Vocab 2.0

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abet : (v)help or encourage someone in doing something wrong or criminal.

corny : (adj)obvious or sentimental and not at all original cuss : (v)swear at someone or use bad language elope : (v)to go away secretly and get married high-octane : (adj)something vey exciting or intense iota :emphasize that there is not even a very small amount of it oomph: (n) someone or something energetic or exciting per se : (adv) by itself or in itself sleuth : (n) detectives snide : (adj) remark that criticizes someone in an unkind and often indirect way squeaky : (adj) something that makes high pitched sounds tweak : (v) to hold something between your finger and thumb and twist it or pull it vouch : (v) to vouch for someone means to guarantee their good behaviour ablutions : (n) someone's ablutions are all activities that are involved in washing himself /herself abrogate : (v) someone in authority put an end to something (law, agreement, or practice ) acumen : (n) ability to make good and quick decisions/judgments adherent : (n) someone who holds a particular belief and supports it admonish : (v) to tell someone that they have something wrong alimony : (n) money that court of law orders someone to pay regularly to their former wife or husband after the got divorced androgynous : (adj) someone who is not distinctly masculine or feminine

aphasia : (n) mental condition in which people are often unable to remember simple words or communicate aquiline : (adj) nose that is large , thin, and usually curve asymptomatic : (adj) something which doesn't show any symptoms blurry : (adj) shape that has unclear outline can dour : (n) quality of speaking honestly and openly about things catharsis : (v) way by which someone vent out his/her anger or anxiety etc (writing, driving etc) chiseled : (adj) someone who has sharp and bony face cloister : (n) covered area round a square in a monastery or a cathedral cocoon : (n) in a cocoon of something means, wrapped up in it or surrounded by it in an environment in which you feel safe and protected, and sometimes isolated from everyday life complicit : (adj) to get involved in some activity condescend : (v) to agree to do something but in a way which shows that you are better than other people and should not have to do it conflagration : (n) fire that burns over a large area and burns property congenital : since birth connivance : (n) willingness to allow to assist something to happen even though you know it is wrong connote : (v) if a word or name connotes something, it makes you think of a particular idea or quality convalesce : (v) recovering from some illness convoluted : (adj) sentence, idea, or system that is complicated and difficult to understand

countervailing : (adj) force, power, or opinion which is of equal strength to another one but is its opposite or opposes it delinquency : (n) criminal behaviour , especially that of young people. delineate : (v) to define something (idea, situation) in detail demur : (v) not agree to something deprave : (v) to make someone morally bad or evil domino effect : (n) effect which causes chain of similar events elation : (n) feeling of great happiness and excitement about something that has happened elocution : (n) lessons in which someone is taught to speak clearly and in an accent that is standard emblematic : (adj) something that is emblematic of a particular quality or an idea, it symbolically represents epithet : (n) short phrase which is used in criticizing or praising someone exhume : (v) if a dead person's body is exhumed, it is taken out of the ground where it is buried, especially so that it can be examined expedite : (v) to do thing more quickly expletive : (n) a rude word or expression such as damm! extrapolate : (v) to use known facts and use them as a basis for general statements about a situation or about what is likely to happen in the future extricate : (v) to free yourself or other from a difficult situation fait accompli : (n) something that has already been decided or done and cannot be changed fidget : (v) to keep moving hands or feet or changing position slightly when you are nervous or anxious

fiduciary : (adj) to talk about things related to trust flabbergasted : confused flagellation : (n) act of beating yourself or someone, usually as a religious punishment foment : (v) someone or something that causes something (trouble or violent opposition) to develop gantry : (n) a high metal structure that supports a set of road signs, railway signals, or other equipment harangue : (v) to try to persuade someone to accept your ideas in a forceful way harlot : (n) to describe a woman as a prostitue haywire : (adj) if something goes haywire, it goes out of control and start doing wrong thing hedonism : (n) belief that gaining pleasure is the most important in life heinous : (n) disgusting hermaphrodite : (n) someone who has both female and male organ hillbilly : (n) someone who is uneducated and stupid because they come from the countryside hipster : (n) someone who is very fashionable , often in a way which looks very silly homicidal : (adj) someone who is dangerous because they are imperturbable : (adj) calm and stoical in times of disturbing moments impervious : (adj) not affected or influenced by someone's actions ineluctable : (adj) something that cannot be stopped, escaped, or ignored interpolate : (v) to put something as an addition

