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Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice

Fire and Arson

Scene Evidence:
A Guide for Public
Safety Personnel

Research Report
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
810 Seventh Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20531

Janet Reno
Attorney General

Daniel Marcus
Acting Associate Attorney General

Mary Lou Leary

Acting Assistant Attorney General

Julie E. Samuels
Acting Director, National Institute of Justice

Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice

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Fire and Arson Scene Evidence:
A Guide for Public Safety Personnel

Written and Approved by the Technical Working Group on

Fire/Arson Scene Investigation

June 2000
NCJ 181584
Julie E. Samuels
Acting Director

David G. Boyd, Ph.D.

Deputy Director

Richard M. Rau, Ph.D.

Project Monitor

Opinions or points of view expressed in this document represent a

consensus of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official
position of the U.S. Department of Justice.

The National Institute of Justice is a component of the Office of

Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance,
the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime.
Message From the Attorney General

A ctions taken at the outset of an investigation at a fire and

arson scene can play a pivotal role in the resolution of a case.
Careful, thorough investigation is key to ensuring that potential
physical evidence is not tainted or destroyed or potential witnesses

While many agencies have programs in fire and arson scene

processing, the level of training and resources available varies from
jurisdiction to jurisdiction, as does the opportunity to practice actual
investigation. To assist these agencies, the National Institute of Justice
convened a group of law enforcement and legal practitioners, as well
as expert fire investigators, to develop improved procedures for the
investigation and collection of evidence from fire and arson scenes.

I commend the hard work of the 31 members of the technical working

group that created this Guide. They represent the law enforcement,
prosecution, defense, and fire and arson investigation communities,
and their collective expert knowledge, experience, and dedication
made this effort a success.

This Guide is one method of promoting quality fire and arson scene
investigation. The type and scope of an investigation will vary from
case to case. Every jurisdiction should give careful consideration to the
recommendations in this Guide and to its own unique local conditions
and logistical circumstances. Although factors that vary among investi-
gations may call for different approaches or even preclude the use of
certain procedures described in the Guide, consideration of the Guides
recommendations may be invaluable to a jurisdiction shaping its own

Janet Reno

Message From the President of the University of
Central Florida

T he University of Central Florida (UCF) is proud to take a leading

role in the investigation of fire and explosion scenes through the
establishment of the National Center for Forensic Science (NCFS). The
work of the Centers faculty, staff, and students, in cooperation with the
National Institute of Justice (NIJ), has helped produce the NIJ Research
Report Fire and Arson Scene Evidence: A Guide for Public Safety

More than 150 graduates of UCFs 25-year-old program in forensic

science are now working in crime laboratories across the country. Our
program enjoys an ongoing partnership with NIJ to increase knowledge
and awareness of fire and explosion scene investigation. We anticipate
that this type of mutually beneficial partnership between the university,
the criminal justice system, and private industry will become even more
prevalent in the future.

As the authors of the Guide indicate, the field of fire and explosion
investigation lacks nationally coordinated investigative protocols. NCFS
recognizes the need for this coordination. The Center maintains and
updates its training criteria and tools so that it may serve as a national
resource for public safety personnel who may encounter a fire or explo-
sion scene in the line of duty.

I encourage interested and concerned public safety personnel to use Fire

and Arson Scene Evidence: A Guide for Public Safety Personnel. The
procedures recommended in the Guide can help to ensure that more
investigations are successfully concluded through the proper identifica-
tion, collection, and examination of all relevant forensic evidence.

Dr. John C. Hitt

Technical Working Group on Fire/Arson Scene

T he Technical Working Group on Fire/Arson Scene Investigation

(TWGFASI) is a multidisciplinary group of content area experts
from across the United States and Canada, from both urban and rural
jurisdictions, each representing his or her respective agency or practice.
Each of these individuals is experienced in the investigation of fires,
the analysis of evidence gathered, or the use in the criminal justice
system of information produced by the investigation. They represent
such entities as fire departments, law enforcement agencies, forensic
laboratories, insurance companies, investigation firms, and government
agencies. Many of the members of TWGFASI were selected from the
Technical Working Group on Fires and Explosions (TWGFEX), which
serves as an advisory panel to the National Center for Forensic Science

At the outset of the TWGFEX effort, the National Institute of Justice

(NIJ) and NCFS created the National Fire/Arson Scene Planning Panel
(the Panel), which evolved into TWGFASIcomposed of distinguished
law enforcement and research professionalsto define needs, develop
initial strategies, and steer the larger group. Additional members of
TWGFASI were then selected from recommendations solicited from the
Panel, NIJs regional National Law Enforcement and Corrections Tech-
nology Centers, and national agencies and organizations, such as the
National Fire Protection Association, the National Association of Fire
Investigators, and the U.S. Fire Administration.

Collectively, over a 2-year period, the 31 members of TWGFASI listed

on the following page worked together to develop this Guide, Fire and
Arson Scene Evidence: A Guide for Public Safety Personnel.

National Fire/Arson Scene Planning Panel of TWGFASI

Joan K. Alexander Brian M. Dixon* Thomas E. Minnich

Office of the Chief States Centre of Forensic Sciences U.S. Fire Administration
Attorney Toronto, Ontario, Canada Emmitsburg, Maryland
Rocky Hill, Connecticut
Ronald L. Kelly* Anthony D. Putorti
Carl Chasteen Federal Bureau of National Institute of Standards
Florida Division of State Investigation and Technology
Fire Marshal Washington, D.C. Gaithersburg, Maryland
Havana, Florida
John J. Lentini Dennis W. Smith*
Richard L.P. Custer Applied Technical Services, Inc. Kodiak Enterprises
Custer Powell, Inc. Marietta, Georgia Fort Wayne, Indiana
Westborough, Massachusetts
Frank Malter
John D. DeHaan, Ph.D.* Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
Fire-Ex Forensics, Inc. and Firearms
Vallejo, California Fayetteville, North Carolina


Philip R. Antoci Terry-Dawn Hewitt Tommy K. Martin

New York City Police McKenna Hewitt Illinois State Police
Laboratory Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Springfield, Illinois
Jamaica, New York
Steven Hill Ron McCardle
Andrew T. Armstrong, Ph.D., U.S. Fire Administration Florida Division of State
FABC, CPC Emmitsburg, Maryland Fire Marshal
Armstrong Forensic Tallahassee, Florida
Laboratory, Inc. Mary R. Holt
Arlington, Texas Alabama Department of Cpl. Michael ODay
Forensic Sciences Pennsylvania State Police
Russell K. Chandler Birmingham, Alabama Fire Marshal Section
Virginia Fire Marshal Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Academy David J. Icove, Ph.D., P.E.
Richmond, Virginia U.S. Tennessee Valley David M. Smith
Authority Police Associated Fire Consultants, Inc.
James B. Crippin Knoxville, Tennessee Tucson, Arizona
Colorado Bureau of
Investigation Christopher E. Jones Valerie Turner
Pueblo, Colorado Binax/NEL State Fire Marshals Office
Waterville, Maine Texas Department of
Lynne DeMent Insurance
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Carter K. Lord Austin, Texas
and Firearms National Institute of Standards
Washington, D.C. and Technology Carrie M. Whitcomb
Gaithersburg, Maryland National Center for Forensic
Dirk D. Erickson Science
Mississippi Crime Laboratory Kevin L. Lothridge Orlando, Florida
Jackson, Mississippi National Forensic Science
Technology Center
St. Petersburg, Florida * These individuals served as
John F. Goetz
editors during the document
Royal Insurance Company
development process.
Yardley, Pennsylvania


I t is the intention of this Guide to acquaint a broad spectrum of public

safety personnel with the fire investigation process, so they may
understand their role in this important task and help identify, locate, and
preserve evidence in its varied forms, to either assist a specialist investiga-
tor when one is needed or to adequately document and collect evidence
when no assistance is needed or available. This Guide focuses on the
documentation and collection of physical evidence at fire/arson scenes.
Other issues of investigationsuch as insurance inquiries, background
information, fire deaths, the interpretation of fire dynamics and physical
evidence, and case analysis and profilingare not addressed in this

Not every portion of this document may be applicable to all fires. It is at

the discretion of responding personnel (depending on their responsibilities,
as well as the purpose and scope of their duties) to apply the procedures
recommended in this Guide to a particular incident. Some of the proce-
dures described in this Guide may not be performed in the sequence
described or may be performed simultaneously.


