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Naturopathic Herbal Remedies

Information On Vitex Agnus Castus
Other Common Names: Agno Casto, Agnocasto, Bish Barmagh Aghaji, Chaste Tree, Daribrahim, Gatilier, Hayit, Hemp Tree, Kaff Maryam, Keuschlamm, Lilac Chastetree, Lygos, Monk'S Pepper, Monk's Pepper Tree, Monks Pepper, Panjangusht, Pepper, Monks, Poivre De Moine, Ranukabija, Sauzgatillo, Seiyo-Ninzin-Boku, Shajerat Ebrahim, Vitex, Vitex agnus-castus Range: Europe; France; Germany; India; Iraq; Italy; Kurdistan; Mediterranean; Sanscrit; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Damp places by streams and on the littoral Agnus castus has been used for thousands of years for its beneficial affect on the female hormonal system. Modern research has confirmed this use, the seeds being used to restore balanced functioning to the female reproductive system. The seeds and fruits are anaphrodisiac, aphrodisiac, galactogogue, ophthalmic, sedative,...

Beneficial Uses Of Alfalfa - Medicago Sativa

Other Common Names: Jatt, Kaba Yonca, Lucerne, Mielga, Mu Su, Sai Pi Li Ka, Yonja, Medicago sativa Range: Europe - Mediterranean; China; Iraq; Kurdistan; Turkey; USA Habitat: Waste ground, avoiding acid soils. Composition: Leaves (Fresh weight)- Water: 82.7 Calories: 52 Protein: 6 Fat: 0.4 Carbohydrate: 9.5 Fiber: 3.1 Ash: 1.4 Calcium: 12 Phosphorus: 51 Iron: 5.4 Vitamin A: 3410 Thiamine: 0.13 Riboflavin: 0.14 Niacin: 0.5 Vitamin C: 162 It may possibly have been a native of Europe; it is of great antiquity, having been imported into Greece from the East after Darius had discovered it in Medea, hence its name. It is referred to by Roman writers, and is cultivated...

The Medical Uses Of Aloe Vera

Other Common Names: Aloe, Aloes Des Jardins, Alwat, Barbados Aloe, Curacoa Aloe, Djadam Arab, Hsiang Tan, Jadam, L'Alois, Laloi, Lidah Buaya, Lu Hui, Medicinal Aloe, Musambra Aloe, No Hui, Sabila, Sarisabir, Zabida, Zabila, Aloe barbadensis, Aloe vulgaris Habitat: Requires a well-drained soil and a very sunny position. Plants are tolerant of poor soils. If trying to grow this plant outdoors then it will need the sunniest and warmest area in the garden plus some protection from winter cold (a glass frame perhaps). This species is not very cold-hardy outdoors, it is best grown in a pot placed outdoors in the summer and put in a greenhouse for the winter. It...

History Of American Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolius)

Other Common Names: Amerikaanse Ginseng, Amerikanischer Ginseng, Five Fingers, Red Berry, Tartar Root, Panax quinquefolius Range: Eastern N. America - Maine to Georgia, west to Oklahoma and Minnesota. Habitat: Requires a deep moist humus rich soil in a shady position in a woodland. Requires deep shade, growing well on north-facing slopes and in woodland. Often grown as a medicinal plant, though considered to be inferior to Korean ginseng, P. ginseng. It is exported from N. America, mainly to Hong Kong. P.Ginseng has a history of herbal use going back over 5,000 years. It is one of the most highly regarded of herbal medicines in the Orient, where it has gained...

Medical Uses For Dong Quai - Angelica Sinensis

Other Common Names: Angelica, Chinese Angelica, Dan Gui, Dang Gui, Dong Quai, Angelica sinensis Habitat: High ground in cool and damp areas of western and northwestern China. Dang Gui is a well-known Chinese herb that has been used in the treatment of female ailments for thousands of years. Its reputation is perhaps second only to ginseng (Panax ginseng) and it is particularly noted for its 'blood tonic' effects on women. The root has a sweet pungent aroma that is very distinctive and it is often used in cooking, which is the best way to take it as a blood tonic. One report says that the root contains vitamin...

Medical Uses Of Artichoke - Cynara Scolymus

Other Common Names: Alcachofa, Alcachofera, Artichaut, Globe Artichoke, TyosenAzami, Cynara scolymus Range: Not known in the wild, it probably arose from a form of C. cardunculus on the sandy shores of Northern Africa. Habitat: Grown in a deep, moist, rich soil. Not known in the wild. It is one of the world's oldest cultivated vegetables, grown by the Greeks and the Romans in the heyday of their power. The globe artichoke has become important as a medicinal herb in recent years following the discovery of cynarin. This bitter-tasting compound, which is found in the leaves, improves liver and gall bladder function, stimulates the secretion of digestive juices,...

Information On Ashwagandha - Withania Somnifera

Other Common Names: Ajagandha, Clustered Wintercherry, Kanaje Hindi, Orovale, Samm Al Ferakh, Strychnos, Withania somnifera Range: Australia, E. Asia, Africa. Habitat: Open places, disturbed areas etc. An undershrub in stony places. Ashwagandha is one of the most widespread tranquilisers used in India, where it holds a position of importance similar to ginseng in China. It acts mainly on the reproductive and nervous systems, having a rejunative effect on the body, and is used to improve vitality and aid recovery after chronic illness. The plant is little known in the West. The whole plant, but especially the leaves and the root bark, are abortifacient, adaptogen, antibiotic, aphrodisiac, deobstruent, diuretic, narcotic, strongly...

History And Uses For Asian Ginseng

Other Common Names: Chinese Ginseng, Ginseng, Jen Shen, Jen Shen Chiu, Oriental ginseng, Otane-Ninzin, Ren Shen, Shen Lu, Shen Ts'Ao, Panax ginseng Range: E. Asia China, Korea. Habitat: Mountain forests. Ginseng is a highly valued herb in the Far East and has gained popularity in the West during the last decade. There is extensive literature on the beneficial effects of ginseng and its constituents. The major active components of ginseng are ginsenosides, a diverse group of steroidal saponins, which demonstrate the ability to target a myriad of tissues, producing an array of pharmacological responses. However, many mechanisms of ginsenoside activity still remain unknown. Since ginsenosides and other constituents of...

What Are The Beneficial Uses Of Astragalus Membranaceus?

Other Common Names: Astragalus, Chinese Astragalus, Chinese Milkvetch, Huang Qi, Huang Qui, Huang-qi, Membranous Milk Vetch, Milk Vetch Root, Yellow Vetch Range: E. Asia - China Habitat: Dry sandy soils Huang Qi is commonly used in Chinese herbalism, where it is considered to be one of the 50 fundamental herbs. The root is a sweet tonic herb that stimulates the immune system and many organs of the body, whilst lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It is particularly suited to young, physically active people, increasing stamina and endurance and improving resistance to the cold - indeed for younger people it is perhaps superior to ginseng in this respect. Huang Qi is...

Avena Sativa (Oats)

Other Common Names: Avena, Common Oat, Cultivated Oat, Dousar, Oat, Oatmeal, Oats, Yulaf Range: N. Europe; Britain; Chile; Iraq; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Dry wasteland, cultivated ground and meadows, especially on heavier soils Whilst used mainly as a food, oat grain does also have medicinal properties. In particular oats are a nutritious food that gently restores vigour after debilitating illnesses, helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood and also increases stamina. The seed is a mealy nutritive herb that is antispasmodic, cardiac, diuretic, emollient, nervine and stimulant. A gruel made from the ground seed is used as a mild nutritious aliment in inflammatory cases, fevers and after parturition. It should...

The Ancient Indian System Of Health Care - Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the ancient (before 2500 b.c.) Indian system of health care and longevity. It involves a holistic view of man, his health, and illness. It is based on the idea that the body, mind, and spirit are interconnected and that all three must be "balanced" to achieve the highest degree of health. The mind is also thought to have a deep influence on the body. Ayurvedic treatment of a disease consists of salubrious use of drugs, diets, and certain practices. Medicinal preparations are invariably complex mixtures, based mostly on plant

products. Around 1,250 plants are currently used in various Ayurvedic preparations. Many Indian medicinal plants have come under scientific...

Medical Information On Bearberry - Arctostaphylos Uva - Ursi

Other Common Names: Ayiuzumu, Bear's Grape, Coralillo, Gayuba, Kinnikinick, Kinnikinnick, Red Bearberry, Uva Ursi, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Range: Britain. Northern N. America. N. Europe. N. Asia. Habitat: Dry open woods, often on gravelly or sandy soils. It is also found on sand dunes along the coast and is also found on limestone in the European Alps. Bearberry was commonly used by many native North American Indian tribes to treat a wide range of complaints and has also been used in conventional herbal medicine for hundreds of years, it is one of the best natural urinary antiseptics. The leaves contain hydroquinones and are strongly antibacterial, especially against certain organisms associated with urinary...

History Of The Bedstraw Plant

Other Common Names: Baqlat Al Laban, Caille Lait, Cheese Rennet, Cheese Renning, Cleavers, Gaillet Jaune, Galio, Khitharah, Lady's Bedstraw, Maid's Hair, Our Lady's Bedstraw, Petty Mugget, Yellow Bedstraw, Yellow Spring Bedstraw, Yogurtotu, Galium verum Range: Britain; Europe; France; Iraq; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Waste ground, roadsides etc, mainly near the sea, on all but the most acid soils. The common English name of this plant, 'Our Lady's Bedstraw,' is derived from its use in former days, even by ladies of rank, for stuffing beds. The plant has the property of curdling milk, hence another of its popular names 'Cheese Rennet.' It was called 'Cheese Renning' in the sixteenth century, and Gerard...

Health Benefits Of Bee Pollen

"Bee pollen" is actually pollen from flowers that is collected from bees as they enter the hive or is harvested by other means. Pollen granules stick to the bees' legs and other body parts as they help themselves to nectar (the precursor of honey) inside the flowers. Pollen products are marketed through health-food stores, multilevel distributors, drugstores, mailorder advertising, and the Internet. Honeybees collect pollen for their own nutritional purposes because Bee Pollen is incredibly nutrient dense. Bee Pollen provides the honeybee with all of the nutrients that it needs for growth and development. Bee Pollen is approximately 25% protein and very low in fat and sodium. It contains many minerals...

What Is Barberry - Berberis Vulgaris?

Other Common Names: Agracejo, Amberparis, Barberry, Berbery, Common Barberry, Epine Vinette, European Barberry, Pipperidge Bush, Berberis Vulgaris (Vulgaris=Common) Range: France; Spain; Turkey; USA; Barberry Coast. Naturalized, or

possibly native, in Britain Habitat: Hedges, roadsides, clearings etc, preferring a sunny position Barberries have long been used as a herbal remedy for the treatment of a variety of complaints. All parts of the plant can be used, the plant is mainly used nowadays as a tonic to the gallbladder to improbe the flow of bile and ameliorate conditions such as gallbladder pain, gallstones and jaundice. The bark and rootbark are antiseptic, astringent, cholagogue, hepatic, purgative, refrigerant, stomachic and tonic. The bark is harvested...

Medical Uses For Bilberry - Vaccinium Myrtillus

Other Common Names: Airelle, Arandano, Black Whortles, Bleaberry, Blueberry, British Bilberry, Cayuzumu, Dwarf Bilberry, Huckleberry, Hurtleberry, Hurts, Trackleberry, Whinberry, Whortle-berry, Whortleberry, Vaccinium myrtillus. The name Bilberry (by some old writers 'Bulberry') is derived from the Danish 'bollebar,' meaning dark berry. Range: Britain; Europe; Spain; Turkey Habitat: Heaths, moors and woods on acid soils to 1250 metres The dried leaves of bilberries are used in the treatment of a variety of complaints. These leaves should be harvested in early autumn, only green leaves being selected, and then dried in gentle heat. The leaves should not be used medicinally for more than 3 weeks at a time. A tea made from the dried leaves is...

Medical Benefits Of Bitter Melon - Momordica Charantia L

Other Common Names: Ampalaya, Balsam pear, Bitter cucumber, Bitter gourd, Foo gwa, Karela, La-kwa, Momordica charantia L. Range: China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Taiwan. Ampalaya (Tagalog) or Amargozo (Aklanon). Known in the west as Chinese bitter melon or bitter gourd, ampalaya became popular in the news recently because of its putative medicinal value especially against HIV/AIDS (Compound Q). The truth is, it is considered medicinal by many native herbolarios. In folk medicine, the more bitter this vegetable is, the more medicinal value it has. It's really an ugly looking vegetable and considered an acquired taste because of its bitterness. The smaller (or more elongate) and greener variety is more bitter than...

Beneficial Uses Of Blackberry Leaf

Other Common Names: Allegheny Blackberry, Bly, Bramble, Bramble-Kite, Brambleberry, Brameberry, Brummel, Bumble-Kite, Common Blackberry, European blackberry, Scaldhead, Rubus fruticosus. Range: Britain; Europe; India; Italy; Sicily; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: A very common and adaptable plant, found in hedgerows, woodland, meadows, waste ground etc Blackberry leaf has been found effective for diarrhea and mild sore throat. The root is sometimes taken to prevent water retention and swelling, but is not considered effective. The root-bark and the leaves are strongly astringent, depurative, diuretic, tonic and vulnerary. They make an excellent remedy for dysentery, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, cystitis etc, the root is the more astringent. Externally, they are used as a gargle to treat sore throats,...

