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LAUNCHING OF LIFE BOAT IN EMERGENCY As soon as I take orders from Master: Sound signal, I will wear my PPE with Life Jacket Proceed to designated station Establish communication Collect my crew with PPE and Life Jacket (check whistle, lights etc) Head count Brief them their duties once again Railing removed, see for obstruction remove, proper illumination, boat falls checked See over board side clear Dont mention harbour pins Since they are removed as a P.O.B or sailing Gripes to be removed from the deck Will check overboard side and lower embarkation ladder First will send two persons in one will start eng another put plugs in life line to be released in boat itself for free most while lowering Fwd painter to be passed and made fast to strong point, When at embarkation level Release tracing pendent and make fast bows in tackle. All sit in boat except winch man Lower the boat slowly, checking the over side Release fall hooks together and make water borne Once water borne the final person to be in boat Make 45 deg angle less then by boat hook and 90 deg towards wind water side Before going additionally I will try to bring in Chart, EPIRB, SART, Binoculars, extra ration, fresh water, warm clothings, blankets, walki talkies and area charts. Note: stay away from sinking/ emergency ground, but stay near the area Since salvage would search u there. While lowering fall hooks both to be released together. DAVIT LAUNCHED INFLATABLE LIFERAFT 1. See for adequate illumination. 2. Remove guardrails. Obstruction. 3. Raise raft from deck by davit, hold bowsing lines at each end of raft, hold painter line and short red fireline. 4. Slew the davit arm to overside, make fast bowsing lines and painter. 5. Check overside obstn, inflate by pulling sharply the red firing line. 6. Once inflated make sure raft is well secured to deck by bowing lines. 7. Ensure all personnels are correctly wearing their life jackets. 8. Board the raft make sure it doesnt tilt since supported by one wire. 9. Once boarding is complete, release bowsing lines and painter and check all clean around and below the raft then lower away. 10. Once in water, release raft and allow to drift clear of immediate danger, before streaming sea anchor. Instructions for the launching in close proximity to the launching station. Emergency lighting, means of access, drills of above every 4 months by special liferaft. MANUAL LAUNCHING OF AN INFLATABLE LIFERAFT 1. Look overside clear for launching the raft.

2. Ensure painter is secured to a strong point. 3. Remove any side railings, obstructions, chains etc. 4. Remove any securing arrangements form the raft itself. 5. If safe to launch then throw the raft to overable checking obstruction. 6. Pull painter to full length to inflate the raft. 7. Once raft is inflated (should normally take 1 to 3 min) dependent on climatic conditions then board as soon as possible by means of rope or ladder provided. Never jump directly into a raft from any height. Boarding launching instruction to be placed on container itself or near launching station ALARMS 1. General emg alarm. 2. Other emg alarm. 3. Means: by which abandon ship order is to be given. MUSTER LIST CONTENTS1. Name and rank of crew member. 2. Duties assigned: (state separately for different emergencies) 3. Muster points (for respective emergencies) 4. Alternative muster points. 5. Boat station (no.1 / no.2) 6. Person responsible (for maintenance of equipments) 7. Name/Rank of responsible person or incharge of respective parties. Emergency boat muster signal: 7 or more short blast followed by continous long ringing/sounding of ships bells/whistles. SOLAS TRAINING MANUAL Shall be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room and bridge. CONTENTS Following shall be explained in details. 1. Donning of lifejacket, immersion suit and anti exposure suit. 2. Muster at the assigned station. 3. Boarding, launching and clearing the survival craft. 4. Method of launching from within the survival craft. 5. Release from launching appliances. 6. Method and use of devise for protection in launching areas. 7. Illumination in launching areas. 8. Use of all survival equipment. 9. Use of all detection equipment. 10. Use of radio LSA. 11. Use of engine and accessories. 12. Recovery of survival craft and rescue boat. (including storage and securing). 13. Hazards of exposure and need for warm clothing. 14. Best use of the craft facilities to survive. 15. Methods helicopter rescue and ships LTA. 16. Contents of muster list and emergency instructions. 17. Instructions for emergency repair of LSA. LIFE BOAT 1. Speed: 6 kts all lifeboats. 2 kts if towing 2. Fuel : sufficient for 24 hrs at 6 kts.

