- A binary block code is a subset of B^n, where B is the binary field. Elements are called codewords.
- A linear code is a linear subspace of B^n. The minimum distance is the minimum weight of non-zero codewords.
- A generator matrix defines the basis codewords that generate the code through linear combinations. The parity check matrix satisfies GH^T = 0.
- Encoding maps a message to a codeword using the generator matrix. Decoding recovers the original codeword by finding the closest one using the syndrome and minimum weight vectors.
- A binary block code is a subset of B^n, where B is the binary field. Elements are called codewords.
- A linear code is a linear subspace of B^n. The minimum distance is the minimum weight of non-zero codewords.
- A generator matrix defines the basis codewords that generate the code through linear combinations. The parity check matrix satisfies GH^T = 0.
- Encoding maps a message to a codeword using the generator matrix. Decoding recovers the original codeword by finding the closest one using the syndrome and minimum weight vectors.
- A binary block code is a subset of B^n, where B is the binary field. Elements are called codewords.
- A linear code is a linear subspace of B^n. The minimum distance is the minimum weight of non-zero codewords.
- A generator matrix defines the basis codewords that generate the code through linear combinations. The parity check matrix satisfies GH^T = 0.
- Encoding maps a message to a codeword using the generator matrix. Decoding recovers the original codeword by finding the closest one using the syndrome and minimum weight vectors.
- A binary block code is a subset of B^n, where B is the binary field. Elements are called codewords.
- A linear code is a linear subspace of B^n. The minimum distance is the minimum weight of non-zero codewords.
- A generator matrix defines the basis codewords that generate the code through linear combinations. The parity check matrix satisfies GH^T = 0.
- Encoding maps a message to a codeword using the generator matrix. Decoding recovers the original codeword by finding the closest one using the syndrome and minimum weight vectors.
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Linear Codes
Coding Theory and Its Applications
Binary Block Codes Definition of Binary Block Code: A binary block code is a subset of for some n. Elements of the code are called code words Definition of Linear Code: A linear code is a linear subspace of Definition of Minimum Distance: The minimum distance of a linear code is the minimum of the weights of the non-zero code words B n B n Example The following two-dimensional codes in have minimum distance 1 The code {000, 011, 101, 110} has minimum distance 2 3 B Binary Block Codes If L is a k-dimensional subspace of , then we can find a basis for L consisting of k code words in Every code word in L is a linear combination of the basis code words B n 1 2 , , , k b b b B n Binary Block Codes Definition of Generator Matrix: A generator matrix for a linear code is a binary matrix whose rows are the code words belonging to some basis for the code A generator matrix for a k-dimensional linear code is a k x n matrix whose rank is k A rank is the number of linearly independent rows or column in a matrix Example 1 The code {0000, 0001, 1000, 1001} is a two-dimensional linear code in B 4 The basis of this code is {0001, 1000} To find the code words from the generator matrix Example 2 The code {0000, 0011, 0110, 1100, 0101, 1111, 1010, 1001} is a three-dimensional linear code in B4 The basis of this code {0011, 0110, 1100} Thus, the generator matrix is The code words can be obtained: Example 2 (Contd) If we use basis of {0101, 1001, 1010}, the generator matrix will be The code words are Example 3 The generator matrix of rank 3 is given below The code words are Binary Block Codes Definition of Elementary Row Operation: An elementary row operation on a binary matrix consists of replacing a row of the matrix with the sum of that row and any other row If we have a generator matrix G for a linear code, all other generator matrices for L can be obtained by applying a sequence of elementary row operations to G Binary Block Codes Definition of Equivalent Codes: Two codes are equivalent if each can be constructed from the other by reordering the bits of each code word in the same way Definition of Canonical Form: The generator matrix G of a k-dimensional linear code in B n is in canonical form if it is of the form: where I is a k x k identity matrix and A is an arbitrary k x (n k) binary matrix | | | G I A = Example We have To make canonical form, we conduct the following steps The code generated by the canonical form: {0000, 1000, 0100, 1100} It has minimum distance 1 Binary Block Codes Definition of Parity Check Matrix: The parity check matrix of a linear code with k x n generator matrix G is the k x n matrix H satisfying where H T is the transpose of H and 0 denotes the k x (n k) zero matrix 0 T GH = Binary Block Codes If G is canonical form, then If G is not canonical, we can find H by: reducing G to canonical from finding the canonical form of H by using the equation above reversing the column operations used to convert G to canonical form to convert G the canonical form of H to the parity check matrix of G | T H A I ( =
Example 1 The canonical matrix G is given with The H is obtained by transposing A and adjoining a 2 x 2 identity matrix to get By definition Example 2 The generator matrix for linear code {000, 101, 011, 110} is The parity check matrix is If we calculate all the elements of the B 3 , it results Binary Block Codes If L is a k-dimensional linear code in B n , and G is a generator matrix for L, every code word in L can be obtained by taking some and multiplying it by G, to get the code word bG. If we now multiply this by the transpose of the parity check matrix H, we get k b B e ( ) ( ) 0 0 T T bG H b GH b = = = Example The linear code {0000, 0011, 1100, 1111} has generator matrix of The parity check of this matrix is We can check Encoding and Decoding If we assume the corruption occured while transmission through a BSC and we use ML, it follows that a corrupted string should be restored to the code word which is closest to it Suppose that generator matrix G generates the linear code L, and the code word w is corrupted by a noise vector e, the result is x = w + e If x is not the code word, the decoder must find the closest code word y (the error vector is smallest) If x is not a code word, it belongs to the coset x + L, which is x = e + u where and e is the vector of least weight in the coset L e u Encoding and Decoding Definition of Syndrome: If L is a linear code with generator matrix G and parity check matrix H, the syndrome of x is given by Procedure for removing noise: Draw up the syndrome table: list of the cosets, showing the vector of minimum weight and the syndrome When a string that is not a code word is received, compute its syndrome Add the vector of minimum weight from the corresponding coset to the corrupted string to recover the uncorrupted code word T s H = x Example Suppose that the parity check matrix of the linear code L To draw up the syndrome table, we start with the elements of L, which have syndrome 00 syndrome code words Error vector Example (Contd) We choose a vector that does not belong to L and compute its syndrome. If we choose 0001, whose syndrome is 10, we add this vector to all the code words If we choose 0110, the syndrome is 11 Example (Contd) Then, we choose 0100 whose syndrome is 01 If we receive the vector 1010, we compute the syndrome, which is 11 We add the vector of minimum weight in the coset with syndrome 11 to 1010, so the corrected code word is 1111