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Symmetrix DMX-3, DMX-4 EnginuityOperating Environment

Release Level 5773.168.115

Release Notes
P/N 300-012-891 Rev A02 July 14, 2011 GA Date 07/14/11

These release notes contain supplemental information about EMC Enginuity operating environment for Symmetrix DMX series, release level 5773.168.115. Topics include:

Revision History ................................................................................... 2 New features and changes .................................................................. 3 Fixed Issues ........................................................................................... 4 Environment and system requirements ............................................ 8 Known problems and limitations ...................................................... 8 Technical notes .................................................................................... 15 Documentation ................................................................................... 15 Software media, organization, and files.......................................... 15 Installation ........................................................................................... 16 Troubleshooting and getting help .................................................... 16

Revision History

Revision History
The following table presents the revision history of this document:
Revision A01 A02 Date July 14, 2011 March 7, 2012 Description First release of Enginuity release 5773.168.115. Removed two limitations that are not valid in this release.

Product description
This is a new release of Symmetrix Enginuity. The 5773 platform supports the Symmetrix DMX-3, DMX-4 emulation level 163 and Service Processor level 113. Details of the new features are provided in New features and changes on page 3. Symmetrix Enginuity is the operating environment for the Symmetrix DMX series. Enginuity manages and ensures the optimal flow and integrity of information through the different hardware components of the Symmetrix system. Enginuity manages all Symmetrix operations, including monitoring and optimizing internal data flow, ensuring the fastest response to the user's requests for information, and protecting and replicating data. Enginuity provides the following services for the Symmetrix DMX series:

Manages system resources to intelligently optimize performance across a wide range of I/O requirements. Ensures system availability through advanced fault monitoring, detection, and correction capabilities. Enginuity also provides concurrent maintenance and serviceability features. Interrupts and prioritizes tasks from microprocessors and, for example, ensures that fencing off failed areas takes precedence over other operations. Offers the foundation for specific software features available through EMCs disaster recovery, business continuance, and storage management software.

EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

New features and changes

Provides functional services for both its host Symmetrix series and for a large suite of EMC storage application software. Defines the priority of each task, including basic system maintenance, I/O processing, application processing (for example, EMC ControlCenter SRDF, TimeFinder, and EMC ControlCenter Symmetrix Optimizer). Provides uniform access through APIs for internal calls and provides an external interface to allow integration with other software providers and independent software vendors.

Naming conventions
Enginuity platform releases are denoted by a four-digit sequence. The first two digits indicate the product supported and the second two digits indicate sequential changes to the platform. An Enginuity platform release that begins with a two-digit sequence of 57 indicates that this platform supports the Symmetrix DMX-3 and the DMX-4. An Enginuity platform release that begins with a two-digit sequence of 56 indicates that this platform supports the Symmetrix DMX 800, 1000, 2000, and 3000. Enginuity release level names follow a naming convention of XXXX.EEE.SSS, where:

XXXX is the four-digit platform number (as described above) EEE is the three-digit emulation number SSS is the three-digit Service Processor number 5773 platform, which is the Symmetrix DMX-3, DMX-4 series Emulation level is 168 Service Processor level is 115

For example, 5773.168.115 indicates the:

New features and changes

The modular design of Enginuity permits EMC to build upon previous serviceability and feature enhancements and allows the release of new and enhanced Enginuity revisions quickly and easily. EMC thereby extends the functionality of Enginuity and improves its reliability with each platform release.
EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

Fixed Issues

EMCs policy is to provide Symmetrix Enginuity enhancements, features, and fixes to the customer as quickly as possible by following an ISO 9001-approved process. New Enginuity releases provide continuous improvement in performance, reliability, and availability and are used as tools to manage hardware, software, and Enginuity more effectively. In this way, customers can keep pace with new features and enhancements and participate in the continuous improvement process.

New Features Changed Features

There are no new features added with this Enginuity release.

The items listed in this section have been changed since the last Enginuity operating environment release, 5773.167.115.

Product TimeFinder/Clone SRDF/A

Updated Y Y

Number 490.01 360.08

Limitation A TimeFinder/Clone from a SRDF/A R2 device is not supported unless the precopy option is used. (This limitation has been removed.) A TimeFinder/Clone from a SRDF/A R2 device is not supported unless the precopy option is used. (This limitation has been removed.)