3. Positive pressure: for min 10 mins if fitted with self contained compression. 4. Freefall lifeboats: Drop tested, 1-3 times the height they are certified to drop from the vessel. 5. Engines: run weekly for 3 min (head and astern). 6. Inspection: visually weekly basis and equipments: (once in a month). 7. External lifeboat lights: visible range 2 miles, illumination min 12 hrs, if flashing light type: 50 flashes per minute and should be maintained for 12 hrs. 8. Wire falls: every 2.5 years and renewed every 5 years unless stainless steel. 9. Launching criteria : in 20 deg list and 10 deg trim. 10. Load test : load tested every 5 years. 11. Release gear: to be overhauled every 5 years. 12. Launching instructions reg launch of lifeboat must be displayed in the close proximity and be clearly legible. 13. Life boat capacity: not to be > 150 persons. 14. If lifeboat cannot be launched from on board then same means must be provided (ladder) for a person to board who is lowering the life boat. MAKING ON LIFE BOATS 1. Dimensions 2. Capacity 3. Makers serial no. 4. Name or trade mark of manufactures. (tag) inside. 5. Date of manufacture. 6. Name and POR of vessel marked on each bow of craft. 7. Callsign on the thwarts, (for seeing from top). NOTES: about life boats: Cargo vessel after 1986 fully enclosed lifeboat. Passenger ships 1986 totally or partly enclosed lifeboat. Oil tankers carrying cargo flashpoint <60 deg. Fire protected totally enclosed is fitted with self-contained deluge or sprinkler system. 8 min resistance in oil fire. Chemical / gas / toxic tankers. Life boat with air support system. 10 min positive pressure inside. Launching cargo ships 10 min, passenger ships 30 min. LIFE RAFTS Weight : weight of throw over the launch raft not >185 kgs. Inflate : within 1 min fully inflate. Gas non toxic. Lifer raft external light as per lifeboat. Painter : twice the height (length) of its stowed position to water time at light ship condition or 15 mts whichever is greater. MRU : Service annually, Rafts : service annually. HRU : throw away type validity two years, Hook : automatic release hook of raft if fitted must be serviced: 2 5 years. Proof tested 100 % swl every 5 years. Launching station: a ladder must be provided at each life station. If davit launch raft: must be capable of being launched with on adverse list of 20 deg / trim of 10 deg.

MARKINGS ON LIFE RAFT (CONTAINER) 1. manufacturers name or trade mark. 2. serial no. 3. capacity of the raft 4. dot approved. 5. solas 86. 6. type of emergency pack enclosed. 7. date of last service. 8. length of painter line 9. maximum height of stowage. 10. launching instructions. LIFE BUOYS. Outer dia : not less than 800 mm. Inner dia not less than 400 mm. Grabline dia : not < 9.5 mm and the length is not less the 4 time the outer diameter of buoy 4 loops secured in. Colour : highly visible (generally orange) Retro reflector tape : at 4 evenly spaced points : 50mm x 100 mm. Dropping height : 30 mts without sustaining any damage. MARKINGS 1. Manufactures name or trademark. 2. Max height above the water line it can be stored if this exceeds 30 m. 3. name and port of registry of the ship. 4. light : must have an intensity of not less than 2 candela. If flashing then must flash at a rate of 50 flashes per min. and be provided with a source of energy which will give this performance for a period of atleast 2 hrs. Buoys with no lines 2 bride wings / 2 self igniting. Max weight of life buoy 4 kgs. Min 2.5 kg. 2 with lines 4 with lights 2 with smoke / bridge wing. LIFE JACKETS Cargo ships and tankers: 32 kg and over ; 125% of the capacity of vsl (min 4) < 32 kg and over ; 100% of the capacity of vsl (min 2) one 32 kg ; for each watch keeper and remote survival craft station and inflatable lifejackets Passenger ships: 32 kg over ; 105% of capacity of vsl < 32 kg over ; 10% of capacity of vsl. One 32 kg ; for each watch keeper and remote survival craft station and inflatable lifejackets. Jumping in water 4.5 m height without injury max 6m. Donning 1 min Keeps head above water 12 cm. MARKINGS 1. Name or trade mark of manufactures. 2. name and call sign of vsl.

