Advantages of Multidimensional Data Model

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International Journal of Current Research

Vol. 3, Issue, 11, pp.110-115, October, 2011

ISSN: 0975-833X




P.K. and 2Rajasekharaiah K.M.


Chairman, Dept. of Computer Sc. & Maths, Bangalore Univeristy, Director, R & D, BU, Bangalore, India of Comp. Sc. & Engg., Gharda Institute of Technology, At & Po. Lavel, Tq. Khed, Dt. Ratnagiri, MH State, India
In Multi-dimensional Data Model [MDDM], a Data Warehouse uses a data model that was based on a multi-dimensional data model. This model was also known as a data cube which allows data to be modeled and viewed in multiple dimensions. Dimensions are the different perspective for an entity that an Organization was interested in. In this study, the design implementation and improvisation of MDDM for the case study of Super Market was considered.

Article History:
Received 22nd July, 2011 Received in revised form 16th August, 2011 Accepted 18th September, 2011 Published online 15th October, 2011

Key words:
Data Warehouse, Dimension, Fact, Data Model, Data Cube, Multi-dimensional, MDDM

Copy Right, IJCR, 2011, Academic Journals. All rights reserved

Discovery of relevant information was one of the major challenges faced in the present Information Age. From tables and spreadsheets to Data Cubes, a Multi-dimensional Data Model comes into picture. A data warehouse was based on a multi-dimensional data. Simultaneous modeling of group differences in the item responsed and the underlying ability (Inmon, 2002). The aim was to propose a scalable model for online Distributed Data Warehouses. A Model was a population of adaptive agents and will be unique per data warehouse. The canonical data model for data warehouse was typically a specialized form of the Relational Data Model, the so called Multi-dimensional Data Model. A new data modeling technique was used to represent the multidimensional data stored. They consist of Tables having attributes and are populated by Tuples. We use the E-R data model which used to store transactional data and are called OLTP systems. The main goal was to have Data Accuracy and Consistency, Concurrency, Recoverability, Reliability (ACID PROPERTIES). Need for multi-dimensional data model

Concept by using multi-dimensional data models. In relational data model we view the relation between data in two dimensions in the form of rows and columns, across multiple tables using keys. The same database can be represented using the multi-dimensional model as cube with multiple dimensions. To create cubes we have to consider two aspects of data i.e. Dimensions and Facts. (Langseth, 2004). Dimensions are nothing but descriptions which help us to categorise data or information into comparable groups. Like nouns, they can be place names, object names or even time and date. Facts are numeric information such as price, quantity or length, which give us a sense of magnitude or size. We are using fact table to store data. So, facts are numerical measures and are quantities by which we want to analyze relationships between dimensions. Examples of facts are qty_sold, Unit_price, Total_amt and so on. The fact table contains the names of the facts as well as keys to each of the related dimension tables. The entity-relationship data model was commonly used in the design of relational databases. However, such a schema was not appropriate for a data warehouse. A data warehouse requires a concise, subject oriented schema that facilitates on-line data analysis. Implementing multi-dimensional data model

Presently, every organization is facing many Data and Information Storage problems for Decision Support Systems. (Gerald Kowalski et al., 2000). To overcome this problem, Organizations presently are implementing Data Warehousing
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

The most popular data model for a data warehouse was a multi-dimensional data model. In Data Warehousing literature, an n-D base cube was called a base cuboids. The top most 0D cuboids, which holds the highest level of summarization,


International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 3, Issue, 11, pp.110-115, October, 2011

was called the apex cuboids. The lattice of cuboids forms a data cube. (Gerald Kowalski et al., 2000) What is a Data Model? A data model in Software Engineering is an abstract model that describes how data was represented and accessed. A Data Model is a way to describe data and to issue queries against it. So, a complete model was a mechanism to answer any query. A computer based representation of the real world Terms, Concepts, Patterns are often universal In science and GIS, we focus on data models, not the behavior models (Simulations, Geo processing on single data structures) Described initially in a Conceptual Data Model What was a Conceptual Data Model? A view of the system being developed Describes Entities, Attributes, Relationships Sometimes data types, constraints, behavior Typically uses a formal Notation Includes a vocabulary that reflects our disciplinary knowledge