What Is Black Cohosh - Cimicifuga Racemosa?

Other Common Names: Actee A Grappes, American Baneberry, Amerikansk Slangerod, Black Snakeroot, Cimicaire, Rattle Root, Sauco, Slangenwortel, Tahta Bitiotu, Wanzenkraut, Cimicifuga racemosa Range: Eastern N. America - Massachusetts to Ontario, south to Georgia and Tennessee, Britain; Canada; Denmark; France; Germany; Netherlands; Spain; Turkey Habitat: Moist or dry shady rich woods Cimicifuga racemosa contains triterpene glycosides, resin, salycilates, isoferulic acid, sterols, and alkaloids. This plant was used by Native Americans for a myriad of problems, including headache (note the presense of salycilates... the forerunner of asprin). It is still used in western medicine for tinnitus (ringing of the ears), and by herbalists to increase the intensity of uterine contractions during childbirth. However, administration should...

History Of The Black Currant - Ribes Nigrum

Other Common Names: European Black Currant, Grosellero Negro, Quinsy Berries, Siyah Frenkuzumu, Squinancy Berries, Ribes nigrum. Range: Chile; Europe; Turkey; USA Habitat: Hedges and woodlands, often by streams. It was not so popular originally as the Red and White Currants, for Gerard describes the fruit as being 'of a stinking and somewhat loathing savour.' The berries are sometimes put into brandy like Black Cherries. The Russians make wine of them, with or without honey or spirits, while in Siberia a drink is made of the leaves which, when young, make common spirits resemble brandy. An infusion of them is like green tea, and can change the flavor of black...

What Is Cnicus Benedictus?

Other Common Names: Ash Sherka Al Mubaraka, Cardo Santo, Chardon Beni, Derga Peroza, Holy Thistle, Mubarek Diken, St Benedict's Thistle, Cnicus benedictus Range: S. Europe to W. Asia. Czechoslovakia; France; Iraq; Italy; Kurdistan; South Africa; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Dry sunny places in arable, stony and waste ground. The plant is harvested in the summer as it comes into flower and is dried for later use. The blessed thistle was widely cultivated in the middle ages, when it was seen as a cure-all for all manner of diseases including the plague. The plant is praised for its medicinal powers in Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" and was recommended in...

The Health Benefits Of The Sanguinaria Canadensis Root

Other Common Names: Coon Root, Indian Paint, Kanotu, Paucon, Red Pucoon, Red Root, Snakebite, Sweet Slumber, Tetterwort, Sanguinaria canadensis Range: Eastern N. America - Nova Scotia to Arkansas and N. Florida, west to Nebraska; Canada; Turkey; Russia Habitat: Rich soils in open broadleaved woodland and on shaded slopes Blood root was a traditional remedy of the native North American Indians who used it to treat fevers and rheumatism, to induce vomiting and as an element in divination. It is native to the northeast

U.S. and Canada, and was used as body paint by native Americans. As its name suggests, the root is dark red. In modern herbalism it...

Blue Cohosh - Caulophyllum Thalictroides

Other Common Names: Aslankulagi, Blue Ginseng, Blueberry Root, Pappoose or Papoose Root, Squawroot, Yellow Ginseng, Caulophyllum thalictroides Range: Eastern N. America - New Brunswick to South Carolina, Arkansas, North Dakota and Manitoba. Habitat: Rich moist soils in swamps, by streams and in woods. Papoose root is a traditional herb of many North American Indian tribes and was used extensively by them to facilitate child birth. Modern herbalists still consider it to be a woman's herb and it is commonly used to treat various gynaecological conditions. An acrid, bitter, warming herb, it stimulates the uterus, reduces inflammation, expels intestinal worms and has diuretic effects. The root is anthelmintic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic,...

How Blue Flag Can Be Used In Body Detoxification

Other Common Names: Amerikan Suseni, Dagger Flower, Dragon Flower, Flag, Flag Lily, Harlequin Blueflag, Iris, Larger Blue Flag, Liver Lily, Poison Flag, Snake Lily, Water Flag, Iris versicolor Range: Eastern N. America - Newfoundland to Manitoba, south to Florida and Arkansas. Habitat: Swamps, wet meadows, scrub and by lakes and rivers. Wetlands. Owing to the similarity of name, and the appearance before blooming, this flag is sometimes mistaken by American children for Sweet Flag or Calamus, which grows in the same localities, often with disastrous results. Of the 100 species of true Iris, twenty-two inhabit the United States, but only one, Iris Missouriensis, much resembles this species (the rhizome of...

Boldu, The Araucanian Indians Traditonal Tonic

Other Common Names: Boldu, Boldus, Boldea fragrans, Boldoa fragrans, Peumus boldus Range: S. America - Chile; Mexico; Turkey Habitat: Dry sunny slopes in lightly wooded country. Boldu is a traditional remedy used by the Araucanian Indians of Chile as a tonic. The plant stimulates liver activity and bile flow and is chiefly valued as a remedy for gallstones and liver or gallbladder pain. It is normally taken for only a few weeks at a time, either as an infusion or as a tincture. It is often combined with other herbs such as Berberis vulgaris or Chionanthus virginicus in the treatment of gallstones. The leaves are analgesic, antiseptic (urinary), bitter, cholagogue, diuretic, stimulant...

The Positive Effects Of Boneset

Other Common Names: Agueweed, Bonesset, Common Boneset, Eupatoire Perfoliee, Eupatorio, Feverwort, Hempweed, Indian Sage, Sweating Plant, Thoroughwort, Tse Lan, Wasserdost, Waterdost, Eupatorium perfoliatum Range: Eastern N. America - Quebec to Manitoba, south to Florida and Texas; China; France; Germany; Italy; Netherlands.

Habitat: Wet woods, scrub, fens and damp grassland. Boneset is one of the most popular domestic medicines in North America where it is used in the treatment of influenza, colds, acute bronchitis, catarrh and skin diseases. It has been shown to stimulate resistance to viral and bacterial infections, and reduces fevers by encouraging sweating. The plant, however, should be used with some caution since large doses are laxative and emetic...

The Medical Uses Of Borago Officinalis

Other Common Names: Beebread, Borraja, Bourrache, Bugloss, Burrage, Common Borage, Fleurs De Bourrache, Hodan, Ruri-Zisa, Star-flower, Borago officinalis Range: Chile; Dominican Republic; France; Haiti; Mexico; Sicily; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Waste ground near houses Borage is a fairly common domestic herbal remedy that has been used since ancient times. It has a particularly good reputation for its beneficial affect on the mind, being used to dispel melancholy and induce euphoria. It is a soothing saline, diuretic herb that soothes damaged or irritated tissues. The leaves, and to a lesser extent the flowers, are demulcent, diaphoretic, depurative, mildly diuretic, emollient, expectorant, febrifuge, lenitive and mildly sedative. An infusion is taken internally in the treatment...

How Boswellia - Frankincense Can Be Used In Medicine

Other Common Names: Olibanum, Frankincense, Salai guggal, Boswellia serrata Boswellia, from the Boswellia serrata tree, is found primarily in India. The Boswellia tree is a balsamic tree that secretes aromatic oleoresins which are collected, when they dry, into a gum, after exuding from cuts in the bark. In the ancient Ayurvedic medical texts of India, the gummy exudate from boswellia is grouped with other gum resins and referred to collectively as guggals. The gum-resin is reported to possess, sedative and marked analgesic activity. The defatted extract of the gum exudate (oleo-gum-resin) was found to possess marked anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity against adjuvant arthritis in experimental animals and...

History Of The Buchu Plant

Other Common Names: Bookoo, Bucco, Bucku, Short Buchu, Agathosma betulina, Barosma Betulina, Barosma Crenulata, Diosma betulina. Range: S.W. Cape, South Africa. Habitat: Grow established plants in a well drained, sunny, hot position. Minimum care is needed. Water on very hot days, or during dry spells. A South African herb, first used by the San to make tea, is causing an international stir as a treatment for a wide range of ailments including arthritis and high blood pressure. It's called buchu - a round, green plant about the size of a hedgehog that belongs to the fynbos plant kingdom and occurs naturally only in mountainous areas of the Western Cape. Native to...

Postive Benefits Of Lycopus Virginicus

Other Common Names: Bugle Weed, Gipsyweed, Horehound, Su Ferasyunu, Sweet Bugle, Virginia Water-horehound, Virginia Waterhorehound, Virginian Water Horehound, Water Bugle, Water Horehound, Lycopus virginicus Range: Eastern N. America - New York and Wisconsin south to Georgia and Texas. Habitat: Low damp shady ground in rich moist soils. Bugleweed has sedative properties and is used in modern herbalism principally to treat an overactive thyroid gland and the racing heartbeat that often accompanies this condition. The whole plant is used as an astringent, hypoglycaemic, mild narcotic and mild sedative. It also slows and strengthens heart contractions. The plant has been shown to be of value in the treatment of hyperthyroidism, it is also used...

Information On Burdock - Arctium Lappa

Other Common Names: Arqityon, Bardana, Beggar's Buttons, Burdock Blood, Clot-Bur, Cockle Buttons, Dulavratotu, Fox's Clote, Gobo, Greater Burdock, Greater Burrdock, Happy Major, Kewe, Kuang Mu Hsiang, Lampazo Mayor, Lappa, Love Leaves, Niu P'Ang Tzu, Niu Ts'Ai, Personata, Philanthropium, Shu Nien, Ta Li Tzu, Takinogawa Gobo, Thorny Burr, Waisar, Wu Shih, Arctium lappa Range: Belgium; Britain; Canada; Chile; China; Europe; India; Iraq; Japan; Kurdistan; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Waste ground, preferring calcareous soils, it is sometimes also found in meadows and woods Burdock is one of the foremost detoxifying herbs in both Chinese and Western herbal medicine. The dried root of one year old plants is the official herb, but the...

The Ancient Greek Laxative, Butcher's Broom

Other Common Names: Brusca, Cobanpuskulu, Jew's Myrtle, Knee Holly, Kneeholm, Kneeholy, Pettigree, Rusco, Sweet Broom, Ruscus aculeatus Range: Egypt; Europe; France; Mediterranean; Spain; Turkey Habitat: Outskirts of dry woods and in moist uncultivated ground especially on chalk. Used by ancient Greek physicians as a laxative and a diuretic for flushing excess water from the body, Butcher's Broom fell into disrepute until the 1950s, when a French scientist discovered two chemicals from the plant's underground stem that cause blood vessels to narrow and help reduce inflammation. Butcher's broom is little used in modern herbalism but, in view of its positive effect upon varicose veins and hemorrhoids, it could be due...

Information On The Calendula Herb

Other Common Names: Aklelmulk, Atunjaq, Chin Chan Hua, China, Kamisha Bahar, Maravilla, Marigold, Mercadela, Oqhuwan, Pot Marigold, Pot-marigold, Qaraqus, Tibbi Nergis, To-Kinsen-Ka, Virreina, Calendula officinalis Range: Argentina; Chile; China; Iraq; Kurdistan; Mexico; Pakistan; Philippines; S. Europe; Spain; Trinidad; Turkey; Uruguay; Yugoslavia Habitat: The original habitat is obscure but it is found as a garden escape on waste, cultivated and arable land and along roadsides Pot marigold is one of the best known and versatile herbs in Western herbal medicine and is also a popular domestic remedy. It is, above all, a remedy for skin problems and is applied externally to bites and stings, sprains, wounds, sore eyes, varicose veins etc. It...

The History Of The Capsicum Frutescens

Other Common Names: Aji Dulce, Cayenne, Cayenne Pepper, Chili Pepper, Chabai Achong, Filfil, Hungarian Pepper, Kirmizi Biber, La Chiao, Mexican Chili, Paprika, Peppers, Piment Doux, Pimiento, Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper, Capsicum frutescens Range: Probably native of the Tropics, but the original habitat is obscure. China; Dominican Republic; Europe; Gabon; Haiti; Hawaii; India; Iraq; Malagasy; Malaya; Mexico; Mongolia; Panama; Philippines; Samoa; Spain; Tonga; Trinidad; Turkey; USA Cayenne or Capsicum derives its name from the Greek, 'to bite,' in allusion to the hot pungent properties of the fruits and seeds. Cayenne pepper was introduced into Britain from India in 1548, and Gerard mentioned it as being cultivated in his time. The plant was...

Useful Information On Carob

Other Common Names: Algaroba, Algarrobo, Carob, Carob-Tree, Caroube, John's Bread, Keciboynuzu Agaci, St John's Bread, St John's-bread, Ceratonia siliqua Range: S. Europe; Egypt; Spain; Turkey Habitat: Rocky places near the sea shore Carob Tree or Ceratonia siliqua, is a small tree of the Mediterranean coasts. It furnishes the St. John's Bread which probably corresponds to the husks of the Prodigal Son parable, and the seed which is said to have been the original jewellers' carat weight. The Spaniards call it Algaroba, and the Arabs Kharoub, hence Carob or Caroub Pods, Beans, or Sugar-pods. It is also called Locust Pods. These pods are much used in the south of Europe for feeding...