T he National Institute of Justice (NIJ) wishes to thank the members

of the Technical Working Group on Fire/Arson Scene Investigation
(TWGFASI) for their extensive efforts on this project and their dedica-
tion to improving the procedures for fire/arson scene investigation. Each
of the 31 experts gave their time and expertise to draft and review this
Guide, providing feedback and perspective from a variety of disciplines
and from many areas of the Nation. The true strength of this Guide is
derived from their commitment to produce procedures that could be
implemented across the country, from rural townships to large cities.
In addition, thanks are extended to the agencies and organizations that
TWGFASI members represent for their flexibility and support, which
enabled the participants to see this project to completion.

NIJ is immensely grateful to the National Center for Forensic Science

(NCFS) at the University of Central Florida, particularly Director Carrie
Whitcomb and Project Coordinator Joan Jarvis, for its coordination
of the TWGFASI effort. NCFSs support in planning and hosting the
Technical Working Group meetings, as well as the support of the staff
in developing the Guide, made this work possible.

NIJ is grateful to the individuals from various national organizations

who responded to the request for nominations of experts in the field of
fire/arson scene investigation. TWGFASI members were selected from
their recommendations. In particular, thanks go to the American Society
of Crime Laboratory Directors, the National District Attorneys Associa-
tion, the International Association of Arson Investigators, and the Inter-
national Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators. Addition-
ally, thanks are extended to the individuals, agencies, and organizations
across the country that participated in the review of this Guide and
provided valuable comments and input. While all review comments

were given careful consideration by TWGFASI in developing the final
document, the review by these organizations is not intended to imply
their endorsement of the Guide.

NIJ would like to thank the co-manager for this project, Kathleen
Higgins, for her advice and significant contributions to the development
of the Guide.

Special thanks go to former NIJ Director Jeremy Travis for his support
and guidance and to Lisa Forman, Lisa Kaas, and Anjali Swienton for
their contributions to the Technical Working Group program. Thanks
also go to Rita Premo of Aspen Systems Corporation, for her tireless
work editing and re-editing the various drafts of the Guide.

Finally, NIJ would like to acknowledge Attorney General Janet Reno,

whose support and commitment to the improvement of the criminal
justice system made this work possible.

Message From the Attorney General .............................................................. iii

Message From the President of the University of Central Florida ................ v

Technical Working Group on Fire/Arson Scene Investigation .................... vii

Preface ................................................................................................................ ix

Acknowledgments .............................................................................................. xi

Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1

Why Investigate Fires? ............................................................................. 1

The Fire Problem in the United States ..................................................... 2

The Problem of Fire Investigations .......................................................... 3

Then Who Investigates Fires? ................................................................... 5

Why This Guide? ...................................................................................... 6

Training Criteria ....................................................................................... 7

Background ............................................................................................... 7

Fire and Arson Scene Evidence: A Guide for Public Safety Personnel ....... 11

Section A. Establishing the Role of First Responders ....................... 13

1. Observe the Fire and Scene Conditions .................................... 13

2. Exercise Scene Safety ............................................................... 14

3. Preserve the Fire Scene............................................................. 16

4. Establish Security and Control ................................................. 19

5. Coordinate Activities ................................................................ 19

Section B. Evaluating the Scene .......................................................... 21

1. Introduce Yourself and Your Role as the Investigator ............... 21

2. Define the Extent of the Scene .................................................. 22

3. Identify and Interview Witnesses at the Scene .......................... 23

4. Assess Scene Security at the Time of the Fire .......................... 24

5. Identify Resources Required to Process the Scene ................... 25

Section C. Documenting the Scene ...................................................... 29

1. Photograph/Videotape the Scene .............................................. 29

2. Describe and Document the Scene ........................................... 30

Section D. Processing Evidence at the Scene ...................................... 31

1. Identify, Collect, and Preserve Evidence .................................. 31

2. Prevent Contamination .............................................................. 32

3. Package and Transport Evidence .............................................. 33

4. Establish and Maintain the Chain of Custody ........................... 34

Section E. Completing the Scene Investigation .................................. 35

1. Release the Scene ...................................................................... 35

2. Submit Reports to the Appropriate Databases .......................... 36

Appendix A. Documentation Examples .......................................................... 41

Appendix B. Additional Reading ..................................................................... 57

Appendix C. National Resources ..................................................................... 59

Appendix D. Points of Contact ........................................................................ 61

Appendix E. List of Organizations .................................................................. 63

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly, one
begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts.
Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

A s Sherlock Holmes pointed out, many types of investigations are

susceptible to prejudgment, but few as often as fire scene invest-
igations. Fires, by their destructive nature, consume the evidence of their
initiation and progress as they grow. Investigations are compromised,
and often scenes are further destroyed by the activities of the fire service,
whose primary responsibilities are to save lives and protect property
against further damage. Fire scenes often involve all manner of public
entities: emergency medical, law enforcement, and fire services. Public
utilities such as gas and electric companies may be involved. Passers-by,
owners, tenants, customers, delivery agents all may have relevant infor-
mation. The press and curious individuals attracted to large fire scenes
can complicate investigations, as they make security a necessity. As
has frequently been said, A fire investigation is like a picture puzzle.
Everyone involved with it has some of the pieces, but no one has the
whole picture. It is up to the investigator to gather enough of these pieces
together to solve the puzzle.

Why Investigate Fires?

Since Roman times, civil authorities have recognized the threat that
fire represents, not only to the well-being of individuals, but also, and
perhaps more importantly, to the welfare and security of the community
as a whole. In the days of wooden walls and roofs and straw-covered
floors, any fire could ravage an entire city. So, it was in the interest of
all concerned to investigate fires and establish how they began. Civil
authorities attempted to control the fire risk by assessing penalties if an
accidental fire was allowed to get out of control. Dangerous practices,
such as leaving cooking fires unguarded, were identified and controlled.

William the Conqueror issued an edict that cooking fires be damped or
covered after a particular time of evening so that unattended fires could
not flare up. This policy of couvre feu (cover the fire) gave rise to the
curfew of today. If authorities could determine the fire was deliberately
set, the perpetrator could be identified and punished. Some of the oldest
English common laws regarded arson to be the crime of burning the
house or dwelling of another. The crime of arson was considered to be
such a danger that it was punishable by death.

The same rationale applies today. Fires of accidental cause need to be

identified, so that dangerous practices, such as filling kerosene room
heaters with gasoline, can be eliminated by public education, or so that
defective or dangerous products, such as instant-on televisions or room
heaters with no overheating or tip-over protection, can be taken off the
market or modified so they no longer pose a significant fire risk. Fires of
incendiary (i.e., deliberate) cause must be detected, so that the firesetter
can be intercepted before doing more harm and punished as necessary.

The Fire Problem in the United States

According to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) of
the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), Federal Emergency Management
Agency, the United States has one of the highest per capita fire death
rates among industrialized nations. In 1997, the U.S. fire death rate was
15.2 deaths per million. This was reflected in approximately 4,050 deaths
and more than 23,000 injuries for that year alone. Nearly 2 million fires
occurred in 1997, with a total estimated dollar loss of $8.5 billion.

Thirty-one percent of these fires were in structures. Residential fires

comprised 23 percent of all fires and 74 percent of all structure fires.
Eighty-four percent of all fatalities occurred in homes. In addition to
structure fires, each year hundreds of thousands of vehicle and outside
fires occur. In 1997, vehicle fires accounted for nearly 400,000 incidents,
resulting in approximately 450 civilian deaths and 1,700 civilian injuries.
Outside fires were estimated at more than 700,000 occurrences, account-
ing for 40 percent of the total number of reported fires.

