades ago to ensure more efficient use of the spectrum and greater spectrum access for public safety and non-public safety users. Migration to 12.5 kHz efficiency technology (once referred to as Refarming, but now referred to as Narrowbanding) will allow the creation of additional channel capacity within the same radio spectrum, and support more users ( narrowbanding.html). 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Department of Corrections does not have the expertise, licensing and/or equipment necessary. No other agency provides these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13410

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Although their cost came in a lot higher than was anticipated, Berry Enterprises, Inc. dba Sierra Electronics was the lowest, most responsible bidder to respond with pricing for correctional facilities located in Northern Nevada. d. Last bid date: 04/13/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbec2 bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/03/2012 11:02:42 AM 05/04/2012 07:59:18 AM 05/07/2012 09:29:48 AM 05/09/2012 10:40:54 AM 05/13/2012 12:57:55 PM 05/15/2012 09:07:00 AM

Contract #: 13410

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13409 Legal Entity McIntosh Communications, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: McIntosh Communications, Inc. Address: 4640 So. Arville Street City/State/Zip Las Vegas, NV 89103

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3710-05 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Myron Wendel 702.253.5390 Vendor No.: PUR0001613 NV Business ID: NV19901012005 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 29 days Contract Radio Narrowbanding

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide services to convert or replace existing equipment at multiple correctional facilities located in Southern and Eastern Nevada, operating at a 25 kHz land mobile radio (LMR) systems to narrowband 12.5 kHz efficiency technology as required by Federal Communications Commission Narrowbanding Mandate. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $18,374.00 Other basis for payment: Upon completion of service and submission of invoice.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? On January 1, 2013, all public safety and business industrial land mobile radio systems operating in the 150-512 MHz radio bands must cease operating using 25 kHz efficiency technology, and begin operating using at least 12.5 kHz efficiency technology. This deadline is the result of an FCC effort that began almost two decades ago to ensure more efficient use of the spectrum and greater spectrum access for public safety and non-public safety users. Migration to 12.5 kHz efficiency technology (once referred to as Refarming, but now referred to as Narrowbanding) will allow the creation of additional channel capacity within the same radio spectrum, and support more users ( 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Department of Corrections does not have the expertise, licensing and/or equipment necessary. No other agency provides these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes

Contract #: 13409

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? McIntosh Communications, Inc. was the only vendor to provide quotes for correctional facilities located in Southern Nevada. They demonstrated that they are able to provide the services necessary and within the time frame needed. d. Last bid date: 04/13/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: FY07 - FY08; Nevada Department of Corrections. Services have been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbec2 bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/03/2012 11:03:28 AM 05/04/2012 08:00:50 AM 05/07/2012 09:30:20 AM 05/09/2012 10:30:32 AM 05/13/2012 13:01:52 PM 05/14/2012 08:40:22 AM

Contract #: 13409

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12862 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 Sophos, Inc. Sophos, Inc. 3 Van De Graaff Drive Burlington, MA 01803-5136

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3710-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: John Sullivan 781.494.5845 Vendor No.: T27030157 NV Business ID: NV20121188827 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 04/19/2012

06/30/2015 3 years and 72 days Contract Professional Service

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides onsite implementation services and product training for Sophos Endpoint Security/Control licensing and support. This amendment increases the maximum from $7,931.48 to $13,102.20 due to the addition of professional services for the onsite installation and configuration phase. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $7,931.48 $0.00 $5,170.72 $13,102.20

7. What conditions require that this work be done?

Contract #: 12862

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The Department of Corrections made a one-time purchase of SOPHOS Endpoint Security / Control Licensing from Digital Dimension (State Purchasing Invitation to Bid #7943). NDOC specifically requested SOPHOS as they are our current provider and their hardware and software is needed for NDOC to be in compliance with security and storage/archive requirements on both a state and federal level. The entire package we purchased involves several parts, all of which will increase our ability to process, monitor, analyze, and retain data. Digital Dimension is a distributor and is providing the products; however, SOPHOS will be providing the Department with Professional Services, to include two (2) days of onsite implementation services and product training. Per State Purchasing, a separate Contract for Independent Contractor is needed for Professional Services. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Sophos, Inc. is the only company that can provide the onsite installation and implementation of the Sophos Sofware & Licensing package that was purchased. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Yes Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 120307 and 120307A Approval Date: 03/21/2012 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Multiple responses received from a formal bid solicitation (SP ITB 7943) indicating that only SOPHOS can provide the onsite implementation and training services. In addition, SOPHOS has verified that they are the only provider of the Professional Services line items that were quoted. d. Last bid date: 10/13/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: FY12 for Nevada Department of Corrections. Services have been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor:
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19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User dbec2 bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson

Signature Date 05/07/2012 09:55:02 AM 05/08/2012 12:29:45 PM 05/08/2012 12:40:08 PM 05/08/2012 15:12:16 PM 05/13/2012 13:03:18 PM 05/15/2012 09:44:30 AM

Contract #: 12862

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12723 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 Westcare Nevada, Inc (WC-NV) Westcare Nevada, Inc (WC-NV) 401 S. Martin Luther King Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89106

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3711-22 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Kevin Morss 702.385.3642 Vendor No.: T80928668 NV Business ID: NV19811004704 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 11/08/2011

09/30/2012 326 days Contract Correctional Program

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract which provides pre and post release services to incarcerated inmates for the Second Chance Adult Re-Entry Demonstration Project (SCARDP), which is designed to reduce recidivism by helping offenders find work and access other critical services in their communities upon their release. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $348,667.94 to $360,637.91 due to an increased amount of services being provided. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $348,667.94 $0.00 $11,969.97 $360,637.91

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NDOC received Federal grant money under the Second Chance Adult Re-Entry Demonstration Project, which is designed to provide funding to state units of governments to develop and implement institutional and community corrections-based offender re-entry programs. The purpose of this contract is to meet the requirements of the grant, as mandated by the Federal government. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: NDOC does not have the expertise and/or qualifications to provide these services. No other agency offers this type of service.
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9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Yes Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The evaluation committee scored them highest based on predetermined criteria and weights. d. Last bid date: 06/30/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 06/30/2015 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: FY12; Health & Human Services, Division of Child and Family Services. Services have been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User dmartine bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson

Signature Date 04/30/2012 13:12:57 PM 05/01/2012 08:28:01 AM 05/01/2012 19:50:46 PM 05/07/2012 15:48:59 PM 05/13/2012 12:52:17 PM 05/15/2012 09:06:12 AM

Contract #: 12723

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13373 Legal Entity Norment Security Group, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: Norment Security Group, Inc. Address: 125 Gandy Dancer Dr. #140 City/State/Zip Trace, CA 95377

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3738-95 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Ken Pruitt 209.855.8015 Vendor No.: PUR0003864 NV Business ID: NV19961101061 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 29 days Contract Deferred Maintenance

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to furnish and install three sliding door operators at Southern Desert Correctional Center. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $30,762.50 Other basis for payment: Upon completion and submission of invoice.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? For the health and safety of staff and inmates. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Department of Corrections does not have the expertise, equipment and/or licensing as required. No other State agency provides these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?

Contract #: 13373

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The RFP evaluation committee scored Norment Security Group, Inc. highest based on a predetermined set of weights and criteria. d. Last bid date: 03/07/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: NDOC; FY11. Service has been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbec2 bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/26/2012 12:01:16 PM 04/27/2012 13:01:11 PM 05/01/2012 19:53:43 PM 05/02/2012 15:52:17 PM 05/13/2012 13:41:37 PM 05/15/2012 09:46:36 AM

Contract #: 13373

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13384 Legal Entity American Chiller Service, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: American Chiller Service, Inc. Address: 745 E. Greg St., Suite 5 City/State/Zip Sparks, NV 89431

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3759-09 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Ken Putman 775.322.9900 Vendor No.: T29015907 NV Business ID: NV19921063155 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract Chiller PM

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing preventative maintenance inspections on the chillers at Lovelock Correctional Center. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $53,440.00 Other basis for payment: Upon completion of service and submission of invoice.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? For the health and safety of staff and inmates. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Department of Corrections does not have the expertise and/or equipment for this service. No other State agency offers these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
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Based on overall pricing and services offered, American Chiller Service, Inc. was the lowest, most responsible respondent. d. Last bid date: 01/25/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 01/25/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: FY08 - FY12; NDOC. Service has been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User ssergent bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/27/2012 16:57:32 PM 05/01/2012 08:37:30 AM 05/01/2012 18:49:20 PM 05/03/2012 11:36:33 AM 05/13/2012 13:48:16 PM 05/15/2012 09:48:27 AM

Contract #: 13384

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13370 Legal Entity East Bay Restaurant Supply, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: East Bay Restaurant Supply, Inc. Address: 522 North 12th Street City/State/Zip Contact/Phone: Sacramento, CA 95811 Kevin Manley 916.440.0620

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3759-05 Is budget authority No available?: If "No" please explain: Pending approval of Work Program #C23565.

Vendor No.: T32001355 NV Business ID: NV19781006777 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 29 days Contract Equipment Install.

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to remove and dispose of the existing dishwashing machine at Lovelock Correctional Center and replace it with a new dual rinse dishwashing machine. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $90,724.00 Other basis for payment: Upon completion of service and submission of invoice.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? For the health and safety of staff and inmates. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Department of Corrections does not have the expertise and/or licensing required. No other State agency offers these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
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East Bay Restaurant Supply was the only respondent to RFP 201223. They demonstrated through their proposal that they are able to provide the services as required. d. Last bid date: 03/02/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User ssergent bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/23/2012 17:27:47 PM 05/01/2012 08:42:48 AM 05/01/2012 19:56:33 PM 05/03/2012 11:24:49 AM 05/13/2012 13:46:31 PM 05/15/2012 09:47:29 AM

Contract #: 13370

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13350 Legal Entity Firestop Commercial, LLC Name: Contractor Name: Firestop Commercial, LLC Address: 4489 W. Reno City/State/Zip Las Vegas, NV 89118

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3762-95 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Chris Sheldon 702.262.5888 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV20051031406 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 29 days Contract Deferred Maintenance

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to replace damaged and missing fiberglass and aluminum jacket insulation on the steam and supply return piping in four different areas of the kitchen at High Desert State Prison. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $17,265.00 Other basis for payment: Upon completion of service and submission of invoice.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? For the health and safety of staff and inmates. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Department of Corrections does not have appropriate licensing and/or equipment necessary. No other State agency offers these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
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Firestop Commercial was the lowest, most responsible bidder. d. Last bid date: 01/19/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbec2 bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/16/2012 09:24:48 AM 04/16/2012 09:29:16 AM 04/17/2012 11:07:27 AM 05/07/2012 12:32:31 PM 05/13/2012 12:27:34 PM 05/15/2012 09:49:14 AM

Contract #: 13350

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13385 Legal Entity Waltons, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: Waltons, Inc. Address: 1281 N. Roop Street City/State/Zip Carson City, NV 89706

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Agency Code: 440 Appropriation Unit: 3763-55 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Rick J. Noel 775.882.4965 Vendor No.: T27014298 NV Business ID: NV19611000538 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Inmate Welfare Fund 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract Inmate Cremation Svc

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide inmate cremation services for correctional facilities located in the northern region of the state. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $80,000.00 Other basis for payment: Upon completion of service and submission of invoice.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Public health and Nevada Statutes require proper disposition of deceased individuals. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Department of Corrections does not have the staff and/or equipment necessary. No other State agency offers these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13385 Page 1 of 2 95

Walton's Inc. had the lowest overall pricing and provides the services as required. d. Last bid date: 01/10/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 01/10/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: FY08 - FY12; NDOC. Services have been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dmartine bfarris dreed cphenix sbrown cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/24/2012 09:12:31 AM 04/25/2012 08:24:35 AM 05/01/2012 18:47:57 PM 05/03/2012 11:39:18 AM 05/13/2012 13:11:44 PM 05/15/2012 09:46:01 AM

Contract #: 13385

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12240 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 HIGH DESERT MICROIMAGING INC HIGH DESERT MICROIMAGING INC 1225 FINANCIAL BLVD RENO, NV 89502

Agency Name: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Agency Code: 580 Appropriation Unit: 3920-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Meg Miller 775/359-6980 Vendor No.: PUR0000032 NV Business ID: NV19951110096 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Regulatory Fund Fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 580 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2011

06/30/2012 2 years Contract Scanner Maintenance

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides ongoing maintenance service to the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada's (Commission's) scanners that are utilized to operate the Electronic Filings and Records Management (EFRM) system which enables the Commission to accept electronic filings and associated fees. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $8,832 to $19,399 to allow for the required maintenance of existing scanners and for the maintenance of unanticipated expenditures for the remainder of FY 2012 and through FY 2013. due to the continued need for these services. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $7,687.00 $1,145.00 $10,567.00 $19,399.00 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? High Desert currently supports the software applications integrated with scanners used by the Commission. The software is closely integrated with those hardware components. Therefore, it is High Desert's policy that hardware maintenance be provided.
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8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: It is High Desert's policy that hardware maintenance service provided by a vendor other than High Desert would invalidate software license currently supported by High Desert. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? High Desert currently supports the software applications integrated with scanners used by the Commission. The software is closely integrated with those hardware components. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-August 2005-June 2011 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User ceaton dskau dskau ceaton rhage1 cwatson

Signature Date 04/24/2012 14:33:43 PM 04/24/2012 14:48:28 PM 04/24/2012 14:48:34 PM 04/24/2012 14:53:51 PM 04/26/2012 16:10:52 PM 05/14/2012 13:44:12 PM

Contract #: 12240

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12105 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 Southern Nevada Area Communications Council Southern Nevada Area Communications Council 6000 E Rochelle Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89122

Agency Name:


Agency Code: 611 Appropriation Unit: 4061-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702-455-7390 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: Exempt To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 80.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 20.00 % GCB Forfeiture Fund 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 04/18/2011

06/30/2012 2 years and 74 days Contract Specialty Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is an amendment to the original contract, which provides access to an 800Mhz two-way radio system in support of the Gaming Control Board's Enforcement Division field operations in Southern Nevada. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $7,000 to $14,000 due to the extended term. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $7,000.00 $0.00 $7,000.00 $14,000.00 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Enforcement agents require reliable communications to conduct field operations in a wide variety of urban and rural environments in Southern Nevada. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Requires F.C.C. licensing, technical expertise in radio frequency communications technology, and an established 800 MHz radio relay system.
Contract #: 12105 Page 1 of 2 97

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Gaming Control Board has a current contract with contractor and services have been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User jkingsla jkingsla jkingsla jkingsla jburry jburry

Signature Date 05/08/2012 16:21:12 PM 05/08/2012 16:21:16 PM 05/08/2012 16:21:21 PM 05/08/2012 16:21:27 PM 05/21/2012 17:04:00 PM 05/21/2012 17:04:08 PM

Contract #: 12105

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11575 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 Carrier Corporation Carrier Commercial Services 121 Woodland Ave. Suite 180 Reno, NV 89523

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Agency Code: 650 Appropriation Unit: 3775-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null7757475060 Vendor No.: T80884470 NV Business ID: NV19791006562 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 20.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % X Highway Funds 80.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2010

06/30/2012 4 years Contract Maintenance

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract which provides quarterly maintenance of the heating and air conditioning units to include any emergency repairs needed at the Department of Public Safety Training Division in Carson City. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2014 and increases the maximum amount from $7,248 to $14,496 due to the continued need for these services 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $7,248.00 $0.00 $7,248.00 $14,496.00 06/30/2014

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The HVAC system must be serviced on a regular basis (quarterly) to ensure proper operation is maintained. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: There are no state employees with the expertise or equipment needed to conduct this job. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Lowest bidder. d. Last bid date: 06/01/2010 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No



11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The vendor has serviced the Department of Public Safety over the last 10 years. All services provided have been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? No b. If "No", please explain: Carrier Commercial Services is a division of Carrier Corporation. 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User shoh1 shoh1 mteska jbauer jstrandb jmurph1

Signature Date 05/04/2012 12:25:37 PM 05/04/2012 12:25:51 PM 05/07/2012 06:51:32 AM 05/07/2012 09:06:47 AM 05/14/2012 09:46:27 AM 05/15/2012 10:13:58 AM

Contract #: 11575

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12127 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 GL Suites Inc GL Suites Inc PO BOX 591 Bend, OR 97709

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Agency Code: 650 Appropriation Unit: 3816-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Sharon Apperson 541-312-3662 Vendor No.: PUR0002472 NV Business ID: NV20101523765 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 32.00 % X Fees 52.00 % Licensing Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 16.00 % Fund Transfers 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2011

06/30/2012 4 years Contract Database Software

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract which provides software maintenance and licensing for the Fire Marshal Division's web-hosted licensing and certification database. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2015 and increases the maxium amount from $9,000.00 to $37,652.64 due to the continued need for these services. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $9,000.00 $0.00 $28,652.64 $37,652.64 06/30/2015

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to NRS 477, the State Fire Marshal Division is responsible for licensing companies and individuals who sell, install, inspect and maintain fire protection systems and equipment, as well as others who perform commercial firework displays, interior design and certify fire safe cigarettes. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The software application package provided by GL Suite, LLC requires the software to be hosted by GL Suite, LLC on their server located in Bend, Oregon.
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9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Yes Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor is contracted under a Master Services Agreement through the State Purchasing Division. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 01/01/2015 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This vendor currently provides services for the Fire Marshal Division. The quality of services has been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User jdibasil jdibasil jbauer jbauer lsmolya1 jstrandb sbrown

Signature Date 05/11/2012 13:24:07 PM 05/11/2012 13:24:10 PM 05/14/2012 08:29:06 AM 05/14/2012 08:29:10 AM 05/17/2012 15:06:15 PM 05/17/2012 16:15:25 PM 05/21/2012 10:47:45 AM

Contract #: 12127

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11285 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip Contact/Phone: 1 HERNANDEZ, FELICITAS HERNANDEZ, FELICITAS 1519 TRUBODE LN FERNLEY, NV 89408-7117 Felicitas Hernandez-Arroyo 775/8358615 T27025265 NV20101233013

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Agency Code: 650 Appropriation Unit: 4713-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Vendor No.: NV Business ID: To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % X Highway Funds 100.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2010

06/30/2012 4 years Contract Janitorial Service

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides janitorial services for the Fernley substation. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2014 and increases the maximum amount from $7,440 to $14,880 due to the continued need for these services. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $7,440.00 $0.00 $7,440.00 $14,880.00 06/30/2014

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Public offices must be kept in a clean and orderly condition. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: There are no State agencies that provide janitorial services. Janitorial services are routinely contracted. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Lowest responsible bidder. d. Last bid date: 03/01/2010 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No



11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Contractor is the current provider of janitorial services for the Fernley substation. The services provided by the contractor are satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User shoh1 shoh1 mteska jbauer jstrandb jmurph1

Signature Date 05/09/2012 10:54:22 AM 05/09/2012 10:54:27 AM 05/09/2012 11:07:08 AM 05/09/2012 15:42:37 PM 05/15/2012 10:26:58 AM 05/15/2012 10:39:11 AM

Contract #: 11285

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13131 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 WILLERS, BONNIE J WILLERS, BONNIE J PO BOX 7135 SAN CARLOS, CA 94070

Agency Name: DPS-HIGHWAY PATROL Agency Code: 651 Appropriation Unit: 4713-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Bonnie Willers 503/320-7214 Vendor No.: T27028551 NV Business ID: NV20121072007 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % X Highway Funds 100.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 02172012 Fleet 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 03/26/2012

12/31/2012 1 year and 96 days Contract Optimize software

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract which provides assistance with optimizing the capabilities of the agency's Fleet Focus software program to allow for cleanup of data and customizing reports. This amendment extends the termination date from December 31, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $9,675.00 to $19,671.00 due to the continued need for these services. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $9,675.00 $0.00 $9,996.00 $19,671.00 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NHP staff do not have the expertise and require assistance with incorporating fuel data reporting and the creation and/or customization of existing reports which will allow NHP to manage fleet vehicles in the areas of parts, equipment replacement, fuel cost reporting, work order management, and cost per mile analysis. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work:
Contract #: 13131 Page 1 of 2 101