Information On Cascara - Hamnus Purshianus

Other Common Names: Bitter Bark, California Buckthorn, Cascara Buckthorn, Cascara Sagrada, Chittem Bark, Dogwood Bark, Purshiana Bark, Pursh's Buckthorn, Sacred Bark, Sagrada Bark, Yellow Bark, Rhamnus purshianus Range: Western N. America - British Columbia to California. Habitat: Rich bottom lands and sides of canyons, usually in coniferous forests. Native to the Pacific Northwest, Cascara probably earned the name "sacred bark" through its ability to relieve constipation so quickly. Cascara sagrada is widely used as a gentle laxative that restores tone to the bowel muscles and thus makes repeated doses unnecessary. The bark is harvested on a commercial basis from wild trees and plantations in western N. America. It should be harvested...

Catnip, Household Herbal Remedy

Other Common Names: Cat-mint, Catmint, Catnep, Inu-Hakka, Nebeda, Nepeta, Yalanci Kediotu, Nepeta cataria Range: Britain; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Roadsides and near streams. Hedgerows, borders of fields, dry banks and waste ground, especially on calcareous and gravelly soils. Catnip has a long history of use as a household herbal remedy, being employed especially in treating disorders of the digestive system and, as it stimulates sweating, it is useful in reducing fevers. The herbs pleasant taste and gentle action makes it suitable for treating colds, flu and fevers in children. It is more effective

when used in conjunction with elderflower (Sambucs nigra). The leaves and flowering tops are strongly antispasmodic, antitussive, astringent, carminative,...

Useful Information On Cat's Claw

Other Common Names: Una de gato, Uncaria tomentosa Range: South and Central America, Andes mountains, particularly in Peru. Habitat: Rain forest. The Spanish name for it is "Una de gato". The name comes from the claw like features of the plant vines that resemble cat's claws. The inner bark of the vine is thought to contain the medicinal properties and therefore, is used to treat the following conditions: arthritis, gastritis, asthma, gastric ulcer, diabetes, cancer and tumors, viral infections, menstrual disorders, convalescence, rheumatism, general debility, gonorrhea, stimulate the immune system, and to promote wound healing. According to Ramon Ferreyra, Ph.D., a Harvard-educated botanist and professor at San Marcos University in Lima, Peru...

The Medicinal Plants - Chamomile

Other Common Names: Amerale, Babunnej, Bayboon, Camomile, German Chamomile, Manzanilla, German Chamomile, Kami-Ture, Manzanilla, Manzanilla Dulce, Papatya, Matricaria recutita Range: Belgium; Britain; Chile; China; Dominican Republic; Europe; France; Hungary; Iraq; Kurdistan; Mexico; Peru; Spain; Turkey; Venezuela Habitat: Sandy or loamy arable soils. Also found on saline steppes in Europe. Chamomile is one of the oldest favorites amongst garden herbs and its reputation as a medicinal plant shows little signs of abatement. The Egyptians reverenced it for its virtues, and from their belief in its power to cure ague, dedicated it to their gods. No plant was better known to the country folk of old, it having been grown for centuries in...

Information On Larrea Tridentata

Other Common Names: Gobernadora, Hediondilla, Creosote Bush, Creosote Bush, Creosote-bush, Gebernadora, Gobernadora, Greasewood, Hediondilla, Larrea tridentata Range: Southwestern N. America; Mexico Habitat: Desert areas Creosote bush was widely used by various North American Indian tribes. A decoction of the leaves was used to treat diarrhea and stomach troubles whilst the young twigs were used to treat toothache and a poultice of the leaves was used to treat chest complaints and as a wash for skin problems. It continued to be widely used as a treatment for rheumatic disease, venereal infections, urinary infections and certain types of cancer, especially leukaemia until its sale was banned in North America due to concern over its potential...

The History Of Chickweed

Other Common Names: Adder's Mouth, Alsine, Chick Wittles, Chickenmeat, Clucken Wort, Common Chickweed, Hashishat Al Qazzaz, Passerina, Satinflower, Sercedili, Skirt Buttons, Star Chickweed, Starweed, Starwort, Stitchwort, Tongue Grass, White Bird's Eye,

Winterweed, Stellaria media Range: Britain; Iraq; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: It has been said that there is no part of the world where the Chickweed is not to be found. It is a native of all temperate and north Arctic regions, and has naturalized itself wherever man has settled, becoming one of the commonest weeds. Chickweed has a very long history of herbal use, being particularly beneficial in the external treatment of any kind of itching skin condition. It has been...

Useful Information On Cinnamomum Zeylanicum (Cinnamon)

Other Common Names: Canela, Sees (Ceylon cinnamon), Laurus Cinnamomum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum Range: Native to Sri Lanka and India, has also been cultivated in the Brazils, Mauritius, Jamaica, etc. Habitat: Grows best in almost pure sand. It is hardy in the Gulf States of the U.S. Most of the cinnamon of commerce comes from Ceylon. It is the ground bark of the tree. The best quality of bark is from branches at least 2 years old. Cinnamon is widely used in cookery and confections. The flavor is due to a volatile oil contained in the bark. The cinnamon oil of commerce is extracted from inferior bark, not suitable...

The Medicinal Use Of Cleavers - Galium Aparine

Other Common Names: Amor De Hortelano, Barweed, Catchweed, Cleavers Goosegrass, Cleever, Clivers, Eriffe, Everlasting Friendship, Gia Mara, Goosebill, Goosegrass, Grateron, Grip Grass, Hashishat Al Af'A, Hayriffe, Hayruff, Hedge Clivers, Hedgeheriff, Kaz Yogurtotu, Loveman, Mutton Chops, Robin-run-in-the-Grass, Scratweed, Stickywilly, Stickywilly, Zhu Yang Yang, Galium aparine Range: Australia; Britain; China; Europe; France; Iraq; Kurdistan; Mexico; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Hedgerows and as a weed of cultivated land. Moist and grassy places on most types of soil. Goosegrass has a long history of domestic medicinal use and is also used widely by modern herbalists. A valuable diuretic, it is often taken to treat skin problems such as seborrhoea, eczema and psoriasis, and as a...

The Nutritious Red Clover - Trifolium Pratense

Other Common Names: Bersim Ahmar, Kirmizi Yonca, Meadow Honeysuckle, Meadow Trefoil, Murasaki-Tume-Kusa, Nafal, Purple Clover, Trebol, Trebol Rojo, Trefoil, Trifolium pratense Range: Australia; Britain; Eurasia; Europe; Iraq; Spain; Turkey; USA; Russia Habitat: Meadows, pastures and other grassy places, especially on calcareous soils. Usually found on circumneutral soils. Red clover is safe and effective herb with a long history of medicinal usage. It is commonly used to treat skin conditions, normally in combination with other purifying herbs such as Arctium lappa and Rumex crispus. It is a folk remedy for cancer of the breast, a concentrated decoction being applied to the site of the tumour in order to encourage it to...

How Coltsfoot - Tussilago Farfara Can Help Relieve Chest Congestion

Other Common Names: Ass's Foot, Bullsfoot, Clayweed, Cleats, Colt's-foot, Coughwort, Donnhove, Farfara, Fieldhove, Foalswort, Hallfoot, Horsehoof, Huki-Tanpopo, K'Uan Tung, Oksurukotu, Son-before-father, To Wu, Tusilago, Tussilago farfara Range: Chile; China; Eurasia; France; Spain; Turkey Habitat: Damp habitats, frequently on alkaline clays, in hedgebanks, roadsides, wasteland, often as a pioneer, and on dunes and shingle in coastal zones An effective demulcent and expectorant herb, coltsfoot is one of the most popular remedies for the treatment of a wide range of chest complaints. It is widely available in health food shops. The leaves are commonly used in Europe, though the flowering stems (which contain higher levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids) are preferred in China. They are rich...

Comfrey's Use In Medicine

Other Common Names: Ass Ear, Blackwort, Boneset, Borraja, Bourrache, Bruisewort, Buyuk Karakafesotu, Comfry, Common Comfrey, Consolida, Consoude, Consound, Consuelda, Gum Plant, Healing Herb, Hirehari-So, Knitback, Knitbone, Liane Chique, Slippery Root, Yalluc, Symphytum officinale. Range: Britain; China; Dominican Republic; Europe; Haiti; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Damp, often shady localities, in meadows, woods etc, especially near streams and rivers. Comfrey is a commonly used herbal medicine with a long and proven history in the treatment of various complaints. The root and the leaves are used, the root being more active, and they can be taken internally or used externally as a poultice. Comfrey is especially useful in the external treatment of cuts, bruises,...

The Benefits Of Cranberries

Other Common Names: American Cranberry, Large Cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon Range: Eastern N. America, Native to North America Habitat: Acid boggy ground, the plant is cultivated in Cranberry bogs throughout New England and elsewhere. Cranberry has long been recommended as a preventive measure against repeated urinary tract infections. It is also taken to prevent kidney stones and "bladder gravel." The medicinal part is the ripe fruit. Cranberry prevents E. coli--the most common cause of urinary tract infections--from adhering to the wall of the bladder, making it difficult for infection to take hold. It will not, however, kill the bacteria once they're established. An infusion of the branches has been used as...

How Cranesbill - Geranium Maculatum Is Used In Herbal Remedies

Other Common Names: Alum Bloom, Alum Root, American Cranesbill Root, Benekli Turnagagasi, Chocolate Flower, Wild Geranium, Crowfoot, Dove's Foot, Geranium, Old Maid's Nightcap, Shameface, Spotted Crane's-bill, Spotted Cranesbill, Spotted Geranium, Storkbill, Wild Cranesbill, Wild Geranium, Geranium maculatum Range: Eastern N. America - Maine to Georgia, west to Arkansas, Kansas and Manitoba. Habitat: Wet places in woods, wet rocks and in swamps. Woodlands, thickets and meadows. The whole plant, but especially the root, is antiseptic, highly astringent, diuretic, styptic and tonic. An infusion of the whole plant, or of the roots alone, is used in the treatment of diarrhea (especially in children and the elderly), dysentery, irritable bowel syndrome, cholera, kidney complaints,...

Using Damiana - Turnera Aphrodisiaca In A Herbal Tea

Other Common Names: Damiane, Oreganillo, The Bourrique, Turnera aphrodisiaca Range: Southern N. America to Northern S. America. Habitat: Dry sandy or rocky places. Damiana was a traditional aphrodisiac of the Maya people in Central America. It continues to be considered valuable as an aphrodisiac and general tonic, and its stimulant tonic action makes it a valuable remedy for those suffering from mild depression. The whole plant is a bitter, pungent, warming herb with a fig-like flavor. Its use improves the digestion, lifts the spirits, calms the nerves, regulates hormonal activity, stimulates the genito-urinary tract and rejuvenates kidney energy. It is used internally to treat nervous exhaustion, anxiety, depression, debility in convalescence, impotence,...

Dandelion Can Be Part Of The Treatment Of Gallstones

Other Common Names: Chiang Nou Ts'Ao, Chin Tsan Ts'Ao, Common Dandelion, Diente De Leon, Hindiba Berri, Huang Hua Ti Ting, Kara Hindiba, Khas Berri, Kou Ju Ts'Ao, Lion's Tooth, Maitiainen, P'O Kung Ying, P'U Kung Ying, Pissenlit, Priest's Crown, Pu Gong Ying, Seiyo-Tanpopo, Swine's Snout, Taraxacum officinale. Range: Australia; Britain; China; Finland; France; Iraq; Mexico; Nepal; Russia; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: A very common weed of grassland and cultivated ground. The Dandelion, though not occurring in the Southern Hemisphere, is at home in all parts of the north temperate zone, in pastures, meadows and on waste ground, and is so plentiful that farmers everywhere find it a troublesome weed, for...

The History Of Devil's Claw - Harpogophytum Procumbens

Other Common Names: Grapple Plant, Harpogophytum procumbens Range: Southern and Eastern Africa, Namibia, Madagascar Numerous tribes native to southern Africa have used devil?s claw for a wide variety of conditions, ranging from gastrointestinal difficulties to

arthritic conditions. Devil?s claw has been widely used in Europe as a treatment for arthritis. It is anti-inflammatory, anodyne, hepatic. From the flowers grow woody, sharply curved, barbed fruits, which give devil?s claw its name. Although the name comes from the fruit, the part of the plant used for its medicinal value is the tuber. The active principle in devil?s claw, which is used to standardize products, is a glycoside called harpagoside. Other constituents include beta-sitosterol, harpagide,...