Arson fires (defined as incendiary/suspicious in NFIRS) comprised
almost 16 percent of all reported fires in 1997 and accounted for more
than $554 million, or 15 percent, of the total estimated dollar loss. Since
all fires are considered accidental until they can be proven to be inten-
tionally set, the reported numbers are probably very conservative. There
is also reluctance to report arson fires, as it is feared that it may cause a
negative impact on the community or its economy.

While the general trend in numbers of fires and fire deaths has shown a
steady gradual decline over the past decade, the overall costs are still
significant. A continuing effort must be made to accurately identify the
exact origin (where the fire started) and cause (the factors that brought
the ignition source and first material ignited together) of all fires. This
will assist in learning more about how to prevent fires in the future.
Perhaps more important are preventive measures such as installing
working smoke detectors and residential sprinklers in every home and
using public education programs to effect behavior change.

The Problem of Fire Investigations

The advantages of accurate and thorough fire investigations are obvious.
The United States is one of the few countries where public authorities
have statutory responsibility to investigate all fires and determine their
origins and causes. While this may appear to be a solution to the problem
of fires and arsons, a number of major complications in fire investiga-
tions exist in the United States:

A fire can be a complex event whose origin and cause are not obvi-
ous. Investigators may have to expend considerable time and effort
before the cause can be identified. This is the area where Holmes
dictum is especially applicable. Without gathering data, the investiga-
tor can only guess at what might have caused the fire, based on circum-
stances alone. The training and preparation of qualified investigators
are often costly and time-consuming, requiring dedication to the
profession over many years.

The destructive power of the fire itself compromises evidence from
the outset. The larger a fire becomes and the longer it burns, the less
evidence of causation will remain. In some fires, sufficient data to
establish the origin and cause (i.e., evidence) do not survive, no
matter how diligent the search or well prepared the searcher. This
destruction may be exacerbated by the normal and necessary duties
of fire personnel carrying out rescue, suppression, overhaul, and
salvage tasks.

The complexity of the threat a major fire presents to the health and
welfare of the community means that representatives from law
enforcement, fire, rescue, and emergency medical services; hazard-
ous materials teams; utility company personnel; health and safety
officers; and other public agency personnel may be on hand and may
conduct some obligatory official duties. The presence of so many
people, in addition to members of the press and the public who were
attracted by the sights and sounds of a major fire, offers yet more
chances for scene security to be compromised and critical evidence
to be contaminated, moved, or destroyed.

Responsibility for the investigation of fires is split. While the fire

service has the primary civil responsibility to establish a fires cause,
if the cause is determined to be accidental, the scene is released to
the owner or the owners insurance company for further examination.
If the conclusion is that the fire was purposely set, a crime has been
committed and law enforcement authority is needed to investigate the
crime. This often means releasing the scene and evidence to a local
law enforcement agency. Where local law enforcement has inade-
quate resources or personnel, an outside agency such as a State fire
marshal, or even a Federal agency (e.g., the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms [ATF]) may be asked to investigate. Any such
transfer may cause complications in establishing lines of authority. In
some agencies, investigative teams are composed of individuals from
both law enforcement agencies and fire departments so that the
continuity of the investigation can be maintained through both civil
and criminal phases. In a few cases, individuals have both law

enforcement and fire authority, thanks to extensive cross-training,
so cases are handled from start to finish by a minimal number of
trained, motivated investigators.

A lack of commitment to conduct fire investigations exists on the

part of some law enforcement and fire agencies. Because of the
demand for rescue, hazardous materials, and emergency medical
assistance, in addition to their traditional duties of fire suppression,
fire departments often find themselves with fewer resources to
stretch to cover all obligations. As a result, the less visible responsi-
bilities of fire investigation and fire prevention are often scaled back.
These cutbacks occur despite the advantages that aggressive pro-
grams in both areas could provide to the individual department and
to the community it serves: Preventing a fire means there is no loss
of life or property, no risk to personnel, and no equipment costs;
investigating a fire means that potential accidental or criminal threats
to the community may be averted in the future. Law enforcement
agencies, facing similar overwhelming demands for their time, might
prefer not to become involved in cases where the scene is destroyed
or at the very least compromised, time-consuming scene examination
and interviews are required, and the resulting evidence is often
complex and circumstantial (meaning prosecutors may not want
to use it even if it is properly and completely collected).

Then Who Investigates Fires?

As might be gathered from the preceding points, who actually will
investigate a fire is not an easy question to answer. In addition to law
enforcement and fire authorities, there may be prosecuting attorney
investigators, forensic laboratory experts, engineering specialists (fire,
chemical, mechanical, or electrical), and private investigators represent-
ing insurance companies, owners, tenants, and manufacturers of the
myriad ignition sources found in a modern home or business.

Considering the wide spectrum of people involved in the investigation of
fires, perhaps it is understandable why uniform guidelines for fire scene
documentation and evidence collection have not been previously crafted
for those public safety personnel who may not be trained in the specialized
aspects of fire scene investigation but may be in the position of having
to respond to a fire/arson scene. Whether from law enforcement or fire
agencies, the public-sector individuals responsible for investigations have
had access to specialized training programs through USFAs National
Fire Academy, ATF, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), State fire
marshal offices, professional organizations such as the International
Association of Arson Investigators, and various private-sector groups. In
1992, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) issued NFPA 921:
Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations1, a consensus document
reflecting the knowledge and experience of fire, engineering, legal, and
investigative experts across the United States. This document is continu-
ously reviewed, public proposals and comments are solicited, and a
revised edition is produced every 3 to 5 years. It has become a bench-
mark for the training and expertise of everyone who purports to be an
expert in the origin and cause determination of fires. Unfortunately, not
everyone involved in the process of scene examination and evidence
documentation and collection will have the opportunity to master the
entire contents of comprehensive manuals, such as NFPA 921. As previ-
ously discussed, fires are common occurrences that threaten lives and
communities, so many people are involved in fire investigations, and
many people hold pieces of the puzzle, often without knowing it.

1. NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations, Quincy, Massachusetts:
National Fire Protection Association.

Training Criteria
With the completion of this Guide, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
intends to support the creation of training resource materials, including
publications and online interactive programs, through agencies such as
the National Center for Forensic Science (NCFS). These resources will
make it possible for all those involved in fire scenes to optimize the
evidence recovered in investigations.

National Fire/Arson Scene Planning Panel and
Technical Working Group on Fire/Arson Scene
NCFS, which is located at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in
Orlando and is an NIJ grantee, held a national needs symposium on arson
and explosives in August 1997. The symposiums purpose was to identify
problem areas associated with the collection and analysis of fire and
bombing debris. One of the problem areas identified by this national
panel of experts was the need for improved awareness of available
procedures for the recognition, documentation, and collection of evi-
dence at fire and arson scenes. In spring 1998, NIJ and NCFS, using
NIJs template, created a technical working group to develop guides for
fire/arson and explosion/bombing scene investigations. The NIJ Director
selected members for a planning groupthe National Fire/Arson Scene
Planning Panel (the Panel)to draft a guide for fire/arson scene investi-
gation, as well as members for an explosion/bombing scene planning
panel that met separately. The 11 Panel members represented Federal,
State, and local agencies involved in the investigation of both accidental
fires and arsons, as well as national and international organizations that
have been involved with the creation of professional guidelines (such
as NFPA 921) for scene investigations. The selected members not only
had extensive personal experience in the examination of fire scenes but
also represented the diversity of disciplines involved with fire investiga-
tionsfrom the scene to the laboratory and courtroom.

The Panel was charged with developing an outline for a national guide
for fire/arson scene evidence collection, using the format in the NIJ
publication Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator2
as a template.

