EMBARQ's Approach To Health and Road Safety
EMBARQ's Approach To Health and Road Safety
EMBARQ's Approach To Health and Road Safety
Sustainable urban transport and development saves lives and improves quality of life.
EMBARQs mission is to catalyze and help implement environmentally and financially sustainable transport solutions to improve quality of life in citiesworking to improve road safety and health, including: Mass transport: bus rapid transit and high quality bus systems. Walking and biking: segregated lanes, bike sharing, quality sidewalks or footpaths and safe access to mass transit. Public space: street pedestrianization, creation of vibrant plazas. Urban development: road safety auditing, prioritizing safe walking and biking, mass transport, mixed uses and street connectivity. Traffic safety design and operations: safe design and operations through auditing, inspections and research on best practices. Other solutions: auto-rickshaws, travel demand, freeway removal, etc.
to safer, healthier and more environmentally friendly modes, such as public and non-motorized transport, or preserve the current share of these modes, particularly in developing countries.
fuel technology of all modes of transport, and ensure safe system design and operations, to maximize the health and environmental efficiency of each kilometer traveled.
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According to the World Health Organization, 1.2 million people die every year in traffic crashes worldwide and 90 percent of deaths happen in lowand middle-income countries. Almost half of these deaths are pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists. Road fatalities are expected to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030coming at a time when worldwide car ownership is booming, passing one billion vehicles in 2011.
Mobility can be made safer by reducing car travel and moving people through safely designed mass transport, walking and biking infrastructure. Thoughtful design that protects all road users is emphasized, especially pedestrians and bicyclists, from improved crossings and intersections to traffic calming that reduces high impact crashes.
Poor road safety conditions are common around the world, with absent or inadequate footpaths.
Pleasant cities can be natural places for physical activity, witnessed in Istanbuls lively streets.
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A lack of physical activity can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, colon and breast cancer and depression, and it is a key factor in weight control. Physical inactivity is linked to as many as 3.2 million deaths per year, according to the World Health Organization. The solution is simple: Just 150 minutes of physical activity throughout the week including things like walking and bikingcan improve health and reduce the risk of disease.
Physical activity can be promoted in neighborhoods through access to mass transport, bike and pedestrian paths, safe streets, connectivity, and a compact mix of housing, retail, parks and offices.
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According to the World Health Organization, 1.3 million deaths occur each year from the effects of urban outdoor air pollution, with vehicles being one of the major emitters of deadly pollutants, such as fine particulate matter (PM2.5). This dirty air can irritate lungs, worsen asthma and emphysema, and increase the risk of heart attacks and premature death.
Shifting trips to mass transit, biking and walking, as well as improving vehicle and fuel technologies, can reduce exposure to air pollution and lengthen life span.
Progress has been made in improving Mexico Citys notorious air quality through several measures, including the introduction of bus rapid transit on a major transport corridor, making the city healthier and more vibrant.
The relationship between vehicle travel and traffic fatalities in United States urban areas
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 10 20 30 40 50
R2 = 0.69
Moving people through high quality mass transport saves lives while providing mobility
The safety of mass transit is evident from a BRT corridor in Guadalajara, Mexico, with buses carrying many times more passengers than a private car yet seeing many times fewer crashes.
Sustainable transport fosters walking and biking, leading to fewer deaths linked to physical inactivity
mInuteS per day
Average daily transportation and recreation activity among New Yorkers who work outside the home
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Walk/Bike Public Transportation Personal Car/Taxi tranSpOrtatIOn uSed FOr mOSt OF cOmmute
SOurce: new york city department of health and mental hygiene
14 68
Walking and biking for transport provides health benefits through physical activity. A study by the New York City Department of Health showed that those who take mass transport, bicycling and walking as their main form of transport receive more physical activity than those who rely on private vehicles.
At the core of its road safety work, EMBARQ has undertaken policy initiatives bridging high-level declarations to real change in cities. In 2010, as a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration Group, EMBARQ worked to include mobility and sustainable transport in the Global Plan for the Decade of Action on Road Safety while working with national to local governments to put these international goals on the ground in countries.
eMBaRQ 10 g Street, ne, Suite 800 Washington, dc 20002 uSa +1 (202) 729-7600
Since 2002, the EMBARQ network has expanded to Mexico, Brazil, China, India, Turkey and the Andean Region, collaborating with local transport authorities to reduce pollution, improve public health, and create safe, accessible and attractive urban public spaces. The network employs more than 120 experts in fields ranging from architecture to air quality management; geography to journalism; and sociology to civil and transport engineering.
eMBaRQ andIno palacio viejo 216, Oficina 702 arequipa, per +51 54283393 eMBaRQ MeXIco calle Belisario dominguez #8, planta alta colonia villa coyoacn, c.p. 04000 delegacion coyoacn, mxico d.F. +52 (55) 3096-5742 eMBaRQ IndIa godrej and Boyce premises gaswork lane, lalbaug parel, mumbai 400012 +91 22 24713565 eMBaRQ BRaZIl rua luciana de abreu, 471/801 90570-060 porto alegre/rS Brasil +55 51 3312 6324 eMBaRQ cHIna unit 0902, chaowai SOhO tower a yi no. 6 chaowai dajie, chaoyang district Beijing 100020, china +86 10 5900 2566 eMBaRQ tuRKey tersane cad. no:104 k:5 Ozdalli Is merkezi 34420 karakoy, Beyoglu IStanBul +90 (212) 244 74 10
photo credits cover photo peskymonkey; inside cover guilherme mendes thomaz; p. 3 dave cooper; p. 4 harvey Barrison; p. 7 Ilai a. magun; p. 12 aaron minnick; p. 13 cristiano machado; p. 14 sinha_arvind; p. 15 madhav pai; p. 16 emBarQ.