Find Out More About The Medicinal Herb Echinacea

Other Common Names: Black Sampson, Black Sampson Coneflower, Blacksamson, Blacksamson Echinacea, Coneflower, Narrow-leaved, E Angustifolia, Var Angustifolia, Echinacea Angustifolia, Black Sampson, Kansas Snakeroot, Kansas Snakeroot, Narrowleaf Coneflower, Narrowleaved Coneflower, Narrowleaved Purple Coneflower, Niggerhead, Purple Coneflower, Roter Sonnenhut, Rudbeckia, Rudbeckie Rouge, Snakeroot, Kansas, Zonnehoed, Echinacea angustifolia Range: N. America - Manitoba, Saskatchewan and North Dakota south to Texas; France; Germany; Netherlands; Turkey Habitat: Dry prairies and barrens. Echinacea are herbaceous perennials of the daisy family. Echinacea may have either simple or branched stems. The flowers are large and daisy-like and are sometimes known as coneflowers because of the raised capitulum containing disc florets to which are attached ray florets. It has a faint aromatic...

How Elderberry - Sambucus Nigra Can Help Treat Constipation

Other Common Names: Black Elder, Bore Tree, Bour Tree, Bourtree, Common Elder, Elder, Elder Rind, Ellhorn, European Black Elder, European Elder, Khaman Kabir, Murver Agaci, Pipe Tree, Pipetree, Sauco, Seiyo-Niwatoko, Zovika, Sambucus nigra Range: Britain; Europe; France; Iraq; Spain; Turkey; Yugoslavia Habitat: Hedgerows, scrub, woods, roadsides, waste places etc, especially on disturbed base-rich and nitrogen rich soils. Elder has a very long history of household use as a medicinal herb and is also much used by herbalists. The plant has been called 'the medicine chest of country peope'. The flowers are the main part used in modern herbalism, though all parts of the plant have been used at times. The...

Elecampane - Inula Helenium And Its Use As A Medicinal Herb

Other Common Names: Chin Ch'Ien Chu, Chin Ch'Ien Hua, Elecampagne, Elecampane Inula, Elf Dock, Enula, Helenio, Helenium, Horseheal, Hsuan Fu Hua, Induzotu, Mu Xiang, O-Oguruma, Scabwort, Velvet Dock, Wild Sunflower, Inula helenium Range: Argentina; Britain; China; India; S.E. Europe; Spain; Turkey Habitat: Fields, waysides, waste places, copses etc, often on moist soils in shade. It is found wild throughout continental Europe, from Gothland southwards, and extends eastwards in temperate Asia as far as Southern Siberia and North-West India. As a plant of cultivation, it has wandered to

North America, where it has become thoroughly naturalized in the eastern United States, being found from Nova Scotia to Northern Carolina, and westward as...

The History Of Ephedra

Other Common Names: Chinese Ephedra, Ma Huang, Sima-Mao, Ephedra sinica Range: E. Asia - N. China. Habitat: Deserty areas. Sandy seashores and in temperate climates. Ma Huang is a strongly stimulant acrid-tasting herb that is commonly used in Chinese herbalism, where it is considered to be one of the 50 fundamental herbs. Most members of this genus contain various medicinally active alkaloids (but notably ephedrine) and they are widely used in preparations for the treatment of asthma and catarrh. Ephedrine has a similar effect to adrenalin in the body. It acts promptly to reduce swellings of the mucous membranes and has antispasmodic properties, thus making it valuable in the treatment of...

The History Of The Use Of Eucalyptus Globulus In Medicine

Other Common Names: Blue Gum Tree, Compact Blue Bum Eucalypt, Eucalipto, Eucalypt, Okaliptus, Stringy Bark Tree, Tasmanian Blue Gum, Tasmanian Bluegum, Eucalyptus globulus. Range: Australia - Tasmania, Victoria; Now North and South Africa, India, and Southern Europe. Habitat: Damp marshy areas on moist loams and clays. Found in hilly country or moist valleys in deep rich soils. The tree is indigenous with a few exceptions to Australia and Tasmania. The genus contains about 300 species and is one of the most characteristic genera of the Australian flora. It was Baron Ferdinand von M?ller, the German botanist and explorer (from 1857 to 1873 Director of the Botanical Gardens in Melbourne),...

Evening Primrose Oil's Use In Herbal Remedies

Other Common Names: Fever Plant, King's Cureall, Night Willow-herb, Scabish, Scurvish, Sun Drop, Oenothera biennis Range: Eastern N. America - Labrador, south to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Dunes, roadsides, railway banks and waste places, often in sandy soils. The Evening or Tree Primrose, though originally a native of North Arnerica, was imported first into Italy and has been carried all over Europe, being often naturalized on river-banks and other sandy places in Western Europe. The bark and the leaves are astringent and sedative. They have a proved of use in the treatment of gastro-intestinal disorders of a functionl origin, whooping cough and asthma. A syrup made from the flowers is...

Information On Eyebright - Euphrasia Officinalis

Other Common Names: Common Eyebright, Drug Eyebright, Eufragia, Eufrasia, Euphrasia, Glossy Eyebright, Gozlukotu, Euphrasia officinalis Range: Europe, Northern and Western Asia and North America. Habitat: Moist grassland and chalky pastures, semiparasitic on grass. The name Euphrasia is of Greek origin, derived from Euphrosyne

(gladness), the name of one of the three graces who was distinguished for her joy and mirth, and it is thought to have been given the plant from the valuable properties attributed to it as an eye medicine preserving eyesight and so bringing gladness into the life of the sufferer. The same Greek word is also given to the linnet, whence another old tradition says that...

The Medical Benefits Of False Unicorn - Chamaelirion Luteum

Other Common Names: Blazing star, Fairywand, False Unicorn Root, Fausse Unicorne, Helonias, Starwort, Chamaelirion luteum Range: Eastern N. America - New York to Florida, west to Arkansas, Illinois and Michigan. Habitat: Low moist ground in meadows, thickets and rich woods. Blazing star is a traditional remedy of the North American Indians where it was used mainly as a woman's herb. It is widely used in Western herbal medicine where it is seen as a balancing herb for the female reproductive system and has proved to be a beneficial remedy for menstrual problems and ovarian cysts - it can also be of help in the menopause. It is useful in...

The History Of Foeniculum Vulgare

Other Common Names: Adas Landi, Adas Londa, Adas Pedas, Anis, Anis Vert, Comino, Fenkel, Finocchio Forte, Hinojo, Hsiao Hui Hsiang, Hui Hsiang Chiu, Kaneer Razbana, L'Anis, La Nuit, Raziyane, Rezene, Shamar, Shbint, Shih Lo, Sweet Fennel, Tzu Mo, Tzu Mu Lo, Uikyo, Wild Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare Range: Britain; China; Dominican Republic; Ethiopia; Europe; France; Haiti; Iraq; Italy; Japan; Kurdistan; Malaya; Mexico; Spain; Turkey; Venezuela Habitat: Found most often in dry stony calcareous soils near the sea. For the medicinal use of its fruits, commonly called seeds, Fennel is largely cultivated in the south of France, Saxony, Galicia, and Russia, as well as in India and Persia. This plant was attached by Linnaeus...

The History Of Fenugreek In Herbal Medicine

Other Common Names: Alholva, Bird's Foot, Boyotu, Chinagreye, Foenum Graecum, Greek Hay-seed, Halva, Helba, Hu Lu Pa, K'U Tou, Kelabat, Koroha, Methi, Shimli, Sickle-fruit Fenugreek, Sicklefruit Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum Range: Europe - Austria; Belgium; Chile; China; Egypt; S. France; Hungary; India; Iraq; Java; Malaya; Mediterranean; Spain; Sudan; Turkey Habitat: Field verges, uncultivated ground, dry grasslands and hillsides The name comes from Foenum-graecum, meaning Greek Hay, the plant being used to scent inferior hay. The name of the genus, Trigonella, is derived from the old Greek name, denoting 'three-angled,' from the form of its corolla. The seeds of Fenugreek have been used medicinally all through the ages and were held in high repute...

The Medicinal Herb Feverfew

Other Common Names: Altamisa De Castilla, Amargosa, Featherfoil, Midsummer Daisy, Manzanilla, Matricaria, Varadika, Tanacetum parthenium Range: Colombia; Dominican Republic; Mexico; S.E. Europe to Asia; Spain; Turkey; USA; Venezuela Habitat: Mountain scrub, rocky slopes, walls, waste places and a weed of gardens, avoiding acid soils. Feverfew (a corruption of Febrifuge, from its tonic and fever-dispelling properties) is a composite plant growing in every hedgerow, with numerous, small, daisy-like heads of yellow flowers with outer white rays, the central yellow florets being arranged on a nearly flat receptacle, not conical as in the chamomiles. The whole plant has a strong and bitter smell, and is particularly disliked by bees. Feverfew has...

Fo Ti In Herbal Medicine
Other Common Names: Common Solomon's Seal, Eurasian Solomon's Seal, He-shou-wu, Polygonatum, Lady's Seals, St. Mary's Seal, Sigillum Sanctae Mariae, Solomon's Seal, Polygonatum multiflorum Range: Europe, a native of Northern Europe and Siberia Habitat: Woodland, usually on limestone. A very hardy plant. It prefers a light soil and a shady situation, being a native of woods. Solomon's seal has been used for thousands of years in herbal medicine. It is used mainly in the form of a poultice and is believed to prevent excessive bruising and to stimulate tissue repair. The bruised roots were much used as a popular cure for black eyes, mixed with cream. The root is astringent, demulcent,...

Useful Information On Garcinia Cambogia

Other Common Names: Various forms of the family - Guttiferae. Garcinia kola, bitter kola, Malabar tamarind, Garcinia cambogia Range: SE Asia, West and Central Africa Habitat: Moist forest Garcinia has been used historically in India for treatment of edema, delayed menstruation, constipation and intestinal parasites. This herb is currently used in the United States as a component of weight loss formulas. Various species of South Asian plants of the genus Garcinia (particularly Garcinia cambogia) have high contents of hydroxycitrate (HCA), which is the active ingredient in this and many other currently marketed weight loss products. However, it has not yet been shown, in controlled studies published in the scientific literature,...

How Allium Sativum (Garlic) Is Used In Medicine

Other Common Names: Ail, Ail De Cuisine, Ajo, Bawang Poetih, Bawang Puteh, Cropleek, Cultivated Garlic, Hsiao Suan, Lai, Lasan, Poor Man's Treacle, Rosina, Samersaq, Sarimsak, Sir, Suan, Thum, Allium sativum Range: Original habitat is obscure. Austria; Britain; Bulgaria; Canada; China; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Egypt; France; Haiti; India; Iraq; Kurdistan; Malaya; Mexico; Pakistan; Panama; Paraguay; Puerto Rico; Russia; South Africa; Spain; Trinidad; Turkey; USA; Venezuela Habitat: Not known in a truly wild situation. The soil may be sandy, loam or clay, though Garlic flourishes best in a rich, moist, sandy soil. Garlic beds should be in a sunny spot. Composition: Root (Dry weight)- Water: 0 Calories: 360 Protein: 13.5 Fat: 0.7 Carbohydrate: 82 Fiber:...

The Positive Effects Of Gentian Root

Other Common Names: Bitter Root, Bitterwort, Centiyane, Genciana, Yellow Gentian, Gentiana lutea Range: C. and S. Europe Habitat: Grassy alpine and sub-alpine pastures, usually on calcareous soils. All the known species are remarkable for the intensely bitter properties residing in the root and every part of the herbage, hence they are valuable tonic medicines. That most commonly used is Gentiana lutea, the Yellow Gentian. The root of this species is the principal vegetable bitter employed in medicine, though the roots of several other species are said to be equally efficacious. Before the introduction of hops, Gentian, with many other bitter herbs, was used occasionally in brewing. The medicinal parts are the...

The Healing Effects Of Zingiber Officinale (Ginger)

Other Common Names: Zingiber officinale Range: Said to be a native of Asia. Cultivated in West Indies, Jamaica, Africa. Valued primarily for the distinctive tang it lends to cuisine, Ginger Root also has proven medicinal effects. Ginger is a classic tonic for the digestive tract. Classified as an aromatic bitter, it stimulates digestion. Its ability to prevent vomiting has been verified by clinical trial, and it has been shown to stimulate the intestines and promote production of saliva, digestive juices, and bile. It also tends to boost the pumping action of the heart. Ginger may be used as a stimulant of the peripheral circulation in cases of bad circulation, chilblains...

Ginkgo Biloba In Herbal Medicine

Other Common Names: Ginkgo, Icho, Ityo, Maidenhair Tree, Pai Kuo, Yin Hsing, Yin Kuo, Ginkgo biloba Range: E. Asia - N. China Habitat: Found wild in only 2 localities at Guizhou and on the Anhui/Zhejiang border, where it grows on rich sandy soils. Composition: Seed (Dry weight) - Water: 0 Calories: 403 Protein: 10.4 Fat: 3.3 Carbohydrate: 83 Fiber: 1.3 Ash: 3.5 Calcium: 11 Phosphorus: 327 Iron: 2.6 Sodium: 15 Potassium: 1139 Vitamin A: 392 Thiamine: 0.52 Riboflavin: 0.26 Niacin: 6.1 Vitamin C: 54 Ginkgo has a long history of medicinal use in traditional Chinese medicine, where the seed is most commonly used. Recent research into the plant...