There are no employees in the State with the background and experience necessary to configure the application to generate the reports and queries necessary. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Lowest bidder d. Last bid date: 01/25/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: September 2011 for Department of Public Safety/ Highway Patrol Division. Work was satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User cpalme2 shoh1 mteska jbauer jstrandb jmurph1

Signature Date 05/01/2012 09:40:09 AM 05/08/2012 15:36:34 PM 05/09/2012 06:22:46 AM 05/09/2012 13:22:40 PM 05/14/2012 09:39:15 AM 05/15/2012 10:18:41 AM

Contract #: 13131

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13175 Legal Entity MORPHOTRAK INC Name: Contractor Name: MORPHOTRAK INC Address: 33405 8TH AVE S City/State/Zip FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003-6305

Agency Name: DPS-RECORDS & TECHNOLOGY Agency Code: 655 Appropriation Unit: 4709-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null800-346-2674 Vendor No.: PUR0004754 NV Business ID: NV20091418282 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Fingerprint fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain An amendment to extend the previous contract was mailed to the vendor for signature; however, the amendment was never signed. Unfortunately this was not discovered until several months later and the previous contract had expired. To prevent this in the future, new procedures for regular contract reviews are being implemented. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 08/31/2015 4 years and 62 days Contract Service Contract

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide maintenance and repair of the LiveScan fingerprint machines in various law enforcement agencies throughout Nevada. These machines were purchased through a federal grant and require periodic service to maintain functionality and for Nevada law enforcement agencies to remain in compliance with FBI requirements. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $463,830.04 Other basis for payment: per annual invoice

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The LiveScan machines are required to provide fingerprints in compliance with FBI requirements. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: These are proprietary machines that require the servicing be done by the vendor in order to maintain the warranty. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable
Contract #: 13175 Page 1 of 2 102

b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 111205 Approval Date: 12/14/2011 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor was the original vendor of these services to DPS since 2007 and the service has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User mteska mteska mteska jbauer jstrandb jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 07:17:25 AM 05/09/2012 08:15:43 AM 05/09/2012 08:15:46 AM 05/09/2012 10:45:09 AM 05/14/2012 09:23:36 AM 05/15/2012 10:22:00 AM

Contract #: 13175

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13441 Legal Entity Leonard, Street, and Deinard Name: Contractor Name: Leonard, Street, and Deinard Address: 1350 I Street, N.W. Suite 800 City/State/Zip Washington, DC 20005

Agency Name: COLORADO RIVER COMMISSION Agency Code: 690 Appropriation Unit: All Budget Accounts - Category 04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Craig Silverstein 202-346-6900 Vendor No.: Pending NV Business ID: 41-1682773 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Power Revenues Agency Reference #: Leonard, Street 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2015 3 years and 29 days Contract Craig Silverstein

5. Purpose of contract: To continue to provide legal services relating to matters ending before or involving the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), and other national and regional regulatory bodies. This contract will replace the existing Miller Balis contract to allow continuation of the relationship with Craig Silverstein who has been the Commission's legal expert for a number of years on such matters. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $200,000.00 Other basis for payment: Various hourly rates as provided in attachment 'AA' to the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Need for agency representation before federal and regional electric power regulatory bodies to participate in electric power markets. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Lack of regulatory expertise and standing before the FERC and NERC, and need to maintain offices in Washington DC. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13441 Page 1 of 2 103

Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Specific attorney was with another firm that has a current contract with the Colorado River Commission. The new entity does not have any relationship with the state. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Other Attorney Professional Association 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? No b. If "No", is an exemption on file with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? No If "No", to a. AND b., please explain why the contractor does not have an SBL or an exemption. Application for business license is pending before the Secretary of State's Office. No services will be provided until license is received. 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbeatty dbeatty dbeatty dbeatty sday sday Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 12:07:36 PM 05/08/2012 12:07:41 PM 05/08/2012 12:07:45 PM 05/08/2012 12:07:56 PM 05/17/2012 16:09:08 PM 05/17/2012 16:09:13 PM

Contract #: 13441

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13402 Legal Entity Richard B. Bales Name: Contractor Name: Richard B. Bales Address: 24 SHARON DR City/State/Zip WELLINGTON, NV 89444-9500

Agency Name: WILDLIFE Agency Code: 702 Appropriation Unit: 4463-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/772-4303 Vendor No.: T81022008 NV Business ID: NV20121249365 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 50.00 % License fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 50.00 % Fur sales and license plate fees Agency Reference #: 12-46 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/11/2014 2 years and 10 days Contract Taxidermy

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for taxidermy services on an as-needed basis. Taxidermy services will include hide preparation and may also include full and shoulder mounts, study skins, fish mounts and any other wildlife species in any mount configuration. The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) uses the products of taxidermy for wildlife educational purposes, displays and as an article for sale. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $48,000.00 Other basis for payment: Orders (in writing only) as needed by NDOW; payment upon invoice

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NDOW uses the products of taxidermy for wildlife educational purposes, displays and as an article for sale to generating funds. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: No department employees are trained in taxidermy. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13402 Page 1 of 2 104

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This is one of the two contractors in the Western Region who responded. This contractor - among seveal others - has performed taxidermy services for NDOW for years, and our experience with this contractor has been positive. NDOW expects to call upon this contractor for hide preparation, but he can be called upon for other taxidermy services if necessary. d. Last bid date: 03/01/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 03/01/2014 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Performed work for NDOW for years. Work has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User mkrumena mkrumena mkrumena mkrumena kkolbe jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 05/01/2012 11:54:01 AM 05/01/2012 11:54:04 AM 05/01/2012 11:54:06 AM 05/01/2012 11:54:08 AM 05/09/2012 13:59:11 PM 05/11/2012 08:23:49 AM

Contract #: 13402

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13406 Legal Entity ADVANCED TELEMETRY SYSTEMS Name: INC Contractor Name: ADVANCED TELEMETRY SYSTEMS INC Address: 470 First Ave. N. Box 398 City/State/Zip ISANTI, MN 55040

Agency Name:


Agency Code: 702 Appropriation Unit: 4464-14 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null763/444-9267 Vendor No.: PUR0001453 NV Business ID: N/A To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 25.00 % Tag and license fees X Federal Funds 75.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 12-47 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/11/2016 4 years and 11 days Contract Wildlife Telemetry

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for data retrieval and management services associated with GPS satellite collars placed on multiple species of big game animals throughout the state of Nevada. This contract will allow the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) to receive the data, which is critical to making appropriate population and habitat management decisions. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $350,000.00 Other basis for payment: Monthly payments - fixed amount per collar plus fixed rate charges for telemetry data

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NDOW will have placed between 150 and 200 telemetry collars on wildlife throughout the state. This represents an investment of about $500,000, most of which has already been spent. This contract will allow NDOW to obtain position data from those collars in order to better understand migration routes and movement patterns of big game animals. Satellite GPS collar companies develop and provide proprietary collars that collect and distribute data based on pre-existing agreements between collar manufactures and satellite operators. Collars, in the absence of the data management services are useless, as are data management services in the absence of collars. Currently, there is now opportunity in the industry to secure data management services from anyone other than the collar vendor. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The state has no way of getting data from the collars.
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9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 120503 Approval Date: 05/13/2012 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Proprietry technology; only this vendor can read the telemetry from these collars. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently under contract with the Nevada Department of Wildlife. Work has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is NOT registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation As explained below (see SBL question), and under NRS 80.015(1)(m) (transacting business in interstate commerce), ATS is a foreign corporation not doing business in Nevada. Therefore, it is not subject to NRS 80.010 and 80.110. The contractor does not own the collars that send data to the satellites that provide telemetry that the department receives via email. It has no office, equipment or employees in Nevada and communicates with the department from out of state by phone and email. 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? No b. If "No", is an exemption on file with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? No If "No", to a. AND b., please explain why the contractor does not have an SBL or an exemption. For NRS 76, Advanced Telemetry Systems is not doing business in Nevada. It meets none of the criteria of NRS 76.100(6). It provides animal telemetry via satellite-GPS collars not owned by ATS, placed on animals by a third party. The department receives the telemetry data from ATA via email. ATS is headquartered is in Minnesota. It has no employees or equipment in Nevada at any time. ATS communicates with thdepartment from out of state by phone and email. 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? No b. If "NO", please explain. As explained above, and under NRS 80.015(1)(m) (transacting business in interstate commerce), ATS is a foreign corporation not doing business in Nevada. Therefore, it is not subject to NRS 80.010 and 80.110. The contractor does not own the collars that send data to the satellites that provide telemetry that the department receives via email. It has no office, equipment or employees in Nevada and communicates with the department from out of state by phone and email. 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status:
Contract #: 13406 Page 2 of 3 105

Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User mkrumena mkrumena mkrumena mkrumena kkolbe jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 05/03/2012 16:30:15 PM 05/03/2012 16:30:18 PM 05/03/2012 16:30:20 PM 05/03/2012 16:30:22 PM 05/09/2012 13:45:20 PM 05/11/2012 08:28:19 AM

Contract #: 13406

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13421 Legal Entity NOVA GEOTECHNICAL & INSPECTION Name: Contractor Name: NOVA GEOTECHNICAL & INSPECTION Address: SERVICES 4480 W HACIENDA AVE STE 104 City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89118-4908

Agency Name:


Agency Code: 704 Appropriation Unit: 4168-74 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/873-3478 Vendor No.: T27029992 NV Business ID: NV20121001299 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 77.80 % X Bonds 22.20 % Federal -Parks Capital Project 77.8 Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

08/10/2012 70 days Contract Roadway Inspections

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract with Nova Geotechnical & Inspection Services for the Fire Canyon Outlook project. The purpose of this contract is to provide independent construction inspection materials inspection and testing during construction of the Fire Canyon Overlook project for the Nevada Division of State Parks to meet the Nevada Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration Local Public Agency Project guidelines, standards and requirements. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $36,730.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Roadway and turnaround improvements will allow for access by all park visitors. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: There is not sufficient staffing or expertise or equipment to do this project. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 13421 Page 1 of 2 106

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Five bids were solicited and two responed. Geo Technical was the lowest bid. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: NDOT 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Other Professional LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User sdecrona sdecrona sdecrona sdecrona jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/07/2012 12:15:35 PM 05/07/2012 12:15:39 PM 05/07/2012 12:15:45 PM 05/07/2012 12:15:54 PM 05/12/2012 22:36:07 PM 05/14/2012 10:55:42 AM

Contract #: 13421

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13369 Legal Entity G. C. Wallace, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: G. C. Wallace, Inc. Address: 1555 S. Rainblow Boulevard City/State/Zip Las Vegas, NV 89146-2903

Agency Name: DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Agency Code: 705 Appropriation Unit: 4171-16 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Calvin Black 7028042000 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV19721004148 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

09/14/2012 105 days Contract Inundation Mapping

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to furnish inundation mapping for South Fork Dam. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $50,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $0.00 per monthly Other basis for payment: a minimum of $36,000 and any additional surveying and/or engineering requirements will be $160.00/hour

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This work is required by NAC Chapter 535. The State of Nevada owns the South Fork Dam and the Division of Water Resources is the regulator. Therefore, using a third party to complete this task minimizes conflict. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: It would cause internal conflicts for division staff to complete this task as the division is also the regulator. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 13369 Page 1 of 2 107

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor had the best score and they had the best approach. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User bkordono bkordono bkordono bkordono jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/24/2012 15:08:30 PM 04/24/2012 15:08:33 PM 04/24/2012 15:08:35 PM 04/24/2012 15:08:38 PM 04/25/2012 17:16:22 PM 05/14/2012 08:27:43 AM

Contract #: 13369

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12989 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 Nye County School District Nye County School District 1900 S. Woodships Pahrump, NV 89048

Agency Name: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Agency Code: 709 Appropriation Unit: 3185-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775-727-2443 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: Gov't Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 25.00 % Air Permit Fees X Federal Funds 75.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: DEP 12-036 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 02/14/2012

08/30/2012 212 days Interlocal Agreement Preheaters in Buses

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original interlocal agreement to provide for ongoing installation of fuel operated heaters (pre-heaters) in school buses. This amendment extends the termination date from August 30, 2012 to September 14, 2012 and increases the maximum amount from $65,000 to $94,000 due to extra grant funding to add pre-heaters on more school buses. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $65,000.00 $0.00 $29,000.00 $94,000.00 09/14/2012

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This contract will help reduce the risk of exposure of school age children to dangerous emissions from diesel school bus engines. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State does not have the resources or the expertise to provide these services.
Contract #: 12989 Page 1 of 2 108

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User ahanso1 vgatrell rbamford vgatrell jrodrig9 cwatson

Signature Date 05/08/2012 10:39:44 AM 05/08/2012 13:35:20 PM 05/08/2012 14:54:17 PM 05/08/2012 14:59:00 PM 05/12/2012 22:38:32 PM 05/14/2012 10:57:04 AM

Contract #: 12989

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13390 Legal Entity RASNER CONSULTING INC Name: Contractor Name: RASNER CONSULTING INC Address: 3994 WESTWOOD DR City/State/Zip CARSON CITY, NV 89703

Agency Name: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Agency Code: 709 Appropriation Unit: 3186-06 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/882-7122 Vendor No.: T32000289 NV Business ID: NV20051780068 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: RFP# - DEP 12-041 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

09/30/2012 121 days Contract Permit Migration

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to extract permittee information from agency files for manual entry into the agency's Web Based E-Permitting system; recreate and populate Discharge Monitoring Report information as it relates to existing permit requirements; validate and reconcile agency file information with Web Based E-Permitting Reports; and verify that all information recorded is consistent with the Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Compliance Information System requirements. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $34,000.00 Other basis for payment: Monthly, based on work completed

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Web Based E-Permitting system, recreate and populate Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) information as it relates to existing permit requirements, validate and reconcile agency file information with Web Based E-Permitting Reports, and verify that all information recorded is consistent with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) requirements. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: It is necessary to complete these tasks in a excellerated timeframe to ensure strong, protective programs are developed and maintained that sufficiently address the current needs of the regulated community and public. Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) does not have the staff available to complete these duties before the Grant expires. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13390

Page 1 of 2 109

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Contractor was one of the proposals chosen by the RFP evaluation committee. d. Last bid date: 04/10/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 1977 - 1996, State Health Division - Service is satisfactory. 1996 - 2011 Present, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Pollution Control - Service is satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User randrews sneudaue sneudaue sneudaue lmuelle1 jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/02/2012 13:58:42 PM 05/03/2012 08:52:13 AM 05/03/2012 08:52:16 AM 05/09/2012 11:06:03 AM 05/14/2012 14:30:37 PM 05/16/2012 11:33:07 AM 05/16/2012 11:40:54 AM

Contract #: 13390

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13436 Legal Entity Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc. Name: Contractor Name: Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc. Address: 870 Emerald Bay Road, Suite 30 City/State/Zip South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150

Agency Name: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Agency Code: 709 Appropriation Unit: 3193-06 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Brent Wolfe 530-544-3788 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV20101663580 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: DEP 12-047 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2015 3 years and 29 days Contract Pollutant Reduction

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide direct technical support needed for staff to gain the knowledge, skills and abilities related to the Pollutant Load Reduction Model that are essential for performing appropriate and responsible regulatory oversight for implementation of the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load as it relates to water clarity. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $25,000.00 Other basis for payment: Quarterly, based on work completed

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Federal government via the Clean Water Act, Section 106 requires state agencies to carry out water quality management planning. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State does not have the expertise necessary to perform these duties. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable
Contract #: 13436 Page 1 of 2 110

b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 120501 Approval Date: 05/02/2012 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This contractor has the expertise to complete the project. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User randrews ksertic ksertic sneudaue jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 10:37:30 AM 05/08/2012 12:51:55 PM 05/08/2012 12:52:01 PM 05/08/2012 15:29:07 PM 05/12/2012 21:41:15 PM 05/14/2012 09:56:00 AM

Contract #: 13436

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13368 Legal Entity RAYMOND B GRABER II DDS LTD Name: Contractor Name: RAYMOND B GRABER II DDS LTD Address: 2600 COLLEGE PKWY HNGR H23 City/State/Zip CARSON CITY, NV 89706-0758

Agency Name: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Agency Code: 709 Appropriation Unit: 3193-06 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/882-3444 Vendor No.: T27003917 NV Business ID: NV19861010294 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: DEP 13-001 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract Storage space

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing storage space for the boat, ATVs and other items owned by the Bureaus of Water Quality Planning and Corrective Action. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $28,200.00 Other basis for payment: Yearly. SFY-13 & 14, $575. per month, yearly $6,900. = $13,800. and SFY-15 & 16, $600. per month, yearly $7,200. = $14,400.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Bureau of Water Quality Planning owns a boat and ATVs used for field work. Those items and other items that do not fit in work cubicles will be stored in the storage unit. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The building occupied by the Bureaus of Water Quality Planning and Corrective Actions does not have sufficient storage space required by the bureaus. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13368 Page 1 of 2 111

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The unit has been used by the bureaus previously. It would not be cost-effective to relocate all items currently in the storage unit to another location. Cost of relocation plus storage fees would exceed current rate being paid. d. Last bid date: 02/01/2009 Anticipated re-bid date: 04/01/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2003-present, Division of Environmental Protection, Bureaus of Water Quality Planning and Corrective Actions. The quality of services has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User randrews ksertic ksertic sneudaue jrodrig9 cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/02/2012 13:52:04 PM 05/03/2012 08:07:17 AM 05/03/2012 08:07:25 AM 05/08/2012 11:35:41 AM 05/12/2012 21:35:20 PM 05/14/2012 09:54:51 AM

Contract #: 13368

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13327 Legal Entity ALEJANDRO ARAGONEZ Name: Contractor Name: ALEJANDRO ARAGONEZ Address: 1280 ANGEL FALLS STREET City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89142-1323

Agency Name: ATHLETIC COMMISSION Agency Code: 749 Appropriation Unit: 3952-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702-592-0996 Vendor No.: T29024904 NV Business ID: NV20101904572 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 95.00 % X Fees 5.00 % Amateur Boxing Program Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract Speciality

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing unarmed combat inspector services for weigh-ins and events. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $15,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $100.00 per weigh-in & event Other basis for payment: $75.00 per event and $25.00 per weigh-in for a total of $100.00 not to exceed $3,500.00 each year and $14,000.00 over contract term. Maximum travel $250.00 each year and $1,000.00 over contract term.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NRS 467.050 allows the Commission to utilize and employ inspectors as independent contractors. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Weigh-ins and events occur on evenings, weekends, and holidays. The Commission has a limited staff and other agencies would incur overtime in trying to fulfill these obligations. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 13327 Page 1 of 2 112

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The vendor has knowledge of the rules and regulations of the unarmed combatant sports. He serves as inspector to the Athletic Commission since July 2010 and always available to work as needed. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? Yes If "Yes", please explain Mr. Aragonez is an employee of Clark County School District. 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The contractor is currently working as a contract inspector to the Athletic Commission. Performance is satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? No b. If "No", is an exemption on file with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User oaure bbake2 lfiguero oaure cglover cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/04/2012 15:35:00 PM 04/09/2012 14:07:37 PM 04/19/2012 08:40:26 AM 04/23/2012 08:25:23 AM 05/01/2012 10:10:14 AM 05/14/2012 13:47:42 PM

Contract #: 13327

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12542 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 3 ADVANCED POWER PROTECTION ADVANCED POWER PROTECTION INDUSTRIES INC 25395 COPPER LEAF CT MURRIETA, CA 92563

Agency Name: DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Agency Code: 810 Appropriation Unit: 4715-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: David Feivelson 866/975-2774 Vendor No.: T29024555 NV Business ID: NV20061744755 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % X Highway Funds 100.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 09/13/2011

09/12/2012 1 year Contract Back-up Power Maint

5. Purpose of contract: This is the third amendment to the original contract, which provides ongoing maintenance and emergency service to back-up power systems for the department. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $31,494 to $41,489 for the installation of a new Powerware 9355 Un-interruptible Power System (UPS) with internal batteries at the DMV facility loctated at 8250 West Flamingo Road, Las Vegas. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $21,509.00 $9,985.00 $9,995.00 $41,489.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Systems must be maintained to provide back-up power to computer equipment. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: There are no State employees available in the area to provide this service. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division?
Contract #: 12542