Fixed Issues
This section identifies problems fixed in the product software release also detailed online in EMC Issue Tracker. EMC Issue Tracker offers online access for up-to-date product issue information. Product issues can be searched online in EMC Issue Tracker using a keyword, issue number, product feature, or product version. This section provides information on fixed issues. Product issues are sorted alphabetically by product feature and by issue number within

EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

Fixed Issues

each product feature. Table 1 on page 5 lists description categories that can be associated with a particular product issue.
Table 1

Product Issue Information Unique case number assigned to track the problem. If the problem was found during product testing by EMC, the case number contains the abbreviated product name. Number of the patch or fix for the problem. Number of a relevant EMC Knowledgebase solution. High-level summary of the problem being reported. Observable behavior of the problem. Brief description of the unique scenarios that may need to occur in order to reproduce the issue. Detailed description of what was fixed and any known work arounds Severity of the issue. Description of how the issue might affect the customers environment.

Issue Number Fix Number Knowledgebase ID Problem Summary Symptom Special Conditions Workaround or Fix Summary Severity Impact Statement

Information about fixed issues is organized by product feature:

Base Functionality on page 7 SRDF-Dynamic on page 7

Note: Issues fixed in this Enginuity release level are also detailed online in EMC Issue Trackeravailable on the EMC Powerlink website at: http://Powerlink.EMC.com Issues can be searchedin EMC Issue Tracker by using a keyword, issue number, product feature, or product version

EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

Fixed Issues

EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

Fixed Issues

Base Functionality

Issue Number(S): 40129318

Fix Number: 58058

Problem Summary: If the BBlocks script issues a D8C command to check parity, it may cause corruption on tracks that have active I/O. Severity: 1 - Potential Data Unavailability


Issue Number(S): 39765386

Fix Number: 52733

Problem Summary: After creating a dynamic SRDF pair, performance may be degraded if the Adaptive Copy skew value is not refreshed on the host adapter. If this occurs, SRDF devices will show that they are in Adaptive Copy mode, but will operate as synchronus mode. Severity: 2 - Potential Data Unavailability

EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

Environment and system requirements

Environment and system requirements

Enginuity 5773.168.115 provides new features and enhancements to mainframe and open systems environments. For detailed information on environment and system requirements when the Enginuity is released for general availability (GA), consult the EMC Support Matrix (ESM), available through E-Lab Interoperability Navigator (ELN) at: http://elabnavigator.EMC.com, under the PDFs and Guides tab.

Known problems and limitations

This section identifies:

Limitations to the functionality of this release Other issues, such as known performance limits under certain conditions

Table 2

Known problems and limitations (page 1 of 8) Number 1000.06 1200.01 1200.02 1200.03 1200.04 6750.00 6700.01 6700.05 6700.06 6700.08 Limitation With the maximum number of logical devices, the total number of logical devices is dependent on the RAID protection type. Minimum version V6.1A02 of the FSC software SHC-OSD is required to manage 5773 related features from a BS2000 host. BS2000/OSD only supports up to seven aliases per device, but tolerates 15. Cascaded SRDF is not currently supported for BS2000 hosts. Virtual Provisioning is not supported for BS2000 hosts. Compatible Native Flash is not currently supported with Cascaded SRDF or SRDF/STAR. Enterprise Flash Drives are allowed with DMX-4 systems only. They cannot be configured in DMX-3 systems. A maximum of 8 Flash drives per slice are allowed. More Flash Drives per slice require RPQ. At least one spare Flash drive is required. Flash drives cannot be placed in powervault locations (first 4 slots in each direct connected DAE).

Product Base Functionality BS2000

Updated N N N N N

Compatible Native Flash Enterprise Flash Drives


EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

Table 2

Known problems and limitations (page 2 of 8) Number 6700.09 6700.13 Limitation SFS volumes are not allowed on Flash drives. Striped volumes (metavolumes and CKD RAID 10) cannot go across Flash drives and HDDs (this is automatically blocked as Flash drives will be in their own disk group, and striping is not allowed across disk groups) SecureErase is not supported with Flash drives. Symmetrix Optimizer will not swap volumes within a Flash drive in a disk group Dynamic sparing between unlike media types (i.e. Flash drive and HDD) is not allowed. Minimum driver and HBA firmware are required for support of direct FC-AL topology attachment of the HP-UX 4 Gb AB378A and AB379A HBA models with HP-UX 11.23 is driver version FibrChanl-01.B.11.23.08 firmware revision ISP Code Version 4.0.90.

