Sap MM Complete Training Material
Sap MM Complete Training Material
Sap MM Complete Training Material
Target Group
Purchase department Stores department
Course Objectives
On conclusion of this course, you should be able to:
Visualize the MM functionalities Maintain MM related views of Material
MM overview Organizational Structure Material master Vendor master Other master records
Exercises Solutions
MM - Overview
Major components of MM- Module
G/L Inventory / GRIR G/L GRIR/ Expense AP Invoice Vendor Payment
Requirement for Goods / Services Purchase Order Goods Receipt Invoice Verification
Client Characteristics
Highest Hierarchical Level in SAP(e.g. a corporation) Can be Used to Differentiate between a Development, Quality Assurance, and Production System within R/3 All Areas of an Organization that are to be Integrated into the SAP R/3 Production System should be Included Under one Client
Organizational Elements - MM
Purchasing Organization
Responsible for Procurement for One or More Plants Responsible for Negotiating Pricing and Delivery Terms with Vendors Purchasing Organization is Assigned to A Company where Inventory is Legally Tracked or Costs are Legally Incurred.
Organizational Elements - MM
Usually a Manufacturing Facility, Warehouse, or a Location that Stocks , Manages, and Valuates Inventory May be a Physical Site with Multiple Manufacturing/Production Lines May be Multiple Manufacturing/Production Lines at One Physical Site Can be a Physical Location(cost centers may or may not be associated to a plant i.e. administrative Vs. manufacturing cost centers) SD Availability Checking is Normally Done at the Plant Level
Organizational Elements - MM
Plant (Cont.)
Links to Production (PP), Materials Management (MM), and Sales and Distribution (SD) A Plant is Assigned to A Company Purchasing Organization are Assigned to Plants
Organizational Elements - MM
Storage Location
A Location within a Plant where Inventory is Stored
Master data in MM
Material Master Vendor Master Service Master Purchasing info record Source List Vendor Excise Details Material and Chapter ID combination Excise Tax rate
Material Numbers
For every material that your company uses, you must create a material master record in the material master. This record is uniquely identified by a material number.
Industry sector
It determines type of industry .
Which screens appear and in what sequence Which industry-specific fields appear on the individual screens
Material Types
Materials with the same basic attributes are grouped together and assigned to a material type. When creating a material master record, you must assign the material to a material type. The material type determines certain attributes of the material and has important control functions. Some of the standard material types are
ROH: Raw materials which are bought from outside and goes into production. Halb :Semi-finished material which are bought externally and manufactured inside. They can be sold individually as well. FERT:Finished materials are final products of the company
Views relevant to MM
Logistics p Materials Management p material master, to bring up material master screen. Click material pcreate(general) pimmediately
Organizational levels.
Material master
In Purchasing screen you can enter
Material master
In purchase order text screen,
you can enter the text , which will be defaulted in PO every time when you create a PO for this material.
A vendor can be a one time vendor or regular vendor A vendor master record contains the vendors name and address, as well as data such as:
y y y
the currency used for ordering from the vendor terms of payment names of important contact persons (sales staff)
Logistics -> Material management -> purchasing ->master data vendor ->purchasing ->create
Vendor number (For External number assignment ) Vendor account group Purchasing organization
Base unit of measure Description of services Valuation class (3200 for services)
MM - Purchasing
Target Group
Purchase department
Course Objectives
On conclusion of this course you should be able to
Understand the concepts in SAP -
Purchasing component
Create or change PRs Create, change or compare RFQs Create contracts
Exercises Solutions
Purchasing - overview
The Purchasing component has the following tasks:
y y
external procurement of materials and services determination of possible sources of supply for a requirement identified by the materials planning and control system determination of possible sources of supply for a requirement arising directly within a user department monitoring of deliveries and payments to vendors
Controlling (CO)
Purchase orders for materials intended for direct consumption They can be directly assigned to a cost center or a production
requirement that has arisen in the Sales area can be passed on to Purchasing. sales order.
Materials requirements are identified either in the user departments or via materials planning and control. It includes both MRP proper and the demand-based approach to inventory control. The regular checking of stock levels of materials defined by master records, use of the order-point method, and forecasting on the basis of past usage are important aspects of the demand management. You can enter purchase requisitions yourself, or they can be generated automatically by the materials planning and control system.