Yes No
Page 1 of 2 113

a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Emerson Network Power was orignally awarded contract, but we were unable to come to a mutal agreement during negotiations. Advanced Power Protection was our second choice. d. Last bid date: 06/01/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 07/01/2012 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Previously under contract with DMV. Service was satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User cmunoz cmunoz dcook hazevedo cwatson cwatson

Signature Date 05/02/2012 15:31:16 PM 05/02/2012 15:31:19 PM 05/02/2012 16:00:57 PM 05/02/2012 16:14:16 PM 05/14/2012 08:35:44 AM 05/14/2012 08:35:49 AM

Contract #: 12542

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13084 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 DELL MARKETING LP DELL MARKETING LP 1 DELL WAY RR1 MS 8035 ROUND ROCK, TX 78682

Agency Name: DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Agency Code: 810 Appropriation Unit: 4715-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null512/728-0242 Vendor No.: PUR0000038 NV Business ID: NV19991113026 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % X Highway Funds 100.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 03/13/2012

06/30/2016 4 years and 110 days Contract Install/Maintenance

5. Purpose of contract: This is an amendment to the original contract, which provides for the installation, on-site support, training, and software support for the implementation of Dell Compellent multi-host storage array environment to include two internet storage area networks (SANs) one to be located in Las Vegas and the other to be placed in Carson City. This amendment increases the amount from $61,042.00 to $122,084.00 to clarify the consideration amount applies to the installation of two Dell Compellent Storage Array and Remote Instant Replays as opposed to one as stated in the original contract. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $61,042.00 $0.00 $61,042.00 $122,084.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The San's support all of the Departments storage needs for SQL Server, Document Images, Storage Drives for users, Email, Web Servers and other related storage requirements that are essential to keep the DMV critical operations running efficiently. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: There are no state employees in the area able to provide this service.
Contract #: 13084 Page 1 of 2 114

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Dell is currently contracted with the State of Nevada Purchasing Division as perferred vendor under the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) to be utilized by all state agencies. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Dell is currently contracted with State of Nevada Purchasing Division as perferred vendor under the Western States Contracting Alliance to be utilized by all state agencies. Services have been found to be satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User csthil dcook dcook hazevedo lmuelle1 cwatson cwatson

Signature Date 05/01/2012 16:52:41 PM 05/02/2012 15:56:01 PM 05/02/2012 16:20:33 PM 05/02/2012 17:11:49 PM 05/03/2012 09:20:00 AM 05/15/2012 08:31:16 AM 05/15/2012 08:31:22 AM

Contract #: 13084

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13298 Legal Entity INTELLECTUAL TECHNOLOGY INC Name: Contractor Name: INTELLECTUAL TECHNOLOGY INC Address: 1901 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE STE 204 City/State/Zip Contact/Phone: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 null760/476-9100

Agency Name: DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Agency Code: 810 Appropriation Unit: 4741-40 Is budget authority No available?: If "No" please explain: Pending IFC approval - 45-day clock expires 6/11/12 (C23630)

Vendor No.: T27006453 NV Business ID: NV20101412115 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Fee Funded Agency Reference #: RFP # 2025 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 05/2012 06/05/2012

05/31/2014 1 year and 360 days Contract OHV-Automated

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide an automated method of collecting electronic data, printing secure and non-secure documents, finishing, mail preparation, transportation to the US Postal Service for same day mail entry and tracking of the documents for Off-Highway Vehicles (OHV). 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $1,110,176.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $490,370.00 per FY 13 Other basis for payment: $619,806.00 per FY 14

7. What conditions require that this work be done? SB 394 was passed during the 2009 Legislative Session and provides for a program to register and title Off-Highway Vehicles in Nevada under NRS 490. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This was RFP was done as a cost savings measure to the state in lieu of hiring additional employees to perform this service. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Yes Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three):
Contract #: 13298 Page 1 of 2 115

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This was the only vendor to submit a proposal, and in reviewing the proposal the Department of Motor Vehicle staff, it was found to be acceptable. d. Last bid date: 02/08/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 01/01/2014 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User csthil csthil mradu hazevedo cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 03/30/2012 10:17:05 AM 03/30/2012 10:17:19 AM 03/30/2012 10:22:28 AM 03/30/2012 11:14:40 AM 05/15/2012 08:35:39 AM 05/15/2012 08:35:43 AM

Contract #: 13298

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13307 Legal Entity BIG TOWN MECHANICAL SERVICE & Name: Contractor Name: BIG TOWN MECHANICAL SERVICE & Address: MAINTENANCE DBA BIG TOWN SRVC 175 CASSIA WAY STE A115 City/State/Zip HENDERSON, NV 89014-6643

Agency Name: REHABILITATION DIVISION Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: AARON BROOKS 702/564-3620 Vendor No.: T27016366 NV Business ID: NV20051068872 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Business Enterprises Set Aside Agency Reference #: 1736-16-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract HVAC/Refrigeration

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing maintenance and repair services of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) units, commercial refrigerators and refrigeration units, freezers, ice makers, reach-ins and display units on a time and material basis; facility remodeling; and installation, repair, maintenance, relocation, and replacement of equipment, with purchase of parts as necessary at all southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada program sites, including the three Hoover Dam sites. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $75,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph five (5) at a cost for HVAC/Refrigeration @ $90/hr and Plumbing @ $110/hr, Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Overtime for HVAC @ $135/hr & Plumbing @ $165/hr after 4:00 p.m. and Saturdays & HVAC @$180/hr & Plumbing @$220/hr on Sundays and Holidays; Immediate Response is $40 over and above regular hourly rates. Immediate response time is to be interpreted as response time within 4 hours from receipt of call from authorized BEN program staff. A trip charge will be reimbursed at the State rate not to exceed $30/round trip to the Hoover Dam Sites. Costs for parking at the Hoover Dam will be reimbursed upon approval of submitted parking receipts only. Payment will be made upon approval of submitted invoice with contract total not to exceed $75,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Business Enterprises of Nevada program has a substantial inventory of equipment at various locations that need ongoing maintenance. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work:
Contract #: 13307 Page 1 of 2 116

This work requires specialization in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and commercial refrigeration units. State employees do not have the time or expertise to provide these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This contractor is one in a pool of vendors chosen to provide these services. d. Last bid date: 02/06/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 02/05/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor has been performing satisfactory service for the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Division, Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada since 2003. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler mcol1 tnash bfor1 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/04/2012 08:26:27 AM 04/19/2012 14:45:05 PM 04/25/2012 14:47:06 PM 05/01/2012 12:44:38 PM 05/14/2012 13:41:57 PM 05/14/2012 13:42:01 PM

Contract #: 13307

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13241 Legal Entity GFY Enterprises Inc Name: Contractor Name: GFY Enterprises Inc Address: 2207 Heavenly View Dr City/State/Zip Henderson, NV 89014

Agency Name: REHABILITATION DIVISION Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Jim Sundstrom 702-242-9219 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV19931040730 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue Contract Agency Reference #: 1708-16-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

09/30/2015 3 years and 91 days Revenue Contract Concession Revenue

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new revenue contract to provide snack bar concession services at the Black Mountain Aquatic Complex and Whitney Ranch Activity Pool on a daily basis when the facilities are in operation during the summer season from approximately May through December. A commission of ten percent of the monthly gross sales, after sales tax, from the concession services will be paid monthly to the Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada program. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $30,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will provide snack bar concession services at the Black Mountain Aquatic Complex and Whitney Ranch Activity Pool on a daily basis when the facilities are in operation during the summer season, approximately May-September. A commission of 10% of the gross monthly sales, after sales tax, from the concession services, will be paid monthly to the Business Enterprises of Nevada program. Payments are to be received by the program on or before the 10th of the following month and must include the applicable monthly sales report, to include, gross sales, sales tax, and commission paid to the program and a copy of the Combined Sales and Use Tax Return, as reported to the Nevada Department of Taxation. Revenue is anticipated to be $10,000 or less per year and the total contract amount is not to exceed $30,000.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Per NRS 426.640 & 426.715 and the Randolph Sheppard Act, the Bureau may enter into contracts with vendors for the establishment and operation of vending stands. These contracts must include provisions for the payment of commissions to the Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada based on revenues from the vending stands.
Contract #: 13241 Page 1 of 2 117

8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Agency staff or other State employees cannot legally provide concession services on a commission basis. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This is a revenue contract. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor currently provides satisfactory services for the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Division, Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada and has been since July 2006. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User mcost1 mcol1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 03/16/2012 07:52:10 AM 04/19/2012 14:44:22 PM 04/25/2012 14:48:35 PM 05/15/2012 12:20:46 PM 05/15/2012 12:49:56 PM 05/16/2012 08:54:20 AM

Contract #: 13241

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13308 Legal Entity JENSON TOTAL SERVICES Name: Contractor Name: JENSON TOTAL SERVICES Address: 2880 N COMMERCE ST City/State/Zip NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV 89030-3908

Agency Name: REHABILITATION DIVISION Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: JIM JENSON 702/396-4000 Vendor No.: T29005698 NV Business ID: NV19991356528 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Business Enterprises Set Aside Agency Reference #: 1733-16-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract HVAC/Refrigeration

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing maintenance and repair services of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) units, commercial refrigerators and refrigeration units, freezers, ice makers, reach-ins and display units on a time and material basis; facility remodeling; and installation, repair, maintenance, relocation, and replacement of equipment, with purchase of parts as necessary at all southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada program sites, including the three Hoover Dam sites. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $75,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph five (5) at a cost of $89/hr., MondayFriday, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; $134/hr. overtime; and $96/hr. immediate response time. Immediate response time is to be interpreted as response time within 4 hours from receipt of call from authorized BEN program staff. A trip charge will be reimbursed at the State rate not to exceed $30/round trip to the Hoover Dam Sites. Costs for parking at the Hoover Dam will be reimbursed upon approval of submitted parking receipts only. Payment will be made upon approval of submitted invoice with contract total not to exceed $75,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Business Enterprises of Nevada program has a substantial inventory of equipment at various locations that need ongoing maintenance. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This work requires specialization in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and commercial refrigeration units. State employees do not have the time or expertise to provide these services.
Contract #: 13308 Page 1 of 2 118

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This contractor is one in a pool of vendors chosen to provide these services. d. Last bid date: 02/06/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: No 02/05/2016

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor has been performing satisfactory service for the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Division, Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada since 2003. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler mmason tnash bfor1 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/04/2012 08:25:14 AM 04/23/2012 14:04:38 PM 04/25/2012 14:47:51 PM 05/01/2012 12:43:39 PM 05/14/2012 13:43:03 PM 05/14/2012 13:43:06 PM

Contract #: 13308

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13310 Legal Entity LLOYDS REFRIGERATION INC Name: Contractor Name: LLOYDS REFRIGERATION INC Address: 5701 W SUNSET RD City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89118

Agency Name: REHABILITATION DIVISION Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: STEVE MARTINSON 702/798-1010 Vendor No.: T29020196 NV Business ID: NV19781009048 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Business Enterprises Set Aside Agency Reference #: 1735-16-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract HVAC/Refrigeration

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract which provides ongoing maintenance and repair services of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning units, commercial refrigerators and refrigeration units, freezers, ice makers, reach-ins and display units on a time and material basis; facility remodeling; and installation, repair, maintenance, relocation, and replacement of equipment, with purchase of parts as necessary at all southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada program sites, including the three Hoover Dam sites. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $75,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph five (5) at a cost of $85/hr., MondayFriday, 7:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; $85/hr. overtime; and $85/hr. immediate response time. Immediate response time is to be interpreted as response time within 4 hours from receipt of call from authorized BEN program staff. A trip charge will be reimbursed at the State rate not to exceed $30/round trip to the Hoover Dam Sites. Costs for parking at the Hoover Dam will be reimbursed upon approval of submitted parking receipts only. Payment will be made upon approval of submitted invoice with contract total not to exceed $75,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Business Enterprises of Nevada program has a substantial inventory of equipment at various locations that need ongoing maintenance. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This work requires specialization in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and commercial refrigeration units. State employees do not have the time or expertise to provide these services.
Contract #: 13310 Page 1 of 2 119

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This contractor is one in a pool of vendors chosen to provide these services. d. Last bid date: 02/06/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 02/05/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor has been performing satisfactory service for the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Division, Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada since 2003. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler mcol1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/04/2012 08:22:54 AM 04/19/2012 14:41:12 PM 04/25/2012 14:45:29 PM 04/30/2012 12:24:04 PM 05/14/2012 10:31:33 AM 05/14/2012 13:40:29 PM

Contract #: 13310

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13311 Legal Entity ROYAL REFRIGERATION INC Name: Contractor Name: ROYAL REFRIGERATION INC Address: 5150 S ARVILLE ST City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89118-1539

Agency Name: REHABILITATION DIVISION Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: MICHAEL McADAMS 702/645-3000 Vendor No.: T81105132 NV Business ID: NV19981376704 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Business Enterprises Set Aside Agency Reference #: 1732-16-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract HVAC/Refrigeration

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract which provides ongoing maintenance and repair services of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) units, commercial refrigerators and refrigeration units, freezers, ice makers, reach-ins and display units on a time and material basis; facility remodeling; and installation, repair, maintenance, relocation, and replacement of equipment, with purchase of parts as necessary at all southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada program sites, including the three Hoover Dam sites. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $75,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph five (5) at a cost of $75/hr., MondayFriday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; $112.50/hr. overtime; and $75/hr. immediate response time. Immediate response time is to be interpreted as response time within 4 hours from receipt of call from authorized BEN program staff. All service calls are subject to a $7 fuel surcharge plus parts and materials. Costs for parking at the Hoover Dam will be reimbursed upon approval of submitted parking receipts only. Payment will be made upon approval of submitted invoice with contract total not to exceed $75,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Business Enterprises of Nevada program has a substantial inventory of equipment at various locations that need ongoing maintenance. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This work requires specialization in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and commercial refrigeration units. State employees do not have the time or expertise to provide these services.
Contract #: 13311 Page 1 of 2 120

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This contractor is one in a pool of vendors chosen to provide these services. d. Last bid date: 02/06/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 02/05/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor has been performing satisfactory service for the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Division, Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada since 2003. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler mcol1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/04/2012 08:21:40 AM 04/19/2012 14:41:57 PM 04/25/2012 14:44:03 PM 05/03/2012 08:44:40 AM 05/14/2012 11:27:29 AM 05/14/2012 15:11:02 PM

Contract #: 13311

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13309 Legal Entity SOUTHWEST AIR CONDITIONING Name: Contractor Name: SOUTHWEST AIR CONDITIONING Address: SERVICE INC 3020 S VALLEY VIEW City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89102

Agency Name: REHABILITATION DIVISION Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: GRANT FARRAR 702/876-5444 Vendor No.: T10841000 NV Business ID: NV19721003279 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Business Enterprises Set Aside Agency Reference #: 1734-16-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract HVAC/Refrigeration

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract which provides ongoing maintenance and repair services of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) units, commercial refrigerators and refrigeration units, freezers, ice makers, reach-ins and display units on a time and material basis; facility remodeling; and installation, repair, maintenance, relocation, and replacement of equipment, with purchase of parts as necessary at all southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada program sites, including the three Hoover Dam sites. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $75,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph five (5) at a cost of $76/hr., MondayFriday, 7:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; $114/hr. overtime; and $76/hr. immediate response time. Immediate response time is to be interpreted as response time within 4 hours from receipt of call from authorized BEN program staff. A trip charge will be reimbursed at the State rate not to exceed $30/round trip to the Hoover Dam Sites. Costs for parking at the Hoover Dam will be reimbursed upon approval of submitted parking receipts only. Payment will be made upon approval of submitted invoice with contract total not to exceed $75,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Business Enterprises of Nevada program has a substantial inventory of equipment at various locations that need ongoing maintenance. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This work requires specialization in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and commercial refrigeration units. State employees do not have the time or expertise to provide these services.
Contract #: 13309 Page 1 of 2 121

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This contractor is one in a pool of vendors chosen to provide these services. d. Last bid date: 02/06/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 02/05/2016 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor has been performing satisfactory service for the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Division, Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada since 2003. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler mcol1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/04/2012 08:24:08 AM 04/19/2012 14:43:48 PM 04/25/2012 14:42:50 PM 05/03/2012 08:40:18 AM 05/14/2012 10:58:14 AM 05/14/2012 15:11:47 PM

Contract #: 13309

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13399 Legal Entity CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Name: Contractor Name: CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Address: 1001 NEW BEGINNINGS DR City/State/Zip HENDERSON, NV 89015-1606

Agency Name: EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DIVISION Agency Code: 902 Appropriation Unit: 4770-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Bob Ranney 702/735-4004 Vendor No.: T29005391 NV Business ID: #NV19651001426 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % State Career Enhancement Program (CEP) Agency Reference #: FY13-CEP-GBB 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2013 364 days Contract FY13-CEP-GBB

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide media production and graphic arts training to incarcerated females at the Florence McClure Women's Correctional Center. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $175,000.00 Other basis for payment: State will process payment when approved request for funds form is received and approved by the Department normally once monthly for the duration of the contract, not to exceed the contract maximum of $175,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The State needs to provide specialized training to female prison inmates and felons because of the high recidivism rates. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The department does not have employees who can provide on-site inmate training. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 13399 Page 1 of 2 122

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Central Christian Church was the only applicant to respond to the DETR Request for Applications #01-12. d. Last bid date: 03/23/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler rolso1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/03/2012 16:13:55 PM 05/09/2012 15:11:40 PM 05/09/2012 15:35:58 PM 05/09/2012 15:38:30 PM 05/14/2012 13:36:12 PM 05/15/2012 10:54:06 AM

Contract #: 13399

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13393 Legal Entity DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Name: Contractor Name: DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Address: ATTN BABB, PAM ADMINISTRATION PO BOX 7011 City/State/Zip CARSON CITY, NV 89702-7011

Agency Name: EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DIVISION Agency Code: 902 Appropriation Unit: 4770-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Dawn Rosenberg 775-887-3219 Vendor No.: D44000026 NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Career Enhancement Program Agency Reference #: FY13-CEP-PRIDE 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 06/2012 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 29 days Interlocal Agreement Prison Re-entry

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new intrastate interlocal agreement to provide the Purpose, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence (PRIDE) Program which will provide pre-release and post-release assistance to inmates and felons through a holistic program. The program incorporates intensive case management, transitional housing, employment training and placement, life skills training, mental health services, substance and drug abuse counseling, mentoring, and other comprehensive transitional services. The Nevada Department of Corrections will oversee all aspects of the project and coordinate with service providers to ensure a seamless transition, participate in coalitions and advisory groups that relate to overcoming barriers to prisoner re-entry, and refer a sufficient number of post-release individuals to selected indentified service providers to meet the condition of program participation. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $550,000.00 Other basis for payment: The Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC) agrees to provide services at a cost not to exceed $550,000. Payments to be made upon approval of the request for funds from NDOC, normally once a month, with the total contract amount not to exceed $550,000.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The State needs to provide specialized service to prison inmates and felons because of the high recidivism rates. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The department does not have employees who can provide on-site inmate support to assist this organization with workforce system capacity building activities.
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9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Intrastate Interlocal agreement. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler rolso1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/08/2012 10:37:38 AM 05/08/2012 10:44:00 AM 05/08/2012 10:45:12 AM 05/09/2012 14:04:32 PM 05/12/2012 08:57:09 AM 05/15/2012 09:12:37 AM

Contract #: 13393

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13434 Legal Entity GOVERNORS OFFICE OF ECONOMIC Name: DEVELOPMENT Contractor Name: GOVERNORS OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Address: 808 W. NYE LANE City/State/Zip CARSON CITY, NV 89703-4240

Agency Name:


Agency Code: 902 Appropriation Unit: 4770-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/687-4325 Vendor No.: D10200000 NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % State Career Enhancement Program Funds Agency Reference #: FY13-CEP-GOED 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 06/05/2012