DIMENSIONS OF PILOT LADDER Handhold stanchions ; dia 32 mm Above (b.w) height ; 120 cm Gap between two ; min 70 cm, max 80 cm. Man ropes without knots : dia 28 mm (if req by pilot) / (as per ladder) height - as per ladder. Side ropes : dia 18 mm (between two) horizontal gap 40 cm vertical gap 30 38 cm Spreader : length 180 cm long breadth 11.5 cm thickness 2.5 cm From bottom 5th step must be a spreader. After max 8 steps between spreader 9 th spreader. Ht of ladder above water level as per pilot. Ladder must rest well over ship side. No overboard discharge where ladder is placed. Deck (p.b. area) lit by fwd shining overside light. Life boat with self igniting light and a responsible d.off to pick up pilot. Space to be clear of any slippery spaces and obstructions use of b.w ladder fastened. Ships with height freeboard (more than 9 m) when no side door available: combination ladder. Pilot ladder must extend 2 mtrs above lower platform. Accommodation ladder to rest firmly against ship side. Should lead aft Man slope 55 deg. Lower platform horizontal. Rigid hand rails preffered. WATER TIGHT DOORS: 1. Can operate from bridge, locally at door, remote control station. 2. Alarms on bridge, for opening, closing, status light for all doors, low hydraulic pressure. 3. An alarm will be activated out each door when moving until the door is fully opened or closed. 4. Never attempt to pass through a door that is closing. 5. Each door can be operated by a back up system in the event of power failure. ( by hand hydraulics). MAINTENANCE1. Check for water tight seals for defects. 2. Check cleats and mounting for cracks and corrosion. 3. Check for hydraulic leaks. 4. Check doors seated correctly when closed and locking cleats are in place. 5. Clean up any oil or grease near watertight doors. 6. Report any defect to officer incharge of maintenance. LIFE BOATS: 500 T or 85 m or greater : 100% L/B on each side totally enclosed 100% L/B on each side (if this is not possible then 200%)

or 100% L/B (free fall type launched over the stem) and 100% L/R on each side with a davit on side. And If vsl is more than 100m the one six man life raft fwd of aft depend on posn of block. Rescue boat One inflatable life jacket. One survival suit for each rescue boat crew member. 50 m if buoyant line suitable for towing another craft. Emergency lighting Use to illuminate 1. Muster point 2. Embarkation stn 3. Routes to survival craft 4. Survival craft areas and over side of the vsl. Davits One set of davit per boat.

Lifeboat equipments
1. Sufficient buoyant oars to make broadway in calm seas. 2. Crutches or equivalent provided for each oar. 3. 2 boat hooks. 4. A buoyant bailer. 5. 2 buckets. 6. A survival manual. 7. A compass. 8. A sea anchor. 9. 2 painter (one permanent and 1 quick release) 10. 2 Hatchets (one forward and one aft) 11. 3 ltrs of water per person (valid for 3 yrs) 12. 10000 kj of rations per person (valid for 5 yrs). 13. 3 rustproof, graduated, drinking vsls. 14. 6 hand held flares. 15. 4 parachute flares. 16. 2 smoke floats. 17. 1 torch capable of signaling morse, with spare bulb and batteries. 18. 1 signaling mirror. 19. 1 signal card (solas no.2) 20. 1 whistle. 21. 1 first aid kit (valid for 5 yrs) 22. 6 sea sickness tablets for person. 23. 1 sea sickness bag per person. 24. 1 jack knife. 25. 3 tin openers. 26. 2 buoyant rescue quoits with 30m of buoyant line attached. 27. 1 manual bilge pump. 28. 1 set of fishing tackle. 29. Sufficient tools for minor engine repairs. 30. 2 fire extinguishers, suitable for oil fires. 31. 1 search light.

32. 1 radar reflector. 33. TPA for 10% of capacity of the boat or 2 whichever is greater. LIFE RAFT EQUIPMENT 1. 2 buoyant paddles. 2. a buoyant boiler, if 13 persons or more then 2 boilers. 3. insts on immediate actions on boarding the raft. 4. a survival manual. 5. 2 sea anchors (one rigged and ready for use) 6. 1.5 ltrs of water per person (Valid for 3 yrs) 7. 10000 kj of rations per person (valid for 5 yrs) 8. 1 rust proof, gradated drinking vsl. 9. 6 hand held flares. 10. 4 parachute flares. 11. 1 torch capable of signaling morse with spare bulb and batteries. 12. 2 smoke floats. 13. 1 signaling mirror. 14. 1 signal card (SOLAS no.2) 15. 1 whistle. 16. 1 first aid kit (valid for 5 yrs) 17. 6 sea sickness tablets per persons. 18. 1 sea sickness bag per person. 19. 1 safety knife. 20. 3 tin openers. 21. 1 buoyant rescue quoits with 30 m of buoyant line attached. 22. 1 bellows p/p. 23. 1 set of fishing tackle. 24. 2 sponges. 25. 1 temporary repair kit 26. 1 permanent repair kit (rubber patches) 27. 1 radar reflector. 28. TPA for 10% of the capacity of the boat or 2 whichever is the greater. LIFE BUOYS 1. Outer dia not less than 800 mm 2. Inner dia not less than 400 mm. 3. Grab lines must have a dia of not less than 9.5 mm and the length is to be not less than 4 times the outside dia of life buoy and secured in 4 loops. 4. Lifebuoys must be brightly visible in colour. 5. Fitted on each side at 4 evenly points retro reflective material 50mm x 100mm in size. 6. Capable of being dropped from a ht of 30 m without sustaining damage. 7. If a line is fitted then line must be 27.5 m in length. 8. The light must have intensity of not less than 2 candela and if flashing than 50 flashes/minute and provide with source of energy for at least 2 hrs. MARKINGS: 1. Manufactures name. 2. Max ht above the water line (if exceeds 30 m then name of the ship and port of registry). REQUIREMENT:

Min 8 50% with SI lights. 2 with 27.5 m buoyant line 2 with light/ smoke float capable of quick release. LENGTH OF SHIP Under 100 m min 8 100 m and under 150 10 150 m and under 200 m 12 200 m and over - 14 PYROTECHNICS : (Valid for 3 yrs) On bridge : 12 parachute flares / 4 ltr (4 mm dia, 230 m in calm wx) On life boat : 6 hand flares. 4 parachute flares. 2 smoke floats. Parachute flares: a. Can be fired to a lit of 300 m b. Fall at 5 m / seconds c. Burn for 40 sec d. Intensity 30000 candelas e. Burn red in colour. HAND FLARES: a. Burn for 1 minute. b. Intensity 15000 candelas. c. Burn red in colour. ORANGE SMOKE FLOATS: a. Burns for 2 4 minutes. b. Omits orange coloured smoke. BRIDGE WING LIGHT/SMOKE SIGNAL a. Orange in colour. b. Produce for 15 min. c. Intensity of light not less than 2 candelas and if flashing then it must flash at a rate of 50 flash / minute with a source of energy for atleast 2 hrs. LIFE JACKET 32 kg and over 105 % of capacity of vsl. Less than 32 kg 10% of capacity of vsl. Over 32 kg l/jacket for each watch keeper and remote survival craft stn and on inflatable lifejacket for those who need them. Intensity: 0.75 candela for atleast 8 hrs. LSA REQUIREMENTS: Passenger ship : 500 t or greater or 200 passenger more. Lifeboats 50% each side (partially enclosed) Liferafts 12.5% each side with davit even on each side Or

Lifeboats 37.5% each side. Life rafts 25% each side Rescue boats 2 nos. In any ease it is 125 % of the total persons onboard. Passenger ships 500T or 200 persons. Life rafts each side 100% davit launched. Life rafts 150% each side if these are not transferable. One rescue boat. CPSC holder: Persons 41 or less 2 42 or 61 3 62 to 85 4 85 or more 5 Emergency lighting should be form a separate emergency power source. Illumination required area: 1. Muster points. 2. Embarkation stations 3. Route to survival craft 4. Survival craft area 5. Over the side of the vessel. SEA ANCHORS As per solas 1986 reg: 1. Conical in shape. 2. Porous material and slightly shift 3. Stable when towed at 6 knots. 4. Mouth shall open immediately on deplayment. Length of painter attached to sea anchor : 30 m length 8mm dia.

SEA ANCHOR Uses : Reduces drift of the craft. Narrows the search area. Improves the stability of the craft in rough wx. Makes comfortable motion. Therefore reduces risk of capsize. SEARCH AND RESCUE RADAR TRANSPONDER: SART Purpose of sart indicate position of survival craft. For vessel of 500 T or more: Atleast one on each side of the vsl or one on each survival craft. Operates at 9 ghz, x-band 3 cm radar. When activated, it will appear on the radar on 12 blips extending outwards from the posn of target. When target is nearer it will become concentric circles. Battery should be capable of 96 ltrs on standby followed by 8 hrs of continous interrogation.

