A Research Proposal Paper On Hepatitis C in India
A Research Proposal Paper On Hepatitis C in India
A Research Proposal Paper On Hepatitis C in India
Hepatitis C in India
The working title of this research is initially drafted as Hepatitis C in India. Viral infections are infections caused by a pathogenic virus. The exposure to and infection from pathogenic microorganisms present in human blood or simply blood-borne pathogens could lead to serious conditions. Exposure occurs when the pathogen is introduced directly into the body through a contaminated object. For instance, hepatitis viruses, specifically Hepatitis C, are among the main blood-borne viral infections of public health importance. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine yet discovered for Hepatitis C. This study will explore the extent of the Hepatitis C problem with reference to Indian context.
The research is focusing on the Hepatitis C (HCV) in India and its major cause (blood transfusion), genotype as well as the association between the (HCV) and chronic liver diseases. Hepatitis C (HCV) is a deadly disease and is most common cause of chronic liver disease. Globally there are 170 million reported cases which have increased over the years. India is an important country of the South East Asia (SEA) and is the member of the (WHO/SEARO) (Mukhopadhya, 2006). The proposed research will focus on the HCV in India and associated risk behaviours, genotype[RT1] as well as the association between the HCV and chronic liver diseases[RT2] .
Hepatitis C is a slow-progressing disease. It may take 10 to 40 years to cause liver damage to people and it shows no signs or symptoms. If there are symptoms, these will be mild and flu-like only including nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, headaches and abdominal pain. Since Hepatitis C is considerably easy to transmit, there are specific people who may be at high risk in acquiring the disease. Medical patients such as those who have diabetes are perceived to be at higher risk to Hepatitis C. Healthcare workers are also at risk at 2% because of contacts with HCV positive blood. It is also discovered that HCV-infected mother could transmit the disease to a newborn but the probability appears to only 5%.
Further, hepatitis C is not spread through kissing or casual contact, but is spread through a sexual intercourse. Sexual transmission is more common among sexually active people who embrace multiple partnering. What remains to be controversial and unconfirmed is the sexual transmission of Hepatitis C through a person with a history of sexually transmitted disease. It is also not reported that transmission from HCV RNA negative individuals and also no evidences are found that HCV is transmittable through breastfeeding. Confirmed, however, are those transmissions of Hepatitis C through the use of contaminated razors, needles, toothbrushes, nail files, barbers scissors, tattooing equipment and body piercing or acupuncture needles.
Similarly another cause of the disease is reuse of the syringes by the drugs addicts. If one of the person is infected by HCV this can lead to transmission to the others via the needle. A recent review of published qualitative research on drug injectors perceptions of HCV risk highlighted a lack of awareness concerning the health implications of HCV as well as uncertainty regarding HCV transmission, especially which linked to the sharing of injecting paraphernalia (Panigrahi, et al 1997).
Hepatitis Foundation International relates significant statistics relating to the status of Hepatitis C. According to them, 3% of the worlds population is infected with Hepatitis C or approximately 170 million people. What is more saddening is the fact that 90% of the affected people are in need of treatment but cannot afford to do so. Further, 80% of the population can become chronically infected and risks serious long-term clinical disease including cirrhosis and liver cancer. There are a total of 8 countries which have HCV prevalence of above 10% including Bolivia, Burundi, Cameroon, Egypt, Guinea, Mongolia, Rwanda and Tanzania. While, there are 7 countries/areas that have a prevalence of between 5 to 10% as Gabon, Libya, Papua New Guinea, Suriname, Vietnam, Zaire and Palestine in the Near East.
Nonetheless, the primary sources of Hepatitis C in developing countries are different from those in developed countries. In developing countries, transfusion of blood or blood products from unscreened donors, transfusion of blood products which have not undergone viral inactivation, parenteral exposure to contaminated blood or inadequately sterilized instruments such as needles used in medical and dental procedures, usage of unsterilized objects for rituals such as circumcision and scarification, traditional medicine and intravenous drug use. Those that are marginally at risk are household and sexual contacts of HCV-infected persons (Hepatitis Foundation International).
With this said, there is no research article indicates all modes of hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission. Most of the comprehensive research reports of transmitting of the disease describe the main cause of spread of the diseases which is the blood transfusion. Sharma (2001) mentioned that although Indian government made it mandatory for blood banks to test for hepatitis C, some doctors doubt whether testing is being enforced. Although the other risk factors are important to be focused on
such as the contaminated surgical and dental instruments, shaving tools (razors), tattoo, piercing tools, unsafe sex (multiple partners) as well as injecting drug users (IDUs), there is no report that determines the association between HCV and these risk behaviours in India. This is the research gap[RT3] .
Yet another gap can be found on the case report study of Raghuraman et al (2005) wherein in Eastern India there is an increasing number of people with hepatitis C virus genotype 6 strains. Determining the identity of the infecting hepatitis C virus is critical has important implications for deciding the duration of antiviral therapy and ascertaining prognosis for the patient. This is not yet explored in other areas of India resulting in cost ineffective manner of planning the optimal duration of treatment for patients. Indian laboratories and physicians should take into consideration the possibility of encountering HCV genotype 6 among their patients. The extent to which Indian laboratories and physicians are addressing the problem is not yet known.
Hepatitis C is considered a deadly disease as there is limited available treatment. There is treatment for hepatitis C interferon-based therapy. The current standard treatment is pegylated interferon alpha and ribavirin combination therapy which can achieve a sustained virologic response (considered a cure) in about 50% overall, but increased sustained response rate for genotype 2/3 (~80%). However, Raghuraman et al (2005) also noted that a longer course of interferon did not necessarily result in increased sustained virological response in patients with hepatitis C. It has increased the disease burden due to chronic liver disease and liver cancers. The patient of dialysis have been subjected to it during the dialysis and there is a wide spread of the disease due to this. Various studies have been conducted to see the transmission of HCV in dialysis units and it has shown the transmission to be nosocomial (Agarwal, et al 2000).
There are vaccines readily available for Hepatitis C because the disease has various genotypes and that the virus undergoes mutations, making it difficult to develop a vaccine. More devastating, is the fact that if a person has Hepatitis C, it will make him/her vulnerable in acquiring Hepatitis A or Hepatitis B (Inchauspe and Feinstone, 2003). In recent years, however, the scientific community intensifies the experimentation of vaccines which will trigger immune responses and helps control Hepatitis C. A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a potential Hepatitis C vaccine with virus-like particle that mimic the virus was developed. Such a vaccine contains important viral proteins and is pre-tested with chimpanzees, the only animal that is known to become infected by Hepatitis C virus (Contie, 2007).