Information On Golden Seal - Hydrastis Canadensis

Other Common Names: Eye Balm, Eye Root, Ground Raspberry, Hidrastis, Hydrastis, Indian Dye, Indian Paint, Jaundice Root, Orange Root, Turmeric Root, Warnera, Wild Curcuma, Yellow Puccoon, Yellow Root, Hydrastis canadensis Range: Eastern N. America - Connecticut to Minnesota, Missouri and Kansas Habitat: Rich shady woods and moist areas on woodland edges. The North American plant Golden Seal produces a drug which is considered of great value in modern medicine. The generic name of the plant, Hydrastis, is derived from two Greek words, signifying water and to accomplish, probably given it from

its effect on the mucous membrane. It is official in most Pharmacopoeias, several of which refer to its yellowing...

The History Of Gotu Kola - Centella Asiatica

Other Common Names: Daun Kaki Kuda, Gagan-gagan, Hydrocotyle, Indian Pennywort, Marsh Penny, Pegaga, Pegaga Tekukur, Pegaga Ular, Pegagan, Penggaga, Thick-leaved Pennywort, White Rot, Centella asiatica Range: E. Asia - India, China and Japan. Australia Habitat: Old stone walls and rocky sunny places in lowland hills and especially by the coast in central and southern Japan. Shady, damp and wet places such as paddy fields, and in grass thickets. Gotu kola is an outstandingly important medicinal herb that is widely used in the Orient and is becoming increasingly popular in the West. Its Indian name is 'Brahmi' which means 'bringing knowledge of the Supreme Reality' and it has long been used...

The Healing Effects Of Green Tea

Other Common Names: An Hua Ch'A, Assam Tea, Cay, Ch'A, Green Tea, Hsueh Ch'A, Lo Chieh Ch'A, Ming, P'U Erh Ch'A, P'U T'O Ch'A, Shui Sha Lien Ch'A, Tea, Wu I Ch'A, Thea sinensis, Camellia sinensis Range: E. Asia - China? Exact origin is uncertain. Habitat: Shaded areas at an elevation of 2100 - 2700 metres in Yunnan. Prefers a woodland soil but thrives in a warm open well-drained loam if leafmould is added. Composition: Leaves (Dry weight) - Water: 0 Protein: 25.7 Fat: 6.5 Carbohydrate: 40.8 Ash: 5 caffeine: 3.3% tannin: 13% It was formerly supposed that black and green tea were the produce of distinct...

The History Of Guarana And Its Use In Herbal Medicine

Other Common Names: Paullinia, Guarana Bread, Brazilian Cocoa, Uabano, Uaranzeiro, Paullinia Sorbilis, Paullinia Cupana Range: Brazil, The genus Paullinia is predominantly neotropical, extending from Mexico and the southern United States to Argentina. This climbing shrub took the name of its genus from C. F. Paullini, a German medical botanist who died 1712. The seeds of Paullinia Sorbilis are often used or mixed with those of P. Cupana. Guarana is only made by the Guaranis, a tribe of South American Indians. Guarana is undoubtedly among the stimulants that are attracting most attention from the developed countries nowadays. All kinds of qualities are being attributed to it, from that of...

The Ancient Indian Herb Guggul - Commiphora Mukul

Other Common Names: Bdellium Gum, Guggulipid, Gum Gugal, Salaitree Gugulipid, gum guggulu, Commiphora mukul Range: Northeast Africa, Afghanistan, India Guggul is a tree which exudes a resinous sap out of incisions that are made in its bark. This resin has been used for centuries as part of India's traditional medicine called Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic

system of herbalism traces its roots to over five thousand years ago to the Himalayan Mountains of India. According to Ayurvedic philosophy, health is dependent upon one's ability to live in harmony with one's self and with the external universe. Ayurvedic herbal formulations, like those of the Chinese, are combinations of many different herbs that work...

Medical Information On The Gymnema Sylvestre Plant

Other Common Names: Gurmarbooti, gurmar, Gymnema Sylvestre Range: Deccan peninsula, Assam, and some parts of Africa. Gymnema sylvestre (GS) is a woody climbing plant that grows in the tropical forests of central and southern India. The leaves are used in herbal medicine preparations. G. sylvestre is known as "periploca of the woods" in English and mesbasringi (meaning "ram's horn") in Sanskrit. The leaves, when chewed, interfere with the ability to taste sweetness, which explains the Hindi name gurmar - "destroyer of sugar." Plant constituents include two resins (one soluble in alcohol), gymnemic acids, saponins, stigmasterol, quercitol, and the amino acid derivatives betaine, choline and trimethylamine. Gymnema sylvestre is a...

Why Hawthorn - Crataegus Monogyna Is An Important Medicinal Herb

Other Common Names: Common Hawthorn, Espino Albar, Haw, One-seed Hawthorn, Whitethorn, Crataegus monogyna, C. oxyacantha Range: Europe, North Africa, Western Asia. Habitat: Woods, hedges, thickets etc, on most soils except wet peat and poor acid sands. Hawthorn is an extremely valuable medicinal herb. It is used mainly for treating disorders of the heart and circulation system, especially angina. Western herbalists consider it a 'food for the heart', it increases the blood flow to the heart muscles and restores normal heart beat. This effect is brought about by the presence of bioflavonoids in the fruit, these bioflavonoids are also strongly antioxidant, helping to prevent or reduce degeneration of the blood...

An Overview Of Herbal Medicine

Medicinal herbs are some of our oldest medicines and their increasing use in recent years is evidence of a public interest in having alternatives to conventional medicine. Herbal medicines currently account for one of the fastest growing markets in U.S. pharmacies and constitute a multi-billion dollar industry. Market size is predicted to approximately double between 1997 and 2001. Although approximately 1500 botanicals are sold as dietary supplements or ethnic traditional medicines, herbal formulations are not subject to FDA premarket toxicity testing to assure their safety or efficacy. In response to concerns regarding the use and efficacy of medicinal herbs and to recent nominations of these products for study by the...

Herbal - Medical Glossary


The History Of Hops - Humulus Lupulus

Other Common Names: Hop; Common Hop, European Hops, Hoppu, Lupulin, Lupulo, Omerotu, Oubion, Serbetciotu, Humulus Lupulus Range: Belgium; Britain; China; Germany; Nepal; Russia; Spain; Turkey; USA; Habitat: Hedgerows, woodlands and sunny waste ground. The origin of the name of the Hop genus, Humulus, is considered doubtful, though it has been assumed by some writers that it is derived from humus, the rich moist ground in which the plant grows. The specific name Lupulus, is derived from the Latin, lupus (a wolf), because, as Pliny explains, when produced among osiers, it strangles them by its light, climbing embraces, as the wolf does a sheep. The English name Hop comes...

What Is Horehound - Marrubium Vulgare?

Other Common Names: Common Horehound, Hashishat Al Kalib, Hoarhound, Houndsbane, Itsinegiotu, Marrubio, Niga-Hakka, Qutainah, White Horehound, Wild Horehound, Woolly Horehound, Marrubium vulgare Range: Britain; Europe; Iraq; Kurdistan; Mexico; Sicily; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Downs, waste places and roadsides. White Horehound is a hardy plant, easily grown, and flourishes best in a dry, poor soil. The Romans esteemed Horehound for its medicinal properties, and its Latin name of Marrubium is said to be derived from Maria urbs, an ancient town of Italy. Other authors derive its name from the Hebrew marrob (a bitter juice), and state that it was one of the bitter herbs which the Jews were ordered to...

Horse Chestnut - Aesculus Hippocastanum And Its Role In Herbal Medicine

Other Common Names: Atkestanesi, Buckeye, Castagno D'India, Castanheiro Da India, Castano De India, Castano De Indias, Castogno D'India, Chataigne De Cheval, Common Horse Chestnut, Eschilo, Horse Chestnut, Ippocastano, Marronnier D'Inde, Paarde Kastanje, Rosskastanie, Seiyo-Toti-No-Ki, Spanish Chestnut, Wilde Kastanje, Aesculus hippocastanum Range: It is a native of northern and central parts of Asia. Britain; France; Germany; Italy; Mexico; Netherlands; Portugal; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Mountain woods. It is an entirely different tree from the Sweet Chestnut, to which it is not even distantly related. The name Aesculus (from esca, food) was applied originally to a species of oak, which according to Pliny, was highly prized for its acorns, but how it came to be...

The Positive Effects Of Horseradish - Cochlearia Armoracia

Other Common Names: Bayirturpu, Great Raifort, Mountain Radish, Rabano Rusticana, Red Cole, Wild Horseradish, Armoracia rusticana, Cochlearia Armoracia Range: Britain;

Spain; Sweden; Turkey; USA Habitat: Arable land, waste ground and by streams, favoring slightly damp positions. Prefers a good deep moist well-drained soil and a sunny position. This plant has been in cultivation from the earliest times, but its exact place of origin seems to be obscure. Hooker considers that it is possibly a cultivated form of Cochlearia macrocarpa, a native of Hungary; other authorities consider it indigenous to the eastern parts of Europe, from the Caspian and through Russia and Poland to Finland. In Britain and other parts of Europe from...

Horsetail's Use As A Sedative

Other Common Names: At Quyroughi, Atkuyrugu, Bottle-brush, Chieh Hsu Ts'Ao, Cola De Caballo, Corn Horsetail, Equiseto Menor, Field Horsetail, Kilkah Asb, Prele, Scouring Rush, Sugina, Thanab Al Khail, Vara De Oro, Wen Ching, Equisetum arvense Range: Britain; Canada; China; Germany; Guatemala; Haiti; Iraq; Kurdistan; Mexico; Panama; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Open fields, arable land, waste places, hedgerows and roadsides, usually on moist soils. Horsetails have an unusual chemistry compared to most other plants. They are rich in silica, contain several alkaloids (including nicotine) and various minerals. Horsetail is very astringent and makes an excellent clotting agent, staunching wounds, stopping nosebleeds and reducing the coughing up of blood. It helps speed...

How Indian Tobacco Can Be Used As A Remedy For Bronchitis

Other Common Names: Asthma Weed, Gagroot, Pulseweed, Emetic Herb, Frengiotu, Lobelia, Wild Tobacco, Vomitroot, Lobelia inflata Range: Northern N. America - Labrador to Saskatchewan, Georgia, Kansas and Arkansas. Habitat: Meadows, fields, roadsides, waste places and open woods. Usually in dry soils. Indian Tobacco was a traditional North American Indian remedy for a wide range of conditions. Nowadays it is used mainly as a powerful antispasmodic herb in the treatment of respiratory and muscle disorders. Acting also as a respiratory stimulant, Indian Tobacco is a valuable remedy for conditions such as bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis. In addition, the plant or its extracts have served to induce vomiting, to...

Juniperus Communis In Herbal Medicine

Other Common Names: Ardij Aghaji, Common Juniper, Enebro, Havrest, Sabino Macho, Yoshu-Nezu, Juniperus communis Range: Britain; Canada; Europe; Kurdistan; Malaya; North Africa; North Asia; USA Habitat: Chalk downs, but only where there is least sunshine and most rain, heaths, moors, pine and birch woods, on acid peat, often dominant on chalk, limestone and slate. Juniper fruits are commonly used in herbal medicine, as a household remedy, and also in some commercial preparations. They are especially useful in the treatment of digestive disorders plus kidney and bladder problems. The fully ripe fruits

are strongly antiseptic, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, strongly diuretic, rubefacient, stomachic and tonic. They are used in the treatment of cystitis,...

Origins Of Kava - Piper Methysticum

Other Common Names: Ava Intoxicating Pepper, Ava Pepper, Kava Kava, Yagona, Piper methysticum Range: Polynesia, Sandwich Islands, South Sea Islands. Official in the Australian Colonies. The first Europeans to observe the kava plant and its ritualistic consumption by natives of Oceania were Dutch explorers Jacob Le Maire and William Schouten. In 1616, they encountered the plant in the Hoorn Islands, now a part of the French territory Wallis and Fatuna. Later travelers in the Pacific region provided a wealth of detail regarding this highly valued and widely used pepper plant. Long cultivated and known by a number of common names, the plant is now classified by botanists as Piper...

The Healing Effects Of Kelp

Other Common Names: Bladderwrack, Seawrack, Common Seawrack, Laminaria, Fucus, Sargassum, Alaria esculenta, Nereocystis luetkeana, Macrocystis pyrifera Kelp forests occur in cold, nutrient-rich water and are among the most beautiful and biologically productive habitats in the marine environment. They are found throughout the world in shallow open coastal waters, and the larger forests are restricted to temperatures less than 20?C, extending to both the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. A dependence upon light for photosynthesis restricts them to clear shallow water and they are rarely much deeper than 15-40m. The kelps have in common a capacity for some of the most remarkable growth rates in the plant kingdom. In southern California, the Macrocystis...