EMERGENCY POSN INDICATING RADIO BEACON (EPIRB)Purpose: to indicate posn of the person or the persons in distress. Freq: 121.5 mhz : homing signal for air craft. 406 mhz : only call sign or maritime mobile service identity (mmsi) number. 1.6 mhz: also transmits posn with mmsi on gps feed given to it. On 406 mhz EPIRB 1. Transmit signal to satellite 2. Set calculate the posn of epirb. 3. Relay the distress and posn to earth station. 4. Lut passes msg to mrcc. 5. MRCC is responsible for co-or with s/r opr. Initially and subsequently. LUT: local user terminal. MRCC : maritime rescue co-ordination center. Requirement : 2 EPIRB each side. Or 1 EPIRB and 2 sarts each side. FIRE CONTROL PLAN1. Location of control stations. 2. Remote controls. 3. Fire fighting equipments 4. Detection systems. 5. Fire zones. 6. Ventilation system. 7. Access to spaces. A spare set of the plan are to be kept in a water tight container on the deck house. (for fire brigade) FIRE WALLET1. Muster list and location of muster pt. 2. Crew list (no of crew). 3. General arrangement plan 4. Safety plan 5. Cargo plan 6. Trim stability booklet. 7. Details of fired fire fighting system. 8. Details of w/t doors and ventilation. 9. Details of emergency fire pump. 10. Important telephone nos. 11. Pumping arrangement. Kept near the gangway along with ISC and l/buoy lit for the easy and nearest access to eb. FIRE LOCKER. DCP (powder) extra cartridges, foam detergent, spare hose. Spare nozzle, safety harness, line, ba cylinders, f.mountfit, torch, fire bucket, fire arc. Location of fire locker to be well marked in the fire plan, and any changes in fire plan and any changes in fire plan would require to be reconstructed. INFO TO FIRE BRIGADE.1. Where is the fire (location). 2. Means of access. 3. Ways of ventilating

4. Dtls of cgo together with stowage plan. 5. What fire steps have taken. 6. Any persons missing. 7. What fixed installation are in use. 8. Condition of ships services. 9. General arrangement plan. 10. Stability data. FIRE WALLET: 1. Muster list 2. No of persons on board. 3. General arrangement plan. 4. Details of fixed fire fighting system. 5. Details of ventilation of w/t doors. 6. Details of emergency fire pump. 7. Important telephone no. 8. Cargo plan and manifest. 9. Trim and stability booklet. 10. Foam platforms 11. Foam monitoring proportionating v/v. 12. Pumping arrangement. 13. Safety plan. FFA: 1. Fire main 2. Fire hydrant 3. Fire hose 4. Fire nozzle. 5. Emergency fire pump 6. Main fire pump 7. Fixed fire fighting installation (co2, halon, foam, water sprinkler) 8. Portable fire extinguisher. 9. ISC 10. Fire wallet. 11. Ventilation arrangements 12. W/tight doors , fire doors. 13. Fire mans suit. 14. Emergency fire alarms. 15. Fire blanket 16. Portable foam applicator. FIRE FIGHTING APPLIANCES: FIRE PUMPS: Two pumps each capable of delivering atleast one jet of water simultaneously from each of any two hydrants, hoses, nozzles. In addition to above one other pump such as g.s bilge, ballast pump shall be capable of delivering water to the fire main. If a fire in any one compartment could put all fire main out of action. An independently driven power operated emg fire pump outside machinery space (must be able to deliver atleast one jet of watch from each of any two hydrants). Cargo ships and

tankers 1000t or greater 2 pump, 500t 1000 1 pump. Passenger ships ; >4000t 3 pumps, <4000t 2 pumps. Fire hoses: One hose for every 30 m length (not less than 5) Total hoses length atleast 60% of loa. One spare hose. In E/R and machinery spaces atleast 2 hydrant. 1 port and stbd. (hose and nozzle at each hydrant) All nozzle to be spray / jet with shut off facility. Hoses to be max 18 m length. Hose dia 64mm if unlined. Hose dia 45 mm if lined. HYDRANTS: Two jets of water on any part of the ship and 1 jet from an single length of hose. For tankers: isolating v/vs at end of accom and every 40 mtrs. PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER1. All of approved type and capacity not more than 13.5 ltrs and not less than 9 ltrs. 2. Spare charges for 100% of extinguisher. 3. Portable foam applicator consists of air foam nozzle of an indicator type capable of being connected to the fire main by a fire hose and portable tank of 20 ltrs. 4. Rate of foam 1.5 m3/min. INTERNATIONAL SHORE CONNECTIONCommon link between the vsl and shore for pressuring fire main line. One to be used on each side of the ship. Out side dia-178mm, inside dia 64mm, washer 8 Bolts and nuts 4 nos (16mm dia: 150 mm in length, thickness flange min 14.5 mm) FIRE MANS OUTFIT1. Fire proof protective clothing outersurface water proof. 2. Boots and gloves of rubber or non conductive electricity. 3. Rigid helmet. 4. Electric safety lamp (min for 3 hrs). 5. An axe (approved with cover) 6. Breathing apparatus 7. SCBA atleast 1200 ltrs capacity, function for 30 mins (40 ltrs/min). 8. Fire proof line attached to safety harness. Fixed deck foam system. 1. Capable of delivering foam to ensure cargo tank area as well as into cot. 2. Control station outside and away from cargo area and readily accessible, simple and rapid operation. 3. Rate and foam not less than 0.6 ltrs/m2 min. 4. Sufficient foam concentrate to produce foam for at least 20 min. 5. Foam supplied through foam monitors/applications. 6. Capacity of any monitor at least 3 ltrs/ m2 min. 7. Capacity of any application not less than 400 ltrs / min and turn not less than 15 mtrs.