If vaccines will not be developed, the society must face the consequences. Hepatitis C treatment, as already noted, is expensive and is only successful not even to half of the total population undergoing treatments. According to Science Daily (2007), untreated or unresponsive patients will continue to develop cirrhosis and liver cancer and may cost the states and governments even more that the cost of funding a research in developing a vaccine as well as the cost that the state will devote to
treatment. A decade ago, in the US, the estimated annual costs of acute and chronic Hepatitis C was above $1 billion including medical and work loss (Wong, 2000). Liver transplantation is likewise costly, and not all could afford the medical process. Vaccination is a public health measure, meaning more people have access on it. If there will be vaccines against Hepatitis C, the greater public will benefit compared to the inexistence of treatment which only those who are well-off could afford, providing the impetus of developing a vaccine. According to Di Bisceglie (2007), vaccines must be also treatment-inclined aside from being preventive.
India is being a large country shares a big disease. The estimated number of cases of HCV in the SEA are 25 million, out of which 12 million are reported in India alone although in term of ratio it is only 2.1% of its total population .This show how grave situation is in term of number of sufferers. Some of the studies in the community estimate a lower figure of the carrier state. In a recent study of transfusion transmitted infections conducted on the blood donors, the estimated prevalence of the HCV was 1.01% in .This shows a decrease in the prevalence of the disease in the blood donor s. This can be as a result of the selected population which comes for the blood donation which mainly comprise of young adults as many elderly are missing out in this pool (Singh, et al 2004).
Hepatitis C is an emerging infection in India and an important pathogen causing liver disease in India. Once an individual is contaminated, the condition could lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. According to Mukhopadya (2008), the growing public health importance of addressing hepatitis c problem in India is the high risk chronicity of the infection especially that of liver conditions. Rogers et al (2004) noted that the prevalence of hepatitis c in India is from 1-2%, meaning 25 million of the total population is at high risk. Chattopadhyay (2002) also estimated that there are more than 12.5 million carriers of hepatitis c virus in the country. Although there are no reports which determines the association between hepatitis C and HIV, still hepatitis C imposes health dangers and social costs, there is the necessity therefore to explore the case leading to designing health policies and frameworks in India. Combating hepatitis should be priority on the national agenda. The problem, however,
5) How hepatitis C relates with the emerging high cases of liver diseases?
3.0 Justification
Hepatitis C is now in the forefront of medical challenges. One process of responding to the global health dilemma is through a proactive approach a combination of prevention and treatment. There is no single strategy or government which can combat the phenomenon. A necessity is an ongoing, hand-in-hand initiative to fight the disease. In efforts to raise public awareness about Hepatitis C, specific strategies must be considered. The emphasis is given on the department of health in various states and governments, which will work in conjunction with the local authorities and with existing health awareness programs for similar at-risk populations. Nonetheless, long-term implications of hepatitis C in India will not be felt today instead on the decades to come. It would be therefore important to explore such a health problem to inform the succeeding health policies and practices to be conducted. The magnitude and impact of hepatitis C and modes of spread in the region is not yet generally known to the public as well. Through this study also health authorities could be also alerted about this infection which can result to significant morbidities in the future.
Aims of the study are already noted in 2.0 which are to describe the status and position that hepatitis C occupies in the Indian context. Specifically, the objectives of the research are to:
To evaluate the extent to which why hepatitis C is considered a health problem in India To understand the spread of hepatitis C in India and how it could be stopped 5.0 Methodology
Mumbai, which is the largest city in India, will be considered as the setting of the study. There are three districts in Mumbai namely Maharashtra, Mumbai City and Mumbai Suburban, and I have chosen the third district specifically. Therefore, participants must be residents of the Mumbai suburban district. Participants chosen are those who are suffering from hepatitis C and must have undergone a clinical consultation. Participants must be aged 20 to 40 otherwise they could not be included in the study. Participants will include 15 men and 15 women to establish the difference in the acquisition and spread of hepatitis C in Mumbai suburban district while also striking a balance between the data inputs of the people.
Sampling frame
The primary sampling technique to be used is the purposive sampling. This non-probability sampling refers to sampling with specific criteria in mind. As such, the researcher will survey 100 Mumbai suburban district residents who have hepatitis C. The criteria will be 50 men and 50 women with obesity, aged 12 to 40. The respondents must be living in Mumbai suburban district area. Nevertheless, a simple random sampling will be also conducted. A list of people with hepatitis C will be obtained from clinics and/or hospitals. Lists from the three healthcare institutions will be converged and arranged alphabetically. From this list, every 4th name of the person will be contacted.
The research strategy to be used is exploratory research because it aims to know more about the phenomenon of diabetes. Exploratory research will enable the study to look at the problem in both descriptive and exploratory manner. This approach is a preferred mean of finding out what is happening to seek new insights or to ask questions or to assess phenomena in a new light. This study will use the principal ways of conducting exploratory research, which include: literature search and surveying.
My research will operate within the cross-sectional design, as I will be collecting data on more than one case, using structured questionnaires. The benefit of this would be that would be able to focus on the breadth and depth of the research. Moreover, by exploring the breath of the topic, I am increasing my validity and the truthfulness of my research, and thereby minimize the confounding variables.
The survey method, also known as the questionnaire method, will be used in gathering the data for this study. Surveys are the most common form of research method for collection of primary data. One of its purpose is to describe, e.g., to count the frequency of some event or to assess the distribution of some variables about particular issues, and other information of similar nature about the population. The descriptive survey of the population is valuable in understanding the audience, and in the definition of the existence and magnitude of the problems, and the survey data are also helpful in determining cause and effect relationships between variables. A structured questionnaire will be used for this study.
Ethical issues
For this research, ethics approval will be sought for all questionnaires. Before sending out the questionnaires, I will check them with my supervisor. I will ensure that the data will be kept confidentially. I will establish with the data providers the use of my data and will ask their permission in case of publishing data.
Further, care should always be given so that the participant can be comfortable and is in an excellent condition when doing an answering a questionnaire. As a researcher, his/her prime role is making the respondent feel at ease during the answering process. It must be made clear to both respondent and the researcher that any information exchanged and stated by the patient will remain confidential.
Data analysis
Data gathered using these instruments will be collated for analysis. Data analysis will primarily be characterized by statistical approach. Initially, after gathering empirical data, comparative contextual analysis of the literature will be adopted. Qualitative data analysis will be used to collect relevant themes from the literatures and categorize them accordingly. From those themes, the study will develop insights regarding the subject.
The following statistical formula will be used in quantitative analysis of the responses.