Assign a Single Data Value to a Cell or Assign a tuples of values

Fig. 1: Star Schema

How Do We Represent a Data Model? Entity-Relationship (E-R) Diagrams/Models [Relational tables with Primary & Foreign Keys] Unified Modeling Language (UML) models [Objects with Properties & Methods] Table Structures Sketches to describe spatial models

Multidimensional Data Model A Data Warehouse was based on multidimensional data model, which views data in the form of a data cube. The multidimensional data model represents the data of interest by means of multi dimensions. It means, multidimensional NGrid Q which was a Cartesian product of certain discrete sets Di called Dimensions. The elements of a dimension are called members. The set of dimensions and members form Meta Data. (Langseth, 2004). Meta Data and Data A relation was a collection of tuples which may be regarded as elements of a Cartesian product of certain data domains. To each data domain, one associates an attribute. An attribute usually has a name and defines the type of data. The set of attributes forms Meta Data. A table was an instance of relation. Attributes correspond to columns in the table and tuples (records) form the rows. Rows and columns cannot be interchanged. Two tables are said to be equivalent if there was a one-to-one mapping between the corresponding metadata. Metadata fully determines the maximal amount of data in a database. Cells and Data A combination of members from each of the dimensions uniquely defines a Cell in the Grid. We have two choices:

Fig. 2. Snowflake Scheme Data Cubes The members mij..min that define a cell C in the grid are called the cells coordinates. So, we write cj = mij. So, an instance of a multidimensional grid whose cells contain data values was for some reason called Cube. So, a cube was a set. {Q N} where Q was an N-grid and V was a function, such that V(miJ.miN) was the data value corresponding to the cell C((miJ.miN). For. For our convenience, we fix the order of dimensions in a cube and the order of members in each dimension.


International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 3, Issue, 11, pp.110-115, October, 2011

Fig.3. Fact constellation schema

Fig. 4. Concept hierarchies - 1

Fig. 6. Data cube

Fig. 5. Concept hierarchies - 2 This multidimensional data can be represented using a Data Cube as shown in the figure: The above figure shows A 3-Dimensional Data Model X Dimension: Item type Y Dimension: Time/Period Z Dimension: Location Each cell represents the items sold of type x, in location z during the quarter y. We can easily visualize as Dimensions are 3. Data cube was thus an n-dimensional data model


International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 3, Issue, 11, pp.110-115, October, 2011

2. Dimension Tables - A set of smaller dimensional tables one for each dimension. The above figure shows There was a central large Fact table with no redundancy Each tuple in the fact table has a foreign key to a dimension table which describes the details of that dimension

Problem: Redundancy Measures Dimension The choice between a tuples and a single value for the cell data reflects the desire to imitate a certain relational table design more or less closely. For this purpose, one can introduce a distinguished dimension called Measures. The members of the Measures dimension serve the same purpose as columns in a table and they define data types. The analogy however breaks here since there are no rows. A more general approach, multidimensional approach was to define the data type on a per cell basis. Also, as a unifying approach, one may support to wrap the cell contents into one object. What Operations do we interested in? We need to decide, what operations do we need in our model? It was desirable that our operations on multidimensional objects return multidimensional objects as well, so that, we could issue queries against them again. We can always consider Grids as Unions of Cells and say that any operation that maps a set of cells into another set of cells was acceptable. This would closely follow the Fact Table representation of cubes. Operations on a Cube: Since there are no rows, the only possible operator on data in a cube was Selection. Contrary, to the relational case, this operation affects the metadata as well. This was one of the properties of the multidimensional algebra all of the operators change metadata, directly or indirectly. The Relational Implementations of the Multidimensional Data Model It typically exist in the form of the A STAR SCHEMA A SNOWFLAKE SCHEMA A FACT CONSTELLATION SCHEMA We can say that each Schema has a Fact table that stores all the facts about the subject/measure. Secondly, each fact was associated with multiple dimension keys that are linked to Dimension Tables A Star Schema A Single Fact Table with N - dimension tables linked to it. It means a Fact Table in the middle was connected to a set of dimensions tables. It consists of the following 1. Fact Table A large central table containing the bulk of data. Values of city, province_or_state and country would be repeated for two streets in the same city.Thus we can normalize the table by splitting location into sub tables. (Snowflake Schema)