FOAM Min discharge rate not less than 0.6 ltr/min. System should be able to produce foam for atleast 20 min. Foam supplied for 3 monitor/applicator at lead at 1250 ltrs/min. Cap of foam monitor at least 3 ltr/min. Discharge cap of applicator at least 400 ltrs/min and should be able to throw the down not less that 50 mtrs. INERT GAS Cargo hold : 25% of gross volume of cargohold. Production in 72 hrs. TANKERS:125% max disch volume O2 level 5% Maintain tank O2 level 8%. HRU (Hydrostatic release unit) H2O type: Easy way to release life rafts, EPIRBs and other systems from a sinking ship. Light weight. Expiry every 2 years. After installation it remains on board without maintenance or service ashore for up to two yrs. (other approved HRU requires annual torting) it will release at all angles and needs only the required water pressure to activate. Designed to activate at a depth of between 1.5 to 4.0 mtrs. Weak link system, if used shall break under a strain of 2.2 +or- 0.4 kn (kilo Newton) SCBA MONTHLY CHECKS 1. By pass central is fully closed. 2. Open cylinder valves. The whistle should be heard as the pressure raises in the gel. Check cylinder or fully charged. 3. Check for leaks. 4. With mask on face close cylinder value and hold breath. Observe pressure if it does fall more than set is not leak tight. 5. Check rubber part, o-rings and mask. 6. Clean mask with weak solution of teepol and dried out. LIFE LINE SIGNALS 2 pull - more line 3 pulls - get me out 3 pulls from operator came out now 1 pulls (for bellow) more air. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Water colour red Foam colour cream DCP colour blue Co2 colour black Halon colour green Fire blanket colour red. FIXED FIRE SYSTEMSCo2 for e/r and cargo holds.

Halon for e/r and cargo holds. Water springle ferries and paint locker SCBA PREPARATIONS1. Don the apparatus then adjust the harness for comfortable fit. 2. Open cylinder valve, put on mask and adjust to fit. 3. Inhale 2-3 times to ensure that the air is flowing freely from the demand valve and that the exhalation valve is functioning correctly. 4. Hold breath and make certain that the demand valve is shutting of on exhalation or that leakage if any is slight. 5. Close cylinder value and inhole until the air in the apparatus is exhausted. Listen for the low level audiable alarm, and watch the pressure guage return to zero. The mask should also crush onto the face indicating air tight fit. 6. Re open cylinder values. FIREF find I Inform R Restrict E Extinguish Types of fire : A, B, C, D, E. A Type: By solid material carbonation, organic compounds. Eg. Wood, pulp, paper, textiles etc. B type: By liquids such as petroleum, oil, paint etc. Extinguish medium: foam, AFFF foam, Co2, Halon, DCP. C type: Gaseous fire, LPG, LNG, Etc. Extinguishing medium : DCP, Halon. D type: Metal fire eg: aluminium, sodium etc. Extinguishing medium: water, foam, AFFF, DCP. E type: Electronic fires, it considered to be possible cause of fire, rather than a type. Fires involving electricity will therefore because one of the previously mentioned classes of fires, once the power is shut off. Fire extinguishers: 500t 1 accm, s.space, c.station. 500t 1000t min 3 + 1 spare charge per ext. 1000t or over min 5. For tankers >2000t mobile foam appliance in pump room. THE ANCHOR Marking on the anchor: a. A circle is to be marked is any conspicuous position on the anchor. b. With in the circles two items of information appears. c. The symbol x represents the serial number of the test certificate. d. The symbol yyy represents the letters of the certifying authority. Marking on crown and shanks anchor: a. Markers name or initials.