% = -------- x 100
; N
x = --------------------------------------------- ; xt where: f weight given to each response x number of responses xt total number of responses
TASK Weeks 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Finalize objectives
Guidelines for the development of research proposals following a structured, holistic Approach for a Research Proposal (SHARP)
Abstract Introduction Objectives of these guidelines Objectives of a research proposal Contents of a research proposal Selected readings Appendix. Metaplan technique
Rainer Gross, Darwin Karyadi, Soemilah Sastroamidjojo, and Werner Schultink Rainer Gross and Werner Schultink are affiliated with the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, in Eschborn, Germany. Darwin Karyadi and Soemilah Sastroamidjojo are affiliated with the Regional SEAMEO-TROPMED Center for Community Nutrition in the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Mention of the names of firms and commercial products does not imply endorsement by the United Nations University.
SHARP (a Structured, Holistic Approach for a Research Proposal) is a structured method for developing a research proposal that can be used either by individuals or by teams of researchers. The eight steps in SHARP are (1) setting up a causal model, (2) establishing a fact-hypothesis matrix (FaHM), (3) developing a variable-indicatormethod matrix (VIM), (4) selecting the study design, (5) defining the sampling procedure and calculating the sample size, (6) selecting the statistical methods, (7) considering the ethical aspects, and (8) setting up an operational plan. The objectives of the research proposal are to help the researcher to define the contents and to plan and execute a research project, and to inform potential collaborators and supporters about the topic. The proposal that is produced during the process can be submitted to agencies for possible funding.
The following guidelines for writing a research proposal have been developed on the basis of experiences at academic institutions providing advanced training in nutrition. We have noted that students who plan and conduct their first research projects often have difficulty orienting themselves within the vast field of scientific information and tend to focus their proposals on a minimum of relevant issues, ignoring many essential items. Therefore, a structured method has been developed as an orientation tool to help guide young researchers into scientific research. Furthermore, the method has also been found useful for the development of research proposals by a team. This is especially important in interdisciplinary sciences such as nutrition, when individuals with different experiences and expertise have to be brought together. This instrument and procedure has been named SHARP: Structured, Holistic Approach for a Research Proposal.
1. Set up a causal model; 2. Establish a fact-hypothesis matrix; 3. Develop a variable-indicator-method matrix; 4. Select the study design; 5. Define the sampling procedure and calculate the sample size; 6. Select the statistical methods; 7. Consider the ethical aspects; 8. Set up an operational plan. SHARP is an instrument and a process. It defines and standardizes scientific requirements that are needed for the development of a research project. Furthermore, SHARP encourages the bringing together of different types of scientific expertise and can be used to guide the development of a research proposal by a team.
improve, standardize, and maintain research quality and performance; stimulate the orientation and training of scientific personnel; facilitate comparisons among research projects; facilitate the development of proposals that can be submitted to agencies for research funding. The target group of the guidelines is primarily students, but the guidelines will also be useful to senior researchers who guide and coach students or who plan to carry out their own research projects in the field of nutrition.
to help the researcher to define the contents and to plan and execute his/her research project;
to inform potential collaborators and supporters about the topic and the expected quality of the research.
In addition, the proposal can be submitted to one or more agencies for consideration for funding. In particular, a research proposal should:
describe the current state of knowledge on the research topic, considering all important relevant literature;
define the research strategy and methodology to be used to test the hypothesis or research question;
define realistic, feasible, operational planning, based on the research methodology and general conditions;
inform potential collaborating institutions and persons about the research project and enable them to identify the kind of support they can give;
The research proposal may be an educational as well as an examination exercise. The proposal should be lucid, direct, selective, and critical.
1. introduction to the research topic, formulation of the problem, and justification for its selection;
9. development of the operational plan, including time schedule, human resources, equipment, material, and budget.
Title page The purpose of the title page is to present a concise statement of the subject of the research and to identify the responsible researchers. The title page is the main gate of the research proposal, which invites the reader to enter the research proposal.
express the main message of the research topic; be relevant; be short; be clearly and precisely formulated; be exciting; be appealing. The title page should contain the following information: title of the research project; name of the principal researcher; date of submission of the research proposal (month and year); name and address of the institution of the principal researcher; telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the principal researcher. The title page should also contain the: name(s) of the scientific collaborator(s) (e.g., supervisors and promoters); name(s) and address(es) of the institution(s) of the scientific collaborator(s). The curriculum vitae of the principal researcher should be included in the appendix of the research proposal.
Table of contents
The table of contents outlines the structure of the research proposal. An example is shown in table 1. The headings and subheadings are structured and numbered, and the appropriate page numbers appear at the right-hand margin. The headings of the table of contents are identical to those in the body of the report.
The purpose of the abstract is to summarize in less than 200 words all important parts of the research proposal. The abstract should:
describe the general objective of the study (justification); define the central hypothesis; describe the site and population to be studied; summarize the total time and budget necessary to carry out the research. Introduction
The introduction should justify the hypothesis of the proposed research. In particular, it should:
summarize the relevance of the topic; give an overview of the status of international research in related areas; finally, lead to the objectives and hypotheses of the proposed research topic. TABLE 1. Table of contents of a research proposal
Title Page Table of Contents 0 Abstract 1 Introduction 1.1 Relevance of the topic 1.2 Current state-of-the-art 1.3 Causal model 1.4 Fact-hypothesis matrix (FaHM) 1.5 Objectives of the research project 1.6 Hypothesis of the research project 2 Methodology 2.1 Variable-indicator-method matrix (VIM) 2.2 Study design 2.3 Population under survey 2.4 Sample size and sampling procedure 2.5 Measurement methods and statistical analysis 2.6 Ethical considerations 3 Operational Planning 3.1 Time schedule 3.2 Human resources 3.3 Equipment and material 3.4 Budget 4 Appendices 4.1 Literature cited 4.2 Draft of questionnaire 4.3 Curriculum vitae of proposer
Relevance of the research topic
In the introduction, the research topic is placed in the general framework of current knowledge. The proposed research is justified, and after the general framework has been described, the topic is narrowed down. Research submitted for a doctoral thesis must be original; it must be substantially new.
Current state-of-the-art
The review of literature should focus on the knowledge required to test the hypotheses. Literature citations should be used to support factual statements. It is necessary to filter out ideologies, unsubstantiated dogma, open questions, and untested hypotheses. Rambling on, mentioning uncritically everybody who ever said anything related to the topic confuses more than contributes to the analysis of information available about the topic. The selection and discussion of the literature strongly indicates the intellectual capacity of the researcher and the time spent in preparing the research proposal. This requires careful review and analysis of the literature.
Modern computerized systems allow for the collection of an enormous number of literature citations. It maybe difficult for a less experienced researcher to judge the relevance of a citation. The establishment of a causal model (see below) facilitates the decision of relevance.
Causal model
During the development of a causal model (frame of thinking), all important variables are denned and their relationship to the central hypothesis is identified. The causal model is based on conclusions drawn from the literature. An example of a causal model is shown in figure 1.