Advantage: Performance Very less number of joins was required

A Snowflake Schema Single Fact Table with n-Dimension Tables organized on a hierarchical manner. It means a refinement of Star Schema where some dimensional hierarchy was normalized into a set of smaller dimensional tables. The figure shows that Some of the dimension tables are normalized thus splitting data into additional tables.

Problem: Performance Too many joins are required to form the result. Thus Snowflake schema was not as popular as the Star Schema

A Fact Constellations Schema Multiple Fact Tables share dimension tables, viewed as a collection of stars, therefore, it was called Galaxy Schema or Fact Constellation. The figure shows that Two or more fact tables share dimension tables. the Sales fact table and Shipping fact table Share the dimension tables As the multiple fact tables are linked to each other by dimension tables, its called as Fact Constellation Schema

Concept Hierarchies The figure shows that It was a sequence of mappings from a set of lowlevel concepts to higher-level, more general concepts. A Concept Hierarchy may also be a total order or partial order among attributes in a database schema.


International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 3, Issue, 11, pp.110-115, October, 2011

It may also be defined by discretizing or grouping values for a given dimension or attribute , resulting in a set-grouping hierarchy Concept Hierarchies may be provided manually by 1. System Users2. Domain Experts 3. Knowledge Engineers 4. Automated Statistical Analysis

This combines MOLAP and ROLAP technology Benefits from greater scalability of ROLAP Benefits from faster computation of MOLAP HOLAP servers may allow large volumes of detailed data to be stored in a relational database while aggregations are kept in a separate MOLAP store

OLAP Operations: 1. Roll-up Performs aggregation on a data cube, either by climbing up a concept hierarchy for a dimension or by dimension reduction 2. Drill-down Can be realized by either stepping down a concept hierarchy for a dimension or introducing additional dimensions 3. Slice and Dice: Slice performs a selection on one dimension of the given cube, resulting in a sub cube Dice defines a sub cube by performing a selection on two or more dimensions 4. Pivot (rotate): Its a visualization operation that rotates the data axes in view in order to provide an alternative presentation of the data. OLAP SERVERS USED: 1. ROLAP Relational OLAP Server: They stand between relational back-end server and client front-end tools Use relational or extended relational DBMS to store and manage warehouses. It also contain optimization for each DBMS back end ROLAP technology tends to have greater scalability than MOLAP technology Examples: DSS Server of Micro Strategy, Meta Cube of Informix 2. MOLAP Multidimensional OLAP Server Supports multidimensional views of data through array based multidimensional storage engines They map multi dimensional views directly to data cube array structures Data Cube allows faster indexing to pre computed summarized data Many MOLAP servers adopt a two-level storage representation Examples: Essbase of Arbor 3. HOLAP Hybrid OLAP Server

Examples: Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Services 4. Specialized SQL Server

It provides an advanced query language and query processing support for SQL queries over star and snowflake schemas in a read-only environment