The Purchasing component helps in identifying potential sources of supply based on past orders and existing longer-term purchase agreements. This speeds the process of creating requests for quotation (RFQs)
The system is capable of simulating pricing scenarios, allowing you to compare a number of different quotations. Rejection letters can be sent automatically.
The Purchasing system adopts information from the requisition and the quotation to help you create a purchase order. You can generate Pos yourself or have the system generate them automatically. Vendor scheduling agreements and contracts are also supported.
The system checks the reminder periods you have specified System automatically prints reminders or expediters at the predefined intervals. It provides you with an up-to-date status of all purchase requisitions, quotations, and purchase orders.
Goods Receiving personnel can confirm the receipt of goods simply by entering the Po number. By specifying permissible tolerances, buyers can limit over- and underdeliveries of ordered goods.
Invoice Verification
The system supports the checking and matching of invoices. Invoice verification can be based on purchase orders or GR
documents or directly to a vendor without any document reference.
Use this option to create a purchasing document . Enter the required information and save the document . The document is then stored under a unique number.
Use this option to change a purchasing document . You need the document number in order to access the document.
Use this option to display a purchasing document . You cannot change or add any information to the document that is displayed . You need the document number in order to access the document.
List displays/reporting
You can use these options to generate reports analyzing purchasing documents Example
This option allows you to perform tasks related to (following on from) but not included in the purchasing functionality. Example
This option enables you to print or transmit documents in message form Example
Purchasing Documents
Contains a vendor's prices and conditions It is the basis for vendor selection.
Purchasing Documents
In the SAP Purchasing component, a type of "outline agreement", or longer-term buying arrangement . The contract is a binding commitment to procure a certain material or service from a vendor over a certain period of time.
Purchasing documents
The header
The header contains information relevant to the whole document . Example, information about the vendor and the document number is contained in the document header
The items specify the materials or services to be procured . Example, The material description and the order quantity are specified in each item.
Purchasing documents
account assignment data PO history for an item, which contains information on already recorded goods and invoice receipts relating to the item.
Purchasing documents are differentiated in the SAP system via the document type . Example, relevant number range depends on document types
Purchasing documents
Document types are defined for RFQs, purchase orders, and contracts
Each document is assigned a unique number . This number can be assigned internally or externally , depending on the policy . Internal number assignment means that the system assigns the number. External number assignment means that the person creating the document must supply it. Alphanumeric assignment is only possible in the latter case.
Purchase requisitions
A purchase requisition is a request or instruction to Purchasing to procure a certain quantity of a material so that it is available at a certain point in time. It is an internal document.
Directly: Someone from the requesting department enters a purchase requisition manually. Indirectly: The purchase requisition is created via another SAP component.
The order quantity and the delivery date are determined Materials planning and control can stipulate that a purchase
requisition is to be resubmitted to the purchasing department if it has not been processed after a predefined period of time.
They contain an external processing operation (e.g. subcontracting work) A precondition is that the control key for the operation allows or prescribes external processing. they contain non-stock components
Purchase requisitions
Procurement types
Standard Subcontracting
Manual creation of PR
Things to remember
Item category Account assignment category Purchasing organization Purchasing group Requirement tracking number Delivery date Item with or with out material master record Order quantity
Delivery address
Address of the company asking for quotation, by default it is the address of E+L. But it can be changed.
vendor address
Just enter the codes of the vendor, System will take other details from vendor master.
RFQ (contd)
Printing RFQ Send the Printed RFQ to the vendors Receive the quotation from the vendor Maintain the RFQ
Enter the net price quoted by the vendor Enter the pricing conditions Terms of payment Update the info record if reqd
Compare the quotations
Maintain the collective number in the RFQs Quotations can be compared based on price Discounts and delivery costs can be included Comparison can be based on effective price also System compares and gives the ranking list
Mean value equals 100% Maximum value equals 100% Minimum value equals 100%
Agreement types
Outline agreements
Document header: containing information relating to the entire agreement. For example, the vendor information and header conditions are in the document header Items: containing the information specific to the relevant material or service.
statistics on ordering activities for the item quantity or price of the item conditions, such as quantity discounts and surcharges
Outline agreements
Texts in Outline Agreements
Header texts Item texts You can create your own text types
Outline agreement can be created with reference to a RFQ or without any reference Important terms
Outline agreements
Target quantity Target Value Pricing conditions Validity starting and ending date Vendor address Delivery address Remainders
Target Group
Purchase department
Course Objectives
On conclusion of this course, you should be able to
Create a new PO Make changes to existing PO Print PO Navigate through purchasing information
Creating POs Printing of POs Printing Remainders Changing or canceling POs Purchasing information
Exercises Solutions
Purchase order
Formal request or instruction from a purchasing organization to a vendor or a plant to supply or provide a certain quantity of goods or services at or by a certain point in time.