The causal model helps to identify all relevant variables that contribute to a hypothesis and define the expected cause-effect relationships of the variables. In particular, a causal model helps to:
identify all necessary variables that have to be controlled by the study, including confounding factors;
Each direct (proximate) cause (variable) that could influence the core situation is identified and written down in a box below the box containing the core situation. The box(es) containing the direct cause(s) of the core situation are connected to the box containing the core situation with directional arrows.
If a research proposal is developed by a team or group, the construction of a causal model should be carried out using the Metaplan technique as described in the Appendix. At the end of the exercise, the hierarchy of the causal model has been developed that contains all core problem-related variables. The causal model will form the basis of the fact-hypothesis matrix (FaHM) (table 2) and the variable-indicator-method matrix (VIM) (table 3).
The fact-hypothesis matrix is a systematic way to organize causal relationships proposed in the causal model (table 2). Each relationship is identified as either hypothetical or proven. In the first three columns of the matrix, each causal relationship of the model is summarized. Each direct cause is identified by a letter, and the respective dependent (effect) and independent (cause) variables are listed in the second and third Columns.
Letter A A A B B B C D E F F G
Cause Energy intake Energy intake Vitamin A intake ARI Diarrhoea Helminths
References H H H Neuvianz et al. (1990) Black et al. (1984) Stephenson et al. (1980)
In the fourth column, the literature citation that confirms that the stated variable is a cause of the core situation is cited. If no literature source can be found, an H for a hypothetical cause-effect relationship is entered in the fourth column. A causal model with many hypothetical cause-effect relationships indicates a very uncertain frame of thinking, which makes the outcome of the research work very unpredictable and planning more complex.
The general objective of a research project is defined as the purpose of the project. It states what the project intends to accomplish or develop in relation to observed problems or situations. The following criteria should be considered when formulating the general objectives of the project. An objective must (1) be applicable to the situation, (2) be achievable and measurable, (3) not be ambiguous, and (4) be harmonious with societal and institutional goals and constraints.
Sometimes after the single, general objective has been stated, it is convenient to list a series of component objectives or specific objectives. These state specific research results and sequential goals to be achieved during the study. They are concrete, attainable results that can be measured and are readily identified when they have been reached. Specific objectives must be necessary and sufficient to reach the general objective of the research project.
The hypothesis of a research project is an educated guess, or a prediction of causal relationships that can be tested; an unanswered question that arises from a literature review of a topic leads to such predictions. Data are then gathered and analysed to test the hypothesis.
If a hypothesis refers to the relationship between two variables, the formulation should indicate clearly the direction of their relationship. The relationship stated in a hypothesis should be tested by measuring appropriate variables and judging whether the values of these variables could have occurred by chance. If the observations could have occurred by chance, then the researcher concludes that the null hypothesis is true and that the hypothesized relationship does not explain the data. To prove a relationship, the null hypothesis must be proven to be wrong.
No. Variable 0 Nutritional status Nutritional status Nutritional status Infectious/invasive diseases Infectious/invasive diseases Infectious/invasive diseases
Indicator wt/age, wt/ht, ht/age MUAC/age Hemoglobin status (g/L) Period prevalence ARI
Reference WHO (1983) UN (1986) INACG (1985) WHO (1985) Black et al (1984) Brown et al (1980)
Period prevalence diarrhoeal Questionnaire disease Period prevalence ascariasis Stool examination
Abbreviations: ARI, acute respiratory infection; MUAC, mid upper arm circumference. A hypothesis should be: based on a known fact or theory, testable, specific, brief, but clear. The proposal for research intended to contribute to new scientific knowledge must always have a hypothesis. A main hypothesis should be supported byspecific hypotheses, which state relationships between variables that are part of, or complement, the interpretation of the main hypothesis.
Definition of methodology
The purpose of the methods section is to identify and justify the research methods selected for the research. The choice of methods depends on the variables to be measured and the cause-effect relationships among them. One method for developing a community nutrition research project is the causal model approach, as defined above.
A variable is a characteristic of the study subjects (e.g., nutritional status), and an indicator is a measurement collected during research that is assumed to reflect the variable (e.g., blood haemoglobin level).
The variable-indicator-method matrix (VIM) is a systematic way to organize the relationship between variables of interest and potential indicators of these variables. The VIM should:
relate every variable (cause) of the causal model to at least one indicator; describe the methodology by which each indicator will be surveyed; cite the literature source of the methodology selected. An example of a VIM is presented in table 3. Each variable of the causal model is listed in the first two columns of the VIM and identified by the box number. (Because of the hierarchical nature of the box numbering, the numbers will not be consecutive.)
Indicators of variables are specified in the third column. Each variable should be related to at least one indicator, which defines the variable precisely (e.g., variable: nutritional status; indicator: Z-score of weight/height index according to the NCHS reference population). The indicators should be selected according to the following criteria:
Validity - Does it measure (quantify or describe) what we assume it measures? For example, does the indicator we have chosen to show obesity indeed measure the fatness of a person? Feasibility/appropriateness - Is the cost realistic? - Is the equipment available? - Is the methodology appropriate, and can data be obtained? The method of measuring each indicator is listed in the fourth column. The methods should be selected according to the following criteria:
Accuracy (getting the correct answer). This includes: - sensitivity - specificity Precision (reliability, reproducibility, repeatability). There are several kinds of precision, including: - instrumental (precision of analytical instrument on same sample on different occasions); - biological (precision of same subject on different occasions); - intra-observer (precision of same tester on different occasions on same subject); - inter-observer (precision of different testers on the same subject at same occasion). Literature references validating each method are cited in the fifth column, when available. If the method has not been validated, a separate validation activity must be carried out before the major portion of the research project can be undertaken.
Study design
After variables to be surveyed have been identified and indicators related to each of the variables have been defined, the study design has to be selected and presented in the text and as a diagram. Common types of study designs include the following (fig. 2):
Observational study - prospective study (prospective cohort study) - retrospective study (case-control study) - historical prospective study (retrospective cohort study) - cross-sectional study Experimental study - clinical trial - community trial
The criteria of the selection of the most appropriate study design should be listed and advantages and disadvantages of the design should be discussed. Special attention should be given to possible confounding factors related to the selected study design. It is highly recommended that whenever possible, double-masked tests (formerly called double-blinded) be used in intervention studies. Double-masking implies that neither the researchers nor the participants in the intervention are aware of the assignment of the treatment. This eliminates evaluator bias on the part of the researcher and behavioural bias on the part of the participant.
The proposal needs to define the criteria to be used in selecting the population to be surveyed and needs to distinguish the selection criteria from the descriptive data that will be collected to characterize the sample. For example, the selection criteria for a study might be women with two children under the age of five years - all other women and all men would be excluded. The study population would then be characterized by maternal age, number of dependent children, geographic area, etc.
Ideally, the sample selected from a population is representative of the entire population, and therefore the characteristics of the study sample describe those of the entire population.
