A Fast Current-Based MPPT Technique Employing Sliding Mode Control
A Fast Current-Based MPPT Technique Employing Sliding Mode Control
A Fast Current-Based MPPT Technique Employing Sliding Mode Control
Enrico Bianconi(l), Javier Calvente(2), Roberto Giral(2), Giovanni Petrone(3)
Carlos Andres Ramos-Paja(4), Giovanni Spagnuolo(3) and Massimo Vitelli(5)
(1) Bitron Industrie S.p.A., Grugliasco (TO) - Italy
(2) Depatament d'Enginyeria Electronica, Electrica i Automatica - Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Spain
(3) Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Ingegneria Elettrica (D.I.I.I.E.), University of Salerno - Italy
(4) Facultad de Minas - Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellin - Colombia
(5) Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione (D.!.I.), Second University of Naples - Italy
E-mail: [email protected]. [email protected], [email protected]
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Abstact-This paper introduces a novel maximum power
point tracking technique aimed at maximizing the power pro
duced by photovoltaic systems. The largest part of the approaches
presented in literature are based on the sensing of the pho
tovoltaic generator voltage. On the contrary, in this paper a
current-based technique is proposed: the sensing of the current
in the capacitor placed in parallel with the photovoltaic source is
one of the innovative aspects of the proposal. A dual control loop
based on the sliding mode control ensures a very fast tracking
of irradiation variations. Features of the proposed algorithm
are supported by a theoretical analysis and simulations. The
technique described in this paper is patent pending.
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) function is one of
the key factors in any PhotoVoltaic (PV) system. Perturb and
Observe (P&O) MPPT technique is ofen preferred in com
mercial products because it makes the implementation in low
cost digital controllers quite simple. Signifcant efforts have
been producing in order to improve the electrical effciency
of the PV power processing system, ofen forgetting that the
total effciency is the product of the electrical effciency by
the MPPT effciency. The latter is affected by the steady
state and transient performances of the algorithm, thus in
presence of an almost constant and of an abrupt change in the
irradiation level. As demonstrated in [1], the P&O performance
optimization can be achieved by means of a suitable choice
of the values of the two paameters affecting the tracking
performances, that ae the amplitude and frequency of the
perturbations applied to the PV voltage by means of a switch
ing converter. In [1] it was demonstrated that in steady state
conditions the best performances ae ensured by choosing the
smallest possible value of the perturbations amplitUde. This
choice minimizes the displacement from the maximum power
point when irradiation level is almost constant, but penalizes
the tracker promptness in presence of abrupt changes in the
irradiation level. In fact, the analytical result shown in [1]
clealy puts into evidence that the greater irradiation vaiation
to be tracked, the lager the perturbation amplitude must be
978-1-4244-9312-8/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE
chosen. In [1] it has also been shown that a further increase
in the value of the perturbation amplitude becomes mandatory
if the PV voltage is affected by some disturbance. This is
the case, for instance, of the low frequency oscillation, at a
frequency that is twice that one of the grid, backpropagating
to the PV voltage in systems connected to the AC mains.
In this paper a current-based P&O MPPT strategy is pro
posed. It allows to have a very prompt tracking of the vaia
tions in the irradiance value and, additionally, it guaantees the
rejection the low frequency voltage oscillations affecting the
PV aray and due to the inverter operation in grid-connected
The main peculia aspect of the proposed approach is in the
fact that it is a current-based technique. The lagest pat of
the MPPT algorithms presented in literature is voltage-based,
because of the logaithmic dependency between the irradiation
level and the PV voltage. In fact, the lineaity between the
irradiance level and the PV current would be very useful for
a fast MPPT, but irradiance drops would require a suitable
In literature, few examples of current-based MPPT ap
proaches can be found. For instance, in [2] a model-based
approach, depending on the assigned PV module chaacteris
tic, is presented. In [3] the PV aray current is not sensed, but it
is reconstructed through a sliding-mode observer of the dc/dc
converter's input inductor current and fed into the controller
to generate the maximum power point reference voltage.
Fig. 1 shows a possible control strategy operating on the
inductor current of the DCIDC converter in order to regulate
the PV current value. The role of the input capacitor Gin
is in
absorbing the switching ripple affecting the inductance current,
so that the PV current is controlled through the average
inductor current value.
In the circuit node connecting the PV aray and the boost
converter input inductance L and capacitance Gin
(see Fig. 1),
Vp: 1 -'l:
: : l... ............ .
) +
_ d
isc _
= 0 (18)
L L dt dt dt
From (7) and (12) it is deduced that the sliding-mode
equilibrium point is defned by {ipv = iL, iVT = O}. In (18),
at the equilibrium point it is
v = 0, while the constraints
to be fulflled in terms of maximum slope values of iVT and
irradiance, _and = ks 4t , ensuring the sliding-mode
operation ae calculated by using the superposition principle.
Thus, by putting _ = 0 in (18), the effect of the isc
vaiations ensuring that 0 < U_
Figure 5. Simulation of the system of Fig. 2 using the sliding-mode and Gv controllers.
,88II M (
z8.5 z4 z4.5 z5 z5.5 z z.5 z/
884 884.5 885 885.5 88 88.5 88/
884 884.5 885 885.5 88 88.5 88/
884 884.5
884 884.5 885 885.5 88 88.5 88/
1me[mc] 1me[mc]
Figure 6. Zoom of of Fig. 5.
requires few components and allows to track uncommonly fast
irradiance vaiations and is able to reject the low frequency
disturbances affecting the bulk voltage in grid connected
applications and backpropagating towads the photovoltaic
generator. Simulation results confrm the attractiveness of the
proposed method. The authors ae confdent that in the fnal
paper also some experimental results will be available.
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