juxtapose : (v) to place to contrasting objects, images, or ideas together or describe them so that differences between them are emphasized lacuna : (n) in something means, that it does not deal with an important issue and therefore not effective or convincing laryngitis : (n) infection in throat larceny : (n) a crime of stealing Machiavellian : (adj) of a person : make clever and secret plans to achieve their aims and are not honest with people marshmallow : (n) is a soft, sweet food that is used in some cakes, puddings, and sweets metamorphosis : (n) developing and changing of a person or thing into something completely different mollify : (v) to do or say something to make them less upset or angry. nefarious : (adj) activity that is wicked and immoral nepotism : (n) it is the unfair use of power in order to get jobs or other benefits for your family or friends nuptial : (adj) things related to wedding obdurate : (adj) someone who is being unreasonable in their refusal to change their decision or opinion obscurantism : (n) practice or policy of deliberately making something vague and difficult to understand to prevent other people from finding it out. octogenarian : (n) someone in their 80's origami : (n) craft of folding paper to make models of animals, people, and objects ostracize : (v) social boycott overweening : (adj) disapproval of someone's great ambition or pride

palimony : (n) money that a person pays to a partner they have lived with for a long time peevish : (adj) someone in bad tempered percolate : (v) an idea, feeling, or piece of information percolates, it spreads slowly through the group of people or a thing pertinacious : (adj) someone who is pertinacious continues trying to do something hard rather than giving up protuberant : (adj) eyes, lips, noses, or teeth stick out more than usual from the face rapporteur : (n) a person who is officially appointed by an organization to investigate a problem or attend a meeting and to report on it repugnant : (adj) something horrible and disgusting ruminate : (v) to think about something very carefully sabbatical : (n) a period of time during which someone such as a university teacher can leave their ordinary work and travel or study sacrosanct : (adj) if you describe something as sacrosanct, u consider it to be special and are unwilling to see it criticized or changed sagacious : (adj) intelligent and has the ability to make good decisions sanctimonious : (adj) of a person : one who tries to appear morally better than other people scaffold : (n) a raised platform on which criminals were hanged smidgen : (n) a small amount of something squeamish : (adj) someone easily upset by unpleasent sights or situations subterfuge : (n) a trick or dishonest way of getting what you want supercilious : (adj) someone who behaves in a way that shows he/she is better than other people

swashbuckling : (adj) something that is connected with adventure and excitement synergy : () vacuity : (n) lack of intelligent thoughts or ideas vanquish : (v) to defeat someone completely in a battle or competition veracity : (n) quality or habit of being true and speaking truth ad hoc : (adj) activity or organization formed only because a situatuion has made it necessary and is not planned in advance clout : (v) to hit someone coy : (adj) a coy person is shy, or pretends to be shy, about love and sex douse : (v) to throw a lot of liquid over something heed : (v) to heed someone's advice or warning is to pay attention to it and to do what they suggest hone : (v) to carefully develop a skill, technique, idea, or product over a long period of time mull : (v) to think about something for a long time before deciding what to do oasis : (n) small area in desert where water and plants are found pounce : (v) someone comes up towards you suddenly and take hold of you quirk : (n) something unusual or interesting that happens by chance ruse : (n) an action or plan intended to deceive someone scorch : (v) to slightly burn something scourge : (n) something that causes a lot of trouble or suffering to a group of people scowl : (v) when someone scowls, an angry or hostile expression appears on their fasce

squint : (v) to look at something with your eyes partly closed throng : (n) a large crowd of people thwart : (v) to prevent someone from doing what they want trench: (n) a long narrow channel that is cut into ground to lay pipe abject : absolute abstinence : (n) a practice of abstaining from something such as alcholic drink or sex afflict : (v) to suffer and affected by something badly affront : (v) feel insulted and hurt by something agile : (adj) someone who can move quickly and easily, and can think quickly and intelligently
anathema : (n) to dislike something strongly

anomaly : (n) if something is an anomaly, it is different from what is usual or expected anorexia : (n) an illness in which a person has an overwhelming fear of becoming fat antagonist : (n) your opponent or enemy anthology : (n) a collection of writings by different writers apocalypse : (n) doomsday apprentice : (n) a young person who works for someone in order to learn their skill atrocious : (adj) something very bad in quality babble : (v) to talk in a confused or excited way bemoan : (v) to express sorrow or dissatisfaction about something