After identification of the variables and their indicators and the selection criteria for the population to be surveyed, the sample size and sampling methods must be defined. Obviously the selection of the population, the sampling method, and the sample size must be coordinated. By convention, N represents the number of individuals in the population and n the number of individuals in the sample.
It is important that the sample size be large enough that statistically significant differences will be identified if they exist. The calculations concerning sample size depend on:
the primary question that the researchers want to investigate; the way in which it is to be answered. The probability of detecting a specified difference is called the power of the study. A powerful study is one with a high probability of detecting an important treatment difference. It is a waste of resources to conduct a study with insufficient power to reach valid conclusions. A biostatistical or statistical textbook should be consulted before the final sample size is selected. The population must be sufficiently large so that an adequate sample can be obtained in a reasonable amount of time using the methods chosen.
Probability sampling methods rely on formal random techniques to identify the units to be included.
Simple random sampling. A fixed percentage of the population is selected using a formal random process, such as a random number generator or random number table.
Systematic random sampling. The n sampling units are selected from the sampling frame at regular intervals (e.g., every fifth house). When systematic methods are used, the starting point in the first interval is selected on a formal random basis.
Stratified random sampling. Before selection, the sampling frame is divided into strata based on factors likely to influence the variable being estimated (e.g., variable: nutritional status; factor: income). Then a simple random or systematic random sample is selected within each stratum.
Cluster sampling. Primary sampling units are defined, which are logical groups or clusters (e.g., classrooms) of secondary sampling units (e.g., individual children). The clusters can be selected by systematic, simple, or stratified random methods, and all individuals within the primary sampling units (or clusters) are selected to participate in the research.
Multistage sampling. This method is similar to cluster sampling, except that sampling takes place at all stages. As an example of two-stage sampling, one would begin as in cluster sampling by selecting a sample of the primary units (e.g., classrooms) listed in the sampling frame. Then within each primary unit, a sample of secondary units (e.g., individual children) is selected. This procedure differs from cluster sampling, in which all of the secondary units within each selected primary unit are taken.
Non-probability sampling methods do not rely on formal random techniques to identify the units to be included. Judgement sampling. Representative units of the population are selected by the investigator.
Convenience sampling. The sample is selected because it is easy to obtain. Using convenience or judgement sampling often produces biased results, regardless of whether the researcher believes he/she can select representative samples. Therefore, these samples should rarely be used for survey purposes.
Purposeful sampling. The selection of units is based on known exposure or disease status (for example, children with severe diarrhoea admitted to the hospital). Purposeful sampling is often used to select units for analytic observational studies, but it is in- adequate for obtaining data to estimate population parameters.
Statistical analysis
The purpose of statistical analysis is to allow the researcher to draw conclusions from the data obtained. Therefore all aspects of the research proposal should be formulated so that valid statistical conclusions can be drawn.
Appropriate statistical methods should be selected based on the study design and the sampling techniques. Before analysing the data with a certain statistical test, it is essential to determine some characteristics of the data.
Frequency or nominal data. Each value represents a characteristic or group membership (e.g., sex: male = 1, female = 2; place of origin: south = 1, central = 2, north = 3).
Ranking or ordinal data. The values imply a relative rank of the characteristic, but not the magnitude of differences between ranks (e.g., formal education: none =1, can read and write =2, completed primary school =3, completed secondary school =4).
Measurement value or fixed interval data. Values are from a scale with constant intervals and known size (e.g., size, weight, age, haemoglobin level). The choice of statistical test depends on several aspects of the hypothesis being tested:
The values recorded for each variable included in the statistical test. Variables with values recorded in either frequency or ranking categories will be analysed by a nonparametric statistical test. Variables with values in the measurement category are usually analysed with parametric tests. However, the values of variables in the measurement category may be very skewed or irregular in distribution. In this case, non-parametric tests are used in analysis of the data. Therefore, a necessary part of data analysis is checking the distributions of data values for patterns that differ from the normal distribution. Descriptive statistics, such as the rate of progression (skewedness) and excess (kurtosis), are useful in this determination.
The nature of the research question. The hypothesis can ask for a comparison between proportions of observations or between the mean values of two groups, or it can predict group membership based on the values recorded for several variables. There are many types of research questions, and table 4 shows which tests are appropriate for common types of questions.
Ethical considerations
Each study and survey conducted on human beings and animals needs approval from an official committee of a research institution. This committee evaluates the research proposal according to the following criteria:
maximizing benefit avoiding harm and minimizing discomfort confidentiality conflict of interests. For epidemiological research, the guidelines of the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS, 1991) are highly recommended as a source of detailed information for ethical considerations. It is the function of the ethical committee to monitor and control the implementation of ethical standards of the researcher.
Sampling Frequency
2 test
2 test
Q test
Data category Measurement values Non-normal Normal distribution distribution SiegelKolmogoroffF test Tutzey test Smirnoff test U test b test Wilcoxon test t test Spearman rank-order correlation Product-moment coefficient correlation Linear regression H test Variance analysis Student-NewmanKeuls test Friedman test Variance analysis Multiple comparison between Multi-various Wilcoxon and Wilcox methods Ranking
The research proposal should provide information on how the individuals will be directed for treatment in case health problems are identified during the study. Subjects allocated to a control group should be able to benefit from the treatment after ending the study. For example, if in an iron-supplementation study anaemic individuals have been identified who are not allocated to the treatment group or who are in the treatment group but are still anaemic at the end of the study, adequate treatment has to be provided for them at the end of the study.
A copy of the declaration of informed consent that should be signed by the subjects or their caretaker must be available in the appendix of the research proposal.
Operational planning
The purpose of operational planning is to synthesize all research activities into a working plan. The research activities include additional activities that are not directly linked to the scientific work. For example, during the selection of the study population, individuals with diseases need to be treated, and at the end of the study, the community needs to be informed of the results of the study, which should lead to interventions, if relevant. The plan includes a time schedule, a summary of the human resources, equipment, and material needed to complete the plan, and a budget. The plan needs to be checked carefully to determine whether it is feasible and whether it will indeed allow the researcher to test the stated hypothesis.
If methods have not been validated, the plan needs to include a provision for a validation procedure. In studies in which more than one person takes measurements, carries out tests, or makes observations, provisions for training the research team are essential.
Time schedule
The length of time needed to complete each part of the research project needs to be clearly identified. It is very important that the estimates be realistic, because the allocation of resources (human resources, equipment, etc.) may need to be coordinated with other projects. All aspects of the project must be included: planning, validating survey instruments, training in data collection and analysis, providing information to the community and to institutions, follow-up treatment, etc. A balance needs to be reached: usually, the longer a project takes, the more expensive it becomes; however, a hurried project may not yield reliable results.
