Internship Report Format
Internship Report Format
Internship Report Format
1. Cover and Title page a. Certificate b. Copywriting Page c. Title page d. Acknowledgement e. Declaration given by the students f. Letter of Transmittal g. Table of contents i. List of figures / tables h. Executive summary 2. Introduction 3. Discussion 4. Conclusion 5. Recommendations 6. References / Bibliography 7. Appendices / Appendix / Annexure
Internship letter on the organizational letter head duly attested by the responsible authority of employed organization and verified by Internship Coordinator.
Both reports are expected to have a Table of Contents for the convenience of the reader. If plates or illustrations (i.e. maps, diagrams, charts, photographs, etc.) are scattered throughout the text, include a separate List of Figures or Table of Illustrations after the Table of Contents.
An abstract must be included with each copy of your internship report. The abstract must (a) state the problem or problems that you worked on; (b) Describe your activities; (c) Summarize the findings. Limit it to 350 words (about 2,450 characters) in length. The abstract should include your name and internship report title. It should be spaced in 1.5, using only one side of the paper, and should be within the internship report margin requirements. The abstract must adhere to the 350 word limit. Its pages should be assigned a place in the small Roman number sequence for the preliminary pages, but the numbers should not be displayed on the abstract pages themselves.
The format for the text of the thesis-style Internship Report follows. Its first page, typically the first page of either an introduction or a first chapter, should be numbered 1 in Arabic numerals. 5.1. INTRODUCTION Purpose: Introduces the subject of the report to the reader. Remember that the reader may be from a different branch of the discipline, and will require some orientation to the subject of your report. Content: Subject and purpose of the report: states briefly why the report is being written and what the report is intended to achieve. Scope: describes how broad or how limited the treatment of the subject will be plan of development: outlines which areas will be covered, thesis of the report: the general conclusion and / or the general recommendation. 5.2. DISCUSSION Purpose: Presents evidence (facts, arguments, details, data, test results, etc) necessary to the purpose of the report. Content: This section contains the main part of the report. All evidence must be developed in an organized, logical and orderly manner. All information must be relevant. This section should contain pertinent figures, tables, footnotes and references to material in appendices. Any additional supporting information should be placed in an appendix but referenced in the discussion. Any additional supporting information should be placed in an appendix but referenced in the discussion. 5.3. SUMMARY OR CONCLUSION The Summary or Conclusion is a final brief statement which draws together the objectives and findings of the entire internship project. Purpose: States briefly the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion. Content: must be based on information presented in the discussion, each conclusion should be presented as a separate paragraph, with paragraphs numbered in sequence for easy reference, never suggest or recommend future action. 5.4. RECOMMENDATION Purpose: Suggests a course of action based on the findings and conclusions. Content: must follow logically from the conclusions, must be supported both by the conclusions and by the data in the discussion.
Purpose: Acknowledge use of materials from printed sources in the preparation of your report. Indicate exact source of all quotations and/or results of previous work. Content:
author's name, title of book, year published, publisher's name, city, ISBN number, page number. Bibliographic entries are listed alphabetically by the name of the author or by the first major work of the title, Example: Vetter, C. Technical Report Guidelines, Internship Journal, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 1992. Common knowledge does not require a reference, e.g. the speed of light, the atomic weight of some element. If a new value for a commonly accepted quantity is cited, the source should be referenced. 5.6. APPENDICES A last section may contain supporting data for the text in the form of one or more appendices. Examples of appendix material are data sheets, questionnaire samples, illustrations, maps, charts, work plan, activities check list, etc. If the appended data should include oversize illustrations or maps several alternative methods of inclusion are available.
6.2. PAPER
The original Internship Report must be printed on standard size, white, 8-1/2 x 11 inches, un punched, non-glossy, non-textured acid-free paper of twenty (20) pound weight, 100% rag content. The two (2) copies must be clean photocopies on at least 20% rag content, acid-free paper. (Your internship report will be on file for a time that may stretch into hundreds of years, and acid-free paper is essential to prevent premature deterioration.) Only one side of the paper may be used. Erasable bond types of paper are not permitted. The paper must be of the appropriate grade, acid-free, plain white, with no ragged edges. A laser printer is recommended. No particular choice of font or typeface is mandated (Times New Roman, Preferable); or any clearly legible font that is not ornate or fancy, in a size between 10 and 12 points, is acceptable. However, fonts should not be mixed inappropriately. Consistency of the font is vital. 6.4. CORRECTIONS Make corrections with the greatest care. 6.5. SPACING Use 1.5 spacing throughout except in footnotes, indented quotations set off from the text, bibliography entries of more than one line, and materials such as captions or tables and appendices of data.
6.6. MARGINS Every page of the internship report must be kept within margins set as follows: A minimum margin of 1-1/2 inches (for binding purposes) on the left side of the page; 1 inch at the right side; 1-1/4 inches at the top and bottom of the page. Any page submitted with less than the minimum Margins will be rejected. 6.7. JUSTIFICATION AND HYPHENATION The internship report will have a straight-line left margin and a ragged right margin, with no word of the text less than one inch from the right edge of the paper, nor even a single letter of a word. The right margin may be justified (straight) if this improves appearance and legibility. Each paragraph must be indented five (5) spaces. Do not end a line of a page with a hyphen. 6.8. PAGINATION All pages except the title page, copyright page, and abstract page are numbered. This includes full page photographs, charts and graphs, the bibliography, and appendices. For the preliminary pages, use small Roman numerals (ii, iii, etc.). Page i is the title page, but the page number is not printed on this page. Page ii is the copyright page or a blank page (showing no page number) if you are not copyrighting your work. The Table of Contents follows the copyright page (or blank page if you are not copyrighting) and is numbered with the page number(s) displayed. The abstract follows and is numbered, but the page number(s) will not be displayed. The first item on the Table of Contents list will be the Abstract. This will be followed by any dedication or acknowledgment section you may wish to include. This is numbered in the small Roman series, with the page numbers displayed. The remainder of the internship report is Numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.). The page numbers that are displayed must be centered at the bottom of each page, within the bottom margin. Note that no words, punctuation, or diacritics of any kind accompany the page number: it says 4, not -4- or 4. or Page 4. 6.9. DEADLINE FOR FINAL SUBMISSION All students for a degree must submit all the originals and all copies of their final Internship