Product Enterprise Flash Drives

Updated N N

N N N 4 Gb Fibre Channel N

6700.16 6700.19 6700.20 2200.01

InfoMover (IFS)


5773 requires IFS 2.8 and Solutions Enabler 6.5 or higher.

Instant VTOC


iVTOC is supported on RAID 1 and RAID 6 FBA devices only.

iSCSI Channel


With HP Hosts, there is a limitation of no more than 255 LUNs per iSCSI port.

iSeries (AS/400)


5773 supports the IBM Power 6 hardware for Series I, the new 4-Gbit Smart IOAs dual-port Fibre Channel cards (IBM FC 5749/CCIN 576B, and IBM FC 5774/CCIN 5774), and the V6R1 Operating System. Note that IBM no longer supports 2105 emulations with these new fibre cards.

iSeries (AS/400) Software


110.01 110.02

CopyPoint is NOT supported beyond SRDF/TimeFinder Manager 5.4.0. SRDF/TimeFinder Manager 6.0 is the minimum version supported with 5773.


iASP and Cascaded SRDF support are included in SRDF/TimeFinder Manager 6.0.1 patch release which went GA on 6/19/08. Minimum Enginuity version is 5773.123.83.

EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

Table 2

Known problems and limitations (page 3 of 8) Number 600.01 600.02 Limitation If a split configuration is used in MF FlashCopy, IBM APAR OA10765 is required to prevent data overlay/corruption. If using FDR version prior to v5.4/56 then for non-standard sized CKD device sizes, such as mod 2-, FDR jobs may issue commands with an invalid cylinder number. The command is rejected, but the job retries successfully. An Amdahl Host cannot run SyncSort on a Symmetrix DMX over FICON channels unless the Amdahl CPU IU pacing fix is included in channel code FNM, level L41387. Virtual Provisioning is not supported on CKD devices. Cascaded SRDF/STAR requires Level Set maintenance package EMC0801 or later. Supports up to 127 aliases to a base device. Online Enginuity upgrades are not recommended while running PPRC commands as the commands may time out. Concurrent SRDF and SRDF mirroring from R1 to larger R2 device are not supported with PPRC operations. RAID 5 and/or RAID 6 devices are only to be used in TPF for test environments. They are not qualified for production. Maximum allocated locks restricted to 0X1000 locks, per SSID. When XRC devices enter and exit long busy state, the host may attempt to

Product Mainframe

Updated N N


N N Mainframe PAV Mainframe PPRC N N N

600.06 600.07 660.01 670.01 670.02

Mainframe TPF


7700.01 7700.02 680.01

Mainframe: XRC

write past the end of the track upon the retry of the write command. The track then has bad data.
N NAS - Celerra Online Maintenance Procedures N N 680.02 1210.01 810.02 EMC Applications such as EMC Mainframe SNAP, TimeFinder/Mirror, or TimeFinder/SNAP can not be used against XRC primary devices. Thin devices are not currently supported by Celerra. 5773 only supports version Celerra software V5.5.32-2 at GA time. The amount of time needed to complete the SymmWin procedure to remove a Dynamic Spare is directly impacted by the number of invalid tracks remaining to copy to the spare and the I/O for the disk being removed from the spare device. A selective VTOC should not be used on Virtual Provisioning DATA devices if they are bound to Virtual Provisioning (Thin) devices.



EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

Table 2

Known problems and limitations (page 4 of 8) Number 470.01 Limitation See the EMC Support Matrix for full support and software limitations.

Product Online Non-Disruptive Upgrades (NDU)

Updated N


470.02 470.03 470.04 470.05 470.06

NDU process requires a re-image of the SP. While the re-image is in progress, the SP is disabled, including any call-home capabilities. Non-Hans directors are not supported. NDU is not allowed if the Dynamic spare is invoked. NDU is not allowed if the active TimeFinder/Clone sessions which are not target protected or are not copied and active. (see Primus solution - EMC182592) System criteria for NDU in SRDF environment: In a fibre SRDF, to use 4Gb link speeds auto negotiate must be set. Remote Symm must be Symm6/7. On Remote Symm6, Enginuity level must be 5671-target level. On Remote Symm7, Enginuity level must be 5772-target level. SRDF/A over GigE may have to be de-activated due to 128 second Limbo (depends on cache configuration). NDU with direct connect is supported for HP-UX 11.31 only with the new driver FibrChanl-01.B.11.23.08, which also contained HBA firmware update ISP Code Version 4.0.90. NDU not supported on Windows iSCSI hosts, unless all I/O is halted. NDU not supported for TPF environment. Downgrade from 5773 to 5772: When downgrading to 5772, original 5772 configuration file must be used. Downgrade must be performed offline and all changes made at 5773 will be lost, including DRDF, SNAP and Virtual. The addition of a maximum of two drive bays is allowed in one configuration change procedure. No more than 1024 active Open Replicator sessions are supported at any one time. During a Hot Open Replicator Pull session, newly written data to the active Symmetrix Open Replicator device can be lost in the event of an adverse failure. The gold copy on the source storage device is unaffected and the session can be restarted. Online configuration changes to Open Replicator devices are restricted. Open Replicator sessions should not be defined, suspended or re-created when the Write Pending count is over 50%.