The Panel met in April 1998 at the Office of Law Enforcement Standards
(OLES) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in
Gaithersburg, Maryland, under the sponsorship of NCFS and NIJ, to
begin the document development process. Because many aspects of fire/
arson scene investigation are complex and involve extensive specialist
training and knowledge, the Panel was careful to focus on the evidence
that should be collected and documented at all fire scenes and to empha-
size the need to evaluate the limitations of the investigators knowledge
and request specialized expertise when the complexities of the scene
exceeds those limitations. Documents already in place, such as NFPA
921 and standards E1188 and E860 from the American Society for
Testing and Materials, cover the collection and interpretation of complex
evidence from fire/arson scenes. The Panel determined that this Guide
should not attempt to supplant those widely accepted consensus docu-
ments but should supplement them for those public safety personnel who
may not be trained in the specialized aspects of fire scene investigation
but may be in the position of having to respond to a fire/arson scene.

In August 1998, the Technical Working Group on Fire/Arson Scene

Investigation (TWGFASI), which was led by Panel members, met at
UCF to expand, develop, and revise the document drafted by the Panel.
In other meetings, TWGFASI established a long-term commitment to a
separate group within it focusing on at-the-scene issues that will bring
together laboratory and onsite workers.

In September 1998, the draft of the document was circulated to

TWGFASI for review and comment. The comments generated by
that review were collated by the OLES Director.

2. Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator, Research Report, Washington,
D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, December 1997, NCJ

Prosecution Law Enforcement
Fire Insurance
Research Government Northeast Rocky Mountain
Forensic Investigation
Science Southeast West

TWGFASI Representation

Discipline Northeast Southeast Mountain West Canada
enforcement 2 2 1

Prosecution 1 1

science 6 2

Research 1 1

Investigation 1 2 1

Fire 1

Insurance 1

Government 6 1 1

National Reviewer Network
After the initial review by TWGFASI members, editors selected from the
Panel by NIJ met in Washington, D.C., in February 1999 to create a draft
document for wide review. The comments elicited in the broad review
were then incorporated into the final document by the editorial board
at a meeting in July 1999, prior to its submission for acceptance by
TWGFASI in October 1999.

The 132 organizations and individuals whose comments were solicited

during the national review included all levels of law enforcement,
regional and national organizations, attorneys, judges, and forensic
scientists from across the United States and Canada. A complete list of
organizations that received the document for review can be found in
appendix E.

Fire and Arson Scene Evidence:
A Guide for Public Safety Personnel

Establishing the Role of

Section A First Responders

Section B Evaluating the Scene

Section C Documenting the Scene

Section D Processing Evidence at the Scene

Section E Completing the Scene Investigation

This handbook is intended as a guide to recommended practices
for the collection and preservation of evidence at fire/arson
scenes. Jurisdictional, logistical, or legal conditions may
preclude the use of particular procedures contained herein.

Actions taken pursuant to this Guide shall be performed in

accordance with department policies and procedures and Federal
and State laws.

Not every portion of this document may be applicable to all fires.

It is at the discretion of responding personnel (depending on their
responsibilities, as well as the purpose and scope of their duties)
to apply the procedures recommended in this Guide to a particu-
lar incident. Some of the procedures described in this Guide may
not be performed in the sequence described or may be performed

Section A. Establishing the Role of First Responders
Note: The actions of public safety personnel providing emergency services
at a fire scene are critical not only to lifesaving and fire suppression efforts
but also to any subsequent investigation of the incident.

1. Observe the Fire and Scene A

Principle: Public safety personnel responding to a fire should
observe conditions and activities at or near the scene so
they can give investigators arriving later an accurate and
complete description. First responders3 can gain infor-
mation valuable to the fire investigation during their
approach to and arrival at the scene.

Procedure: While approaching a fire scene, first responders should

observe and mentally note the following conditions and
activities and, as soon as conditions permit, initiate
permanent documentation of the information (e.g.,
written notes, voice recordings, videotapes):

A. The presence, location, and condition of victims and witnesses.

B. Vehicles leaving the scene, bystanders, or unusual activities near
the scene.
C. Flame and smoke conditions (e.g., the volume of flames and
smoke; the color, height, and location of the flames; the direction
in which the flames and smoke are moving).

3. The first public safety personnel to arrive on the scene, whether they are law enforce-
ment professionals, firefighters, or emergency medical services (EMS) personnel.

D. The type of occupancy and use of the structure (e.g., a residential
occupancy being used as a business).
E. Conditions of the structure (e.g., lights turned on; fire through the
roof; walls standing; open, closed, or broken windows and doors).
F. Conditions surrounding the scene (e.g., blocked driveways, debris,
damage to other structures).
G. Weather conditions.
H. Unusual characteristics of the scene (e.g., the presence of contain-
ers, exterior burning or charring on the building, the absence of
normal contents, unusual odors, fire trailers4).
I. The fire suppression techniques used, including ventilation,
forcible entry, and utility shutoff measures.
J. The status of fire alarms, security alarms, and sprinklers.
Summary: First responders initial observations provide investiga-
tors with information pertinent to the investigation.
As the investigation unfolds, these observations may
provide the starting point for evidence collection and
preservation efforts.

2. Exercise Scene Safety

Principle: Safety overrides all other concerns: Ensuring the safety
of victims, bystanders, and public safety personnel is the
first responders foremost concern at a fire scene. First
responders must take steps to identify and remove or
mitigate safety hazards that may further threaten victims,
bystanders, and public safety personnel. They must
exercise due caution to avoid injuries to themselves and

4. Physical trails of fuel and the burn patterns caused by those trails.

Procedure: Upon arrival at the scene, first responders should:

A. Evaluate the scene for safety hazards (e.g., structural collapse of

the building; smoke; electrical, chemical, or biological hazards;
other health risks).
B. Establish safety/hazard zones.
C. Communicate hazards to other personnel arriving at the scene.
D. Use tools and personal protective equipment appropriate to the
task during all operations.

Beware of incendiary or explosive devices!
The scene may contain devices specifically designed to kill or maim
public safety responders. Do not touch any suspected incendiary or
explosive device. Evacuate the area, and request the services of
personnel trained in the removal of such items.

Summary: Safety is the overriding concern during emergency

operations and the subsequent investigation. To ensure
the safety of civilians and public safety personnel, first
responders should take steps to identify, evaluate, and
mitigate scene hazards, and they should communicate
those hazards to other public safety personnel arriving
at the scene. Necessary safety zones should be estab-
lished to receive victims as they are evacuated. Personal
protective equipment and other measures should be used
to ensure the safety of all persons at the scene. The scene
should continually be reassessed to evaluate safety
hazards that may change due to fire conditions or
suppression efforts.

3. Preserve the Fire Scene
Principle: Evidence at a fire scene takes many different forms,
some of which are transient (i.e., they are not permanent
and may disappear quickly, such as impressions in snow
or evaporating liquids). First responders must understand
how rescue, medical, fire suppression, overhaul,5 and
salvage6 efforts can adversely affect different forms of
evidence and take steps to preserve evidence accord-
ingly. First responders should assess the fire scene to
identify potential evidence, take preliminary steps to
preserve it, and notify appropriate authorities about its

Procedure: To preserve evidence, first responders should:

A. Observe and mentally note evidence that may be present at the

scene, such as:
Fire patterns (including multiple fire locations).
Burn injuries to victims and fire patterns on clothing.
Trailers, ignitable liquids, or other unusual fuel distribution
(e.g., piles of newspapers, furniture pushed together).
Incendiary/ignition/explosive devices (e.g., lighters, matches,
timing devices).
Shoe prints and tire impressions.
Broken windows and doors.
Distribution of broken glass and debris.
Indications of forced entry (tools and tool marks).

5. The process of opening concealed spaces to find pockets of fire and removing
smoldering materials.
6. The process of protecting, moving, or removing items.