Figure 3 provides an example of a time schedule for a Master of Science research project. It shows how to represent the time required for each activity and indicates which portions of the project can be conducted simultaneously. The schedule starts after the acceptance of the research proposal. The literature research for the development of the proposal must begin before the schedule starts. However, literature study is not finished with the acceptance of the research proposal.
Much time can be saved if the researcher has met with and explained the activities to all parties involved in the research, such as local representatives of governmental offices, non-governmental organizations, and the individuals and the community to be studied.
Research tools such as equipment, material, and questionnaires have to be checked and validated. It may therefore be necessary to carry out a reconnaissance or pilot study before beginning the main study.
Sufficient time and resources must also be available for the treatment of subjects who are diagnosed with health problems. Treatment should also be available for those individuals not chosen to participate in the study. Additionally, treatment must be organized for subjects who participate in the study and still have health problems at the end of the trial. The same issues must be considered in cross-sectional studies.
Research that takes more than one year, such as doctoral research, needs special attention from supervisors. At certain phases of a research project, the principal researcher must inform all those involved about the progress of the research activities. Important reporting times are:
after a reconnaissance or pilot study, before the main study is to start, so that the collaborators will have a chance to influence the research design and implementation;
This does not mean that these are the only times that the research is monitored. The researcher should continuously monitor all aspects of the research.
Human resources
All human resources needed to complete the project must be identified. Individuals are not usually named in the research proposal. Human resources include:
technicians consultants drivers translators data entry personnel. The following information should be included in the proposal: How many of each type of person will be needed; Whether they will be needed full-time or part-time; How much each person will be paid; How long they will be needed; When they will be needed. Equipment and material
All equipment and material needed to complete the project must be identified. Expensive or specialized items must be precisely specified. Other items can be listed in general categories (for example, office supplies). Rented, leased, or shared equipment should be considered expensive items and should be precisely specified. Some or all of the following may be needed:
paper for reproducing questionnaires equipment to be used in the field equipment to be used in the laboratory transport computers, fax machine, and copy machine postage and communication costs With regard to equipment and materials, the proposal should state: What is needed; How much it will cost, including tax and shipping, etc.; When it will be needed. Budget
The budget should include all projected expenditures. Generally, a budget is stated on a yearly basis. Within each year, the budget is divided into sections such as:
personnel (salaries, wages, fringe benefits) equipment materials and supplies printing and publication travel rental or lease of facilities other (utilities, phone, insurance, advertising) overhead contingency Overhead (indirect costs) covers the cost of administering the project, such as office space, administrative personnel, etc. It is often a set percentage of the entire cost of the project, based on an agreement between the sponsoring organization and the project. If the research project will take more than one year, an adequate inflation rate has to be factored into the budget planning.
Statement of assumptions
The statement of assumptions identifies external influences that are risks to successful implementation of the research project. This demonstrates how the research project is or can become dependent on its environment and facilitates the evaluation and reduction of any risks that threaten the success of the project. The proposal should discuss any implicit assumptions that may not be readily accepted by the potential collaborators or research supervisors of student projects.
Examples of assumptions that might be important in nutrition research projects during implementation include the following:
Enough qualified interviewers can be hired locally; The population will accept research methods (e.g., blood sampling). Other assumptions are out of the control of the researcher. These include the following: The political and economic situation will remain stable; The health system will continue its current immunization schedule; The schools will continue to serve lunch to the children. If the statement of the objectives of the research proposal is based on an assumption that may turn out to be invalid, the proposal should anticipate the problem by having one or more alternatives.
Monitoring is an important tool for guaranteeing the success of a research project. It needs to be done continuously, with particular attention at the beginning and end of each stage of the research. Monitoring helps inform all research workers about the situation and possible problems of the research project. In doctoral research, monitoring is carried out by supervisors and proposers. The research proposal is the basis upon which the programme is monitored.
Reporting is an essential part of monitoring. Appropriate reporting by the person responsible for the research is needed for monitoring the activities carried out. The report should consist of the following topics:
Implementation - overview of activities carried out during the report period - institutional affiliations, contacts, and collaborations - organizational set-up (e.g., personnel hired, logistics) - collaboration with individuals and population to be studied - evaluation of implementation (if relevant, reasons for changes) Changes of research design (if relevant)
Preliminary results
- main results of data analysis - reasons for not achieving the objectives (if relevant) Assumptions not directly related to programme
- budget spent - budget planning for the next report period The research coordinator and the proposers of the research must receive the report within one month of the end date of the reporting period defined in the time schedule of the research proposal. The report should not exceed eight pages. The written report is only a small part of monitoring. Research must be monitored continuously and necessary modifications made immediately.
The appendices contain background documentation that provides additional detail on any aspect of the proposal. The detail should complement the proposal text.
Literature cited
The list of cited literature is an important indication of the quality of the research proposal because it shows the thoroughness of the literature search and the understanding of the technical background needed for the project. The cited literature verifies:
the relevance of the proposed research topic; the originality of the hypothesis; the validity, accuracy, and precision of the proposed research methodology. Literature has to be used critically. Any of the references can be used to explain and expand the theoretical discussion of the topic. In general, primary literature sources should be used. If secondary literature is used, in which authors quote information published by others, the references must clearly reflect this.
Specific formats for citation in text and in the literature cited section of a research proposal will be dealt with below.
Draft of questionnaire
Questionnaires are an important tool of epidemiological and operational research. Given the nature of original research, a unique survey form must be developed for each research project. The nature of the study and the setting in which the data will be collected will influence the design and structure of the data-recording form or questionnaire; however, the following general principles should be considered:
The title of the study should appear at the top of the survey form and should be clear and sufficiently detailed to inform collaborators of the general purpose of the survey.
Questions must be clearly worded, straightforward, and necessary. Initially, it is useful to list all of the variables about which information is required; then structure the questions so that the answer(s) to each question provide the appropriate data.
Questions should be grouped according to subject matter or another logical basis, such as the temporal relationship of events, to facilitate communication with the respondent.
It is desirable to record the answers as measurements or continuous variables (e.g., the actual age). Data can be grouped later, if necessary.
The layout of the questionnaire should assist the analysis and/or computer entry of data. Copying data by hand should be avoided, because each time a number is written down the probability of introducing an error increases.
Asking questions correctly is as much an art as it is a science. Nonetheless, certain principles should be followed:
- Avoid asking leading questions that suggest a right answer to the respondent.
- The terminology used in the question should be tailored to the way the respondents use the words and names.
There are three distinct types of questionnaires or survey forms used in community nutrition projects: surveys of individual data surveys of household data surveys of structural data (data on the village, city, suburb, district, etc.) Data that are unique for each individual are recorded on surveys of individual data. Data that apply equally to each individual in the household, such as the size of the family or the amount of living space, should be recorded on a separate form for that household, not on the form for each individual in the household. Similarly, observable variables applying equally to all households in a village, such as climatic data, should not be recorded on a household survey form, but should be recorded on a form for each village or city suburb (survey of structural data).