06/30/2013 1 year and 25 days Interlocal Agreement Economic Development

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal agreement to provide funding in support of the Governor's Office of Economic Development training program, Train Employees Now (TEN). The program was launched to upgrade the skills of potential employees of businesses relocating to or expanding into Nevada, which is anticipated to reduce dependence on the Nevada unemployment system. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $500,000.00 Other basis for payment: Payments to be made upon approval of the request for funds from the Governor's Office of Economic Development, normally once a month, with the total contract amount not to exceed $500,000.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Nevada Revised Statutes 231.068 grants for programs for occupational education; accounting of money appropriated for awarding grants. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The division does not employ staff whose responsibility is to provide training, only to connect workers to training opportunities. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division?
Contract #: 13434

No No
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a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Governmental entitiy - Interlocal contract d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Governor's Office of Economic Development has been under contract with the Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation since 1999 with satisfactory service. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler rolso1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/07/2012 16:33:04 PM 05/08/2012 07:53:24 AM 05/08/2012 08:48:51 AM 05/08/2012 16:06:24 PM 05/14/2012 10:03:39 AM 05/14/2012 13:41:20 PM

Contract #: 13434

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12273 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 3 NEVADAWORKS NEVADAWORKS BLDG A 6490 S MCCARRAN BLVD STE 1 RENO, NV 89509-6119

Agency Name: EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DIVISION Agency Code: 902 Appropriation Unit: 4770-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Beth Wicks 775/284-1338 Vendor No.: T27003177 NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: PY11-A-01 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2011

06/30/2013 2 years Interlocal Agreement Nevadaworks-Adult

5. Purpose of contract: This is the third amendment to the original interlocal agreement, which provides ongoing employment and training services to adults in northern Nevada. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $2,722,077 to $2,746,778 based on a directive from the Department of Labor Training and Employment Guidance Letter Number 09-11 Change 1 that amended the temporary reduction of the advance allotments from 1.503% to 0.189%. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $1,837,461.00 $884,616.00 $24,701.00 $2,746,778.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Governor's Workforce Investment Board designated the Local Workforce Investment Boards to facilitate the required employment and training services in compliance with WIA. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 12273

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? CFR Part 652 et al - Governor's Designated Entity d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: NevadaWorks has been under contract by the department since July, 2011 and has performed satisfactorily. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User tmyler rolso1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson

Signature Date 05/07/2012 15:48:57 PM 05/08/2012 07:53:58 AM 05/08/2012 08:49:36 AM 05/08/2012 16:07:29 PM 05/14/2012 09:20:07 AM 05/14/2012 13:38:21 PM

Contract #: 12273

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Attachment BB PY11-A-01


Attachment BB PY11-A-01




Attachment I U. S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA

Dislocated Worker Activities 0.189 Percent Rescission to PY 2011 State Allotments Pursuant to P.L. 112-74 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) (Applicable to FY 2012 "Advance" Funds Available 10/1/11)
Initial Allotment FY 2012 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $1,060,000,000 13,043,258 1,459,376 17,785,059 5,284,922 137,725,063 11,296,978 9,799,741 2,043,499 2,096,787 65,723,670 28,710,840 2,053,461 3,429,316 42,369,118 18,576,857 5,032,076 4,674,551 12,118,685 7,091,104 2,910,712 11,566,218 17,035,630 41,474,500 10,423,608 8,208,422 15,516,600 1,655,657 1,665,675 11,590,371 2,235,807 26,080,934 4,188,927 45,198,293 28,382,625 404,286 35,647,495 5,594,098 12,193,059 30,708,483 11,076,002 4,127,703 15,516,128 680,049 17,894,961 50,156,464 4,903,237 1,005,979 14,946,071 18,012,143 3,686,850 14,027,362 971,290 860,000,000 162,809 1,325,218 490,396 111,784 782,343 2,872,550 197,127,450 0.189% Rescission ($2,003,400) (24,652) (2,758) (33,614) (9,989) (260,300) (21,351) (18,522) (3,862) (3,963) (124,218) (54,264) (3,881) (6,481) (80,078) (35,110) (9,511) (8,835) (22,904) (13,402) (5,501) (21,860) (32,197) (78,387) (19,701) (15,514) (29,326) (3,129) (3,148) (21,906) (4,226) (49,293) (7,917) (85,425) (53,643) (764) (67,374) (10,573) (23,045) (58,039) (20,934) (7,801) (29,325) (1,285) (33,821) (94,796) (9,267) (1,901) (28,248) (34,043) (6,968) (26,512) (1,836) (1,625,400) (308) (2,505) (927) (211) (1,479) (5,430) (372,570) Revised Allotment with Rescission Total $1,285,540,600 16,103,978 1,801,832 21,958,487 6,525,077 170,043,518 13,947,918 12,099,340 2,523,025 2,588,817 81,146,334 35,448,102 2,535,324 4,234,037 52,311,422 22,936,088 6,212,899 5,771,477 14,962,447 8,755,097 3,593,738 14,280,338 21,033,198 51,206,873 12,869,603 10,134,604 19,157,714 2,044,172 2,056,541 14,310,158 2,760,460 32,201,066 5,171,897 55,804,488 35,042,869 499,156 44,012,508 6,906,804 15,054,272 37,914,512 13,675,088 5,096,307 19,157,131 839,629 22,094,179 61,926,140 6,053,827 1,242,041 18,453,304 22,238,858 4,552,003 17,319,011 1,199,212 1,061,806,920 182,129 1,482,479 548,591 125,049 875,182 3,213,430 220,520,250 7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $227,544,000 3,085,372 345,214 4,207,042 1,250,144 32,578,755 2,672,291 2,318,121 483,388 495,993 15,546,882 6,791,526 485,744 811,202 10,022,382 4,394,341 1,190,334 1,105,761 2,866,666 1,677,395 688,527 2,735,980 4,029,765 9,810,760 2,465,696 1,941,696 3,670,440 391,644 394,014 2,741,693 528,879 6,169,425 990,887 10,691,620 6,713,887 95,634 8,432,387 1,323,279 2,884,258 7,264,068 2,620,020 976,405 3,670,328 160,865 4,233,039 11,864,472 1,159,857 237,963 3,535,481 4,260,758 872,121 3,318,161 229,758 203,432,320 19,628 159,766 59,122 13,476 94,318 346,310 23,765,370 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $1,057,996,600 13,018,606 1,456,618 17,751,445 5,274,933 137,464,763 11,275,627 9,781,219 2,039,637 2,092,824 65,599,452 28,656,576 2,049,580 3,422,835 42,289,040 18,541,747 5,022,565 4,665,716 12,095,781 7,077,702 2,905,211 11,544,358 17,003,433 41,396,113 10,403,907 8,192,908 15,487,274 1,652,528 1,662,527 11,568,465 2,231,581 26,031,641 4,181,010 45,112,868 28,328,982 403,522 35,580,121 5,583,525 12,170,014 30,650,444 11,055,068 4,119,902 15,486,803 678,764 17,861,140 50,061,668 4,893,970 1,004,078 14,917,823 17,978,100 3,679,882 14,000,850 969,454 858,374,600 162,501 1,322,713 489,469 111,573 780,864 2,867,120 196,754,880
OFAS/12 0104

Total Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming State Total American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total National Reserve

Total $1,287,544,000 16,128,630 1,804,590 21,992,101 6,535,066 170,303,818 13,969,269 12,117,862 2,526,887 2,592,780 81,270,552 35,502,366 2,539,205 4,240,518 52,391,500 22,971,198 6,222,410 5,780,312 14,985,351 8,768,499 3,599,239 14,302,198 21,065,395 51,285,260 12,889,304 10,150,118 19,187,040 2,047,301 2,059,689 14,332,064 2,764,686 32,250,359 5,179,814 55,889,913 35,096,512 499,920 44,079,882 6,917,377 15,077,317 37,972,551 13,696,022 5,104,108 19,186,456 840,914 22,128,000 62,020,936 6,063,094 1,243,942 18,481,552 22,272,901 4,558,971 17,345,523 1,201,048 1,063,432,320 182,437 1,484,984 549,518 125,260 876,661 3,218,860 220,892,820

7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $227,544,000 3,085,372 345,214 4,207,042 1,250,144 32,578,755 2,672,291 2,318,121 483,388 495,993 15,546,882 6,791,526 485,744 811,202 10,022,382 4,394,341 1,190,334 1,105,761 2,866,666 1,677,395 688,527 2,735,980 4,029,765 9,810,760 2,465,696 1,941,696 3,670,440 391,644 394,014 2,741,693 528,879 6,169,425 990,887 10,691,620 6,713,887 95,634 8,432,387 1,323,279 2,884,258 7,264,068 2,620,020 976,405 3,670,328 160,865 4,233,039 11,864,472 1,159,857 237,963 3,535,481 4,260,758 872,121 3,318,161 229,758 203,432,320 19,628 159,766 59,122 13,476 94,318 346,310 23,765,370


Attachment II U. S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA Adult

Activities 0.189 Percent Rescission to PY 2011 State Allotments Pursuant to P.L. 112-74 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) (Applicable to FY 2012 "Advance" Funds Available 10/1/11)
Initial Allotment FY 2012 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $712,000,000 11,166,239 1,956,719 13,519,676 5,910,424 105,229,539 8,162,882 6,657,577 1,775,550 1,884,932 46,794,194 21,094,455 2,193,679 2,874,508 30,926,167 13,040,930 3,576,602 4,017,062 11,997,192 10,140,124 2,521,449 8,823,075 13,297,927 35,952,003 9,295,828 9,056,015 12,394,042 1,958,764 1,775,550 7,559,653 1,775,550 18,670,432 4,223,884 42,422,952 21,155,420 1,775,550 27,345,842 5,961,882 9,556,649 24,932,610 23,451,775 2,997,891 12,137,010 1,775,550 14,611,402 45,720,016 3,026,131 1,775,550 11,472,585 13,634,486 4,067,390 10,401,136 1,775,550 710,220,000 100,886 821,183 303,878 69,268 484,785 1,780,000 0.189% Rescission ($1,345,680) (21,104) (3,698) (25,552) (11,171) (198,883) (15,428) (12,583) (3,356) (3,563) (88,441) (39,868) (4,146) (5,433) (58,450) (24,647) (6,760) (7,592) (22,675) (19,165) (4,766) (16,676) (25,133) (67,949) (17,569) (17,116) (23,425) (3,702) (3,356) (14,288) (3,356) (35,287) (7,983) (80,179) (39,984) (3,356) (51,684) (11,268) (18,062) (47,123) (44,324) (5,666) (22,939) (3,356) (27,615) (86,411) (5,719) (3,356) (21,683) (25,769) (7,687) (19,658) (3,356) (1,342,316) (191) (1,552) (574) (131) (916) (3,364) Total $769,576,240 12,069,203 2,114,950 14,612,951 6,388,373 113,738,979 8,822,977 7,195,945 1,919,131 2,037,358 50,578,230 22,800,269 2,371,072 3,106,956 33,427,027 14,095,492 3,865,826 4,341,904 12,967,351 10,960,110 2,725,347 9,536,557 14,373,271 38,859,280 10,047,540 9,788,334 13,396,292 2,117,160 1,919,131 8,170,968 1,919,131 20,180,226 4,565,451 45,853,506 22,866,163 1,919,131 29,557,177 6,443,993 10,329,452 26,948,797 25,348,214 3,240,317 13,118,475 1,919,131 15,792,961 49,417,188 3,270,841 1,919,131 12,400,322 14,737,046 4,396,302 11,242,229 1,919,131 767,652,299 109,044 887,588 328,452 74,869 523,988 1,923,941 Revised Allotment with Rescission 7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $58,921,920 924,068 161,929 1,118,827 489,120 8,708,323 675,523 550,951 146,937 155,989 3,872,477 1,745,682 181,539 237,881 2,559,310 1,079,209 295,984 332,434 992,834 839,151 208,664 730,158 1,100,477 2,975,226 769,281 749,435 1,025,675 162,098 146,937 625,603 146,937 1,545,081 349,550 3,510,733 1,750,727 146,937 2,263,019 493,379 790,865 2,063,310 1,940,763 248,092 1,004,404 146,937 1,209,174 3,783,583 250,429 146,937 949,420 1,128,329 336,599 860,751 146,937 58,774,615 8,349 67,957 25,148 5,732 40,119 147,305 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $710,654,320 11,145,135 1,953,021 13,494,124 5,899,253 105,030,656 8,147,454 6,644,994 1,772,194 1,881,369 46,705,753 21,054,587 2,189,533 2,869,075 30,867,717 13,016,283 3,569,842 4,009,470 11,974,517 10,120,959 2,516,683 8,806,399 13,272,794 35,884,054 9,278,259 9,038,899 12,370,617 1,955,062 1,772,194 7,545,365 1,772,194 18,635,145 4,215,901 42,342,773 21,115,436 1,772,194 27,294,158 5,950,614 9,538,587 24,885,487 23,407,451 2,992,225 12,114,071 1,772,194 14,583,787 45,633,605 3,020,412 1,772,194 11,450,902 13,608,717 4,059,703 10,381,478 1,772,194 708,877,684 100,695 819,631 303,304 69,137 483,869 1,776,636
OFAS/12 0104

Total Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming State Total American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total

Total $770,921,920 12,090,307 2,118,648 14,638,503 6,399,544 113,937,862 8,838,405 7,208,528 1,922,487 2,040,921 50,666,671 22,840,137 2,375,218 3,112,389 33,485,477 14,120,139 3,872,586 4,349,496 12,990,026 10,979,275 2,730,113 9,553,233 14,398,404 38,927,229 10,065,109 9,805,450 13,419,717 2,120,862 1,922,487 8,185,256 1,922,487 20,215,513 4,573,434 45,933,685 22,906,147 1,922,487 29,608,861 6,455,261 10,347,514 26,995,920 25,392,538 3,245,983 13,141,414 1,922,487 15,820,576 49,503,599 3,276,560 1,922,487 12,422,005 14,762,815 4,403,989 11,261,887 1,922,487 768,994,615 109,235 889,140 329,026 75,000 524,904 1,927,305

7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $58,921,920 924,068 161,929 1,118,827 489,120 8,708,323 675,523 550,951 146,937 155,989 3,872,477 1,745,682 181,539 237,881 2,559,310 1,079,209 295,984 332,434 992,834 839,151 208,664 730,158 1,100,477 2,975,226 769,281 749,435 1,025,675 162,098 146,937 625,603 146,937 1,545,081 349,550 3,510,733 1,750,727 146,937 2,263,019 493,379 790,865 2,063,310 1,940,763 248,092 1,004,404 146,937 1,209,174 3,783,583 250,429 146,937 949,420 1,128,329 336,599 860,751 146,937 58,774,615 8,349 67,957 25,148 5,732 40,119 147,305


U S Department of Labor, ETA WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Activities Additional FY12 "Advance" Funds for Dissemination*
State Total Alabam a Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecti cu t Delaw are District o f Columbia Florida Georgi a Haw ai i Idaho Illinois Indian a Iow a Kansas Kentucky Louisi ana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississi p pi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hamps h ire New Jersey New Mexi c o New York North Carolin a North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvan ia Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolin a South Dako t a Tennes see Texas Utah Vermon t Virginia Washington West Virgi n ia Wisconsi n Wyoming State Total Ameri c an Samoa Guam North ern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total Total $20,693,825 318,113 44,887 411,344 147,106 3,192,425 255,703 216,248 50,183 52,320 1,478,485 654,442 55,808 82,833 963,100 415,458 113,117 114,208 316,883 226,418 71,378 267,915 398,584 1,017,384 259,113 226,855 366,745 47,494 45,218 251,631 52,709 588,033 110,545 1,151,343 650,930 28,643 827,732 151,845 285,791 731,124 453,694 93,630 363,362 32,267 427,134 1,259,817 104,193 36,550 347,141 415,837 101,891 320,990 36,093 20,632,692 3,464 28,203 10,437 2,379 16,650 61,133 Adult 10/1/2011 $9,355,680 146,725 25,711 177,649 77,663 1,382,717 107,260 87,480 23,331 24,768 614,876 277,182 28,825 37,771 406,370 171,358 46,996 52,784 157,643 133,241 33,131 115,935 174,735 472,409 122,147 118,996 162,857 25,738 23,331 99,334 23,331 245,330 55,502 557,438 277,982 23,331 359,324 78,339 125,574 327,614 308,156 39,392 159,480 23,331 191,994 600,761 39,764 23,331 150,750 179,157 53,446 136,671 23,331 9,332,292 1,325 10,790 3,993 910 6,370 23,388 DW 10/1/2011 $11,338,145 171,388 19,176 233,695 69,443 1,809,708 148,443 128,768 26,852 27,552 863,609 377,260 26,983 45,062 556,730 244,100 66,121 61,424 159,240 93,177 38,247 151,980 223,849 544,975 136,966 107,859 203,888 21,756 21,887 152,297 29,378 342,703 55,043 593,905 372,948 5,312 468,408 73,506 160,217 403,510 145,538 54,238 203,882 8,936 235,140 659,056 64,429 13,219 196,391 236,680 48,445 184,319 12,762 11,300,400 2,139 17,413 6,444 1,469 10,280 37,745

Attachment III

* P.L. 112-74 (Section 527 of H.R. 2055, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) enacted a 0.189 percent rescission on FY 2012 "Advance" funds appropriated in prior appropriations. Previously section 115 of H.R. 2017 (Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012) enacted a 1.503 percent temporary reduction on such funds. Therefore, states are due to receive additional funding from the FY 2012 "Advance" which was previously withheld pending a full year appropriation. This table contains only the amount of additional funding due to the states.