Discarded clothing.
Trace evidence (e.g., hairs, fibers, fingerprints, blood, other
body fluids).
Evidence of crimes in addition to the possible arson
(e.g., weapons, bodies, drugs, clandestine drug laboratory
Witnesses, bystanders, and victims.
Any other unusual items or the absence of normal contents or
structural components.
B. Recognize threats to evidence (i.e., its movement, removal,
contamination, or destruction) from any of the following sources:
Fire suppression activities, such as a straight stream applied at
the point of origin or deluge applications that may wash away
or dilute potential evidence.
Overhaul activities that destroy fire patterns.
Salvage activities that involve moving or removing potential
physical evidence.
Use of a tool in any manner that causes destruction of
Movement of knobs, switches, and controls on appliances and
Weather conditions that affect transient evidence (i.e., wind,
precipitation, or temperature changes).
Personnel walking through the scene.
Witnesses and victims leaving the scene.
Medical intervention and treatment of victims (e.g., by
damaging evidence at the scene or destroying victims
Premature removal or movement of bodies.

Vehicles at the scene (e.g., that introduce fluid to the scene
through vehicle leaks or destroy other evidence, including
shoe prints and tire impressions).
Contamination from external sources, such as fuel-powered
tools or equipment.
C. Protect evidence by:
Limiting excessive fire suppression, overhaul, and salvage.
Avoiding needless destruction of property.
Leaving bodies undisturbed.
Flagging items of evidence with cones or markers.
Recording observations through written notes or voice
Covering items or areas containing evidence with objects
that will not contaminate the evidence (e.g., clean boxes or
Isolating items or areas containing evidence with rope, barrier
tape, barricades, or sentries.
Retaining and securing clothing items removed from victims
and suspects.
Obtaining information about victims and witnesses (i.e., their
names, addresses, and telephone numbers).
Preserving transient evidence (e.g., trace evidence, shoe
prints, tire impressions).
Removing evidence at risk of imminent destruction by the fire
or the structural collapse of the damaged building.
Ensuring that later arriving investigators are fully apprised of
the evidence discovered.
Summary: First responders should recognize items that may have
evidentiary value in a subsequent investigation and take
steps to protect them from damage that could result from
the fire, fire suppression, or rescue efforts.

4. Establish Security and Control
Principle: Fire suppression and rescue efforts can be performed
more efficiently and effectively if only essential autho-
rized personnel are permitted access to the area. Restrict-
ing access also ensures the safety of civilians and helps
to preserve the scene for subsequent investigation. First
responders should immediately establish control of the
scene. Then, as soon as conditions permit, first respond-
ers should initiate documentation of the scene to aid in
the investigation.

Procedure: To establish security and control, first responders should:

A. Set up a security perimeter (e.g., using barrier tape, fire line,

B. Control access into the scene through the security perimeter.
C. Initiate documentation of the scene. (See Section C: Document-
ing the Scene.)
Summary: The actions of first responders at a fire scene are not
only critical to saving lives and suppressing fires; they
also set the stage for the investigators arriving to process
the scene by establishing a controlled security perimeter
and initiating documentation of the scene.

5. Coordinate Activities
Principle: Emergency operations at the fire scene may involve
many different agencies and organizations, each having
a different focus and performing different activities.
These activities must be well coordinated to accomplish
emergency operations efficiently and to preserve the
integrity of the scene. Upon arrival at the scene, first

responders must establish an incident command system,
which allows for a systematic flow and transfer of critical
scene information.

Procedure: To coordinate activities at the scene, first responders


A. Establish a command post and implement an incident command

system (i.e., a point of contact and line of communication and
authority for public safety personnel).
B. Establish staging areas to ensure that emergency and support
vehicles have access into the area.
C. Request additional personnel resources, such as firefighters,
EMS personnel, law enforcement officers, investigators, and
representatives of utility companies.
D. Inform authorities about the status of the incident, hazards, inju-
ries, witnesses, the location of evidence, and other pertinent facts.
Summary: First responders must establish an incident command
system to coordinate activities at the scene and
communicate information to responsible authorities.

Section B. Evaluating the Scene
Note: This and subsequent sections of this Guide are intended for the
individual responsible for the investigation of a fire incident. At the time
the scene is determined to involve an arson or other crime, the investiga-
tor must address legal requirements for scene access, search, and
evidence seizure.

1. Introduce Yourself and Your Role as

the Investigator B
Principle: Introductions at the scene allow the investigator7 to
establish formal contact with other official agency
representatives. The investigator should meet with the
incident commander8 and first responders to assess
previous events and the current status of the fire scene,
introduce himself or herself, identify essential personnel,
and determine what the scene safety and integrity issues

Procedure: Upon arrival at the scene, and prior to entering the scene,
the investigator should:

A. Identify and contact the current incident commander and present

B. Conduct a briefing with the incident commander to determine who
has jurisdiction and authorization (legal right of entry) and to

7. The individual responsible for the investigation, whether a qualified fire investigator or
any member of the authorized agency given investigative responsibility.
8. The supervisor/officer in control of the scene.

identify other personnel at the scene (e.g., law enforcement,
firefighting, EMS, hazardous materials, and utility services
C. Determine the level of assistance required and whether additional
personnel are needed.
D. Determine initial scene safety prior to entry through observations
and discussions with first responders. Consider environmental as
well as personnel safety concerns. Assess changes in safety
conditions resulting from suppression efforts.
Summary: Onscene introductions establish formal contact with
the incident commander and other official agency
representatives and promote a collaborative investigative
effort. Preliminary scene safety concerns are addressed
and continually reevaluated due to the effects of chang-
ing fire conditions, suppression efforts, and scene

2. Define the Extent of the Scene

Principle: To provide for the safety and security of personnel and
to protect the evidence, the investigator should perform
a preliminary scene assessment. The investigator should
determine the area in which the site examination will be
conducted and establish or adjust the scene perimeter.

Procedure: To determine the boundaries of the scene, the

investigator should:

A. Make a preliminary scene assessment (an overall tour of the fire

scene to determine the extent of the damage, proceeding from
areas of least damage to areas of greater damage) to identify
areas that warrant further examination, being careful not to
disturb evidence.

B. Inspect and protect adjacent areaseven areas with little or no
damagethat may include nonfire evidence (e.g., bodies, blood
stains, latent prints, tool marks) or additional fire-related evidence
(e.g., unsuccessful ignition sources, fuel containers, ignitable
C. Mark or reevaluate the perimeter and establish or reassess the
procedures for controlling access.
Summary: Procedures focusing on the perimeter and on control of
access to the fire scene protect the integrity of the scene.

3. Identify and Interview Witnesses at

the Scene
Principle: Persons with information about the scene, activities
prior to the fire, the fire, and its suppression are valuable
witnesses. The investigator should determine the identi-
ties and locations of witnesses and make arrangements
to conduct interviews.

Procedure: To develop a witness list, the investigator should:

A. Contact the incident commander, identify first responders and

first-in firefighters, and arrange to document their observations
either in writing or through recorded interviews.
B. Determine who reported the fire. (Secure a tape or transcript of
the report if available.)
C. Identify the owner of the building/scene, any occupants, and the
person responsible for property management.
D. Identify who was last to leave the building/scene and what oc-
curred immediately before they left.
E. Identify and interview other witnesses (e.g., neighbors, bystand-
ers, people injured during the fire, later arriving public agency
personnel) and record their statements.

Summary: Developing a list of persons who have information about
the scene, activities prior to the fire, the fire, and its
suppression assists investigators with the subsequent

4. Assess Scene Security at the Time of

the Fire
Principle: The investigator should determine whether the building
or vehicle was intact and secure and if intrusion alarms
or fire detection and suppression systems were opera-
tional at the time of the fire. This information helps to
establish factors such as ventilation conditions, possible
fire development timelines and scenarios, and whether
vandalism of the property or systems occurred prior to
the fire.