Set automatic PO indicator for material and vendor Maintain Purchasing info record Maintain source list Fixed vendor PR from MRP or Manually created PR Assign manually or automatically Process the assigned PR to create PO
Create PO - Manually
Manually creating a PO
With reference to PR
Select the PRs Select the items from PR Copy the items in to PO Enter the vendor Enter the prices and pricing conditions Requirement tracking number Update the info record if reqd
Create PO
Select RFQ Select the items Copy the selected items in to PO Enter the Price and pricing conditions Update the info record if reqd. Acknowledgement and confirmations
Create PO
Vendor code Delivery date Item category Account assignment category (if reqd) Requirement tracking number Order type ( NB For std purchase order) Plant ( 4000 - default plant ) Storage location
Creating a PO (contd)
Important terms in PO
For creating a PO you need to enter vendor code Vendor master should exist for this purpose if you dont want to maintain all the details for a vendor you can
create a one time vendor
Item category
Create PO (Contd)
Create PO (contd)
Delivery date
Date format
Delivery date entered here is only expected delivery date You can also specify a statistical delivery date
Create PO (contd)
Units of measure in PO
Create PO (Contd)
Example for units of measure in PO
Order quantity Order unit Gross price per unit Order price unit (number) Order price unit (of measure) Conversion factor 24 boxes 1
24 Box $10
kg 1 kg
Create PO (Contd)
Gross price
Price without taking any possible discounts and surcharges into account
Create PO (Contd)
Net price
Price taking any applicable discounts and surcharges into account
Effective price
Net price after deduction of cash discount, with allowance for any miscellaneous provisions, delivery costs, and non-deductible taxes.
Terms of Payment
Create PO (Contd)
Inco terms
FOB - Free On Board. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point. You can specify Incoterms for an order item that differ from those in the PO header.
Enter the quantity If the quantity exceeds the target quantity system gives a warning
Texts in PO
Header texts Header note Pricing types Dead lines Terms of delivery Shipping instructions Terms of payments warranties Penalties for breach of contract
This component can be used, if you wish to have your vendor provide you with various kinds of confirmation regarding delivery dates and quantities It enables you to base your materials planning and control activities on more up-to-date data than that contained in purchase orders.
Shipping notification
Shipping Notification Definition
A vendors confirmation to a purchasing organization of the delivery date for a certain quantity of ordered materials It can be for the date of performance of ordered services also.
A shipping notification consists of several items in which the notified (confirmed) quantity of the material or service is specified.
Enter the PO number Enter the shipping notification number Enter the transport identification code
If you establish a link via the PO number itself, the relationship is unique
The system selects all purchase orders containing this number System suggests the notified quantities for the GR document.
If you wish to match up GRs against POs via the shipping notification number ,
Releasing the PO
Release Procedure for External Purchasing Documents
External purchasing documents (i.e. purchasing documents other than requisitions) are released at header level. Item-by-item release is not possible. These documents can only be released using the release procedure with classification.
Release Conditions
The release conditions determine the release strategy in accordance with which a PO is to be released.
If a PO does not meet the conditions for a release strategy, it is automatically released for further processing.
Release procedure
Release Strategy
The release strategy defines the approval process for purchasing documents. The strategy specifies the release codes necessary and the sequence in which releases have to be effected. A maximum of eight release codes can be defined. The assignment of the release strategy to a purchasing document is based on the release conditions.
Release procedure
Release Code
The release prerequisites indicate the sequence in which PO must be approved via the release codes.
Printing a PO
Menu path
Data required
Further Data
Urging letters
If you change a PO after it has been sent to the vendor, a change document is generated that can be sent to the vendor.
If the goods have already been delivered, then the changes you can make to the PO are limited.
For example, you cannot change the quantity to one that is less
than the quantity delivered.
If the invoice has been received or the goods have been paid for, and your intended change affects the price, the change will be ineffective.
