Project by KK
Project by KK
Project by KK
Submitted to the Department of Information Technology As a part fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY In
Shashwat Bhardwaj Roll: I/08/51 Ruchika Mahapatra Krishna Karishma Roll: I/08/02 Santoshi Rani Nanda Roll: I/08/14 Alok Deo Roll:I/08/47
Reg.No: 0801204261 Reg.No: 0801204061 Roll: I/08/08 Reg.No: 0801204033 Reg.No: 0801204091 Reg.No: 0801204244
Certified that the project work titled Online Mobile Shopping carried by.Krishna Karishma,Ruchika Mahaptra,SantoshiRaniNanda,ShashwatBharadwaj,AlokDeo,Reg.No.0801204033,0801204 061,0801204091,0801204261,0801204244 a bonafide student of Roland Institute of Technology in partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology of the B.P.U.T. during the year 2010-11. It is certified that all corrections / suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment has been incorporated in the Report deposited in the departmental library. The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Project work prescribed for the said Degree.
the HOD
One page description about the project. This may contain 2 or 3 paragraphs. Longer content wont look good on this page.
Every project needs support from many sources to be successfully completed. This is the page where you acknowledge people who supported you for your project. It is my proud privilege to acknowledge the generous ............. My sincere thanks are due to my Guide ............. I am also thankful to my parents and God ..............
Page No. 1. Introduction a) Project Proposal -
7. Hardware Platform (If any special Hardware is used add it) 8. Project Schedule (Gantt chart) 9. Testing
10. Implementation overview 11. Future Scope and Expansion 12. Conclusion -
13. Appendix 1 Input Screens 14. Appendix 2 Reports 15. Appendix 3 Code -
References -
Before you start shopping, you need to register yourself with us and give us information that will allow us to communicate with you regarding your transactions. Registration is very easy with Mobile Shopping. Three of our sections i.e. Shopping Cart, Shopping List and My Account are password protected. When you click on any of these links you will reach a sign in page. A new user can register here or members can login to their account directly.
The Shopping Cart system works like the name suggests. Firstly, the customer must choose the product desired from the source. Once this step is done, an option to add the product to the cart will be given, this step will assure that the item you desire will be bought. Once the customer has finished browsing for other potential purchases and has decided that the product he chose previously is the one that he wants to buy, the user must then follow the steps provided by the website in order to fulfill the transaction (normally requires an active account and/or registration method). Lastly, the order will then be sent to the desired address at a predicted date, which may alter depending on the speed of the process Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have Internet access both at work and at home. Other establishments such as internet cafes and schools provide access as well. A visit to a conventional retail store requires travel and must take place during business hours. In the event of a problem with the item it is not what the consumer ordered, or it is not what they expected consumers are concerned with the ease with which they can return an item for the correct one or for a refund. Consumers may need to contact the retailer, visit the post office and pay return shipping, and then wait for a replacement or refund. Some online companies have more generous return policies to compensate for the traditional advantage of physical stores. For example, the online shoe retailer includes labels for free return shipping, and does not charge a restocking fee, even for returns which are not the result of merchant error. 1
Some online stores provide or link to supplemental product information, such as instructions, safety procedures, demonstrations, or manufacturer specifications. Some provide background information, advice, or how-to guides designed to help consumers decide which mobile to buy. Some stores even allow customers to comment or rate their items. There are also dedicated that host user reviews for different products. In a conventional retail store, clerks are generally available to answer questions. Some online stores have real-time chat features, but most rely on e-mail or phone calls to handle customer questions. One advantage of online mobile shopping is being able to quickly seek out deals for items or services with many different vendors (though some local search engines do exist to help consumers locate products for sale in nearby stores). Search engines, online price comparison services and discovery shopping engines can be used to look up sellers of a particular product or service. Shipping costs (if applicable) reduce the price advantage of online merchandise, though depending on the jurisdiction, a lack of sales tax may compensate for this. Shipping a small number of items, especially from another country, is much more expensive than making the larger shipments bricks-and-mortar retailers order. Some retailers (especially those selling small, high-value items like electronics) offer free shipping on sufficiently large orders. Another major advantage for retailers is the ability to rapidly switch suppliers and vendors without disrupting users' shopping experience..