How Kudzu Is Used In The Treatment Of Alcoholism

Other Common Names: Geh Gen, Ko Fen, Ko Pu, Kudzu Vine, Kung Pu, Kuzu, Pueraria lobata, Pueraria thunbergiana Range: E. Asia - Japan. Habitat: Thickets and thin woods all over Japan. Kudzu was introduced into the United States at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876 and into the South at the New Orleans Exposition during 1884-1886. Some folks began using the plant as a shade vine for their porches and arbors. Cows thought it tasty as a hay and forage, but its stems made it difficult to harvest. The big break for kudzu came during the Great Depression of the 1930's when the US Government paid farmers $8.00 an...

What Is Lavender - Lavandula Angustifolia, L. Officinalis?

Other Common Names: English Lavender, Lavanta, Lavender Vera, Lavandula angustifolia, L. officinalis Range: Europe - Mediterranean. Habitat: Dry grassy slopes amongst rocks, in exposed, usually parched, hot rocky situations often on calcareous soils. Succeeds in almost any soil so long as it is well-drained and not too acid. Lavender was

familiar to Shakespeare, but was probably not a common plant in his time, for though it is mentioned by Spencer as 'The Lavender still gray' and by Gerard as growing in his garden, it is not mentioned by Bacon in his list of sweet-smelling plants. It is now found in every garden, but we first hear of it being...

Medicinal Uses Of Lemon Balm

Other Common Names: Balm, Common Balm, Cytria, Hashishat Al Nahil, Kovanutu, Ogulotu, Seiyo-Yama-Hakka, Sweet Balm, Toronjil, Tronjan, Melissa officinalis Range: C. and S. Europe, W. Asia and N. Africa, Panama, USA Habitat: Waste places and derelict land near human habitations. A very easily grown plant, it succeeds in any well-drained soil in a sunny sheltered position. The name is from the Greek word signifying 'bee,' indicative of the attraction the flowers have for those insects, on account of the honey they produce. It was formerly esteemed of great use in all complaints supposed to proceed from a disordered state of the nervous system. The London Dispensary (1696) says: 'An essence of...

Licorice Can Be Used As A Remedy For Peptic Ulcer

Other Common Names: Cultivated Licorice, Gan Cao, Iriqsus, Kan T'Sao, Kan Ts'Ao, Liquirita, Liquorice, Madhuka, Meyankoku, Mi Ts'Ao, Regaliz, Russian Liquorice, Sus Maikik, Sweetwood, True Licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra Range: Europe - Mediterranean, natives of South-east Europe and South-west Asia. Habitat: Dry open places, especially in sandy places near the sea. The Licorice of medicine and commerce is derived from the sweet root of various species of Glycyrrhiza, a genus which contains about fourteen species, natives of warmer temperate countries in both the New and Old Worlds, ten of them having roots more or less sweet, but most of them not sufficiently so to be of use. Dioscorides, who names the plant...

The Positive Effects Of Ligustrum Lucidum - Chinese Privet

Other Common Names: Chinese Privet, Glossy Privet, Nepal Privet, Nu Chen, Nu Chen P'I Chiu, Nu-zhen-zi, To-Nezumi-Moti, Ligustrum lucidum Range: E. Asia - China. Habitat: Roadsides and in river valleys. Chinese privet has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 1,000 years. The fruit is antibacterial, antiseptic, antitumour, cardiotonic, diuretic and tonic. It is taken internally in the treatment of complaints associated with weak kidney and liver energy such as menopausal problems (especially premature menopause), blurred vision, cataracts, tinnitus, rheumatic pains, palpitations, backache and insomnia. Modern research has shown that the plant increases the white blood cell count and is of value when used to prevent bone marrow loss in...

Useful Information On Lomatium Dissectum

Other Common Names: Carrotleaf Biscuitroot, Chocolate-tips, Cough Root, Fernleaf Biscuitroot, Fernleaf Lomatium, Lepotaenia, Leptotaenia, Lomatium dissectum Range: Western N. America - southwards from Alberta and British Columbia. Habitat: Open, often rocky slopes and dry meadows, often on talus. Fernleaf biscuitroot was widely employed medicinally by many native North American Indian tribes who considered it to be a universal panacea and used it especially in treating chest problems and skin complaints. This is an important native American Pacific Northwest anti-viral herb. Works where other anti-virals fall short. Fresh root (alcoholic) extract is best mode of administration. Lomatium was used, particularly in the southwestern United States, during the influenza pandemic of 1917 with reportedly...

The Health Benefits Of Maitake - Grifola Frondosa

Other Common Names: Dancing Mushroom, Hen of the woods, Grifola Frondosa Range: Maitake grows in the northern part of the Temperate Zone in the Northern Hemisphere and is found throughout Japan, Europe, and North America. Habitat: Grows wild in temperate climates. At the base of old hardwood, especially Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata in woods, also Castanopsis cuspdata var. Sieboldii in the parks, as well as on the trunks and roots. There are three homologs of Maitake, Grifola frondosa: Shiromaitake, Grifola albicans; choreimaitake, Grifola umbellata; and Tonbimaitake, Grifola gigantea. The scientific name of Maitake, "Grifola frondosa" comes from the common name of a fungus found in Italy. This name refers to a mythical beast...

Medical Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil

Other Common Names: Manuka, Melaleuca alternifolia Range: Australia - New South Wales, Queensland; East Indies. Haitat: Swamps by the coast. Requires a fertile, welldrained moisture retentive lime-free soil in full sun. In 1770, on an expedition to Australia, the renowned world explorer Captain James Cook of the British Royal Navy wrote in his ship's log how the local tribes brewed a spicy tea from the leaves of a unique "paperbarked" tree. He gave the tree the name "Tea Tree". The aborigines used the leaves extensively. Stories are told of animals seeking out, and rolling and soaking in the oilcontaining amber waters underneath the trees. The aborigines would crush the...

History Of Marshmallow
Other Common Names: Altea, Common Marshmallow, Ghasul, Hatmi, Iviscus, Khatmah, Khitmi, Mallow, Malvavisco, Usubeni-Tati-Aoi, White Mallow, Althaea officinalis Range: Marsh Mallow is a native of most countries of Europe, from Denmark southward. Habitat: The upper margins of salt and brackish marshes, sides of ditches and grassy banks near the sea. The whole plant, particularly the root, abounds with a mild mucilage, which is emollient to a much greater degree than the common Mallow. The generic name, Althaea, is derived from the Greek, altho (to cure), from its healing properties. The name of the order, Malvaceae, is derived from the Greek, malake (soft), from the special qualities of the Mallows in...

The Heal Benefits Of Meadowsweet - Spireaea Ulmaria

Other Common Names: Bridewort, Ergecsakali, European Meadowsweet, Queen Of The Meadow, Ulmaria, Filipendula ulmaria, Spireaea ulmaria Range: throughout Europe, North America, and northern Asia. Habitat: Wet ground in swamps, marshes, fens, wet woods and meadows, wet rock ledges and by rivers, but not on acid peats. The name Ulmaria is given in allusion to the resemblance of its leaves to those of the Elm (Ulmus), being much wrinkled on the upper side. Gerard says: 'It is reported that the floures boiled in wine and drunke do take away the fits of a quartaine ague and make the heart merrie. The distilled water of the floures dropped into the eies...

Medicinal Herbs: NTP Extracts The Facts

Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 12, December 1999 The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has announced that it will design and initiate studies to identify and characterize possible adverse health effects that may be associated with prolonged use or higher doses of some of the most popular medicinal herbs, including Ginkgo biloba , Echinacea angustifolia, and Panax quinquefolius (American Ginseng). The NTP studies a large variety of substances to which the population may be exposed in the environment, occupationally, in the food supply, or elsewhere. Little has been scientifically confirmed regarding either the adverse or beneficial health effects of most of the 1,500-plus herbal products stocked in America's drug stores,...

Information On Milk Thistle - Silybum Marianum

Other Common Names: Blessed Milk-thistle, Cardo Mariano, Holy Thistle, Kanger, Kenger, Ku'Ub, Lady's Thistle, Maria-Azami, Meryemanadikeni, St Mary's Milk Thistle, Thistle, Variegated Thistle, Silybum marianum Range: S. Europe, N. Africa and W. Asia. Habitat: Waste places, usually close to the sea, especially if the ground is dry and rocky. The Marian, or Milk Thistle, is perhaps the most important medicinally among the members of this genus, to which all botanists do not, however, assign it, naming it Silybum Marianum. Westmacott, writing in 1694, says of this Thistle: 'It is a Friend to the Liver and Blood: the prickles cut off, they were formerly used to be boiled in the Spring and...

The Use Of Verbascum Thapsus To Treat Bronchitis

Other Common Names: Adam's Flannel, Beggar's Blanket, Bullock's Lungwort, Bonhomme, Borraja, Common Mullein, Flannel Mullein, Flannel Plant, Feltwort, Fluffweed, Hare's Beard Gordolobo, Great Mullein, Jupiter's Staff, Molene, Pano, Sigirkuyrugu, Velvet Dock, Velvet Plant, Verbascum thapsus Range: Chile; Dominican Republic; Eurasia; Europe; Haiti; India; Spain; Turkey; USA (is exceedingly abundant as a naturalized weed in the eastern States). Habitat: Sunny positions in uncultivated fields and waste ground, especially on dry soils. The down on the leaves and stem makes excellent tinder when quite dry, readily igniting on the slightest spark, and was, before the

introduction of cotton, used for lamp wicks, hence another of the old names: 'Candlewick Plant.' An old superstition existed...

How Myrrh Is Used In Modern Products

Other Common Names: Balsamodendron Myrrha, Commiphora Myrrha Range: northeastern Africa and the Middle East. It has been used from remote ages as an ingredient in incense, perfumes, etc., in the holy oil of the Jews and the Kyphi of the Egyptians for embalming and fumigations. Little appears to be definitely known about the collection of myrrh. It seems probable that the best drug comes from Somalia, is bought at the fairs of Berbera by the Banians of India, shipped to Bombay, and there sorted, the best coming to Europe and the worst being sent to China. The true myrrh is known in the markets as karam, formerly called Turkey myrrh,...

Medical Benefits Of Nettle - Urtica Dioica

Other Common Names: Bigstring Nettle, Common Nettle, Common Stinging Nettle, Gerrais, Greater Nettle, Isirgan, Kazink, Nabat Al Nar, Ortiga Mayor, Stinging Nettle, Urtica dioica Range: Australia; Britain; Canada; Czech Republic; Asia; Europe; India; Iraq; Kurdistan; South Africa; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Waste ground, hedgerows, woods etc, preferring a rich soil and avoiding acid soils. Nettles have a long history of use in the home as a herbal remedy and nutritious addition to the diet. A tea made from the leaves has traditionally been used as a cleansing tonic and blood purifier so the plant is often used in the treatment of hay fever, arthritis, and anemia. The whole plant is...

How Quercus Robur (Oak) Is Used In Treatment Of Disorders Of The Gall Bladder
Other Common Names: Common Oak, Cervalho, Chene, Encina, English Oak, Mese, Oak, Pedunculate Oak, Rovere, Quercus robur Range: Widely distributed over Europe; Asia; Britain; Chile; USA. Habitat: Often the dominant woodland tree, especially on clay soils but avoiding acid peat and shallow limestone soils. The Greeks held the Oak sacred, the Romans dedicated it to Jupiter, and the Druids venerated it. The genus Quercus comprises numerous species, distributed widely over the Northern Hemisphere, and found also in Java, and the Mountains of Mexico and South America. The oak tree has a long history of medicinal use. It is antiinflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, decongestant, haemostatic and tonic. The bark is the...

The Benefits Of Old Mans Beard - Usnea Barbata

Other Common Names:Usnea barbata Range: North American, Asia and Europe Habitat: Hanging from trees in forests. Usnea is not a plant but a lichen?a symbiotic relationship (a combination of two organisms which live together intimately) between an algae and a fungus. Because of its bitter taste and ability to stimulate digestion, usnea was historically

used to treat indigestion. Many species of usnea are used medicinally, including U. hirta, U. barbata, U. florida, U. longissima and U. dasypoga. The herb's use dates back to ancient Egypt, Greece and China where it was called Sun-lo and was used to cool an overheated system and treat surface infections. The Formulary of Al-kindi, circa A.D....

Oregon Grape In Herbal Medicine

Other Common Names: Agrecillo, Berberi, Epine Vinette, Holly-Leaved Barberry, Hollyleaf Oregon-grape, Mahonia, Mountain Grape, Yerba De Sangre, Mahonia aquifolium, Berberis aquifolium Range: Western N. America, also grows in Europe. Habitat: Mixed coniferous woods to 2000 metres. A very easy plant to grow, thriving in any good garden soil and tolerating dense shade under trees. Oregon grape is a close relative of barberry (Berberis vulgaris). It was often used by several native North American Indian tribes to treat loss of appetite and debility. Its current herbal use is mainly in the treatment of gastritis and general digestive weakness, to stimulate the kidney and gallbladder function and to reduce catarrhal problems. The root and root...