b. Progressive number. c. Weight of the anchor d. Serial number of the test certificate e. Letters of the certifying authority. Tests on anchors: 1. Drop test 2. Bending test 3. Proof load. Contents of anchor certificate: 1. Type of anchor 2. Weight in kg. 3. Weight in stock in kg. 4. Length of shank in mm, length of arm in mm. 5. Diameter of trend in mm 6. Proof load applied in tones. 7. Identification of proving house, official marks, and government mark. 8. Number of test certificate. 9. Number of tensile test machine. 10. Year of license. 11. Weight of the head of the anchor. 12. Number of date of drop test. ANCHOR CABLE MARKING: 1. The markings are to appear on every shackle, at each end of the cable and every 30 mtr along its length. 2. Serial no. of test certificate. 3. The letters of certifying authorities. PASSENGER SHIPS: Alarms : manual alarm in accommodation spaces is control station continuously manned at all times. Crew alarm must be capable of independent operation. Public address system in accommodation / service spaces. Fire detection: all spaces fitted with automatic fire detection and alarm systems. Springler system: in all part of ship may be fitted. Fire control plan locations : one copy outside the deck home for shore side fire brigade. Fire pump: each pump should supply the required 2 jets of water from the fire main simultaneously from separate hydrants. Pump requirements: 4000t or more 3 pumps. Less than 4000t 2 pumps. Pump position: Fire in are space should not put all fire pumps out of action. CHECK LIST FOR SEQ 1. Lifeboat 2. Lifeboat davits. 3. Life raft 4. Launching instructions both l/boat, l/raft.

5. Portable radio equipments. 6. Lifebuoys 7. Life jackets. 8. Pyrotechnics. 9. Emergency lighting and alarm systems. 10. Fire control plans and other posters. 11. Fire/smoke detecting systems. 12. Fire pump and emg fire pump. 13. Fire hoses, nozzle, is couplings. 14. Fixed fire fighting system, portable fire extinguisher. 15. Vents, doors, skylights, remote stops, switches etc. 16. Fire mans outfits, breathing apparatus, including scba. 17. Pilot ladders. 18. Navigation equipments, gmdss equipments. 19. Record / maintenance of safety equipments. 20. Official log book Additional for tankers: 1. Fixed fire fighting equipments/systems of the cargo p/p room. 2. Deck foam and sprinkler system. 3. Inert gas system.


There are different types of lifeboats used on board a ship on the basis of the type of ship and other special requirements. Not all the lifeboats have the same type of releasing mechanisms, for the launching of a lifeboat depends on several other factors. In this article we will take a look at the main types of lifeboat releasing mechanisms and also learn about the SOLAS requirements for lifeboats.

Types of lifeboat releases: On load and off load release. There are two types of lifeboat releasing mechanisms- on load and off load. These mechanisms release the boat from the davit, which is attached to a wire or fall by means of a hook. By releasing the hook the lifeboat can be set free to propel away from the ship.

Off load mechanism:

The off load mechanism releases the boat after the load of the boat is transferred to water or the boat has been lowered fully into the sea. When the boat touches the surface of water, the load on the fall and hence the hook releases and due to its mechanism the hook detaches from the fall. If the detachment dose not takes place, any of the crew members can remove the hook from the fall. Most of the times the offload mechanism is manually disengaged in case of malfunction; however, in case of fire, it is dangerous to go out and release the hook. On load mechanism: On load mechanism can release the lifeboat from the wire, with the ship above the water level and with all the crew members inside the boat. The load will be still on the fall as the boat would not have touched the water. Normally the height of about 1 m is kept for the on load release, so that the fall is smooth without damaging the boat and harming the crew inside. A lever is provided inside the boat to operate this mechanism. As the lever is operated from inside, it is safe to free the boat without going of the out lifeboat, when there is a fire on ship.

Free Fall life boat release:

In Free fall life boat, the launching mechanism is similar to on load release. the only difference is that the free fall lifeboat is not lowered till 1m above water level, it is launched from the stowed position by operating a lever located inside the boat which releases the boat from rest of the davit and boat slides through the tilted ramp into the water.