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12272 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 3 NEVADAWORKS NEVADAWORKS BLDG A 6490 S MCCARRAN BLVD STE 1 RENO, NV 89509-6119

Agency Name: EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DIVISION Agency Code: 902 Appropriation Unit: 4770-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Beth Wicks 775/284-1338 Vendor No.: T27003177 NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: PY11-DW-01 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2011

06/30/2013 2 years Interlocal Agreement Nevadaworks-DW

5. Purpose of contract: This is the third amendment to the original interlocal agreement, which provides ongoing employment and training services to dislocated workers in northern Nevada. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $2,557,680 to $2,592,885 based on a directive from the Department of Labor Training and Employment Guidance Letter Number 09-11 Change 1 that amended the temporary reduction of the advance allotments from 1.503% to 0.189%. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $2,930,208.00 -$372,528.00 $35,205.00 $2,592,885.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Governor's Workforce Investment Board designated the Local Workforce Investment Board to facilitate the required employment and training services in compliance with WIA.
Contract #: 12272 Page 1 of 2 126

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? CFR Part 652 et al d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The contractor has been contracted by DETR and the work is satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User tmyler rolso1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson

Signature Date 05/07/2012 15:48:04 PM 05/08/2012 07:54:25 AM 05/08/2012 08:50:46 AM 05/08/2012 16:08:31 PM 05/14/2012 09:19:20 AM 05/14/2012 13:39:01 PM

Contract #: 12272

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Attachment I U. S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA

Dislocated Worker Activities 0.189 Percent Rescission to PY 2011 State Allotments Pursuant to P.L. 112-74 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) (Applicable to FY 2012 "Advance" Funds Available 10/1/11)
Initial Allotment FY 2012 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $1,060,000,000 13,043,258 1,459,376 17,785,059 5,284,922 137,725,063 11,296,978 9,799,741 2,043,499 2,096,787 65,723,670 28,710,840 2,053,461 3,429,316 42,369,118 18,576,857 5,032,076 4,674,551 12,118,685 7,091,104 2,910,712 11,566,218 17,035,630 41,474,500 10,423,608 8,208,422 15,516,600 1,655,657 1,665,675 11,590,371 2,235,807 26,080,934 4,188,927 45,198,293 28,382,625 404,286 35,647,495 5,594,098 12,193,059 30,708,483 11,076,002 4,127,703 15,516,128 680,049 17,894,961 50,156,464 4,903,237 1,005,979 14,946,071 18,012,143 3,686,850 14,027,362 971,290 860,000,000 162,809 1,325,218 490,396 111,784 782,343 2,872,550 197,127,450 0.189% Rescission ($2,003,400) (24,652) (2,758) (33,614) (9,989) (260,300) (21,351) (18,522) (3,862) (3,963) (124,218) (54,264) (3,881) (6,481) (80,078) (35,110) (9,511) (8,835) (22,904) (13,402) (5,501) (21,860) (32,197) (78,387) (19,701) (15,514) (29,326) (3,129) (3,148) (21,906) (4,226) (49,293) (7,917) (85,425) (53,643) (764) (67,374) (10,573) (23,045) (58,039) (20,934) (7,801) (29,325) (1,285) (33,821) (94,796) (9,267) (1,901) (28,248) (34,043) (6,968) (26,512) (1,836) (1,625,400) (308) (2,505) (927) (211) (1,479) (5,430) (372,570) Revised Allotment with Rescission Total $1,285,540,600 16,103,978 1,801,832 21,958,487 6,525,077 170,043,518 13,947,918 12,099,340 2,523,025 2,588,817 81,146,334 35,448,102 2,535,324 4,234,037 52,311,422 22,936,088 6,212,899 5,771,477 14,962,447 8,755,097 3,593,738 14,280,338 21,033,198 51,206,873 12,869,603 10,134,604 19,157,714 2,044,172 2,056,541 14,310,158 2,760,460 32,201,066 5,171,897 55,804,488 35,042,869 499,156 44,012,508 6,906,804 15,054,272 37,914,512 13,675,088 5,096,307 19,157,131 839,629 22,094,179 61,926,140 6,053,827 1,242,041 18,453,304 22,238,858 4,552,003 17,319,011 1,199,212 1,061,806,920 182,129 1,482,479 548,591 125,049 875,182 3,213,430 220,520,250 7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $227,544,000 3,085,372 345,214 4,207,042 1,250,144 32,578,755 2,672,291 2,318,121 483,388 495,993 15,546,882 6,791,526 485,744 811,202 10,022,382 4,394,341 1,190,334 1,105,761 2,866,666 1,677,395 688,527 2,735,980 4,029,765 9,810,760 2,465,696 1,941,696 3,670,440 391,644 394,014 2,741,693 528,879 6,169,425 990,887 10,691,620 6,713,887 95,634 8,432,387 1,323,279 2,884,258 7,264,068 2,620,020 976,405 3,670,328 160,865 4,233,039 11,864,472 1,159,857 237,963 3,535,481 4,260,758 872,121 3,318,161 229,758 203,432,320 19,628 159,766 59,122 13,476 94,318 346,310 23,765,370 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $1,057,996,600 13,018,606 1,456,618 17,751,445 5,274,933 137,464,763 11,275,627 9,781,219 2,039,637 2,092,824 65,599,452 28,656,576 2,049,580 3,422,835 42,289,040 18,541,747 5,022,565 4,665,716 12,095,781 7,077,702 2,905,211 11,544,358 17,003,433 41,396,113 10,403,907 8,192,908 15,487,274 1,652,528 1,662,527 11,568,465 2,231,581 26,031,641 4,181,010 45,112,868 28,328,982 403,522 35,580,121 5,583,525 12,170,014 30,650,444 11,055,068 4,119,902 15,486,803 678,764 17,861,140 50,061,668 4,893,970 1,004,078 14,917,823 17,978,100 3,679,882 14,000,850 969,454 858,374,600 162,501 1,322,713 489,469 111,573 780,864 2,867,120 196,754,880
OFAS/12 0104

Total Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming State Total American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total National Reserve

Total $1,287,544,000 16,128,630 1,804,590 21,992,101 6,535,066 170,303,818 13,969,269 12,117,862 2,526,887 2,592,780 81,270,552 35,502,366 2,539,205 4,240,518 52,391,500 22,971,198 6,222,410 5,780,312 14,985,351 8,768,499 3,599,239 14,302,198 21,065,395 51,285,260 12,889,304 10,150,118 19,187,040 2,047,301 2,059,689 14,332,064 2,764,686 32,250,359 5,179,814 55,889,913 35,096,512 499,920 44,079,882 6,917,377 15,077,317 37,972,551 13,696,022 5,104,108 19,186,456 840,914 22,128,000 62,020,936 6,063,094 1,243,942 18,481,552 22,272,901 4,558,971 17,345,523 1,201,048 1,063,432,320 182,437 1,484,984 549,518 125,260 876,661 3,218,860 220,892,820

7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $227,544,000 3,085,372 345,214 4,207,042 1,250,144 32,578,755 2,672,291 2,318,121 483,388 495,993 15,546,882 6,791,526 485,744 811,202 10,022,382 4,394,341 1,190,334 1,105,761 2,866,666 1,677,395 688,527 2,735,980 4,029,765 9,810,760 2,465,696 1,941,696 3,670,440 391,644 394,014 2,741,693 528,879 6,169,425 990,887 10,691,620 6,713,887 95,634 8,432,387 1,323,279 2,884,258 7,264,068 2,620,020 976,405 3,670,328 160,865 4,233,039 11,864,472 1,159,857 237,963 3,535,481 4,260,758 872,121 3,318,161 229,758 203,432,320 19,628 159,766 59,122 13,476 94,318 346,310 23,765,370


Attachment II U. S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA Adult

Activities 0.189 Percent Rescission to PY 2011 State Allotments Pursuant to P.L. 112-74 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) (Applicable to FY 2012 "Advance" Funds Available 10/1/11)
Initial Allotment FY 2012 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $712,000,000 11,166,239 1,956,719 13,519,676 5,910,424 105,229,539 8,162,882 6,657,577 1,775,550 1,884,932 46,794,194 21,094,455 2,193,679 2,874,508 30,926,167 13,040,930 3,576,602 4,017,062 11,997,192 10,140,124 2,521,449 8,823,075 13,297,927 35,952,003 9,295,828 9,056,015 12,394,042 1,958,764 1,775,550 7,559,653 1,775,550 18,670,432 4,223,884 42,422,952 21,155,420 1,775,550 27,345,842 5,961,882 9,556,649 24,932,610 23,451,775 2,997,891 12,137,010 1,775,550 14,611,402 45,720,016 3,026,131 1,775,550 11,472,585 13,634,486 4,067,390 10,401,136 1,775,550 710,220,000 100,886 821,183 303,878 69,268 484,785 1,780,000 0.189% Rescission ($1,345,680) (21,104) (3,698) (25,552) (11,171) (198,883) (15,428) (12,583) (3,356) (3,563) (88,441) (39,868) (4,146) (5,433) (58,450) (24,647) (6,760) (7,592) (22,675) (19,165) (4,766) (16,676) (25,133) (67,949) (17,569) (17,116) (23,425) (3,702) (3,356) (14,288) (3,356) (35,287) (7,983) (80,179) (39,984) (3,356) (51,684) (11,268) (18,062) (47,123) (44,324) (5,666) (22,939) (3,356) (27,615) (86,411) (5,719) (3,356) (21,683) (25,769) (7,687) (19,658) (3,356) (1,342,316) (191) (1,552) (574) (131) (916) (3,364) Total $769,576,240 12,069,203 2,114,950 14,612,951 6,388,373 113,738,979 8,822,977 7,195,945 1,919,131 2,037,358 50,578,230 22,800,269 2,371,072 3,106,956 33,427,027 14,095,492 3,865,826 4,341,904 12,967,351 10,960,110 2,725,347 9,536,557 14,373,271 38,859,280 10,047,540 9,788,334 13,396,292 2,117,160 1,919,131 8,170,968 1,919,131 20,180,226 4,565,451 45,853,506 22,866,163 1,919,131 29,557,177 6,443,993 10,329,452 26,948,797 25,348,214 3,240,317 13,118,475 1,919,131 15,792,961 49,417,188 3,270,841 1,919,131 12,400,322 14,737,046 4,396,302 11,242,229 1,919,131 767,652,299 109,044 887,588 328,452 74,869 523,988 1,923,941 Revised Allotment with Rescission 7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $58,921,920 924,068 161,929 1,118,827 489,120 8,708,323 675,523 550,951 146,937 155,989 3,872,477 1,745,682 181,539 237,881 2,559,310 1,079,209 295,984 332,434 992,834 839,151 208,664 730,158 1,100,477 2,975,226 769,281 749,435 1,025,675 162,098 146,937 625,603 146,937 1,545,081 349,550 3,510,733 1,750,727 146,937 2,263,019 493,379 790,865 2,063,310 1,940,763 248,092 1,004,404 146,937 1,209,174 3,783,583 250,429 146,937 949,420 1,128,329 336,599 860,751 146,937 58,774,615 8,349 67,957 25,148 5,732 40,119 147,305 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $710,654,320 11,145,135 1,953,021 13,494,124 5,899,253 105,030,656 8,147,454 6,644,994 1,772,194 1,881,369 46,705,753 21,054,587 2,189,533 2,869,075 30,867,717 13,016,283 3,569,842 4,009,470 11,974,517 10,120,959 2,516,683 8,806,399 13,272,794 35,884,054 9,278,259 9,038,899 12,370,617 1,955,062 1,772,194 7,545,365 1,772,194 18,635,145 4,215,901 42,342,773 21,115,436 1,772,194 27,294,158 5,950,614 9,538,587 24,885,487 23,407,451 2,992,225 12,114,071 1,772,194 14,583,787 45,633,605 3,020,412 1,772,194 11,450,902 13,608,717 4,059,703 10,381,478 1,772,194 708,877,684 100,695 819,631 303,304 69,137 483,869 1,776,636
OFAS/12 0104

Total Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming State Total American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total

Total $770,921,920 12,090,307 2,118,648 14,638,503 6,399,544 113,937,862 8,838,405 7,208,528 1,922,487 2,040,921 50,666,671 22,840,137 2,375,218 3,112,389 33,485,477 14,120,139 3,872,586 4,349,496 12,990,026 10,979,275 2,730,113 9,553,233 14,398,404 38,927,229 10,065,109 9,805,450 13,419,717 2,120,862 1,922,487 8,185,256 1,922,487 20,215,513 4,573,434 45,933,685 22,906,147 1,922,487 29,608,861 6,455,261 10,347,514 26,995,920 25,392,538 3,245,983 13,141,414 1,922,487 15,820,576 49,503,599 3,276,560 1,922,487 12,422,005 14,762,815 4,403,989 11,261,887 1,922,487 768,994,615 109,235 889,140 329,026 75,000 524,904 1,927,305

7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $58,921,920 924,068 161,929 1,118,827 489,120 8,708,323 675,523 550,951 146,937 155,989 3,872,477 1,745,682 181,539 237,881 2,559,310 1,079,209 295,984 332,434 992,834 839,151 208,664 730,158 1,100,477 2,975,226 769,281 749,435 1,025,675 162,098 146,937 625,603 146,937 1,545,081 349,550 3,510,733 1,750,727 146,937 2,263,019 493,379 790,865 2,063,310 1,940,763 248,092 1,004,404 146,937 1,209,174 3,783,583 250,429 146,937 949,420 1,128,329 336,599 860,751 146,937 58,774,615 8,349 67,957 25,148 5,732 40,119 147,305


U S Department of Labor, ETA WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Activities Additional FY12 "Advance" Funds for Dissemination*
State Total Alabam a Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecti cu t Delaw are District o f Columbia Florida Georgi a Haw ai i Idaho Illinois Indian a Iow a Kansas Kentucky Louisi ana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississi p pi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hamps h ire New Jersey New Mexi c o New York North Carolin a North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvan ia Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolin a South Dako t a Tennes see Texas Utah Vermon t Virginia Washington West Virgi n ia Wisconsi n Wyoming State Total Ameri c an Samoa Guam North ern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total Total $20,693,825 318,113 44,887 411,344 147,106 3,192,425 255,703 216,248 50,183 52,320 1,478,485 654,442 55,808 82,833 963,100 415,458 113,117 114,208 316,883 226,418 71,378 267,915 398,584 1,017,384 259,113 226,855 366,745 47,494 45,218 251,631 52,709 588,033 110,545 1,151,343 650,930 28,643 827,732 151,845 285,791 731,124 453,694 93,630 363,362 32,267 427,134 1,259,817 104,193 36,550 347,141 415,837 101,891 320,990 36,093 20,632,692 3,464 28,203 10,437 2,379 16,650 61,133 Adult 10/1/2011 $9,355,680 146,725 25,711 177,649 77,663 1,382,717 107,260 87,480 23,331 24,768 614,876 277,182 28,825 37,771 406,370 171,358 46,996 52,784 157,643 133,241 33,131 115,935 174,735 472,409 122,147 118,996 162,857 25,738 23,331 99,334 23,331 245,330 55,502 557,438 277,982 23,331 359,324 78,339 125,574 327,614 308,156 39,392 159,480 23,331 191,994 600,761 39,764 23,331 150,750 179,157 53,446 136,671 23,331 9,332,292 1,325 10,790 3,993 910 6,370 23,388 DW 10/1/2011 $11,338,145 171,388 19,176 233,695 69,443 1,809,708 148,443 128,768 26,852 27,552 863,609 377,260 26,983 45,062 556,730 244,100 66,121 61,424 159,240 93,177 38,247 151,980 223,849 544,975 136,966 107,859 203,888 21,756 21,887 152,297 29,378 342,703 55,043 593,905 372,948 5,312 468,408 73,506 160,217 403,510 145,538 54,238 203,882 8,936 235,140 659,056 64,429 13,219 196,391 236,680 48,445 184,319 12,762 11,300,400 2,139 17,413 6,444 1,469 10,280 37,745

Attachment III

* P.L. 112-74 (Section 527 of H.R. 2055, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) enacted a 0.189 percent rescission on FY 2012 "Advance" funds appropriated in prior appropriations. Previously section 115 of H.R. 2017 (Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012) enacted a 1.503 percent temporary reduction on such funds. Therefore, states are due to receive additional funding from the FY 2012 "Advance" which was previously withheld pending a full year appropriation. This table contains only the amount of additional funding due to the states.


Attachment BB PY11-DW-01


Attachment BB PY11-DW-01


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13380 Legal Entity WORKFORCE CONNECTIONS Name: Contractor Name: WORKFORCE CONNECTIONS Address: 7251 W LAKE MEAD BLVD STE 250 City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89128-8365

Agency Name: EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DIVISION Agency Code: 902 Appropriation Unit: 4770-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Ardell Galbreth 702/638-8750 Vendor No.: T81079028 NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: PY12-Layoff Aversion-02 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2013 364 days Interlocal Agreement Layoff Aversion-12

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal agreement to fund layoff aversion services in southern Nevada. These services are a key component of the state's federally required Rapid Response plan. The services will be provided by a collaboration of public-private partners, called the Business Services Initiative Team, who will work together to align the publiclyfunded workforce investment system with regionally-based economic development efforts. This team will drive the transformation of the workforce investment system and will work for improved coordination, communication, collaboration, and performance between the workforce investment system and the business community. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $250,000.00 Other basis for payment: State will process payment when approved requests for funds form is received and approved by the Department, normally once each week for the duration of the contract, not to exceed the contract maximum of $250,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Workforce Investment Act of 1998 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Governor's Workforce Investment Board designated the Local Workforce Investment Boards to cacilitate the required employment and training services in compliance with the Workforce Investment Act. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 13380

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Governor's Designated agency - Interlocal Agreement d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: workforce Connections has been under contract with the department since 2000 and has performed satisfactorily. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler rolso1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/30/2012 10:38:29 AM 05/01/2012 16:42:01 PM 05/02/2012 09:09:26 AM 05/03/2012 08:38:08 AM 05/14/2012 11:03:44 AM 05/14/2012 15:13:18 PM

Contract #: 13380

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12261 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 WORKFORCE CONNECTIONS WORKFORCE CONNECTIONS 7251 W LAKE MEAD BLVD STE 200 LAS VEGAS, NV 89128-8365

Agency Name: EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DIVISION Agency Code: 902 Appropriation Unit: 4770-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Ardell Galbreth 702/638-8750 Vendor No.: T81079028 NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: PY11-DW-02 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2011

06/30/2013 2 years Interlocal Agreement WIA-DW Allocation

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original interlocal agreement, which provides ongoing employment and training services to dislocated workers in southern Nevada. This amendment decreases the maximum amount from $6,637,823 to $6,209,227 based on a directive from the Department of Labor's Training and Employment Guidance Letter Number 09-11 Change 1 that increases the Workforce Investment Act program year 2011 allotment budget by $71,404 and transfers $500,000 from the Dislocated Workers Program to the Adult Workers Program. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $5,943,200.00 $694,623.00 -$428,596.00 $6,209,227.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Governor's Workforce Investment Board designated the Local Workforce Investment Boards to facilitate the required employment and training services in compliance with WIA.
Contract #: 12261 Page 1 of 2 128

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Governor's designated Agency - Interlocal contract CFR Part 652 et al d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Workforce Connections has been under contract with the Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation since 2000 and has performed satisfactorily. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User tmyler rolso1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson

Signature Date 05/02/2012 16:03:32 PM 05/03/2012 17:12:27 PM 05/04/2012 09:22:38 AM 05/14/2012 09:38:35 AM 05/14/2012 10:23:00 AM 05/14/2012 13:39:44 PM

Contract #: 12261

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Attachment I U. S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA

Dislocated Worker Activities 0.189 Percent Rescission to PY 2011 State Allotments Pursuant to P.L. 112-74 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) (Applicable to FY 2012 "Advance" Funds Available 10/1/11)
Initial Allotment FY 2012 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $1,060,000,000 13,043,258 1,459,376 17,785,059 5,284,922 137,725,063 11,296,978 9,799,741 2,043,499 2,096,787 65,723,670 28,710,840 2,053,461 3,429,316 42,369,118 18,576,857 5,032,076 4,674,551 12,118,685 7,091,104 2,910,712 11,566,218 17,035,630 41,474,500 10,423,608 8,208,422 15,516,600 1,655,657 1,665,675 11,590,371 2,235,807 26,080,934 4,188,927 45,198,293 28,382,625 404,286 35,647,495 5,594,098 12,193,059 30,708,483 11,076,002 4,127,703 15,516,128 680,049 17,894,961 50,156,464 4,903,237 1,005,979 14,946,071 18,012,143 3,686,850 14,027,362 971,290 860,000,000 162,809 1,325,218 490,396 111,784 782,343 2,872,550 197,127,450 0.189% Rescission ($2,003,400) (24,652) (2,758) (33,614) (9,989) (260,300) (21,351) (18,522) (3,862) (3,963) (124,218) (54,264) (3,881) (6,481) (80,078) (35,110) (9,511) (8,835) (22,904) (13,402) (5,501) (21,860) (32,197) (78,387) (19,701) (15,514) (29,326) (3,129) (3,148) (21,906) (4,226) (49,293) (7,917) (85,425) (53,643) (764) (67,374) (10,573) (23,045) (58,039) (20,934) (7,801) (29,325) (1,285) (33,821) (94,796) (9,267) (1,901) (28,248) (34,043) (6,968) (26,512) (1,836) (1,625,400) (308) (2,505) (927) (211) (1,479) (5,430) (372,570) Revised Allotment with Rescission Total $1,285,540,600 16,103,978 1,801,832 21,958,487 6,525,077 170,043,518 13,947,918 12,099,340 2,523,025 2,588,817 81,146,334 35,448,102 2,535,324 4,234,037 52,311,422 22,936,088 6,212,899 5,771,477 14,962,447 8,755,097 3,593,738 14,280,338 21,033,198 51,206,873 12,869,603 10,134,604 19,157,714 2,044,172 2,056,541 14,310,158 2,760,460 32,201,066 5,171,897 55,804,488 35,042,869 499,156 44,012,508 6,906,804 15,054,272 37,914,512 13,675,088 5,096,307 19,157,131 839,629 22,094,179 61,926,140 6,053,827 1,242,041 18,453,304 22,238,858 4,552,003 17,319,011 1,199,212 1,061,806,920 182,129 1,482,479 548,591 125,049 875,182 3,213,430 220,520,250 7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $227,544,000 3,085,372 345,214 4,207,042 1,250,144 32,578,755 2,672,291 2,318,121 483,388 495,993 15,546,882 6,791,526 485,744 811,202 10,022,382 4,394,341 1,190,334 1,105,761 2,866,666 1,677,395 688,527 2,735,980 4,029,765 9,810,760 2,465,696 1,941,696 3,670,440 391,644 394,014 2,741,693 528,879 6,169,425 990,887 10,691,620 6,713,887 95,634 8,432,387 1,323,279 2,884,258 7,264,068 2,620,020 976,405 3,670,328 160,865 4,233,039 11,864,472 1,159,857 237,963 3,535,481 4,260,758 872,121 3,318,161 229,758 203,432,320 19,628 159,766 59,122 13,476 94,318 346,310 23,765,370 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $1,057,996,600 13,018,606 1,456,618 17,751,445 5,274,933 137,464,763 11,275,627 9,781,219 2,039,637 2,092,824 65,599,452 28,656,576 2,049,580 3,422,835 42,289,040 18,541,747 5,022,565 4,665,716 12,095,781 7,077,702 2,905,211 11,544,358 17,003,433 41,396,113 10,403,907 8,192,908 15,487,274 1,652,528 1,662,527 11,568,465 2,231,581 26,031,641 4,181,010 45,112,868 28,328,982 403,522 35,580,121 5,583,525 12,170,014 30,650,444 11,055,068 4,119,902 15,486,803 678,764 17,861,140 50,061,668 4,893,970 1,004,078 14,917,823 17,978,100 3,679,882 14,000,850 969,454 858,374,600 162,501 1,322,713 489,469 111,573 780,864 2,867,120 196,754,880
OFAS/12 0104