470.07 470.08


470.09 470.10 470.11

Online Upgrade: Add DAs/DAEs Open Replicator


960.01 400.02



400.04 400.05

EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes


Known problems and limitations

Table 2

Known problems and limitations (page 5 of 8) Number 400.06 590.01 Limitation It is not recommended to run Clariion's LUN-Based Trespass mode while connected to a Symmetrix performing Open Replicator operations. HP-UX 11.23 does NOT support the OS2007 flag. HP-UX 11.31 supports the OS2007 flag. Oracle Checksum and Generic SafeWrite are not supported with Concurrent SRDF. Oracle Checksum and Generic SafeWrite are not supported with Cascaded RDF devices, ESCON RA RDF Link and SRDF/A Multi-hop. Checksum does not support RAID 6 and Thin devices and R2 devices of SRDF/S. In SRDF/A Delta Set Extension (DSE) pools, RAID 5 devices are not qualified as Delta Set SAVE devices. Oracle Double Checksum and Generic Safe Write are not supported on RAID 6 devices. RAID 6 CKD 3380 devices are not supported. Symmetrix DMX systems connected to EMC via the Secure Remote Support Gateway cannot use connected token provisioning. Use the disconnected method to provision tokens for these systems. The Software Authenticator Solution is an Emergency break-the-glass method that allows the customer and EMC together to enable access to the Symmetrix DMX in case of emergency. Not implementing this solution at a site could limit support access which may impact Service Level Agreements in responding to a service event. EMC Service Enabled Partners cannot access EMC Central Manager at this time and must use their organizations Partner Representative to provisioning tokens until Central Manager is available. Service Enabled Partners must use Software Authenticators or Partner Default tokens on DMX until they get direct EMC Central Manager access. EMC Direct cannot use Software Authentication on DMX, except for Emergency solution. Symmetrix DMX Systems not installed in EMCs install base (CSI) database with proper remote support connection choices cannot enable SSC.

Product Open Replicator Open Systems HP

Updated N N

Oracle Checksum & Generic Safe Write


690.01 690.02 690.03 660.01 640.04 640.06 3100.00



Symmetrix Service Credential, Secured by RSA




3100.04 3100.06 3100.07


EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

Table 2

Known problems and limitations (page 6 of 8) Number 3100.08 Limitation Software Authentication options (Emergency Solution and SE Partner Implementation), do not include a unique user identifier in the audit log. It is assumed that the service partner organization will build their own internal procedures to verify that service access is properly administered. SRDF family deployments over extended distance using IP are required to follow the Site Qualification (SQ) process. The Solutions Validation Center - Business Continuance (SVC BC) group manages this process. If concurrent write is enabled in synchronous mode write pending issues may occur on a link bounce. If, with concurrent SRDF, an operation is performed on either link that temporarily or permanently write disables the R1, the state of the other link will be affected. This could cause problems for an application writing to R1. Transition to synchronous mode of operation with ESCON FarPoint of distances greater than 100 miles may cause timeouts. The Open Systems and Mainframe software are not qualified to work together to control the same sessions. The Open Systems and Mainframe Multi-Session Consistency (MSC) are not qualified to work together to control the same sessions. Only one concurrent SRDF mirror can be in SRDF/A mode. The maximum number of sessions is 128 sessions per Symmetrix DMX and 32 sessions per Remote Adapter. TimeFinder/SNAP from a SRDF/A R2 device is not supported. The multi-job feature must be turned off on the primary site in Cascaded MSC environments that use CKD devices. In a Fibre SRDF environment, to use 4Gb link speeds you must set 'auto negotiate'. 5773 to 5267 - SRDF migration only. 5773 to 5568 - SRDF migration only. 5773 to 5671 - Full SRDF. 5773 to 5771 - not supported.