The survey forms for each project should be standardized to simplify recording and later reading of the data. For this purpose the following rules should be observed:
1. Each survey form should have a header that provides the following information: title of the study name of the responsible institution type of form (e.g., household form, individual form) household number individual number (if relevant) 2. Each household must be assigned a unique household number. This number should be entered in the header of the survey form BEFORE commencing the survey. In this way if the pages of the survey become separated, the identity of the household will be clear, and also no two households will receive the same identification number (household number).
3. In case more than one individual of a household is assessed (for example, more than one child below five years of age), besides the household number each individual must be assigned a unique individual number. Consequently, each page of the individual survey form should have both the household number and the individual number, which should be filled in BEFORE commencing the survey.
5. The text of each variable is fully written out, so that the surveyor has no doubts in his/her mind during the interview. This means that the questions on the survey form should be short but specific.
6. The answer categories for closed questions are coded and the codes identified on the survey form (e.g., male = 1; female = 2). For size measurements (such as height, age, and weight), the appropriate unit (such as cm, months, or kg) is shown on the survey form.
7. A box is available on the right-hand side of the form for each variable to provide an identified space for coded answers. 8. All possible responses to a closed-category question are assigned to a number (including categories for other and unknown, if appropriate). There should be no opportunity to record unique answers, because these add considerably to the workload of data entry and analysis, and where several data collectors are engaged, it is impossible to maintain adequate standardization. The reconnaissance or pilot study is an important stage to convert open questions into closed ones. 9. To reduce errors, answers such as no answer, dont know, or others should always have the same code (e.g., 99 or 9,88 or 8, and 77 or 7).
10. If no exact answer can be expected in certain cultural contexts, the question should be omitted. It is better to obtain less, but accurate, information than large quantities of erroneous or ambiguous information.
11. The respondent should not read the questionnaire in advance. This will maintain the spontaneity of the answers.
12. Each variable should have its own unique code name that should consist of not more than eight digits. All code names should be listed in the Description of the Variables (a list of all variable codes and their description). For example:
Variable code: ELECTRIC house has electricity. However, since the variable codes are only important for the data analysis and have no further implication for the enumerator, the code need not be stated on the form. 13. Some data needed for analysis are based on further manipulation of the information obtained by the interviewer. For example, to ensure that the question How many people are there in the household? is accurately answered, it is best to ask for the name of each member of the household. The interviewer writes down the names and later sums up the total. The variables that are not asked directly are marked on the questionnaire by square brackets []. FIG. 4. Example of a template for a questionnaire sheet
INSTITUTION, NUTRITION SURVEY Household number Household 35) Question: If you were to have another child, would you prefer a boy or a girl? 1) Boy 8) Dont know 2) Girl 9) No answer 3) Boy or girl, it does not matter 36) Measurement: Weight of the mother (00.1 kg) 37) Measurement: Height of the mother (cm) 38) Observation: Could you please show me which kind of salt you use currently in cooking and as table salt? 1) Packaged iodized salt 3) Coarse, rock, or brick salt 2) Packaged salt, without 8) Dont know, not sure
label about iodination 9) No observation made Measurement: Presence of iodine in tested sample 1) No colour change 8) Dont know, not sure 2) Blue colour change 9) No observation made occurs Question: During the last 7 days, how often have you frequented a meeting with more than 10 persons?
Samples of survey forms are presented in the Appendix. These are divided into the household level on one hand and the individual level (child) on the other. The household-level sample forms are further divided into samples adapted to urban and rural households, as there are some important differences in socio-economic and ecological descriptions of the two environments.
The sample forms are provided to show appropriate layout and structure. The content and language of the forms used must always be adjusted to the circumstances of the survey area and the respondents.
The research proposal finishes with the curriculum vitae of the proposer. The following information should be included in the curriculum vitae:
full name and academic degrees place and date of birth office and rank higher education degrees work experience scientific publications awards Writing the research proposal
Often it is possible to draw conclusions about the quality of the content of the proposal from the quality of the form of the research proposal. For instance, an unstructured presentation may be a sign of conceptual problems in the logical framework of a research project.
A well-structured and attractively presented document facilitates reading and understanding the proposal, even if the subject is complex and complicated, as is the case for many research proposals.
Abbreviations are usually used for generic names, but the full generic name should be given when the insect (or other animal, bacterium, or plant) is first mentioned anywhere in the proposal. Thus the mosquito would be referred to first as Anopheles hyrcanus var. sinensis, and later as A. hyrcanus var., or A. h. sinensis, or simply A. sinensis.
Several mosquitoes belong to genera having the same initial letter, and confusion is therefore possible if initials are used for them all. For instance, if Anophelesand Aedes are named in the same paper (as often happens), it is wise to refer to both genera in full throughout, even at the expense of much repetition. Similarly, if both Entamoeba coli and Escherichia coli were named in the same paper, it would obviously be wrong to use the contraction E. coli. In general, all Latin words should be written in italic letters.
Names of diseases derived from proper names should not be written with initial capital letters once they have become generally accepted: e.g., brucellosis, bilharziasis, leishmaniasis.
Measurements should always be given in metric units. Abbreviations of metric units should be written according to international standards.
Tables must be self-explanatory, although interpretations need to be explained in the text. Each table should begin with a heading consisting of the table number followed by the title. The table number must be referred to in the text. Tables should be numbered sequentially through the research proposal.
The title should summarize briefly the information in the table. Each column has to have a heading. Immediately beneath the column headings, the precise units of measurement of the data should be shown, if applicable (e.g. % or years). Units of measurement should be enclosed in parentheses. Longer units (e.g., number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births and stillbirths) should be put in a footnote to the table. In these cases, footnotes should be placed beneath the lower boundary of the table. However, the footnote should be at least two double-spaced lines above the following text to distinguish it clearly from the text.
If possible, the column headings should be concise so that they can be written horizontally. They may contain abbreviations. Although different table layouts can be chosen, with lines separating columns, rows, or headings, the same style should be maintained throughout the document.
As a rule, tables are presented vertically on the page, although wide tables may be presented sideways (landscape). If a vertical table is too long to fit on one page, it should be continued on the next page. At the bottom of the first page, the word continued should appear. The second should begin with the words Table X continued, and the column headings should be repeated. Such larger tables should probably appear in an appendix because they will contain more detail than is necessary for the points made in the text.