Examples: Redbrick of Informix A CASE STUDY OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL DATA MODEL Data Warehouse uses a Data Model that was based on a Multidimensional Data Model. It is also known as a Data Cube which allows data to be modeled and viewed in multiple Dimensions. Dimensions are the different Perspectives for an entity that an Organization was interested CASE STUDY BHARTI ENTERPRISES A SUPER MARKET (Indian Journal of Information Science & Technology) In India Super Market Bharti Enterprises, based in New Delhi, operating across India and also in some other countries. It was founded by Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman & CEO, products like Telecom, Retail, Insurance, Digital TV, Mobil Phones (Airtel Brand) in the year 1985. It was one of the largest Super Market Chains in the India Supermarket + Retail Stores Wholesalers Stores Many more outlets

Super Market It includes Purchasing, Sales, Inventory, Accounts Payable and Receivables, Supplier Promotions National, Regional, Local and Store Level Management of all informations. Suppliers: It includes Accept Orders, Promote Products, Provide Special Incentives Monitor and Track the Incentives, Bill and Collect Receivables and Estimate Retailer Demands. New retail paradigm in present business was J-i-T i.e. Just-in-Time. Information presently was called a strategic weapon to take DSS for any Organization as follows: Daily Summary of all Sales Information Regional Analysis of all Stores in a logical area Specific Product Sales


International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 3, Issue, 11, pp.110-115, October, 2011

Specific Supplies Sales Trend Analysis, etc. It uses information when negotiating with Suppliers Advertisers etc.

SCHEMA DESIGN 1. Database Organization must look like business must be recognizable by business user approachable by business user Must be simple 2. Schema Types Star Schema Snowflake Schema Fact Constellation Schema Star Schema A single fact table and for each dimension one dimension table Does not capture hierarchies directly Dimension Tables Define business in terms already familiar to users Wide rows with lots of descriptive text Small tables (about a million rows) Joined to fact table by a foreign key heavily indexed typical dimensions time periods, geographic region (markets, cities), products, customers, salesperson, etc.

Design around traditional high level reporting needs Tradeoff with volume of data to be stored and detailed usage of data Solution was to have dual level of granularity Store summary data on disks 100% of DSS processing done against this data Store details on tapes

Therefore, this paper, for a detailed study of this research was made taking a case study Bharti Enterprises, a largest super market chain having retail stores which uses multidimensional data model. CONCLUSIONS: The study finally reveals the following major advantages of using multi-dimensional data model It facilitates better comparison of the data It facilitates better understanding of the data Queries can be performed faster on data segregated based on dimensions and facts Analysis can be performed faster on data segregated based on dimensions and facts It allows us as and when new information was gathered, which can be easily, quickly and properly organized. It reduces storage costs It reduces CPU usage It increases performance since smaller number of records can be processed. Good solution to data for dual level of granularity 100% of DSS will be done against this data

Fact Table: (Central table) Typical example: individual sales records mostly raw numeric items narrow rows, a few columns at most large number of rows (millions to a billion) Access via dimensions directly by

For all these above mentioned advantages, presently, all most all Organizations are implementing this concept in their business to reap the benefits. (Gerald Kowalski et al., 2000) (Alex Berson et al., 2004)

Alex Berson & Stephen J Smith, 2004. Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP - Tata McGraw-Hill Edition (TMH) Ben-Gal I.Maimon O and Ruckaeh L (Eds.) 2005, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery an Handbook: A Complete Guide for Practioners and Researchers Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN Fawceti T and Provost F, 1997, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Gerald Kowalski, Mark T. Maybury, 2000, Information storage and retrieval systems: theory and implementation Edition: 2, illustrated Published by Springer, ISBN Inmon, W.H. 2002, Building the Data Warehouse, John Wely & Sons, Kimball John, R. 2000. The DW Toolkit Wely & Sons. Langseth, J., 2004, Real-Time Data Warehousing: Challenges and Solutions", DSSResources.COM,

Snowflake Schema Represent dimensional hierarchy normalizing tables. Easy to maintain and saves storage Fact Constellation Schema: The figure shows that

Multiple fact tables that share many dimension tables Data Granularity in Warehouse Summarized data stored Reduce Storage Costs Reduce CPU usage Increases performance since smaller numbers of records to be processed


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