Product Symmetrix Service Credential, Secured by RSA SRDF Family (SRDF/S)

Updated N



300.06 300.07



360.01 360.02 360.03 360.04 360.06 360.07 6100.01 3500.01 3600.01 3600.02 3600.03 3600.04

SRDF: Cascaded SRDF: Fibre Channel SRDF Inter Family: 5773 - 5267 SRDF Inter Family: 5773 - 5568 SRDF Inter Family: 5773 - 5671 SRDF Inter Family: 5773 - 5771


EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes


Known problems and limitations

Table 2

Known problems and limitations (page 7 of 8) Number 310.01 310.02 310.03 310.04 6500.01 6500.02 340.01 Limitation Online Enginuity upgrades are not recommended while running PPRC commands as the commands may time out. PPRC is limited to utilizing the first 64 RA groups only. Concurrent SRDF and SRDF mirroring from R1 to larger R2 device are not supported with PPRC operations. EMC Applications such as EMC Mainframe SNAP, TimeFinder/Mirror, or TimeFInder/SNAP cannot be used against XRC primary devices. Any 3-Site SRDF/STAR configuration which links more than five Symmetrix systems per site requires an RPQ. SRDF over ESCON is not supported with SRDF/STAR. Symmetrix Data Mobility Manager (SDMM) is not supported.

Product SRDF: PPRC

Updated N N N N



Symmetrix Data Mobility Manager (SDMM) TimeFinder/SNAP


430.01 430.02 430.03 6800.02 6800.03 6800.04 6800.05 6800.06 6800.08 6200.00

Solutions Enabler does not allow the use of RAID 10 devices as a VDEV in TimeFinder /SNAP. No TimeFinder/SNAPs are allowed on RAID 5 Virtual Provisioning devices. TimeFinder/SNAP from a SRDF/A R2 device is not supported. Virtual Provisioning is not supported on CKD devices. Time/Finder Mirror is not supported. R1 to larger R2 with Thin provisioning is not supported. Thin provisioning is not supported with ESCON SRDF. No SRDF allowed on RAID-5 virtual provisioning devices. Delta Set Extension is not allowed on Thin Provisioned SRDF/A sessions. When a meta head is added to the device list which is already associated with a device rule, a warning message is displayed that the device is in more than one device list. FAST on DMX cannot move logical devices between different RAID groups.

Virtual Provisioning


Fully Automated Storage Tiering for Symmetrix DMX Series (FAST)



EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

Technical notes

Table 2

Known problems and limitations (page 8 of 8) Number 6200.02 Limitation In order for meta devices to be moved in and out of EFDs, the meta devices must be identical in size and number of members.

Product Fully Automated Storage Tiering for Symmetrix DMX Series (FAST)

Updated N


The number of meta members supported by FAST depends on the RAID type (note that the number of meta members includes the meta head ): RAID 6 14+2 - 11 members RAID 6 7+1 or RAID 5 7+1- 23 members RAID 5 3+1- 46 members RAID 1- 93 members.

Technical notes
This section contains technical notes for hardware-related and software-related files. Hardware-related files Software-related files There are no technical notes on hardware-related files for this release. There are no technical notes on software-related files for this release.

Documentation support Refer to the Support section of the EMC Powerlink website at http://Powerlink.EMC.com for the most recent general availability (GA) documentation updates. Any suggestions will help us continue to improve the accuracy, organization, and overall quality of the user publications. Please send a message to mailto:[email protected] with comments and requests for enhancements.


Software media, organization, and files

For information on related software environment and system requirements, refer to the EMC Support Matrix on the EMC Powerlink

EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes



website at:

Enginuity software installation is coordinated through EMC Global Services or through your local EMC office.

Troubleshooting and getting help

EMC support, product, and licensing information can be obtained as follows. Product information For documentation, release notes, software updates, or for information about EMC products, licensing, and service, go to the EMC Powerlink website (registration required) at:

Technical support. For technical support, go to EMC Customer Service on Powerlink. To open a service request through Powerlink, you must have a valid support agreement. Please contact your EMC sales representative for details about obtaining a valid support agreement or to answer any questions about your account.

Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice. THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION IS PROVIDED AS IS. EMC CORPORATION MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software license. For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to the Technical Documentation and Advisories section on EMC Powerlink. For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on EMC.com. EMC2, EMC, and the EMC logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of EMC Corporation in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.


EMC Enginuity Release Level 5773.168.115 Release Notes

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