Procedure: To determine the status of security at the time of the fire,

the investigator should:

A. Ask first responders where entry was made, what steps were taken
to gain entry, and whether any systems had been activated when
they arrived at the scene.
B. Observe and document the condition of doors, windows, other
openings, and fire separations (e.g., fire doors). Attempt to deter-
mine whether they were open, closed, or compromised at the time
of the fire.
C. Observe and document the position of timers, switches, valves,
and control units for utilities, detection systems, and suppression
systems, as well as any alterations to those positions by first
D. Contact security and suppression system monitoring agencies to
obtain information and available documentation about the design
and functioning of the systems.

Summary: Determining and documenting system operations and
scene security at the time of the fire establishes existing
conditions of the scene. Data from detection and sup-
pression systems can provide information about the
fires origin and spread.

5. Identify Resources Required to

Process the Scene
Principle: The investigator should recognize limitations of his
or her own expertise and knowledge and determine
what personnel may be required to process the scene
according to NFPA 921 and other recognized national
guidelines. Except in the most obvious cases, the deter-
mination of a fires origin and cause may be a complex
and difficult undertaking that requires specialized
training and experience as well as knowledge of gener-
ally accepted scientific methods9 of fire investigation.
The investigator must either have appropriate expertise
or call upon the assistance of someone with that knowl-
edge. This is especially true in cases involving deaths,
major injuries, or large property losses.

Procedure: Based on the preliminary scene assessment and analysis

of fire patterns and damage at the scene, the investigator

A. Identify a distinct origin (location where the fire started) and

an obvious fire cause (ignition source, first fuel ignited, and

9. As stated in NFPA 921, the scientific method consists of defining the problem,
collecting data, analyzing the data, developing hypotheses (e.g., what could have
caused the fire), testing the hypotheses, and considering alternative hypotheses.

circumstances of the event that brought the two together). If
neither the origin nor the cause is immediately obvious, or if there
is clear evidence of an incendiary cause, the investigator should
conduct a scene examination in accordance with NFPA 921 and
other recognized national guidelines or seek someone with the
expertise required.

Note: At the time the scene is determined to involve an arson or other

crime, the investigator must address legal requirements for scene
access, search, and evidence seizure.

B. Know when to contact or request the assistance of specialized

personnel and to obtain specialized equipment as required to
assist with the investigation. For a comprehensive discussion
of suggested equipment and tools, see NFPA 921. Standard
equipment should include the following:
Barrier tape.
Clean, unused evidence containers (e.g., cans, glass jars, nylon
or polyester bags).
Decontamination equipment (e.g., buckets, pans, detergent).
Evidence tags, labels, and tape.
Gloves (disposable gloves and work gloves).
Handtools (e.g., hammers, screwdrivers, knives, crowbars).
Lights (e.g., flashlights, spotlights).
Marker cones or flags.
Personal protective equipment.
Photographic equipment.
Rakes, brooms, spades, etc.
Tape measures.
Writing equipment (e.g., notebooks, pens, pencils, permanent
C. Recognize and consider the interests of parties that may be affected
by the outcome of the investigation and, to the extent possible,
avoid jeopardizing those interests by taking steps to protect evi-
dence. These issues include spoliation,10 subrogation,11 and
third-party claims.
Summary: Identifying the required resources ensures that the scene
is processed by qualified individuals and that evidence
necessary for both criminal and civil litigation will be

10. Damage or loss of evidence that would compromise a legal case.

11. Recovering damages by a finding of fault; finding that the cause of the fire was the
failure of some product or system.

Section C. Documenting the Scene
Section C. Documenting the Scene
1. Photograph/Videotape the Scene
Principle: Photographic documentation creates a permanent
record of the scene and supplements the written incident
report(s), witness statements, or reports on the position
of evidence. The investigator should create and preserve
an accurate visual record of the scene and the evidence
prior to disturbing the scene. Additional photography
or videography should occur as the investigation

Procedure: The scene should be photographed prior to the distur-

bance or removal of any evidence and throughout the
scene investigation. The investigator (or other individual
responsible for evidence) should:

A. Photograph and/or videotape the assembled crowd and the fire

in progress.
B. Remove all nonessential personnel from the background when
photographing the scene and evidence.
C. Photograph the exterior and interior of the fire scene (consider
walls, doors, windows, ceilings, floors) in a systematic and
consistent manner. (Videotaping may serve as an additional
record but not as a replacement for still photography.)
D. Photograph any points or areas of origin, ignition sources, and
first material ignited.
E. Photograph any physical reconstruction of the scene.
F. Maintain photo and video logs. Record the date, the name of the
photographer, and the subject. (See appendix A for examples.)

G. Determine whether additional photographic resources are neces-
sary (e.g., aerial photography, infrared photography, stereo
photography, photogrammetry).
Summary: Photographic documentation provides a permanent
record of the scene.

2. Describe and Document the Scene

Principle: Written documentation of the scene provides a perma-
nent record of the investigators observations that may
be used to refresh recollections, support the investi-
gators opinions and conclusions, and support
photographic documentation.

Procedure: The investigator should:

A. Prepare narrative, written descriptions and observations, including

assessments of possible fire causes. (See appendix A for samples.)
B. Sketch an accurate representation of the scene and its dimen-
sions, including significant features such as the ceiling height,
fuel packages (e.g., combustible contents of the room), doors,
windows, and any areas of origin.
C. Prepare a detailed diagram using the scene sketch(es), preexisting
diagrams, drawings, floor plans, or architectural or engineering
drawings of the scene. This may be done at a later date.
D. Determine whether additional documentation resources are
Summary: Written descriptions of the scene, along with accurate
sketches and measurements, are invaluable for focusing
the investigation. Written scene documentation recreates
the scene for investigative, scientific analysis, and
judicial purposes and correlates with photographic

Section D. Processing Evidence at the Scene
Note: At the time the scene is determined to involve an arson or other
crime, the investigator must address legal requirements for scene access,
search, and evidence seizure.

1. Identify, Collect, and Preserve

Principle: Collecting evidence at a fire scene requires attention to
documenting and maintaining the integrity of the evi-
dence. The investigator should ensure that evidence
collectors identify and properly document, collect, and
preserve evidence for laboratory analyses, further
investigations, and court proceedings, in accordance
with NFPA 921 and other recognized national guidelines,
including American Society for Testing and Materials
standards E860, E1188, and E1459. This will ensure
that critical evidence is not contaminated or lost prior to D
analysis and that the chain of custody is maintained.

Procedure: To optimize the recovery and evaluation of physical

evidence, evidence collectors should:

A. Take precautions to prevent contamination. (See Prevent

B. Document the location of evidence using written notes, sketches,
photographs, photo and video logs, the evidence recovery log,
evidence tags, and container labels. (See appendix A.) When
evidence is excavated, additional photographs may be of value.
C. Take special care to collect evidence in any areas of origin (such
as the first fuel ignited and ignition source) in cases where the fire
is not accidental.

Note: In cases where the fire appears to be accidental, evidence
should not be needlessly disturbed, but the property owner or insurer
should be notified to avoid issues of spoliation.

D. Place evidence in labeled containers for transportation and

preservation. Evidence collected for laboratory identification of
ignitable liquids must be immediately placed in clean, unused,
vaportight containers (e.g., clean, unused paint cans; glass jars;
laboratory-approved nylon or polyester bags) and then sealed.
E. Label each container so that it is uniquely identified. Labeling
may include the name of the investigator, date and time of collec-
tion, case number, sample number, description, and location of
F. Collect and preserve suitable comparison samples but recognize
that such samples may be unavailable.
G. Package evidence in accordance with their laboratories policies
and procedures.
H. Recognize the presence of other physical evidence, such as blood
stains, shoe prints, latent prints, and trace evidence, and use proper
preservation and collection methods or seek qualified assistance.
Summary: Proper collection and packaging preserve the value of
physical evidence.

