Design of A Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna For GSM/UMTS/ISM/WLAN Operations

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5th International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications March 22-26, 2009 TUNISIA

SETIT 2009

Design of a Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for GSM/UMTS/ISM/WLAN Operations

*Unit de recherche Circuits et Systmes Electroniques Haute Frquences, Facult des sciences de Tunis
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract: This paper describes the design of a dual-frequency antenna for GSM and UMTS/LAN/ISM system applications. A patch antenna with rectangular aperture is designed by using a thick substrate in order to increase the bandwidth. After this, we have extracted the reflection coefficient of the considered antenna excited by a probe feed and by optimizing the antenna dimensions and the aperture position. The simulation of this antenna has been made by advanced design system (ADS) in the band of frequency between 50 Hz and 3.2 GHz, leading to three resonant frequencies and showing a good impedance bandwidth performance to cover the required bandwidth of the GSM (890 960 MHz), UMTS (19202170MHz) and WLAN/ISM (at 2.45GHz) bands. Key words: Microstrip patch Antenna, dual-band, GSM, UMTS, ISM and WLAN.

In the last few years the Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) [RAM 03], the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) bands [HOL 01] [SUR 06] [HUB 00], and one of the ISM bands is at 2.45 GHz which is also the same band for the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) system and Bluetooth applications have been presented in the published papers [LIU 07] [LEE 97] [MAL 03]. In the literature, several antennas have been used in a variety of applications for which new and more restrictive requirements in the design of the antenna have been introduced. In particular, for highprecision GSM, UMTS and ISM/WLAN applications, few solutions have been proposed by [CHA 02] [TUN 02] [CIA 03]. Unfortunately, these solutions, it may easily provide the desired electric characteristics, but it becomes impractical due to the operational requirements on size and weight. The complicated geometry of these various antennas presents the problem at the levels of the realization, which require very sophisticated equipments and a higher cost for the designer, and for the integration of these antennas in some applications such as the base station of mobile communication. The proposed antenna presents a simple technique; indeed, the use of a simple substrate of low cost and larger height allows a good impedance matching; then, it is necessary to sweep on the dimension of the antenna L, W and the aperture size, and the juxtaposition of the feed probe position allows us to create new resonant frequencies. Once the dimensions of the resonant antenna are determined, the simulated coefficient of reflection S11 is extracted. Furthermore, in order to satisfy the demanded precision and reliability, for a high performance proposed antenna a simple modification on the patch surface has been introduced. The organization of this paper is as follows, section 1, the design for the proposed dual-band rectangular patch antenna is presented, in section 2; we present results and discussions for the performance of the proposed antenna. Section 3, contains conclusions, and recommendations for further studies.

1. Antenna Design
The geometry of the proposed dual-band antenna is based on the microstrip antenna technique which is the most popular because of the ease of analysis and fabrication and having attractive radiation


SETIT2009 characteristics, it consists of a rectangular metallic patch with a rectangular slot mounted on a grounded substrate as shown in figure 1. This microstrip antenna is low-profile conformable to planar surfaces, simple and inexpensive to fabricate using the modern printed circuit technology and it can be used in many applications such as the phased array for mobile telecommunication base station. Due to these advantageous characteristics of the proposed microstrip antenna, further studies and analysis has been made in this paper.


L = 0,412 h

( eff + 0,3)( ( eff

W + 0,264) h W 0,258)( + 0,8) h




c0 C = 2 f r 2 f r eff


In general, the resonant frequency of rectangular patch antennas is calculated by using resonant length transmission line or cavity models, together with equations for the effective dielectric constant and edge extension from the literature. The resonant frequency fmn of a rectangular patch of width W and length L, both comparable to s /2, where s is the wavelength in the substrate, is given by

f mn =

c0 2 eff

m Le

n + W e


Figure 1. Geometry of the dual-band microstrip patch antenna. For its simple structure, the new antenna can be easily simulated by advanced design system (ADS) simulator. Some useful guidelines for the antenna design will be discussed as follows. The structure used in the simulation to investigate the due to RF pulses is showed in Figure. 1 where a simple microstrip patch antenna was made with plexy-glass material (r =2.55), the thickness of the patch is assumed negligible and the height h of the substrate is taken equal to 2.5 cm. The effects of the medium and the fringing fields at each end of the patch are accounted for by the effective relative dielectric constant, eff, and the edge extension, L, being the effective length to which the fields fringe at each end of the patch. The following effective dielectric constant formula proposed is used in equation 1

Where eff is the effective relative dielectric constant for the patch, m and n take integer values, and Le and We are the effective dimensions. The effective length Le can be defined as follows:

Le = L + 2L


In order to determine the resonant frequency, the band of use of this antenna is defined by:

B (%) = 100

Fmax Finf Fr


eff =

r +1 r 1
2 + 2

(1 + 12

h 2 ) W


The dimensions of the proposed patch are the width W= 8cm and the length L=8.55 cm, with a copper plane on one side; in the patch, a slot is designed with a length equal to y2-y1 = 4cm and a width x0 = 0.4cm, the distance between the probe feed and the slot is d=y1-y0. The coaxial feed was excited by RF source with impedance of 50 Ohms, and the frequency band of analysis ranges the antenna from electrically short at the lowest frequency to electrically long at the highest frequency.


