Procedure - Sys

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Procedure 1. Install MSSQL Server (Same Version as Source MSSQL Server) on Target System. 2.

Install SP on Target System same as Source MSSQL SP level. 3. Install R/3 Central Instance on Target System. 4. Determine Source Database Structure. For this, use the following SQL command via Query Analyzer: use SRC go sp_helpfile Output of this command will be as follow:

5. Create Data and Log directories on target system with the same or different name. For example, in our example, we are going to copy SRC database on different machine with name TGT. So we have to create following directories: <DRIVE>:\TGTDATA1 <DRIVE>:\TGTDATA2 <DRIVE>:\TGTLOG1 You can create Data and Log directories different from source. For example you can create only 1directory for all of the files as follow: <DRIVE>:\TGTDB or all Data's in one dir. And All Logs in one dir. as follow:

<DRIVE>:\TGTDATA <DRIVE>:\TGTLOG 6. Stop Source R/3 System and Detach the Source Database for copying. The stored procedure sp_detach_db separates a database from the SQL server. This corresponds to a deletion (Drop) of the database without eliminating the respective files. The database can be attached again later by means of sp_attach_db. Connect yourself by means of the query analyzer as user sa. In the master database, carry out the following command: use master sp_detach_db SRC, 'true'

The result of this command must be SUCCESSFULL as follow:

7. Copy Data and Log Files of SRC database on to the Target System into the corresponding target directories. You can rename the file names for your Target Database. Rename SRCDATA1.mdf TGTDATA1.mdf and copy to <DRIVE>:\TGTDATA1 directory. Rename SRCDATA2.ndf TGTDATA2.ndf and copy to <DRIVE>:\TGTDATA1 directory. Rename SRCLOG1.ldf TGTLOG1.ldf and copy to <DRIVE>:\TGTDATA1 directory. 8. Re-Attach Source Database by means of sp_attach_db, and the source database is made available again. sp_attach_db expects the name of the database and a list of physical file names (complete path names) as a parameter. The list must contain the master data file and all files whose physical location or name were changed. Thus, for the source database, it is only required to call sp_attach_db with the name of the outbound database and the complete path name of the master data file.

9. Create Target Systems Database. The creation/attachment of the target database can be carried out by means of sp_attach_db or CREATE DATABASE FOR ATTACH. Sp_attach_db supports only up to 16 data/log files. Thus, if the database consists of more than 16 files, CREATEDATABASE FOR ATTACH must be used for the reapplication. The FOR ATTACH option for the CREATE DATABASE permits the generation of a database from a quantity of already existing files. Analogously to sp_attach_db, the master data file and all files with changed physical addresses must be entered. Unlike sp_attach_db, the logical names of the files can also be specified. use master go sp_attach_db @dbname= N'SRC', @filename1 = N'c:\SRCDATA1\SRCDATA1.mdf', @filename2 = N'c:\SRCDATA2\SRCDATA2.ndf', @filename3 = N'c:\SRCLOG1\SRCLOG1.ldf' The result of this command must be SUCCESSFULL.

10. Completing Post-Processings. The reprocessing includes the creation of the Logins for the R/3 database (user sapr3 with SQL server authentification for 3.* and 4.* systems, <sid>adm and SAPService<SID> with NT authentification for 4.* systems), the licensing of the R/3 system, the correction of the database (from the point of view of R/3), the configuration of the database, setting up the Backup/Update statistics/... jobs for the database, the setup of the R/3 jobs, and so on. If your Target System has no R/3 systems before this copy, then you have to complete SAP Database Installation phases. You have to use DATABASE.R3S templete file for SAP Database Instance installation. This file contains the following phases in 4.6C SR2. This file is usually same in most releases. This ifle must be edited befure running with R3SETUP. Here all the phases. Phases marked with BOLD-RED are not necessary and MUST NOT BE RUNNED. You have to put "STATUS=OK" line at the end of all these phases by using R3EDIT, SAPPAD or NOTEPAD. 10=DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_MSS 20=DBCOMMONDBENV_NT_MSS 30=CALCRAM_NT_MSS 40=CDSERVERBASE_NT_MSS 50=OSGROUPSAPLOCAL_NT_IND 60=OSGROUPSAPLOCALADMIN_NT_IND 70=OSGROUPSAPGLOBAL_NT_IND 80=OSUSERSIDADM_NT_IND 90=OSUSERSIDADMPASSWD_NT_IND 100=OSUSERSIDADMRIGHTS_NT_IND 110=DBOSUSERMSSXP_NT_MSS 120=DBOSUSERMSSXPPASSWD_NT_MSS 130=GETDBSIZEKEYS_IND_IND 140=DBBUILDTEMPDB_NT_MSS 150=DBBUILD_NT_MSS 160=DBPOSTBUILD_NT_MSS 170=DBPRELOAD_NT_MSS 180=DBMULTISCHEMA_NT_MSS 190=DBDBSLTESTCONNECT_NT_IND 200=DBR3LOADEXECDUMMY_IND_IND 210=DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_MSS 220=DBR3LOADVIEWDUMMY_IND_IND 230=DBR3LOADVIEW_NT_IND 240=DBPOSTLOAD_NT_MSS 250=DBCONFIGURATION_NT_MSS 260=DBPROCEDURES_NT_MSS 270=DBR3LICENSECREATE_NT_MSS 280=DIPGNTAB_NT_IND 290=EXITMNLSSTARTR3_NT_IND 300=RFCRSWBOINI_IND_IND 310=RFCRADDBDIF_IND_IND 320=QUERIESFINISHED_NT_IND After finishing Database Instance installation, you have get a new license and install onto Target System. Also goto SE06 and select "Database Copy or Migration" and execute "Postprocessing...". After all, configure codepage and other settings such as default client, buffer params and so on. 11. You have completed copying an R/3 system running on NT / MSSQL platform.

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