Total Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming State Total American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total National Reserve

Total $1,287,544,000 16,128,630 1,804,590 21,992,101 6,535,066 170,303,818 13,969,269 12,117,862 2,526,887 2,592,780 81,270,552 35,502,366 2,539,205 4,240,518 52,391,500 22,971,198 6,222,410 5,780,312 14,985,351 8,768,499 3,599,239 14,302,198 21,065,395 51,285,260 12,889,304 10,150,118 19,187,040 2,047,301 2,059,689 14,332,064 2,764,686 32,250,359 5,179,814 55,889,913 35,096,512 499,920 44,079,882 6,917,377 15,077,317 37,972,551 13,696,022 5,104,108 19,186,456 840,914 22,128,000 62,020,936 6,063,094 1,243,942 18,481,552 22,272,901 4,558,971 17,345,523 1,201,048 1,063,432,320 182,437 1,484,984 549,518 125,260 876,661 3,218,860 220,892,820

7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $227,544,000 3,085,372 345,214 4,207,042 1,250,144 32,578,755 2,672,291 2,318,121 483,388 495,993 15,546,882 6,791,526 485,744 811,202 10,022,382 4,394,341 1,190,334 1,105,761 2,866,666 1,677,395 688,527 2,735,980 4,029,765 9,810,760 2,465,696 1,941,696 3,670,440 391,644 394,014 2,741,693 528,879 6,169,425 990,887 10,691,620 6,713,887 95,634 8,432,387 1,323,279 2,884,258 7,264,068 2,620,020 976,405 3,670,328 160,865 4,233,039 11,864,472 1,159,857 237,963 3,535,481 4,260,758 872,121 3,318,161 229,758 203,432,320 19,628 159,766 59,122 13,476 94,318 346,310 23,765,370


Attachment II U. S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA Adult

Activities 0.189 Percent Rescission to PY 2011 State Allotments Pursuant to P.L. 112-74 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) (Applicable to FY 2012 "Advance" Funds Available 10/1/11)
Initial Allotment FY 2012 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $712,000,000 11,166,239 1,956,719 13,519,676 5,910,424 105,229,539 8,162,882 6,657,577 1,775,550 1,884,932 46,794,194 21,094,455 2,193,679 2,874,508 30,926,167 13,040,930 3,576,602 4,017,062 11,997,192 10,140,124 2,521,449 8,823,075 13,297,927 35,952,003 9,295,828 9,056,015 12,394,042 1,958,764 1,775,550 7,559,653 1,775,550 18,670,432 4,223,884 42,422,952 21,155,420 1,775,550 27,345,842 5,961,882 9,556,649 24,932,610 23,451,775 2,997,891 12,137,010 1,775,550 14,611,402 45,720,016 3,026,131 1,775,550 11,472,585 13,634,486 4,067,390 10,401,136 1,775,550 710,220,000 100,886 821,183 303,878 69,268 484,785 1,780,000 0.189% Rescission ($1,345,680) (21,104) (3,698) (25,552) (11,171) (198,883) (15,428) (12,583) (3,356) (3,563) (88,441) (39,868) (4,146) (5,433) (58,450) (24,647) (6,760) (7,592) (22,675) (19,165) (4,766) (16,676) (25,133) (67,949) (17,569) (17,116) (23,425) (3,702) (3,356) (14,288) (3,356) (35,287) (7,983) (80,179) (39,984) (3,356) (51,684) (11,268) (18,062) (47,123) (44,324) (5,666) (22,939) (3,356) (27,615) (86,411) (5,719) (3,356) (21,683) (25,769) (7,687) (19,658) (3,356) (1,342,316) (191) (1,552) (574) (131) (916) (3,364) Total $769,576,240 12,069,203 2,114,950 14,612,951 6,388,373 113,738,979 8,822,977 7,195,945 1,919,131 2,037,358 50,578,230 22,800,269 2,371,072 3,106,956 33,427,027 14,095,492 3,865,826 4,341,904 12,967,351 10,960,110 2,725,347 9,536,557 14,373,271 38,859,280 10,047,540 9,788,334 13,396,292 2,117,160 1,919,131 8,170,968 1,919,131 20,180,226 4,565,451 45,853,506 22,866,163 1,919,131 29,557,177 6,443,993 10,329,452 26,948,797 25,348,214 3,240,317 13,118,475 1,919,131 15,792,961 49,417,188 3,270,841 1,919,131 12,400,322 14,737,046 4,396,302 11,242,229 1,919,131 767,652,299 109,044 887,588 328,452 74,869 523,988 1,923,941 Revised Allotment with Rescission 7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $58,921,920 924,068 161,929 1,118,827 489,120 8,708,323 675,523 550,951 146,937 155,989 3,872,477 1,745,682 181,539 237,881 2,559,310 1,079,209 295,984 332,434 992,834 839,151 208,664 730,158 1,100,477 2,975,226 769,281 749,435 1,025,675 162,098 146,937 625,603 146,937 1,545,081 349,550 3,510,733 1,750,727 146,937 2,263,019 493,379 790,865 2,063,310 1,940,763 248,092 1,004,404 146,937 1,209,174 3,783,583 250,429 146,937 949,420 1,128,329 336,599 860,751 146,937 58,774,615 8,349 67,957 25,148 5,732 40,119 147,305 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $710,654,320 11,145,135 1,953,021 13,494,124 5,899,253 105,030,656 8,147,454 6,644,994 1,772,194 1,881,369 46,705,753 21,054,587 2,189,533 2,869,075 30,867,717 13,016,283 3,569,842 4,009,470 11,974,517 10,120,959 2,516,683 8,806,399 13,272,794 35,884,054 9,278,259 9,038,899 12,370,617 1,955,062 1,772,194 7,545,365 1,772,194 18,635,145 4,215,901 42,342,773 21,115,436 1,772,194 27,294,158 5,950,614 9,538,587 24,885,487 23,407,451 2,992,225 12,114,071 1,772,194 14,583,787 45,633,605 3,020,412 1,772,194 11,450,902 13,608,717 4,059,703 10,381,478 1,772,194 708,877,684 100,695 819,631 303,304 69,137 483,869 1,776,636
OFAS/12 0104

Total Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming State Total American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total

Total $770,921,920 12,090,307 2,118,648 14,638,503 6,399,544 113,937,862 8,838,405 7,208,528 1,922,487 2,040,921 50,666,671 22,840,137 2,375,218 3,112,389 33,485,477 14,120,139 3,872,586 4,349,496 12,990,026 10,979,275 2,730,113 9,553,233 14,398,404 38,927,229 10,065,109 9,805,450 13,419,717 2,120,862 1,922,487 8,185,256 1,922,487 20,215,513 4,573,434 45,933,685 22,906,147 1,922,487 29,608,861 6,455,261 10,347,514 26,995,920 25,392,538 3,245,983 13,141,414 1,922,487 15,820,576 49,503,599 3,276,560 1,922,487 12,422,005 14,762,815 4,403,989 11,261,887 1,922,487 768,994,615 109,235 889,140 329,026 75,000 524,904 1,927,305

7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $58,921,920 924,068 161,929 1,118,827 489,120 8,708,323 675,523 550,951 146,937 155,989 3,872,477 1,745,682 181,539 237,881 2,559,310 1,079,209 295,984 332,434 992,834 839,151 208,664 730,158 1,100,477 2,975,226 769,281 749,435 1,025,675 162,098 146,937 625,603 146,937 1,545,081 349,550 3,510,733 1,750,727 146,937 2,263,019 493,379 790,865 2,063,310 1,940,763 248,092 1,004,404 146,937 1,209,174 3,783,583 250,429 146,937 949,420 1,128,329 336,599 860,751 146,937 58,774,615 8,349 67,957 25,148 5,732 40,119 147,305


U S Department of Labor, ETA WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Activities Additional FY12 "Advance" Funds for Dissemination*
State Total Alabam a Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecti cu t Delaw are District o f Columbia Florida Georgi a Haw ai i Idaho Illinois Indian a Iow a Kansas Kentucky Louisi ana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississi p pi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hamps h ire New Jersey New Mexi c o New York North Carolin a North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvan ia Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolin a South Dako t a Tennes see Texas Utah Vermon t Virginia Washington West Virgi n ia Wisconsi n Wyoming State Total Ameri c an Samoa Guam North ern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total Total $20,693,825 318,113 44,887 411,344 147,106 3,192,425 255,703 216,248 50,183 52,320 1,478,485 654,442 55,808 82,833 963,100 415,458 113,117 114,208 316,883 226,418 71,378 267,915 398,584 1,017,384 259,113 226,855 366,745 47,494 45,218 251,631 52,709 588,033 110,545 1,151,343 650,930 28,643 827,732 151,845 285,791 731,124 453,694 93,630 363,362 32,267 427,134 1,259,817 104,193 36,550 347,141 415,837 101,891 320,990 36,093 20,632,692 3,464 28,203 10,437 2,379 16,650 61,133 Adult 10/1/2011 $9,355,680 146,725 25,711 177,649 77,663 1,382,717 107,260 87,480 23,331 24,768 614,876 277,182 28,825 37,771 406,370 171,358 46,996 52,784 157,643 133,241 33,131 115,935 174,735 472,409 122,147 118,996 162,857 25,738 23,331 99,334 23,331 245,330 55,502 557,438 277,982 23,331 359,324 78,339 125,574 327,614 308,156 39,392 159,480 23,331 191,994 600,761 39,764 23,331 150,750 179,157 53,446 136,671 23,331 9,332,292 1,325 10,790 3,993 910 6,370 23,388 DW 10/1/2011 $11,338,145 171,388 19,176 233,695 69,443 1,809,708 148,443 128,768 26,852 27,552 863,609 377,260 26,983 45,062 556,730 244,100 66,121 61,424 159,240 93,177 38,247 151,980 223,849 544,975 136,966 107,859 203,888 21,756 21,887 152,297 29,378 342,703 55,043 593,905 372,948 5,312 468,408 73,506 160,217 403,510 145,538 54,238 203,882 8,936 235,140 659,056 64,429 13,219 196,391 236,680 48,445 184,319 12,762 11,300,400 2,139 17,413 6,444 1,469 10,280 37,745

Attachment III

* P.L. 112-74 (Section 527 of H.R. 2055, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) enacted a 0.189 percent rescission on FY 2012 "Advance" funds appropriated in prior appropriations. Previously section 115 of H.R. 2017 (Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012) enacted a 1.503 percent temporary reduction on such funds. Therefore, states are due to receive additional funding from the FY 2012 "Advance" which was previously withheld pending a full year appropriation. This table contains only the amount of additional funding due to the states.


Workforce Investment Act State Compliance Policies Section: 3.8 I. General: All transfers must be authorized by the state on behalf of the Governor and must be included in the local plan or modification of the plan. Any increase/decrease due to transfer between programs requires a revision to the local plan. This policy does not preclude the Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIB) from submitting transfer requests with a regularly scheduled plan submission. [667.140(b)] A. In considering transfer requests, the state will determine whether the request addresses the employment and training needs of eligible WIA program participants within the LWIB. In order to assure the maintenance of adequate funding levels, the state will also consider the impact the transfers will have on the state as a whole. Plan commitments that describe strategies and goals established prior to transfers must be considered when addressing potential transfers. Justification must be included in the request. Modifications or revisions to local plans must be submitted within thirty (30) days of approval of the transfer. After the state has approved the transfer request, the LWIB will be required to submit a modified Plan. The state will subsequently amend the contracts, as required. (661.355) Transfer of Funds Between Programs November 2009





Transfer Authority: The authorization to transfer funds provides states and local communities the flexibility to design programs and allocate resources to best serve the employment and training needs of adults and dislocated workers. The intent is also to allow greater flexibility as the system moves toward an integrated workforce development approach to consolidate programs and give greater authority to state and local decision makers. A waiver request was submitted as part of the WIA One-Year Strategic Plan for July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. On November 9, 2009, the Department of Labors approval letter granted LWIBs, with the states approval on behalf of the Governor, the ability to transfer up to 50 percent of each program years allocation between the adult and dislocated worker funding streams, beginning in program year 2009. Transfer Authority: The state will consider transfers up to the following percentages of original allocations:

DETR/ESD/Workforce Investment Support Services WIA State Compliance Policies Section 3.8 Transfer of Funds Between Programs Revised November 2009

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Formula Adult to Dislocated Worker 50 percent Formula Dislocated Worker to Adult 50 percent TEGL 14-08 Change 1 dated April 15, 2009, allows for a 30% transfer between adult and dislocated worker ARRA funding streams. Excluded from Transfer Authority: Transfer of funds to and from the youth formula and ARRA programs is not allowed. [667.140(c)]

DETR/ESD/Workforce Investment Support Services WIA State Compliance Policies Section 3.8 Transfer of Funds Between Programs Revised November 2009

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Attachment BB PY11-DW-02 Amend 2


Attachment BB PY11-DW-02 Amend 2





BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12260 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 WORKFORCE CONNECTIONS WORKFORCE CONNECTIONS 7251 W LAKE MEAD BLVD STE 200 LAS VEGAS, NV 89128-8365

Agency Name: EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DIVISION Agency Code: 902 Appropriation Unit: 4770-11 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Ardell Galbreth 702/638-8750 Vendor No.: T81079028 NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: PY11-A-02 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2011

06/30/2013 2 years Interlocal Agreement WIA Adult Allocation

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original interlocal agreement, which provides ongoing employment and training services to adult workers in southern Nevada. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $5,660,975 to $6,230,641 based on a directive from the Department of Labor's Training and Employment Guidance Letter Number 09-11 Change 1 that increases the Workforce Investment Act program year 2011 allotment budget by $69,666 and transfers $500,000 from the Dislocated Workers Program to the Adult Workers Program. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $5,182,567.00 $478,408.00 $569,666.00 $6,230,641.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Governor's Workforce Investment Board designated the Local Workforce Investment Boards to facilitate the required employment and training services in compliance with the Workforce Investment Act.
Contract #: 12260 Page 1 of 2 129

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Governor's Designated Agency - Interlocal contract CFR Part 652 et al d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Workforce Connections has been under contract with the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation since 2000 and has performed satisfactorily. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User tmyler rolso1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson

Signature Date 05/07/2012 15:46:56 PM 05/08/2012 07:55:21 AM 05/08/2012 08:52:17 AM 05/08/2012 16:09:44 PM 05/12/2012 09:17:18 AM 05/14/2012 15:08:53 PM

Contract #: 12260

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Attachment BB PY11-A-02 Amend 2


Attachment BB PY11-A-02 Amend 2


Workforce Investment Act State Compliance Policies Section: 3.8 I. General: All transfers must be authorized by the state on behalf of the Governor and must be included in the local plan or modification of the plan. Any increase/decrease due to transfer between programs requires a revision to the local plan. This policy does not preclude the Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIB) from submitting transfer requests with a regularly scheduled plan submission. [667.140(b)] A. In considering transfer requests, the state will determine whether the request addresses the employment and training needs of eligible WIA program participants within the LWIB. In order to assure the maintenance of adequate funding levels, the state will also consider the impact the transfers will have on the state as a whole. Plan commitments that describe strategies and goals established prior to transfers must be considered when addressing potential transfers. Justification must be included in the request. Modifications or revisions to local plans must be submitted within thirty (30) days of approval of the transfer. After the state has approved the transfer request, the LWIB will be required to submit a modified Plan. The state will subsequently amend the contracts, as required. (661.355) Transfer of Funds Between Programs November 2009





Transfer Authority: The authorization to transfer funds provides states and local communities the flexibility to design programs and allocate resources to best serve the employment and training needs of adults and dislocated workers. The intent is also to allow greater flexibility as the system moves toward an integrated workforce development approach to consolidate programs and give greater authority to state and local decision makers. A waiver request was submitted as part of the WIA One-Year Strategic Plan for July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. On November 9, 2009, the Department of Labors approval letter granted LWIBs, with the states approval on behalf of the Governor, the ability to transfer up to 50 percent of each program years allocation between the adult and dislocated worker funding streams, beginning in program year 2009. Transfer Authority: The state will consider transfers up to the following percentages of original allocations:

DETR/ESD/Workforce Investment Support Services WIA State Compliance Policies Section 3.8 Transfer of Funds Between Programs Revised November 2009

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Formula Adult to Dislocated Worker 50 percent Formula Dislocated Worker to Adult 50 percent TEGL 14-08 Change 1 dated April 15, 2009, allows for a 30% transfer between adult and dislocated worker ARRA funding streams. Excluded from Transfer Authority: Transfer of funds to and from the youth formula and ARRA programs is not allowed. [667.140(c)]

DETR/ESD/Workforce Investment Support Services WIA State Compliance Policies Section 3.8 Transfer of Funds Between Programs Revised November 2009

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Attachment I U. S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA

Dislocated Worker Activities 0.189 Percent Rescission to PY 2011 State Allotments Pursuant to P.L. 112-74 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) (Applicable to FY 2012 "Advance" Funds Available 10/1/11)
Initial Allotment FY 2012 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $1,060,000,000 13,043,258 1,459,376 17,785,059 5,284,922 137,725,063 11,296,978 9,799,741 2,043,499 2,096,787 65,723,670 28,710,840 2,053,461 3,429,316 42,369,118 18,576,857 5,032,076 4,674,551 12,118,685 7,091,104 2,910,712 11,566,218 17,035,630 41,474,500 10,423,608 8,208,422 15,516,600 1,655,657 1,665,675 11,590,371 2,235,807 26,080,934 4,188,927 45,198,293 28,382,625 404,286 35,647,495 5,594,098 12,193,059 30,708,483 11,076,002 4,127,703 15,516,128 680,049 17,894,961 50,156,464 4,903,237 1,005,979 14,946,071 18,012,143 3,686,850 14,027,362 971,290 860,000,000 162,809 1,325,218 490,396 111,784 782,343 2,872,550 197,127,450 0.189% Rescission ($2,003,400) (24,652) (2,758) (33,614) (9,989) (260,300) (21,351) (18,522) (3,862) (3,963) (124,218) (54,264) (3,881) (6,481) (80,078) (35,110) (9,511) (8,835) (22,904) (13,402) (5,501) (21,860) (32,197) (78,387) (19,701) (15,514) (29,326) (3,129) (3,148) (21,906) (4,226) (49,293) (7,917) (85,425) (53,643) (764) (67,374) (10,573) (23,045) (58,039) (20,934) (7,801) (29,325) (1,285) (33,821) (94,796) (9,267) (1,901) (28,248) (34,043) (6,968) (26,512) (1,836) (1,625,400) (308) (2,505) (927) (211) (1,479) (5,430) (372,570) Revised Allotment with Rescission Total $1,285,540,600 16,103,978 1,801,832 21,958,487 6,525,077 170,043,518 13,947,918 12,099,340 2,523,025 2,588,817 81,146,334 35,448,102 2,535,324 4,234,037 52,311,422 22,936,088 6,212,899 5,771,477 14,962,447 8,755,097 3,593,738 14,280,338 21,033,198 51,206,873 12,869,603 10,134,604 19,157,714 2,044,172 2,056,541 14,310,158 2,760,460 32,201,066 5,171,897 55,804,488 35,042,869 499,156 44,012,508 6,906,804 15,054,272 37,914,512 13,675,088 5,096,307 19,157,131 839,629 22,094,179 61,926,140 6,053,827 1,242,041 18,453,304 22,238,858 4,552,003 17,319,011 1,199,212 1,061,806,920 182,129 1,482,479 548,591 125,049 875,182 3,213,430 220,520,250 7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $227,544,000 3,085,372 345,214 4,207,042 1,250,144 32,578,755 2,672,291 2,318,121 483,388 495,993 15,546,882 6,791,526 485,744 811,202 10,022,382 4,394,341 1,190,334 1,105,761 2,866,666 1,677,395 688,527 2,735,980 4,029,765 9,810,760 2,465,696 1,941,696 3,670,440 391,644 394,014 2,741,693 528,879 6,169,425 990,887 10,691,620 6,713,887 95,634 8,432,387 1,323,279 2,884,258 7,264,068 2,620,020 976,405 3,670,328 160,865 4,233,039 11,864,472 1,159,857 237,963 3,535,481 4,260,758 872,121 3,318,161 229,758 203,432,320 19,628 159,766 59,122 13,476 94,318 346,310 23,765,370 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $1,057,996,600 13,018,606 1,456,618 17,751,445 5,274,933 137,464,763 11,275,627 9,781,219 2,039,637 2,092,824 65,599,452 28,656,576 2,049,580 3,422,835 42,289,040 18,541,747 5,022,565 4,665,716 12,095,781 7,077,702 2,905,211 11,544,358 17,003,433 41,396,113 10,403,907 8,192,908 15,487,274 1,652,528 1,662,527 11,568,465 2,231,581 26,031,641 4,181,010 45,112,868 28,328,982 403,522 35,580,121 5,583,525 12,170,014 30,650,444 11,055,068 4,119,902 15,486,803 678,764 17,861,140 50,061,668 4,893,970 1,004,078 14,917,823 17,978,100 3,679,882 14,000,850 969,454 858,374,600 162,501 1,322,713 489,469 111,573 780,864 2,867,120 196,754,880
OFAS/12 0104