Purchasing information
List displays
List of POs for a material or for a range of materials List of POs for a account assignment List of POs for a requirement tracking number
Purchasing information
MM - Inventory management
Target Group
Purchase department Stores department
Course Objectives
On conclusion of this course, you should be able to
Do planned and unplanned goods receipts Do Issue of Goods Do transfer posting of goods Manage stocks of the company on both
Overview Integration with other modules Type of stocks Concept of material documents Goods movements Movement type concept
The stocks are managed not only on a quantity basis but also by value - a prerequisite for cost accounting. With every goods movement, the following values are updated:
the stock value for inventory management the account assignment for cost accounting the corresponding G/L accounts for financial accounting via automatic account assignment
external movements (goods receipts from external procurement, goods issues for sales orders) internal movements (goods receipts from production, withdrawals of material for internal purposes, stock transfers, and transfer postings). For each goods movement a document is created which is used by the system to update quantities and values and serves as proof of goods movements.
As a component of Materials Management, Inventory Management is directly linked with Material Requirements Planning , Purchasing, and Invoice Verification. Inventory Management forms the basis for material requirements planning, which takes into account not only physical stocks but also planned movements (requirements, receipts). Quantities and values from the purchase order and the goods receipt document are checked to ensure conformity with those in the invoice.
Inventory Management is responsible for staging of the components required for production orders
The receipt of the finished products into the warehouse is posted in Inventory Management.
As soon as you enter a sales order, you can initiate a dynamic availability check of stocks on hand. When the delivery is created, the quantity to be delivered is marked as "Scheduled for delivery."It is deducted from the total stock when the goods issue is posted. It is also possible to create sales order stocks. These SD transactions are depicted in the Sales & Distribution system.
In the case of a goods movement, the system determines whether the material is subject to an inspection operation. If so, a corresponding activity is initiated for the movement in the Quality Management system.
Automatic account assignment, a procedure during which the system determines the accounts relevant for the given goods movements.
IM - Material Master
Relevant views
Materials Planning
IM - Material Master
IM - Material Master
Quality Management
Work Scheduling
IM - Data Required
For Inventory Management, you must maintain the following data:
Plant data
This data can be maintained via different views (for example, via
Purchasing, Storage, Work scheduling). the organizational level plant.
You have to maintain at least one view that requires the entry of
Valuation data
Valuation data is required for managing the stock by value. You maintain this data via the Accounting view.
IM - Data Required
You maintain the storage location data via the Storage view. If a material is located in a storage location, the storage data for
that storage location must exist in the material master record, so that the system can manage the stock quantities at storagelocation level.
Storage data can be manually entered when the material master record is created It can be automatically created during the first goods movement in that storage location.
Types of stocks
Total valuated stock
Sum of all valuated stocks of a material. It consists of all the types of stock your company owns.
Unrestricted-use stock
Company's own stock that is physically located in the warehouse, valuated, and not subject to any kind of usage restrictions.
Types of stocks
Stock in quality inspection is valuated but does not count as unrestricted-use stock. For MRP, it is either available or not available, depending on how the system is set.
Blocked stock
Company's own stock that should not be used. It does not count as unrestricted-use stock for Inventory Management It is usually not available for MRP.
Types of stocks
Restricted-use stock
Valuated stock of a material managed in batches held by a company (and belonging to that company) Usage of this stock is subject to certain restrictions. This category of stock is only used when batch status management is active.
Stock that was returned by the customer and conditionally accepted. It is neither valuated nor does it count as unrestricted-use stock.
Types of stocks
stock in transfer
Quantity that was already withdrawn from stock at the issuing location but that has not yet arrived at the receiving location Stock in transfer is managed in the valuated stock of the receiving location, but it does not yet count as unrestricted-use stock.
Stock in transit
Stock in transfer that is created in the case of a stock transfer via a stock transport order.
Types of stocks
Available stock
Dynamic stock that is calculated by MRP taking any receipts, issues, the current available stocks into account. Which requirements, receipts, and issues are included in the availability check is defined in the Customizing system.
Reserved stock
Sum of all quantities of a material that are reserved for withdrawal. Reserved stock is usually not available from the point of view of MRP For Inventory Management it still counts as unrestricted-use stock.