OBJECTIVE The objective of the project ONLINE MOBILE PHONE SHOP is to develop a viable e-marketing system for the purchase and sale of mobile phones. The major objectives of this project are as follows: Providing an interactive interface for the customer for online sale and purchase of Mobiles, purchase details input, sales details input, search of the MOBILE type available on the given criteria, online booking of the MOBILE to be purchased, with the facility of the shopping cart using the flavors of H.T.M.L,. blended with the power of Oracle under the framework of JSP. After all interface has a lot to do when proper interaction and attraction is necessary. Helping the customer to search his specific MOBILE with a robust search tool. Online booking of Mobiles with the delivery status notification system. Providing Secured Environment for secured data access wherever necessary. Retrieval of data from database using easy buttons, links and interfaces in a very fast and efficient manner. 2
SCOPE OF THE PROJECT The scope of the project is divided into 3 modules Admin Accounts Visitor user
Admin is further sub divided into Add new product, Query details, sale details, register user. Accounts is further sub divided into product view, description, registration, account registration, add product to account, purchase more product, payment type, billing. Visitor user is further sub divided into view product, description of the product, about company details, help description.
SYSTEM ANALYSIS FEASIBILITY STUDY This is 1st phase of life cycle. An important outcome of this phase is determining whether the system requested is feasible or not. This is otherwise known as the preliminary investigation phase.
This phase includes 3 different feasibility Technical feasibility: Where the analyst must find out whether current technical resources that are available in the organization are capable of handling requirements. Economic feasibility: The basic resources are determined here are Management time,
estimated costs of hardware and software, time spent by the analysis team and etc. If short-term costs are not overshadowed by long-term gains then is not economically feasible and the project should not proceed further.
Operational feasibility:
It determines human resources for the project. If the users are virtually wedded to the existing system and have no requests and have no requests for a new system then resistance may be strong and chances for the system ever becoming operational is low. Alternative if the users have expressed a need for an improved system then they will be co-operating whole-heartedly and eventually use the development system.
For implementation of this system the requirements are as follows; 1. ORACLE 2. Microsoft window operating system supported window components. 3. NET BIN 5.5.1 4. JSP 5. Photoshop 7.0 6. System analyst 7. Coding tester 8. Personal computer
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Volume Testing: In this test we create as many records as would normally be produced to verify the hardware and the software that will function properly. The user is easily asked to provide test data for volume testing. In the system we develop a huge number of records are being tested and the test output shows that the system can hold an amount of data required by the firm. Stress Testing: The stress testing is to provide that does not malfunction under peak loads. Unlike volume testing, where time is not factor, we subject the system to a high volume of data over short time period. This simulates an line environment where high volume of activities occurs spurts. Recovery Testing: A forced system failure is induced to test backup recovery procedure for file integration. Inaccurate data are to see how the system response in terms of error deduction and protection related to file integrity as a test demonstrate that data program are secure from unauthorized access. Usability Documentation and Procedure: The usability tests verify the friendly nature of the system. It also tests where an unknown user can handle the system freely or not. A crucial phase of the system life cycle is the successful implementation of the new system design. Implementation simply means covering the new system into operation .These involve creating computer compatible files, training operating staff and installing hardware, terminal and telecommunication network before the system is setup and running critical factor in conversion is not disrupting the functioning of the organization.