Positive Benefits Of Passion Flower - Passiflora Incarnata

Other Common Names: Carkifelek, Charkhi Felek, Granadilla, Maypop, Maypop Passionflower, Purple Passion-flower, Saa'T Gulu, Ward Assa'Ah, Zahril Aalaam, Passiflora incarnata Range: Eastern N. America - Virginia and Kentucky, south to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Sandy thickets and open soils. Fields, roadsides, fence rows and thickets. The Passion Flowers are so named from the supposed resemblance of the finelycut corona in the centre of the blossoms to the Crown of Thorns and of the other parts of the flower to the instruments of the Passion of Our Lord. Passiflora incarnata has a perennial root, and the herbaceous shoots bear three-lobed, finelyserrated leaves and fleshcolored or yellowish, sweet-scented flowers, tinged with purple. The...

Information On Mentha X Piperita Vulgaris (Peppermint)

Other Common Names: Candymint, Mentha Piperita, Mentha x piperita vulgaris Range: throughout Europe, USA, almost everywhere. Habitat: A natural hybrid, found in moist soils in ditches, waste places etc. In America it is probably even more common as an escape than Spearmint, having long been known and grown in gardens. Pliny tells us that the Greeks and Romans crowned themselves with Peppermint at their feasts and adorned their tables with its sprays, and that their cooks flavored both their sauces and their wines with its essence. Two species of mint were used by the ancient Greek physicians, but some writers doubt whether either was the modern Peppermint, though there is...

Medicinal History Of Phyllanthus Niruri

Other Common Names: Bhuamalaki, Bhuy amalaki, Niruri, bhuiamla, bahupatra, Phyllanthus niruri, Phyllanthus urinaria, Phyllanthus amarus Range: India, China, and the Tropics. Phyllanthus has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 2,000 years and has a wide number of traditional uses. This includes employing the whole plant for jaundice, gonorrhea, frequent menstruation, and diabetes and using it topically as a poultice for skin ulcers, sores, swelling, and itchiness. The young shoots of the plant are administered in the form of an infusion for the treatment of chronic dysentery. Phyllanthus niruri is the most effective of a group of closely related species that grow in India, China, and tropical locations ranging from the...

Nutrional Information On Pineapple

Other Common Names: Ananas, Pina, Ananas comosus Range: Native to the American Tropics, southern Brazil and Paraguay, the cultivated pineapples are grown mainly between latitudes 24?N and 25?S, principally at lower altitudes, in many countries where climatic conditions are favorable. Habitat: They are tolerant of a wide range of soils providing they possess good drainage, soil aeration, and a low percentage of lime. Sandy loam, mildly acid and of medium fertility, is best. Composition: Per 100 g, the fruit is reported to contain 47? 52 calories, 85.3?87.0 g H1O, 0.4?0.7 g protein, 0.2?0.3 g fat, 11.6?13.7 g total carbohydrate, 0.4?0.5 g fiber, 0.3?0.4 g ash, 17?18 mg Ca, 8?12 mg P, 0.5...

Herbal Remedies That Use Flea Seed - Plantago Psyllia

Other Common Names: Fleawort, Isphagula, Psyllion, Psyllios, Psyllium Plantain, Psyllium Seeds, Plantago ovata, Plantago ispaghula, Plantago psyllia Range: Europe Mediterranean to E. Asia - India Habitat: Dry places in S. Europe. Found wild on most well-drained soils. Psyllium has been used as a safe and effective laxative for thousands of years in Western herbal medicine. Both the dried seeds and the seed husks are demulcent, emollient, laxative and may be used internally and externally in the same manner as flaxseed, which they closely resemble in medicinal properties. The seeds have a mucilaginous coat and swell to several times their volume when in water. The seeds and the...

The Positive Effects Of African Prune

Other Common Names: African Prune, Pygeum africanum Pygeum is an evergreen tree found in the higher elevations of central and southern Africa. Its bark, once used as a tea for relief of urinary disorders, has been found to contain not one, but three types of compounds that relieve the symptoms of prostate enlargement BHP (benign prostatic hyperplasia). Beta-sitosterol, the most important of the three, interferes with the formation of prostaglandins that cause inflammation and swelling in the prostate. Pentacyclic terpenes also reduce swelling. And ferulic esters combat enlargement by reducing levels of prolactin, a hormone which promotes uptake of growth-promoting testosterone in the prostate. European scientists were so impressed with reports...

Useful Information On Common Red Raspberry Rubus Idaeus

Other Common Names: Ahududu, American Red Raspberry, Common Red Raspberry, European Red Raspberry, Framboises, Frambosia, Frambueso, Wild Raspberry, Rubus idaeus Range: Europe; France; Haiti; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Moist neglected land, hedgerows and woodland edges. Prefers a good deep well-drained loamy soil on the acid side. The Raspberry grows wild as far north as lat. 70 degrees, and southward it appears to have been abundant on Mount Ida, in Asia Minor, lat. 39 degrees 40'. It was known to the Ancients, and Linnaeus retained the classic name of Ida, with which it was associated by Dioscorides. It was called in Greek Batos Idaia, and in Latin Rubus Idaea, the Bramble...

History Of The Reishi Mushroom

Other Common Names: Ling chih, Ling zhi, Mannentake, Ganoderma Lucidum Western culture has often frowned on mushrooms, even fearing the small innocuous forest growth. The French prize their truffles, but even truffles and other edible fungi and mushrooms are not as highly valued or show as much potential as a species of mushrooms called Ling Zhi or Reishi. Reishi mushrooms are polypore mushrooms. Mushrooms are the fruiting body and reproductive structure of a higher order fungus organism, much like an apple is the fruit of an apple tree. The actual mushroom "tree" is a fine thread-like network called mycelium. This mycelium is for the most part subterranean, living in soil,...

Origins And Medical Uses Of Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary)

Other Common Names: Anthos, Biberiye, Compass-weed, Dew Of The Sea, Mannen-Ro, Polar Plant, Romarin, Romero, Romero Comun, Rosmarinus officinalis Range: S. Europe to W. Asia. Habitat: Dry scrub and rocky places, especially near the sea. Prefers a hot sunny position and a slightly alkaline light dry soil. The Ancients were well acquainted with the shrub, which had a reputation for strengthening the memory. On this account it became the emblem of fidelity for lovers. It holds a special position among herbs from the symbolism attached to it. Not only was it used at weddings, but also at funerals, for decking churches and banqueting halls at festivals, as incense...

History And Medical Uses Of Salvia Officinalis (Sage)

Other Common Names: Broadleaf Sage, Common Sage, Dalmatian Sage, Garden Sage, Kitchen Sage, Salvia, Sarubia, Tibbi Adacayi, Salvia officinalis Range: Britain; Europe; Spain; Turkey; USA Habitat: Dry banks and stony places, usually in limestone areas and often where there is very little soil. Requires a very well-drained light sandy soil in a sunny position. The name of the genus, Salvia, is derived from the Latin salvere, to be saved, in reference to the curative properties of the plant, which was in olden times celebrated as a

medicinal herb. This name was corrupted popularly to Sauja and Sauge (the French form), in Old English, 'Sawge,' which has become our present-day...

Sandalwood - Santalum Album


Sarsaparilla - Smilax Rotundifolia, Smilax Ornata


Saw Palmetto In Herbal Supplements

Other Common Names: Sabal, Serenoa repens, Sabal serrulata Range: Southeastern N. America - South Carolina to Florida, west to Arkansas. Habitat: Low pine woods, savannas and thickets, where it often forms substantial thickets. Also found on coastal sand dunes. Saw palmetto, a member of the palm family Arecaceae, is native to the West Indies and the Atlantic Coast of North America, from South Carolina to Florida. Saw palmetto berries contain sterols and lipids, including relatively high concentrations of free and bound sitosterols. The following chemicals have been identified in the berries: anthranilic acid, capric acid, caproic acid, caprylic acid, -carotene, ferulic acid, mannitol, beta-sitosterol, beta-sitosterol-D-glucoside, linoleic acid, myristic acid, oleic...

Information On The Chinese Herb Wu-Wei-Zi Schisandra Chinensis

Other Common Names: Wu-wei-zi, Schisandra chinensis Range: E. Asia - China, Japan, Korea. Habitat: Mixed forests, especially on the margins, also by streams and brooks, usually on sandy soils. Wu Wei Zi is commonly used in Chinese herbalism, where it is considered to be one of the 50 fundamental herbs. It is an excellent tonic and restorative, helping in stressful times and increasing zest for life. It is considered to be a substitute for ginseng and is said to be a tonic for both the male and the female sex organs. The fruit is antitussive, aphrodisiac, hepatic, astringent, cardiotonic, cholagogue, expectorant, hypotensive, lenitive, nervine, pectoral, sedative, stimulant and tonic. Low...

Scullcap - Scutellaria Lateriflora In Herbal Medicine

Other Common Names: Blue Skullcap, Mad Dog Scullcap, Madweed, Virginian Scullcap, Scutellaria lateriflora Range: N. America - Newfoundland to British Columbia, south to Florida and Ontario. Habitat: Alluvial thickets, meadows and swampy woods. The American species, Virginian Scullcap, flowering in July, with inconspicuous blue flowers in one-sided racemes, is one of the finest nervines ever discovered. Popularly this plant is known in America as Mad-dog Scullcap or Madweed, having the reputation of being a

certain cure for hydrophobia. A commonly used herbal medicine, virginian skullcap is a very effective nervine that has traditionally been used in the treatment of a wide range of nervous conditions. Its tonic and restorative properties help...

Medical Uses Of Senna

Other Common Names: Alexandrian Senna, Nubian Senna, Cassia Senna, Cassia lenitiva, Cassia Lanceolata, Cassia officinalis, Cassia aethiopica, Senna acutifolia, Egyptian Senna, Sene de la palthe, Tinnevelly Senna, East Indian Senna, Cassia angustifolia, Cassia Acutifolia Range: Egypt, Nubia, Arabia, Sennar Several species of Cassia contribute to the drug of commerce, and were comprised in a single species by Linnaeus under the name of Cassia Senna. Since his day, the subject has been more fully investigated, and it is known that several countries utilize the leaves of their own indigenous varieties in the same way. The two most widely exported and officially recognized are C. acutifolia and C. angustifolia (India or Tinnevelly Senna). Senna is...

Health Benefits Of Shiitake Mushrooms

Other Common Names:: Hua gu, Lentinan edodes The cultivation of L. edodes (shiitake) first began in China about AD 1100. It is believed that shiitake cultivation techniques developed in China were introduced to the Japanese by Chinese growers. Various species of trees have been used for the cultivation of shiitake. One of the primary species used in one area of Japan in past years was the shii tree--thus the derivation of the name shii-take. Most production today, however, is on various species of oak. Medicinal properties have been attributed to mushrooms for thousands of years. Mushroom extracts are widely sold as nutritional supplements and touted as beneficial for health. Shiitake is...

The Positive Effects Of Siberian Ginseng

Other Common Names: Siberian Ginseng, Eleutherococcus senticosus Range: E. Asia China, Japan, Siberia. Habitat: Mixed and coniferous mountain forests, forming small undergrowth or groups in thickets and edges. Sometimes found in oak groves at the foot of cliffs, very rarely in high forest riparian woodland. Siberian Ginseng is a relatively new addition to Western natural medicine, but has quickly gained a reputation similar to that of the better known and more expensive Chinese Ginseng. Though the chemical make-up of the two herbs differs, their effects seem to be similar. Siberian ginseng is a powerful tonic herb with an impressive range of health benefits. Unlike many herbs with a medicinal...

Many Uses Of Slippery Elm

Other Common Names: Amerikan Karaagaci, Indian Elm, Moose Elm, Red Elm, Sweet Elm, Ulmus rubra, Ulmus fulva Range: Central and Southern N. America - Maine to Florida, west to Texas and North Dakota. Habitat: Rich deep soils, often calcareous, on the banks of streams and low rocky hillsides. The inner bark has important medicinal value and

is an official drug of the United States Pharmacopoeia. The bark, which is the only part used, is collected in spring from the bole and larger branches and dried. Large quantities are collected, especially in the lower part of the state of Michigan. As the wood has no commercial value, the...

History And Medical Uses Of Soy Beans

Other Common Names: Chiang, Chiang Yu, Hei Tou, Huang Tou, Jen Shu, Jung Shu, Pai Tou, Shih Tou, Shih Yu, Shu, Soy Bean, Soya, Soya Fasulyasi, Soybean, Ta Tou, Ta Tou Huang Chuen, Ta Tou Shih, Tou Fu, Tou Huang, Tou Yu, Wild Soybean, Glycine max Range: Asia; China; India; Japan; USA Habitat: Lowland thickets. A subtropical plant, but its cultivation extends from the tropics to 52?N. In the US it has its greatest development in the corn belt. Grows best on fertile, well-drained soils, but does tolerate a wide range of soil conditions. Composition: Raw seeds of Glycine max have been reported to contain per 100 g, 139 calories,...

Spirulina Geitler (Blue-Green Algae)

Other Common Names: Blue-Green Algae, Spirulina geitler, S. maxima, S. platenis Spirulina is one of about 1,500 known species of blue-green algae that grow in brackish ponds and lives in mild and hot climates throughout the world. Pure spirulina is a source of protein and contains a number of vitamins and minerals including beta carotene, vitamin B12, and gamma linolenic acid. The WHO recognizes the nutritional importance of spirulina in parts of the world where there is protein malnutrition. However, in the amounts normally consumed when taken according to label directions, the nutrients derived are insignificant. As a food, spirulina can be legally marketed as long as it is labeled...