Types of stocks
Planned receipts
Sum of all quantities whose receipt has been planned with reservations. Planned receipts are usually already available from the point of view of MRP For Inventory Management they do not yet count as unrestricted-use stock.
Sum of all outstanding PO quantities for a material. The open PO quantity usually increases available stock in MRP It does not increase unrestricted-use stock in Inventory Management.
Types of stocks
Open order quantity (total)
Sum of all outstanding order quantities for a material. The open order quantity usually increases available stock in MRP It does not increase unrestricted-use stock in Inventory Management
Sum of all quantities of a material that were delivered by vendors for purchase orders and that have been conditionally accepted. GR blocked stock is neither valuated nor does it count as unrestricted-use
Types of stocks
Stock scheduled for delivery
Sum of all current deliveries to customers for which goods issues have not yet been posted. Like reserved stock, stock scheduled for delivery is usually not available from the point of view of MRP It counts as unrestricted-use stock for Inventory Management.
Negative stocks
Negative stocks are required if, for example, goods issues are entered before the corresponding goods receipts for organizational reasons and the material is already physically located in the warehouse.
Batch management
With batch handling, you can manage not only production lots from in-house production, but also production lots from vendors as separate entities. Before you can manage batches of a material in stock, you must first specify in the material master record that the material is to be managed in batches for the specified plant. To do this, you must set the batch management requirement indicator in the material master record At the time of goods receipt system will allocate the batch number
Goods movements
Definition of Goods Movement
Good receipt
A goods receipt (GR) is a goods movement with which the receipt of goods from a vendor or from production is posted.
Goods issue
A goods issue (GI) is a goods movement with which a material consumption, or a shipment of goods to a customer is posted.
Goods movements
Stock Transfer
Transfer of material from one plant to other plant or from one storage location to other storage location
Transfer Posting
changes in stock type or stock category of a material. Examples of transfer postings are:
Transfer Postings From Material to Material Release from quality inspection stock Transfer of consignment material into company's own stock
Material document
Accounting document
Movement types
Movement Type
When you enter a goods movement in the system, you must enter a movement type to differentiate between the various goods movements. A movement type is a three-digit identification key for a goods movement. Examples
Goods receipt for a purchase order 101 Goods issue for a cost center Release from quality inspection stock
201 321
Movement types
Control Functions of the Movement Type
The movement type has important control functions in Inventory Management. For example, the movement type plays an important role in
updating of quantity fields updating of stock and consumption accounts determining which fields are displayed during entry of a document in the system
Material documents
Changing a Material Document
you can not change a document once it has been posted. If you made a typing error when entering a goods movement you must reverse the movement with a reversal document Although you cannot change a posted document, you can use the function "Change Material Document" to
enter additional information for the document. print a goods receipt/issue slip for the document
The documents used to plan goods receipts serve as reference documents for entering the goods movement
Return Deliveries
When you enter the return delivery, you should reference the purchase order or the material document, so that the system can
suggest data (for example, the storage location), to simplify data input perform certain checks (the returned quantity must not exceed the delivered quantity) reduce the quantity delivered to-date reverse other updates that occurred (for example, for goods receipt into consumption) when the goods receipt was entered
The shelf life is only checked if the following prerequisites are met:
The minimum remaining shelf life is maintained in the material master record or in the purchase order. The minimum remaining shelf life is the minimum number of days for which the material must keep for the goods receipt to be accepted by the system. .
material document is created accounting document is created Creation of a Goods Receipt/Issue Slip Stock Update Update of G/L Accounts Consumption Update Reservation Update Order Update
Printing documents
Target Group
Purchase department Stores department Finance department
Course Objectives
On conclusion of this course, you should be able to
Enter and verify vendors invoice Enter and verify vendors excise invoice Devalue materials Carry out physical inventory
Invoice entry and verification Credit memo Excise invoice Material devaluation Physical inventory Inventory management information
Exercises Solutions
MM - invoice verification
Invoice Verification in Materials Management serves the following purposes:
It completes the materials procurement process It allows invoices that do not originate in materials procurement (for example, services, expenses, course costs, etc.) to be processed It allows credit memos to be processed, either as invoice cancellations or discounts
Invoice Verification does not handle the payment or the analysis of invoices. The information required for these processes is passed on to A/C department.