2. Prevent Contamination
Principle: Preventing contamination during evidence collection
protects the integrity of the fire scene and evidence. The
investigator should ensure that access to the fire scene
after fire suppression is controlled and that evidence is
collected, stored, and transported in such a manner that
it will not be contaminated.

Procedure: To prevent contamination, personnel (e.g., evidence

collectors) should:

A. Establish and maintain strict control of access to the scene.
B. Recognize that fuel-powered tools and equipment present poten-
tial contamination sources and should be avoided. When it is
necessary to use these tools and equipment, the investigator
should document their use.
C. Wear clean, protective outergarments, including footwear.
D. Use clean disposable gloves for collecting items of evidence. (To
avoid cross-contamination, gloves should be changed between
collection of unrelated items of evidence or when visibly soiled.)
E. Use clean tools for collecting items of evidence from different
locations within a scene. (Disposable tools also can be used.)
F. Place evidence in clean, unused containers and seal immediately.
G. Store and ship fire debris evidence containers of evidence col-
lected from different scenes in separate packages.
H. Package liquid samples to prevent leakage and ship them sepa-
rately from other evidence.
I. Store and ship fire debris evidence separately from other evidence.
J. Follow any specific laboratory requests, such as submitting an
unused sample container or absorbent medium for detection of any
Summary: Attention to scene control and evidence collection and
packaging helps to prevent contamination and ensures
the integrity of the evidence.

3. Package and Transport Evidence

Principle: Preventing changes in the condition of a sample after it
has been collected ensures the integrity of the evidence
and requires controlled packaging and transportation.
The investigator should ensure that packaging, transpor-
tation, and storage procedures are followed to prevent
any destructive changes in the condition of samples.

Procedure: To minimize changes in the condition of samples, the
personnel responsible for packaging and transport

A. Take precautions to prevent contamination. (See Prevent Con-

B. Package fragile items carefully.
C. Freeze or immediately transport items containing soil to the
D. Transport all volatile samples to the laboratory in a timely manner.
E. Comply with shipping regulations.
Summary: Adherence to approved packaging and transportation
procedures safeguards the condition of the evidence and
ensures its continued integrity.

4. Establish and Maintain the Chain of

Principle: Establishing and maintaining a chain of custody verifies
the integrity of the evidence. The investigator should
ensure that the chain of custody is maintained.

Procedure: Personnel responsible for the chain of custody should:

A. Maintain written records documenting the sample number, de-

scription of the evidence, date and location where it was found,
collectors name, and miscellaneous comments.
B. Document all transfers of custody, including the name of the
recipient and the date and manner of transfer.
C. Document the final disposition of the evidence.
Summary: Maintaining the chain of custody for evidence, from
collection through final disposition, ensures its integrity.

Section E. Completing the Scene Investigation

1. Release the Scene

Principle: The investigator should ensure that the scene is not
released until reasonable efforts have been made to
identify, collect, and remove all evidence from the
scene for further examination and that all physical
characteristics of the scene have been documented. In
addition, prior to releasing the scene, associated legal,
health, and safety issues must be articulated to the party
receiving the scene and reported to public safety agen-
cies if necessary. Doing so minimizes the risk of a
further incident or injury and the potential liability
of the authority releasing the scene.

Procedure: The investigator should ensure that the following tasks

are completed before releasing the scene:

A. Perform a final critical review:

Ensure that all evidence is inventoried and in custody.
Discuss preliminary scene findings with team members.
Discuss postscene issues, including forensic testing, insur-
ance inquiries, interview results, and criminal histories.
Assign postscene responsibilities to law enforcement
personnel and other investigators.12
Address legal considerations.

12. Remember that this Guide focuses on the documentation and collection of physical
evidence at fire/arson scenes. Other issues of investigation, such as insurance inquiries,
background information, fire deaths, the interpretation of physical evidence, and case
analysis and profiling, are not addressed in this document.

B. Verify that all scene documentation has been completed. (This can
be accomplished using an incident documentation checklist or
closure form; see appendix A.)
C. Address structural, environmental, health, and safety issues.
D. Remove all investigative equipment and materials.
Recover and inventory equipment.
Decontaminate equipment and personnel.
E. Document the following information:
Time and date of release.
Receiving party.
Authority releasing the scene.
Condition of the scene at the time of release (e.g., structural,
environmental, health, and safety issues). Consider photo-
graphing and/or videotaping the final condition of the scene.
Cautions given to the receiving party upon release (e.g., safety
concerns, conditions, evidence, legal issues).
Summary: Responsibility for the scene should be transferred to an
authority having jurisdiction or to the party with the
legal right to the scene, after the scene examination, the
condition of the scene, and any cautions supplied have
been documented.

2. Submit Reports to the Appropriate

Principle: Detailed fire information is collected, integrated, and
disseminated through national and State databases.
These data help authorities identify fire trends and

develop innovative procedures and equipment. The
responsible agencies must file incident reports with the
appropriate databases.

Procedure: The investigator should collect sufficient information

to facilitate reporting to the following databases as

A. Arson and Explosives National Repository (Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco and Firearms).
B. Bomb Data Center (Federal Bureau of Investigation).
C. National Fire Incident Reporting System (U.S. Fire Administra-
D. National Incident-Based Reporting System (Federal Bureau of
E. State and local fire incident reporting systems.
Summary: The responsible agencies should contribute to databases
that compile information for purposes of identifying fire
trends and developing suspect profiles.


Appendix A Documentation Examples

Appendix B Additional Reading

Appendix C National Resources

Appendix D Points of Contact

Appendix E List of Organizations

Appendix A. Documentation Examples
The forms in this appendix are provided to assist in the organization of
investigation information and data. They are intended as examples and
may not include all information needed or may refer to information that
is not applicable. The forms are taken from NFPA 906: Guide for Fire
Incident Field Notes13 and are printed here by permission of NFPA. For
information on the development of these forms and instructions on their
use, see NFPA 906.

13. NFPA 906: Guide for Fire Incident Field Notes, Quincy, Massachusetts: National Fire
Protection Association.

Appendix B. Additional Reading
The documents listed below are for informational purposes and should
not necessarily be considered authoritative in their entirety.

American Society for Testing and Materials. E86097 Standard Practice

for Examining and Testing Items That Are or May Become Involved in
Products Liability Litigation. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: Ameri-
can Society for Testing and Materials, 1999.

American Society for Testing and Materials. E118895 Standard Prac-

tice for Collection and Preservation of Information and Physical Items
by a Technical Investigator. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: Ameri-
can Society for Testing and Materials, 1999.

American Society for Testing and Materials. E145992 Standard Guide

for Physical Evidence Labeling and Related Documentation. West
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: American Society for Testing and Mate-
rials, 1998.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. ATF Arson Investigative

Guide. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 1997.

Cole, Lee S. The Investigation of Motor Vehicle Fires. 3d ed. Novato,

California: Lee Books, 1992.

DeHaan, John D. Kirks Fire Investigation. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River,
New Jersey: Brady Publishing/Prentice Hall, 1997.

DiNenno, Philip J., ed. The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineer-
ing. Quincy, Massachusetts: National Fire Protection Association and
Society of Fire Protection Engineering, 1999.

Glossary of Terms. Fire and Arson Investigator 40 (2): 2534.

International Fire Service Training Association. Introduction to Fire
Origin and Cause. 2d ed. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Fire Protection
Publications, 1997.

Munday, J.W. Safety at Scenes of Fire and Related Incidents. London:

Fire Protection Association, 1995.

National Fire Protection Association. Fire Protection Handbook. 18th ed.

Quincy, Massachusetts: National Fire Protection Association, 1997.

National Fire Protection Association. NFPA 472: Standard for Profes-

sional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents.
Quincy, Massachusetts, 1999.

National Fire Protection Association. NFPA 906: Guide for Fire

Incident Field Notes. Quincy, Massachusetts: National Fire Protection

National Fire Protection Association. NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and
Explosion Investigations. Quincy, Massachusetts: National Fire Protec-
tion Association.