Information On Sweetleaf
Other Common Names: Candyleaf, Sugar Plant Of South America, Sweet Herb, Sweetleaf, Stevia rebaudiana Range: S. America - Brazil, Paraguay Habitat: Prefers a sandy soil, requiring a warm sunny position. Stevia, a member of the Chrysanthemum family, is a plant native to Paraguay. It has been used by the Guarani Indians since ancient times. As a sugar substitute, it is available as a concentrated liquid, crushed leaf or concentrated white powder. The liquid and leaf forms have a slight herbal overtone, which reminds some of anise (licorice). Dried leaves from this small shrub from the south of Brazil, have been used as a local sweetener and cure-all for...

Hypericum Perforatum (St. John's Wort)

Other Common Names: Binbirdelikotu, Common St Johnswort, Hiperico, Hypericum, Klamath Weed, Perforate St John's-wort, Klamath Weed, Hypericum perforatum Range: Britain; and throughout Europe and Asia; USA. Habitat: Open woods, hedgebanks and grassland, in dry sunny places, usually on calcareous soils. There are many ancient

superstitions regarding this herb. Its name Hyperieum is derived from the Greek and means 'over an apparition,' a reference to the belief that the herb was so obnoxious to evil spirits that a whiff of it would cause them to fly. There is considerable public interest in the United States in claims that extracts of the herb St. John's wort may be an effective treatment for depression....

Medical Uses Of Sundew

Other Common Names: Degirmi Sebnem, Drosera, Herba rosellae, Kimaheina, MosenGoke, Ringormgras, Ros Solis, Roundleaf Sundew, Red Rot, Sonnenthau rosollis, Ros?e du Soleil, Drosera rotundifolia Range: Britain, and in many parts of Europe, India, China, Cape of Good Hope, New Holland, North and South America, Russian Asia. Habitat: Wet and moist places in poor peaty soils, occasionally forming a floating fringe on small ponds. Insectivorous plant. After an insect has been caught, the glandular heads secrete a digestive fluid which dissolves all that can be absorbed from the insect. It has been noted that secretion does not take place when inorganic substances are imprisoned. The plant has become quite rare...

The Pau D'arco Tree Is Used To Treat Respiratory Problems

Other Common Names: Ipe Roxo, Lapacho, Tahuari, Pau d?arco, Pink Trumpet Tree, Tabebuia impestiginosa Range: Central and South America and the West Indies Various related species of pau d?arco trees grow in rain forests throughout Latin America. While there are numerous varieties of Lapacho trees in South America, only the inner lining of the tree has any known medical value. It is this inner lining (or phloem) which carries nutrients made by the leaves to other parts of the tree and is, with the cambium layer (where all the new cells are produced) the "life" of the tree. Pau D'Arco has a long and well documented history of...

Nutritional Information For Thyme

Other Common Names: Common Thyme, Du Thym, English Thyme, French Thyme, Garden Thyme, Kekik, Pile, Summer Thyme, Tati-Zyako-So, Thym Grandes Feuilles, Tomillo, Winter Thyme, Zombi Nan Bois, Thymus vulgaris Range: S. Europe Habitat: Dry slopes, rocks and maquis. Always found on clay or limestone soils. Composition: Leaves (Dry weight) - Water: 7.8 Calories: 276 Protein: 9.1 Fat: 7.4 Carbohydrate: 63.9 Fiber: 18.6 Ash: 11.7 Calcium: 1890 Phosphorus: 201 Iron: 123.6 Magnesium: 220 Sodium: 55 Potassium: 814 Zinc: 6.2 Vitamin A: 3800 Thiamine: 0.51 Riboflavin: 0.4 Niacin: 4.94 The Garden Thyme is an 'improved' cultivated form of the Wild Thyme of the mountains of Spain and other European countries bordering on the Mediterranean, flourishing...

Health Benefits Of Valeriana Officinalis

Other Common Names: Amantilla, All-heal, Common Valerian, European Valerian, Garden Heliotrope, Garden Valerian, Kediotu, Phu, Seiyo-Kanoko-So, Setwall, Valeriana, Valeriana officinalis Range: China; Europe; Germany; North Asia; Spain; Turkey Habitat: Grassland, scrub, woods etc, on dry or damp soils. Avoids acid soils. In medicine, the root of V. officinalis is intended when Valerian is mentioned. It is supposed to be the Phu (an expression of aversion from its offensive odour) of Dioscorides and Galen, by whom it is extolled as an aromatic and diuretic. It was afterwards found to be useful in certain kinds of epilepsy. Valerian was first brought to notice as a specific for epilepsy by Fabius Calumna in 1592,...

Medical Uses For White Willow - Salix Alba

Other Common Names: Ak Sogut, Safsaf Abyadh, Sauce Blanco, Sugut Aghaji, Salix alba Range: Europe; Iraq; Spain; Turkey; USA; Yugoslavia Habitat: By streams and rivers, marshes, woods and wet fens on richer soils. The generic name of the willows, Salix, comes from the Celtic sal, meaning "near," and lis, meaning "water." Most species grow near water or in moist ground in cold and temperate regions throughout the world, but a few are dry-soil plants. Justly famous as the original source of salicylic acid (the precursor of aspirin), white willow and several closely related species have been used for thousands of years to relieve joint pain and manage fevers. The bark is...

How Wild Cherry Was Used By Traditional Native American Tribes

Other Common Names:: Black Cherry, Choke, Choke Cherry, Rum Cherry, Virginian Prune, Virginya Kirazi, Wild Black Cherry, Prunus serotina Range: N. America - Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. Also in Arizona and Mexico. Habitat: Found in a variety of soils, preferring moist fertile conditions on north or east facing slopes or protected coves. Dry woods. Rum cherry was widely employed medicinally by various native North American Indian tribes who used it to treat a variety of complaints. It is little, if at all, used in modern herbalism. The bark of the root, trunk and branches is antitussive, astringent, pectoral, sedative, stomachic, tonic. The...

Information On Wild Indigo - Baptisia Tinctoria

Other Common Names: Baptasie Sauvage, Baptisia, False Indigo, Baptisia, Horseflyweed, Indigotier Sauvage, Indigoweed, Baptisia tinctoria Range: Eastern N. America - Virginia to Florida. Habitat: Dry soils in open woods and clearings. Wild indigo was a favorite medicine of the N. American Indians, a decoction of the roots being used as an antiseptic wash for wounds and skin complaints. Modern research has shown that this acrid bitter herb stimulates the immune system and is particularly effective against bacterial infections. Caution is advised in the internal use of this plant, large or frequent doses are potentially harmful. A tea made from the roots is cholagogue, emetic, febrifuge and purgative. The fresh root...

Uses For Wild Oats - Avena Fatua

Other Common Names: Ch'Iao Mai, Oats, Yen Mai, Avena fatua Range: Europe to Asia, Canada and USA. Habitat: A common weed of arable land and waste ground. The wild oat is considered a pest to agriculture more than anything else. The seeds are diuretic, emollient and refrigerant. Seed - cooked. The seed ripens in the latter half of summer and, when harvested and dried, can store for several years. It has a floury texture and a mild, somewhat creamy flavor. It can be used as a staple food crop in either savoury or sweet dishes. The seed can be cooked whole, though it is more commonly ground into a...

How Wild Yam Root Is Used To Treat Gall Bladder Complaints

Other Common Names: Colic-root, Wild Yam, Yabani Hindelmasi, Dioscorea villosa Range: Eastern N. America - New England to Minnesota and Ontario, south to Virginia and Texas. Habitat: Wet woods and swamps, thickets and hedges. There are upwards of 150 varieties of Dioscorea, many, like the potato, being edible. Much saponin has been found in the roots, and a substance improperly called dioscorein, obtained by precipitating the tincture with water. Wild yam roots, and the roots of many other members of the genus, contains diosgenin a procurer of progesterone, which makes it a popular choice for treating PMS. This is widely used in modern medicine in order to manufacture progesterone and other...

Find Out More About The Traditonal Indian Herb Witch Hazel
Other Common Names: American Witchhazel, Amerika-Mansaku, Carpe, Chin Lu Mei, Hamamelis, Pistachier Noir, Spotted Alder, Snapping Hazelnut, Trilopo, Winterbloom, Virginische Toverhazelaar, Virginischer Zauberstrauch, Hamamelis virginiana Range: Britain; China; Denmark; France; Germany; Italy; Netherlands; Spain; Eastern N. America - Nova Scotia to Wisconsin and south to Texas and N. Florida. Habitat: Edges of dry or moist woods, in rich soil and on the rocky banks of streams. The best specimens are found in deep rich soils. The name Hamamelis was adopted from a Greek word to indicate its resemblance to an apple-tree. Witch hazel bark is a traditional herb of the North American Indians who used it to heal wounds, treat...

How The Sweet Annie Plant Can Be Used To Treat Malaria

Other Common Names: Annual Wormwood, Ch'Ou Hao, Huang Hua Hao, Kuso-Ninzin, Qing-guo, Qing Hao, Sweet Sagewort, Sweet Wormwood, Ts'Ao Hao, Wormwood, Artemisia annua Range: S. E. Europe to W. Asia. E. North America Habitat: A naturalized weed of waste places, roadsides, fallow fields and neglected gardens in eastern N. America.

Plants are longer lived, more hardy and more aromatic when they are grown in a poor dry soil. Qing Ho, better known in the West as sweet wormwood, is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine. An aromatic anti-bacterial plant, recent research has shown that it destroys malarial parasites, lowers fevers and checks bleeding. It is often used in the Tropics as an affordable...

History Of The Yarrow Plant

Other Common Names: Biranjasif, Bloodwort, Carpenter's Weed, Cickafarkkoro, Civanpercemi, Common Yarrow, Devil's Nettle, Devil's Plaything, Bad Man's Plaything, Duizendblad, Milefolio, Milenrama, Milfoil, Millefeuille, Millefoglio, Millefolium, Nose Bleed, Plumajillo, Rojmari, Rolleka, Rollike, Schafgarbe, Soldiers Woundwort, Staunchweed, Thousand Seal, Tlalquequetzal, Western Yarrow, Woundwort, Plumajillo, Yarroway, Achillea millefolium Range: Asia; Britain; Canada; China; Denmark; Europe; France; Germany; Hungary; India; Italy; Mexico; Netherlands; Portugal; Spain; Sweden; Turkey; USA Habitat: Meadows, pastures, lawns etc. on all but the poorest soils, it becomes a troublesome weed in gardens. The name Yarrow is a corruption of the AngloSaxon name for the plant - gearwe; the Dutch, yerw. Yarrow was formerly much esteemed as a vulnerary, and its old names of...

History Of The Yellow Dock Plant

Other Common Names: Chin Ch'Iao Mai, Curled Dock, Curly Dock, Hualtata, Hummaidh, Kivircik Labada, Niu She T'Ou, Oseille Marron, Oseille Sauvage, Surale Di Bierdji, Rumex crispus Range: Belgium; Brazil; Chile; China; Europe; Haiti; Iraq; Turkey; USA Habitat: Growing almost anywhere, it is found especially in grassy places, waste ground, roadsides and near sand dunes and is a serious weed of agriculture. Succeeds in most soils, preferring a moist moderately fertile well-drained soil in a sunny position. Composition: Leaves (Fresh weight) - Water: 92.6 Calories: 21 Protein: 1.5 Fat: 0.3 Carbohydrate: 4.1 Fiber: 0.9 Ash: 1.5 Calcium: 74 Phosphorus: 56 Iron: 5.6 Vitamin A: 1.38 Thiamine: 0.06 Riboflavin: 0.08 Niacin: 0.4 Vitamin...

Positive Benefits Of Pausinystalia Yohimbe,

Other Common Names: Pausinystalia yohimbe, Corynanthe yohimbe Range: Nigeria, Cameroon and the Congo Habitat: Prefers rich soils in a protected part sun to shady position. An evergreen tree, native of the rainforests of Nigeria, Cameroon and the Congo. This species is the only commercial source for the drug yohimbine. European and American pharmaceutical companies are purchasing hundreds of tonnes of bark every year, which comes from tens of thousands of mature trees. This is a rainforest tree of a population density of about 5 trees per hectare and it is almost at the verge of extinction in the wild due to poor government controls and lack of restraint by the...

Health Benefits Of The Yucca Plant

Other Common Names: Mojave Yucca, Spanish Dagger, Yucca aloifolia, Yucca schidigera Range: Southwestern N. America - California, Arizona and Nevada. Habitat: Rocky desert slopes and Creosote desert flats below 7,000 feet. About 30 species in the genus Yucca are found in North America, which includes the Joshua Tree. Native Americans and Mexicans have used it for centuries to treat a wide variety of maladies, especially headaches, gonorrhea, arthritis and rheumatism. Indians used the yucca plant for many products. The strong fibers from the plant made cord, cloth, baskets and sandals. Raw flowers were eaten in salads, or boiled as vegetables. The immature pods were roasted and peeled before eating....

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