bereavement : (n) sorrow you feel or the you are in when a relative or close friend dies beset : (v) if someone or something is beset by problems or fears, they have many problems or fears which affect them severely blatant : (adj) something bad done in open bourgeois : (adj) typical conventional middle-class people bristle : little hair on chin brooding : (adj) an atmosphere or feeling that makes you feel anxious or slightly afraid buoyant : (adj) mood :feel cheerful and behave in lively way cajole : (v) to get someone to do something after persuading for sometime capitulate : (v) to stop resisting, and do what other wants you to do caricature : (n) drawing or description of someone that exaggerates their appearance or behaviour in a humorous or critical way cessation : (n) stopping of something commotion : (n) lot of noise, confusion, and excitement confederate : (n) someone's confederate are the people they are working with in a secret activity congenial : (adj) person, place, or environment is pleasant. conjecture : (n) conclusion that is based on information that is not certain or complete connoisseur : (n) someone who knows a lot about the arts, food, drink, or some other subject connotation : (n) of a particular word or name are the ideas or qualities which it makes you think of

conspicuous : (adj) easily seen or noticed contentious : (adj) issues causes a lot of disagreement or argument culminate : (v) if an activity, process, or series of events culminates in or with a particular event, you mean that event happens at the end of it dagger : (n) knife despise : (v) dislike something and have a very low opinion of them deterrence : (n) prevention of something, especially war or crime, by having something such as weapons or punishment to use as a threat devour : (v) to do something quickly and eagerly discern : (v) get acquaint draconian : (adj) laws or measures are extremely harsh or severe dwindle : (v) to become weaker, smaller, or less in number egalitarian : (adj) supporting or following the idea that all people are equal and should have the same rights and opportunities elusive : (adj) difficult to find, describe, remember, or achieve encroach : (v) spread over or become powerful and begin to restrict the power, rane, or effectiveness of second thing entail : (v) to involve or cause excruciating : (adj) extremely painful facet : (n) a part or aspect of something flagship : (n) most important ship; of a group of things that are owned or produced by a particular organization is the most important one frivolous : (adj) silly, light-hearted grotesque : (adj) something that is so unnatural, unpleasant, and exaggerated that it shocks you

havoc : (n) great disorder, and confusion heyday : (n) someone's heyday is the time when they are most powerful, successful, or popular huddle : To crowd together, as from cold or fear. To draw or curl one's limbs close to one's body; crouch impede : (v) to obstruct progress, development, or movement of someone or something impunity : with impunity : someone not punished for doing wrong incessant : (adj) process or activity that continues without stopping incisive : (adj) to describe a person who has the ability to think and express their ideas clearly, briefly, and forcefully indignant : (adj) if u are indignant, u are shocked and angry, because you think something is unjust or unfair intrusive : (adj) something that diasturbs your mood or your life in way u don't like kudos : (n) admiration or recognition that someone or something gets as a result of a particular action or achievement lament : (v) to express sadness, regret, or disappointment litany : (n) cliche malaise : (n) a state in which there is something wrong with a society or group masochism : (n) behaviour in which someone gets sexual pleasure from their own pain masquerade : (n) an attempt to deceive people about the true nature or identity of something muddle : (n) a state of confusion or disorder

mundane : (adj) very ordinary and not at all interesting or unusual nuance : (n) a small difference in sound, feeling, appearance, or meaning nuisance : (n) something that annoys or causes a lot of problems obliterate : (v) to destroy completely ominous : (adj) something that is ominous worries you and makes you feel that something unpleasant is going to happen onerous : (adj) difficult or unpleasant task pertinent : (adj) relevant to something pious : (adj) very religious and moral pitfall : (n) things that may go wrong or may cause problems in an activity precarious : (adj) Dangerously lacking in security or stability: a precarious posture; precarious footing on the ladder. preclude : (v) something that prevents you from doing something quintessential : (adj) representing a perfect example of something recuperate : (v) to regain health after illness remit : (n) someone's remit is the in which they deals or have authority to deal remnant : (n) small parts of something that are left over when main part is destroyed renege : (v) not to do what you have promised or agreed to do Renegade : (n) member of a group repress : reprimand : (v) to scold someone angrily for doing something wrong reverberate : (v) lasts long time

rigour : (n) of an activity : you mean difficult, demanding, or unpleasant things associated with it sanguine : (adj) confident satire : (n) use of humour or exaggeration in order to show how foolish or wicked some people's behaviour or idea is scathing : (adj) being very critical about something sobering : () stifling : stigma : stipulate : surreptitious : tangible : tantamount : tenuous : throttle : unravel : vagary : veneer : veritable : wallow : flare : groove : perch :

rag : vet : amnesty : atrocity : batter : bolster : commemorate : compassion : discretion : expedition : incumbent : leverage : overwhelm : relentless : scramble : unprecedented : conviction :

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