A Pocket Guide to Accellerant Evidence Collection. 2d ed. Saugus,

Massachusetts: Massachusetts Chapter, International Association of
Arson Investigators, 2000.

Quintiere, James G. Principles of Fire Behavior. Albany, New York:

Delmar Publishers, 1997.

Appendix C. National Resources
URL: http://www.interfire.com

International Association of Arson Investigators

URL: http://www.fire-investigators.org

International Fire Service Training Association

URL: http://www.ifsta.org

National Association of Fire Investigators

URL: http://www.nafi.org

National Center for Forensic Science

URL: http://ncfs.ucf.edu

National Fire Protection Association

URL: http://www.nfpa.org

Appendix D. Points of Contact
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Headquarters Enforcement Operations Center
URL: http://www.atf.treas.gov

Arson and Explosives National Repository


Arson and Explosives Programs Division


National Laboratory

Chemical Transportation Emergency Center (CHEMTREC)

URL: http://www.chemtrec.org

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Chemistry Division
URL: http://www.fbi.gov

Federal Emergency Management Agency

U.S. Fire Administration
URL: http://www.usfa.fema.gov

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Building and Fire Research Laboratory
URL: http://www.bfrl.nist.gov

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
URL: http://www.cpsc.gov

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

National Response Center
URL: http://www.epa.gov

Appendix E. List of Organizations
The following is a list of public and professional organizations to which a
draft copy of this document was mailed.

Accomack County (Virginia) Sheriffs Conference of State Court Administrators

Connecticut State Police Forensic Science
Alaska Criminal Laboratory Laboratory
Alaska Public Defender Agency Conyers (Georgia) Police Department
Allegheny County (Pennsylvania) Fire Council of State Governments
Covington (Tennessee) Fire Department
American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Crime Scene Academy
American Bar Association
Criminal Justice Institute, Inc.
American Correctional Association
Delaware State Fire Marshals Office
American Jail Association
Drug Enforcement Administration
American Prosecutors Research Institute
Edinburg (Texas) Police Department
American Reinsurance Company
Fairbanks (Alaska) Police Department
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors
Federal Bureau of Investigation
American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
Anchorage (Alaska) Police Department
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Arapahoe County (Colorado) Sheriffs Office
Florida International University
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Florida Division of State Fire Marshal
Association of Federal Defense Attorneys
Georgia Bureau of Investigation
Bridgeport (Michigan) Forensic Laboratory
Harlingen (Texas) Police Department
Bristol (Virginia) Police Department
Hidalgo County (Texas) Sheriffs Office
Broward County (Florida) Sheriffs Office
Illinois State Police
Brownsville (Texas) Police Department
Indiana State Police Laboratory Division
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
The Institute for Genomic Research
Cameron County (Texas) Sheriffs Office
Institute of Police Technology and
Campaign for an Effective Crime Policy Management, University of North Florida
Chicago (Illinois) Fire Department International Association for Identification
Childrens Defense Fund International Association of Bomb
Technicians and Investigators
Cincinnati (Ohio) Fire Division
International Association of Chiefs of Police
City of Donna (Texas) Police Department
International City/County Management
City of Inver Grove Heights (Minnesota) Association
Clark County (Nevada) Fire Department International Homicide Investigators Association
Cleveland State Community College Basic
Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation
Police Academy
Jefferson Parish (Louisiana) Fire Department
Commission on Accreditation for Law
Enforcement Agencies Juneau (Alaska) Police Department

Laredo (Texas) Police Department National Organization for Victim Assistance
Law Enforcement Training Institute, National Sheriffs Association
University of MissouriColumbia
New Hampshire State Police Forensic Laboratory
Los Angeles (California) Fire Department
New Jersey State Police
Maine State Police Crime Laboratory
New York State Office of Fire Prevention
Massachusetts State Police and Control
McAllen (Texas) Police Department Office of Law Enforcement Standards, National
Institute of Standards and Technology
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and
Davidson County Criminal Court Orange County (California) Sheriffs Department
Division III
Orange County (New York) Community College
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and
Peace Officer Standards and Training
Davidson County Office of the District
Attorney General Pennsylvania State Police
Metropolitan Nashville (Tennessee) Police Pharr (Texas) Police Department
Pinellas County (Florida) Forensic Laboratory
Metropolitan Nashville (Tennessee) Police
Department Police Association

Michigan Department of State Police Police Executive Research Forum

Mission (Texas) Police Department Police Foundation

National Association of Attorneys General Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory

National Association of Black Women Attorneys San Diego (California) Police Department

National Association of Counties The Sentencing Project

National Association of Criminal Defense Sitka (Alaska) Police Department

Lawyers South Carolina Law Enforcement Division
National Association of Drug Court Professionals St. Louis (Missouri) Metropolitan Police
National Association of Police Organizations, Inc. Department

National Association of State Alcohol and State of Florida Crime Laboratory

Drug Abuse Directors Suffolk County (New York) Crime Laboratory
National Association of Women Judges Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
National Center for State Courts Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy
National Center for Victims of Crime Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas
National Clearinghouse for Child Abuse Rangers
and Neglect Town of Goshen (New York) Police Department
National Conference of State Legislatures Tucson (Arizona) Police Department
National Council on Crime and Delinquency University of Texas Pan American Police
National Crime Prevention Council Department

National Criminal Justice Association U.S. Border Patrol

National District Attorneys Association U.S. Conference of Mayors

National Governors Association U.S. Postal Inspection Service

National Law Enforcement and U.S. Sentencing Commission

Corrections Technology Centers Webb County (Texas) Sheriffs
National Law Enforcement Council Department

National League of Cities Weslaco (Texas) Police Department

National Legal Aid and Defender Association Willacy County (Texas) Sheriffs Office
Wisconsin State Crime Laboratory
About the National Institute of Justice
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ), a component of the Office of Justice Programs, is the
research agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. Created by the Omnibus Crime Control
and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, NIJ is authorized to support research, evaluation,
and demonstration programs, development of technology, and both national and international
information dissemination. Specific mandates of the Act direct NIJ to:
Sponsor special projects and research and development programs that will improve and
strengthen the criminal justice system and reduce or prevent crime.
Conduct national demonstration projects that employ innovative or promising
approaches for improving criminal justice.
Develop new technologies to fight crime and improve criminal justice.
Evaluate the effectiveness of criminal justice programs and identify programs that
promise to be successful if continued or repeated.
Recommend actions that can be taken by Federal, State, and local governments as well
as by private organizations to improve criminal justice.
Carry out research on criminal behavior.
Develop new methods of crime prevention and reduction of crime and delinquency.
In recent years, NIJ has greatly expanded its initiatives, the result of the Violent Crime
Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (the Crime Act), partnerships with other Federal
agencies and private foundations, advances in technology, and a new international focus.
Examples of these new initiatives include:
Exploring key issues in community policing, violence against women, violence within
the family, sentencing reforms, and specialized courts such as drug courts.
Developing dual-use technologies to support national defense and local law enforcement
Establishing four regional National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology
Centers and a Border Research and Technology Center.
Strengthening NIJs links with the international community through participation in the
United Nations network of criminological institutes, the U.N. Criminal Justice Informa-
tion Network, and the NIJ International Center.
Improving the online capability of NIJs criminal justice information clearinghouse.
Establishing the ADAM (Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring) programformerly the Drug
Use Forecasting (DUF) programto increase the number of drug-testing sites and study
drug-related crime.
The Institute Director establishes the Institutes objectives, guided by the priorities of the
Office of Justice Programs, the Department of Justice, and the needs of the criminal justice
field. The Institute actively solicits the views of criminal justice professionals and researchers
in the continuing search for answers that inform public policymaking in crime and
To find out more about the National Institute of Justice,
please contact:
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P.O. Box 6000
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Processing Evidence at the Scene

Completing the Scene Investigation

Documenting the Scene
Evaluating the Scene
First Responders
Establishing the Role of

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