2. Results and discussion

A prototype of the antenna has been tested by ADS simulator, with the above given geometrical dimensions of the patch. The simulation returns loss of this antenna is presented in figure 2 for three different distances between the probe feed and the slot edge (d1=0.01mm d2=1cm, d3=2cm).
S11 0 -5

Table 1, present the bandwidth around the first Fr1 resonance frequency and it is noted that the resonant frequency Fr1 and the bandwidth are almost the same one for the different distances d. Type dantenne Central frequency Fr2GHz BP [%] d1 d2 d3

GSM band UMTS band

2.25 47.55

2.15 55.88

2.16 28.37

-10 -15 Return loss[dB]

Table 2. Bandwidth around Fr2

-20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 d1 d2 d3


1.5 2 Frequency[Hz]


3 x 10

Type dantenne Central frequency Fr3GHz BP [%]




2.74 39.05

2.97 40.4

2.85 17.54

Table 3. Bandwidth around Fr3 Figure 2. Comparisons of the simulated return loss of the microstrip patch antenna for different distances (d1=0.01mm d2=1cm, d3=2cm). From this simulation we found dual bands, the first is around a resonant frequency Fr1 and the second band can be considered as around two resonant frequencies (Fr2, Fr3), and it demonstrates that a good input match has been obtained for both the GSM/UMTS bands and LAN/ISM operations. The optimal proposed antenna is for d2=1cm which covers the required bandwidth respectively of the GSM 900, UMTS 2000 bands and ISM/WLAN 2450 operations. For GSM 900, a wide operating frequency range of 890 to 995 MHz is obtained, and the impedance bandwidth determined from -10 dB return loss can reach 105 MHz (or 11.37 % referenced to 923 MHz). For UMTS 2000, a much wider operating frequency range of 1900 to 3100 MHz can be obtained, and the impedance bandwidth determined from -10 dB return loss can even reach 1200 MHz (or 55.88 % referenced to 2150 MHz). The simulation results are summarized in the tables 1-3.
Type dantenne Central frequency Fr1GHz BP [%] d1 d2 d3

Table 2 and Table 3, present respectively the bandwidth around the resonance Fr2 and Fr3 frequency, and it is noted that the bandwidth depends on the distance d. Indeed, one notes for d= 1cm the microstrip patch antenna present a large bandwidth and more performance around resonance frequency. By analyzing the ADS Simulation results of the reflection coefficient of the proposed antenna, we can conclude that the antenna has three resonant frequencies (Fr1, Fr2, and Fr3); and for the different distances, the frequency Fr1 is almost the same, but the other frequencies Fr2 and Fr3 changes by changing the distance d. The resonant frequency Fr1 given by (7) can be calculated from the fundamental TM10 mode of the patch antenna with the dimensions (W = 8cm, L = 8.55 cm), to intend GSM band.

Fr1 = f10 =

c0 2 Le eff


0.921 10.74

0.923 11.37

0.921 9.66

Table 1. Bandwidth around Fr1

In order to investigate the dependence at the second resonant frequency Fr2 and at the third resonant frequency Fr3 according to the different values of d which represent the distance between the probe feed and the slot, figure.3 and figure.4 are presented to explain this dependence.


SETIT2009 the dependence of Fr2 and Fr3 with the distance d between the slot and the feed probe.
2.28 2.26

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 d[cm] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2


Figure 3. Effect of the distance d on resonance frequency Fr2

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[HUB 00] J.F. Hubner, D. Weiler, H. Brand, UMTS, the Mobile Multimedia Vision for IMT-2000: A Focus on Standardization, IEEE Communication Magazine, September 2000, pp. 129-136.

2.9 Fr3[GHz]



[LIU 07] Juan Liu, Jing Xia, Gang Wang,A Dual-Band Microstrip-Fed Bow-Tie Antenna for GSM/CDMA and 3G/WLAN, IEEE 2007 International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies For Wireless Communications, Aug. 2007, pp.504-507.







1 d[cm]





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Figure 4. Effect of the distance d on resonance frequency Fr3

Figure.3 and Figure.4 show how the both resonances frequencies Fr2 and Fr3, depend respectively from the distance d between the slot and the probe feed, indeed, these variations of Fr2 and Fr3 have inverse behaviors if Fr2 increases then Fr3 decreases and vice versa.

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3. Conclusion
The main quality of the proposed antenna is that it allows an effective design maintaining all the advantages of microstrip antennas in terms of size, weight and easy manufacturing. Moreover, this antenna has a good effectiveness on the totality of the three covered respectively, GSM, UMTS and WLAN/ISM frequency bands. This work has to be studied further to have more precise expressions for

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