Electronic Lock
Electronic Lock
Electronic Lock
elock-B100 e
Featur res
elock-B B100 Electric Bolt locks offer a cho of mort of surfa s oice tice ace
installatio applicatio allows r on on, remote acce and exit control of wood, ess aluminium or steel, doors. Work with slidi m d ks ing, single-a action, and double-action (swing g-through) d doors and g gates.
elock-B10 e 00
Power Supply: DC 12V. P . Fail-safe type (Power to lock). o Door sensor: N.C. D Operation de O elay time: 0 sec., 2.5se 5sec., 9sec. ec., 9 Built-in delay egress control poin B yed nt Operation cu O urrent : 900m Holding current: 360mA mA, g 3 Dimension : D FACE PLAT : 200mm F TE m(L) x 32mm m(W) x 40cm m(D) STRIKE PLA S ATE : 90mm m(L) x 26mm m(W) x 2mm m(D) BOLT : 16m B mm(Throw) x 15.5mm(D Diameter)
User Guide
Optional Brackets
EL-BK-G100 (Glass Door Bracket) To be used with elock-B100 Bolt Action Lock. Suitable for glass (thickness of 9mm-12mm). Stainless steel built for durability. Rubber plate and steel plate for strong holding Dimensions of large glass holder: 90X27X40 (mm). Weight: 300g.
EL-BK-G201 (Glass Holder) To be used with EL-BK-G200 to install elock-B100 Bolt Action lock. Suitable for glass (thickness of 9mm-12mm). Stainless steel built for durability. Rubber plate and steel plate for strong holding. Dimensions of large glass holder: 195x46x16 (mm). Dimensions of small glass holder: 120.5x46x16 (mm). Weight: 1000g.
In nstallatio on
In nstallatio on
elock-B100 e
In nstallatio on
EL LBKG200Fr ramelessGla assDoorHou using To obeusedwithELBKG20 01GlassHolder
ELBKG20 00GlassDoorHousing
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