Total Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming State Total American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total National Reserve

Total $1,287,544,000 16,128,630 1,804,590 21,992,101 6,535,066 170,303,818 13,969,269 12,117,862 2,526,887 2,592,780 81,270,552 35,502,366 2,539,205 4,240,518 52,391,500 22,971,198 6,222,410 5,780,312 14,985,351 8,768,499 3,599,239 14,302,198 21,065,395 51,285,260 12,889,304 10,150,118 19,187,040 2,047,301 2,059,689 14,332,064 2,764,686 32,250,359 5,179,814 55,889,913 35,096,512 499,920 44,079,882 6,917,377 15,077,317 37,972,551 13,696,022 5,104,108 19,186,456 840,914 22,128,000 62,020,936 6,063,094 1,243,942 18,481,552 22,272,901 4,558,971 17,345,523 1,201,048 1,063,432,320 182,437 1,484,984 549,518 125,260 876,661 3,218,860 220,892,820

7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $227,544,000 3,085,372 345,214 4,207,042 1,250,144 32,578,755 2,672,291 2,318,121 483,388 495,993 15,546,882 6,791,526 485,744 811,202 10,022,382 4,394,341 1,190,334 1,105,761 2,866,666 1,677,395 688,527 2,735,980 4,029,765 9,810,760 2,465,696 1,941,696 3,670,440 391,644 394,014 2,741,693 528,879 6,169,425 990,887 10,691,620 6,713,887 95,634 8,432,387 1,323,279 2,884,258 7,264,068 2,620,020 976,405 3,670,328 160,865 4,233,039 11,864,472 1,159,857 237,963 3,535,481 4,260,758 872,121 3,318,161 229,758 203,432,320 19,628 159,766 59,122 13,476 94,318 346,310 23,765,370


Attachment II U. S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIA Adult

Activities 0.189 Percent Rescission to PY 2011 State Allotments Pursuant to P.L. 112-74 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) (Applicable to FY 2012 "Advance" Funds Available 10/1/11)
Initial Allotment FY 2012 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $712,000,000 11,166,239 1,956,719 13,519,676 5,910,424 105,229,539 8,162,882 6,657,577 1,775,550 1,884,932 46,794,194 21,094,455 2,193,679 2,874,508 30,926,167 13,040,930 3,576,602 4,017,062 11,997,192 10,140,124 2,521,449 8,823,075 13,297,927 35,952,003 9,295,828 9,056,015 12,394,042 1,958,764 1,775,550 7,559,653 1,775,550 18,670,432 4,223,884 42,422,952 21,155,420 1,775,550 27,345,842 5,961,882 9,556,649 24,932,610 23,451,775 2,997,891 12,137,010 1,775,550 14,611,402 45,720,016 3,026,131 1,775,550 11,472,585 13,634,486 4,067,390 10,401,136 1,775,550 710,220,000 100,886 821,183 303,878 69,268 484,785 1,780,000 0.189% Rescission ($1,345,680) (21,104) (3,698) (25,552) (11,171) (198,883) (15,428) (12,583) (3,356) (3,563) (88,441) (39,868) (4,146) (5,433) (58,450) (24,647) (6,760) (7,592) (22,675) (19,165) (4,766) (16,676) (25,133) (67,949) (17,569) (17,116) (23,425) (3,702) (3,356) (14,288) (3,356) (35,287) (7,983) (80,179) (39,984) (3,356) (51,684) (11,268) (18,062) (47,123) (44,324) (5,666) (22,939) (3,356) (27,615) (86,411) (5,719) (3,356) (21,683) (25,769) (7,687) (19,658) (3,356) (1,342,316) (191) (1,552) (574) (131) (916) (3,364) Total $769,576,240 12,069,203 2,114,950 14,612,951 6,388,373 113,738,979 8,822,977 7,195,945 1,919,131 2,037,358 50,578,230 22,800,269 2,371,072 3,106,956 33,427,027 14,095,492 3,865,826 4,341,904 12,967,351 10,960,110 2,725,347 9,536,557 14,373,271 38,859,280 10,047,540 9,788,334 13,396,292 2,117,160 1,919,131 8,170,968 1,919,131 20,180,226 4,565,451 45,853,506 22,866,163 1,919,131 29,557,177 6,443,993 10,329,452 26,948,797 25,348,214 3,240,317 13,118,475 1,919,131 15,792,961 49,417,188 3,270,841 1,919,131 12,400,322 14,737,046 4,396,302 11,242,229 1,919,131 767,652,299 109,044 887,588 328,452 74,869 523,988 1,923,941 Revised Allotment with Rescission 7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $58,921,920 924,068 161,929 1,118,827 489,120 8,708,323 675,523 550,951 146,937 155,989 3,872,477 1,745,682 181,539 237,881 2,559,310 1,079,209 295,984 332,434 992,834 839,151 208,664 730,158 1,100,477 2,975,226 769,281 749,435 1,025,675 162,098 146,937 625,603 146,937 1,545,081 349,550 3,510,733 1,750,727 146,937 2,263,019 493,379 790,865 2,063,310 1,940,763 248,092 1,004,404 146,937 1,209,174 3,783,583 250,429 146,937 949,420 1,128,329 336,599 860,751 146,937 58,774,615 8,349 67,957 25,148 5,732 40,119 147,305 10/1/2011 (FY 2012) $710,654,320 11,145,135 1,953,021 13,494,124 5,899,253 105,030,656 8,147,454 6,644,994 1,772,194 1,881,369 46,705,753 21,054,587 2,189,533 2,869,075 30,867,717 13,016,283 3,569,842 4,009,470 11,974,517 10,120,959 2,516,683 8,806,399 13,272,794 35,884,054 9,278,259 9,038,899 12,370,617 1,955,062 1,772,194 7,545,365 1,772,194 18,635,145 4,215,901 42,342,773 21,115,436 1,772,194 27,294,158 5,950,614 9,538,587 24,885,487 23,407,451 2,992,225 12,114,071 1,772,194 14,583,787 45,633,605 3,020,412 1,772,194 11,450,902 13,608,717 4,059,703 10,381,478 1,772,194 708,877,684 100,695 819,631 303,304 69,137 483,869 1,776,636
OFAS/12 0104

Total Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming State Total American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total

Total $770,921,920 12,090,307 2,118,648 14,638,503 6,399,544 113,937,862 8,838,405 7,208,528 1,922,487 2,040,921 50,666,671 22,840,137 2,375,218 3,112,389 33,485,477 14,120,139 3,872,586 4,349,496 12,990,026 10,979,275 2,730,113 9,553,233 14,398,404 38,927,229 10,065,109 9,805,450 13,419,717 2,120,862 1,922,487 8,185,256 1,922,487 20,215,513 4,573,434 45,933,685 22,906,147 1,922,487 29,608,861 6,455,261 10,347,514 26,995,920 25,392,538 3,245,983 13,141,414 1,922,487 15,820,576 49,503,599 3,276,560 1,922,487 12,422,005 14,762,815 4,403,989 11,261,887 1,922,487 768,994,615 109,235 889,140 329,026 75,000 524,904 1,927,305

7/1/2011 (PY 2011) $58,921,920 924,068 161,929 1,118,827 489,120 8,708,323 675,523 550,951 146,937 155,989 3,872,477 1,745,682 181,539 237,881 2,559,310 1,079,209 295,984 332,434 992,834 839,151 208,664 730,158 1,100,477 2,975,226 769,281 749,435 1,025,675 162,098 146,937 625,603 146,937 1,545,081 349,550 3,510,733 1,750,727 146,937 2,263,019 493,379 790,865 2,063,310 1,940,763 248,092 1,004,404 146,937 1,209,174 3,783,583 250,429 146,937 949,420 1,128,329 336,599 860,751 146,937 58,774,615 8,349 67,957 25,148 5,732 40,119 147,305


U S Department of Labor, ETA WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Activities Additional FY12 "Advance" Funds for Dissemination*
State Total Alabam a Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecti cu t Delaw are District o f Columbia Florida Georgi a Haw ai i Idaho Illinois Indian a Iow a Kansas Kentucky Louisi ana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississi p pi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hamps h ire New Jersey New Mexi c o New York North Carolin a North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvan ia Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolin a South Dako t a Tennes see Texas Utah Vermon t Virginia Washington West Virgi n ia Wisconsi n Wyoming State Total Ameri c an Samoa Guam North ern Marianas Palau Virgin Islands Outlying Areas Total Total $20,693,825 318,113 44,887 411,344 147,106 3,192,425 255,703 216,248 50,183 52,320 1,478,485 654,442 55,808 82,833 963,100 415,458 113,117 114,208 316,883 226,418 71,378 267,915 398,584 1,017,384 259,113 226,855 366,745 47,494 45,218 251,631 52,709 588,033 110,545 1,151,343 650,930 28,643 827,732 151,845 285,791 731,124 453,694 93,630 363,362 32,267 427,134 1,259,817 104,193 36,550 347,141 415,837 101,891 320,990 36,093 20,632,692 3,464 28,203 10,437 2,379 16,650 61,133 Adult 10/1/2011 $9,355,680 146,725 25,711 177,649 77,663 1,382,717 107,260 87,480 23,331 24,768 614,876 277,182 28,825 37,771 406,370 171,358 46,996 52,784 157,643 133,241 33,131 115,935 174,735 472,409 122,147 118,996 162,857 25,738 23,331 99,334 23,331 245,330 55,502 557,438 277,982 23,331 359,324 78,339 125,574 327,614 308,156 39,392 159,480 23,331 191,994 600,761 39,764 23,331 150,750 179,157 53,446 136,671 23,331 9,332,292 1,325 10,790 3,993 910 6,370 23,388 DW 10/1/2011 $11,338,145 171,388 19,176 233,695 69,443 1,809,708 148,443 128,768 26,852 27,552 863,609 377,260 26,983 45,062 556,730 244,100 66,121 61,424 159,240 93,177 38,247 151,980 223,849 544,975 136,966 107,859 203,888 21,756 21,887 152,297 29,378 342,703 55,043 593,905 372,948 5,312 468,408 73,506 160,217 403,510 145,538 54,238 203,882 8,936 235,140 659,056 64,429 13,219 196,391 236,680 48,445 184,319 12,762 11,300,400 2,139 17,413 6,444 1,469 10,280 37,745

Attachment III

* P.L. 112-74 (Section 527 of H.R. 2055, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) enacted a 0.189 percent rescission on FY 2012 "Advance" funds appropriated in prior appropriations. Previously section 115 of H.R. 2017 (Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012) enacted a 1.503 percent temporary reduction on such funds. Therefore, states are due to receive additional funding from the FY 2012 "Advance" which was previously withheld pending a full year appropriation. This table contains only the amount of additional funding due to the states.





BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13447 Legal Entity OREGON UNIVERSITY SYSTEM DBA Name: Contractor Name: OREGON UNIVERSITY SYSTEM DBA Address: UNIVERSITY OF OREGON PO BOX 3237 City/State/Zip EUGENE, OR 97403-0237

Agency Name: DETR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Agency Code: 908 Appropriation Unit: 3273-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null541/346-1055 Vendor No.: T80944277 NV Business ID: Government Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % State Career Enhancement Funds Agency Reference #: 1742-13-DETR 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2013 364 days Interlocal Agreement Licensing Agreement

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal agreement to license the Career Information System for utilization in the State of Nevada. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $68,800.00 Other basis for payment: The cost of the contract is $56,800 for the licensing components and $75/hour for consulting services (not to exceed $12,000). $56,800 is payable to the University of Oregon within 30 days of receipt of an approved invoice. The maximum amount of the contract is not to exceed $68,800 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? A licensing agreement is required to enter into this contract for the Career Information System (CIS) components, inclusive of CIS content, CIS software, and CIS materials. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not have the capacity to perform this work. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute)
Contract #: 13447 Page 1 of 2 130

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Interlocal Agreement with another public agency. The Career Information System is a proprietary service offered by the University of Oregon. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The University of Oregon has been under contract with the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation since 1992 and their performance has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler tnash tnash tnash knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 05/09/2012 13:26:42 PM 05/09/2012 14:29:57 PM 05/09/2012 14:30:00 PM 05/09/2012 15:45:29 PM 05/14/2012 16:40:26 PM 05/15/2012 10:00:59 AM

Contract #: 13447

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13315 Legal Entity CAPTIONS UNLIMITED OF NEVADA Name: Contractor Name: CAPTIONS UNLIMITED OF NEVADA Address: INC 2330 Gatewood Dr. City/State/Zip RENO, NV 89523

Agency Name: DETR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Agency Code: 908 Appropriation Unit: All Appropriations Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Denise Phipps 775/746-3534 Vendor No.: T81082135 NV Business ID: NV19971149411 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % All DETR Budget Accounts Agency Reference #: 1737-14-DETR 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2014 1 year and 364 days Contract REAL TIME CAPTIONING

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide ongoing real time captioning, which includes rough draft transcripts for clients, employees, board members, council members, or consumers who are deaf or hearing impaired, for meetings, conferences, trainings, or other occasions, as needed. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $20,000.00 Other basis for payment: $100/hr. with a two hour minimum. Payment to be made upon approval of submitted invoices, with the contract total not to exceed $20,000.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? To meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Acts. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Staff does not possess the necessary skiills. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 13315 Page 1 of 2 131

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? One in a vendor pool. d. Last bid date: 03/31/2012 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No



11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Captions Unlimited has been providing service to the Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation since July 2008 and service has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User tmyler tnash tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson Pending

Signature Date 04/12/2012 09:48:15 AM 04/25/2012 14:49:59 PM 04/25/2012 14:50:02 PM 05/03/2012 08:43:36 AM 05/14/2012 11:22:28 AM 05/14/2012 15:12:29 PM

Contract #: 13315

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11127 Amendment 3 Number: Legal Entity NORTHERN NEVADA INTERNATIONAL Name: Contractor Name: NORTHERN NEVADA INTERNATIONAL Address: CENTER 821 N CENTER ST City/State/Zip RENO, NV 89501

Agency Name:


Agency Code: 908 Appropriation Unit: All Budget Accounts - Category 04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: DR.CARINA BLACK 775/784-7515 Vendor No.: T81099201 NV Business ID: NV19811015213 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % All DETR Budgets Accounts Agency Reference #: 1539-12-DETR 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2010

06/30/2012 4 years Contract Interpreters

5. Purpose of contract: This is the third amendment to the original contract, which provides ongoing interpreter services, primarily for unemployment insurance claimants, but also for other department customers, predominately in Spanish on a wordfor-word basis for clients. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2014 and increases the maximum amount from $65,000 to $125,000 due to an increase in rates and extension of the contract. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $8,500.00 $56,500.00 $60,000.00 $125,000.00 06/30/2014

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Department of Labor requires the agency to provide interpreters for Unemployment Insurance hearings, if requested. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The agency does not have sufficient employees with the expertise to accomplish this work.
Contract #: 11127 Page 1 of 2 132

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? One in the vendor pool. d. Last bid date: 04/01/2010 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No



11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Northern Nevada International Center has been providing satisfactory service to Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation since July, 2010. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User tmyler tnash tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson

Signature Date 03/15/2012 11:47:09 AM 04/25/2012 14:49:20 PM 04/25/2012 14:49:23 PM 04/30/2012 12:28:48 PM 05/14/2012 10:53:22 AM 05/14/2012 13:37:34 PM

Contract #: 11127

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV7147 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 Beech Street/ Viant Corp. Beech Street/ Viant Corp. 25500 Commercentre Dr Lake Forst, CA 92630

Agency Name: PUBLIC EMPLOYEES BENEFITS Agency Code: 950 Appropriation Unit: 1338-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Brenda Reyes 9496393836 Vendor No.: T81033145 NV Business ID: NV19991471418 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2009-2012 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % 67% State Subsidy 33% Premium Revenue 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2008

06/30/2012 4 years Contract Insurance Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract to provide a medical network to PEBP participants who reside outside of Nevada. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $1,108,000 to $1,138,000 due to higher than expected out of state retiree enrollment. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $1,108,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $1,138,000.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The State of Nevada offers medical insurance coverage for its active employees and retirees of state and certain non state entities. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State of Nevada does not maintain medical networks and state employees are not licensed to provide this service. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division?
Contract #: CONV7147

Yes Yes
Page 1 of 2 133

a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor was chosen by the evaluation committee and ratified by the PEBP Board. Basis for scoring included demonstrated competence, conformance with the terms of the RFP and competitive pricing. d. Last bid date: 10/01/2008 Anticipated re-bid date: 10/01/2011 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Beech Street is PEBP's current national medical network provider and PEBP is satisified by their performance. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User mstron1 mstron1 mstron1 mstron1 jstrandb jmurph1

Signature Date 04/16/2012 10:36:52 AM 04/16/2012 10:36:56 AM 04/16/2012 10:36:59 AM 04/16/2012 10:37:02 AM 04/24/2012 11:35:37 AM 05/11/2012 08:40:02 AM

Contract #: CONV7147

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13330 Legal Entity HEALTHSCOPE BENEFITS INC Name: Contractor Name: HEALTHSCOPE BENEFITS INC Address: 27 CORPORATE HILL DR City/State/Zip LITTLE ROCK, AR 72205-4537

Agency Name: PUBLIC EMPLOYEES BENEFITS Agency Code: 950 Appropriation Unit: 1338-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null501/218-7810 Vendor No.: T29028424 NV Business ID: NV20011223201 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2013-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % 67% State Subsidy/ 33% Premium Revenue 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 07/01/2012

06/30/2016 4 years Contract National PPO

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide a medical Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network for participants who reside outside of Nevada and for those who live in Nevada but choose to seek medical services out of state. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $8,900,000.00 Other basis for payment: Per Participant Per Month (PPPM) administration fees and various negotiated rates for transplant services and other fees.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? PEBP provides medical coverage for its participants, in state and out of state as a part of the standard benefits package offered to active employees and retirees. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State of Nevada does not maintain medical networks. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Yes Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 13330 Page 1 of 2 134