Various types of illustrations may accompany the research proposal, such as line drawings, graphs, maps, and photographs. Drawings should be presented clearly with india ink on the same white paper used for the text. Graphs that are developed by computer software should be printed with ink jet or laser printers. Photographs should be printed on glossy paper. All figures should be separated from the text and include the following elements: a heading, consisting of a sequence number in arabic numerals (preceded by Figure) and the subject heading or title;
Similar to the table heading, the subject heading (title) of figures should be clear and concise, enabling the reader to understand the figure without reference to the text. If necessary, more detailed information may be given in a footnote below the table. If an illustration is taken from another publication, the source must be given.
Citation of literature In the text, references should be cited by author and year of publication. For more than two authors, use et al. For multiple citations in one year from the same author(s), use 1992a, 1992b, etc. If two or more references have authors with the same last name, use first and middle initials to identify them.
A combination of iron status indices offers better accuracy in detection of iron deficiency than the use of a single assay (Cook et al., 1976b).
In the literature cited section, references should be listed alphabetically, without numbering. Journal or book titles should not be italicized and should be abbreviated according to standard conventions or spelled out in full. Words in titles of books should be capitalized (except for articles and prepositions), but only the first letter of the first word in the title of an article within a journal or chapter within a book should be capitalized.
Styles for different types of citations in the literature cited section are as follows:
Article in journal
Weiser, N.W., Sumhadi, W. & Chen, R. (1992) Title of article. Journal 11:111-113.
King, J.C. (1992) Title of Book. Publisher, City, State (or Country).
Chapter in book
Brown, K. & Dewey K.G. (1992) Title of chapter. In: Title of Book (Finley, D.A., ed.), vol. 2, pp. 1-20. Publisher, City, State (or Country).
Haskell, M. (1992) Title of thesis. Doctoral thesis, University Name, City, State (or Country).
Once the list of literature citations has been established, it should be rechecked against the citations in the text and vice versa. This check will not only confirm the completeness of the list but also identify references that should be deleted because they are not cited in the text.
It is advisable to use a computer programme to manage the references. These programmes store details of references and generate bibliographic citations, footnotes, or endnotes from the text file in over 1,000 different publishing styles. The programmes allow references cited in the research proposal to be included in the subsequent scientific article without retyping if the citation style is different from that described above. In addition, these programmes will sort references and copy information from other bibliographic sources.
Selected readings
Beach DP, Alvager TKE. Handbook for scientific and technical research. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Beghin I, Cap M, Dujardin. A guide to nutritional assessment. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1988.
CBE Style Manual Committee. Scientific style and format: the CBE manual for authors, editors, and publishers. 6th ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
CIOMS. International guidelines for ethical review of epi-demiological studies. Geneva: Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences, 1991.
Kirkwood BR. Essentials of medical statistics. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1988.
Lefvre P, Beghin I. Guide to comprehensive evaluation of the nutritional aspects of projects and programmes. Health and Community Working Paper No. 27. Antwerp, Belgium: Institut de Mdicine Tropicale Prince Leopold, 1991.
Locke LF, Spirduso WW, Silverman SJ. Proposals that work: a guide for planning dissertations and grant proposals. Newbury Park, Calif, USA: Sage Publications, 1987.
Martin SW, Meek AH, Willeberg P. Veterinary epidemiology: principles and methods. Ames, la, USA: Iowa State University Press, 1987.
Mauch IE, Birch JW. Guide to a successful thesis and dissertation: conception to publication: a handbook for students and faculty. 2nd ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1989.
Meador R. Guidelines for preparing proposals. 2nd ed. Chelsea, Mich, USA: Lewis Publishers, 1991.
Sultz HA, Sherwin FS. Grant writing for health professionals. Boston, Mass, USA: Little, Brown & Co, 1981.
During a brainstorming time of 10 to 20 minutes, every participant writes ideas on several cards, one idea per card. During this time no discussion is allowed and everybody works by themselves. The specific steps of the process are as follows:
Write an idea on a card; Formulate only one idea per card; Use a thick pen to write on the card; Write in printed letters as large as possible; Write no more than three lines on each card. After this session: All cards are collected; The written text of the first card is read aloud to all participants; After it has been read, the card is pinned to a board; The second card is read and pinned to the board, and so forth. If a card contains the same idea as one already on the board, it is discarded. This procedure should be continued until all cards have been presented. These ideas can then be used to formulate the causal model, the fact-hypothesis matrix (FaHM), and the variable-indicator-method matrix (VIM).
Organize survey
Conduct survey
Evaluate data
Basically, the study will include the social care community of Mumbai, India. Community health leaders will be contacted, negotiated and discussed with the aims of the study. In this way, they could help in contacting hospitals/clinics from where the lists of the would-be participants could be retrieved.
This study will be a significant endeavor in determining how hepatitis C situates itself in Indian context. This study will be helpful to the academia in developing health programmes and policies in aligning the contents with the realistic needs and status of the people with hepatitis C. Moreover, this study will be an important contribution to a body of research concerning obesity and may serve as useful reference for future researchers and those who will seek information about the subject particularly the case of Indians with hepatitis C.
Agarwal, S K, Dash, S C, Irshad M, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Tiwari S C, Guleria S, Mehta S N (2000). Impact of hepatitis C virus infection on renal transplant outcome in India--a single centre study. Journal of Association of Physicians India, 48(12):1155-9.
Chattopadhyay, S (2002). Hepatitis C: a major health problem in India. Current Science, 3(9): 10581059.
Contie, V 2007, Hepatitis C Vaccine Shows Promise in Chimpanzees, NIH Research Matters, National Institutes of Health.
Inchauspe G and Feinstone S 2003, Development of a hepatitis C virus vaccine. Clinical Liver Disease, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 24359.
Panigrahi A K, Panda S K, Dixit, R K, Rao, KV, Acharya, S K, Dasarathy, S, Nanu, A.(1997). Magnitude of hepatitis C virus infection in India: prevalence in healthy blood donors, acute and chronic liver diseases. Journal of Medical Virology, 51(3):167-74.
Raghuraman, S, Abraham, P, Sridharan, G & Ramakrishna, B S 2005, Hepatitis C virus genotype 6 infection in India. Indian Society of Gastroenterology Journal.
Rogers, M C, Kumarasamy N, Chaguturu SK, Flanigan TP, Mayer KH, Balakrishnan P & Solomon S (2004). Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV Co-infection in Chennai, India. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. San Francisco, California.
Sharma, R (2001). Unsuitable hepatitis C testing kit being used in India. British Medical Journal, 323(955).
Singh, S, Malhotra, V, Sarin, S K., (2004). Distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection in India. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 119(4):145-8.
Wong J B 2000, Estimating future hepatitis C morbidity, mortality, and costs in the United States, American Journal of Public Health, vol. 90, no. 10, pp. 15621569.
[RT2]Association between HCV and chronic liver disease is well known and you have mentioned it below as well.
[RT3]Are you sure this research has not been undertaken in India? Research gap means there hasnt been research done on a particular topic.