SOLAS and LSA code Requirements for lifeboat: -The size, number and the capacity of the lifeboat for a merchant vessel is decided by the type of the ship and number of ships crew, but it should not be less then 7.3 m in length and minimum two lifeboats are provided on both side of the ship (port and starboard). -The requirement for lifeboat of a cargo ship with 20,000 GT is that the boat must be capable of launching when the ship is heading with a speed of 5 knots. -The lifeboat must carry all the equipments described under SOLAS which can be used in survival at sea. It includes rations, fresh water, first aid, compass, distress signalling equipments like rocket etc. -The ship must carry one rescue boat for rescue purpose along with other lifeboats. One lifeboat can be designated as a rescue boat if more then one lifeboat is present onboard ship. -The gravity davits must be hold and slide down the lifeboat even when the ship is heeled to an angle of 15 degree on either side. Ropes are used to hold the lifeboat in stowed position with cradle. These ropes are called gripes. -The wires which lift or lower the lifeboat are known as falls and the speed of the lifeboat descent should not be more then 36m/ min which is controlled by means of centrifugal brakes. -The hoisting time for the boat launching appliance should not be less then 0.3 m/sec with the boat loaded to its full capacity. -The Lifeboat must be painted in international bright orange color with the ships call sign printed on it. -The lifeboat station must be easily accessible for all the crew members in all circumstances. Safety awareness posters and launching procedures must be posted at lifeboat station. -Regular drills must be carried out to ensure that the ships crew members are capable of launching the boat with minimal time during real emergency.




Is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.

It became mandatory on the 1st July 1998, for all vessels including High Speed Crafts etc. above 500 GRT. All ships and mobile offshore drilling units are requires to comply not later than 1st July 2002. Ships less than 400 GRT may comply voluntarily. The IMO (International Maritime Organization) accepted an assembly where by all governments should safe guard the Master on the proper discharge of his responsibilities with regard to safety & protection to the marine environment. It also adopted a policy where by a shore based personnel who is an elected member of the company to respond to the needs of personnel on board ship so that high standards of safety and environmental protection is maintained.


1. To ensure safety at sea.

2. 3.

Prevention of human injury & loss of life. Avoidance of damage to the environment in particular to the marine environment and to the property.


1. 2. 3. Provide for the safe practices for the ship operation and safe working environment. Establish safe guard against all identified dangers. Continuously improve safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard.

The company should adopt a safety and environmental policy and make sure that it is being followed by both ship based as well as shore based personnels to ensure high standard of safety & environmental protection. If the owner is not the one who is responsible for the working of the ship he should hand over the persons name responsible for the working of the ship to the ISM administration. the company should define duties of various persons on board ship and make sure that they are being carried out regularly and in a systematic fashion. The person designated by the company at shore should have direct access to the highest management level (known as Designated Person) and his duties are being carried out from time to time with regard to the safety of life and the prevention of pollution to the marine environment. The master should see that the policy implemented by the company is being followed strictly on board ships, perform his duties with regard to motivation of crew to observe the policy, issue orders in simple language and in case of any deficiency and requirement on board should point it out to the company without hesitation. The company in its document should make sure that the Master is the head of all operations and his word is final, but before doing so the company should make sure that the master is a well qualified person and capable of carrying out his duties in highly sophisticated manner. Emergency drills should be planned by the company, which should practice on board ships so in case of emergency the crew will be able to respond to their duties efficiently. Finally company should arrange for internal audits to make sure that the Safe Management System is being followed and every means to ensure safety of life & prevention of pollution to marine environment is taken.

The ship should be operated by the company which is issued a Document Of Compliance (DOC) relevant to that ship. The DOC should be issued to every company complying with the requirement of the ISM code by the administration A copy is kept on board with the master, if so asked may produce it for certification of the administration or organizations received by it and a SMC should be issued to the ship by the ISM administration after making sure that the ship & the company operate in accordance with the approved SMS.

1. 2.

Government authorized organization to issue a DOC to company, copy of this DOC to be on vessel. The DOC is issued after verification by authority that SMS is functional in view of documentation + audit reports for atleast 3 months. DOC + SMCs are valid for 5 years subject to annual verification 3 months + the anniversary date + 1 intermediate verification for the SMC. Interim DOC valid for 12 months, SMC for 6 months.



Non-Conformity: deviation from requirements specified in the SMCs.

Major Non-Conformity: is the one that poses a serious threat to life, vessel or environment. NCR: CAR: Non- Conformity Reporting. Corrective Action Requests.

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