This vendor was chosen by the evaluation committee and ratified by the PEBP Board for its ability to provide network discounts, beneficial negotiation rates, scope of network availability and noo contract exceptions. This vendor is also PEBP's current Third Party Administrator. d. Last bid date: 09/01/2006 Anticipated re-bid date: 09/01/2015 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: HealthSCOPE Benefits is PEBP's current Third Party Administrator. PEBP is very satisified by the services provided by HealthSCOPE. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User mstron1 mstron1 mstron1 mstron1 jstrandb jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 04/05/2012 08:28:59 AM 04/05/2012 08:29:02 AM 04/05/2012 08:29:05 AM 04/05/2012 08:29:08 AM 05/14/2012 10:18:53 AM 05/15/2012 10:31:46 AM

Contract #: 13330

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 06/05/2012

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 13048 Amendment 1 Number: Legal Entity FORTE LLP Name: Contractor Name: FORTE LLP Address: City/State/Zip 2090 ALLEN ST RENO, NV 89509-1108

Agency Name:

LICENSING BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Agency Code: BDC Appropriation Unit: B005 - All Categories Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/843-0150 Vendor No.: T29027637 NV Business ID: NV20101563043 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Industry fees Agency Reference #: 2012-1 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 06/2012 01/31/2012

06/30/2012 1 year and 150 days Provider Agreement Legislative Advocacy

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract, which provides advocacy services for advice and informaiton regarding various legislative interim committees. This amendment extends the termination date from June 30, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and increases the maximum amount from $4,000 to $34,500 since the board anticipates introducing a legislative bill at the 2013 Legislative Session. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $4,000.00 $0.00 $30,500.00 $34,500.00 06/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? There are several Legislative interim committees whose work may effect the board and its licensees. The board seeks the expertise, knowledge, and experience of a legislative advocate to monitor the committees, prepare reports, and otherwise advise the board during the interim session. Additionally, the Board intends to have a bill for the upcoming 2013 legislative session and will require legislative advocacy skills to manage the Board's bill.
Contract #: 13048 Page 1 of 2 135

8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The board has only two employees, and neither has any experience, knowledge, or expertise in legislative advocacy. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. List the names of vendors that were solicited to submit proposals (include at least three): b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Prior experience with this board and its unique issues and concerns. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada or will the contracted services be performed by a current employee of the State of Nevada? No b. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months or will the contracted services be performed by someone formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the last 24 months? No c. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Chiropractic Physicians' Board of Nevada (2010-2011) - Service was excellent. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLP 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User 55443282 55443282 55443282 55443282 kkolbe jmurph1

Signature Date 05/15/2012 10:51:06 AM 05/15/2012 10:51:11 AM 05/15/2012 10:51:15 AM 05/15/2012 10:51:19 AM 05/15/2012 12:51:58 PM 05/15/2012 14:34:03 PM

Contract #: 13048

Page 2 of 2


Tuesday,June05,2012 Tuesday June 05 2012

BASEPAY OVERTIMEPAY+ OVERTIME PAY + ACCRUEDCOMP $673,797,540 $24,412,486 $698,210,026 3.50%


$660,233,776 $21,415,221 $681,648,996 3.14%

$9,000,000 $9,000,000

$19,528,426 $633,962,276 3.08%

$7,000,000 $7 000 000 $8,000,000


Agency Code 44 65 80 40 70 Department DEPARTMENTOFCORRECTIONS DEPARTMENTOFPUBLICSAFETY DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENTOFHEALTHANDHUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENTOFCONSERVATION& NATURALRESOURCES Overtimeand AccruedComp $6,371,677 $4,042,041 $2,772,596 $2,380,955 $1,530,497 OT/CompasaShare ofTotalPay 6.74% 7.38% 4.08% 1.44% 5.67%


$5,000,000 $5 000 000 FY2010 FY2011 $4,000,000 FY2012


Agency Code 65 24 44 43 70 Department p DEPARTMENTOFPUBLICSAFETY OFFICEOFVETERANSSERVICES DEPARTMENTOFCORRECTIONS ADJUTANTGENERAL DEPARTMENTOFCONSERVATION& & NATURALRESOURCES Overtimeand p AccruedComp $4,042,041 $451,063 $6,371,677 $244,694 $1,530,497 OT/CompasaShare y ofTotalPay 7.38% 6.81% 6.74% 6.69% 5.67%



$0 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012

QTR1 $8,145,702 $6,900,390 $6 900 390 $6,968,669

QTR2 $9,395,368 $8,932,078 $8 932 078 $6,998,488

QTR3 $6,871,416 $5,582,752 $5 582 752 $5,561,269

Tuesday,June05,2012 Tuesday June 05 2012

Agency Code 44 70 80 08 95 DifferenceinOT Pay/AccruedCompvs FY2011QTR1

Agency Code 70 72 08 81 10 DifferenceinOT Pay/AccruedCompvs FY2011QTR2

Agency Code 65 44 72 08 80 DifferenceinOT Pay/AccruedCompvs FY2011QTR3




$648,384 $340,658 $112,449 $32,242 $7,852

$110,482 $37,227 $28,522 $27,438 $15,311

$130,854 $84,739 $48,044 $43,829 $40,378

Agency Code 90 40 65 09 74 DifferenceinOT Difference in OT Pay/AccruedCompvs FY2011QTR1

Agency Code 90 80 40 44 65 DifferenceinOT Difference in OT Pay/AccruedCompvs FY2011QTR2

Agency Code 90 43 24 81 06 DifferenceinOT Difference in OT Pay/AccruedCompvs FY2011QTR3




($479,755) ($284,520) ($44,342) ($31,161) ($27,115)

($605,840) ($463,753) ($266,019) ($205,884) ($153,363)

($226,415) ($29,684) ($14,883) ($13,228) ($11,279)

Agency Code DifferenceinOT Pay/AccruedCompvs FY2011QTR3

Agency Code 44

$0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000



$527,239 $481,760 $67,778 $25,905 $8,968



70 72 10 55

Agency Code DifferenceinOT Difference in OT Pay/AccruedCompvs FY2011QTR3

Agency Code 90 DifferenceinOT Difference in OT Pay/AccruedCompvs FY2011

$0 ($500,000) ($1,000,000) ($1,500,000)



($1,312,010) ($531,813) ($447,997) ($310,926) ($100,351)


40 08 80 24

Tuesday,June05,2012 Tuesday June 05 2012

Agency Code 65 24 44 43 70 50 80 72 23 61 30 06 55 40 33 90 95 10 74 01 69 81 08 04 96 05 13 03 09 58 15 02 12 22 36 92 Department DEPARTMENTOFPUBLICSAFETY OFFICEOFVETERANSSERVICES DEPARTMENTOFCORRECTIONS ADJUTANTGENERAL DEPARTMENTOFCONSERVATION&NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSIONONMINERALRESOURCES DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENTOFWILDLIFE COMMISSIONONPEACEOFFICERSSTANDARDS& TRAINING GAMINGCONTROLBOARD DEPARTMENTOFEDUCATION CONTROLLER'SOFFICE DEPARTMENTOFAGRICULTURE DEPARTMENTOFHEALTHANDHUMANSERVICES DEPARTMENTOFCULTURALAFFAIRS DEPARTMENTOFEMPLOYMENT,TRAINING&REHAB PUBLICEMPLOYEESBENEFITS COMMISSIONONTOURISM DEPARTMENTOFBUSINESSANDINDUSTRY GOVERNOR'SOFFICE COLORADORIVERCOMMISSION DEPARTMENTOFMOTORVEHICLES DEPARTMENTOFADMINISTRATION SECRETARYOFSTATE'SOFFICE SILVERSTATEHEALTHINSURANCEEXCHANGE TREASURER'SOFFICE DEPARTMENTOFTAXATION ATTORNEYGENERAL'SOFFICE SUPREMECOURT PUBLICUTILITIESCOMMISSION COMMISSIONONETHICS LIEUTENANTGOVERNOR'SOFFICE GOVERNOR'SOFFICEOFECONOMICDEVELOPMENT JUDICIALDISCIPLINECOMMISSION COMMISSIONONPOSTSECONDARYEDUCATION DEFERREDCOMPENSATION $0 $4,498 $2,536 $3,436 $0 $ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $489,602 $3,041,734 $4,922,261 $6,204,920 $1,406,034 $ $72,369 $58,760 $320,604 $48,545 $53,473 $18,325 0.00% 0.15% 0.05% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% ($12,551) ($9,400) ($3,424) ($31,161) $0 $ N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 OvertimePayand AccruedComp $1,289,392 $134,932 $2,234,020 $96,302 $1,057,068 $20,866 $859,985 $82,938 $5,884 $ $102,942 $26,657 $1,028 $15,078 $675,844 $1,318 $215,790 $7,852 $1,659 $32,505 $1,408 $2,411 $56,631 $32,242 $3,448 TotalPay $16,630,829 $2,043,000 $29,211,986 $1,120,862 $9,281,717 $182,200 $22,750,137 $2,831,137 $212,359 $ $5,505,255 $1,768,209 $488,931 $894,941 $50,873,647 $103,301 $12,101,695 $341,319 $1,099,580 $6,624,376 $519,030 $529,591 $9,714,327 $5,934,620 $1,309,930

OT/Compas DifferenceinOT aShareof Pay/AccruedComp OvertimePayand TotalPay versusFY2011Q1 AccruedComp 7.75% 6.60% 7.65% 8.59% 11.39% 11.45% 3.78% 2.93% 2.77% 1.87% 1.51% 0.21% 1.68% 1.33% 1.28% 1.78% 2.30% 0.15% 0.49% 0.27% 0.46% 0.58% 0.54% 0.26% ($44,342) ($17,748) $648,384 $13,145 $340,658 ($542) $112,449 ($17,493) $3,350 $ $1,636 ($21,326) ($237) $5,100 ($284,520) ($17,282) ($479,755) $7,852 $1,659 ($27,115) $831 ($4,337) ($17,298) $32,242 $1,094 $1,512,480 $168,932 $2,597,879 $89,661 $315,322 $1,671 $831,057 $86,516 $5,306 $ $121,838 $32,234 $22,352 $16,934 $991,447 $0 $15,822 $908 $15,311 $59,786 $5,044 $754 $62,645 $28,522 $1,716 $0 $2,406 $2,616 $2,371 $6,881 $75 $ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TotalPay $20,544,707 $2,466,976 $35,470,778 $1,351,433 $9,590,775 $166,524 $22,421,968 $3,351,043 $263,220 $ $6,776,944 $2,186,084 $641,617 $1,100,220 $60,777,385 $4,322 $11,456,947 $388,714 $1,320,114 $8,219,148 $635,896 $662,661 $12,048,827 $7,243,824 $1,648,591 $9,982 $606,732 $3,761,376 $6,129,988 $6,806,848 $1,813,318 $ $96,742 $71,668 $423,573 $60,655 $66,769 $22,882

OT/Compas DifferenceinOT aShareof Pay/AccruedComp OvertimePayand TotalPay versusFY2011Q2 AccruedComp 7.36% 6.85% 7.32% 6.63% 3.29% 1.00% 3.71% 2.58% 2.02% 1.80% 1.47% 3.48% 1.54% 1.63% 0.00% 0.14% 0.23% 1.16% 0.73% 0.79% 0.11% 0.52% 0.39% 0.10% 0.00% 0.40% 0.07% 0.04% 0.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% ($153,363) ($67,720) ($205,884) ($7,756) $110,482 $688 ($463,753) $37,227 $3,241 $ ($15,004) $1,687 $745 $1,217 ($266,019) ($10,204) ($605,840) $444 $15,311 ($23,643) $2,070 ($3,042) $27,438 $28,522 ($11,597) $0 ($2,792) ($3,311) ($2,644) ($15,751) $75 $ N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,240,169 $147,199 $1,539,778 $58,730 $158,107 $1,888 $1,081,555 $93,311 $6,633 $ $124,231 $46,579 $2,740 $10,963 $713,664 $0 $137,240 $0 $8,935 $50,284 $3,708 $6,920 $59,701 $43,829 $6,762 $151 $130 $3,160 $9,040 $5,863 $0 $ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TotalPay $17,597,325 $2,118,121 $29,824,418 $1,183,712 $8,101,455 $133,516 $22,780,892 $2,923,612 $215,390 $ $5,762,197 $1,891,071 $522,808 $917,350 $53,381,551 $663 $11,688,148 $326,245 $1,230,209 $7,139,888 $533,281 $572,839 $10,393,686 $6,371,517 $1,412,899 $46,838 $515,855 $3,216,135 $5,286,690 $6,255,810 $1,565,694 $ $82,944 $64,191 $451,545 $58,079 $57,230 $19,613

OT/Compas DifferenceinOT OvertimePayand aShareof Pay/AccruedComp AccruedComp TotalPay versusFY2011Q3 (YTD) 7.05% 6.95% 5.16% 4.96% 1.95% 1.41% 4.75% 3.19% 3.08% 2.16% 2.46% 0.52% 1.20% 1.34% 0.00% 1.17% 0.00% 0.73% 0.70% 0.70% 1.21% 0.57% 0.69% 0.48% 0.32% 0.03% 0.10% 0.17% 0.09% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $130,854 ($14,883) $84,739 ($29,684) $30,620 $775 $40,378 $48,044 $1,857 $ ($8,522) $1,262 ($11,279) $2,651 $18,727 ($3,252) ($226,415) ($71) $8,935 $8,764 ($2,277) $780 ($13,228) $43,829 $3,701 $151 ($48) $904 $4,933 ($5,813) $0 $ N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,042,041 $451,063 $6,371,677 $244,694 $1,530,497 $24,426 $2,772,596 $262,765 $17,823 $ $349,010 $105,470 $26,120 $42,975 $2,380,955 $1,318 $368,853 $8,760 $25,905 $142,574 $10,160 $10,085 $178,977 $104,593 $11,926 $151 $2,537 $10,274 $13,948 $16,180 $75 $ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TotalPay(YTD) $54,772,861 $6,628,096 $94,507,182 $3,656,008 $26,973,947 $482,240 $67,952,998 $9,105,792 $690,969 $ $18,044,396 $5,845,364 $1,653,356 $2,912,512 $165,032,583 $108,285 $35,246,790 $1,056,278 $3,649,904 $21,983,412 $1,688,206 $1,765,091 $32,156,840 $19,549,961 $4,371,420 $56,820 $1,612,190 $10,019,246 $16,338,939 $19,267,578 $4,785,046 $ $252,054 $194,619 $1,195,722 $167,278 $177,472 $60,819 OT/Compasa ShareofTotalPay (YTD)

7.38% 6.81% 6.74% 6.69% 5.67% 5.07% 4.08% 2.89% 2.58% 2 58% 1.93% 1.80% 1.58% 1.48% 1.44% 1.22% 1.05% 0.83% 0.71% 0.65% 0.60% 0.57% 0.56% 0.54% 0.27% 0.27% 0.16% 0.10% 0.09% 0.08% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.08%
















Tuesday June 05 2012 Tuesday,June05,2012


OT/Compasa ShareofTotal OvertimeandAccrued Pay Comp 6.65% 5.64% 5.07% 4.69% 4.05% 6.88% 5.84% 2.21% 1.92% 2.16% 3.30% 1.43% 1.22% 2.37% 0.66% 6.24% 0.16% 0.00% 0.97% 0.33% 0.55% 1.28% 0.34% 1.00% 1.39% 0.33% 1.23% 0.92% 1.43% $4,108,893 $551,414 $5,844,438 $268,988 $1,048,738 $23,504 $3,083,522 $194,986 $9,375 $370,900 $123,848 $36,891 $34,007 $2,912,767 $32,056 $1,680,863 $536 $0 $184,569 $9,537 $16,683 $182,064 $10,993 $469,699 $63,643 $4,142 $4,112 $552,590 $18,729 TotalPay $59,293,939 $7,302,012 $102,944,854 $3,967,474 $27,658,757 $513,383 $72,578,803 $9,527,821 $723,109 $19,682,295 $5,942,245 $1,776,189 $3,310,964 $178,471,036 $4,494,077 $38,969,671 $1,135,529 $1,320,479 $23,897,991 $2,620,320 $1,881,071 $34,147,416 $3,203,492 $9,735,325 $5,893,967 $2,012,403 $123,609 $20,968,796 $4,290,829 NODATAAVAILABLE 0.12% 0 73% 0.73% 0.06% 0.35% 0.02% 0.00% 0.12% $17,928 $22 081 $22,081 $15,084 $68,905 $0 $0 $0 $1,801,682 $10 627 975 $10,627,975 $16,423,738 $18,483,549 $4,948,512 $198,310 $1,191,714 NODATAAVAILABLE 0.00% 0.25% 0.00% 0.00% $0 $0 $0 $1,326 $171,342 $184,816 $63,326 $134,971 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.98% $0 ($463) $0 $1,326 1.00% 0 21% 0.21% 0.09% 0.37% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $15,803 ($61 470) ($61,470) $5,360 $5,696 ($740) $0 ($1,351) OT/Compasa ShareofTotal Pay 6.93% 7.55% 5.68% 6.78% 3.79% 4.58% 4.25% 2.05% 1.30% 1.88% 2.08% 2.08% 1.03% 1.63% 0.71% 4.31% 0.05% 0.00% 0.77% 0.36% 0.89% 0.53% 0.34% 4.82% 1.08% 0.21% 3.33% 2.64% 0.44% $348,076 ($44,262)

DifferenceinOT Pay/AccruedComp OvertimeandAccrued versusFY2010 Comp $41,818 $134,571 $426,586 $83,522 ($113,607) ($13,739) ($1,291,359) ($27,385) ($4,118) ($69,933) ($77,775) $9,918 ($8,745) ($1,424,767) $1,957 ($611,643) ($1,288) $0 ($56,111) $1,443 $6,101 ($270,687) $4,042,041 $451,063 $6,371,677 $244,694 $1,530,497 $24,426 $2,772,596 $262,765 $17,823 $349,010 $105,470 $26,120 $42,975 $2,380,955 $1,318 $368,853 $8,760 $25,905 $142,574 $10,160 $10,085 $178,977 TotalPay $54,772,861 $6,628,096 $94,507,182 $3,656,008 $26,973,947 $482,240 $67,952,998 $9,105,792 $690,969 $18,044,396 $5,845,364 $1,653,356 $2,912,512 $165,032,583 $108,285 $35,246,790 $1,056,278 $3,649,904 $21,983,412 $1,688,206 $1,765,091 $32,156,840 OT/Compasa ShareofTotal Pay 7.38% 6.81% 6.74% 6.69% 5.67% 5.07% 4.08% 2.89% 2.58% 1.93% 1.80% 1.58% 1.48% 1.44% 1.22% 1.05% 0.83% 0.71% 0.65% 0.60% 0.57% 0.56% DifferenceinOT Pay/AccruedComp versusFY2011 ($66,851) ($100,351) $527,239 ($24,295) $481,760 $921 ($310,926) $67,778 $8,448 ($21,889) ($18,378) ($10,771) $8,968 ($531,813) ($30,739) ($1,312,010) $8,224 $25,905 ($41,994) $624 ($6,599) ($3,087)

AtthestartofFY2012theDept.ofPersonnel,theDept.ofInformationTechnology, theStatePublicWorksBoardandtheBoardofExaminerswereconsolidatedwithin the State Public Works Board and the Board of Examiners were consolidated within theDept.ofAdministration.Forcomparativepurposes,figuresforFY2010FY2011are representedasthesumofallfiveAgency'stotals.

$104,593 $11,926 $151 $2,537 $10 274 $10,274 $13,948 $16,180 $75 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$19,549,961 $4,371,420 $56,820 $1,612,190 $10 019 246 $10,019,246 $16,338,939 $19,267,578 $4,785,046 $194,619 $1,195,722 $252,054 $167,278 $177,472 $60,819 ELIMINATED

0.54% 0.27% 0.27% 0.16% 0 10% 0.10% 0.09% 0.08% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

($447,997) ($6,803) N/A ($15,391) ($11 807) ($11,807) ($1,136) ($52,725) $75 $0 $0 N/A $0 $0 $0

NODATAAVAILABLE $2,125 $83 551 $83,551 $9,723 $63,209 $740 $0 $1,351 $1,779,416 $11 374 782 $11,374,782 $16,399,983 $17,928,422 $4,859,790 $241,160 $1,163,996

NODATAAVAILABLE $0 $463 $0 $0 $168,621 $186,302 $63,676 $68,367













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