Read Me GenAlEx 6.41
Read Me GenAlEx 6.41
Read Me GenAlEx 6.41
Release History
GenAlEx 6.41 was released on Dec 20, 2010 to provide a bug fix for the Process Sequences option that appeared in GenAlEx 6.4. This release also improves compatibility for Intel Mac users running GenAlEx in the newly released Excel 2011. This version is strongly recommended as the replacement for all previous versions of GenAlEx. GenAlEx 6.4 was released on Aug 26, 2010. Version 6.4 fixed a number of minor bugs, provided full compatibility with Excel 2003, 2007 and 2010 on the PC, improved performance in Excel 2007/2010 on the PC, and also offered several new features described below.
Tip: Excel 2007 is widely reported to be slower than Excel 2003. This is in part due to the much larger size of the spreadsheet. Microsoft has addressed many of these issues in Excel 2010 and it is recommended that GenAlEx users either use Excel 2003 or Excel 2010. Meanwhile, check out sites such as the following for ways to improve performance of Excel more generally:
be useful to avoid spurious mean values when the data set includes a locus with limited variation. Of course any locus that is monomorphic across all samples should be removed from the Shannon analysis to avoid Nm = #DIV/0! for that locus. Special thanks to Bill Sherwin (NSW, Australia) and Eric Karlin (New Jersey, USA) for discussions that lead to these improvements.
Export to Network
GenAlEx 6.4 now offers export of haploid data such as cpSSRs or Y-chromosome SSRs to the free Phylogenetic Network software by Fluxus Engineering:
Tip: Alternatively, you can launch GenAlEx and Excel simultaneously by clicking directly on the GenAlEx Add-in file.
Step 3. Depending on the settings of your Excel program, Excel may warn you that GenAlEx contains macros. Click the Enable button to proceed.
Peakall and Smouse (2010) 4
Step 4.
In a few seconds the GenAlEx splash screen will appear, click to hide, the GenAlEx menu will appear in the Excel menu bar, just before the Help menu.
Step 5.
If you do not see the security warning dialog box and/or GenAlEx does not launch, you may see the message below instead. In this case, continue to step 6.
Step 6.
From the Excel menu Tools, choose Options. At the options dialog box click the Macro Security button on the Security tab. In the next dialog box, choose Medium for the security level. Now return to step 1 to launch GenAlEx.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Click the Add-Ins tab to show the Add-Ins ribbon. The GenAlEx menu will appear on the right, along with any other installed Add-Ins you may be running. When using GenAlEx you may find it convenient to turn off Minimize Ribbon so that the GenAlEx menu is always accessible when the Add-Ins ribbon is shown. You can access this option by right-clicking the ribbon.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Now you can access GenAlEx options from the GenAlEx menu.