Invoice verification
Invoice Verification tasks include:
Entering invoices and credit memos that have been received Checking the accuracy of invoices with respect to contents,
prices, and arithmetic
Executing the account postings resulting from an invoice Updating certain data in the SAP system, for example, open
items and material prices
Material data
Vendor data
Transaction data
Transaction data records transactions or events in the SAP system. Purchasing document Material document Accounting document
Invoice data
An invoice contains various information, such as:
Who issued the invoice? Which transaction does the invoice refer to? How much tax do you have to pay?
If the invoice refers to a particular transaction, the system will automatically retrieve information pertaining to the transaction
Terms of payment Quantities to be invoiced The amounts the system expects per item
Goods-receipt-based invoice verification must have been defined in the purchase order. If the GR-IV field on the item screen in the purchase order is not selected, the goods receipt cannot be settled in this way. There are two ways of finding the correct transaction in goodsreceipt-based Invoice Verification: You can enter a delivery note number or a GR document number and the system will list the items for the goods receipts on the selection screen; you can enter a purchase order number and the system will list all the GR documents
You can enter an invoice (or a credit memo) without posting it and simply "park" it. If you park an invoice or a credit memo the system does not make any postings. A parked document can be changed as often as you like. When data is added or changed, the changes are noted by the system. When no further changes are required, you can then post the parked document.
You are interrupted when entering an invoice. You can park the document and continue processing it later on. This saves you time having to enter the data twice. You wish to clear up some questions before you post an invoice. You can park the document and continue processing it later on. You wish to split the Invoice Verification process. One employee can, for example, park an invoice without checking it, while another carries out the actual checks and posts the document after making any necessary corrections.
The system generates a Financial Accounting document that displays the accounts involved in the posting and the amounts posted to these accounts. The system creates a purchase order statistic for each item in the purchase order. The moving average price is updated in the material master record If the invoiced price differs from the price in the purchase order for a material with moving average price control
Quantity variance (M) Price variance (P) Variance in order price quantity (G) Schedule variance (T) Quality inspection (I)
Credit memos
The term credit memo always refers to a credit memo from the vendor. Posting a credit memo always leads to a debit posting to the vendor account. Two types of credit memos are possible:
Credit memos that refer to a purchase order or goods receipt Credit memos that do not refer to a transaction.
Processing of credit memos is same as invoice verification
They are entered in the purchase order. Provisions are set up for the relevant costs at goods receipt. The delivery costs posted at goods receipt can be referenced at invoice entry.
They are only entered when the invoice is entered. No provision is made at goods receipt.
Purchase order number Excise group Vendors Excise invoice number Excise invoice date
The lowest value principle is a method of valuating material stocks for balance sheet purposes. The aim of this method is to valuate stocks as accurately as possible according to the recognition-of-loss principle. Profits that exist solely on the books as a result of changes in market prices are to be avoided. Expected losses are included in the balance sheet.
In the SAP System there are various methods of determining tax or commercial prices:
system searches for the lowest price from among the various prices stored for each material.
lowest value determination based on rate of movement lowest value determination based on range of coverage
Movement rate = Total quantity of receipts/issues : Material stock x 100 If the percentage of receipts/issues is smaller than Movement rate, the material is slow or non-moving
Devaluation percentage Devaluation indicator Updating prices in the material master record
Physical inventory
Every company must carry out a physical inventory of its warehouse stocks at least once per fiscal year to balance its inventory Stocks that can be inventoried
Create a physical inventory document. Block materials for posting. Print and distribute the physical inventory document.
counting stocks entering the result of the count on the physical inventory
document printout
Physical inventory
entering the result of the count into the system initiating a recount, if necessary posting inventory differences
Processing Steps
Creating a physical inventory document Entering the Physical Inventory Count Post inventory differences
Physical inventory
posting the physical inventory count and inventory differences
If a physical inventory document exists, the following are combined in this step:
The count is posted. Any inventory differences are posted.
Physical inventory
Physical Inventory Status
To monitor physical inventory processing, each physical inventory document records the inventory steps which have been carried out. This information can be found in an item or document header.
In an inventory history you can determine which steps have been carried out for the item.
document header
In the document header, the fields Count status, Adjustment status and Delete status provide information on whether some or all of the items have been counted, posted (inventory differences), or deleted.
List display
Stock display
Balances display
stocks from vendors as well as the consignment stocks and the returnable packaging stocks at the customers site.
Range of coverage