Testing of Individual Program The individual programs are completed during the program development stage itself. Each program was tested in some test data at the time of coding a necessary changes in order to make sure that the programs working properly. Creating test Data: Though some test data during individual program development was not sufficient for testing the system as a whole. During the time testing all types of checking has been done depending upon situation. System testing: After successfully completion of the individual forms the whole system is run through a series of test to ensure the working of the system as a whole. The effects of testing the entire program are to verify that the program is working properly and according users specification that were made during the period of system studies. User training: User training is an important to be taken into account before implementation. Testing and implementation Testing techniques: White box testing Condition testing Dataflow testing
Testing strategies Unit Testing Integration Testing Validation Testing Testing intends the developed to discards preconceived notions of correctness of the software development and overcome the conflict of interest that occurs when error are uncovered. Testing is done in order to find the errors that are present in the system. The error occurs when the output of the software does not match with the expected output. In order to detect the error and correct then different testing techniques and testing strategies have been used. TESTING TECHNIQUES The common testing techniques are 1. WHITE BOX TESTING 2. BLACK BOX TESTING WHITE BOX TESTING It is predicted upon the close examination of procedural detail. Logical paths through the software are tested by providing test cases that exercise specific set of condition or loops. It guarantees that All independent paths in the module have been executed at least once Execution of all logical decision on their both true and false side Execution of loops to their boundary values Exercise internal data structure to ensure their validity
CONDITIONAL TESTING:Conditional testing are done in order to exercise all logical condition.
DATAFLW TESTING:The data flow testing method select test paths of a program according to the location of definition and use of variables in the program.
LOO TESTING:Loop testing is a white box testing technique that focuses on the validity of the loop construction. BLACK BOX TESTING:Black box testing is done in order to the detect the interface errors. It guarantees that the inputs are properly accepted and outputs are correctly produced and the integrity of the external information is maintained. It finds the following common errors. 1>Interface errors 2>Errors in data structure 3> Initialization and termination errors. The difference Black box techniques are: EQUIVALANCE PARTIONING: - It is the testing method that divides the input domain of the program into classes of data from which different test cases are designed.
BOUNDARY VALUE ANALYSIS:- A greater number of errors tends to occur at the boundary of the input domain. Therefore, boundary values analysis is required to derive the test that exercises boundary values
TESTING STRTEGIES:- Various testing strategies have been proposed but only few of them have been used in this project>they are UNIT TESTING: - It focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of the software design. Important control ate tested to uncover error within the boundary of the module. INTEGRATION TESTING: - Integration testing is a systematic approach for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting test to uncover error associated with interfacing.
>TOP DOWN INTEGRATION >BOTTOM UP INTEGRATION VALIDATION TESTING:- After the culmination of integration testing, software is completely assembled as package, interfacing errors are uncovered and corrected then the validation testing begins.
The systems are integrated to eventually from the entire system. After the system is put together system testing is performed to see of the entire requirements are met and if the systems performs as specified by the requirement. For example, one module expected by another sub module. If field size of both sub modules system testing. are different then occurred at the time of
There are other tests in a special category. There are: . Peak Load Testing: It determines whether the system will able to handle the volume activity that occurs when the system is at the peak of the processing demand. For example, terminals are activated at the system . .Storage Testing: It determines the capacity of the system to store the transaction data on the disk or other files. .Performance Time Testing:- It determines the length of the time required to process transaction data by the system. For example response time for enquiry when the system is fully loaded with operating data. . Recovery Testing: It determines the ability of the user to recover data or restart the system after failure. .Procedure Testing: It determines the clarity of the documentation on
operation and uses of system by having users to exactly what manual request. 22
.Human Factor Testing: It determines how user will use the system when processing data . For example, activities of the user when there is no immediate response to an enquiry. .Acceptance Testing:
Finally acceptance testing performed to demonstrate to the client on the real life data of the client, the operation of the system. Here testing focuses in the external behavior of the system the internal logic of the program is not emphasized. Consequently mostly function testing is performed on these levels.
TYPING INSTRUCTIONS: The impression on the typed copies should be black in color. One and half spacing should be used for typing the general text. The general text shall be typed in a Serif Font style Times New Roman, Cambria,Bitstream Vera Serif etc. Font size: 12. Larger fonts may be used for headings & subheading. Margin: Top 1.0, Bottom 1.0 Left 1.5 Right 1.0 Appendix 3 Codes are special and so special font like the following are to be used. Fonts for code:Inconsolata Monofur Monaco Code lines should preferably be numbered. Total 1. 2. 3. number of copies are to be prepared:Copy to the Department One copy to the Concerned Guide One copy to the Candidate